Beispiel #1
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Static method to create a new structured text. It creates an StText object owned by
        /// hvoOwner in property tag, then creates an StTxtPara owned by the new StText. It
        /// sets the contents of the paragraph to be an empty string in the specified writing system,
        /// and Normal paragraph style.
        /// </summary>
        /// ENHANCE JohnT: probably we will identify styles by something other than name.
        /// REVIEW JohnT(TomB): Are we supposed to be supplying a style name rather than just
        /// using "Normal"?
        /// <param name="cache">FieldWorks database access</param>
        /// <param name="hvoOwner">id of object to own the new StText</param>
        /// <param name="propTag">property (field) type of the new StText</param>
        /// <param name="ws">language writing system of empty paragraph</param>
        /// <returns>HVO of the newly created StText object</returns>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static int MakeEmptyStText(FdoCache cache, int hvoOwner, int propTag, int ws)
            // REVIEW TomB: Lastparm should really be null if Randy changes CreateObject.

            // Response from RandyR: I changed CreateObject. Null should work for
            // everything now.
            // Most of this code could be moved into the FDO objects, if desired.
            int hvoStText = cache.CreateObject(StText.kclsidStText, hvoOwner, propTag, 0);
            int hvoPara   = cache.CreateObject(StTxtPara.kclsidStTxtPara, hvoStText,
                                               (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, 0);

            // Set the style of the paragraph to Normal
            ITsTextProps ttpNormal;
            ITsPropsBldr tsPropsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();

            ttpNormal = tsPropsBldr.GetTextProps();
                                               (int)StPara.StParaTags.kflidStyleRules, ttpNormal);

            // Set its contents to an empty string in the right writing system.
            ITsStrFactory tsFactory = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();

            cache.SetTsStringProperty(hvoPara, (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents,
                                      tsFactory.MakeStringRgch("", 0, ws));

Beispiel #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Sanity check to ensure the scripture texts are valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void EnsureScriptureTextsValid()
            foreach (ScrBook book in m_scr.ScriptureBooksOS)
                int[] sectionHvos = book.SectionsOS.HvoArray;
                // Don't crash if we don't have any sections (TE-5380)
                if (sectionHvos.Length == 0)

                ContextValues sectionContext;
                foreach (ScrSection section in book.SectionsOS)
                    // Check the heading paragraphs.
                    if (section.HeadingOA == null)
                        m_cache.CreateObject(StText.kClassId, section.Hvo,
                                             (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading, 0);
                    if (section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.Count == 0)
                        StTxtPara para = new StTxtPara();
                        para.StyleRules = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.SectionHead);
                        sectionContext  = ContextValues.Text;
                        IStStyle style = m_scr.FindStyle(section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS[0].StyleRules);
                        // style could be null. set default context if possible
                        sectionContext = style == null ? ContextValues.Text : style.Context;

                    // Check the content paragraphs.
                    if (section.ContentOA == null)
                        m_cache.CreateObject(StText.kClassId, section.Hvo,
                                             (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent, 0);
                    if (section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count == 0)
                        StTxtPara para = new StTxtPara();
                        para.StyleRules = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(
                            TeEditingHelper.GetDefaultStyleForContext(sectionContext, false));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// If OK, then make FS have the selected feature value(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void PhonologicalFeatureChooserDlg_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            if (DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                if (m_fs == null)
                    // Didn't have one to begin with. See whether we want to create one.
                    if (m_hvoOwner != 0 && CheckFeatureStructure())
                        // The last argument is meaningless since we expect this property to be owning
                        // or collection.
                        int hvoFs = m_cache.CreateObject(FsFeatStruc.kClassId, m_hvoOwner, m_owningFlid, 0);
                        m_fs = (IFsFeatStruc)FsFeatStruc.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvoFs, false);

                if (m_fs != null)
                    // clean out any extant features in the feature structure
                    foreach (IFsFeatureSpecification spec in m_fs.FeatureSpecsOC)

