public void CheckIfActive_NotActive()
            var toggler = new FeatureToggle();
            var feature = toggler.For("Feature1");

            Assert.That(feature.IsActive, Is.False);
Beispiel #2
    // This runs once for every property in our shader.
    private void ShaderPropertyImpl(Shader shader, int propertyIndex, FeatureToggle currentToggle)
        string propertyDescription = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyDescription(shader, propertyIndex);

        // If current toggle is null, we only want to show properties that aren't already "owned" by a toggle,
        // so if it is owned by another toggle, then return.
        if (currentToggle == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < Toggles.Count; i++)
                if (!Toggles[i].SecondaryToggle && Regex.IsMatch(propertyDescription, Toggles[i].InspectorPropertyHideTag, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
        // Only draw if we the current property is owned by the current toggle.
        else if (!Regex.IsMatch(propertyDescription, currentToggle.InspectorPropertyHideTag, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))

        // And don't draw if it's owned by a secondary toggle
        for (int i = 0; i < Toggles.Count; i++)
            if (Toggles[i].SecondaryToggle && !Toggles[i].Enabled && Regex.IsMatch(propertyDescription, Toggles[i].InspectorPropertyHideTag, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
        // If we've gotten to this point, draw the shader property regulairly.
        ShaderProperty(shader, propertyIndex);
        public void SaveFeatureToggle(FeatureToggle serializedFeatureToggle)
            var jsonContent = Serializer.Serialize(serializedFeatureToggle);
            var filePath    = GetFilePath(serializedFeatureToggle.FeatureName);

            File.WriteAllText(filePath, jsonContent);
 public FillFileHistory(ISessionAdapter sessionAdapter, IRepository api, ReviewRevision currentRevision, FeatureToggle features)
     _sessionAdapter  = sessionAdapter;
     _api             = api;
     _currentRevision = currentRevision;
     _features        = features;
        public void ShouldReturnVariant2()
            // Arrange
            var v1 = new VariantDefinition("a", 33, new Payload("string", "asd"), new Collection <VariantOverride>());
            var v2 = new VariantDefinition("b", 33);
            var v3 = new VariantDefinition("c", 34);

            var toggle = new FeatureToggle(
                new List <ActivationStrategy> {
                new List <VariantDefinition> {
                v1, v2, v3

            var context = new UnleashContext
                UserId        = "163",
                SessionId     = "sessionId",
                RemoteAddress = "remoteAddress",
                Properties    = new Dictionary <string, string>()

            // Act
            var variant = VariantUtils.SelectVariant(toggle, context, Variant.DISABLED_VARIANT);

            // Assert
Beispiel #6
        public void TestToggleParsedOutOfRangeExceptionIsReturnedWhenParsingAnItemThatIsToggledAsdf()
            var configParser = new ToggleParser();
            IFeatureToggle <bool> featureToggle = new FeatureToggle <bool>();

            Assert.Throws <ToggleParsedOutOfRangeException>(() => featureToggle.GetToggleState(configParser, "asdf"));
        public void Serialize()
            // Assign
            var serializer = new JsonFeatureToggleSerializer();
            var condition  = Allow.Simple()
                             .Or(Allow.FromDateTime(new DateTime(2019, 05, 16, 15, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc))
                                 .And(Allow.UntilDateTime(new DateTime(2019, 05, 17, 15, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)))
                                 .And(Allow.DaysOfWeek(DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Tuesday, DayOfWeek.Thursday, DayOfWeek.Friday, DayOfWeek.Saturday, DayOfWeek.Sunday))
                                 .And(Allow.FromTimeOfDay(new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0)))
                                 .And(Allow.UntilTimeOfDay(new TimeSpan(16, 0, 0)))
            var featureToggle = new FeatureToggle();

            featureToggle.FeatureName = "MyFeature";
            featureToggle.Condition   = condition;

            // Act
            var serialized = serializer.Serialize(featureToggle);

