Beispiel #1
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            PdfApi     pdfApi     = new PdfApi(Common.APP_KEY, Common.APP_SID, Common.BASEPATH);
            StorageApi storageApi = new StorageApi(Common.APP_KEY, Common.APP_SID, Common.BASEPATH);

            String fileName  = "sample-field.pdf";
            String fieldName = "textbox1";
            String storage   = "";
            String folder    = "";

                // Upload source file to aspose cloud storage
                storageApi.PutCreate(fileName, "", "", System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Common.GetDataDir() + fileName));

                // Invoke Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK API to get particular field
                FieldResponse apiResponse = pdfApi.GetField(fileName, fieldName, storage, folder);

                if (apiResponse != null && apiResponse.Status.Equals("OK"))
                    Field field = apiResponse.Field;
                    Console.WriteLine("Name" + field.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("Value" + field.Values[0]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("error:" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            // ExEnd:1
        public void Pdf_Fields_Tests()
                #region Create and single update field

                storageService.File.CopyFile(Utils.CloudStorage_Input_Folder + "/pdf-sample1.pdf", Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder + "/pdf-fields.pdf");

                Field field = new Field();

                field.Name = "checkBoxField2";
                field.Type = "Boolean";

                field.Rect = new Rectangle(50, 50, 100, 100);

                pdfService.Fields.CreateField("pdf-fields.pdf", 1, field, Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder);

                FieldResponse fieldResponse = pdfService.Fields.GetDocumentFieldByName("pdf-fields.pdf", "checkBoxField2", Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder);


                pdfService.Fields.UpdateField("pdf-fields.pdf", "checkBoxField2", fieldResponse.Field, Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder);

                #endregion Create and update field

                storageService.File.CopyFile(Utils.CloudStorage_Input_Folder + "/pdf-sample1.pdf", Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder + "/pdf-fields.pdf");

                Field field2 = new Field();

                field2.Name = "checkBoxField1";
                field2.Type = "Boolean";
                field2.Rect = new Rectangle(200, 200, 50, 50);

                pdfService.Fields.CreateField("pdf-fields.pdf", 1, field2, Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder);

                field2.Name = "text1";
                field2.Type = "text";
                field2.Rect = new Rectangle(300, 300, 200, 25);

                pdfService.Fields.CreateField("pdf-fields.pdf", 1, field2, Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder);

                FieldsResponse fieldsResponse = pdfService.Fields.GetDocumentFields("pdf-fields.pdf", Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder);


                fieldsResponse.Fields.List[1].Values.Add("some dummy text");

                pdfService.Fields.UpdateFields("pdf-fields.pdf", fieldsResponse.Fields, Utils.CloudStorage_Output_Folder);
            catch (Exception ex)
        public IActionResult OnPost()
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new Exception("Antiforgery check failed.");

            var initResult = Init();

            if (initResult != null)


            if (ErpEntity == null || Field == null)

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReturnUrl))
                ReturnUrl = $"/sdk/objects/entity/r/{ErpEntity.Id}/rl/fields/l";

            var entMan = new EntityManager();

                var response = new FieldResponse();

                response = entMan.DeleteField(ErpEntity.Id, Field.Id);
                if (!response.Success)
                    var exception = new ValidationException(response.Message);
                    exception.Errors = response.Errors.MapTo <ValidationError>();
                    throw exception;
            catch (ValidationException ex)
                Validation.Message = ex.Message;
                Validation.Errors  = ex.Errors;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Validation.Message = ex.Message;
                Validation.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("", ex.Message, isSystem: true));

            HeaderToolbar.AddRange(AdminPageUtils.GetEntityAdminSubNav(ErpEntity, "fields"));

            ErpRequestContext.PageContext = PageContext;

Beispiel #4
        public IActionResult PatchField(string Id, string FieldId, [FromBody]JObject submitObj)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();
            Entity entity = new Entity();
            InputField field = new InputGuidField();

                Guid entityId;
                if (!Guid.TryParse(Id, out entityId))
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("Id", Id, "id parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                    return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Field was not updated!");

                Guid fieldId;
                if (!Guid.TryParse(FieldId, out fieldId))
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("FieldId", FieldId, "FieldId parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                    return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Field was not updated!");

                DbEntity storageEntity = DbContext.Current.EntityRepository.Read(entityId);
                if (storageEntity == null)
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("Id", Id, "Entity with such Id does not exist!"));
                    return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Field was not updated!");
                entity = storageEntity.MapTo<Entity>();

                Field updatedField = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == fieldId);
                if (updatedField == null)
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("FieldId", FieldId, "Field with such Id does not exist!"));
                    return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Field was not updated!");

                FieldType fieldType = FieldType.GuidField;

                var fieldTypeProp = submitObj.Properties().SingleOrDefault(k => k.Name.ToLower() == "fieldtype");
                if (fieldTypeProp != null)
                    fieldType = (FieldType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(FieldType), fieldTypeProp.Value.ToObject<int>());
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("fieldType", null, "fieldType is required!"));
                    return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Field was not updated!");

                Type inputFieldType = InputField.GetFieldType(fieldType);
                foreach (var prop in submitObj.Properties())
                    int count = inputFieldType.GetProperties().Where(n => n.Name.ToLower() == prop.Name.ToLower()).Count();
                    if (count < 1)
                        response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel(prop.Name, prop.Value.ToString(), "Input object contains property that is not part of the object model."));

                if (response.Errors.Count > 0)
                    return DoBadRequestResponse(response);

                InputField inputField = InputField.ConvertField(submitObj);

