unsafe Task <ITranslator> IDetectService.Detect(ref ImageData image)

            // too small image
            if (image.WebcamWidth < 40)
                Debug.LogWarning("FaceService.DetectAsync: image is too small");
                goto DetectDone;

            if (promise != null)
                // the number of detected faces
                fixed(FaceData *facePtr = translator.storage)
                    translator.count = (UInt16)FaceLib.Detect(ref translator.context, ref image, facePtr);

                // return result in translator form
                promise = new TaskCompletionSource <ITranslator>();


        void IDisposable.Dispose()

            FaceLib.Release(ref translator.context);
            if (need3D)
                Face3DLib.Release(ref translator.context3D);
            if (promise == null)
                return; }

            promise = null;
            internal unsafe void Init(int _maxCount, bool _need3D, LevelOf3DProcess _levelOf3DProcess)
                context = default(FaceLib.Context);
                context.detectableSize = 128f;
                context.logStateMode   = 0;
                context.maxCount       = (UInt16)_maxCount;
                context.InitPath       = Application.persistentDataPath;

                storage = new FaceData[context.maxCount];
                need3D  = _need3D;

                quad = FindObjectOfType <AutoBackgroundQuad>();

                FaceLib.Init(ref context);

                if (need3D)
                    context3D.levelOf3DProcess = _levelOf3DProcess;
                    Face3DLib.Init(ref context3D);
            unsafe IEnumerable <T> ITranslator.Fetch <T>(IEnumerable <T> result)
                // Only `FaceData` can be fetched
                if (typeof(T) != typeof(FaceData))
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"Available types: `{typeof(FaceData).FullName}`");

                // this code doesn't implement memory reusage
                // apply fitting for each faces
                if (need3D && ReadWebcam.instance.prepared)
                    Face3DLib.SetCameraInfo(ref context3D, Screen.width, Screen.height, Camera.main.fieldOfView);

                    float[] camMat = new float[6];
                    float   v      = 1.0f / (float)Math.Tan(Camera.main.fieldOfView * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * Screen.height;
                    camMat[0] = v * 0.5f; camMat[1] = 0.0f; camMat[2] = Screen.width * 0.5f;
                    camMat[3] = 0; camMat[4] = v * 0.5f; camMat[5] = Screen.height * 0.5f;

                    float screenRatio = (float)Screen.width / Screen.height;
                    var   height      = quad.texture.height < 16 ? 1 : quad.texture.height; //divide by 0
                    float adjustment  = System.Math.Abs(quad.transform.localScale.y / height);

                    float centerX = quad.texture.width / 2;
                    float centerY = quad.texture.height / 2;
                    if (ReadWebcam.instance.GetAdjustedVideoRotationAngle() % 180 != 0) // width < height
                        centerX = quad.texture.height / 2;
                        centerY = quad.texture.width / 2;
                    ReadWebcam.instance.GetMirrorValue(out int mirrorX, out int mirrorY);
                    //to resolve rear flip
                    if (!ReadWebcam.instance.isCameraFront)
                        mirrorX *= -1;

                    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        for (int j = 0; j < FaceData.NumLandmark; ++j)
                            var posX = mirrorX * (storage[i].Landmark[j].x - centerX) * adjustment;
                            var posY = mirrorY * (storage[i].Landmark[j].y - centerY) * adjustment;
                            var posZ = quad.transform.localPosition.z;

                            Vector3 pos = new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ);

                            float rx = pos[0] * camMat[0] + pos[1] * camMat[1] + pos[2] * camMat[2];
                            float ry = pos[0] * camMat[3] + pos[1] * camMat[4] + pos[2] * camMat[5];
                            rx /= pos[2];
                            ry /= pos[2];

                            storage[i].Landmark[j].x = rx;
                            storage[i].Landmark[j].y = ry;
                        ReadWebcam.instance.mirror3D = CheckMirror(ref storage[i].Landmark[0], ref storage[i].Landmark[16], ref storage[i].Landmark[32]);
                        //apply flip for x direction
                        if (ReadWebcam.instance.mirror3D == -1)
                            for (int j = 0; j < FaceData.NumLandmark; ++j)
                                storage[i].Landmark[j].x = Screen.width - storage[i].Landmark[j].x;
                        Face3DLib.Process(ref context3D, ref storage[i]);

                // segment of reserved storage
                return(result = new ArraySegment <FaceData>(storage, 0, count)
                                as IEnumerable <FaceData> // double casting.
                                as IEnumerable <T>);      // usually this is bad