protected bool ChangeFemininity(Creature target, StringBuilder sb)
            FemininityData oldFem = target.femininity.AsReadOnlyData();

            if (target.femininity.ChangeFemininityToward(70, 2) != 0)
                sb.Append(FemininityChangedText(target, oldFem));
Beispiel #2
 private string Masculinize(Creature consumer, bool firstTime, FemininityData oldFem)
     if (firstTime)
         return("Lastly, the change hits your face. You can feel your jawbones shifting and sliding around, your skin changing to accommodate your face's new shape. " +
                "Once it's finished, you feel your impeccable square jaw and give a wide, easy-going grin. You look awesome!" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph());
         return("The changes finally return to your face, ensuring your face matches your fully masculine body. After finding something to reflective, you note your" +
                "square jawline and manly cheekbones. You snap your fingers and point toward your reflection. " + SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Still got it!",
                                                                                                                                                      StringFormats.ITALIC) + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph());
        public string FemininityChangedText(FemininityData oldFemininity)
            var strength = value - oldFemininity.value;

            if (strength == 0)
            //See if a change happened!
            if (ThresholdChanged(oldFemininity))
                //Gain fem?
                if (strength > 0)
                    return(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>Your facial features soften as your body becomes more feminine. (+" + strength + ")</b>");
                    strength *= -1;
                    return(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>Your facial features harden as your body becomes more masculine. (+" + strength + ")</b>");
            //Barely noticable change!
                if (strength > 0)
                    return(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "Your face tingles slightly as it changes imperceptibly towards being more feminine. (+" + strength + ")");
                    strength *= -1;
                    return(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "Your face tingles slightly as it changes imperceptibly towards being more masculine. (+" + strength + ")");
Beispiel #4
 protected virtual string AdjustFemininity(Creature target, FemininityData oldData)
Beispiel #5
 protected override string FemininityChangedText(Creature target, FemininityData oldFem)
     return("You run your " + target.hands.ShortDescription() + " across the fabric of your Gown, then against your face as it feels like"
            + " there is something you need to wipe off. " + target.femininity.FemininityChangedText(oldFem));
Beispiel #6
        //MOD NOTE: this has been changed to work like bimbo liqueur - it will remove all vaginas and restore breasts to manly defaults if
        //the futa perk is not active.
        protected override string OnConsumeAttempt(Creature consumer, out bool consumeItem, out bool isBadEnd)
            isBadEnd = false;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //get our common bimbo/bro/futa perk store. Note that it may be null (if we don't have it).
            BimBro bimbro = consumer.GetPerkData <BimBro>();

            //intro text.

            //first check: we don't have any bro/futa/bimbo perks, because it's not in our perk list. do the standard faire.
            sb.Append(Intro(consumer, bimbro));

            if (bimbro?.hasBroEffect == true)
                (consumer as CombatCreature)?.RecoverFatigue(33);
                (consumer as CombatCreature)?.AddHPPercent(1);

            VaginaCollectionData oldVaginaCollection = consumer.genitals.allVaginas.AsReadOnlyData();

            //get taller. only occurs if the player does not already have the bro perk in any form.
            if ((bimbro is null || !bimbro.broBody) && < 77)
                short delta =;

                sb.Append(GrewTaller(consumer, delta));

            //(T**s b' gone)
            //Does not affect creature if they already have bimbo or futa perks.
            if (bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody)
                //Note: minimum cup size respects current gender. we'll need to make the creature male (or genderless) first.

                if (consumer.genitals.BiggestCupSize() >= consumer.genitals.smallestPossibleMaleCupSize)
                    BreastCollectionData oldRows = consumer.genitals.allBreasts.AsReadOnlyData();
                    consumer.RemovePerk <Feeder>();
                    bool stoppedLactation = consumer.genitals.SetLactationTo(LactationStatus.NOT_LACTATING);

                    sb.Append(ChangedBreastsText(consumer, bimbro, oldRows, stoppedLactation));

            //Body tone Flavor text. No effect on stats (yet)
            sb.Append(BecomeRippedFlavorText(consumer, bimbro));

            //Dick&balls growth. Affects all.

            //(has dick less than 10 inches)
            if (consumer.hasCock)
                bool grewBalls      = !consumer.hasBalls;
                bool lengthenedCock = false;

                if (consumer.cocks[0].length < 10)
                    lengthenedCock = true;
                    if (consumer.cocks[0].girth < 2.75)

                if (!consumer.hasBalls)
                    consumer.balls.GrowBalls(2, 3);

                sb.Append(LengthenedCock(consumer, bimbro, lengthenedCock, grewBalls));
            //(No dick)
                consumer.AddCock(CockType.defaultValue, 12, 2.75);
                bool grewBalls = false;
                if (!consumer.balls.hasBalls)
                    grewBalls = true;
                    consumer.balls.GrowBalls(2, 3);
                sb.Append(GrewCock(consumer, bimbro, grewBalls));

            //(Pussy b gone)
            //Note: only applies if consumer does not have bimbo or futa perks. also note that we already silently removed them so the breasts would resize correctly.
            //so all this does is print out the data.
            if ((bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody) && oldVaginaCollection.hasVagina)
                sb.Append(RemovedAllVaginas(consumer, oldVaginaCollection));

            //(below max masculinity)
            if ((bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody) && consumer.femininity > 0)
                FemininityData oldFem = consumer.femininity.AsReadOnlyData();
                sb.Append(consumer.ModifyFemininity(0, 100));
                sb.Append(Masculinize(consumer, bimbro is null, oldFem));

            //max tone. Thickness + 50
            //both are silent.
  , 100);
  , 50);

            if (consumer.intelligence > 21)
                consumer.SetIntelligence((byte)Math.Floor(Math.Max(consumer.intelligenceTrue / 5.0, 21)));
            consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(str: 33, tou: 33, inte: -1, lib: 4, lus: 40);

            sb.Append(Outro(consumer, bimbro, consumer.perks.HasPerk <Feeder>()));

            //apply the perks. this will also correct any silent data we missed.
            if (bimbro is null)
                consumer.AddPerk(new BimBro(Gender.MALE));

            ////Bonus cum production!
            //sb.Append("<b>(Bro Body - Perk Gained!)" + Environment.NewLine);
            //sb.Append("(Bro Brains - Perk Gained!)</b>" + Environment.NewLine);//int to 20. max int 50)
            //if (consumer.HasPerk<Feeder>())
            //	sb.Append("<b>(Perk Lost - Feeder!)</b>" + Environment.NewLine);
            //	consumer.RemovePerk<Feeder>();

            consumeItem = true;
 protected abstract string FemininityChangedText(Creature target, FemininityData oldFem);