                foreach (var prop in submitObj.Properties())
                    switch (fieldType)
                        case FieldType.AutoNumberField:
                                field = new InputAutoNumberField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputAutoNumberField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "U")
                                    ((InputAutoNumberField)field).DisplayFormat = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DisplayFormat;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "startingnumber")
                                    ((InputAutoNumberField)field).StartingNumber = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).StartingNumber;
                        case FieldType.CheckboxField:
                                field = new InputCheckboxField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputCheckboxField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputCheckboxField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                        case FieldType.CurrencyField:
                                field = new InputCurrencyField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputCurrencyField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "minvalue")
                                    ((InputCurrencyField)field).MinValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MinValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxvalue")
                                    ((InputCurrencyField)field).MaxValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MaxValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "currency")
                                    ((InputCurrencyField)field).Currency = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).Currency;
                        case FieldType.DateField:
                                field = new InputDateField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputDateField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputDateField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "format")
                                    ((InputDateField)field).Format = ((InputDateField)inputField).Format;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "usecurrenttimeasdefaultvalue")
                                    ((InputDateField)field).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = ((InputDateField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue;
                        case FieldType.DateTimeField:
                                field = new InputDateTimeField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputDateTimeField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "format")
                                    ((InputDateTimeField)field).Format = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).Format;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "usecurrenttimeasdefaultvalue")
                                    ((InputDateTimeField)field).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue;
                        case FieldType.EmailField:
                                field = new InputEmailField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputEmailField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputEmailField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxlength")
                                    ((InputEmailField)field).MaxLength = ((InputEmailField)inputField).MaxLength;
                        case FieldType.FileField:
                                field = new InputFileField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputFileField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputFileField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                        case FieldType.HtmlField:
                                field = new InputHtmlField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputHtmlField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputHtmlField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                        case FieldType.ImageField:
                                field = new InputImageField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputImageField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputImageField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                        case FieldType.MultiLineTextField:
                                field = new InputMultiLineTextField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputMultiLineTextField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxlength")
                                    ((InputMultiLineTextField)field).MaxLength = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).MaxLength;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "visiblelinenumber")
                                    ((InputMultiLineTextField)field).VisibleLineNumber = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).VisibleLineNumber;
                        case FieldType.MultiSelectField:
                                field = new InputMultiSelectField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputMultiSelectField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "options")
                                    ((InputMultiSelectField)field).Options = ((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).Options;
                        case FieldType.NumberField:
                                field = new InputNumberField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputNumberField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "minvalue")
                                    ((InputNumberField)field).MinValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).MinValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxvalue")
                                    ((InputNumberField)field).MaxValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).MaxValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "decimalplaces")
                                    ((InputNumberField)field).DecimalPlaces = ((InputNumberField)inputField).DecimalPlaces;
                        case FieldType.PasswordField:
                                field = new InputPasswordField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxlength")
                                    ((InputPasswordField)field).MaxLength = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).MaxLength;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "minlength")
                                    ((InputPasswordField)field).MinLength = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).MinLength;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "encrypted")
                                    ((InputPasswordField)field).Encrypted = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).Encrypted;
                        case FieldType.PercentField:
                                field = new InputPercentField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputPercentField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "minvalue")
                                    ((InputPercentField)field).MinValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).MinValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxvalue")
                                    ((InputPercentField)field).MaxValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).MaxValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "decimalplaces")
                                    ((InputPercentField)field).DecimalPlaces = ((InputPercentField)inputField).DecimalPlaces;
                        case FieldType.PhoneField:
                                field = new InputPhoneField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputPhoneField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "format")
                                    ((InputPhoneField)field).Format = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).Format;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxlength")
                                    ((InputPhoneField)field).MaxLength = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).MaxLength;
                        case FieldType.GuidField:
                                field = new InputGuidField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputGuidField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputGuidField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "generatenewid")
                                    ((InputGuidField)field).GenerateNewId = ((InputGuidField)inputField).GenerateNewId;
                        case FieldType.SelectField:
                                field = new InputSelectField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputSelectField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "options")
                                    ((InputSelectField)field).Options = ((InputSelectField)inputField).Options;
                        case FieldType.TextField:
                                field = new InputTextField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputTextField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputTextField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxlength")
                                    ((InputTextField)field).MaxLength = ((InputTextField)inputField).MaxLength;
                        case FieldType.UrlField:
                                field = new InputUrlField();
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "defaultvalue")
                                    ((InputUrlField)field).DefaultValue = ((InputUrlField)inputField).DefaultValue;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "maxlength")
                                    ((InputUrlField)field).MaxLength = ((InputUrlField)inputField).MaxLength;
                                if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "opentargetinnewwindow")
                                    ((InputUrlField)field).OpenTargetInNewWindow = ((InputUrlField)inputField).OpenTargetInNewWindow;

                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "label")
                        field.Label = inputField.Label;
                    else if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "placeholdertext")
                        field.PlaceholderText = inputField.PlaceholderText;
                    else if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "description")
                        field.Description = inputField.Description;
                    else if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "helptext")
                        field.HelpText = inputField.HelpText;
                    else if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "required")
                        field.Required = inputField.Required;
                    else if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "unique")
                        field.Unique = inputField.Unique;
                    else if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "searchable")
                        field.Searchable = inputField.Searchable;
                    else if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "auditable")
                        field.Auditable = inputField.Auditable;
                    else if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "system")
                        field.System = inputField.System;
            catch (Exception e)
                return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Input object is not in valid format! It cannot be converted.", e);

            return DoResponse(entMan.UpdateField(entity, field));
Beispiel #5
        public IActionResult PatchEntity(string StringId, [FromBody]JObject submitObj)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();
            InputEntity entity = new InputEntity();

                Guid entityId;
                if (!Guid.TryParse(StringId, out entityId))
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", StringId, "id parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                    return DoResponse(response);

                DbEntity storageEntity = DbContext.Current.EntityRepository.Read(entityId);
                if (storageEntity == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Entity with such Name does not exist!";
                    return DoBadRequestResponse(response);
                entity = storageEntity.MapTo<Entity>().MapTo<InputEntity>();

                Type inputEntityType = entity.GetType();

                foreach (var prop in submitObj.Properties())
                    int count = inputEntityType.GetProperties().Where(n => n.Name.ToLower() == prop.Name.ToLower()).Count();
                    if (count < 1)
                        response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel(prop.Name, prop.Value.ToString(), "Input object contains property that is not part of the object model."));

                if (response.Errors.Count > 0)
                    return DoBadRequestResponse(response);

                InputEntity inputEntity = submitObj.ToObject<InputEntity>();

                foreach (var prop in submitObj.Properties())
                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "label")
                        entity.Label = inputEntity.Label;
                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "labelplural")
                        entity.LabelPlural = inputEntity.LabelPlural;
                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "system")
                        entity.System = inputEntity.System;
                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "iconname")
                        entity.IconName = inputEntity.IconName;
                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "weight")
                        entity.Weight = inputEntity.Weight;
                    if (prop.Name.ToLower() == "recordpermissions")
                        entity.RecordPermissions = inputEntity.RecordPermissions;
            catch (Exception e)
                return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Input object is not in valid format! It cannot be converted.", e);

            return DoResponse(entMan.UpdateEntity(entity));
Beispiel #6
        public IActionResult OnPost()
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new Exception("Antiforgery check failed.");


            if (ErpEntity == null)

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReturnUrl))
                ReturnUrl = $"/sdk/objects/entity/r/{RecordId}/rl/fields/c/select";

