Beispiel #1
    private void AddEdge()
        // split the path into segments based on the split angle
        List <List <int>               > segments = new List <List <int>               >();
        List <Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection>  dirs     = new List <Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection>();
        List <int> order = new List <int>();

        segments = GetSegments(Path.GetVertsRaw(), out dirs);
        if (dirs.Count < segments.Count)
            dirs.Add(directionOverrides[directionOverrides.Count - 1]);
        for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count; i++)

            new Ferr_LambdaComparer <int>(
                (x, y) => {
            Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection dirx = dirs[x] == Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None ? Ferr2D_Path.GetDirection(Path.pathVerts, segments[x], 0, fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed) : dirs[x];
            Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection diry = dirs[y] == Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None ? Ferr2D_Path.GetDirection(Path.pathVerts, segments[y], 0, fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed) : dirs[y];

        // process the segments into meshes
        for (int i = 0; i < order.Count; i++)
            AddSegment(Ferr2D_Path.IndicesToPath(Path.pathVerts, segments[order[i]]), GetScalesFromIndices(segments[order[i]]), order.Count <= 1 && Path.closed, smoothPath, dirs[order[i]]);
Beispiel #2
    private void AddSegment(List <Vector2> aSegment, bool aClosed, Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection aDir = Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None)
        Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription desc = GetDescription(aSegment);

        if (aDir != Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None)
            desc = terrainMaterial.GetDescriptor(aDir);
        int   bodyID    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, desc.body.Length);
        Rect  body      = terrainMaterial.ToUV(desc.body[bodyID]);
        float bodyWidth = body.width * unitsPerUV.x;

        int tSeed = UnityEngine.Random.seed;

        Vector2 capLeftSlideDir  = (aSegment[1] - aSegment[0]);
        Vector2 capRightSlideDir = (aSegment[aSegment.Count - 2] - aSegment[aSegment.Count - 1]);

        aSegment[0] -= capLeftSlideDir * desc.capOffset;
        aSegment[aSegment.Count - 1] -= capRightSlideDir * desc.capOffset;

        for (int i = 0; i < aSegment.Count - 1; i++)
            Vector2 norm1   =;
            Vector2 norm2   =;
            float   length  = Vector2.Distance(aSegment[i + 1], aSegment[i]);
            int     repeats = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt(length / bodyWidth + stretchThreshold));

            norm1 = Ferr2D_Path.GetNormal(aSegment, i, aClosed);
            norm2 = Ferr2D_Path.GetNormal(aSegment, i + 1, aClosed);

            for (int t = 1; t < repeats + 1; t++)
                UnityEngine.Random.seed = (int)(transform.position.x * 100000 + transform.position.y * 10000 + i * 100 + t);
                body = terrainMaterial.ToUV(desc.body[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, desc.body.Length)]);
                Vector2 pos1, pos2, n1, n2;

                pos1 = Vector2.Lerp(aSegment[i], aSegment[i + 1], (float)(t - 1) / repeats);
                pos2 = Vector2.Lerp(aSegment[i], aSegment[i + 1], (float)t / repeats);
                n1   = Vector2.Lerp(norm1, norm2, (float)(t - 1) / repeats);
                n2   = Vector2.Lerp(norm1, norm2, (float)t / repeats);

                float d    = (body.height / 2) * unitsPerUV.y;
                float yOff = fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed ? -desc.yOffset : desc.yOffset;
                int   v1   = dMesh.AddVertex(pos1.x + n1.x * (d + yOff), pos1.y + n1.y * (d + yOff), desc.zOffset, body.x, fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed ? body.yMax : body.y);
                int   v2   = dMesh.AddVertex(pos1.x - n1.x * (d - yOff), pos1.y - n1.y * (d - yOff), desc.zOffset, body.x, fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed ? body.y    : body.yMax);
                int   v3   = dMesh.AddVertex(pos2.x + n2.x * (d + yOff), pos2.y + n2.y * (d + yOff), desc.zOffset, body.xMax, fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed ? body.yMax : body.y);
                int   v4   = dMesh.AddVertex(pos2.x - n2.x * (d - yOff), pos2.y - n2.y * (d - yOff), desc.zOffset, body.xMax, fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed ? body.y    : body.yMax);
                dMesh.AddFace(v1, v3, v4, v2);
        if (!aClosed)
            AddCap(aSegment, desc, -1);
            AddCap(aSegment, desc, 1);
        UnityEngine.Random.seed = tSeed;
    private void AddEdge()
        // split the path into segments based on the split angle
        List <List <int>               > segments = new List <List <int>               >();
        List <Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection>  dirs     = new List <Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection>();
        List <int> order = new List <int>();

