private async void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create a MapPoint the map should zoom to
            MapPoint mapPoint = new MapPoint(
                -13630484, 4545415, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

            // Set the initial viewpoint for map
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(mapPoint, 90000);

            // Provide used Map to the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Create the uri for the feature service
            Uri featureServiceUri = new Uri(

            // Initialize feature table using a url to feature server url
            ServiceFeatureTable featureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(featureServiceUri);

            // Initialize a new feature layer based on the feature table
            _featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureTable);

            //Add the feature layer to the map

            // TODO:
            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS || Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Other)
                await _featureLayer.RetryLoadAsync();
        public FeatureLayerHelper(Map map, string name, FeatureLayer.QueryMode mode, bool visible)
            this.FeatureLayer = (FeatureLayer)map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(layer => (layer is FeatureLayer) && ((FeatureLayer)layer).DisplayName.ToLower().Equals(name.ToLower()));
              if (this.FeatureLayer == null)
            Log.Trace("Could not find layer with name '" + name + "'");

              this.FeatureLayer.Visible  = visible;
              this.FeatureLayer.Mode     = mode;
              this.FeatureLayer.AutoSave = false;

              this.Fields = QueryLayerFields(this.FeatureLayer);
              if (this.Fields == null)
            Log.Trace("Could not query layer fields '" + name + "'");

              this.FeatureLayer.Initialized += FeatureLayer_Initialized;

              this.FeatureLayer.BeginSaveEdits += FeatureLayer_BeginSaveEdits;
              this.FeatureLayer.EndSaveEdits += FeatureLayer_EndSaveEdits;
              this.FeatureLayer.UpdateCompleted += FeatureLayer_UpdateCompleted;
              this.FeatureLayer.UpdateFailed += FeatureLayer_UpdateFailed;
              this.FeatureLayer.SaveEditsFailed += FeatureLayer_SaveEditsFailed;
        public EditingCodedValueDomains()

            editor = LayoutRoot.Resources["MyEditor"] as Editor;
            featureLayer = MyMap.Layers["RecreationFacilities"] as FeatureLayer;
        /// <summary>
        /// マップビュー初期化時のイベント ハンドラ
        /// </summary>
        private async void mapView_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //ローカル ジオデータベース(Runtime コンテンツ)を読み込みマップに追加
                var gdb = await Geodatabase.OpenAsync(GDB_PATH);
                foreach (var table in gdb.FeatureTables)
                    var flayer = new FeatureLayer()
                        ID = table.Name,
                        DisplayName = table.Name,
                        FeatureTable = table

                    //フィーチャ レイヤーのラベル プロパティを初期化し赤ラベルと青ラベルを設定
                    flayer.Labeling = new LabelProperties();
                    var redLabelClass = this.layoutRoot.Resources["redLabel"] as AttributeLabelClass;
                    var blueLabelClass = this.layoutRoot.Resources["blueLabel"] as AttributeLabelClass;

                    //マップにフィーチャ レイヤーを追加

                await mapView.LayersLoadedAsync();
            catch(Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("フィーチャ レイヤーの作成に失敗しました: {0}", ex.Message));
Beispiel #5
        protected override void OnClick()
            //  TODO: Sample code showing how to access button host
            ArcMap.Application.CurrentTool = null;

            //Create the workspace and then create the feature class.
            Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory");
            IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType) as IWorkspaceFactory;
            IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), @"Data\testData.gdb").ToString(), 0);
            IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = workspace as IFeatureWorkspace;

            IFeatureClass createdFeatureClass = CreateFeatureClass("Reddies", featureWorkspace);

            //Generate data for the feature class
            BoboDataGeneration(createdFeatureClass, featureWorkspace);

            //Create the layer and add it to the display
            IFeatureLayer layer = new FeatureLayer();
            layer.FeatureClass = createdFeatureClass;
            layer.Name = createdFeatureClass.AliasName;
            layer.DisplayField = "HistoField";


            //Add the layer to the map
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create and set initial map location
            MapPoint initialLocation = new MapPoint(
                -13630484, 4545415, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(initialLocation, 500000);

            // Create uri to the used feature service
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Create feature table for the incident feature service
            _incidentsFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(serviceUri);

            // Define the request mode
            _incidentsFeatureTable.FeatureRequestMode = FeatureRequestMode.ManualCache;

            // When feature table is loaded, populate data
            _incidentsFeatureTable.LoadStatusChanged += OnLoadedPopulateData;

            // Create FeatureLayer that uses the created table
            FeatureLayer incidentsFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(_incidentsFeatureTable);

            // Add created layer to the map

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create a mappoint the map should zoom to
            MapPoint mapPoint = new MapPoint(-13630484, 4545415, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

            // Set the initial viewpoint for map
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(mapPoint, 90000);

            // Provide used Map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Create the uri for the feature service
            Uri featureServiceUri = new Uri("");

            // Initialize feature table using a url to feature server url
            ServiceFeatureTable featureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(featureServiceUri);

            // Initialize a new feature layer based on the feature table
            _featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureTable);

            //Add the feature layer to the map
        private async void CreateFeatureLayers()
                var gdb = await Geodatabase.OpenAsync(GDB_PATH);

				Envelope extent = null;
                foreach (var table in gdb.FeatureTables)
                    var flayer = new FeatureLayer()
                        ID = table.Name,
                        DisplayName = table.Name,
                        FeatureTable = table

					if (!Geometry.IsNullOrEmpty(table.ServiceInfo.Extent))
						if (Geometry.IsNullOrEmpty(extent))
							extent = table.ServiceInfo.Extent;
							extent = extent.Union(table.ServiceInfo.Extent);


				await MyMapView.SetViewAsync(extent.Expand(1.10));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error creating feature layer: " + ex.Message, "Samples");
Beispiel #9
        private async void AddLocalToMap(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            try {

                _gdb = await Geodatabase.OpenAsync(GDB_PATH);

                foreach (var table in _gdb.FeatureTables)
                    try {
                        var flayer = new FeatureLayer {
                            ID = table.Name,
                            DisplayName = table.Name,
                            FeatureTable = table

                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        Console.WriteLine("Error creating feature layer: " + ex.Message, "Samples");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error creating feature layer: " + ex.Message, "Samples");
		private async void CreateFeatureLayers()
				var geodatabase = await Geodatabase.OpenAsync(GeodatabasePath);

				Envelope extent = null;
				foreach (var table in geodatabase.FeatureTables)
					var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer()
						ID = table.Name,
						DisplayName = table.Name,
						FeatureTable = table

					if (!Geometry.IsNullOrEmpty(table.ServiceInfo.Extent))
						if (Geometry.IsNullOrEmpty(extent))
							extent = table.ServiceInfo.Extent;
							extent = extent.Union(table.ServiceInfo.Extent);


				await MySceneView.SetViewAsync(new Camera(new MapPoint(-99.343, 26.143, 5881928.401), 2.377, 10.982));
			catch (Exception ex)
				MessageBox.Show("Error creating feature layer: " + ex.Message, "Samples");
        private async Task CreateFeatureLayersAsync()
                var gdb = await Geodatabase.OpenAsync(GDB_PATH);

                Envelope extent = new Envelope();
                foreach (var table in gdb.FeatureTables)
                    var flayer = new FeatureLayer()
                        ID = table.Name,
                        DisplayName = table.Name,
                        FeatureTable = table

                    if (table.Extent != null)
                        if (extent == null)
                            extent = table.Extent;
                            extent = extent.Union(table.Extent);


                await mapView.SetViewAsync(extent.Expand(1.10));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error creating feature layer: " + ex.Message, "Samples");
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map
            Map myMap = new Map();

            // Create the uri for the tiled layer
            Uri tiledLayerUri = new Uri("");

            // Create a tiled layer using url
            ArcGISTiledLayer tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(tiledLayerUri);
            tiledLayer.Name = "Tiled Layer";

            // Add the tiled layer to map

            // Create the uri for the ArcGISMapImage layer
            var imageLayerUri = new Uri("");

            // Create ArcGISMapImage layer using a url
            ArcGISMapImageLayer imageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(imageLayerUri);
            imageLayer.Name = "Image Layer";

            // Set the visible scale range for the image layer
            imageLayer.MinScale = 40000000;
            imageLayer.MaxScale = 2000000;

            // Add the image layer to map

            //Create Uri for feature layer
            var featureLayerUri = new Uri("");

            //Create a feature layer using url
            FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureLayerUri);
            myFeatureLayer.Name = "Feature Layer";

            // Add the feature layer to map

            // Create a mappoint the map should zoom to
            MapPoint mapPoint = new MapPoint(-11000000, 4500000, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

            // Set the initial viewpoint for map
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(mapPoint, 50000000);

            // Initialize the model list with unknown status for each layer
            foreach (Layer layer in myMap.OperationalLayers)
                _layerStatusModels.Add(new LayerStatusModel(layer.Name, "Unknown"));

            // Create the tableview source and pass the list of models to it
            _tableView.Source = new LayerViewStatusTableSource(_layerStatusModels);

            // Event for layer view state changed
            _myMapView.LayerViewStateChanged += OnLayerViewStateChanged;

            // Provide used Map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;
        public FeatureLayerChangeVersion()

            featureLayer = (MyMap.Layers["ServiceConnections"] as FeatureLayer);

            Geoprocessor gp_ListVersions = new Geoprocessor("");

            gp_ListVersions.Failed += (s, a) =>
                MessageBox.Show("Geoprocessing service failed: " + a.Error);

            gp_ListVersions.ExecuteCompleted += (c, d) =>
                VersionsCombo.DataContext = (d.Results.OutParameters[0] as GPRecordSet).FeatureSet;

                foreach (Graphic g in (d.Results.OutParameters[0] as GPRecordSet).FeatureSet.Features)
                    if ((g.Attributes["name"] as string) == featureLayer.GdbVersion)
                        VersionsCombo.SelectedValue = g;

            List<GPParameter> gpparams = new List<GPParameter>();
            gpparams.Add(new GPRecordSet("Versions", new FeatureSet()));
Beispiel #14
        private void ArcMap_NewDocument()
            // TODO: Handle new document event

            IMap map = ArcMap.Document.FocusMap;

            Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory");
            IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType) as IWorkspaceFactory;
            IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) ,@"Data\PointsToAdd.gdb"), 0);
            IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = workspace as IFeatureWorkspace;
            IFeatureClass featureClassLines = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("Lines");
            IFeatureClass featureClassPoints = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("Points");

            IFeatureLayer featureLayerLines = new FeatureLayer();
            IFeatureLayer featureLayerPoints = new FeatureLayer();

            featureLayerLines.FeatureClass = featureClassLines;
            featureLayerPoints.FeatureClass = featureClassPoints;
            featureLayerPoints.Name = "Points";
            featureLayerLines.Name = "Lines";

        private async void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(BasemapType.Topographic, 34.056, -117.196, 4);

            // Create uri to the used feature service
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Initialize a new feature layer
            ServiceFeatureTable myFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(serviceUri);
            FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myFeatureTable);

            // Make sure that the feature layer gets loaded
            await myFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Add the feature layer to the Map

            // Provide used Map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Hook up the DrawStatusChanged event
            _myMapView.DrawStatusChanged += OnMapViewDrawStatusChanged;

            // Animate the activity spinner
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create and set initial map area
            Envelope initialLocation = new Envelope(
                -1.30758164047166E7, 4014771.46954516, -1.30730056797177E7, 4016869.78617381,
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(initialLocation);

            // Create uri to the used feature service
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Create feature table for the pools feature service
            ServiceFeatureTable poolsFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(serviceUri);

            // Define the request mode
            poolsFeatureTable.FeatureRequestMode = FeatureRequestMode.OnInteractionNoCache;

            // Create FeatureLayer that uses the created table
            FeatureLayer poolsFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(poolsFeatureTable);

            // Add created layer to the map

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;
        /// <summary>Construct FeatureLayerHitTesting sample control</summary>
        public FeatureLayerHitTesting()

            DataContext = this;
            _featureLayer = MyMapView.Map.Layers["FeatureLayer"] as FeatureLayer;
 /// <summary>
 /// Represents the Relationship Class information
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="featureLayer"></param>
 /// <param name="selection"></param>
 public RelateInfo(FeatureLayer featureLayer, Selection selection)
     _featureLayer = featureLayer;
     _selection = selection;            
     _featureClassName = _featureLayer.GetFeatureClass().GetName();
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create and set initial map location
            MapPoint initialLocation = new MapPoint(
                -11000000, 5000000, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
                myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(initialLocation, 100000000);

