Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult GetGridJson(Pagination pagination, string keyword)
            var newsTypeList = fileApp.GetList();
            var listResult   = (from a in fileApp.GetList(pagination, keyword)
                                join b in userApp.GetList() on a.F_UploadUser equals b.F_Id into team
                                from c in team.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                select new FileEntity()
                F_FileMax = a.F_FileMax,
                F_Id = a.F_Id,
                F_FileName = a.F_FileName,
                F_FileVersion = a.F_FileVersion,
                F_UploadDate = a.F_UploadDate,
                F_UploadUser = c.F_RealName
            var data = new
                rows    = listResult,
                total   =,
                page    =,
                records = pagination.records

Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult GetBanerListJson()
            List <object> baners = new List <object>();

            FileApp fileApp = new FileApp();
            var     data    = fileApp.GetList("baner");

            foreach (var item in data)
                baners.Add(new { name = item.FileName, base64 = item.FileContent });
Beispiel #3
        public ActionResult GetInventory(string f_Id, string longitude, string latitude)
            string        strSql  = @"select a.Id,a.WareId,a.WareName,d.Address,d.Longitude,d.Latitude,Distince=6378137.0*acos(sin(cast('" + latitude + "' as decimal(18,6))/180*pi())*sin(Latitude/180*pi())+cos(cast('" + latitude + "' as decimal(18,6))/180*pi())*cos(Latitude/180*pi())*cos((cast('" + longitude + "' as decimal(18,6))-Longitude)/180*pi())),a.OrderNo,c.ProductName as ProductType,(select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0202' and F_ItemCode=a.Grade) as Grade,a.Strength,(select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0208' and F_ItemCode=a.Length) as Length,(select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0203' and F_ItemCode=a.HorseValue) as HorseValue,(select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0207' and F_ItemCode=a.Status) as Status,(select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0206' and F_ItemCode=a.QuoteType) as QuoteType,(case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then a.Price else null end) as Price,(case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then null else a.Contract end) as Contract,(case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then null else cast(b.Price as decimal(18,2)) end) as ContractPrice,(case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then null else cast(a.Basis+b.Price as decimal(18,2)) end) as TotalPrice,(case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then null else Basis end) as Basis,a.Year,a.SailingSchedule,(a.Weight-isnull((select sum(Weight) from InventoryOut where InventoryId=a.Id),0)) as Weight,a.Description from Inventory a left join Contract b on a.Contract=b.ContractCode left join Product c on c.ProductCode=a.ProductType inner join WareHouse d on a.WareId=d.Id where a.Id='" + f_Id + "'";
            DataView      dv      = DbHelper.ExecuteToDataView(strSql);
            FileApp       fileApp = new FileApp();
            var           files   = fileApp.GetList(f_Id);
            List <object> img     = new List <object>();

            foreach (FileEntity file in files)
                //img.Add(new { base64 = file.FileContent });
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FilePath))
                    img.Add(new { base64 = file.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/") });

            object obj = new object();

            obj = new
                f_Id            = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Id"]),
                wareId          = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["WareId"]),
                wareName        = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["WareName"]),
                address         = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Address"]),
                distance        = (Convert.ToDouble(dv[0]["Distince"]) / 1000).ToString("#0.00"),
                longitude       = Convert.ToDouble(dv[0]["Longitude"]),
                latitude        = Convert.ToDouble(dv[0]["Latitude"]),
                orderNo         = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["OrderNo"]),
                productType     = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["ProductType"]),
                grade           = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Grade"]),
                strength        = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Strength"]),
                length          = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Length"]),
                horseValue      = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["HorseValue"]),
                status          = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Status"]),
                quoteType       = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["QuoteType"]),
                price           = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Price"]),
                contract        = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Contract"]),
                contractPrice   = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["ContractPrice"]),
                totalPrice      = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["TotalPrice"]),
                basis           = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Basis"]),
                year            = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Year"]),
                sailingSchedule = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["SailingSchedule"]),
                weight          = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Weight"]),
                description     = Convert.ToString(dv[0]["Description"]),
                imgList         = img

Beispiel #4
        public ActionResult GetBanerListJson()
            List <object> baners = new List <object>();

            FileApp fileApp = new FileApp();
            var     data    = fileApp.GetList("baner");

