Beispiel #1
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		// The XML file containing the atlas UVs
		FastGUIElement.uvxmlFile = @"assets//resources//Frontend_AtlasUV.xml";
		// Persistent across tabs
		Store_Background = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Background.png"));		
		General_BackButton = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_BackButton.png"));
		General_CoinDisplay = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536, 0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_CoinDisplay.png"));
		// Create tabs
		wardrobe = new StoreWardrobe ();
		gear = new StoreGear ();
		bank = new StoreBank ();
		// Create the GUITexts
		//aGUIText = (GUIText)gameObject.AddComponent (typeof (GUIText));
		GameObject go = Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Frontend_GUIText")) as GameObject;  // Note need to clone prefab as can't access pixel correct property from script
		aGUIText = go.guiText;
		aGUIText.transform.position = new Vector3 (.775f, .995f, 0);
		aGUIText.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (.5f, .5f, 1);
		aGUIText.text = "Coins\nGDs\nXP Level";
		aGUIText.color =;
Beispiel #2
    // Make a Button, will immediately render
    public FastGUIButton(
		Vector2 screenPos,					// Position on screen (relative to Position)
		Rect	atlasRect, 					// Atlas rectangle in pixels
		Rect	atlasRectPressedButton, 	// Atlas rectangle for the pressed Button
		Position pos = Position.TOPLEFT)
        : base(screenPos, atlasRect, pos)
        pressedButton = new FastGUIElement (screenPos, atlasRectPressedButton, pos);
        pressedButton.SetDisplayed (false);
Beispiel #3
    // Atlas rectangle for the pressed Button
    // Make a Button and add to the ScrollWindow, will immediately render
    public FastGUIButton(
		FastGUIScrollWindow scrollWindow,	// Add this element to ScrollWindow
		Vector2 scrollWindowPos,			// Position in window (origin is top-left) in pixels
		Rect	atlasRect, 					// Atlas rectangle in pixels
		Rect	atlasRectPressedButton)
        : base(scrollWindow, scrollWindowPos, atlasRect)
        pressedButton = new FastGUIElement (scrollWindow, scrollWindowPos, atlasRectPressedButton);
        pressedButton.SetDisplayed (false);
Beispiel #4
    // NOTE: iPad Retina is 2048 x 768
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        playFGE = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (0, 0),					// Screen position
            new Rect (0, 0, 2048, 768));		// Atlas position

        persistentDataFGE = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (0, playFGE.height),	// Screen position
            new Rect (0, 768, 2048, 768));	// Atlas position
Beispiel #5
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		play = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),					// Screen position
			new Rect (0, 0, 2048, 768));		// Atlas position
		hScrollWindow = new FastGUIScrollWindow (
			new Vector2 (0, play.height + 10),		// Screen position
			new Rect (0, 768, 1024, 768),	// Atlas position, window
			new Rect (0, 768, 2048, 768));	// Atlas position, total area		
		levelIcon = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),				// Position within ScrollWindow
			new Rect (0, 0, 128, 128));		// Atlas position

		vScrollWindow = new FastGUIScrollWindow (
			new Vector2 (hScrollWindow.width, play.height + 10),		// Screen position
			new Rect (0, 0, 1024, 768),			// Atlas position, window
			new Rect (0, 0, 1024, 1536));		// Atlas position, total area		
		levelIcon2 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (vScrollWindow.width - 128, 0),					// Position within ScrollWindow
			new Rect (0, 0, 128, 128));		// Atlas position
		// Make the popup window
		popup = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (2048*.75f, 1536*.75f),	// Screen position
			new Rect (200, 0, 500, 400),		// Atlas position
		// Make and Add the button to go on it
		popupButton = new FastGUIButton (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),					// Screen position (will be ignored)
			new Rect (0, 0, 128, 128),		// Atlas position
			new Rect (128, 0, 128, 128));	// Atlas position when pressed
		popup.Add (popupButton, new Vector2 (popup.width/2 - popupButton.width/2, popup.height/2 - popupButton.height/2));
		// Hide it until ready
		popup.SetDisplayed (false);
Beispiel #6
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		FastGUIElement.uvxmlFile = @"assets//resources//PreGame_AtlasUV.xml";
		/*General_Background = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_Background.png"));
		General_BackButton = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_BackButton.png"));
		General_CoinDisplay = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_CoinDisplay.png"));
		General_CoinDisplay = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_CoinDisplay.png"));
		PreGame_Play = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (448, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"ReGame_Play.png"));
		PreGame_Shades_No = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (448, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Shades_No.png"));
		//to add.
		PostGame_XPFill = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (970, 906),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_XPFill.png"));		
Beispiel #7
    // x,y is top-left in pixels
    // Added by this parent Element at the provided position
    protected internal virtual void AddedBy(FastGUIElement parent,
		Vector2 pos)
        quad.m_Position =  new Vector3 (
            parent.quad.m_Position.x - parent.width/2 + width/2 + pos.x,
            parent.quad.m_Position.y + parent.height/2 - height/2 - pos.y, 0);
        UpdatedQuad ();
Beispiel #8
    // x,y is top-left in pixels
    // Add a child Element at the provided position
    public void Add(FastGUIElement child,
		Vector2 pos)
        children.Add (child);
        child.AddedBy (this, pos);
Beispiel #9
 // Add a child Element at the it's current position
 public void Add(FastGUIElement child)
     children.Add (child);
Beispiel #10
    // Constructor, create elements
    public StoreBank()
        Store_BankScreen = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1088, 0),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_BankScreen.png"));