            // Create feature table using a url
            _featureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(new Uri(_statesUrl));

            // Create feature layer using this feature table
            _featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(_featureTable);

            // Set the Opacity of the Feature Layer
            _featureLayer.Opacity = 0.6;

            // Create a new renderer for the States Feature Layer
            SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(
                SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 1); 
            SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(
                SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Yellow, lineSymbol);

            // Set States feature layer renderer
            _featureLayer.Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

            // Add feature layer to the map

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map with basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create uri to the used feature service
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Create service feature table
            ServiceFeatureTable statesFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(serviceUri);

            // Create a new feature layer using the service feature table
            FeatureLayer statesLayer = new FeatureLayer(statesFeatureTable);

            // Create a new unique value renderer
            UniqueValueRenderer regionRenderer = new UniqueValueRenderer();

            // Add the "SUB_REGION" field to the renderer

            // Define a line symbol to use for the region fill symbols
            SimpleLineSymbol stateOutlineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(
                SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.White, 0.7);

            // Define distinct fill symbols for a few regions (use the same outline symbol)
            SimpleFillSymbol pacificFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(
                SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, stateOutlineSymbol);
            SimpleFillSymbol mountainFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(
                SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.LawnGreen, stateOutlineSymbol);
            SimpleFillSymbol westSouthCentralFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(
                SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.SandyBrown, stateOutlineSymbol);

            // Add values to the renderer: define the label, description, symbol, and attribute value for each
                new UniqueValue("Pacific", "Pacific Region", pacificFillSymbol, "Pacific"));
                new UniqueValue("Mountain", "Rocky Mountain Region", mountainFillSymbol, "Mountain"));
                new UniqueValue("West South Central", "West South Central Region", westSouthCentralFillSymbol, "West South Central"));

            // Set the default region fill symbol (transparent with no outline) for regions not explicitly defined in the renderer
            SimpleFillSymbol defaultFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(
                SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Null, System.Drawing.Color.Transparent, null);
            regionRenderer.DefaultSymbol = defaultFillSymbol;
            regionRenderer.DefaultLabel = "Other";

            // Apply the unique value renderer to the states layer
            statesLayer.Renderer = regionRenderer;

            // Add created layer to the map

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Feature table initialization
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this method to apply symbol groups to the featureLayer - one group per value in the renderer.
        /// The first group to be added will be the first group to be drawn
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="featureLayer"></param>
        private void SetUpSymbolLevelsForUSHighways(FeatureLayer featureLayer) {

            //All of these methods have to be called on the MCT
            if (Module1.OnUIThread)
                throw new CalledOnWrongThreadException();

            CIMBaseLayer baseLayer = featureLayer.GetDefinition();
            //We need CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase because this class controls whether or not we
            //use 'groups' (ie Pro Symbol Levels) with the renderer
            CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase geoFeatureLayer = baseLayer as CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase;

            // assume the unique value renderer was created using the CreateCIMRenderer()
            CIMUniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = geoFeatureLayer.Renderer as CIMUniqueValueRenderer;

            CIMSymbolLayerDrawing symbolLayerDrawing = new CIMSymbolLayerDrawing();

            // This flag controls the drawing code and forces it to use defined symbol layers.
            //It must be set 'true'
            symbolLayerDrawing.UseSymbolLayerDrawing = true;

            // setup the symbol layers.
            List<CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier> symbolLayers = new List<CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier>();

            // this will be a for loop that will iterate over the unique value classes and updating the symbol in each class        
            int index = 0;
            foreach (CIMUniqueValueGroup nextGroup in uniqueValueRenderer.Groups) {
                foreach (CIMUniqueValueClass nextClass in nextGroup.Classes) {
                    CIMMultiLayerSymbol multiLayerSymbol = nextClass.Symbol.Symbol as CIMMultiLayerSymbol;
                    if (multiLayerSymbol == null) //This check probably is not needed
                    //Each group must be uniquely named
                    string uniqueName = "Group_" + index.ToString();
                    nextClass.Symbol.SymbolName = uniqueName;

                    for (int i = 0; i < multiLayerSymbol.SymbolLayers.Length; i++)
                        //Assign the unique name to all of the layers in the symbol
                        multiLayerSymbol.SymbolLayers[i].Name = uniqueName;

                    //Assign the name to a 'CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier'. This is the equivalent
                    //of a KeyValuePair in a Dictionary. The Names of each SymbolLayerIdentifier
                    //will be matched up in the renderer to a corresponding symbol (via nextClass.Symbol.SymbolName)
                    //So that each SymbolLayer is associated with a specific symbol for a specific value
                    CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier nextSymbolLayer = new CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier() {
                        SymbolReferenceName = "symbolReferenceName",
                        SymbolLayerName = uniqueName

            //This is where the symbol layers get added to the feature layer definition
            symbolLayerDrawing.SymbolLayers = symbolLayers.ToArray();
            geoFeatureLayer.SymbolLayerDrawing = symbolLayerDrawing;

            // update the featureLayer definition.
            featureLayer.SetDefinition(geoFeatureLayer as  CIMBaseLayer);
Beispiel #22
        public void UpdateFeature( IMap pMap ,ILayer pCurrentLayer,IPoint pPoint )
            if (pMap == null || pPoint == null )
            m_pMap = pMap;

            //如果没有地图图层 ,则不处理
            long nLayerCount = pMap.LayerCount;
            if( nLayerCount == 0 )



            IGeometry geom = pPoint;

            ISpatialReference spatialReference = m_pMap.SpatialReference;
            geom.SpatialReference = spatialReference;

            //Refresh the active view
            IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)m_pMap;

            ISelectionEnvironment selEnv =  new SelectionEnvironment();
            selEnv.PointSelectionMethod = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelWithin;
            m_pMap.SelectByShape(geom, selEnv, false);
            activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, activeView.Extent);

            //如果没有设置 当前图层pCurrentLayer ,则不处理

            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPersist pPersist = new FeatureLayer() as ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPersist;
            UID uid = pPersist as UID ;

            IEnumLayer pEnumlayer = pMap.get_Layers(uid,true );

            ILayer pLayer = pEnumlayer.Next();
            while( pLayer != null )

                if( pLayer.Visible == false )
                    pLayer = pEnumlayer.Next();

                IFeatureLayer2 pFtLayer = (IFeatureLayer2)pLayer;
                IFeatureSelection pFtSelect = (IFeatureSelection)pFtLayer;
                ISelectionSet pSelectset = (ISelectionSet)pFtSelect.SelectionSet;

                InitTreeView(pSelectset, pLayer);

                pLayer = pEnumlayer.Next();
 private void Clear(FeatureLayer featureLayer)
     WmsClient wmsClient = GetClient(featureLayer);
     if (null != wmsClient)
         wmsClient.ClientImagePropertiesChanged -= new MapInfo.Wms.WmsClient.ClientImagePropertiesChangedHandler(wmsClient_ClientImagePropertiesChanged);
        public FeatureLayerInfo(FeatureLayer featureLayer, bool isEditable, bool isSyncable, long edits,
			List<LegendInfo> legendInfos)
            _featureLayer = featureLayer;
            _isEditable = isEditable;
            _isSyncable = isSyncable;
            _edits = edits;
            _legendInfos = legendInfos;
        public QueryFilterSample()

            _featureLayer = MyMapView.Map.Layers["FeatureLayer"] as FeatureLayer;
            ((ServiceFeatureTable)_featureLayer.FeatureTable).OutFields = OutFields.All;

			_queryResultsOverlay = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0];
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // register URL with a specific WFS reader
            WfsReaderFactory.RegisterHandler(URL, typeof(WfsReader));

            // Get the WFS capabilities of the WFS server using the HTTP GET method.

                // Get the WFS capabilities of the WFS server using the HTTP GET method.
                WfsCapabilities Capabilities = WfsClient.GetCapabilities(RequestMethod.GET, URL);
                MessageBox.Show("Please check if " + URL + " is a valid WFS URL");

            // Do something with the the WfsCapabilities here...

            // Get the schema for the USA feature type
            string[] TypeNames = new string[] { "miwfs:USA" };

            // Do something with the schema here...
            XmlSchema usaSchema = WfsClient.DescribeFeatureType(URL, TypeNames);

            // Get all features from the USA feature type
            MultiFeatureCollection usa = WfsClient.GetFeature(URL, TypeNames, null, null, -1, null);
            IFeatureCollection fc = usa[0];

            // iterate over the Usa MultiFeatureCollection and add each
            // IFeatureCollection to a MemTable, etc...
            TableInfoMemTable memTableInfo = new TableInfoMemTable("myMemTable");
            foreach (Column c in fc.Columns) {
            Table memTable = Session.Current.Catalog.CreateTable(memTableInfo);

            // create a layer from the MemTable
            FeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(memTable);

            // create the map and add the layer
            Map map = Session.Current.MapFactory.CreateEmptyMap(new Size(500, 500));

            // export the map to a file
            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] != null && args[0].Trim().Length != 0) {
                using (MapExport me = new MapExport(map)) {
                    me.Format = ExportFormat.Gif;

            // clean up the map
        public FeatureLayerHitTesting()

            MyMapView.MapViewTapped += MyMapView_MapViewTapped;

            _featureLayer = MyMapView.Map.Layers["FeatureLayer"] as FeatureLayer;
            ((ServiceFeatureTable)_featureLayer.FeatureTable).OutFields = OutFields.All;
        public SimpleEditing()

            editor = LayoutRoot.Resources["MyEditor"] as Editor;
            editor.Map = MyMap;

            editLayer = MyMap.Layers["ThreatPoints"] as FeatureLayer;
Beispiel #29
        private void SbAddClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var l = ((FrameworkElement) sender).DataContext as StoredLayer;
            if (l == null) return;

            switch (l.Type)
                case "Map Service":
                    var ml = new ArcGISImageServiceLayer();

                    ml.Url = l.Id;
                    ml.ID = l.Title;
                    ml.Visible = true;
                    var pts = AppStateSettings.Instance.ViewDef.FindOrCreateAcceleratedGroupLayer(l.Path);
                // FIXME TODO: Unreachable code
                case "Feature Service":
                    var fl = new FeatureLayer() {};

                    fl.Url = l.Id + @"/0";
                    fl.ID = l.Title;
                    fl.Visible = true;
                    fl.InitializationFailed += fl_InitializationFailed;
                    fl.Initialized += fl_Initialized;
                    fl.UpdateCompleted += fl_UpdateCompleted;
                    var pt = AppStateSettings.Instance.ViewDef.FindOrCreateAcceleratedGroupLayer(l.Path);
                case "wms":
                    var wl = new WmsLayer {
                                              SupportedSpatialReferenceIDs = new[] {102100},
                                              Visible = false
                    wl.Visible = true;
                    wl.SkipGetCapabilities = false;
                    wl.Initialized += (st, es) => { wl.Layers = wl.LayerList.Select(k => k.Title).ToArray(); };
                    wl.Url = l.Id;
                    wl.ID = l.Title;
                    wl.Title = l.Title;

                    var p = AppStateSettings.Instance.ViewDef.FindOrCreateGroupLayer(l.Path);

        public FeatureLayerMapTips()

            _featureLayer = mapView.Map.Layers["FeatureLayer"] as FeatureLayer;
            ((GeodatabaseFeatureServiceTable)_featureLayer.FeatureTable).OutFields = OutFields.All;

            mapView.PointerMoved += mapView_PointerMoved;
        private async void Initialize()
            //MyMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            MyMapView.Map = new Map(new SpatialReference(3375));

            //MyMapView.InteractionOptions = new MapViewInteractionOptions { IsZoomEnabled = false };

            // Open the shapefile
            ShapefileFeatureTable myShapefile = await ShapefileFeatureTable.OpenAsync(shapeFilePath);

            // Create a feature layer to display the shapefile
            FeatureLayer newFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myShapefile);

            // Add the feature layer to the map

            await myShapefile.LoadAsync();

            //Get mosaic dataset names in the SQLite database.
            var names      = MosaicDatasetRaster.GetNames(rasterMapMosaicPath);
            var rasterName = names[0];

            //Create a raster from a mosaic dataset
            Raster mapRaster = new MosaicDatasetRaster(rasterMapMosaicPath, "RasterMapTable");

            // Create a RasterLayer to display the Raster
            RasterLayer rasterMapLayer = new RasterLayer(mapRaster);


            rasterMapLayer.MinScale = 100000;

            rasterMapLayer.MaxScale = 2000;

            await rasterMapLayer.LoadAsync();

            MyMapView.Map.MinScale = 3000000;

            MyMapView.Map.MaxScale = 2000;


            // Add a graphic at JFK to serve as the origin.
            start = new MapPoint(564968.155634, 431946.116905, new SpatialReference(3168));


            SimpleMarkerSymbol startMarker = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Cross, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 15);

            //PictureMarkerSymbol markerSym = new PictureMarkerSymbol(new Uri("C:\\Users\\mfathin.CSYSINT\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2017\\Projects\\ArcGISControl\\ArcGISControl\\Icon\\icons8-man-filled-100.PNG"));
            // markerSym.Opacity = 0.5;
            _startLocationGraphic = new Graphic(start, startMarker);

            // Create the graphic for the destination.
            _endLocationGraphic = new Graphic
                Symbol = startMarker

            // Create the graphic for the path.
            _pathGraphic = new Graphic
                Symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 1)

            graphic1 = new Graphic
                Symbol = startMarker
            // Add the graphics to the overlay.