            //empty html input is not posted, so we init it with string.empty
            if (DefaultValue == null)
                DefaultValue = string.Empty;

            var entMan = new EntityManager();

                var newFieldId = Guid.NewGuid();
                if (Id != null)
                    newFieldId = Id.Value;

                var        response = new FieldResponse();
                InputField input    = null;
                switch (Type)
                case FieldType.AutoNumberField:
                    decimal defaultDecimal = 1;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(DefaultValue, out decimal result))
                        defaultDecimal = result;

                    input = new InputAutoNumberField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultDecimal,
                        StartingNumber  = StartingNumber,
                        DisplayFormat   = DisplayFormat,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.CheckboxField:
                    bool?defaultValue = null;
                    if (Boolean.TryParse(DefaultValue, out bool result))
                        defaultValue = result;
                    input = new InputCheckboxField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.CurrencyField:
                    decimal?defaultDecimal = null;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(DefaultValue, out decimal result))
                        defaultDecimal = result;
                    input = new InputCurrencyField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultDecimal,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MinValue        = MinValue,
                        MaxValue        = MaxValue,
                        Currency        = Helpers.GetCurrencyType(CurrencyCode)

                case FieldType.DateField:
                    DateTime?defaultValue = null;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(DefaultValue, out DateTime result))
                        defaultValue = result;
                    input = new InputDateField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        Format          = Format,
                        UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue

                case FieldType.DateTimeField:
                    DateTime?defaultValue = null;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(DefaultValue, out DateTime result))
                        defaultValue = result;
                    input = new InputDateTimeField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        Format          = Format,
                        UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue

                case FieldType.EmailField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputEmailField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                case FieldType.FileField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputFileField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.HtmlField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputHtmlField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.ImageField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputImageField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.MultiLineTextField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputMultiLineTextField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                case FieldType.MultiSelectField:
                    var selectOptions      = (SelectOptions ?? string.Empty).Split(Environment.NewLine);
                    var defaultOptions     = (DefaultValue ?? string.Empty).Split(Environment.NewLine);
                    var multiSelectOptions = new List <SelectOption>();
                    var defaultValues      = new List <string>();

                    foreach (var option in selectOptions)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option))
                            var optionArray = option.Split(',');
                            var key         = "";
                            var value       = "";
                            var iconClass   = "";
                            var color       = "";
                            if (optionArray.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[0]))
                                key = optionArray[0].Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
                            if (optionArray.Length > 1 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[1]))
                                value = optionArray[1].Trim();
                            else if (optionArray.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[0]))
                                value = key;
                            if (optionArray.Length > 2 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[2]))
                                iconClass = optionArray[2].Trim();
                            if (optionArray.Length > 3 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[3]))
                                color = optionArray[3].Trim();
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                                multiSelectOptions.Add(new SelectOption()
                                        Value     = key,
                                        Label     = value,
                                        IconClass = iconClass,
                                        Color     = color

                    foreach (var option in defaultOptions)
                        var fixedOption = option.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option) && multiSelectOptions.Any(x => x.Value == fixedOption))
                        else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option) && !multiSelectOptions.Any(x => x.Value == fixedOption))
                            Validation.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("DefaultValue", "one or more of the default values are not found as select options"));
                            throw Validation;

                    input = new InputMultiSelectField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        Options         = multiSelectOptions,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValues

                case FieldType.NumberField:
                    decimal?defaultDecimal = null;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(DefaultValue, out decimal result))
                        defaultDecimal = result;
                    input = new InputNumberField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultDecimal,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MinValue        = MinValue,
                        MaxValue        = MaxValue,
                        DecimalPlaces   = DecimalPlaces

                case FieldType.PasswordField:
                    input = new InputPasswordField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        MinLength       = MinLength,
                        Encrypted       = Encrypted,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                case FieldType.PercentField:
                    decimal?defaultDecimal = null;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(DefaultValue, out decimal result))
                        defaultDecimal = result;
                    input = new InputNumberField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultDecimal,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MinValue        = MinValue,
                        MaxValue        = MaxValue,
                        DecimalPlaces   = DecimalPlaces

                case FieldType.PhoneField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputPhoneField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                case FieldType.GuidField:
                    Guid?defaultGuid = null;
                    if (Guid.TryParse(DefaultValue, out Guid result))
                        defaultGuid = result;
                    input = new InputGuidField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultGuid,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        GenerateNewId   = GenerateNewId

                case FieldType.SelectField:
                    var selectOptions      = SelectOptions.Split(Environment.NewLine);
                    var modelSelectOptions = new List <SelectOption>();

                    foreach (var option in selectOptions)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option))
                            var optionArray = option.Split(',');
                            var key         = "";
                            var value       = "";
                            var iconClass   = "";
                            var color       = "";
                            if (optionArray.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[0]))
                                key = optionArray[0].Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
                            if (optionArray.Length > 1 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[1]))
                                value = optionArray[1].Trim();
                            else if (optionArray.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[0]))
                                value = key;
                            if (optionArray.Length > 2 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[2]))
                                iconClass = optionArray[2].Trim();
                            if (optionArray.Length > 3 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[3]))
                                color = optionArray[3].Trim();
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                                modelSelectOptions.Add(new SelectOption()
                                        Value     = key,
                                        Label     = value,
                                        IconClass = iconClass,
                                        Color     = color

                    DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DefaultValue) && !modelSelectOptions.Any(x => x.Value == DefaultValue))
                        Validation.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("DefaultValue", "one or more of the default values are not found as select options"));
                        throw Validation;

                    input = new InputSelectField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = DefaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        Options         = modelSelectOptions

                case FieldType.UrlField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputUrlField()
                        Id                    = newFieldId,
                        Name                  = Name,
                        Label                 = Label,
                        Required              = Required,
                        Description           = Description,
                        Unique                = Unique,
                        HelpText              = HelpText,
                        System                = System,
                        PlaceholderText       = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable            = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue          = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity        = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength             = MaxLength,
                        OpenTargetInNewWindow = OpenTargetInNewWindow

                case FieldType.TextField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputTextField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                    throw new Exception("Field Type not recognized");

                var recordPermissionsKeyValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <KeyStringList> >(FieldPermissions);
                input.Permissions           = new FieldPermissions();
                input.Permissions.CanRead   = new List <Guid>();
                input.Permissions.CanUpdate = new List <Guid>();

                foreach (var role in recordPermissionsKeyValues)
                    var roleId = Guid.Empty;
                    if (Guid.TryParse(role.Key, out Guid result))
                        roleId = result;
                    if (roleId != Guid.Empty)
                        if (role.Values.Contains("read"))
                        if (role.Values.Contains("update"))

                response = entMan.CreateField(ErpEntity.Id, input);
                if (!response.Success)
                    var exception = new ValidationException(response.Message);
                    exception.Errors = response.Errors.MapTo <ValidationError>();
                    throw exception;