        Store_BankScreen_InUse = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1088, 0),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_BankScreen_InUse.png"));

        Store_BankIcon1 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 256), //update
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Bank_Icon1.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BankIcon1);

        Store_CoinsDesc1 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (320, 256), //update
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CoinsDesc1.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CoinsDesc1);

        Store_CoinsPrice1 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1152, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CoinsPrice1.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CoinsPrice1);

        Store_BuyItem1 = new FastGUIButton (
            new Vector2 (1600, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_BuyItem1.png"),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Bank_Icon2.png")); //***REPLACE THIS WITH THE PRESSED BUTTON IMAGE UVs
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BuyItem1);

        Store_BankIcon2 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 576), //update (ED - Fraser's comment left in case relevant)
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Bank_Icon2.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BankIcon2);

        Store_CoinsDesc2 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (320, 576), //update (ED - Fraser's comment left in case relevant)
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CoinsDesc2.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CoinsDesc2);

        Store_CoinsPrice2 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1152, 576),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CoinsPrice2.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CoinsPrice2);

        Store_BuyItem2 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1600, 576),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_BuyItem2.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BuyItem2);

        Store_BankIcon3 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 896), //update (ED - Fraser's comment left in case relevant)
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Bank_Icon3.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BankIcon3);

        Store_CoinsDesc3 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (320, 896), //update (ED - Fraser's comment left in case relevant)
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CoinsDesc3.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CoinsDesc3);

        Store_CoinsPrice3 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1152,896),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CoinsPrice3.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CoinsPrice3);

        Store_BuyItem3 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1600, 896),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_BuyItem3.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BuyItem3);

        Store_BankIcon4 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 1216), //update (ED - Fraser's comment left in case relevant)
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Bank_Icon4.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BankIcon4);

        Store_CoinsDesc4 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (320, 1216), //update (ED - Fraser's comment left in case relevant)
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CoinsDesc4.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CoinsDesc4);

        Store_CoinsPrice4 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1152, 1216),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CoinsPrice4.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CoinsPrice4);

        Store_BuyItem4 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1600, 1216),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_BuyItem4.png"));
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BuyItem4);

        // Don't display Gear screen by default, note this calls SetDisplay() on child elements
        Store_BankScreen_InUse.SetDisplayed (false);
Beispiel #11
#pragma warning restore 414

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
		// The XML file containing the atlas UVs
		FastGUIElement.uvxmlFile = @"assets//resources//record_AtlasUV.xml";

		Store_WardrobeButton = new FastGUIButton (
 			new Vector2 (192, 0),
 			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_WardrobeButtonUp.png"),
 			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_WardrobeButtonDown.png"));
  		Store_WardrobeButton.SetDisplayed (false);
		General_Background = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_Background.png"));
		General_BackButton = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_BackButton.png"));
		General_CoinDisplay = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_CoinDisplay.png"));
		Record_Base = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (64, 320),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Record_Base.png"));
		Record_Base.SetDisplayed (true);
		Record_Record = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (128, 384),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Record_Record.png"));
		Record_Record.SetDisplayed (true);
		Record_Stop = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1024, 1152),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Record_Stop.png"));
		Record_Stop.SetDisplayed (true);
		Record_RightPane = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1472, 320),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Record_RightPane.png"));
		Record_RightPane.SetDisplayed (true);
		Record_Tokens = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536, 384),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Record_Tokens.png"));
		Record_Tokens.SetDisplayed (true);
		Record_Sell = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536, 768),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Record_Sell.png"));
		Record_Sell.SetDisplayed (true);
		Record_Counts = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536, 1024),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Record_Counts.png"));
		Record_Counts.SetDisplayed (true);
Beispiel #12
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		FastGUIElement.uvxmlFile = @"assets//resources//PostGame_AtlasUV.xml";
		/*General_Background = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_Background.png"));
		General_BackButton = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_BackButton.png"));
		General_CoinDisplay = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_CoinDisplay.png"));
		General_CoinDisplay = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_CoinDisplay.png"));
		PostGame_Distance = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (448, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_Distance.png"));
		PostGame_Enemies = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (192, 896),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_Enemies.png"));	

