public void Destroy(IPluginIO pin, FeralTic.DX11.DX11RenderContext context, bool force)
     for (int i = 0; i < this.FTextureOut.SliceCount; i++)
         if (this.FTextureOut[i] != null)
			public void WriteImage(DX11Resource<DX11Texture2D> resource, FeralTic.DX11.DX11RenderContext context, string filename, SlimDX.Direct3D11.ImageFileFormat format)
				var saver = GetAvailableSaver();
				saver.Save(resource[context], context, filename, format);
				public void Save(DX11Texture2D texture, FeralTic.DX11.DX11RenderContext context, string filename, SlimDX.Direct3D11.ImageFileFormat format)
					if (texture == null)
						throw (new Exception("No texture"));
					CurrentState = State.Saving;

					if (FBackSurface == null || FBackSurface.Description.Width != texture.Width || FBackSurface.Description.Height != texture.Height || context != FContext)
						if (FBackSurface != null)
						var description = new Texture2DDescription()
							Width = texture.Width,
							Height = texture.Height,
							Format = texture.Format,
							MipLevels = 1,
							Usage = ResourceUsage.Staging,
							BindFlags = BindFlags.None,
							CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.Read,
							SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
							ArraySize = 1
						FBackSurface = new Texture2D(context.Device, description);
						FContext = context;

					context.CurrentDeviceContext.CopyResource(texture.Resource, FBackSurface);
					FFilename = filename;
					FFormat = format;
					//FThread = new Thread(ThreadedFunction);
					//FThread.Name = "Recorder";
        public void Update(IPluginIO pin, FeralTic.DX11.DX11RenderContext context)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.FTextureOut.SliceCount; i++)
                if (!this.FTextureOut[i].Contains(context))
                    Bitmap bmp = ComputeQRCode(i);

                    DX11DynamicTexture2D tex = new DX11DynamicTexture2D(context, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm);

                    int pitch = tex.GetRowPitch();

                    var data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);

                    if (pitch != bmp.Width * 4)
                        tex.WriteDataPitch(data.Scan0, bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 4);
                        tex.WriteData(data.Scan0, bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 4);

                    this.FTextureOut[i][context] = tex;

		public void Update(IPluginIO pin, FeralTic.DX11.DX11RenderContext context)
			foreach (var instance in FInstances)
		public void Destroy(IPluginIO pin, FeralTic.DX11.DX11RenderContext context, bool force)
			foreach(var instance in FInstances)
		public void Process(DX11Resource<DX11Texture2D> input, FeralTic.DX11.DX11RenderContext context)
			DX11Texture2D t = input[context];
			var height = t.Height;
			var width = t.Width;
			var imageLink = Output;
			var imageAttributes = imageLink.ImageAttributes;
			var desiredImageFormat = ToOpenCVFormat(t.Format);

			if (desiredImageFormat == TColorFormat.UnInitialised)
				throw (new Exception("No suitible image type available for this texture type " + t.Format.ToString()));

			//check attributes and reinitialise the image and offscreen buffer if we haven't got the right description ready
			if (imageAttributes == null || FOffscreenBuffer == null || !imageAttributes.Initialised || FOffscreenBuffer.Description.Format != t.Description.Format || imageAttributes.Width != t.Width || imageAttributes.Height != t.Height || imageAttributes.ColorFormat != desiredImageFormat)
				if (FOffscreenBuffer != null)

				var description = new Texture2DDescription()
					Width = width,
					Height = height,
					Format = t.Format,
					MipLevels = 1,
					Usage = ResourceUsage.Staging,
					BindFlags = BindFlags.None,
					CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.Read,
					SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
					ArraySize = 1
				FOffscreenBuffer = new Texture2D(context.Device, description);

				imageLink.Initialise(new CVImageAttributes(desiredImageFormat, t.Width, t.Height));

			//copy the texture to offscreen buffer
			context.CurrentDeviceContext.CopyResource(t.Resource, FOffscreenBuffer);

			//copy the data out of the offscreen buffer
			var surface = FOffscreenBuffer.AsSurface();
			var bytesPerRow = imageAttributes.Stride;

			var data = MapForRead(context.CurrentDeviceContext);
			lock (imageLink.BackLock)
				var image = imageLink.BackImage;
					var source = data.Data.DataPointer;


					var destination = image.Data;

					for (int row = 0; row < t.Height; row++)
						CopyMemory(destination, source, bytesPerRow);

						source += data.RowPitch;
						destination += bytesPerRow;