            //// Update end location when the user taps.
            MyMapView.GeoViewTapped += MyMapViewOnGeoViewTapped;

            await MyMapView.SetViewpointAsync(new Viewpoint(start, 4000000));

            // Update the extent to encompass all of the symbols

            // Add the graphics overlay to the map view
            plotButton.Click += (sender, e) =>
            { TryPlot(); };

Beispiel #32
        public static async void GetCollisionRisk()
            await CommonMethod.OpenMap(ConstDefintion.ConstMap_EncounterSafety);

            //计算DDV TDV
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                IList <Layer> listLayers   = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().ToList();
                FeatureLayer l_ownShip     = listLayers.First(l => l.Name == ConstDefintion.ConstLayer_OwnShipLayerName) as FeatureLayer;
                FeatureLayer l_targetShip  = listLayers.First(l => l.Name == ConstDefintion.ConstLayer_TargetShipLayerName) as FeatureLayer;
                FeatureClass fc_ownShip    = l_ownShip.GetFeatureClass();
                FeatureClass fc_targetShip = l_targetShip.GetFeatureClass();

                Feature f_ownShip;
                Feature f_targetShip;
                QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter()
                    ObjectIDs = new List <long>()
                RowCursor rowCursor1 = fc_ownShip.Search(qf, false);

                Row row1 = rowCursor1.Current;

                f_ownShip = row1 as Feature;

                using (RowCursor rowCursor = fc_targetShip.Search(null, false))
                    while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                        using (Row row = rowCursor.Current)
                            f_targetShip      = row as Feature;
                            long objectid     = f_targetShip.GetObjectID();
                            CollisionRisk ctd = new CollisionRisk(f_ownShip, f_targetShip);
                            if (ctd.Calculate())
                                using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
                                    gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                                        Feature target = row as Feature;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_asemi]         = ctd.asemi;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_bsemi]         = ctd.bsemi;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_aoffset]       = ctd.aoffset;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_boffset]       = ctd.boffset;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_ddv]           = ctd.DDV;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv1]          = ctd.TDV1;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv2]          = ctd.TDV2;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_dcpa]          = ctd.DCPA;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tcpa]          = ctd.TCPA;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tmin]          = ctd.Tmin;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tcr]           = ctd.TCR;
                                        target[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_CollisionRisk] = ctd.collisionRisk;

        public override void Execute(object parameter)
            if (Layer == null)
            bool       isServerLayer = false;
            Envelope   targetExtent  = null;
            TiledLayer tiledLayer    = Layer as TiledLayer;

            if (tiledLayer != null)
                isServerLayer = true;
                targetExtent  = LayerExtentExtensions.GetTiledLayerFullExtent(tiledLayer); // get the cached value (if any) which will likely be in the map's spRef already
                if (targetExtent == null)                                                  // value not known, use value on service metadata (will likely be in the services' spatial ref and not neccesarily in map's spRef)
                    targetExtent = tiledLayer.FullExtent;
                if (tiledLayer is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Bing.TileLayer)
                    if (targetExtent.SpatialReference == null)
                        targetExtent.SpatialReference = new SpatialReference(102100);

            DynamicLayer dynamicLayer = Layer as DynamicLayer;

            if (dynamicLayer != null)
                isServerLayer = true;
                targetExtent  = LayerExtentExtensions.GetDynamicLayerFullExtent(dynamicLayer); // get the cached value (if any) which will likely be in the map's spRef already
                if (targetExtent == null)                                                      // value not known, use value on service metadata (will likely be in the services' spatial ref and not neccesarily in map's spRef)
                    targetExtent = dynamicLayer.FullExtent;

            if (isServerLayer)
                if (targetExtent == null || Map == null || Map.SpatialReference == null)

                if (Map.SpatialReference.Equals(targetExtent.SpatialReference))
                    // spatial reference matches. can directly zoom
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeometryServiceUrl))
                        throw new Exception(Resources.Strings.ExceptionNoGeometryServiceUrlSpecifiedLayerZoomedIsDifferentSpatialReference);

                    GeometryServiceOperationHelper helper = new GeometryServiceOperationHelper(GeometryServiceUrl);
                    helper.ProjectExtentCompleted += (o, e) =>
                        // Cache (save) the projected extent values
                        if (tiledLayer != null)
                            LayerExtentExtensions.SetTiledLayerFullExtent(tiledLayer, e.Extent);
                        else if (dynamicLayer != null)
                            LayerExtentExtensions.SetDynamicLayerFullExtent(dynamicLayer, e.Extent);
                    helper.ProjectExtent(targetExtent, Map.SpatialReference);

            // Non server rendererd layers follow

            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = Layer as GraphicsLayer;

            if (graphicsLayer == null)

            if (Map != null)
                Envelope newMapExtent = null;
                if (graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count < 1)
                    FeatureLayer featureLayer = graphicsLayer as FeatureLayer;
                    if (featureLayer != null && featureLayer.LayerInfo != null && featureLayer.LayerInfo.Extent != null)
                        Envelope env = featureLayer.LayerInfo.Extent;

                        SpatialReference sr = env.SpatialReference;
                        if (sr == null)
                            sr = featureLayer.LayerInfo.DefaultSpatialReference;

                        if (Map.SpatialReference.Equals(sr))
                        else if (sr != null)
                            GeometryServiceOperationHelper geomHelper = new GeometryServiceOperationHelper(
                                new ConfigurationStoreHelper().GetGeometryServiceUrl(View.Instance.ConfigurationStore));
                            geomHelper.GeometryServiceOperationFailed += (o, args) =>
                                throw args.Exception;
                            geomHelper.ProjectExtentCompleted += (o, args) =>
                            geomHelper.ProjectExtent(env, Map.SpatialReference);
                    foreach (Graphic graphic in graphicsLayer.Graphics)
                        if (graphic.Geometry != null && graphic.Geometry.Extent != null)
                            newMapExtent = graphic.Geometry.Extent.Union(newMapExtent);
                    newMapExtent = MapZoomOrPan(newMapExtent);
Beispiel #34
        private async void LoadLayers_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Skip if nothing selected.
            if (WfsLayerList.SelectedItems.Count < 1)

            // Show the progress bar.
            LoadingProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // Clear the existing layers.

                // Get the selected WFS layer.
                WfsLayerInfo selectedLayerInfo = (WfsLayerInfo)WfsLayerList.SelectedItems[0];

                // Create the WFS feature table.
                WfsFeatureTable table = new WfsFeatureTable(selectedLayerInfo);

                // Set the feature request mode to manual - only manual is supported at v100.5.
                // In this mode, you must manually populate the table - panning and zooming won't request features automatically.
                table.FeatureRequestMode = FeatureRequestMode.ManualCache;

                // Set the axis order based on the UI.
                if (AxisOrderSwapCheckbox.IsChecked == true)
                    table.AxisOrder = OgcAxisOrder.Swap;
                    table.AxisOrder = OgcAxisOrder.NoSwap;

                // Populate the WFS table.
                await table.PopulateFromServiceAsync(new QueryParameters(), false, null);

                // Create a feature layer from the WFS table.
                FeatureLayer wfsFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(table);

                // Choose a renderer for the layer based on the table.
                wfsFeatureLayer.Renderer = GetRendererForTable(table) ?? wfsFeatureLayer.Renderer;

                // Add the layer to the map.

                // Zoom to the extent of the selected layer.
                await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(selectedLayerInfo.Extent, 50);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await new MessageDialog(ex.ToString(), "Failed to load layer.").ShowAsync();
                // Hide the progress bar.
                LoadingProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
        private void Initialize()
                // Define the URI for the service feature table (US state polygons).
                Uri featureTableUri = new Uri("");

                // Create a new service feature table from the URI.
                ServiceFeatureTable censusServiceFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(featureTableUri);

                // Create a new feature layer from the service feature table.
                FeatureLayer censusFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(censusServiceFeatureTable)
                    // Set the rendering mode of the feature layer to be dynamic (needed for extrusion to work).
                    RenderingMode = FeatureRenderingMode.Dynamic

                // Create a new simple line symbol for the feature layer.
                SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 1);

                // Create a new simple fill symbol for the feature layer.
                SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Blue, lineSymbol);

                // Create a new simple renderer for the feature layer.
                SimpleRenderer renderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

                // Get the scene properties from the simple renderer.
                RendererSceneProperties sceneProperties = renderer.SceneProperties;

                // Set the extrusion mode for the scene properties.
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionMode = ExtrusionMode.AbsoluteHeight;

                // Set the initial extrusion expression.
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";

                // Set the feature layer's renderer to the define simple renderer.
                censusFeatureLayer.Renderer = renderer;

                // Create a new scene with a topographic basemap.
                Scene myScene = new Scene(BasemapType.Topographic);

                // Set the scene view's scene to the newly create one.
                _mySceneView.Scene = myScene;

                // Add the feature layer to the scene's operational layer collection.

                // Create a new map point to define where to look on the scene view.
                MapPoint myMapPoint = new MapPoint(-10974490, 4814376, 0, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

                // Create and use an orbit location camera controller defined by a point and distance.
                _mySceneView.CameraController = new OrbitLocationCameraController(myMapPoint, 20000000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Something went wrong, display the error.
                UIAlertController alert = UIAlertController.Create("Error", ex.Message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
                alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));
                PresentViewController(alert, true, null);
        protected override ConfigureFeatureLayerParameters GetConfigureFeatureLayerParametersCore(FeatureLayer featureLayer)
            ConfigCsvFileUserControl userControl = new ConfigCsvFileUserControl(featureLayer);
            GeneralWindow            window      = new GeneralWindow();

            window.Tag = userControl;
            window.OkButtonClicking     += Window_OkButtonClicking;
            window.Title                 = GisEditor.LanguageManager.GetStringResource("CSVLayerWindowTitle");
            window.Owner                 = Application.Current.MainWindow;
            window.HelpContainer.Content = HelpResourceHelper.GetHelpButton("CreateNewShapefileHelp", HelpButtonMode.NormalButton);
            window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;
            window.ResizeMode            = ResizeMode.NoResize;
            window.SizeToContent         = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight;
            window.ContentUI.Content     = userControl;

            ConfigureFeatureLayerParameters parameters = null;

            if (window.ShowDialog().GetValueOrDefault())
                parameters = userControl.GetFeatureLayerInfo();
                parameters.CustomData["Delimiter"]   = userControl.ViewModel.Delimiter;
                parameters.CustomData["MappingType"] = userControl.ViewModel.MappingType;

                parameters.CustomData["X"]   = GetSpecificColumnName(userControl.ViewModel.CsvColumns, CsvColumnType.Longitude);
                parameters.CustomData["Y"]   = GetSpecificColumnName(userControl.ViewModel.CsvColumns, CsvColumnType.Latitude);
                parameters.CustomData["WKT"] = GetSpecificColumnName(userControl.ViewModel.CsvColumns, CsvColumnType.WKT);

                CsvFeatureLayer csvFeatureLayer = featureLayer as CsvFeatureLayer;
                if (csvFeatureLayer != null)
                    csvFeatureLayer.XColumnName             = parameters.CustomData["X"].ToString();
                    csvFeatureLayer.YColumnName             = parameters.CustomData["Y"].ToString();
                    csvFeatureLayer.WellKnownTextColumnName = parameters.CustomData["WKT"].ToString();
Beispiel #37
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map centered on Aurora Colorado.
            _myMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapType.Streets, 39.7294, -104.8319, 11);