            // Assert
            // Assert correctly. Don't read the expected from the static variable but from a static file
Beispiel #8
 private void FlipOnInput(FeatureToggle feature)
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(feature.key))
         feature.enabled = !feature.enabled;
    // This runs once for every property in our shader.
    private void ShaderPropertyImpl(Shader shader, int propertyIndex, FeatureToggle currentToggle)
        string propertyDescription = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyDescription(shader, propertyIndex);

        // If current toggle is null, we only want to show properties that aren't already "owned" by a toggle,
        // so if it is owned by another toggle, then return.
        if (currentToggle == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < Toggles.Count; i++)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(propertyDescription, Toggles[i].InspectorPropertyHideTag, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
        // Only draw if we the current property is owned by the current toggle.
        else if (!Regex.IsMatch(propertyDescription, currentToggle.InspectorPropertyHideTag, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
        // If we've gotten to this point, draw the shader property regulairly.
        Object[] temptarget = new Object[1];
        temptarget[0] = target;
        MaterialProperty prop = GetMaterialProperty(temptarget, propertyIndex);

        ShaderProperty(prop, propertyDescription);
Beispiel #10
        public void AddEnvironment_FeatureToggleStatus_IsCreated_ForEveryFeatureToggle()
            var app = new Application {
                Id = 1, AppName = "TestApp"
            var newEnvironment = new AddEnvironmentModel {
                ApplicationId = 1, EnvName = "DEV"
            var featureOne = new FeatureToggle {
                Application = app, Id = 1, ApplicationId = app.Id, ToggleName = "TestToggle"
            var featureTwo = new FeatureToggle {
                Application = app, Id = 2, ApplicationId = app.Id, ToggleName = "OtherTestToggle"

            _context.FeatureToggles.AddRange(featureOne, featureTwo);
            var controller = new FeatureTogglesController(_context);

            var result = controller.AddEnvironment(newEnvironment);

            result.Should().BeOfType <OkResult>();
Beispiel #11
        public void GetToggles_ReturnsAList_WithAllTheToggles_ForTheGivenApplication()
            var app = new Application {
                AppName = "BCC", Id = 1
            var date = DateTime.Now;
            var firstFeatureToggle = new FeatureToggle {
                Application = app, ApplicationId = app.Id, UserAccepted = true,
                ToggleName  = "TestToggle", CreatedDate = date, Notes = "TestNote", IsPermanent = true

            var secondFeatureToggle = new FeatureToggle {
                Application = app, ApplicationId = app.Id, UserAccepted = false,
                ToggleName  = "TestToggle", CreatedDate = date, Notes = "TestNote"

            _context.FeatureToggles.AddRange(firstFeatureToggle, secondFeatureToggle);

            var controller = new FeatureTogglesController(_context);

            var result = controller.GetToggles(app.Id) as OkObjectResult;
            var list   = result.Value as IEnumerable <FeatureToggleViewModel>;

        public static Variant SelectVariant(FeatureToggle featureToggle, UnleashContext context, Variant defaultVariant)
            var variantDefinitions = featureToggle.Variants;
            var totalWeight        = variantDefinitions.Sum(v => v.Weight);

            if (totalWeight == 0)

            var variantOverride = GetOverride(variantDefinitions, context);

            if (variantOverride != null)

            var target = StrategyUtils.GetNormalizedNumber(GetIdentifier(context), featureToggle.Name, totalWeight);

            var counter = 0;

            foreach (var variantDefinition in variantDefinitions)
                if (variantDefinition.Weight != 0)
                    counter += variantDefinition.Weight;
                    if (counter >= target)

Beispiel #13
        public void Updates_CanBeMade_ToExistingFeatureToggle()
            var app = new Application {
                Id = 1, AppName = "TestApp"
            var existingValue = new FeatureToggle {
                Id = 1, Application = app, ApplicationId = app.Id, ToggleName = "TestToggle", FeatureToggleStatuses = new List <FeatureToggleStatus>(), Notes = "FirstNote", IsPermanent = false
            var updatedValue = new FeatureToggleUpdateModel {
                Id = 1, FeatureToggleName = "UpdatedFeatureToggleName", Notes = "Update", UserAccepted = true, Statuses = new List <FeatureToggleStatusUpdateModel>(), IsPermanent = true

            var controller = new FeatureTogglesController(_context);

            var result = controller.Update(updatedValue) as OkObjectResult;

