        public void TestReflection()
            TransformerObserver  a  = new TransformerObserver();
            ITransformerResolver aa = a;

            ISourceMapper <Person, PersonaGiuridica> mapper0 = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <Person, PersonaGiuridica>();
            SourceMapper <Person, PersonaGiuridica>  mapper  = new SourceMapper <Person, PersonaGiuridica>(new List <IPropertyMapper <Person, PersonaGiuridica> >(), null, null);
            //aa.Register<ISourceMapper<Person, PersonaGiuridica>>(mapper);

            object obj1 = new Person();
            object obj2 = new Person();

            Type t1 = typeof(IPersonHeader);
            Type t2 = typeof(Person);

                object instance = 5.5;
                //int i = (int) instance;

                byte bb = Convert.ToByte(instance);

                byte   b = (byte)instance;
                double d = (double)instance;
            catch (Exception)
                Assert.IsFalse(true, "Cast invalid");

            Compare <IPersonHeader>(obj1, obj2);
            //Compare<long>(1, 10);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PropertyMapper{TSource, TDestination}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertySrc">The property source.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyDest">The property dest.</param>
        /// <exception cref="MapperParameterException">Unknown</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.MissingMemberException">
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="LambdaSetterException">The setter action for property mapper cannot be null.</exception>
        public PropertyMapper(string propertySrc, string propertyDest)
            : base(propertySrc, propertyDest)
            PropertyInfo srcProperty;
            PropertyInfo destProperty;

                srcProperty  = typeof(TSource).GetProperty(propertySrc);
                destProperty = typeof(TSource).GetProperty(propertyDest);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new MapperParameterException("Unknown", string.Format("An error occurs when property source (name: {0}) or property destination (name: {1}) was used", propertySrc, propertyDest), ex);

            if (srcProperty == null)
                throw new MissingMemberException(typeof(TSource).Name, propertySrc);

            if (destProperty == null)
                throw new MissingMemberException(typeof(TSource).Name, propertyDest);

            Action <TSource, TDestination> action = FactoryMapper.DynamicPropertyMap <TSource, TDestination>(srcProperty, destProperty);

            if (action == null)
                throw new LambdaSetterException("The setter action for property mapper cannot be null.");

            this.setter = action;
        public void TestDefaultContainer5()
            string naming = "test naming";

            var mapper = FactoryMapper.MakeDefaultBuilder <PersonaGiuridica, PersonDetails>()
                new PropertyMapper <PersonaGiuridica, PersonDetails>(
                    (giuridica, details) => details.UpdateNome(naming)))

            PersonaGiuridica person = new PersonaGiuridica
                Code        = "150",
                Name        = "Sergio",
                Surname     = "Hill",
                AnnoNascita = 1980,
                Parent      = new Person {
                    Name = "fatherName", Surname = "fatherSurname", AnnoNascita = 1950

            var res = mapper.Map(person);

            Assert.AreEqual(res.Name, naming);
Beispiel #4
        public void Test()
            ISourceMapper <Student, Person> mapper1 = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <Student, Person>();
            ISourceMapper mapper2 = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper(typeof(PersonaGiuridica), typeof(PersonDetails));
            ISourceMapper mapper3 = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper(typeof(IPersonHeader), typeof(PersonDetails));

            IList <IPropertyMapper <Student, Person> > propMappers = new List <IPropertyMapper <Student, Person> >
                new PropertyMapper <Student, Person>((student, person) => person.Name          = student.Name, "Name", "Name")
                , new PropertyMapper <Student, Person>((student, person) => person.AnnoNascita = student.AnnoNascita)
                , new PropertyMapper <Student, Person>((student, person) => person.Parent      = student.Father)

            SourceMapper <Student, Person> mapper4 = new SourceMapper <Student, Person>(propMappers, null, null);
            StudentDetails example = new StudentDetails();

            ServiceTransformer <ISourceMapper <Student, Person> > srv1 = new ServiceTransformer <ISourceMapper <Student, Person> >("default", mapper4);

            var res1 = srv1.Match <ISourceMapper <Student, Person> >("default");
            var res2 = srv1.Match <SourceMapper <Student, Person> >("default");

            var res3 = srv1.Match <ISourceMapper <Student, Person> >("ss");
            var res4 = srv1.Match <SourceMapper <Student, Person> >("ss");
            var res5 = srv1.Match("default", example.GetType(), typeof(Person));

        public void TestOnAllProperties()
            Type c   = typeof(IClassC);
            var  res = FactoryMapper.GetPropertiesOf(c);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, res.Length);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the automatic resolver merger for compatibles properties using the given key service for dedicated context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyService">The key service.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceType">Type of the source.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationType">Type of the destination.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool BuildAutoResolverMerger(object keyService, Type sourceType, Type destinationType)
            ISourceMerger merger = new SourceMerger(sourceType, destinationType,
                                                    FactoryMapper.GetDefaultPropertyMappers(sourceType, destinationType,

            return(this.RegisterMerger(merger, keyService));
        public void TestDefaultContainer3()
            var container = FactoryMapper.MakeDefaultBuilder <PersonaGiuridica, PersonDetails>()