            // Get the full path to the GeoPackage on the device.
            string geoPackagePath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("68ec42517cdd439e81b036210483e8e7", "AuroraCO.gpkg");

                // Open the GeoPackage.
                GeoPackage geoPackage = await GeoPackage.OpenAsync(geoPackagePath);

                // Loop through each GeoPackageRaster.
                foreach (GeoPackageRaster oneGeoPackageRaster in geoPackage.GeoPackageRasters)
                    // Create a RasterLayer from the GeoPackageRaster.
                    RasterLayer rasterLayer = new RasterLayer(oneGeoPackageRaster)
                        // Set the opacity on the RasterLayer to partially visible.
                        Opacity = 0.55

                    // Load the RasterLayer - that way we can get to its properties.
                    await rasterLayer.LoadAsync();

                    // Create a string variable to hold the human-readable name of the RasterLayer for display.
                    string rasterLayerName = "";

                    if (rasterLayer.Name != "")
                        // We have a good human-readable name for the RasterLayer that came from the RasterLayer.Name property.
                        rasterLayerName = rasterLayer.Name;
                    else if (oneGeoPackageRaster.Path.Split('/').Last() != "")
                        // We did not get a good human-readable name from the RasterLayer from the .Name
                        // property, get the good human-readable name from the GeoPackageRaster.Path instead.
                        rasterLayerName = oneGeoPackageRaster.Path.Split('/').Last();

                    // Append the 'type of layer' to the raster layer name string to display in the ListBox and as the key for the dictionary.
                    rasterLayerName = $"{rasterLayerName} - RasterLayer";

                    // Add the name of the RasterLayer and the RasterLayer itself into the dictionary.
                    _nameToLayerDictionary[rasterLayerName] = rasterLayer;

                    // Add the name of the RasterLayer to the layers not in the map collection
                    // which displays the human-readable layer names used by the UISegmentedControl.

                // Loop through each GeoPackageFeatureTable from the GeoPackage.
                foreach (GeoPackageFeatureTable oneGeoPackageFeatureTable in geoPackage.GeoPackageFeatureTables)
                    // Create a FeatureLayer from the GeoPackageFeatureLayer.
                    FeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(oneGeoPackageFeatureTable);

                    // Load the FeatureLayer - that way we can get to its properties.
                    await featureLayer.LoadAsync();

                    // Create a string variable to hold the human-readable name of the FeatureLayer for display in the UISegmentedControl and the dictionary.
                    string featureLayerName = featureLayer.Name;

                    // Append the 'type of layer' to the feature layer name string to display in the ListBox and as the key for the dictionary.
                    featureLayerName = $"{featureLayerName} - FeatureLayer";

                    // Add the name of the FeatureLayer and the FeatureLayer itself into the dictionary.
                    _nameToLayerDictionary[featureLayerName] = featureLayer;

                    // Add the name of the RasterLayer to the collection of layers not in the map which displays the human-readable layer names used by the UISegmentedControl.

                // Enable the UI.
                _addLayerButton.Enabled    = true;
                _removeLayerButton.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
Beispiel #38
        private void Deal()
            IWorkspace    pWorkspace      = default(IWorkspace);
            string        sDesFeatClsName = null;
            IFeatureClass pDesFeatCls     = default(IFeatureClass);
            string        sInfo           = null;
            IFeatureLayer pFeatLayer      = default(IFeatureLayer);
            IFeatureClass pFeatureCls     = default(IFeatureClass);
            IGeometry     pDomainGeometry = default(IGeometry);
            int           ErrorCount      = 0;
            int           lFeatCount      = 0;

            if (this.ChkClip.Checked)
                bIsCut = true;
                bIsCut = false;

            ////印骅 20081121  获得多边形范围
            pDomainGeometry = m_pGeometry;

            if (m_pMap.LayerCount == 0)
                //g_clsErrorHandle.DisplayInformation("没有加载图层或没有图层处于选中状态!请选中需要提取的图层!", false);
                MessageBoxEx.Show("没有加载图层或没有图层处于选中状态!请选中需要提取的图层!", "提示");

            //WHFUtilities.clsLog ploger = default(WHFUtilities.clsLog);
            // 陈昉  2009-2-23  修改 修改原因 写日志
            int      iCount       = 0;
            IDataset pTempDataset = default(IDataset);
            //ploger = new WHFUtilities.clsLog();
            //ploger.DBConnectionString = "Data Source=" + g_Sys.DbName + ";User ID=" + g_Sys.DbUser + " ;Password="******"Column3"]).Value))
                    if (pWorkspace == null)
                        pWorkspace = GetWorkspace();

                    pFeatLayer        = cheFeatureLayer[i];//地图上的图层
                    pFeatureCls       = pFeatLayer.FeatureClass;
                    sDesFeatClsName   = pFeatureCls.AliasName;
                    sInfo             = "当前操作层:" + pFeatLayer.Name;
                    this.lblInfo.Text = sInfo;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDesFeatClsName.Trim()))
                        if (pFeatureCls != null)
                            this.lblInfo.Text = sInfo + "正在获得目标要素类,请稍候....";
                            if (sDesFeatClsName.Contains("."))
                                int dotIndex = 0;
                                dotIndex        = sDesFeatClsName.IndexOf(".");
                                sDesFeatClsName = sDesFeatClsName.Substring(dotIndex + 1, sDesFeatClsName.Length - dotIndex - 1);

                            //判断是否需要创建要素类 yh 15/4/09
                            ClsCreateFeat.CheckFeatCls(bIsCut, pFeatLayer, ref lFeatCount, pDomainGeometry);
                            if (lFeatCount != 0)
                                IFeatureWorkspace pFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)pWorkspace;
                                IFields           pFields           = pFeatureCls.Fields;
                                pDesFeatCls = ClsCreatAndGetDataset.CreatOrOpenFeatClsByName(ref pFeatureWorkspace, sDesFeatClsName, ref pFields, null, null);
                                pWorkspace  = (IWorkspace)pFeatureWorkspace;
                                //pFeatureCls.Fields = pFields;
                            if (pDesFeatCls != null)
                                ISpatialReference           pSpatialReference = null;
                                Dictionary <string, string> pDicField         = null;

                                iCount = (int)ClsCreateFeat.OutPutFeat(ref pDesFeatCls, ref pFeatureCls, strArryExpress[i], pDomainGeometry, bIsCut, ref pSpatialReference, pDicField, ref this.lblInfo, sInfo);
                                IFeatureLayer showFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer();
                                showFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pDesFeatCls;
                                ILayer showLayer = showFeatureLayer as ILayer;
                                showLayer.Name = pDesFeatCls.AliasName + "_Extract";
                                // 陈昉  2009-3-1  修改 修改原因 写日志
                                if (iCount > 0)
                                    pTempDataset = (IDataset)pFeatureCls;
                                    //ploger.log(System.Environment.MachineName, g_Sys.User.UserID, System.DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                    //        "数据管理子系统", "WHFDataExtract", "快速提取" + pTempDataset.Name + "中" + iCount +
                                    //        "个要素到" + pDesFeatCls.AliasName, "目标:" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(pWorkspace.PathName));
                                ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1;
            if (intChooseLayer == 0)
                MessageBoxEx.Show("没有选择任何要素图层!", "提示");
            if (ErrorCount > 0)
                this.lblInfo.Text = "操作中有错误发生!";
                //g_clsErrorHandle.DisplayInformation("操作中有错误发生!", false);
                MessageBoxEx.Show("操作中有错误发生!", "提示");
                //Member member = new Member();
                //member.AddLayerToMap(pWorkspace, m_pMap);
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IActiveView activeView = m_pMap as ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IActiveView;
                this.lblInfo.Text = "操作完成!";
                //g_clsErrorHandle.DisplayInformation("操作完成!", false);
                MessageBoxEx.Show("操作完成!", "提示");
Beispiel #39
        private void get_feature_layer()
             *   This function loads a feature layer from arcGIS online
            // Create new Map with basemap
            myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateTopographic());

            // Create and set initial map area
            Envelope initialLocation = new Envelope(
                -160.6739, 13.3844, -179.5449, 80.2319,

            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(initialLocation);

             *   Turtle Feature Layer
            // Create uri to the used feature service
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Create feature table using a URL.
            _featureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(serviceUri);

            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Create feature layer using this feature table. Make it slightly transparent.
            _featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(_featureTable);

            string theJSON_String =
                    ""where"":""Species <> ' '"",
                            ""color"":[51, 51, 51, 255],

            // Create a label definition from the JSON string.
            LabelDefinition turtleSpeciesLabelDefinition = LabelDefinition.FromJson(theJSON_String);

             *   Air Temp Feature Layer
            var airServiceUri = new Uri(

            // Create feature table using a URL.
            _airFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(airServiceUri);

            // Create feature layer using this feature table. Make it slightly transparent.
            _airFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(_airFeatureTable)
                Opacity = 0.6

             *   Wind Feature Layer
            var windServiceUri = new Uri(

            // Create feature table using a URL.
            _windFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(windServiceUri);

            // Create feature layer using this feature table. Make it slightly transparent.
            _windFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(_windFeatureTable)
                Opacity = 0.6

             *   Sea Surface Temperature Feature Layer
            var seaTempServiceUri = new Uri(

            // Create feature table using a URL.
            _seaTempFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(seaTempServiceUri);

            // Create feature layer using this feature table. Make it slightly transparent.
            _seaTempFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(_seaTempFeatureTable)
                Opacity = 0.6

            // add feature layers to map

            /* myMap.OperationalLayers.Add(_featureLayer);
             * myMap.OperationalLayers.Add(_airFeatureLayer);
             * myMap.OperationalLayers.Add(_windFeatureLayer);
             * myMap.OperationalLayers.Add(_seaTempFeatureLayer);*/

            // Add the label definition to the feature layer's label definition collection.

            // Enable the visibility of labels to be seen.
            _featureLayer.LabelsEnabled = true;

            MyMapView.TimeExtent = new TimeExtent(start, end);

            // add the map to the map view
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;
Beispiel #40
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map centered on Aurora Colorado
            _myMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapType.Streets, 39.7294, -104.8319, 11);

            // Get the full path to the GeoPackage on the device
            string myGeoPackagePath = GetGeoPackagePath();

            // Open the GeoPackage
            GeoPackage myGeoPackage = await GeoPackage.OpenAsync(myGeoPackagePath);

            // Get the read only list of GeoPackageRasters from the GeoPackage
            IReadOnlyList <GeoPackageRaster> myReadOnlyListOfGeoPackageRasters = myGeoPackage.GeoPackageRasters;

            // Loop through each GeoPackageRaster
            foreach (GeoPackageRaster oneGeoPackageRaster in myReadOnlyListOfGeoPackageRasters)
                // Create a RasterLayer from the GeoPackageRaster
                RasterLayer myRasterLayer = new RasterLayer(oneGeoPackageRaster);

                // Set the opacity on the RasterLayer to partially visible
                myRasterLayer.Opacity = 0.55;

                // Load the RasterLayer - that way we can get to it's properties
                await myRasterLayer.LoadAsync();

                // Create a string variable to hold the human-readable name of the RasterLayer for display
                // in the ListBox and the HybridDictonary - it will initially be an empty string
                string myRasterLayerName = "";

                if (myRasterLayer.Name != "")
                    // We have a good human-readable name for the RasterLayer that came from
                    // the RasterLayer.Name property
                    myRasterLayerName = myRasterLayer.Name;
                else if (oneGeoPackageRaster.Path.Split('/').Last() != "")
                    // We did not get a good human-readable name from the RasterLayer from the .Name
                    // property, get the good human-readable name from the GeoPackageRaster.Path instead
                    myRasterLayerName = oneGeoPackageRaster.Path.Split('/').Last();

                // Append the 'type of layer' to the myRasterLayerName string to display in the
                // ListBox and as the key for the HybridDictonary
                myRasterLayerName = myRasterLayerName + " - RasterLayer";

                // Add the name of the RasterLayer and the RasterLayer itself into the HybridDictionary
                _myHybridDictionary_Layers.Add(myRasterLayerName, myRasterLayer);

                // Add the name of the RasterLayer to _myObservableCollection_LayerNamesNotInTheMap
                // which displays the human-readable layer names used by the _myListView_LayersNotInTheMap