                // because of, i added TempDataExtensions int
                // WebVella.Erp.Web.Utils and using Put and Get<> instead of
                // TempData["ScreenMessage"] = new ScreenMessage() { Message = "Field created successfully" };
                TempData.Put("ScreenMessage", new ScreenMessage()
                    Message = "Field created successfully"
            catch (ValidationException ex)
                Validation.Message = ex.Message;
                Validation.Errors  = ex.Errors;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Validation.Message = ex.Message;
                Validation.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("", ex.Message, isSystem: true));

            HeaderToolbar.AddRange(AdminPageUtils.GetEntityAdminSubNav(ErpEntity, "fields"));

            ErpRequestContext.PageContext = PageContext;

Beispiel #7
        //        public FieldResponse PartialUpdateField(Guid entityId, Guid id, InputField inputField)
        //        {
        //            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse
        //            {
        //                Success = true,
        //                Message = "The field was successfully updated!",
        //            };
        //            Field updatedField = null;
        //            try
        //            {
        //                IStorageEntity storageEntity = EntityRepository.Read(entityId);
        //                if (storageEntity == null)
        //                {
        //                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //                    response.Success = false;
        //                    response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
        //                    return response;
        //                }
        //                Entity entity = storageEntity.MapTo<Entity>();
        //                updatedField = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);
        //                if (updatedField == null)
        //                {
        //                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //                    response.Success = false;
        //                    response.Message = "Field with such Id does not exist!";
        //                    return response;
        //                }
        //                if (updatedField is AutoNumberField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((AutoNumberField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DisplayFormat != null)
        //                        ((AutoNumberField)updatedField).DisplayFormat = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DisplayFormat;
        //                    if (((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).StartingNumber != null)
        //                        ((AutoNumberField)updatedField).StartingNumber = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).StartingNumber;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is CheckboxField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputCheckboxField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((CheckboxField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputCheckboxField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is CurrencyField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputCurrencyField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((CurrencyField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MinValue != null)
        //                        ((CurrencyField)updatedField).MinValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MinValue;
        //                    if (((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MaxValue != null)
        //                        ((CurrencyField)updatedField).MaxValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MaxValue;
        //                    if (((InputCurrencyField)inputField).Currency != null)
        //                        ((CurrencyField)updatedField).Currency = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).Currency;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is DateField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputDateField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((DateField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputDateField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputDateField)inputField).Format != null)
        //                        ((DateField)updatedField).Format = ((InputDateField)inputField).Format;
        //                    if (((InputDateField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((DateField)updatedField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = ((InputDateField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is DateTimeField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputDateTimeField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((DateTimeField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputDateTimeField)inputField).Format != null)
        //                        ((DateTimeField)updatedField).Format = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).Format;
        //                    if (((InputDateTimeField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((DateTimeField)updatedField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is EmailField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputEmailField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((EmailField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputEmailField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputEmailField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((EmailField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputEmailField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is FileField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputFileField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((FileField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputFileField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is HtmlField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputHtmlField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((HtmlField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputHtmlField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is ImageField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputImageField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((ImageField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputImageField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is MultiLineTextField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((MultiLineTextField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((MultiLineTextField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                    if (((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).VisibleLineNumber != null)
        //                        ((MultiLineTextField)updatedField).VisibleLineNumber = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).VisibleLineNumber;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is MultiSelectField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((MultiSelectField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).Options != null)
        //                        ((MultiSelectField)updatedField).Options = ((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).Options;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is NumberField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((NumberField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputNumberField)inputField).MinValue != null)
        //                        ((NumberField)updatedField).MinValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).MinValue;
        //                    if (((InputNumberField)inputField).MaxValue != null)
        //                        ((NumberField)updatedField).MaxValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).MaxValue;
        //                    if (((InputNumberField)inputField).DecimalPlaces != null)
        //                        ((NumberField)updatedField).DecimalPlaces = ((InputNumberField)inputField).DecimalPlaces;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is PasswordField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputPasswordField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((PasswordField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                    if (((InputPasswordField)inputField).MinLength != null)
        //                        ((PasswordField)updatedField).MinLength = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).MinLength;
        //                    if (((InputPasswordField)inputField).Encrypted != null)
        //                        ((PasswordField)updatedField).Encrypted = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).Encrypted;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is PercentField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputPercentField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((PercentField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputPercentField)inputField).MinValue != null)
        //                        ((PercentField)updatedField).MinValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).MinValue;
        //                    if (((InputPercentField)inputField).MaxValue != null)
        //                        ((PercentField)updatedField).MaxValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).MaxValue;
        //                    if (((InputPercentField)inputField).DecimalPlaces != null)
        //                        ((PercentField)updatedField).DecimalPlaces = ((InputPercentField)inputField).DecimalPlaces;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is PhoneField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputPhoneField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((PhoneField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputPhoneField)inputField).Format != null)
        //                        ((PhoneField)updatedField).Format = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).Format;
        //                    if (((InputPhoneField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((PhoneField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is GuidField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputGuidField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((GuidField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputGuidField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputGuidField)inputField).GenerateNewId != null)
        //                        ((GuidField)updatedField).GenerateNewId = ((InputGuidField)inputField).GenerateNewId;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is SelectField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((SelectField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputSelectField)inputField).Options != null)
        //                        ((SelectField)updatedField).Options = ((InputSelectField)inputField).Options;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is TextField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputTextField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((TextField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputTextField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputTextField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((TextField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputTextField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is UrlField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputUrlField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((UrlField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputUrlField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputUrlField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((UrlField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputUrlField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                    if (((InputUrlField)inputField).OpenTargetInNewWindow != null)
        //                        ((UrlField)updatedField).OpenTargetInNewWindow = ((InputUrlField)inputField).OpenTargetInNewWindow;
        //                }
        //                if (inputField.Label != null)
        //                    updatedField.Label = inputField.Label;
        //                else if (inputField.PlaceholderText != null)
        //                    updatedField.PlaceholderText = inputField.PlaceholderText;
        //                else if (inputField.Description != null)
        //                    updatedField.Description = inputField.Description;
        //                else if (inputField.HelpText != null)
        //                    updatedField.HelpText = inputField.HelpText;
        //                else if (inputField.Required != null)
        //                    updatedField.Required = inputField.Required.Value;
        //                else if (inputField.Unique != null)
        //                    updatedField.Unique = inputField.Unique.Value;
        //                else if (inputField.Searchable != null)
        //                    updatedField.Searchable = inputField.Searchable.Value;
        //                else if (inputField.Auditable != null)
        //                    updatedField.Auditable = inputField.Auditable.Value;
        //                else if (inputField.System != null)
        //                    updatedField.System = inputField.System.Value;
        //                response.Object = updatedField;
        //                response.Errors = ValidateField(entity, updatedField.MapTo<InputField>(), true);
        //                if (response.Errors.Count > 0)
        //                {
        //                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //                    response.Success = false;
        //                    response.Message = "The field was not updated. Validation error occurred!";
        //                    return response;
        //                }
        //                IStorageEntity updatedEntity = entity.MapTo<IStorageEntity>();
        //                bool result = EntityRepository.Update(updatedEntity);
        //                if (!result)
        //                {
        //                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //                    response.Success = false;
        //                    response.Message = "The field was not updated! An internal error occurred!";
        //                    return response;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            catch (Exception e)
        //            {
        //                response.Success = false;
        //                response.Object = updatedField;
        //                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //#if DEBUG
        //                response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
        //                response.Message = "The field was not updated. An internal error occurred!";
        //                return response;
        //            }
        //            response.Object = updatedField;
        //            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //            return response;
        //        }
        public FieldResponse DeleteField(Guid entityId, Guid id, bool transactional = true)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse
                Success = true,
                Message = "The field was successfully deleted!",