        segments = GetSegments(Path.GetVertsRaw(), out dirs);
        if (dirs.Count < segments.Count)
            dirs.Add(directionOverrides[directionOverrides.Count - 1]);
        for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count; i++)

            new Ferr.LambdaComparer <int>(
                (x, y) => {
            Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection dirx = dirs[x] == Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None ? Ferr2D_Path.GetDirection(Path.pathVerts, segments[x], 0, fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed) : dirs[x];
            Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection diry = dirs[y] == Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None ? Ferr2D_Path.GetDirection(Path.pathVerts, segments[y], 0, fill == Ferr2DT_FillMode.InvertedClosed) : dirs[y];

        // process the segments into meshes
        for (int i = 0; i < order.Count; i++)
            List <int> currSeg = segments[order[i]];
            List <int> prevSeg = order[i] - 1 < 0 ?  segments[segments.Count - 1] : segments[order[i] - 1];
            List <int> nextSeg = segments[(order[i] + 1) % segments.Count];

            int curr = currSeg[0];
            int prev = prevSeg[prevSeg.Count - 2];
            int next = currSeg[1];

            Vector2 p1        = Path.pathVerts[prev] - Path.pathVerts[curr];
            Vector2 p2        = Path.pathVerts[next] - Path.pathVerts[curr];
            bool    leftInner = Mathf.Atan2(p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x, Vector2.Dot(p1, p2)) < 0;

            curr = currSeg[currSeg.Count - 1];
            prev = currSeg[currSeg.Count - 2];
            next = nextSeg[1];

            p1 = Path.pathVerts[prev] - Path.pathVerts[curr];
            p2 = Path.pathVerts[next] - Path.pathVerts[curr];
            bool rightInner = Mathf.Atan2(p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x, Vector2.Dot(p1, p2)) < 0;

            AddSegment(Ferr2D_Path.IndicesToPath(Path.pathVerts, segments[order[i]]), leftInner, rightInner, GetScalesFromIndices(segments[order[i]]), order.Count <= 1 && Path.closed, smoothPath, dirs[order[i]]);
    void ShowDirection(Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterial aMat, Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection aDir)
        Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription desc = aMat.GetDescriptor(aDir);

        desc.zOffset   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Z Offset", desc.zOffset);
        desc.yOffset   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Y Offset", desc.yOffset);
        desc.capOffset = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Cap Offset", desc.capOffset);

        simpleUVs = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Simple", simpleUVs);
        if (simpleUVs)
            Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.EditUVsSimple(aMat, desc);
            Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.EditUVsComplex(aMat, desc, width, ref currBody);
    public static void ShowSample(Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterial aMat, Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection aDir, float aWidth)
        if (aMat.edgeMaterial == null || aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture == null)

        Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription desc = aMat.GetDescriptor(aDir);
        float totalWidth   = desc.leftCap.width + desc.rightCap.width + (desc.body[0].width * 3);
        float sourceHeight = MaxHeight(desc);

        float scale = Mathf.Min(aWidth / totalWidth, 64 / sourceHeight);

        GUILayout.Space(sourceHeight * scale);
        float x = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().x;
        float y = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().y;

        if (desc.leftCap.width != 0)
            float yOff = ((sourceHeight - desc.leftCap.height) / 2) * scale;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x, y + yOff, desc.leftCap.width * scale, desc.leftCap.height * scale), aMat.edgeMaterial != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture : EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, aMat.ToUV(desc.leftCap));
            x += desc.leftCap.width * scale;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            int   id   = (2 - i) % desc.body.Length;
            float yOff = ((sourceHeight - desc.body[id].height) / 2) * scale;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x, y + yOff, desc.body[id].width * scale, desc.body[id].height * scale), aMat.edgeMaterial != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture : EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, aMat.ToUV(desc.body[id]));
            x += desc.body[id].width * scale;
        if (desc.leftCap.width != 0)
            float yOff = ((sourceHeight - desc.rightCap.height) / 2) * scale;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x, y + yOff, desc.rightCap.width * scale, desc.rightCap.height * scale), aMat.edgeMaterial != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture : EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, aMat.ToUV(desc.rightCap));
    public static void ShowPreviewDirection(Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterial aMat, Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection aDir, Rect aBounds, bool aSimpleUVs, bool aEditable)
        Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription desc = aMat.GetDescriptor(aDir);