            // Get the read only list of GeoPackageFeatureTabless from the GeoPackage
            IReadOnlyList <GeoPackageFeatureTable> myReadOnlyListOfGeoPackageFeatureTables = myGeoPackage.GeoPackageFeatureTables;

            // Loop through each GeoPackageFeatureTable
            foreach (GeoPackageFeatureTable oneGeoPackageFeatureTable in myReadOnlyListOfGeoPackageFeatureTables)
                // Create a FeatureLayer from the GeoPackageFeatureLayer
                FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(oneGeoPackageFeatureTable);

                // Load the FeatureLayer - that way we can get to it's properties
                await myFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

                // Create a string variable to hold the human-readable name of the FeatureLayer for
                // display in the ListBox and the HybridDictonary
                string myFeatureLayerName = myFeatureLayer.Name;

                // Append the 'type of layer' to the myFeatureLayerName string to display in the
                // ListBox and as the key for the HybridDictonary
                myFeatureLayerName = myFeatureLayerName + " - FeatureLayer";

                // Add the name of the FeatureLayer and the FeatureLayer itself into the HybridDictionary
                _myHybridDictionary_Layers.Add(myFeatureLayerName, myFeatureLayer);

                // Add the name of the RasterLayer to _myObservableCollection_LayerNamesNotInTheMap
                // which displays the human-readable layer names used by the _myListView_LayersNotInTheMap

            // Create a simple string array of the human-readable layer names from the ObservableCollection
            string[] myStringArray_LayerNamesNotInTheMap = _myObservableCollection_LayerNamesNotInTheMap.ToArray();

            // Create an ArrayAdapter from the simple string array
            ArrayAdapter myArrayAdapter_LayerNamesNotInTheMap = new ArrayAdapter <string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, myStringArray_LayerNamesNotInTheMap);

            // Set the _myListView_LayersNotInTheMap.Adapter to the myArrayAdapter_LayerNamesNotInTheMap
            // This allows the human-readable layer names to be displayed a ListView
            _myListView_LayersNotInTheMap.Adapter = myArrayAdapter_LayerNamesNotInTheMap;
Beispiel #41
        private async void Initialize()
                // Define the Uri for the service feature table (US state polygons)
                var myServiceFeatureTable_Uri = new Uri("");

                // Create a new service feature table from the Uri
                ServiceFeatureTable myServiceFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(myServiceFeatureTable_Uri);

                // Create a new feature layer from the service feature table
                FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myServiceFeatureTable);

                // Set the rendering mode of the feature layer to be dynamic (needed for extrusion to work)
                myFeatureLayer.RenderingMode = FeatureRenderingMode.Dynamic;

                // Create a new simple line symbol for the feature layer
                SimpleLineSymbol mySimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Black, 1);

                // Create a new simple fill symbol for the feature layer
                SimpleFillSymbol mysimpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Blue, mySimpleLineSymbol);

                // Create a new simple renderer for the feature layer
                SimpleRenderer mySimpleRenderer = new SimpleRenderer(mysimpleFillSymbol);

                // Get the scene properties from the simple renderer
                RendererSceneProperties myRendererSceneProperties = mySimpleRenderer.SceneProperties;

                // Set the extrusion mode for the scene properties to be base height
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionMode = ExtrusionMode.BaseHeight;

                // Set the initial extrusion expression
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";

                // Set the feature layer's renderer to the define simple renderer
                myFeatureLayer.Renderer = mySimpleRenderer;

                // Create a new scene with the topographic backdrop
                Scene myScene = new Scene(BasemapType.Topographic);

                // Set the scene view's scene to the newly create one
                MySceneView.Scene = myScene;

                // Add the feature layer to the scene's operational layer collection

                // Create a new map point to define where to look on the scene view
                MapPoint myMapPoint = new MapPoint(-10974490, 4814376, 0, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

                // Create a new orbit location camera controller using the map point and defined distance
                OrbitLocationCameraController myOrbitLocationCameraController = new OrbitLocationCameraController(myMapPoint, 20000000);

                // Set the scene view's camera controller to the orbit location camera controller
                MySceneView.CameraController = myOrbitLocationCameraController;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Something went wrong, display the error
                var message = new MessageDialog(ex.ToString(), "Error");
                await message.ShowAsync();
Beispiel #42
        private void RefreshColumnList(FeatureLayer featureLayer)
            Collection <ViewColumnItem> viewColumnItems = new Collection <ViewColumnItem>();

            featureLayer.SafeProcess(() =>
                foreach (var column in featureLayer.FeatureSource.GetColumns())
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(column.ColumnName))
                        string alias        = featureLayer.FeatureSource.GetColumnAlias(column.ColumnName);
                        ViewColumnItem item = new ViewColumnItem(column, alias);

            if (CalculatedDbfColumn.CalculatedColumns.ContainsKey(featureLayer.FeatureSource.Id))
                foreach (var column in CalculatedDbfColumn.CalculatedColumns[featureLayer.FeatureSource.Id])
                    string         alias = featureLayer.FeatureSource.GetColumnAlias(column.ColumnName);
                    ViewColumnItem item  = new ViewColumnItem(column, alias, true);
                    item.EditAction = c =>
                        DbfColumn           dbfColumn = (DbfColumn)c;
                        Collection <string> columns   = new Collection <string>();
                        string             tempAlias = featureLayer.FeatureSource.GetColumnAlias(dbfColumn.ColumnName);
                        AddDbfColumnWindow window    = new AddDbfColumnWindow(dbfColumn, columns, DbfColumnMode.Calculated, true, tempAlias);
                        window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;
                        window.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
                        if (window.ShowDialog().GetValueOrDefault())
                            CalculatedDbfColumn newColumn = window.DbfColumn as CalculatedDbfColumn;
                            if (newColumn != null)
                                //Check does edit
                                CalculatedDbfColumn tempColumn = (CalculatedDbfColumn)c;
                                if (newColumn.ColumnName == tempColumn.ColumnName &&
                                    newColumn.CalculationType == tempColumn.CalculationType &&
                                    newColumn.ColumnType == tempColumn.ColumnType &&
                                    newColumn.DecimalLength == tempColumn.DecimalLength &&
                                    newColumn.Length == tempColumn.Length &&
                                    newColumn.LengthUnit == tempColumn.LengthUnit &&
                                    newColumn.MaxLength == tempColumn.MaxLength &&
                                    newColumn.AreaUnit == tempColumn.AreaUnit &&
                                    newColumn.TypeName == tempColumn.TypeName)

                                if (CheckHasDuplicatedColumn(newColumn))

                                if (CalculatedDbfColumn.CalculatedColumns.ContainsKey(featureLayer.FeatureSource.Id))
                                    CalculatedDbfColumn calColumn = (CalculatedDbfColumn)c;
                                    if (CalculatedDbfColumn.CalculatedColumns[featureLayer.FeatureSource.Id].Contains(calColumn))

                    item.DeleteAction = c =>
                        if (CalculatedDbfColumn.CalculatedColumns.ContainsKey(featureLayer.FeatureSource.Id))
                            CalculatedDbfColumn calColumn = (CalculatedDbfColumn)c;
                            if (CalculatedDbfColumn.CalculatedColumns[featureLayer.FeatureSource.Id].Contains(calColumn))

            ColumnList.ItemsSource = viewColumnItems;
Beispiel #43
        private async void Initialize()
                // Construct the map and set the MapView.Map property.
                MyMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateLightGrayCanvasVector());

                // Add a graphics overlay to MyMapView. (Will be used later to display routes)
                MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(new GraphicsOverlay());

                // Create a ClosestFacilityTask using the San Diego Uri.
                _task = await ClosestFacilityTask.CreateAsync(_closestFacilityUri);

                // Create a symbol for displaying facilities.
                PictureMarkerSymbol facilitySymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(new Uri(""))
                    Height = 30,
                    Width  = 30

                // Incident symbol.
                PictureMarkerSymbol incidentSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(new Uri(""))
                    Height = 30,
                    Width  = 30

                // Create a list of line symbols to show unique routes. Different colors help make different routes visually distinguishable.
                _routeSymbols = new List <SimpleLineSymbol>()
                    new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.FromArgb(125, 25, 45, 85), 5.0f),
                    new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.FromArgb(125, 35, 65, 120), 5.0f),
                    new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.FromArgb(125, 55, 100, 190), 5.0f),
                    new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.FromArgb(125, 75, 140, 255), 5.0f)

                // Create a table for facilities using the FeatureServer.
                _facilityTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(_facilityUri);

                // Create a feature layer from the table.
                _facilityLayer = new FeatureLayer(_facilityTable)
                    Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(facilitySymbol)

                // Create a table for facilities using the FeatureServer.
                _incidentTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(_incidentUri);

                // Create a feature layer from the table.
                _incidentLayer = new FeatureLayer(_incidentTable)
                    Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(incidentSymbol)

                // Add the layers to the map.

                // Wait for both layers to load.
                await _facilityLayer.LoadAsync();

                await _incidentLayer.LoadAsync();

                // Zoom to the combined extent of both layers.
                Envelope fullExtent = GeometryEngine.CombineExtents(_facilityLayer.FullExtent, _incidentLayer.FullExtent);
                await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(fullExtent, 50);

                // Enable the solve button.
                SolveRoutesButton.IsEnabled = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("An exception has occurred.\n" + exception.Message, "Sample error");
Beispiel #44
        private void RefreshLayer(Layer layer, EventHandler refreshCompletedHander, EventHandler <TaskFailedEventArgs> refreshFailedHandler)
            _isRefreshing = true;
            FeatureLayer featureLayer = layer as FeatureLayer;

            if (featureLayer != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureLayer.Url))
                // temporarly unhook the AttributeDisplay's layer while we refresh feature layer
                if (View.Instance != null && View.Instance.AttributeDisplay != null && View.Instance.AttributeDisplay.FeatureDataGrid != null)

                    // Set FeatureDataGrid layer to null so that we don't incur the overhead
                    // of all the UpdateItemSource calls as the AttributeTable Graphics layer is
                    // being set to null.
                    View.Instance.AttributeDisplay.FeatureDataGrid.GraphicsLayer = null;
                    // Set the FilterSource to null to prevent potential GraphicsLayer reference exceptions
                    View.Instance.AttributeDisplay.FeatureDataGrid.FilterSource = null;
                    // Now set the AttributeDisplay GraphicsLayer to null so that it
                    // unhooks all the bindings and events
                    View.Instance.AttributeDisplay.GraphicsLayer = null;

                    // Hook up to the UpdateCompleted/UpdateFailed events so that the layer
                    // can be reset to the SelectedLayer
                    featureLayer.UpdateCompleted -= OnFeatureLayerUpdateCompleted;
                    featureLayer.UpdateCompleted += OnFeatureLayerUpdateCompleted;
                    featureLayer.UpdateFailed    -= OnFeatureLayerUpdateFailed;
                    featureLayer.UpdateFailed    += OnFeatureLayerUpdateFailed;

                if (refreshCompletedHander != null)
                    featureLayer.UpdateCompleted -= refreshCompletedHander;
                    featureLayer.UpdateCompleted += refreshCompletedHander;
                if (refreshFailedHandler != null)
                    featureLayer.UpdateFailed -= refreshFailedHandler;
                    featureLayer.UpdateFailed += refreshFailedHandler;

            ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer dynamicLayer = layer as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer;

            if (dynamicLayer != null)
                if (refreshCompletedHander != null)
                    refreshCompletedHander.Invoke(layer, EventArgs.Empty);

            ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer tiledLayer = layer as ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer;

            if (tiledLayer != null)
                // Tiled layers do not support refreshing
                if (refreshCompletedHander != null)
                    refreshCompletedHander.Invoke(layer, EventArgs.Empty);

            ArcGISImageServiceLayer imageServiceLayer = layer as ArcGISImageServiceLayer;

            if (imageServiceLayer != null)
                if (refreshCompletedHander != null)
                    refreshCompletedHander.Invoke(layer, EventArgs.Empty);

            ICustomGraphicsLayer customGraphicsLayer = layer as ICustomGraphicsLayer;

            if (customGraphicsLayer != null)
                customGraphicsLayer.ForceRefresh(refreshCompletedHander, refreshFailedHandler);

            HeatMapLayerBase heatMapLayer = layer as HeatMapLayerBase;

            if (heatMapLayer != null)
                if (refreshCompletedHander != null)
                    refreshCompletedHander.Invoke(layer, EventArgs.Empty);

            GeoRssLayer geoRssLayer = Layer as GeoRssLayer;

            if (geoRssLayer != null)

            WmsLayer wmsLayer = Layer as WmsLayer;

            if (wmsLayer != null)

            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = layer as GraphicsLayer;

            if (graphicsLayer != null)
                if (refreshCompletedHander != null)
                    refreshCompletedHander.Invoke(layer, EventArgs.Empty);
Beispiel #45
        async public static void MethodSnippets()
            Layout layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;

            #region MapFrame_Export
            //See ProSnippets.cs "Export a map frame to JPG"
            #endregion MapFrame_Export

            #region MapFrame_GetMapView
            //see ProSnippets "Export the map view associated with a map frame to BMP"
            #endregion MapFrame_GetMapView

            #region MapFrame_SetCamera_Camera
            // see ProSnippets "Change map frames camera settings"
            #endregion MapFrame_SetCamera_Camera

            #region MapFrame_SetCamera_Bookmark
            //Set the extent of a map frame to a bookmark.