                IStorageEntity storageEntity = EntityRepository.Read(entityId);

                if (storageEntity == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
                    return response;

                Entity entity = storageEntity.MapTo<Entity>();

                Field field = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);

                if (field == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "The field was not deleted. Validation error occurred!";
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", id.ToString(), "Field with such Id does not exist!"));
                    return response;


                var recRep = Storage.GetRecordRepository();
                var transaction = recRep.CreateTransaction();
                    if (transactional)

                    recRep.RemoveRecordField(entity.Name, field.Name);

                    IStorageEntity updatedEntity = entity.MapTo<IStorageEntity>();
                    bool result = EntityRepository.Update(updatedEntity);
                    if (!result)
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Message = "The field was not updated! An internal error occurred!";
                        return response;
                    if (transactional)
                    if (transactional)
            catch (Exception e)
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
            #if DEBUG
                response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                response.Message = "The field was not deleted. An internal error occurred!";
                return response;

            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            return response;
Beispiel #8
        public FieldResponse UpdateField(Entity entity, InputField inputField)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse
                Success = true,
                Message = "The field was successfully updated!",

            Field field = null;

                response.Errors = ValidateField(entity, inputField, true);

                field = inputField.MapTo<Field>();

                if (response.Errors.Count > 0)
                    response.Object = field;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "The field was not updated. Validation error occurred!";
                    return response;

                Field fieldForDelete = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == field.Id);
                if (fieldForDelete.Id == field.Id)


                IStorageEntity updatedEntity = entity.MapTo<IStorageEntity>();
                bool result = EntityRepository.Update(updatedEntity);
                if (!result)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "The field was not updated! An internal error occurred!";
                    return response;

            catch (Exception e)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Object = field;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            #if DEBUG
                response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                response.Message = "The field was not updated. An internal error occurred!";
                return response;

            response.Object = field;
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

            return response;
Beispiel #9
        public IActionResult UpdateField(string Id, string FieldId, [FromBody]JObject submitObj)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();

            Guid entityId;
            if (!Guid.TryParse(Id, out entityId))
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", Id, "id parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                return DoResponse(response);

            Guid fieldId;
            if (!Guid.TryParse(FieldId, out fieldId))
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", FieldId, "FieldId parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                return DoResponse(response);

            InputField field = new InputGuidField();
            FieldType fieldType = FieldType.GuidField;

            var fieldTypeProp = submitObj.Properties().SingleOrDefault(k => k.Name.ToLower() == "fieldtype");
            if (fieldTypeProp != null)
                fieldType = (FieldType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(FieldType), fieldTypeProp.Value.ToObject<int>());

            Type inputFieldType = InputField.GetFieldType(fieldType);

            foreach (var prop in submitObj.Properties())
                int count = inputFieldType.GetProperties().Where(n => n.Name.ToLower() == prop.Name.ToLower()).Count();
                if (count < 1)
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel(prop.Name, prop.Value.ToString(), "Input object contains property that is not part of the object model."));

            if (response.Errors.Count > 0)
                return DoBadRequestResponse(response);

                field = InputField.ConvertField(submitObj);
            catch (Exception e)
                return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Input object is not in valid format! It cannot be converted.", e);

            return DoResponse(entMan.UpdateField(entityId, field));
Beispiel #10
        public FieldResponse ReadField(Guid entityId, Guid id)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse
                Success = true,
                Message = "The field was successfully returned!",

                IStorageEntity storageEntity = EntityRepository.Read(entityId);

                if (storageEntity == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
                    return response;

                IStorageField storageField = storageEntity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);

                if (storageField == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Validation error occurred!";
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", id.ToString(), "Field with such Id does not exist!"));
                    return response;

                Field field = storageField.MapTo<Field>();
                response.Object = field;
            catch (Exception e)
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
            #if DEBUG
                response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                response.Message = "An internal error occurred!";
                return response;

            response.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            return response;
Beispiel #11
        public FieldResponse CreateField(Guid entityId, InputField inputField, bool transactional = true)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse
                Success = true,
                Message = "The field was successfully created!",

            Field field = null;

                IStorageEntity storageEntity = EntityRepository.Read(entityId);

                if (storageEntity == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
                    return response;

                if (inputField.Id == null || inputField.Id == Guid.Empty)
                    inputField.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                Entity entity = storageEntity.MapTo<Entity>();

                response.Errors = ValidateField(entity, inputField, false);

                field = inputField.MapTo<Field>();

                if (response.Errors.Count > 0)
                    response.Object = field;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "The field was not created. Validation error occurred!";
                    return response;