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the automatic resolver merger for compatibles properties using the given key service for dedicated context and actions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TDestination">The type of the destination.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="keyService">The key service.</param>
        /// <param name="beforeMapping">The before mapping.</param>
        /// <param name="afterMapping">The after mapping.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool BuildAutoResolverMerger <TSource, TDestination>(object keyService, Action <TDestination> beforeMapping, Action <TDestination> afterMapping)
            where TSource : class
            where TDestination : class
            ISourceMerger merger =
                new SourceMerger <TSource, TDestination>(
                    FactoryMapper.GetDefaultPropertyMappers <TSource, TDestination>(this), beforeMapping, afterMapping);

            return(this.RegisterMerger(merger, keyService));
        public void AllPropertiesFromTree()
            Type t0 = typeof(MyDerivedClass);
            const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance;
            var prop = this.GetPropertiesFromDeclaredType(FactoryMapper.GetPropertiesOf(t0, flags), flags).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, prop.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, prop.Count(n => (n.GetSetMethod() ?? n.GetSetMethod(true)) != null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PropertyMapper{TSource, TDestination}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcProperty">The source property.</param>
        /// <param name="destProperty">The dest property.</param>
        /// <param name="resolver">The resolver.</param>
        /// <exception cref="LambdaSetterException">The setter action for property mapper cannot be null.</exception>
        public PropertyMapper(PropertyInfo srcProperty, PropertyInfo destProperty, ITransformerResolver resolver)
            : base("[resolver]", destProperty.Name)
            Action <TSource, TDestination> action = FactoryMapper.DynamicPropertyMap <TSource, TDestination>(srcProperty, destProperty, resolver);

            if (action == null)
                throw new LambdaSetterException("The setter action for property mapper cannot be null.");

            this.setter = action;
        public void TestDefaultMapper()
            var mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <Student, Person>();

            Student st = new Student {
                Name = "mario", Surname = "monti", AnnoNascita = 19
            Person pr = mapper.Map(st);

            Assert.AreEqual(st.Name, pr.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(st.Surname, pr.Surname);
            Assert.AreEqual(st.AnnoNascita, pr.AnnoNascita);
        public void TestInterfaceToClass1()
            var mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <IPersonHeader, PersonDetails>();


            IPersonHeader ps = new Person {
                Name = "name", Surname = "surname", AnnoNascita = 1980, Parent = null
            PersonDetails res = mapper.Map(ps);

        public void TestInterfaceToClass2()
            var mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper(typeof(IPersonHeader), typeof(PersonDetails));


            IPersonHeader ps = new Person {
                Name = "name", Surname = "surname", AnnoNascita = 1980, Parent = null
            object res = mapper.Map(ps);

        public TimeSpan GetElapsedFromMapResolver(List <Person> lista)
            var mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <Person, PersonaGiuridica>();

            Stopwatch meter = new Stopwatch();

            foreach (var person in lista)
Beispiel #15
        public void ServiceTransformerMembersTest1()
            object defaultKey = KeyService.Type1;

            ISourceMerger mapper =
                new SourceMerger <Student, Person>(
                    FactoryMapper.GetDefaultPropertyMappers <Student, Person>(), null, null);

            var service = new ServiceTransformer <ISourceMerger>(defaultKey, mapper);

            Assert.IsTrue(service.ServiceKey is Enum);
            Assert.AreEqual(service.ServiceKey, KeyService.Type1);
Beispiel #16
        public void ServiceTransformerMembersTest()
            object defaultKey = " ciao ";

            ISourceMerger mapper =
                new SourceMerger <Student, Person>(
                    FactoryMapper.GetDefaultPropertyMappers <Student, Person>(), null, null);

            var service = new ServiceTransformer <ISourceMerger>(defaultKey, mapper);

            Assert.IsTrue(service.ServiceKey is string);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(service.ServiceKey, " ciao");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(service.ServiceKey, "ciao ");
            Assert.AreEqual(service.ServiceKey, "ciao");
        public void FailedTestDefaultMapper()
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

            var mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <Student, Person>
                n => buffer.AppendLine(string.Format("ToString before mapping: {0}", n.ToString())),
                r => { throw new Exception("error"); }

            Student st = new Student {
                Name = "mario", Surname = "monti", AnnoNascita = 19

Beispiel #18
        public void TestOnComplexDerivedClasses()
            var mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <MyDerivedClass, DerivedClassLast>();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, mapper.PropertyMappers.Count());

            MyDerivedClass source = new MyDerivedClass(1, "mycomment", "mycomment2", 12.5);
            var            res    = mapper.Map(source);