            foreach (var item in data)
                //baners.Add(new { name = item.FileName, base64 = item.FileContent });
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FilePath))
                    baners.Add(new { name = item.FileName, base64 = item.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/") });
Beispiel #5
        public ActionResult GetInventoryListJson(InventoryReq inventoryReq)
            string strSql = @"
	                c.ProductName as ProductType,
	                c.ImgContent as ProductImg,
	                (select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0202' and F_ItemCode=a.Grade) as Grade,
	                (select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0208' and F_ItemCode=a.Length) as Length,
	                (select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0203' and F_ItemCode=a.HorseValue) as HorseValue,
	                (select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0207' and F_ItemCode=a.Status) as Status,
	                (select F_ItemName from View_ItemType_ItemDetail where F_EnCode='0206' and F_ItemCode=a.QuoteType) as QuoteType,
	                (case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then a.Price else null end) as Price,
	                (case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then null else a.Contract end) as Contract,
	                (case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then null else cast(b.Price as decimal(18,2)) end) as ContractPrice,
	                (case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then null else cast(a.Basis+b.Price as decimal(18,2)) end) as TotalPrice,
	                (case when a.QuoteType<>'Futures' then null else Basis end) as Basis,
	                (Weight-isnull((select sum(Weight) from InventoryOut where InventoryId=a.Id),0)) as Weight,
                from Inventory a
	                left join Contract b on a.Contract=b.ContractCode
                    left join Product c on c.ProductCode=a.ProductType
                where 1=1 ";

            string strQry = "";

            if (inventoryReq.inventoryQry != null)
                InventoryQry[] inventoryQrys = inventoryReq.inventoryQry;
                foreach (InventoryQry inventoryQry in inventoryQrys)
                    if (inventoryQry.code.ToLower() == "strength")//强力是范围,其他都是选项
                        foreach (List selected in inventoryQry.list)
                            if ( == "min")
                                strQry += " and cast(Strength as float)>=" + selected.code + " ";
                            else if ( == "max")
                                strQry += " and cast(Strength as float)<=" + selected.code + " ";
                    else if (inventoryQry.code.ToLower() == "producttype")//分类中,其他是除美棉/澳棉/巴西棉/印度棉以外的所有
                        string condition = "";
                        foreach (List selected in inventoryQry.list)
                            if (selected.code.ToLower() != "qt")
                                if (selected.selected)
                                    condition += "'" + selected.code + "',";
                                if (selected.selected)
                                    DataView dvQT = DbHelper.ExecuteToDataView("select ProductCode from Product where ProductCode not in ('mm','bxm','ydm','om')");
                                    foreach (DataRowView drv in dvQT)
                                        condition += "'" + drv["ProductCode"] + "',";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
                            strQry += " and " + inventoryQry.code + " in (" + condition.Trim(',') + ") ";
                        string condition = "";
                        foreach (List selected in inventoryQry.list)
                            if (selected.selected)
                                condition += "'" + selected.code + "',";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
                            strQry += " and " + inventoryQry.code + " in (" + condition.Trim(',') + ") ";

            string strOrder = " order by IsRecommend desc,a.CreatorTime desc ";

            Pagination pagination = inventoryReq.pagination;
            string     strPaging  = " offset " + ( - 1) * pagination.rows + " rows fetch next " + pagination.rows + " rows only";

            DataView      dvInventory = DbHelper.ExecuteToDataView(strSql + strQry + strOrder + strPaging);
            List <object> inventorys  = new List <object>();

            foreach (DataRowView drv in dvInventory)
                FileApp       fileApp = new FileApp();
                var           files   = fileApp.GetList(Convert.ToString(drv["Id"]));
                List <object> img     = new List <object>();
                foreach (FileEntity file in files)
                    //img.Add(new { base64 = file.FileContent });
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FilePath))
                        img.Add(new { base64 = file.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/") });
                    f_Id            = Convert.ToString(drv["Id"]),
                    wareName        = Convert.ToString(drv["WareName"]),
                    orderNo         = Convert.ToString(drv["OrderNo"]),
                    productType     = Convert.ToString(drv["ProductType"]),
                    productImg      = Convert.ToString(drv["ProductImg"]),
                    grade           = Convert.ToString(drv["Grade"]),
                    strength        = Convert.ToString(drv["Strength"]),
                    length          = Convert.ToString(drv["Length"]),
                    horseValue      = Convert.ToString(drv["HorseValue"]),
                    status          = Convert.ToString(drv["Status"]),
                    quoteType       = Convert.ToString(drv["QuoteType"]),
                    price           = Convert.ToString(drv["Price"]),
                    contract        = Convert.ToString(drv["Contract"]),
                    contractPrice   = Convert.ToString(drv["ContractPrice"]),
                    basis           = Convert.ToString(drv["Basis"]),
                    totalPrice      = Convert.ToString(drv["TotalPrice"]),
                    year            = Convert.ToString(drv["Year"]),
                    sailingSchedule = Convert.ToString(drv["SailingSchedule"]),
                    weight          = Convert.ToString(drv["Weight"]),
                    isRecommend     = Convert.ToString(drv["IsRecommend"]),
                    fs      = Convert.ToString(drv["FS"]),
                    m       = Convert.ToString(drv["M"]),
                    s       = Convert.ToString(drv["S"]),
                    c       = Convert.ToString(drv["C"]),
                    v       = Convert.ToString(drv["V"]),
                    imgList = img

Beispiel #6
        public ActionResult GetListJson(string related_Id)
            var data = fileApp.GetList(related_Id);