                IStorageEntity editedEntity = entity.MapTo<IStorageEntity>();

                var recRep = Storage.GetRecordRepository();
                var transaction = recRep.CreateTransaction();
                    if (transactional)

                    recRep.CreateRecordField(entity.Name, field.Name, field.GetDefaultValue());

                    bool result = EntityRepository.Update(editedEntity);
                    if (!result)
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Message = "The field was not created! An internal error occurred!";
                        return response;

                    if (transactional)
                    if (transactional)

            catch (Exception e)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Object = field;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            #if DEBUG
                response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                response.Message = "The field was not created. An internal error occurred!";
                return response;

            response.Object = field;
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

            return response;
Beispiel #12
        //        public FieldResponse PartialUpdateField(Guid entityId, Guid id, InputField inputField)
        //        {
        //            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse
        //            {
        //                Success = true,
        //                Message = "The field was successfully updated!",
        //            };
        //            Field updatedField = null;
        //            try
        //            {
        //                IStorageEntity storageEntity = EntityRepository.Read(entityId);
        //                if (storageEntity == null)
        //                {
        //                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //                    response.Success = false;
        //                    response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
        //                    return response;
        //                }
        //                Entity entity = storageEntity.MapTo<Entity>();
        //                updatedField = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);
        //                if (updatedField == null)
        //                {
        //                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //                    response.Success = false;
        //                    response.Message = "Field with such Id does not exist!";
        //                    return response;
        //                }
        //                if (updatedField is AutoNumberField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((AutoNumberField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DisplayFormat != null)
        //                        ((AutoNumberField)updatedField).DisplayFormat = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).DisplayFormat;
        //                    if (((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).StartingNumber != null)
        //                        ((AutoNumberField)updatedField).StartingNumber = ((InputAutoNumberField)inputField).StartingNumber;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is CheckboxField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputCheckboxField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((CheckboxField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputCheckboxField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is CurrencyField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputCurrencyField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((CurrencyField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MinValue != null)
        //                        ((CurrencyField)updatedField).MinValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MinValue;
        //                    if (((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MaxValue != null)
        //                        ((CurrencyField)updatedField).MaxValue = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).MaxValue;
        //                    if (((InputCurrencyField)inputField).Currency != null)
        //                        ((CurrencyField)updatedField).Currency = ((InputCurrencyField)inputField).Currency;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is DateField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputDateField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((DateField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputDateField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputDateField)inputField).Format != null)
        //                        ((DateField)updatedField).Format = ((InputDateField)inputField).Format;
        //                    if (((InputDateField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((DateField)updatedField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = ((InputDateField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is DateTimeField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputDateTimeField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((DateTimeField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputDateTimeField)inputField).Format != null)
        //                        ((DateTimeField)updatedField).Format = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).Format;
        //                    if (((InputDateTimeField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((DateTimeField)updatedField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = ((InputDateTimeField)inputField).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is EmailField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputEmailField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((EmailField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputEmailField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputEmailField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((EmailField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputEmailField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is FileField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputFileField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((FileField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputFileField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is HtmlField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputHtmlField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((HtmlField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputHtmlField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is ImageField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputImageField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((ImageField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputImageField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is MultiLineTextField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((MultiLineTextField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((MultiLineTextField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                    if (((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).VisibleLineNumber != null)
        //                        ((MultiLineTextField)updatedField).VisibleLineNumber = ((InputMultiLineTextField)inputField).VisibleLineNumber;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is MultiSelectField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((MultiSelectField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).Options != null)
        //                        ((MultiSelectField)updatedField).Options = ((InputMultiSelectField)inputField).Options;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is NumberField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((NumberField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputNumberField)inputField).MinValue != null)
        //                        ((NumberField)updatedField).MinValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).MinValue;
        //                    if (((InputNumberField)inputField).MaxValue != null)
        //                        ((NumberField)updatedField).MaxValue = ((InputNumberField)inputField).MaxValue;
        //                    if (((InputNumberField)inputField).DecimalPlaces != null)
        //                        ((NumberField)updatedField).DecimalPlaces = ((InputNumberField)inputField).DecimalPlaces;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is PasswordField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputPasswordField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((PasswordField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                    if (((InputPasswordField)inputField).MinLength != null)
        //                        ((PasswordField)updatedField).MinLength = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).MinLength;
        //                    if (((InputPasswordField)inputField).Encrypted != null)
        //                        ((PasswordField)updatedField).Encrypted = ((InputPasswordField)inputField).Encrypted;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is PercentField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputPercentField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((PercentField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputPercentField)inputField).MinValue != null)
        //                        ((PercentField)updatedField).MinValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).MinValue;
        //                    if (((InputPercentField)inputField).MaxValue != null)
        //                        ((PercentField)updatedField).MaxValue = ((InputPercentField)inputField).MaxValue;
        //                    if (((InputPercentField)inputField).DecimalPlaces != null)
        //                        ((PercentField)updatedField).DecimalPlaces = ((InputPercentField)inputField).DecimalPlaces;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is PhoneField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputPhoneField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((PhoneField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputPhoneField)inputField).Format != null)
        //                        ((PhoneField)updatedField).Format = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).Format;
        //                    if (((InputPhoneField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((PhoneField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputPhoneField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is GuidField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputGuidField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((GuidField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputGuidField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputGuidField)inputField).GenerateNewId != null)
        //                        ((GuidField)updatedField).GenerateNewId = ((InputGuidField)inputField).GenerateNewId;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is SelectField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((SelectField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputSelectField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputSelectField)inputField).Options != null)
        //                        ((SelectField)updatedField).Options = ((InputSelectField)inputField).Options;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is TextField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputTextField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((TextField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputTextField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputTextField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((TextField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputTextField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                }
        //                else if (updatedField is UrlField)
        //                {
        //                    if (((InputUrlField)inputField).DefaultValue != null)
        //                        ((UrlField)updatedField).DefaultValue = ((InputUrlField)inputField).DefaultValue;
        //                    if (((InputUrlField)inputField).MaxLength != null)
        //                        ((UrlField)updatedField).MaxLength = ((InputUrlField)inputField).MaxLength;
        //                    if (((InputUrlField)inputField).OpenTargetInNewWindow != null)
        //                        ((UrlField)updatedField).OpenTargetInNewWindow = ((InputUrlField)inputField).OpenTargetInNewWindow;
        //                }
        //                if (inputField.Label != null)
        //                    updatedField.Label = inputField.Label;
        //                else if (inputField.PlaceholderText != null)
        //                    updatedField.PlaceholderText = inputField.PlaceholderText;
        //                else if (inputField.Description != null)
        //                    updatedField.Description = inputField.Description;
        //                else if (inputField.HelpText != null)
        //                    updatedField.HelpText = inputField.HelpText;
        //                else if (inputField.Required != null)
        //                    updatedField.Required = inputField.Required.Value;
        //                else if (inputField.Unique != null)
        //                    updatedField.Unique = inputField.Unique.Value;
        //                else if (inputField.Searchable != null)
        //                    updatedField.Searchable = inputField.Searchable.Value;
        //                else if (inputField.Auditable != null)
        //                    updatedField.Auditable = inputField.Auditable.Value;
        //                else if (inputField.System != null)
        //                    updatedField.System = inputField.System.Value;
        //                response.Object = updatedField;
        //                response.Errors = ValidateField(entity, updatedField.MapTo<InputField>(), true);
        //                if (response.Errors.Count > 0)
        //                {
        //                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //                    response.Success = false;
        //                    response.Message = "The field was not updated. Validation error occurred!";
        //                    return response;
        //                }
        //                IStorageEntity updatedEntity = entity.MapTo<IStorageEntity>();
        //                bool result = EntityRepository.Update(updatedEntity);
        //                if (!result)
        //                {
        //                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //                    response.Success = false;
        //                    response.Message = "The field was not updated! An internal error occurred!";
        //                    return response;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            catch (Exception e)
        //            {
        //                response.Success = false;
        //                response.Object = updatedField;
        //                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //#if DEBUG
        //                response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
        //                response.Message = "The field was not updated. An internal error occurred!";
        //                return response;
        //            }
        //            response.Object = updatedField;
        //            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        //            return response;
        //        }
        public FieldResponse DeleteField(Guid entityId, Guid id, bool transactional = true)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse
                Success = true,
                Message = "The field was successfully deleted!",