            if (m_mediator != null)
                m_mediator.PropertyTable.SetProperty("phonFeatListDlgLocation", Location);
                m_mediator.PropertyTable.SetProperty("phonFeatListDlgSize", Size);
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Beispiel #4
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new picture, given string representations of most of the parameters. Used
 /// for creating a picture from a USFM-style Standard Format import.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fcCache">FDO cache</param>
 /// <param name="sFolder">The name of the CmFolder where picture should be stored</param>
 /// <param name="anchorLoc">The anchor location that can be used to determine (may be 0).</param>
 /// <param name="locationParser">The location parser.</param>
 /// <param name="sDescription">Illustration description in English.</param>
 /// <param name="srcFilename">The picture filename.</param>
 /// <param name="sLayoutPos">The layout position (as a string).</param>
 /// <param name="sLocationRange">The location range (as a string).</param>
 /// <param name="sCopyright">The copyright.</param>
 /// <param name="sCaption">The caption, in the default vernacular writing system.</param>
 /// <param name="locRangeType">Assumed type of the location range.</param>
 /// <param name="sScaleFactor">The scale factor (as a string).</param>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public CmPicture(FdoCache fcCache, string sFolder, int anchorLoc,
                  IPictureLocationBridge locationParser, string sDescription, string srcFilename,
                  string sLayoutPos, string sLocationRange, string sCopyright, string sCaption,
                  PictureLocationRangeType locRangeType, string sScaleFactor)
     : base(fcCache, fcCache.CreateObject(CmPicture.kclsidCmPicture))
     InitializeNewPicture(sFolder, anchorLoc, locationParser, sDescription,
                          srcFilename, sLayoutPos, sLocationRange, sCopyright, sCaption,
                          locRangeType, sScaleFactor);
        /// <summary>
        /// If OK, then make FS have the selected feature value(s).
        /// JohnT: This is a really ugly kludge, which I have only partly repaired.
        /// We need the dialog to return with m_fs set to an FsFeatStruc (if OK was clicked),
        /// since that is what the bulk edit bar wants to copy to MoStemMsas for any items
        /// it is asked to modify. Also, the new FsFeatStruc needs to be in the ReferenceForms
        /// (which is what m_owningFlid apparently always is, currently) so that it will become
        /// one of the items in the combo list and can be selected. However, Andy says this is
        /// not the intended use of ReferenceForms at all.
        /// A further ugliness is that we always make a new FsFeatStruc (unless one was passed
        /// in to one of the SegDlgInfo methods, but AFAIK that override is never used), but
        /// we then delete it if it turns out to be a duplicate. There is no other straightforward
        /// way to detect that the current choices in the dialog correspond to an existing item.
        /// This may cause problems in the new world, where we can't do this "suppress sub tasks"
        /// trick without losing our Undo stack.
        /// It may be possible in the new world to create an object without initially giving it an
        /// owner, and only persist it if it is NOT a duplicate. But even that we don't really want
        /// to be undoable, nor should it clear the undo stack. Really the list of possible choices
        /// for the combo should not be separately persisted as model data, but it should be persisted
        /// somehow...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void MsaInflectionFeatureListDlg_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            if (DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                using (new SuppressSubTasks(m_cache))                 // making and maybe then deleting the new item for the combo is not undoable
                    if (m_fs == null)
                        // Didn't have one to begin with. See whether we want to create one.
                        if (CheckFeatureStructure(m_tvMsaFeatureList.Nodes))
                            // The last argument is meaningless since we expect this property to be owning
                            // or collection.
                            int hvoFs = m_cache.CreateObject(FsFeatStruc.kClassId, m_hvoOwner, m_owningFlid, 0);
                            m_fs = (IFsFeatStruc)FsFeatStruc.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvoFs, false);
                            return;                             // leave it null.
                    // clean out any extant features in the feature structure
                    foreach (IFsFeatureSpecification spec in m_fs.FeatureSpecsOC)
                    // The (usually) newly created one may be a duplicate. If we find a duplicate
                    // delete the one we just made (or were passed) and return the duplicate.
                    int chvo = m_cache.GetVectorSize(m_hvoOwner, m_owningFlid);
                    for (int ihvo = 0; ihvo < chvo; ihvo++)
                        int hvo = m_cache.GetVectorItem(m_hvoOwner, m_owningFlid, ihvo);
                        if (hvo == m_fs.Hvo)
                        IFsFeatStruc fs = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvo) as IFsFeatStruc;
                        if (FsFeatStruc.AreEquivalent(fs, m_fs))
                            m_fs = fs;