Beispiel #14
        public static string DisplayName(this FeatureToggle featureToggle)
            var field     = featureToggle.GetType().GetField(featureToggle.ToString());
            var attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(FeatureDisplayNameAttribute)) as FeatureDisplayNameAttribute;

            return(attribute == null?featureToggle.ToString() : attribute.Value);
Beispiel #15
        public void TestToggleDoesNotExistExceptionIsReturnedWhenParsingAnItemThatDoesNotExist()
            var configParser = new ToggleParser();
            IFeatureToggle <bool> featureToggle = new FeatureToggle <bool>();

            Assert.Throws <ToggleDoesNotExistException>(() => featureToggle.GetToggleState(configParser, "wewewewewewewewe"));
Beispiel #16
        public void TestUnSuccessfullParseReturnsToggleStatusInactive()
            IToggleParser testParser     = new ToggleParserTestDouble();
            var           toggle         = new FeatureToggle <bool>();
            var           toggleResponse = toggle.GetToggleState(testParser, "anythingElse");

            Assert.AreEqual(ToggleStatus.Inactive, toggleResponse);
Beispiel #17
        public void TestActionFakeMethodThatReturnsTrueWillReturnFalseIfConfigItemIsToggledToFalse()
            IFeatureToggle <bool> featureToggler = new FeatureToggle <bool>();

            var result = featureToggler.ExecuteMethodIfToggleOn(FakeMethodThatReturnsTrue, "FakeFalse");

        public void FeatureIsTurnedOffWhenResourceReturnedIsNull()
            var restClient = new Mock <IRestClient>();

            var featureToggle = new FeatureToggle(restClient.Object);

            Assert.That(featureToggle.IsEnabled(Features.BaseValueSegment), Is.False);
Beispiel #19
        public void TestSuccessfullParseReturnsToggleStatusActive()
            IToggleParser testParser     = new ToggleParserTestDouble();
            var           toggle         = new FeatureToggle <bool>();
            var           toggleResponse = toggle.GetToggleState(testParser, "positive");

            Assert.AreEqual(ToggleStatus.Active, toggleResponse);
Beispiel #20
        public void RunActionIfOffShouldNotRunActionWhenOn()
            var featureToggle = new FeatureToggle(true);

            bool actionWasRun = false;

            featureToggle.RunActionIfOff(() => { actionWasRun = true; });
        public void Map_Inactive()
            var toggler = new FeatureToggle();
            var feature = toggler.For("Feature1");

            int i = feature.Map(active: () => 1, inactive: () => 2);

            Assert.That(i, Is.EqualTo(2));
Beispiel #22
        public ActionResult RepManual()
            if (FeatureToggle.IsAlbania())

Beispiel #23
        public void TestToggleStatusInactiveIsReturnedWhenParsingAnItemThatIsToggledOff()
            IToggleParser         configParser  = new ToggleParser();
            IFeatureToggle <bool> featureToggle = new FeatureToggle <bool>();

            var toggleStatus = featureToggle.GetToggleState(configParser, "NotFinished");

            Assert.AreEqual(ToggleStatus.Inactive, toggleStatus);
Beispiel #24
        public void TestToggleStatusActiveIsReturnedWhenParsingAnItemThatIsToggledOn()
            IToggleParser         configParser  = new ToggleParser();
            IFeatureToggle <bool> featureToggle = new FeatureToggle <bool>();

            var toggleStatus = featureToggle.GetToggleState(configParser, "ButtonToggle");