		PostGame_CoinsCollected = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (192, 1024),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_CoinsCollected.png"));
		//PostGame_Level = new FastGUIElement (
		//	new Vector2 (704, 896),
		//	FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_Level.png"));
		PostGame_XPBar = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (960, 896),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_XPBar.png"));	
		PostGame_FB = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (192, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_FB.png"));
		PostGame_Twitter = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (448, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_Twitter.png"));
		PostGame_Continue = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (768, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_Continue.png"));
		PostGame_XPFill = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (970, 906),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"PostGame_XPFill.png"));		
Beispiel #13
    // x,y is top-left in pixels
    // Added by this parent Element at the provided position
    protected internal override void AddedBy(FastGUIElement parent,
		Vector2 pos)
        base.AddedBy (parent, pos);
        pressedButton.SetDisplayed (true);	// Need to display before adding as had moved the quad off screen! (at least because otherwise the displayed flag is confused)
        pressedButton.AddedBy (parent, pos);
        pressedButton.SetDisplayed (false);	// And hide again
Beispiel #14
#pragma warning restore 414

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
		// The XML file containing the atlas UVs
		FastGUIElement.uvxmlFile = @"assets//resources//Challenges_AtlasUV.xml";

		Store_WardrobeButton = new FastGUIButton (
 			new Vector2 (192, 0),
 			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_WardrobeButtonUp.png"),
 			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_WardrobeButtonDown.png"));
  		Store_WardrobeButton.SetDisplayed (false);
		General_Background = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0, 0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Background.png"));
		General_BackButton = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (0,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_BackButton.png"));
		General_CoinDisplay = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1536,0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"General_CoinDisplay.png"));
		Challenges_CreateGame = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 0),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_CreateGame.png"));
		Challenges_CreateGame.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Avatar1 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (64, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Avatar1.png"));
		Challenges_Avatar1.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Avatar2 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (64, 576),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Avatar2.png"));
		Challenges_Avatar2.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Avatar3 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (64, 896),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Avatar3.png"));
		Challenges_Avatar3.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Avatar4 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (64, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Avatar4.png"));
		Challenges_Avatar4.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Name1 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Name1.png"));
		Challenges_Name1.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Name2 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 576),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Name2.png"));
		Challenges_Name2.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Name3 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 896),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Name3.png"));
		Challenges_Name3.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Name4 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Name4.png"));
		Challenges_Name4.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Stats1 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 384),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Stats1.png"));
		Challenges_Stats1.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Stats2 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 704),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Stats2.png"));
		Challenges_Stats2.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Stats3 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 1024),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Stats3.png"));
		Challenges_Stats3.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Stats4 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (320, 1344),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Stats4.png"));
		Challenges_Stats4.SetDisplayed (true);
		//buttons/nudge  (nudge always shows just now. no reason other than waiting for the metagame to plug in before this can get conditional)
		Challenges_Nudge1 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Nudge1.png"));
		Challenges_Nudge1.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Nudge2 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 576),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Nudge2.png"));
		Challenges_Nudge2.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Nudge3 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 896),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Nudge3.png"));
		Challenges_Nudge3.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Nudge4 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Nudge4.png"));
		Challenges_Nudge4.SetDisplayed (true);
		Challenges_Play1 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Play1.png"));
		Challenges_Play1.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Play2 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 576),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Play2.png"));
		Challenges_Play2.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Play3 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 896),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Play3.png"));
		Challenges_Play3.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Play4 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Play4.png"));
		Challenges_Play4.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Waiting1 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Waiting1.png"));
		Challenges_Waiting1.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Waiting2 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 576),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Waiting2.png"));
		Challenges_Waiting2.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Waiting3 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 896),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Waiting3.png"));
		Challenges_Waiting3.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Waiting4 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Waiting4.png"));
		Challenges_Waiting4.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Rematch1 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 256),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Rematch1.png"));
		Challenges_Rematch1.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Rematch2 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 576),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Rematch2.png"));
		Challenges_Rematch2.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Rematch3 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 896),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Rematch3.png"));
		Challenges_Rematch3.SetDisplayed (false);
		Challenges_Rematch4 = new FastGUIElement (
			new Vector2 (1664, 1216),
			FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Challenges_Rematch4.png"));
		Challenges_Rematch4.SetDisplayed (false);
Beispiel #15
    // Constructor, create elements
    public StoreGear()
        Store_GearScreen = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (640, 0),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearScreen.png"));

        Store_GearScreen_InUse = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (640, 0),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearScreen_InUse.png"));

        Store_EPIcon = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_EPIcon.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_EPIcon);