        if (!aMat.Has(aDir))

        if (!aEditable)
            for (int i = 0; i < desc.body.Length; i++)
                Ferr.EditorTools.DrawRect(aMat.ToScreen(desc.body[i]), aBounds);
            Ferr.EditorTools.DrawRect(aMat.ToScreen(desc.leftCap), aBounds);
            Ferr.EditorTools.DrawRect(aMat.ToScreen(desc.rightCap), aBounds);
            Ferr.EditorTools.DrawRect(aMat.ToScreen(desc.innerLeftCap), aBounds);
            Ferr.EditorTools.DrawRect(aMat.ToScreen(desc.innerRightCap), aBounds);
        else if (aSimpleUVs)
            float   height    = MaxHeight(desc);
            float   capWidth  = Mathf.Max(desc.leftCap.width, desc.rightCap.width);
            float   bodyWidth = desc.body[0].width;
            int     bodyCount = desc.body.Length;
            float   texWidth  = aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture.width  : 1;
            float   texHeight = aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture.height : 1;
            Vector2 pos       = new Vector2(desc.leftCap.x, desc.leftCap.y);
            if (desc.leftCap.width == 0 && desc.leftCap.height == 0)
                pos = new Vector2(desc.body[0].x, desc.body[0].y);

            Rect bounds = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, capWidth * 2 + bodyWidth * bodyCount, height);
            bounds = aMat.ToNative(Ferr.EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels(bounds), aBounds));
            bounds = ClampRect(bounds, (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);

            Ferr.EditorTools.DrawVLine(new Vector2((pos.x + capWidth) * texWidth + aBounds.x, (pos.y * texHeight) + 2), height * texHeight);
            for (int i = 1; i <= desc.body.Length; i++)
                Ferr.EditorTools.DrawVLine(new Vector2((pos.x + capWidth + bodyWidth * i) * texWidth + aBounds.x, (pos.y * texHeight) + 2), height * texHeight);

            height    = bounds.height;
            bodyWidth = (bounds.width - capWidth * 2) / bodyCount;
            pos.x     = bounds.x;
            pos.y     = bounds.y;

            float currX = pos.x;
            desc.leftCap.x      = currX;
            desc.leftCap.y      = pos.y;
            desc.leftCap.width  = capWidth;
            desc.leftCap.height = capWidth == 0 ? 0 : height;
            currX += capWidth;

            for (int i = 0; i < desc.body.Length; i++)
                desc.body[i].x      = currX;
                desc.body[i].y      = pos.y;
                desc.body[i].width  = bodyWidth;
                desc.body[i].height = height;
                currX += bodyWidth;

            desc.rightCap.x      = currX;
            desc.rightCap.y      = pos.y;
            desc.rightCap.width  = capWidth;
            desc.rightCap.height = capWidth == 0 ? 0 : height;
            for (int i = 0; i < desc.body.Length; i++)
                desc.body[i] = ClampRect(aMat.ToNative(Ferr.EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels(desc.body[i]), aBounds)), (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);
            if (desc.leftCap.width != 0 && desc.leftCap.height != 0)
                desc.leftCap = ClampRect(aMat.ToNative(Ferr.EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels(desc.leftCap), aBounds)), (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);
            if (desc.rightCap.width != 0 && desc.rightCap.height != 0)
                desc.rightCap = ClampRect(aMat.ToNative(Ferr.EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels(desc.rightCap), aBounds)), (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);

            if (desc.innerLeftCap.width != 0 && desc.innerLeftCap.height != 0)
                desc.innerLeftCap = ClampRect(aMat.ToNative(Ferr.EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels(desc.innerLeftCap), aBounds)), (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);
            if (desc.innerRightCap.width != 0 && desc.innerRightCap.height != 0)
                desc.innerRightCap = ClampRect(aMat.ToNative(Ferr.EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels(desc.innerRightCap), aBounds)), (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);
    void OnGUI()
        if (material == null)