            //Perform on the worker thread
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //Reference MapFrame
                MapFrame mf_bk = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;

                //Reference a bookmark that belongs to a map associated with the map frame
                Map m       = mf_bk.Map;
                Bookmark bk = m.GetBookmarks().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("Lakes"));

                //Set the map frame extent using the bookmark

            #endregion MapFrame_SetCamera_Bookmark

            #region MapFrame_SetCamera_Envelope
            //Set the extent of a map frame to the envelope of a feature.

            //Perform on the worker thread
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                //Reference MapFrame
                MapFrame mf_env = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;

                //Get map and a layer of interest
                Map m = mf_env.Map;
                //Get the specific layer you want from the map and its extent
                FeatureLayer lyr = m.FindLayers("GreatLakes").First() as FeatureLayer;
                Envelope lyrEnv  = lyr.QueryExtent();

                //Set the map frame extent to the feature layer's extent / envelope
                mf_env.SetCamera(lyrEnv); //Note - you could have also used the lyr as an overload option

            #endregion MapFrame_SetCamera_Envelope

            #region MapFrame_SetCamera_Layer
            //See ProSnppets "Zoom map frame to extent of a single layer"
            #endregion MapFrame_SetCamera_Layer

            #region MapFrame_SetCamera_Layers
            //See ProSnippets "Change map frame extent to selected features in multiple layers"
            #endregion MapFrame_SetCamera_Layers

            MapFrame mf  = null;
            Map      map = null;
            #region MapFrame_SetMap
            //Set the map that is associated with a map frame.

            //Perform on worker thread
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>


            #region MapFrame_SetName
            //See ProSnppets "Zoom map frame to extent of a single layer"
            #endregion MapFrame_SetName
Beispiel #46
        /// <summary>
        /// The add XY event layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">
        /// The table.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="query">
        /// The query.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="tweetShow">
        /// The tweet show.
        /// </param>
        public static void AddXyEventLayer(ITable table, string query, bool tweetShow = true)
            var mxdoc = ArcMap.Application.Document as IMxDocument;

            if (mxdoc != null)
                var map = mxdoc.FocusMap;

                // Get the table named XYSample.txt
                var stTableCollection = map as IStandaloneTableCollection;

                // Get the table name object
                var dataset   = table as IDataset;
                var tableName = dataset.FullName;

                // Specify the X and Y fields
                var xyEvent2FieldsProperties = new XYEvent2FieldsProperties() as IXYEvent2FieldsProperties;
                if (xyEvent2FieldsProperties != null)
                    xyEvent2FieldsProperties.XFieldName = "x";
                    xyEvent2FieldsProperties.YFieldName = "y";
                    xyEvent2FieldsProperties.ZFieldName = string.Empty;

                    // Specify the projection
                    var spatialReferenceFactory   = new SpatialReferenceEnvironment() as ISpatialReferenceFactory;
                    var projectedCoordinateSystem =

                    // Create the XY name object as set it's properties
                    var xyEventSourceName = new XYEventSourceName() as IXYEventSourceName;
                    xyEventSourceName.EventProperties  = xyEvent2FieldsProperties;
                    xyEventSourceName.SpatialReference = projectedCoordinateSystem;
                    xyEventSourceName.EventTableName   = tableName;

                    IName          xyName        = xyEventSourceName as IName;
                    IXYEventSource xyEventSource = xyName.Open() as IXYEventSource;

                    // Create a new Map Layer
                    IFeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayer() as IFeatureLayer;
                    featureLayer.FeatureClass = xyEventSource as IFeatureClass;
                    featureLayer.Name         = query;

                    // Add the layer extension (this is done so that when you edit
                    // the layer's Source properties and click the Set Data Source
                    // button, the Add XY Events Dialog appears)
                    ILayerExtensions          layerExtensions  = featureLayer as ILayerExtensions;
                    XYDataSourcePageExtension resPageExtension = new XYDataSourcePageExtension();

                    IGeoFeatureLayer geoLayer       = (IGeoFeatureLayer)featureLayer;
                    ISimpleRenderer  simpleRenderer = (ISimpleRenderer)geoLayer.Renderer;

                    var randomNumber = NumberRandom.Next(0, Colors.Count - 1);
                    var color        = Colors[randomNumber];

                    IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColorClass();
                    rgbColor.Blue  = color.B;
                    rgbColor.Red   = color.R;
                    rgbColor.Green = color.G;

                    IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                    markerSymbol.Color    = rgbColor;
                    markerSymbol.Size     = 5;
                    simpleRenderer.Symbol = (ISymbol)markerSymbol;

                    catch (Exception error)
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this method to apply symbol groups to the featureLayer - one group per value in the renderer.
        /// The first group to be added will be the first group to be drawn
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="featureLayer"></param>
        private void SetUpSymbolLevelsForUSHighways(FeatureLayer featureLayer)
            //All of these methods have to be called on the MCT
            if (Module1.OnUIThread)
                throw new CalledOnWrongThreadException();

            CIMBaseLayer baseLayer = featureLayer.GetDefinition();
            //We need CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase because this class controls whether or not we
            //use 'groups' (ie Pro Symbol Levels) with the renderer
            CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase geoFeatureLayer = baseLayer as CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase;

            // assume the unique value renderer was created using the CreateCIMRenderer()
            CIMUniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = geoFeatureLayer.Renderer as CIMUniqueValueRenderer;

            CIMSymbolLayerDrawing symbolLayerDrawing = new CIMSymbolLayerDrawing()
                // This flag controls the drawing code and forces it to use defined symbol layers.
                //It must be set 'true'
                UseSymbolLayerDrawing = true

            // setup the symbol layers.
            List <CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier> symbolLayers = new List <CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier>();

            // this will be a for loop that will iterate over the unique value classes and updating the symbol in each class
            int index = 0;

            foreach (CIMUniqueValueGroup nextGroup in uniqueValueRenderer.Groups)
                foreach (CIMUniqueValueClass nextClass in nextGroup.Classes)
                    CIMMultiLayerSymbol multiLayerSymbol = nextClass.Symbol.Symbol as CIMMultiLayerSymbol;
                    if (multiLayerSymbol == null) //This check probably is not needed
                    //Each group must be uniquely named
                    string uniqueName = "Group_" + index.ToString();
                    nextClass.Symbol.SymbolName = uniqueName;

                    for (int i = 0; i < multiLayerSymbol.SymbolLayers.Length; i++)
                        //Assign the unique name to all of the layers in the symbol
                        multiLayerSymbol.SymbolLayers[i].Name = uniqueName;

                    //Assign the name to a 'CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier'. This is the equivalent
                    //of a KeyValuePair in a Dictionary. The Names of each SymbolLayerIdentifier
                    //will be matched up in the renderer to a corresponding symbol (via nextClass.Symbol.SymbolName)
                    //So that each SymbolLayer is associated with a specific symbol for a specific value
                    CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier nextSymbolLayer = new CIMSymbolLayerIdentifier()
                        SymbolLayerName = uniqueName

            //This is where the symbol layers get added to the feature layer definition
            symbolLayerDrawing.SymbolLayers    = symbolLayers.ToArray();
            geoFeatureLayer.SymbolLayerDrawing = symbolLayerDrawing;

            // update the featureLayer definition.
            featureLayer.SetDefinition(geoFeatureLayer as  CIMBaseLayer);
        private async void sureBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                FeatureLayer tempLayer = (FeatureLayer)myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[index];
                Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Data.FeatureTable tempTable = tempLayer.FeatureTable;

                // 语句
                QueryParameters query = new QueryParameters();
                query.WhereClause = string.Format(inTxt.Text);

                FeatureQueryResult queryResult = await tempTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(query);

                IEnumerator <Feature> resultFeatures = queryResult.GetEnumerator();
                List <Feature>        features       = new List <Feature>();
                while (resultFeatures.MoveNext())

                MessageBox.Show(inTxt.Text + "\n" + features.Count + "\n" + query.WhereClause);

                //long row = tempTable.NumberOfFeatures;
                long          row        = features.Count;
                int           col        = tempTable.Fields.Count;
                List <String> fieldNames = new List <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < col; i++)
                    fieldNames.Add(tempTable.Fields[i] + "");

                StackPanel  stackPanel = new StackPanel();
                WrapPanel[] wrapPanels = new WrapPanel[row];

                // 字段名
                WrapPanel wrapPanelField = new WrapPanel()
                    Margin = new Thickness()
                        Left   = 10,
                        Top    = 1,
                        Right  = 10,
                        Bottom = 1
                for (int i = 0; i < col; i++)
                    Button button = new Button()
                        Content    = fieldNames[i],
                        ToolTip    = fieldNames[i],
                        Width      = 60,
                        Background = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 183, 134))

                // 记录
                for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
                    wrapPanels[i] = new WrapPanel()
                        Margin = new Thickness()
                            Left   = 10,
                            Top    = 1,
                            Right  = 10,
                            Bottom = 1
                    for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
                        Button button = new Button()
                            Width   = 60,
                            Content = features[i].GetAttributeValue(fieldNames[j]),
                            ToolTip = features[i].GetAttributeValue(fieldNames[j])

                var window = new Window();
                window.Content               = stackPanel;
                window.SizeToContent         = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight;
                window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
                window.Title = "属性查询结果";
            catch (Exception ex2)
                MessageBox.Show("查询错误!\n" + ex2.Message + "\n");
Beispiel #49
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // register URL with a specific WFS reader
            WfsReaderFactory.RegisterHandler(URL, typeof(WfsReader));

            // Get the WFS capabilities of the WFS server using the HTTP GET method.
                // Get the WFS capabilities of the WFS server using the HTTP GET method.
                WfsCapabilities Capabilities = WfsClient.GetCapabilities(RequestMethod.GET, URL);
                MessageBox.Show("Please check if " + URL + " is a valid WFS URL");

            // Do something with the the WfsCapabilities here...

            // Get the schema for the USA feature type
            string[] TypeNames = new string[] { "miwfs:USA" };

            // Do something with the schema here...
            XmlSchema usaSchema = WfsClient.DescribeFeatureType(URL, TypeNames);

            // Get all features from the USA feature type
            MultiFeatureCollection usa = WfsClient.GetFeature(URL, TypeNames, null, null, -1, null);
            IFeatureCollection     fc  = usa[0];

            // iterate over the Usa MultiFeatureCollection and add each
            // IFeatureCollection to a MemTable, etc...
            TableInfoMemTable memTableInfo = new TableInfoMemTable("myMemTable");

            foreach (Column c in fc.Columns)
            Table memTable = Session.Current.Catalog.CreateTable(memTableInfo);


            // create a layer from the MemTable
            FeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(memTable);

            // create the map and add the layer
            Map map = Session.Current.MapFactory.CreateEmptyMap(new Size(500, 500));


            // export the map to a file
            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] != null && args[0].Trim().Length != 0)
                using (MapExport me = new MapExport(map)) {
                    me.Format = ExportFormat.Gif;

            // clean up the map
Beispiel #50
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a map with a light gray canvas basemap.
            Map sampleMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateLightGrayCanvas());

            // Assign the map to the MapView.
            MyMapView.Map = sampleMap;

            // Define the Url string for the US highways feature layer.
            string highwaysUrlString = "";

            // Create a service feature table from the url to the US highways feature service.
            ServiceFeatureTable highwaysServiceFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(new System.Uri(highwaysUrlString));

            // Create a feature layer from the service feature table.
            FeatureLayer highwaysFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(highwaysServiceFeatureTable);

            // Load the US highways feature layer - this way we can obtain it's extent.
            await highwaysFeatureLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Zoom the map view to the extent of the US highways feature layer.
            await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(highwaysFeatureLayer.FullExtent);

            // Help regarding the Json syntax for defining the LabelDefinition.FromJson syntax can be found here:
            // This particular JSON string will have the following characteristics:
            // (1) The 'labelExpressionInfo' defines that the label text displayed comes from the field 'rte_num1' in the
            //     feature service and will be prefaced with an "I -". Example: "I - 10", "I - 15", "I - 95", etc.
            // (2) The 'labelPlacement' will be placed above and along the highway polyline segment.
            // (3) The 'where' clause restricts the labels to be displayed that has valid (non-empty) data. Empty data
            //     for this service has a single blank space in the 'rte_num1' field.
            // (4) The 'symbol' for the labeled text will be blue with a yellow halo.
            string theJSON_String =
                    ""labelExpressionInfo"":{""expression"":""'I - ' + $feature.rte_num1""},
                    ""where"":""rte_num1 <> ' '"",

            // Create a label definition from the JSON string.
            LabelDefinition highwaysLabelDefinition = LabelDefinition.FromJson(theJSON_String);

            // Add the label definition to the feature layer's label definition collection.