            Assert.AreEqual(source.Avarage, res.Avarage);
            Assert.AreEqual(source.Comment, res.Comment);
            Assert.AreEqual(source.CommentTwo, res.CommentTwo);
            Assert.AreEqual(source.Counter, res.Counter);
        public void FailedTestDefaultMerger()
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

            var merger = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMerger <Student, Person>
                r => { throw new Exception("error"); },
                r => buffer.AppendLine(string.Format("ToString after mapping: {0}", r.ToString()))

            Student st = new Student {
                Name = "mario", Surname = "monti", AnnoNascita = 1
            Person pr = new Person();

            merger.Merge(st, pr);
        public void TestDefaultMerger()
            var merger = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMerger <Student, Person>();

            Assert.IsTrue(merger.PropertyMappers.Count() == 3);

            Student st = new Student {
                Name = "mario", Surname = "monti", AnnoNascita = 1
            Person pr = new Person();

            merger.Merge(st, pr);

            Assert.AreEqual(st.Name, pr.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(st.Surname, pr.Surname);
            Assert.AreEqual(st.AnnoNascita, pr.AnnoNascita);
Beispiel #21
        public void TestMapper()
            TransformerObserver             observer = new TransformerObserver();
            ISourceMapper <Student, Person> mapper1  = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <Student, Person>();

            Student st = new Student {
                Name = "mario", Surname = "monti", AnnoNascita = 19

            var res = observer.TryToMap <Student, Person>(st);

            Assert.AreEqual(st.Name, res.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(st.Surname, res.Surname);
        public void TestNonGenericMapper1()
            ISourceMapper    mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper(typeof(PersonaGiuridica), typeof(PersonDetails));
            PersonaGiuridica person = new PersonaGiuridica
                Code        = "150",
                Name        = "Sergio",
                Surname     = "Hill",
                AnnoNascita = 1980,
                Parent      = new Person {
                    Name = "fatherName", Surname = "fatherSurname", AnnoNascita = 1950

            var result = mapper.Map(person);

        public void TestMapperNonPublicMembers()
            ISourceMapper <PersonaGiuridica, PersonDetails> mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <PersonaGiuridica, PersonDetails>();
            PersonaGiuridica person = new PersonaGiuridica
                Code        = "150",
                Name        = "Sergio",
                Surname     = "Hill",
                AnnoNascita = 1980,
                Parent      = new Person {
                    Name = "fatherName", Surname = "fatherSurname", AnnoNascita = 1950

            var result = mapper.Map(person);

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the transformer builder following the specified builder type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TDestination">The type of the destination.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="type">The builder type to use.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException">Builder type not implemented by now.</exception>
        public ITransformerBuilder <TSource, TDestination> MakeTransformerBuilder <TSource, TDestination>(BuilderType type)
            where TSource : class
            where TDestination : class
            switch (type)
            case BuilderType.DefaultMappers:
                return(new TransformerBuilder <TSource, TDestination>(this, FactoryMapper.GetDefaultPropertyMappers <TSource, TDestination>()));

            case BuilderType.Empty:
                return(new TransformerBuilder <TSource, TDestination>(this));

            case BuilderType.DynamicResolver:
                return(new TransformerBuilder <TSource, TDestination>(this, FactoryMapper.GetDefaultPropertyMappers <TSource, TDestination>(this)));

                throw new NotImplementedException("Builder type not implemented by now.");
        public void TestDefaultMapper2()
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

            var mapper = FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <Student, Person>
                n => buffer.AppendLine(string.Format("ToString before mapping: {0}", n.ToString())),
                r => buffer.AppendLine(string.Format("ToString after mapping: {0}", r.ToString()))

            Student st = new Student {
                Name = "mario", Surname = "monti", AnnoNascita = 19
            Person pr = mapper.Map(st);

            Assert.AreEqual(st.Name, pr.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(st.Surname, pr.Surname);
            Assert.AreEqual(st.AnnoNascita, pr.AnnoNascita);
        public void TestDefaultContainer6()
            var mapper = FactoryMapper.MakeDefaultBuilder <PersonaGiuridica, PersonDetails>()

            PersonaGiuridica person = new PersonaGiuridica
                Code        = "150",
                Name        = "Sergio",
                Surname     = "Hill",
                AnnoNascita = 1980,
                Parent      = new Person {
                    Name = "fatherName", Surname = "fatherSurname", AnnoNascita = 1950

            var res = mapper.Map(person);

        public void TestDefaultContainer1()
            var container = FactoryMapper.MakeDefaultBuilder <PersonaGiuridica, PersonDetails>();

Beispiel #28
        public async Task <IEnumerable <RoleDto> > GetAllRoles()
            var roleList = await _roleDataService.GetAllRoles();

 public void FailedTestDestinationInterfaceType2()
     FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper <PersonaGiuridica, IPersonHeader>();
 public void FailedTestDestinationInterfaceType1()
     FactoryMapper.DynamicResolutionMapper(typeof(PersonaGiuridica), typeof(IPersonHeader));