        // if this was an undo, repaint it
        if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand)
            switch (Event.current.commandName)
            case "UndoRedoPerformed":

        Undo.RecordObject(material, "Modified Terrain Material");

        if (Ferr.EditorTools.ResetHandles())
            GUI.changed = true;


        Ferr.EditorTools.Box(5, () => {
            if (currDir != Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None)
                Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.ShowSample(material, currDir, width - 10);
            Ferr.EditorTools.Box(2, () => {
                if (GUILayout.Button("Top"))
                    currDir = Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Top;
                if (currDir == Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Top)
                    if (prevDir != currDir)
                        simpleUVs = Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.IsSimple(material.GetDescriptor(currDir));

                    bool showTop = GUILayout.Toggle(material.Has(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Top), "Use Top");
                    material.Set(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Top, showTop);
                    if (showTop)
                        ShowDirection(material, currDir);
            }, width - 10, 0);
            Ferr.EditorTools.Box(2, () => {
                if (GUILayout.Button("Left"))
                    currDir = Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Left;
                if (currDir == Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Left)
                    if (prevDir != currDir)
                        simpleUVs = Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.IsSimple(material.GetDescriptor(currDir));

                    bool showLeft = GUILayout.Toggle(material.Has(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Left), "Use Left");
                    material.Set(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Left, showLeft);
                    if (showLeft)
                        ShowDirection(material, currDir);
            }, width - 10, 0);
            Ferr.EditorTools.Box(2, () => {
                if (GUILayout.Button("Right"))
                    currDir = Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Right;
                if (currDir == Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Right)
                    if (prevDir != currDir)
                        simpleUVs = Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.IsSimple(material.GetDescriptor(currDir));

                    bool showRight = GUILayout.Toggle(material.Has(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Right), "Use Right");
                    material.Set(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Right, showRight);
                    if (showRight)
                        ShowDirection(material, currDir);
            }, width - 10, 0);
            Ferr.EditorTools.Box(2, () => {
                if (GUILayout.Button("Bottom"))
                    currDir = Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Bottom;
                if (currDir == Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Bottom)
                    if (prevDir != currDir)
                        simpleUVs = Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.IsSimple(material.GetDescriptor(currDir));

                    bool showBottom = GUILayout.Toggle(material.Has(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Bottom), "Use Bottom");
                    material.Set(Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.Bottom, showBottom);
                    if (showBottom)
                        ShowDirection(material, currDir);
            }, width - 10, 0);
        }, 0, (int)this.position.height);

        scroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll);
        if (currDir != Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None)
            Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.ShowPreview(material, currDir, simpleUVs, true, width);

        if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag)

        if (GUI.changed)

            Ferr2DT_PathTerrain[] terrain = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Ferr2DT_PathTerrain)) as Ferr2DT_PathTerrain[];
            for (int i = 0; i < terrain.Length; i++)
                if (terrain[i].TerrainMaterial == material)

        prevDir = currDir;
    void ShowDirection(Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterial aMat, Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection aDir)
        Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription desc = aMat.GetDescriptor(aDir);

        desc.zOffset   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Z Offset",   desc.zOffset  );
        desc.yOffset   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Y Offset",   desc.yOffset  );
        desc.capOffset = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Cap Offset", desc.capOffset);

        simpleUVs = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Simple", simpleUVs);
        if (simpleUVs) {
            Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.EditUVsSimple(aMat, desc);
        } else {
            Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialUtility.EditUVsComplex(aMat, desc, width, ref currBody);
    public static void ShowSample(Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterial aMat, Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection aDir, float aWidth)
        if (aMat.edgeMaterial == null || aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture == null)  return;

        Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription desc = aMat.GetDescriptor(aDir);
        float totalWidth                = desc.leftCap.width + desc.rightCap.width + (desc.body[0].width * 3);
        float sourceHeight              = MaxHeight(desc);

        float scale = Mathf.Min(aWidth/totalWidth, 64 / sourceHeight);