        Store_BuckleIcon = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (448, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_BuckleIcon.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_BuckleIcon);

        Store_RPMIcon = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (832, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_RPMIcon.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_RPMIcon);

        Store_ShoesIcon = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1216, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_ShoesIcon.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_ShoesIcon);

        Store_ShadesIcon = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1600, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_ShadesIcon.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_ShadesIcon);

        Store_GearIcon1 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 704),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearIcon1.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearIcon1);

        Store_GearDesc1 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (320, 704),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearDesc1.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearDesc1);

        Store_GearBuy1 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1600, 704),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearBuy1.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearBuy1);

        Store_GearIcon2 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 1024),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearIcon2.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearIcon2);

        Store_GearDesc2 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (320, 1024),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearDesc2.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearDesc2);

        Store_GearBuy2 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1600, 1024),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearBuy2.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearBuy2);

        Store_GearIcon3 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 1344),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearIcon3.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearIcon3);

        Store_GearDesc3 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (320, 1344),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearDesc3.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearDesc3);

        Store_GearBuy3 = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1600, 1344),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_GearBuy3.png"));
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.Add (Store_GearBuy3);

        // Don't display Gear screen by default, note this calls SetDisplay() on child elements
        Store_GearScreen_InUse.SetDisplayed (false);
Beispiel #16
    private int upgradeSelected = 1; // 1, 2 or 3

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    // Constructor, create elements
    public StoreWardrobe()
        Store_WardrobeScreen = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (192, 0),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_WardrobeScreen.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (192, 0),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.png"));

        Store_Costume1Pane = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CostumePane.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Costume1Pane);

        Store_Costume1DescPane = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (832, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CostumeDescPane.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Costume1DescPane);

        Store_Costume2Pane = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CostumePane.png"));	//*** Need new element and UVs
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Costume2Pane);
        Store_Costume2Pane.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_Costume2DescPane = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (832, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CostumeDescPane.png"));	//*** Need new element and UVs
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Costume2DescPane);
        Store_Costume2DescPane.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_Costume3Pane = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CostumePane.png"));	//*** Need new element and UVs
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Costume3Pane);
        Store_Costume3Pane.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_Costume3DescPane = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (832, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CostumeDescPane.png")); //*** Need new element and UVs
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Costume3DescPane);
        Store_Costume3DescPane.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_Costume4Pane = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CostumePane.png"));	//*** Need new element and UVs
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Costume4Pane);
        Store_Costume4Pane.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_Costume4DescPane = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (832, 256),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_CostumeDescPane.png")); //*** Need new element and UVs
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Costume4DescPane);
        Store_Costume4DescPane.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_CostumePrev = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1800, 256),	//*** Needs to be placed correctly
            new Rect (2048, 0, 100, 100)); //*** Need new element and UVs
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CostumePrev);

        Store_CostumeNext = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1900, 256),	//*** Needs to be placed correctly
            new Rect (2048, 0, 100, 100)); //*** Need new element and UVs
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_CostumeNext);

        Store_Upgrade1Tab = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 896),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Upgrade1Tab.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Upgrade1Tab);

        Store_Upgrade1Desc = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (832, 896),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Upgrade1Desc.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Upgrade1Desc);

        Store_Upgrade2Tab = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 1088),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Upgrade2Tab.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Upgrade2Tab);

        Store_Upgrade2Desc = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (832, 896),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Upgrade2Desc.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Upgrade2Desc);
        Store_Upgrade2Desc.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_Upgrade3Tab = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (64, 1280),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Upgrade3Tab.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Upgrade3Tab);

        Store_Upgrade3Desc = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (832, 896),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_Upgrade3Desc.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_Upgrade3Desc);
        Store_Upgrade3Desc.SetDisplayed (false);

        // The upgrade button/status indicators
        Store_UpgradeBuyButton = new FastGUIButton (
            new Vector2 (1600, 1175),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_UpgradeBuyButton.png"),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_UpgradeBuyButton.png"));	//*** Updated with pressed button texture);
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_UpgradeBuyButton);
        Store_UpgradeBuyButton.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_UpgradeEquipButton = new FastGUIButton (
            new Vector2 (1600, 1175),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_UpgradeEquipButton.png"),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_UpgradeEquipButton.png"));	//*** Updated with pressed button texture
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_UpgradeEquipButton);
        Store_UpgradeEquipButton.SetDisplayed (false);

        Store_UpgradeInUse = new FastGUIElement (
            new Vector2 (1600, 1175),
            FastGUIElement.UVsFrom (@"Store_UpgradeInUseButton.png"));
        Store_WardrobeScreen_InUse.Add (Store_UpgradeInUse);
        Store_UpgradeInUse.SetDisplayed (false);

        // Update the status in advance of the first UpdateTab() message
        UpdateWardrobeStatus ();