            Assert.AreEqual(ToggleStatus.Active, toggleStatus);
 public string Serialize(FeatureToggle serializedFeatureToggle)
     return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(serializedFeatureToggle, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings()
         NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
         DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc,
         TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All
Beispiel #26
        public void TestSuccessfullFuncTestDataTypeCallWhenToggleStatusActive()
            IToggleParser       testParser = new ToggleParserTestDouble();
            var                 toggle     = new FeatureToggle <TestDataType>();
            Func <TestDataType> theAction  = AlwaysReturnNewTestDataType;

            var toggleResponse = toggle.ExecuteMethodIfToggleOn(theAction, testParser, "positive");

            Assert.AreEqual(new TestDataType().HappynessIs, toggleResponse.HappynessIs);
Beispiel #27
        public void TestUnSuccessfullFuncTestDataTypeCallWhenToggleStatusInactive()
            IToggleParser       testParser = new ToggleParserTestDouble();
            var                 toggle     = new FeatureToggle <TestDataType>();
            Func <TestDataType> theAction  = AlwaysReturnNewTestDataType;

            var toggleResponse = toggle.ExecuteMethodIfToggleOn(theAction, testParser, "anythingElse");

        public void Do_Inactive()
            var toggler = new FeatureToggle();
            var feature = toggler.For("Feature1");
            int i       = 0;

            feature.Do(active: () => i = 1, inactive: () => i = 2);

            Assert.That(i, Is.EqualTo(2));
Beispiel #29
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string userName = this.featureCTextBox.Text;

            this.featureCLabel.Text = FeatureToggle.IsEnabled("featureC", userName) ? "On" : "Off";

            this.featureD.Visible = FeatureToggle.IsEnabled("featureD");
Beispiel #30
        public FeatureToggle AddNewFeatureToggle(string key, string description)
            Guard.IsFalse(FeatureToggles.Any(x => x.Key == key), "Duplicated key for this application");

            var featureToggle = FeatureToggle.New(key, description, this);


        public void Should_delete_a_feature_and_audit()
            var featureToDelete = new FeatureToggle("MyFeatureToDelete");

            var repository = new SqlServerRepository(_dbConnection);


            _dbConnection.Received(1).Execute("delete FeatureToggle where Id = @Id", Arg.Any<object>());
            _dbConnection.Received(1).Execute("insert into FeatureToggleAudit (Id, Status, Enable, ModificationDate) values (@Id, @Status, @Enable, @ModificationDate)", Arg.Any<object>());
        public void Should_create_a_feature_and_audit()
            var featureToCreate = new FeatureToggle("MyFeatureToDelete")
                Type = "Test",
                Enable = true

            var repository = new SqlServerRepository(_dbConnection);


            _dbConnection.Received(1).Execute("insert into FeatureToggle (Id, Name, Type, Enable, Description) values (@Id, @Name, @Type, @Enable, @Description)", Arg.Any<object>());
            _dbConnection.Received(1).Execute("insert into FeatureToggleAudit (Id, Status, Enable, ModificationDate) values (@Id, @Status, @Enable, @ModificationDate)", Arg.Any<object>());
 public void is_instance_of_IFeatureToggle()
     var sut = new FeatureToggle();
 public void id_returns_name_of_class()
     var sut = new FeatureToggle();
     Assert.AreEqual("FeatureToggle", sut.Id);
	// This runs once for every property in our shader.
	private void ShaderPropertyImpl(Shader shader, int propertyIndex, FeatureToggle currentToggle)
		string propertyDescription = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyDescription(shader, propertyIndex);
		// If current toggle is null, we only want to show properties that aren't already "owned" by a toggle,
		// so if it is owned by another toggle, then return.
		if (currentToggle == null)
			for (int i = 0; i < Toggles.Count; i++)
				if (Regex.IsMatch(propertyDescription, Toggles[i].InspectorPropertyHideTag , RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
		// Only draw if we the current property is owned by the current toggle. 
		else if (!Regex.IsMatch(propertyDescription, currentToggle.InspectorPropertyHideTag , RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
		// If we've gotten to this point, draw the shader property regulairly.
		Object[] temptarget = new Object[1];
		temptarget[0] = target;
		MaterialProperty prop = GetMaterialProperty(temptarget, propertyIndex);