        GUILayout.Space(sourceHeight* scale);
        float x = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().x;
        float y = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().y;
        if (desc.leftCap.width != 0) {
            float yOff = ((sourceHeight - desc.leftCap.height) / 2) * scale;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x,y+yOff,desc.leftCap.width * scale, desc.leftCap.height * scale), aMat.edgeMaterial != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture : EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, aMat.ToUV(desc.leftCap));
            x += desc.leftCap.width * scale;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            int id = (2-i) % desc.body.Length;
            float yOff = ((sourceHeight - desc.body[id].height) / 2) * scale;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x,y+yOff,desc.body[id].width * scale, desc.body[id].height * scale), aMat.edgeMaterial != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture : EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, aMat.ToUV(desc.body[id]));
            x += desc.body[id].width * scale;
        if (desc.leftCap.width != 0) {
            float yOff = ((sourceHeight - desc.rightCap.height) / 2) * scale;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x,y+yOff,desc.rightCap.width * scale, desc.rightCap.height * scale), aMat.edgeMaterial != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture : EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture, aMat.ToUV(desc.rightCap));
    public static void ShowPreviewDirection(Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterial aMat, Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection aDir, Rect aBounds, bool aSimpleUVs, bool aEditable)
        Ferr2DT_SegmentDescription desc = aMat.GetDescriptor(aDir);
        if (!aMat.Has(aDir)) return;

        if (!aEditable) {
            for (int i = 0; i < desc.body.Length; i++)
                Ferr_EditorTools.DrawRect(aMat.ToScreen( desc.body[i]  ), aBounds);
            Ferr_EditorTools.DrawRect(aMat.ToScreen( desc.leftCap  ), aBounds);
            Ferr_EditorTools.DrawRect(aMat.ToScreen( desc.rightCap ), aBounds);
        else if (aSimpleUVs) {
            float   height    = MaxHeight(desc);
            float   capWidth  = Mathf.Max(desc.leftCap.width, desc.rightCap.width);
            float   bodyWidth = desc.body[0].width;
            int     bodyCount = desc.body.Length;
            float   texWidth  = aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture.width  : 1;
            float   texHeight = aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture != null ? aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture.height : 1;
            Vector2 pos       = new Vector2(desc.leftCap.x, desc.leftCap.y);
            if (desc.leftCap.width == 0 && desc.leftCap.height == 0) pos = new Vector2(desc.body[0].x, desc.body[0].y);

            Rect bounds = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, capWidth*2+bodyWidth*bodyCount, height);
            bounds = aMat.ToNative(Ferr_EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels(bounds),  aBounds));
            bounds = ClampRect(bounds, (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);

            Ferr_EditorTools.DrawVLine(new Vector2((pos.x + capWidth)* texWidth + aBounds.x, (pos.y * texHeight)+2), height * texHeight);
            for (int i = 1; i <= desc.body.Length; i++) {
                Ferr_EditorTools.DrawVLine(new Vector2((pos.x + capWidth + bodyWidth*i) * texWidth + aBounds.x, (pos.y * texHeight)+2), height * texHeight);

            height    = bounds.height;
            bodyWidth = (bounds.width - capWidth * 2) / bodyCount;
            pos.x     = bounds.x;
            pos.y     = bounds.y;

            float currX = pos.x;
            desc.leftCap.x      = currX;
            desc.leftCap.y      = pos.y;
            desc.leftCap.width  = capWidth;
            desc.leftCap.height = capWidth == 0 ? 0 : height;
            currX += capWidth;

            for (int i = 0; i < desc.body.Length; i++)
                desc.body[i].x      = currX;
                desc.body[i].y      = pos.y;
                desc.body[i].width  = bodyWidth;
                desc.body[i].height = height;
                currX += bodyWidth;

            desc.rightCap.x      = currX;
            desc.rightCap.y      = pos.y;
            desc.rightCap.width  = capWidth;
            desc.rightCap.height = capWidth == 0 ? 0 : height;

        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < desc.body.Length; i++) {
                desc.body[i]  = ClampRect(aMat.ToNative(Ferr_EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels( desc.body[i] ), aBounds)),  (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);
            if (desc.leftCap.width != 0 && desc.leftCap.height != 0)
                desc.leftCap  = ClampRect(aMat.ToNative(Ferr_EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels( desc.leftCap ),  aBounds)), (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);
            if (desc.rightCap.width != 0 && desc.rightCap.height != 0)
                desc.rightCap = ClampRect(aMat.ToNative(Ferr_EditorTools.UVRegionRect(aMat.ToPixels( desc.rightCap ), aBounds)), (Texture2D)aMat.edgeMaterial.mainTexture);