                var entityResponse = ReadEntity(entityId);

                if (!entityResponse.Success)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = entityResponse.Message;
                    return response;
                else if (entityResponse.Object == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
                    return response;
                Entity entity = entityResponse.Object;

                Field field = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id);

                if (field == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "The field was not deleted. Validation error occurred!";
                    response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", id.ToString(), "Field with such Id does not exist!"));
                    return response;


                using (DbConnection con = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())
                        DbContext.Current.RecordRepository.RemoveRecordField(entity.Name, field);

                        DbEntity updatedEntity = entity.MapTo<DbEntity>();
                        bool result = DbContext.Current.EntityRepository.Update(updatedEntity);
                        if (!result)
                            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            response.Success = false;
                            response.Message = "The field was not updated! An internal error occurred!";
                            return response;

            catch (Exception e)
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
            #if DEBUG
                response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                response.Message = "The field was not deleted. An internal error occurred!";
                return response;


            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            return response;
Beispiel #13
        public FieldResponse UpdateField(Guid entityId, InputField inputField)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();

            var entityResponse = ReadEntity(entityId);

            if (!entityResponse.Success)
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = entityResponse.Message;
                return response;
            else if (entityResponse.Object == null)
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
                return response;
            Entity entity = entityResponse.Object;

            return UpdateField(entity, inputField);
Beispiel #14
        public FieldResponse CreateField(Guid entityId, InputField inputField, bool transactional = true)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse
                Success = true,
                Message = "The field was successfully created!",

            Field field = null;

                var entityResponse = ReadEntity(entityId);

                if (!entityResponse.Success)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = entityResponse.Message;
                    return response;
                else if (entityResponse.Object == null)
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
                    return response;
                Entity entity = entityResponse.Object;

                if (inputField.Id == null || inputField.Id == Guid.Empty)
                    inputField.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                response.Errors = ValidateField(entity, inputField, false);

                field = inputField.MapTo<Field>();

                if (response.Errors.Count > 0)
                    response.Object = field;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Message = "The field was not created. Validation error occurred!";
                    return response;


                DbEntity editedEntity = entity.MapTo<DbEntity>();

                using (DbConnection con = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())

                        bool result = DbContext.Current.EntityRepository.Update(editedEntity);
                        if (!result)
                            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            response.Success = false;
                            response.Message = "The field was not created! An internal error occurred!";
                            return response;

                        DbContext.Current.RecordRepository.CreateRecordField(entity.Name, field);


            catch (Exception e)

                response.Success = false;
                response.Object = field;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            #if DEBUG
                response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace;
                response.Message = "The field was not created. An internal error occurred!";
                return response;


            response.Object = field;
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

            return response;
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UpdateFieldOnlineResponse"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The response model.</param>
 /// <param name="document">The document after modification.</param>
 public UpdateFieldOnlineResponse(FieldResponse model, System.IO.Stream document)
     this.Model    = model;
     this.Document = document;
Beispiel #16
        public IActionResult CreateField(string Id, [FromBody]JObject submitObj)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();

            Guid entityId;
            if (!Guid.TryParse(Id, out entityId))
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", Id, "id parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                return DoResponse(response);

            InputField field = new InputGuidField();
                field = InputField.ConvertField(submitObj);
            catch (Exception e)
                return DoBadRequestResponse(response, "Input object is not in valid format! It cannot be converted.", e);

            return DoResponse(entMan.CreateField(entityId, field));
Beispiel #17
        public IActionResult UpdateEntityRelation(string RelationIdString, [FromBody]JObject submitObj)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();

            Guid relationId;
            if (!Guid.TryParse(RelationIdString, out relationId))
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", RelationIdString, "id parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                return DoResponse(response);

                var relation = submitObj.ToObject<EntityRelation>();
                return DoResponse(new EntityRelationManager().Update(relation));
            catch (Exception e)
                return DoBadRequestResponse(new EntityRelationResponse(), null, e);
Beispiel #18
        public FieldResponse CreateField(Guid entityId, FieldType type, Expando data, string name, string label, Guid? id = null,
                    string placeholderText = "", string helpText = "", string description = "",
                    bool system = false, bool required = false, bool unique = false, bool searchable = false, bool auditable = false)
            Field field = null;

            if (data == null)
                data = new Expando();