            // Enable the visibility of labels to be seen.
            highwaysFeatureLayer.LabelsEnabled = true;

            // Add the US highways feature layer to the operations layers collection of the map.
        private async void Snapping()
            Map          myMap  = null;
            FeatureLayer fLayer = null;
            IEnumerable <FeatureLayer> layerList = null;

            #region Configure Snapping (Turn Snapping on or off)

            //enable snapping
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.IsEnabled = true;

            // disable snapping
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.IsEnabled = false;

            #region Configure Snapping (Application SnapModes)

            // set only Point and Edge snapping modes, clear everything else
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetSnapModes(SnapMode.Point, SnapMode.Edge);

            // clear all snap modes

            // set snap modes one at a time
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.Edge, true);
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.End, true);
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.Intersection, true);

            // get current snap modes
            var snapModes = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SnapModes;

            // get state of a specific snap mode
            bool isOn = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.GetSnapMode(SnapMode.Vertex);


            #region Configure Snapping (Layer Snappability)

            // is the layer snappable?
            bool isSnappable = fLayer.IsSnappable;

            // set snappability for a specific layer - needs to run on the MCT
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                // use an extension method

                // or use the CIM directly
                //var layerDef = fLayer.GetDefinition() as ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMGeoFeatureLayerBase;
                //layerDef.Snappable = true;

            // turn all layers snappability off
            layerList = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>();
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                foreach (var layer in layerList)


            #region Configure Snapping (LayerSnapModes)

            layerList = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>();

            // configure by layer
            foreach (var layer in layerList)
                // find the state of the snapModes for the layer
                var  lsm      = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.GetLayerSnapModes(layer);
                bool vertexOn = lsm.Vertex;
                // or use
                vertexOn = lsm.GetSnapMode(SnapMode.Vertex);

                bool edgeOn = lsm.Edge;
                // or use
                edgeOn = lsm.GetSnapMode(SnapMode.Edge);

                bool endOn = lsm.End;
                // or use
                endOn = lsm.GetSnapMode(SnapMode.End);

                // update a few snapModes
                //   turn Vertex off
                lsm.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.Vertex, false);
                // intersections on
                lsm.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.Intersection, true);

                // and set back to the layer
                ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layer, lsm);

                // assign a single snap mode at once
                ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layer, SnapMode.Vertex, false);

                // turn ALL snapModes on
                ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layer, true);
                // turn ALL snapModes off
                ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layer, false);

            // configure for a set of layers

            // set Vertex, edge, end on for a set of layers, other snapModes false
            var vee = new LayerSnapModes(false);
            vee.Vertex = true;
            vee.Edge   = true;
            vee.End    = true;
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layerList, vee);

            // ensure intersection is on for a set of layers without changing any other snapModes

            // get the layer snapModes for the set of layers
            var dictLSM = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.GetLayerSnapModes(layerList);
            foreach (var layer in dictLSM.Keys)
                var lsm = dictLSM[layer];
                lsm.Intersection = true;

            // set all snapModes off for a list of layers
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(layerList, false);


            #region Configure Snapping (Combined Example)

            // interested in only snapping to the vertices of a specific layer of interest and not the vertices of other layers
            //  all other snapModes should be off.

            // snapping must be on
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.IsEnabled = true;

            // turn all application snapModes off

            // set application snapMode vertex on
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetSnapMode(SnapMode.Vertex, true);

            // ensure layer snapping is on
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>

            // set vertex snapping only
            var vertexOnly = new LayerSnapModes(false);
            vertexOnly.Vertex = true;

            // set vertex only for the specific layer, clearing all others
            var dict = new Dictionary <Layer, LayerSnapModes>();
            dict.Add(fLayer, vertexOnly);
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetLayerSnapModes(dict, true); // true = reset other layers

            #region Snap Options

            //Set snapping options via get/set options
            var snapOptions = ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.GetOptions(myMap);
            snapOptions.SnapToSketchEnabled = true;
            snapOptions.XYTolerance         = 100;
            snapOptions.ZToleranceEnabled   = true;
            snapOptions.ZTolerance          = 0.6;
            ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Snapping.SetOptions(myMap, snapOptions);

        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a map with a light gray canvas basemap.
            Map sampleMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateLightGrayCanvas());

            // Assign the map to the MapView.
            MyMapView.Map = sampleMap;

            // Define the URL string for the feature layer.
            string layerUrl = "";

            // Create a service feature table from the URL.
            ServiceFeatureTable featureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(new System.Uri(layerUrl));

            // Create a feature layer from the service feature table.
            FeatureLayer districtFeatureLabel = new FeatureLayer(featureTable);

            // Add the feature layer to the operations layers collection of the map.

            // Load the feature layer - this way we can obtain it's extent.
            await districtFeatureLabel.LoadAsync();

            // Zoom the map view to the extent of the feature layer.
            await MyMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(new MapPoint(-10846309.950860, 4683272.219411, SpatialReferences.WebMercator), 20000000);

            // Help regarding the Json syntax for defining the LabelDefinition.FromJson syntax can be found here:
            // This particular JSON string will have the following characteristics:
            string redLabelJson =
                    ""labelExpressionInfo"":{""expression"":""$feature.NAME + ' (' + left($feature.PARTY,1) + ')\\nDistrict' + $feature.CDFIPS""},
                    ""where"":""PARTY = 'Republican'"",

            string blueLabelJson =
                    ""labelExpressionInfo"":{""expression"":""$feature.NAME + ' (' + left($feature.PARTY,1) + ')\\nDistrict' + $feature.CDFIPS""},
                    ""where"":""PARTY = 'Democrat'"",

            // Create a label definition from the JSON string.
            LabelDefinition redLabelDefinition  = LabelDefinition.FromJson(redLabelJson);
            LabelDefinition blueLabelDefinition = LabelDefinition.FromJson(blueLabelJson);

            // Add the label definition to the feature layer's label definition collection.

            // Enable the visibility of labels to be seen.
            districtFeatureLabel.LabelsEnabled = true;
Beispiel #53
        public MapForm1()
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            // Set table search path to value sampledatasearch registry key
            string s = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey keySamp = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\MapInfo\MapXtreme\6.6");
            if ((keySamp != null) && (keySamp.GetValue("SampleDataSearchPath") != null))
                s = (string)keySamp.GetValue("SampleDataSearchPath");
                if (s.EndsWith("\\") == false)
                    s += "\\";
            Session.Current.TableSearchPath.Path = s;

            // Add the USA table to the map
            mapControl1.Map.Load(new MapTableLoader(""));

            // Listen to the appropriate map event to allow the status bar to be updated
            mapControl1.Map.ViewChangedEvent += new ViewChangedEventHandler(Map_ViewChanged);

            // Create a ranged theme on the USA layer.
            Map          map = mapControl1.Map;
            FeatureLayer lyr = map.Layers["usa"] as MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer;
            RangedTheme  thm = new MapInfo.Mapping.Thematics.RangedTheme(
                "Round(MI_Area(Obj, 'sq mi', 'Spherical'), 1)",
                "Area (square miles)",


            // Create a legend
            Legend legend = map.Legends.CreateLegend(new Size(5, 5));
            // Create a LegendFrame that contains the theme and add that frame to the Legend.
            ThemeLegendFrame frame = LegendFrameFactory.CreateThemeLegendFrame("Area", "Area", thm);

            frame.Title = "Area (sq. mi.)";

            // Create a LegendExport and export the legend to a bitmap file.
            MapInfo.Mapping.LegendExport legendExport = new MapInfo.Mapping.LegendExport(map, legend);
            legendExport.Format     = ExportFormat.Bmp;
            legendExport.ExportSize = new ExportSize(300, 200);

            // Display the legend in a window.
            System.Windows.Forms.Form legendForm = new LegendForm();
            legendForm.BackgroundImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("legend.bmp");
            legendForm.Size            = new Size(300, 200);

            // Alternatively, you can add the legend as a child window of the map
            //  by appending it to the Adornments collection.  In this case, most likely
            //  a smaller size should be used when the Legend object is created.
            //legend.Border = true;

            // Set the initial legend location to be the upper left corner of the map control.
            //legend.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(mapControl1.Left, mapControl1.Top);
Beispiel #54
        public static long OutPutFeat(ref IFeatureClass pDesFeatCls, ref IFeatureClass pOriFeatCls, string sSql,
                                      IGeometry pDomainGeometry, bool bIsCut, ref ISpatialReference pSpatialReference,
                                      Dictionary <string, string> pDicField, ref ProgressBarX vProgressBar, ref LabelX lblInfo, string sInfo)
            long functionReturnValue = 0;
            IFeatureCursor pWithINFeatCursor = null;

            IFeatureCursor    pFeatCursor    = default(IFeatureCursor);
            IFeatureLayer     pFeatLayer     = default(IFeatureLayer);
            IFeatureSelection pFeatSelection = default(IFeatureSelection);

            int lFeatCount = 0;

            bool bInsertRight = true;

            if (pDesFeatCls == null | pOriFeatCls == null)

            if (pDesFeatCls.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                bIsCut = false;

            if (pDomainGeometry == null)
                bIsCut = false;


            if (lblInfo != null)
                lblInfo.Text = sInfo + "正在获得满足条件的要素,请稍候.....";

            if (bIsCut)
                pFeatLayer = new FeatureLayer();
                pFeatLayer.FeatureClass = pOriFeatCls;
                pFeatLayer.Name         = pOriFeatCls.AliasName;

                pFeatSelection = ClsSelectAndQuery.GetFeatSelection(ref pFeatLayer, sSql, esriSelectionResultEnum.esriSelectionResultNew, esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects, ref pDomainGeometry);
                lFeatCount     = pFeatSelection.SelectionSet.Count;
                if (vProgressBar != null)
                    vProgressBar.Value   = 0;
                    vProgressBar.Maximum = lFeatCount;

                ClsSelectAndQuery.ClassifyFeatCursorByGeometry(ref pFeatSelection, pDomainGeometry, ref pWithINFeatCursor, pDesFeatCls.ShapeType);
                // 陈昉  2009-3-12  修改 修改原因 原来的方法不能搜索到包含一此Geometry的要素

                //ClassifyFeatCursorByGeometry(pFeatSelection, pDomainGeometry, pWithINFeatCursor, pCrossFeatCursor, pDesFeatCls.ShapeType)

                if (lblInfo != null)
                    lblInfo.Text = sInfo + "正在输出要素,请稍候.....";

                InsertFeatIntoFeatClsByCursor(ref pDesFeatCls, ref pWithINFeatCursor, true, pDomainGeometry, ref pSpatialReference, pDicField, ref vProgressBar);