            if (m_mediator != null)
                m_mediator.PropertyTable.SetProperty("msaInflFeatListDlgLocation", Location);
                m_mediator.PropertyTable.SetProperty("msaInflFeatListDlgSize", Size);
Beispiel #6
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new picture, given string representations of most of the parameters. Used
 /// for creating a picture from a Toolbox-style Standard Format import.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fcCache">FDO cache</param>
 /// <param name="sFolder">The name of the CmFolder where picture should be stored</param>
 /// <param name="anchorLoc">The anchor location that the locationParser can use if
 /// necessary (can be 0).</param>
 /// <param name="locationParser">The location parser.</param>
 /// <param name="descriptions">The descriptions in 0 or more writing systems.</param>
 /// <param name="srcFilename">The picture filename.</param>
 /// <param name="sLayoutPos">The layout position (as a string).</param>
 /// <param name="sLocationRange">The location range (as a string).</param>
 /// <param name="sCopyright">The copyright.</param>
 /// <param name="tssCaption">The caption, in the default vernacular writing system.</param>
 /// <param name="locRangeType">Assumed type of the location range.</param>
 /// <param name="sScaleFactor">The scale factor (as a string).</param>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public CmPicture(FdoCache fcCache, string sFolder, int anchorLoc,
                  IPictureLocationBridge locationParser, Dictionary <int, string> descriptions,
                  string srcFilename, string sLayoutPos, string sLocationRange, string sCopyright,
                  ITsString tssCaption, PictureLocationRangeType locRangeType, string sScaleFactor)
     : base(fcCache, fcCache.CreateObject(CmPicture.kclsidCmPicture))
     InitializeNewPicture(sFolder, anchorLoc, locationParser, null,
                          srcFilename, sLayoutPos, sLocationRange, sCopyright, tssCaption,
                          locRangeType, sScaleFactor);
     if (descriptions != null)
         foreach (int ws in descriptions.Keys)
             Description.SetAlternative(descriptions[ws], ws);
Beispiel #7
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a picture (no caption set).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="para">Paragraph to insert picture into</param>
        /// <param name="ichPos">The 0-based character offset into the paragraph</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected ICmPicture InsertTestPicture(StTxtPara para, int ichPos)
            // Create the picture
            ICmFolder folder = m_fdoCache.LangProject.PicturesOC.Add(new CmFolder());
            ICmFile   file   = folder.FilesOC.Add(new CmFile());

            file.InternalPath = "there";
            int        newHvo  = m_fdoCache.CreateObject(CmPicture.kClassId);
            ICmPicture picture = new CmPicture(m_fdoCache, newHvo);

            picture.PictureFileRA = file;

            // Update the paragraph contents to include the footnote marker
            ITsStrBldr tsStrBldr = para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();

            (picture as CmPicture).InsertOwningORCIntoPara(tsStrBldr, ichPos, 0);             // Don't care about ws
            para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = tsStrBldr.GetString();

Beispiel #8
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new picture, given a text representation (e.g., from the clipboard).
        /// NOTE: The caption is put into the default vernacular writing system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fcCache">FDO cache</param>
        /// <param name="sTextRepOfPicture">Clipboard representation of a picture</param>
        /// <param name="sFolder">The name of the CmFolder where picture should be stored</param>
        /// <param name="anchorLoc">The anchor location that can be used to determine (may be 0).</param>
        /// <param name="locationParser">The picture location parser (can be null).</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public CmPicture(FdoCache fcCache, string sTextRepOfPicture, string sFolder,
                         int anchorLoc, IPictureLocationBridge locationParser)
            : base(fcCache, fcCache.CreateObject(CmPicture.kclsidCmPicture))
            string[] tokens = sTextRepOfPicture.Split(new char[] { '|' });
            if (tokens.Length < 9 || tokens[0] != "CmPicture")
                throw new ArgumentException("The clipboard format for a Picture was invalid");
            string sDescription       = tokens[1];
            string srcFilename        = tokens[2];
            string sLayoutPos         = tokens[3];
            string sLocationRange     = tokens[4];
            string sCopyright         = tokens[5];
            string sCaption           = tokens[6];
            string sLocationRangeType = tokens[7];
            string sScaleFactor       = tokens[8];

            PictureLocationRangeType locRangeType = ParseLocationRangeType(sLocationRangeType);

            InitializeNewPicture(sFolder, anchorLoc, locationParser, sDescription,
                                 srcFilename, sLayoutPos, sLocationRange, sCopyright, sCaption,
                                 locRangeType, sScaleFactor);
Beispiel #9
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a CmPicture for the given file, having the given caption, and located in
 /// the given folder.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fcCache">FDO cache</param>
 /// <param name="srcFilename">The path to the original filename (an internal copy will
 /// be made in this method)</param>
 /// <param name="captionTss">The caption</param>
 /// <param name="sFolder">The name of the CmFolder where picture should be stored
 /// </param>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public CmPicture(FdoCache fcCache, string srcFilename, ITsString captionTss, string sFolder)
     : base(fcCache, fcCache.CreateObject(CmPicture.kclsidCmPicture))
     InitializeNewPicture(srcFilename, captionTss, null, PictureLayoutPosition.CenterInColumn,
                          100, PictureLocationRangeType.AfterAnchor, 0, 0, null, sFolder);