Beispiel #1
        public void Precalc(Polygon poly)
            //Manage data buffer size and adjust accordingly
            int dataSize = _elements * poly._script.Stride;

            if (_data != null)
                if (dataSize != _data.Length)
                    goto Next;

            _data = new UnsafeBuffer(dataSize);

            //Fill buffer with raw data
            byte *pOut = (byte *)_data.Address;
            FacePoint *pFacePoint = (FacePoint *)poly._facePoints.Address;

            for (int i = 0; i < _elements; i++)
                poly._script.Run(poly, &pFacePoint[_indices[i]], ref pOut);
Beispiel #2
        public void Run(Polygon poly, FacePoint *point, ref byte *pOut)
            Vertex3       v = poly._vertices[point->VertexId];
            ScriptCommand o;
            int           index;

            fixed(byte *c = _commands)
                ScriptCommand *cmd = (ScriptCommand *)c;

                switch (o = *cmd++)
                case ScriptCommand.None: break;

                case ScriptCommand.Position:
                    *(Vector3 *)pOut = v.Position;
                    pOut            += 12;
                    goto Top;

                case ScriptCommand.WeightedPosition:
                    *(Vector3 *)pOut = v.WeightedPosition;
                    pOut            += 12;
                    goto Top;

                case ScriptCommand.Normal:
                    *(Vector3 *)pOut = point->Normal;
                    pOut            += 12;
                    goto Top;

                case ScriptCommand.WeightedNormal:
                    *(Vector3 *)pOut = v.Inf != null ? v.Inf.Matrix * point->Normal : point->Normal;
                    pOut            += 12;
                    goto Top;

                case ScriptCommand.Color0:
                case ScriptCommand.Color1:
                    index = (int)(o - ScriptCommand.Color0);
                    *(RGBAPixel *)pOut = ((RGBAPixel *)point->Color)[index];
                    pOut += 4;
                    goto Top;

                //The rest are UVs
                    index            = (int)(o - ScriptCommand.UV0);
                    *(Vector2 *)pOut = ((Vector2 *)point->UVs)[index];
                    pOut            += 8;
                    goto Top;
Beispiel #3
        public void GetPrimitives(MDL0Polygon *header, MDL0PolygonNode polygon)
            AssetStorage assets = Model._assets;

            IMatrixNode[] influences = Model._linker.NodeCache;
            byte *[]      pAssetList = new byte *[12]; int id;

            //Sync Data
            if ((id = header->_vertexId) >= 0)
                pAssetList[0] = (byte *)assets.Assets[0][id].Address;

            if ((id = header->_normalId) >= 0)
                pAssetList[1] = (byte *)assets.Assets[1][id].Address;

            for (int i = 0, x = 2; i < 2; i++, x++)
                if ((id = ((bshort *)header->_colorIds)[i]) >= 0)
                    pAssetList[x] = (byte *)assets.Assets[2][id].Address;

            for (int i = 0, x = 4; i < 8; i++, x++)
                if ((id = ((bshort *)header->_uids)[i]) >= 0)
                    pAssetList[x] = (byte *)assets.Assets[3][id].Address;

            //Set definition
            _elemDef             = new ElementDefinition();
            _elemDef.Weighted    = polygon.VertexFormat.HasPosMatrix;
            _elemDef.PositionFmt = polygon.VertexFormat.PosFormat;
            _elemDef.Normals     = (_elemDef.NormalFmt = polygon.VertexFormat.NormalFormat) != XFDataFormat.None;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                _elemDef.Colors[i] = (_elemDef.ColorFmt[i] = polygon.VertexFormat.GetColorFormat(i)) != XFDataFormat.None;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                _elemDef.UVs[i] = (_elemDef.UVFmt[i] = polygon.VertexFormat.GetUVFormat(i)) != XFDataFormat.None;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                _elemDef.TexMatrices[i] = polygon.VertexFormat.GetHasTexMatrix(i);

            List <FacePoint> facePoints = new List <FacePoint>();

            //Create script using definition for decoding and rendering
            _script = new PrimitiveScript(_elemDef);

            //Create remap table for vertex weights
            RemapTable = new UnsafeBuffer(header->_numVertices * 4);
            RemapSize  = 0;

            //Extract primitives using script
            byte *pData = (byte *)header->PrimitiveData;
            int   count; GLPrimitiveType type;
            int   ind = 0;

            _facePoints = new UnsafeBuffer((_facePointCount = header->_numVertices) * 86);
            FacePoint *points = (FacePoint *)_facePoints.Address;

            switch ((WiiPrimitiveType)(*pData++))
            //Fill weight cache
            case WiiPrimitiveType.PosMtx:
                //Get node ID
                ushort node = *(bushort *)pData;
                //Get cache index
                int index = (*(bushort *)(pData + 2) & 0xFFF) / 12;

                //Assign node ID to cache, using index
                fixed(ushort *n = _script.Nodes)
                n[index] = node;

                pData += 4;
                goto Top;

            case WiiPrimitiveType.NorMtx:     //Same as PosMtx
            case WiiPrimitiveType.TexMtx:
            case WiiPrimitiveType.LightMtx:
                pData += 4;     //Skip
                goto Top;

            case WiiPrimitiveType.Quads: type = GLPrimitiveType.Quads; break;

            case WiiPrimitiveType.Triangles: type = GLPrimitiveType.Triangles; break;

            case WiiPrimitiveType.TriangleFan: type = GLPrimitiveType.TriangleFan; break;

            case WiiPrimitiveType.TriangleStrip: type = GLPrimitiveType.TriangleStrip; break;

            case WiiPrimitiveType.Lines: type = GLPrimitiveType.Lines; break;

            case WiiPrimitiveType.LineStrip: type = GLPrimitiveType.LineStrip; break;

            case WiiPrimitiveType.Points: type = GLPrimitiveType.Points; break;

            default: goto Next;     //No more primitives.

            count = *(bushort *)pData; pData += 2;
            Primitive2 prim = new Primitive2()
                _type = type, _elements = count

            prim._indices = new int[count];

            //Extract facepoints
            fixed(byte **pAssets = pAssetList)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                points[ind]      = ExtractFacepoint(ref pData, pAssets);
                prim._indices[i] = (ushort)ind++;


            goto Top; //Move on to next primitive

            Next : _vertices = Finish((Vector3 *)pAssetList[0], influences);