                //InsertFeatIntoFeatClsByCursor(pDesFeatCls, pWithINFeatCursor, True, pDomainGeometry, pSpatialReference, _
                //                              pDicField, vProgressBar)
                //InsertFeatIntoFeatClsByCursor(pDesFeatCls, pCrossFeatCursor, True, pDomainGeometry, pSpatialReference, _
                //                              pDicField, vProgressBar)
                long lFeatCount2 = (long)lFeatCount;
                pFeatCursor = ClsSelectAndQuery.GetFeatCursor(pOriFeatCls, sSql, esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects, ref pDomainGeometry, true, ref lFeatCount2);
                lFeatCount  = (int)lFeatCount2;

                if (vProgressBar != null)
                    vProgressBar.Maximum = lFeatCount;
                    vProgressBar.Value   = 0;
                if (lblInfo != null)
                    lblInfo.Text = sInfo + "正在输出要素,请稍候.....";

                bInsertRight = InsertFeatIntoFeatClsByCursor(ref pDesFeatCls, ref pFeatCursor, false, pDomainGeometry, ref pSpatialReference, pDicField, ref vProgressBar);

                //印骅 20081202 Insert失败,退出函数
                if (bInsertRight == false)
                    functionReturnValue = -1;
            functionReturnValue = lFeatCount;
            if ((vProgressBar != null))
                //vProgressBar.Visible = False
                vProgressBar.Value = 0;

            pWithINFeatCursor = null;

Beispiel #55
 private void VersionsCombo_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
     Fl            = (MyMap.Layers["ServiceConnections"] as FeatureLayer);
     Fl.GdbVersion = (e.AddedItems[0] as Graphic).Attributes["name"].ToString();
        private static void ZoomToExtent()
            RectangleShape resultExtent = null;

            if (GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem == null)
            if (GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject is Overlay && GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItems.Count > 0)
                Collection <RectangleShape> extents = new Collection <RectangleShape>();
                foreach (var item in GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItems)
                    var tmpOverlay = item.ConcreteObject as Overlay;
                    if (tmpOverlay != null)
                resultExtent = ExtentHelper.GetBoundingBoxOfItems(extents);
            else if (GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItems.Count > 0)
                Collection <RectangleShape> extents = new Collection <RectangleShape>();
                foreach (var item in GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItems)
                    Layer tmpLayer = item.ConcreteObject as Layer;
                    if (tmpLayer != null && tmpLayer.HasBoundingBox)
                        tmpLayer.SafeProcess(() =>

                resultExtent = ExtentHelper.GetBoundingBoxOfItems(extents);
            else if (GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject is Overlay)
                resultExtent = (GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject as Overlay).GetBoundingBox();
            else if (GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject is Layer)
                Layer layer = GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject as Layer;
                if (layer.HasBoundingBox)
                    layer.SafeProcess(() =>
                        resultExtent = layer.GetBoundingBox();
            else if (GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject is ValueItem)
                string       value        = ((ValueItem)GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject).Value;
                string       columnName   = ((ValueStyle)GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.Parent.ConcreteObject).ColumnName;
                FeatureLayer featureLayer = LayerListHelper.FindMapElementInTree <FeatureLayer>(GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem);
                if (featureLayer != null)
                    System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult dialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes;
                    FeatureLayerPlugin[] layerPlugins = GisEditor.LayerManager.GetLayerPlugins(featureLayer.GetType()).OfType <FeatureLayerPlugin>().ToArray();
                    if (layerPlugins.Length > 0 && !layerPlugins[0].CanQueryFeaturesEfficiently)
                        dialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(GisEditor.LanguageManager.GetStringResource("ZoomToExtentWarning"), GisEditor.LanguageManager.GetStringResource("MapElementsListPluginZoomToExtent"), System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    if (dialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                        Collection <Feature> features = new Collection <Feature>();
                        featureLayer.SafeProcess(() =>
                            features     = featureLayer.QueryTools.GetFeaturesByColumnValue(columnName, value);
                            resultExtent = ExtentHelper.GetBoundingBoxOfItems(features);
                        if (features.Count == 0)
                            MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessage("No features matched.", "Zoom to extent", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            if (resultExtent != null)
                GisEditor.ActiveMap.CurrentExtent = resultExtent;
        private void Deal()
            IWorkspace pWorkspace = default(IWorkspace);
            string        sDesFeatClsName = null;
            IFeatureClass pDesFeatCls     = default(IFeatureClass);
            string        sInfo           = null;
            IFeatureLayer pFeatLayer      = default(IFeatureLayer);
            IFeatureClass pFeatureCls     = default(IFeatureClass);
            int           ErrorCount      = 0;

            ErrorCount = 0;

            if (_map.LayerCount == 0)
                //g_clsErrorHandle.DisplayInformation("没有加载图层或没有图层处于选中状态!请选中需要提取的图层!", false);
                MessageBoxEx.Show("没有加载图层或没有图层处于选中状态!请选中需要提取的图层!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            //WHFUtilities.clsLog ploger = default(WHFUtilities.clsLog);
            //// 陈昉  2009-2-23  修改 修改原因 写日志
            IDataset pTempDataset = default(IDataset);
            int      iCount       = 0;
            //ploger = new WHFUtilities.clsLog();
            //ploger.DBConnectionString = "Data Source=" + g_Sys.DbName + ";User ID=" + g_Sys.DbUser + " ;Password="******"当前操作层:" + pFeatLayer.Name;
                    this.lblInfo.Text = sInfo;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDesFeatClsName.Trim()))
                        if (pFeatureCls != null)
                            this.lblInfo.Text = sInfo + "正在获得目标要素类,请稍候....";
                            if (sDesFeatClsName.Contains("."))
                                int dotIndex = 0;
                                dotIndex        = sDesFeatClsName.IndexOf(".");
                                sDesFeatClsName = sDesFeatClsName.Substring(dotIndex + 1, sDesFeatClsName.Length - dotIndex - 1);
                            IFeatureWorkspace pFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)pWorkspace;
                            IFields           pFields           = pFeatureCls.Fields;
                            pDesFeatCls = ClsCreatAndGetDataset.CreatOrOpenFeatClsByName(ref pFeatureWorkspace, sDesFeatClsName, ref pFields, null, null);
                            pWorkspace  = (IWorkspace)pFeatureWorkspace;
                            //pFeatureCls.Fields = pFields;

                            if (pDesFeatCls != null)
                                ISpatialReference pSpatialRefer = null;

                                iCount = (int)ClsCreateFeat.OutPutFeat(ref pDesFeatCls, ref pFeatureCls, "", null, false, ref pSpatialRefer, null, ref this.lblInfo, sInfo);
                                IFeatureLayer showFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer();
                                showFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pDesFeatCls;
                                ILayer showLayer = showFeatureLayer as ILayer;
                                showLayer.Name = pDesFeatCls.AliasName + "_Extract";
                                if (iCount > 0)
                                    pTempDataset = (IDataset)pFeatureCls;
                                    //// 陈昉  2009-3-1  修改 修改原因 写日志
                                    //ploger.log(System.Environment.MachineName, g_Sys.User.UserID, System.DateTime.Now.ToString(), "数据管理子系统", "WHFDataExtract", "快速提取" + pTempDataset.Name + "中" + iCount + "个要素到" + pDesFeatCls.AliasName, "目标 :" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(pWorkspace.PathName));
                                ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1;
            if (intChooseLayer == 0)
                MessageBoxEx.Show("没有选择提取要素,请选择!", "提示");
            if (ErrorCount > 0)
                this.lblInfo.Text = "操作中有错误发生!";
                //g_clsErrorHandle.DisplayInformation("操作中有错误发生!", false);
                MessageBoxEx.Show("操作中有错误发生!", "提示");
                //Member member = new Member();
                //member.AddLayerToMap(pWorkspace, _map);
                this.lblInfo.Text = "操作完成!";
                //g_clsErrorHandle.DisplayInformation("操作完成!", false);
                MessageBoxEx.Show("操作完成!", "提示");
Beispiel #58
        public static void ReplaceFromLibrary()
            StyleLibraryWindow library = new StyleLibraryWindow();

            if (library.ShowDialog().GetValueOrDefault())
                if (GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem == null)
                var styleItem = GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem;
                //var styleItem = GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject as StyleItem;
                //if (styleItem != null)
                    TileOverlay containingOverlay = null;
                    var         compositeStyle    = GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.ConcreteObject as CompositeStyle;
                    if (compositeStyle != null)
                        FeatureLayer currentFeatureLayer = GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.Parent.ConcreteObject as FeatureLayer;
                        if (currentFeatureLayer != null)
                            foreach (var zoomLevel in currentFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.CustomZoomLevels)
                                var index = zoomLevel.CustomStyles.IndexOf(compositeStyle);
                                if (index >= 0)
                                    zoomLevel.CustomStyles.Insert(index, library.Result.CompositeStyle);
                            containingOverlay = GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem.Parent.Parent.ConcreteObject as TileOverlay;
                    else if (styleItem.ConcreteObject is Styles.Style && styleItem.Parent.ConcreteObject is Styles.Style)
                        var index = styleItem.Parent.Children.IndexOf(styleItem);
                        var compositeStyleItem = GisEditor.StyleManager.GetStyleLayerListItem(library.Result.CompositeStyle);
                        foreach (var item in compositeStyleItem.Children)
                            styleItem.Parent.Children.Insert(index, item);
                        containingOverlay = LayerListHelper.FindMapElementInTree <TileOverlay>(GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem);
                        var compositeStyleItem = GisEditor.StyleManager.GetStyleLayerListItem(library.Result.CompositeStyle);
                        foreach (var item in compositeStyleItem.Children)
                        containingOverlay = LayerListHelper.FindMapElementInTree <TileOverlay>(GisEditor.LayerListManager.SelectedLayerListItem);
                    if (containingOverlay != null)
                        GisEditor.UIManager.InvokeRefreshPlugins(new RefreshArgs(containingOverlay, RefreshArgsDescriptions.ReplaceFromLibraryDescription));
        private async void Initialize()
                IsBusy.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                Status.Text       = "Loading Utility Network...";

                // Create a map.
                MyMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreetsNightVector())
                    InitialViewpoint = _startingViewpoint

                // Add the layer with electric distribution lines.
                FeatureLayer lineLayer          = new FeatureLayer(new Uri($"{FeatureServiceUrl}/115"));
                UniqueValue  mediumVoltageValue = new UniqueValue("N/A", "Medium Voltage", new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.DarkCyan, 3), 5);
                UniqueValue  lowVoltageValue    = new UniqueValue("N/A", "Low Voltage", new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, System.Drawing.Color.DarkCyan, 3), 3);
                lineLayer.Renderer = new UniqueValueRenderer(new List <string>()
                }, new List <UniqueValue>()
                    mediumVoltageValue, lowVoltageValue
                }, "", new SimpleLineSymbol());

                // Add the layer with electric devices.
                FeatureLayer electricDevicelayer = new FeatureLayer(new Uri($"{FeatureServiceUrl}/100"));

                // Set the selection color for features in the map view.
                MyMapView.SelectionProperties = new SelectionProperties(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);

                // Create and load the utility network.
                _utilityNetwork = await UtilityNetwork.CreateAsync(new Uri(FeatureServiceUrl), MyMapView.Map);

                // Update the trace configuration UI.
                TraceTypes.ItemsSource = new List <UtilityTraceType>()
                    UtilityTraceType.Connected, UtilityTraceType.Subnetwork, UtilityTraceType.Upstream, UtilityTraceType.Downstream
                TraceTypes.SelectedIndex = 0;

                // Get the utility tier used for traces in this network. For this data set, the "Medium Voltage Radial" tier from the "ElectricDistribution" domain network is used.
                UtilityDomainNetwork domainNetwork = _utilityNetwork.Definition.GetDomainNetwork("ElectricDistribution");
                _mediumVoltageTier = domainNetwork.GetTier("Medium Voltage Radial");

                // More complex datasets may require using utility trace configurations from different tiers. The following LINQ expression gets all tiers present in the utility network.
                //IEnumerable<UtilityTier> tiers = _utilityNetwork.Definition.DomainNetworks.Select(domain => domain.Tiers).SelectMany(tier => tier);

                // Create symbols for starting locations and barriers.
                _startingPointSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Cross, System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen, 25d);
                _barrierPointSymbol  = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.X, System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed, 25d);

                // Create a graphics overlay.
                GraphicsOverlay graphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();

                // Set the instruction text.
                Status.Text = "Click on the network lines or points to add a utility element.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Status.Text = "Loading Utility Network failed...";
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().Name, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                MainUI.IsEnabled  = true;
                IsBusy.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
Beispiel #60
 public ConfigTinyGeoFileUserControl(FeatureLayer featureLayer)
     lbxFeatureLayers.ItemsSource = GisEditor.ActiveMap.GetFeatureLayers();
     txtOutput.Text = ConfigShapeFileViewModel.GetDefaultOutputPath();