            switch (type)
                case FieldType.AutoNumberField:
                    field = new AutoNumberField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((AutoNumberField)field).DefaultValue = (decimal?)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "startingNumber") && data["startingNumber"] != null)
                        ((AutoNumberField)field).StartingNumber = (decimal?)data["startingNumber"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "displayFormat") && data["displayFormat"] != null)
                        ((AutoNumberField)field).DisplayFormat = (string)data["displayFormat"];
                case FieldType.CheckboxField:
                    field = new CheckboxField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((CheckboxField)field).DefaultValue = (bool?)data["defaultValue"] ?? false;
                case FieldType.CurrencyField:
                    field = new CurrencyField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((CurrencyField)field).DefaultValue = (decimal?)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "minValue") && data["minValue"] != null)
                        ((CurrencyField)field).MinValue = (decimal?)data["minValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxValue") && data["maxValue"] != null)
                        ((CurrencyField)field).MaxValue = (decimal?)data["maxValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "currency") && data["currency"] != null)
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency = (CurrencyType)data["currency"];
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency = new CurrencyType();
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency.Code = "USD";
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency.DecimalDigits = 2;
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency.Name = "US dollar";
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency.NamePlural = "US dollars";
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency.Rounding = 0;
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency.Symbol = "$";
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency.SymbolNative = "$";
                        ((CurrencyField)field).Currency.SymbolPlacement = CurrencySymbolPlacement.Before;
                        ((CurrencyField)field).DefaultValue = 1;
                case FieldType.DateField:
                    field = new DateField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((DateField)field).DefaultValue = (DateTime?)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "format") && data["format"] != null)
                        ((DateField)field).Format = (string)data["format"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "useCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue") && data["useCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue"] != null)
                        ((DateField)field).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = (bool?)data["useCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue"];
                case FieldType.DateTimeField:
                    field = new DateTimeField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((DateTimeField)field).DefaultValue = (DateTime?)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "format") && data["format"] != null)
                        ((DateTimeField)field).Format = (string)data["format"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "useCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue") && data["useCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue"] != null)
                        ((DateTimeField)field).UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = (bool?)data["useCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue"];
                case FieldType.EmailField:
                    field = new EmailField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((EmailField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxLength") && data["maxLength"] != null)
                        ((EmailField)field).MaxLength = (int?)data["maxLength"];
                case FieldType.FileField:
                    field = new FileField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((FileField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                case FieldType.GuidField:
                    field = new GuidField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((GuidField)field).DefaultValue = (Guid?)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "generateNewId") && data["generateNewId"] != null)
                        ((GuidField)field).GenerateNewId = (bool?)data["generateNewId"];
                case FieldType.HtmlField:
                    field = new HtmlField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((HtmlField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                case FieldType.ImageField:
                    field = new ImageField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((ImageField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                case FieldType.MultiLineTextField:
                    field = new MultiLineTextField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((MultiLineTextField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxLength") && data["maxLength"] != null)
                        ((MultiLineTextField)field).MaxLength = (int?)data["maxLength"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "visibleLineNumber") && data["visibleLineNumber"] != null)
                        ((MultiLineTextField)field).VisibleLineNumber = (int?)data["visibleLineNumber"];
                case FieldType.MultiSelectField:
                    field = new MultiSelectField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((MultiSelectField)field).DefaultValue = (IEnumerable<string>)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "options") && data["options"] != null)
                        ((MultiSelectField)field).Options = (List<MultiSelectFieldOption>)data["options"];
                case FieldType.NumberField:
                    field = new NumberField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((NumberField)field).DefaultValue = (int?)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "minValue") && data["minValue"] != null)
                        ((NumberField)field).MinValue = (decimal?)data["minValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxValue") && data["maxValue"] != null)
                        ((NumberField)field).MaxValue = (decimal?)data["maxValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "decimalPlaces") && data["decimalPlaces"] != null)
                        ((NumberField)field).DecimalPlaces = (byte?)data["decimalPlaces"];
                case FieldType.PasswordField:
                    field = new PasswordField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxLength") && data["maxLength"] != null)
                        ((PasswordField)field).MaxLength = (int?)data["maxLength"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "minLength") && data["minLength"] != null)
                        ((PasswordField)field).MinLength = (int?)data["minLength"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "encrypted") && data["encrypted"] != null)
                        ((PasswordField)field).Encrypted = (bool?)data["encrypted"];
                case FieldType.PercentField:
                    field = new PercentField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((PercentField)field).DefaultValue = (decimal?)data["defaultValue"]; //0.01m;
                    if (HasKey(data, "minValue") && data["minValue"] != null)
                        ((PercentField)field).MinValue = (decimal?)data["minValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxValue") && data["maxValue"] != null)
                        ((PercentField)field).MaxValue = (decimal?)data["maxValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "decimalPlaces") && data["decimalPlaces"] != null)
                        ((PercentField)field).DecimalPlaces = (byte?)data["decimalPlaces"];
                case FieldType.PhoneField:
                    field = new PhoneField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((PhoneField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "format") && data["format"] != null)
                        ((PhoneField)field).Format = (string)data["format"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxLength") && data["maxLength"] != null)
                        ((PhoneField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["maxLength"];
                case FieldType.SelectField:
                    field = new SelectField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((SelectField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "options") && data["options"] != null)
                        ((SelectField)field).Options = (List<SelectFieldOption>)data["options"];
                case FieldType.TextField:
                    field = new TextField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((TextField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxLength") && data["maxLength"] != null)
                        ((TextField)field).MaxLength = (int?)data["maxLength"];
                case FieldType.UrlField:
                    field = new UrlField();
                    if (HasKey(data, "defaultValue") && data["defaultValue"] != null)
                        ((UrlField)field).DefaultValue = (string)data["defaultValue"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "maxLength") && data["maxLength"] != null)
                        ((UrlField)field).MaxLength = (int?)data["maxLength"];
                    if (HasKey(data, "openTargetInNewWindow") && data["openTargetInNewWindow"] != null)
                        ((UrlField)field).OpenTargetInNewWindow = (bool?)data["openTargetInNewWindow"];
                        FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();
                        response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        response.Success = false;
                        response.Message = "Not supported field type!";
                        response.Success = false;
                        return response;

            field.Id = id.HasValue && id.Value != Guid.Empty ? id.Value : Guid.NewGuid();
            field.Name = name;
            field.Label = label;
            field.PlaceholderText = placeholderText;
            field.Description = description;
            field.HelpText = helpText;
            field.Required = required;
            field.Unique = unique;
            field.Searchable = searchable;
            field.Auditable = auditable;
            field.System = system;

            return CreateField(entityId, field.MapTo<InputField>());
Beispiel #19
        public IActionResult DeleteField(string Id, string FieldId)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();

            Guid entityId;
            if (!Guid.TryParse(Id, out entityId))
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", Id, "id parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                return DoResponse(response);

            Guid fieldId;
            if (!Guid.TryParse(FieldId, out fieldId))
                response.Errors.Add(new ErrorModel("id", FieldId, "FieldId parameter is not valid Guid value"));
                return DoResponse(response);

            return DoResponse(entMan.DeleteField(entityId, fieldId));
Beispiel #20
        public FieldResponse UpdateField(Guid entityId, InputField inputField)
            FieldResponse response = new FieldResponse();

            IStorageEntity storageEntity = EntityRepository.Read(entityId);

            if (storageEntity == null)
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "Entity with such Id does not exist!";
                return response;

            Entity entity = storageEntity.MapTo<Entity>();

            return UpdateField(entity, inputField);