Beispiel #1
        public async Task ExampleUsage1()
            // Get your key from
            var apiKey = "AIzaSyCtcFQMgRIUHhSuXggm4BtXT4eZvUrBWN0";
            // contains the sheetId:
            var sheetId           = "1KBamVmgEUX-fyogMJ48TT6h2kAMKyWU1uBL5skCGRBM";
            var sheetName         = "MySheet1"; // Has to match the sheet name
            var googleSheetsStore = new GoogleSheetsKeyValueStore(new InMemoryKeyValueStore(), apiKey, sheetId, sheetName);
            var testStore         = new FeatureFlagStore(new InMemoryKeyValueStore(), googleSheetsStore);

            IoC.inject.SetSingleton <FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag> >(new FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag>(testStore));

            // Open for these:
            Assert.False(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled("MyFlag1"));
            Assert.True(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled("MyFlag2"));

            var          key3  = "MyFlag3";
            IFeatureFlag flag3 = await FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag> .instance.GetFeatureFlag(key3);

            Assert.Equal(40, flag3.rolloutPercentage); // Rollout of feature 3 is at 40%

            // The local random value that was chosen determines if the flag is enabled or not:
            if (flag3.localState.randomPercentage <= flag3.rolloutPercentage)
                Assert.True(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(key3));
                Assert.False(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(key3));
Beispiel #2
        public async Task ExtendedTest1()
            // Get your key from
            var apiKey = "AIzaSyCtcFQMgRIUHhSuXggm4BtXT4eZvUrBWN0";
            // See
            var sheetId           = "1KBamVmgEUX-fyogMJ48TT6h2kAMKyWU1uBL5skCGRBM";
            var sheetName         = "MySheet1"; // Has to match the sheet name
            var googleSheetsStore = new GoogleSheetsKeyValueStore(new InMemoryKeyValueStore(), apiKey, sheetId, sheetName);

            var localStore = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();
            var testStore  = new FeatureFlagStore(localStore, googleSheetsStore);

            IoC.inject.SetSingleton <FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag> >(new FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag>(testStore));

            var key1 = "MyFlag1";
            var key2 = "MyFlag2";
            var key3 = "MyFlag3";

            Assert.NotNull(await googleSheetsStore.Get <FeatureFlag>(key1, null));
            Assert.NotNull(await googleSheetsStore.Get <FeatureFlag>(key2, null));
            Assert.NotNull(await testStore.Get(key2, null));
            Assert.NotNull(await FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag> .instance.GetFeatureFlag(key2));

            Assert.False(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(key1));
            Assert.True(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(key2));

            var flag3_1 = await FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag> .instance.GetFeatureFlag(key3);

            Assert.Equal(40, flag3_1.rolloutPercentage);

            var localState3_1 = await localStore.Get <IFeatureFlagLocalState>(key3, null);

            var percent3_1 = localState3_1.randomPercentage;

            Assert.NotEqual(0, percent3_1);
            if (percent3_1 < flag3_1.rolloutPercentage)
                Assert.True(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(key3));
                Assert.False(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(key3));
            localState3_1.randomPercentage = flag3_1.rolloutPercentage - 1;
            await localStore.Set(key3, localState3_1);

            var localState3_2 = await localStore.Get <IFeatureFlagLocalState>(key3, null);

            Assert.NotEqual(percent3_1, localState3_2.randomPercentage);

            var flag3_2 = await FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag> .instance.GetFeatureFlag(key3);

            Assert.Equal(localState3_2.randomPercentage, flag3_2.localState.randomPercentage);
            Assert.True(await flag3_2.IsEnabled());
            Assert.True(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(key3));
Beispiel #3
        private static async Task <ProgressionSystem <FeatureFlag> > NewInMemoryTestXpSystem(string apiKey, string sheetId, string sheetName)
            var cachedFlags          = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();
            var googleSheetsStore    = new GoogleSheetsKeyValueStore(cachedFlags, apiKey, sheetId, sheetName);
            var cachedFlagsLocalData = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();
            var analytics            = new LocalAnalytics(new InMemoryKeyValueStore());

            analytics.createStoreFor = (_ => new InMemoryKeyValueStore().GetTypeAdapter <AppFlowEvent>());
            var featureFlagStore = new FeatureFlagStore(cachedFlagsLocalData, googleSheetsStore);

            return(await DefaultProgressionSystem.Setup(featureFlagStore, analytics));
Beispiel #4
        public async Task TestProgressiveDisclosure()
            // Get your key from
            var apiKey = "AIzaSyCtcFQMgRIUHhSuXggm4BtXT4eZvUrBWN0";
            // contains the sheetId:
            var sheetId           = "1KBamVmgEUX-fyogMJ48TT6h2kAMKyWU1uBL5skCGRBM";
            var sheetName         = "MySheet1"; // Has to match the sheet name
            var googleSheetsStore = new GoogleSheetsKeyValueStore(new InMemoryKeyValueStore(), apiKey, sheetId, sheetName);
            var testStore         = new FeatureFlagStore(new InMemoryKeyValueStore(), googleSheetsStore);

            IoC.inject.SetSingleton <FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag> >(new FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag>(testStore));

            // Make sure user would normally be included in the rollout:
            var flagId4 = "MyFlag4";
            var flag4   = await FeatureFlagManager <FeatureFlag> .instance.GetFeatureFlag(flagId4);

            Assert.Equal(100, flag4.rolloutPercentage);

            // There is no user progression system setup so the requiredXp value of the feature flag is ignored:
            Assert.True(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(flagId4));
            Assert.True(await flag4.IsFeatureUnlocked());

            // Setup progression system and check again:
            var xpSystem = new TestXpSystem();

            IoC.inject.SetSingleton <IProgressionSystem <FeatureFlag> >(xpSystem);
            // Now that there is a progression system
            Assert.False(await flag4.IsFeatureUnlocked());
            Assert.False(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(flagId4));

            var eventCount = 1000;

            var store = new MutationObserverKeyValueStore().WithFallbackStore(new InMemoryKeyValueStore());

            // Lets assume the users xp correlates with the number of triggered local analytics events:
            store.onSet = delegate {

            // Set the store to be the target of the local analytics so that whenever any
            LocalAnalytics analytics = new LocalAnalytics(store);

            analytics.createStoreFor = (_) => new InMemoryKeyValueStore().GetTypeAdapter <AppFlowEvent>();

            // Setup the AppFlow logic to use LocalAnalytics:
            AppFlow.AddAppFlowTracker(new AppFlowToStore(analytics));

            // Simulate User progression by causing analytics events:
            for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++)
                AppFlow.TrackEvent(EventConsts.catMutation, "User did mutation nr " + i);

            // Get the analtics store for category "Mutations":
            var mutationStore = await analytics.GetStoreForCategory(EventConsts.catMutation).GetAll();

            Assert.Equal(eventCount, mutationStore.Count()); // All events so far were mutations
            Assert.True(eventCount <= xpSystem.currentXp);   // The user received xp for each mutation

            Assert.Equal(1000, flag4.requiredXp);            // The user needs >= 1000 xp for the feature

            // Now that the user has more than 1000 xp the condition of the TestXpSystem is met:
            Assert.True(await flag4.IsFeatureUnlocked());
            Assert.True(await FeatureFlag.IsEnabled(flagId4));