
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the search using current fitler values.
        /// </summary>
        private DataSet GetData()
            // Get filter values from form:
            string stringFilterValue = txtSearchFor.Text.Trim();
            string orderID           = cblSearchFor.Items.FindByValue("ORDERID").Selected ? stringFilterValue : String.Empty;
            string loadNo            = cblSearchFor.Items.FindByValue("LOADNO").Selected ? stringFilterValue : String.Empty;
            string docketNo          = cblSearchFor.Items.FindByValue("DOCKETNO").Selected ? stringFilterValue : String.Empty;
            string runID             = cblSearchFor.Items.FindByValue("JOBID").Selected ? stringFilterValue : String.Empty;

            int driverId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cboDriver.SelectedValue) ? -1 : Int32.Parse(cboDriver.SelectedValue);

            DateTime selectedStartDate = dteStartDate.SelectedDate.Value;
            DateTime selectedEndDate   = dteEndDate.SelectedDate.Value;
            DateTime startDateFilter   = selectedStartDate.Subtract(selectedStartDate.TimeOfDay);                           // Set h:m:s to 00:00.00
            DateTime endDateFilter     = selectedEndDate.Subtract(selectedEndDate.TimeOfDay).Add(new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59)); // Set h:m:s to 23:59.59

            bool includeCheckedInPODs = chkIncludeCheckedInPODs.Checked;
            bool includeResourced     = chkIncludeResourced.Checked;

            // Originally, you could pass a param into this method to ignore any date filters; However, I have since fixed the querystring weirdness so this is no
            // longer necessary though updating the SPROC was too much work so I just left it in place in case it becomes useful in future.
            bool ignoreDates = false;

            // Now run the search:
            Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();
            return(facPOD.GetOutstandingForDriverOrSubby(driverId, startDateFilter, endDateFilter, orderID, loadNo, docketNo, runID, includeCheckedInPODs, ignoreDates, includeResourced));
Beispiel #2
        private void btnEmailFax_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            ArrayList podsToEmail = (ArrayList)ViewState["PODsToEmail"];

            foreach (DataGridItem dgItem in dgPODSearchResults.Items)
                if (((CheckBox)dgItem.FindControl("chkEmailPOD")).Checked)

            string podIdsCSV = String.Empty;

            foreach (Object o in podsToEmail)
                if (!(podIdsCSV == String.Empty))
                    podIdsCSV += ",";
                podIdsCSV += (int)o;

            if (podsToEmail.Count > 0)
                Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();
Beispiel #3
        protected void dgPODSearchResults_SortCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e)
            Facade.IPOD facPOD    = new Facade.POD();
            DataSet     dsPODList = (DataSet)ViewState["PODSearchResults"];

            //' Retrieve the data source from session state.
            DataTable dt = dsPODList.Tables[0];

            //' Create a DataView from the DataTable.
            DataView dv = new DataView(dt);

            //' The DataView provides an easy way to sort. Simply set the
            //' Sort property with the name of the field to sort by.
            if (this.SortCriteria == e.SortExpression)
                if (this.SortDir == "desc")
                    this.SortDir = "asc";
                    this.SortDir = "desc";

            this.SortCriteria = e.SortExpression;

            dv.Sort = e.SortExpression + ' ' + this.SortDir;

            //' Re-bind the data source and specify that it should be sorted
            //' by the field specified in the SortExpression property.
            dgPODSearchResults.DataSource = dv;
Beispiel #4
        private void btnTestEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Facade.EmailTemplate   facEmailTemplate = new Facade.EmailTemplate();
            Entities.EmailTemplate emailTemplate    = facEmailTemplate.GetForEmailTemplateId(Globals.Configuration.PodEmailTemplateId);

            // Get data to be used to populate placeHolders
            Facade.IPOD facPod = new Facade.POD();
Beispiel #5
        private DataSet GetData()
            DateTime startDate = dteStartDate.SelectedDate.Value;

            startDate = startDate.Subtract(startDate.TimeOfDay);
            DateTime endDate = dteEndDate.SelectedDate.Value;

            endDate = endDate.Subtract(endDate.TimeOfDay);
            endDate = endDate.Add(new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59));

            Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();
            return(facPOD.GetMissingPODs(Int32.Parse(cboClient.SelectedValue), startDate, endDate));
Beispiel #6
        protected void btnRecordPODReturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool PODReceived = false;

            if (this.rblPODReceived.SelectedValue == "0")
                PODReceived = true;

            Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();
            int         retVal = facPOD.RecordPODReturn(JobId, CollectDropId, 0, PODReceived, txtPODReturnComment.Text, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName);

        private void LoadReport(string podIdsCSV)
            Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();

            DataSet dsPODs = facPOD.GetScannedPODsForPODId(podIdsCSV);

            //									Load Report Section
            Session[Orchestrator.Globals.Constants.ReportTypeSessionVariable]       = eReportType.EmailFaxForm;
            Session[Orchestrator.Globals.Constants.ReportDataSessionTableVariable]  = dsPODs;
            Session[Orchestrator.Globals.Constants.ReportDataSessionSortVariable]   = String.Empty;
            Session[Orchestrator.Globals.Constants.ReportDataMemberSessionVariable] = "Table";
            // Show the user control
            reportViewer.Visible = true;
Beispiel #8
 protected void dgPODSearchResults_ItemCommand(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
     if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
         Facade.IPOD   facPOD    = new Facade.POD();
         Facade.IForm  facForm   = new Facade.Form();
         Entities.POD  podToView = facPOD.GetForPODId(int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[0].Text));
         Entities.Scan scan      = facForm.GetForScannedFormId(podToView.ScannedFormId);
         byte[]        scannedFormImage;
         scannedFormImage = Convert.FromBase64String(scan.ScannedFormImage);
         Response.ContentType = "image/tiff";
         Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "PODTicketNo" + e.Item.Cells[1].Text + ".tif");
         Response.OutputStream.Write(scannedFormImage, 0, scannedFormImage.Length);
Beispiel #9
        public string ScanHasBeenUploadedTo(string URL)
            string methodStatus = String.Empty;

            Uri    URI         = new Uri(URL);
            string newFileName = URI.Segments[URI.Segments.Length - 1];

            Facade.Form   facScanForm = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
            Entities.Scan scan        = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormForScannedFormPDF(newFileName);

            if (scan == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploadedTo - Scan not found for filename " + newFileName);

            scan.IsUploaded     = true;
            scan.ScannedFormPDF = URL;

                // update the IsUploaded flag on the scannedForm
                facScanForm.Update(scan, scan.CreateUserID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploadedTo - Update ScanForm failed", ex);

            //If the scan is a POD email it
            if (scan.FormTypeId == eFormTypeId.POD)
                //Email the POD to the client
                Facade.IPOD facPod = new Facade.POD();

                //Make the call to send the email async as it will
                //have to download the attachment
                MethodCall <string, int> asyncSendClientPod = facPod.SendClientPod;
                asyncSendClientPod.BeginInvoke(scan.ScannedFormId, r =>
                    try { asyncSendClientPod.EndInvoke(r); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { WebUI.Global.UnhandledException(ex); }
                }, null);

Beispiel #10
        public string ScanHasBeenUploadedToWithId(string URL, int scannedFormId)
            var methodStatus = String.Empty;

            var facScanForm = new Facade.Form();
            var scan        = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormId(scannedFormId);

            if (scan == null)
                // If scan is null try and use the old method based on file name.

            scan.IsUploaded     = true;
            scan.ScannedFormPDF = URL;

                // update the IsUploaded flag on the scannedForm
                facScanForm.Update(scan, scan.CreateUserID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploadedTo - Update ScanForm failed", ex);

            //If the scan is a POD email it
            if (scan.FormTypeId == eFormTypeId.POD)
                //Email the POD to the client
                Facade.IPOD facPod = new Facade.POD();

                //Make the call to send the email async as it will
                //have to download the attachment
                MethodCall <string, int> asyncSendClientPod = facPod.SendClientPod;
                asyncSendClientPod.BeginInvoke(scan.ScannedFormId, r =>
                    try { asyncSendClientPod.EndInvoke(r); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { WebUI.Global.UnhandledException(ex); }
                }, null);

Beispiel #11
        protected void btnAddToJob_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int collectDropId = 0;
            int PODId         = 0;

            Entities.POD podToAssign = null;

            // Find the Collect Drop ID for the selected collect drop portion
            foreach (DataGridItem cdsItem in dgCollectionDropSummary.Items)
                DataGrid dgCollectionDrop = (DataGrid)cdsItem.FindControl("dgCollectionDrop");
                foreach (DataGridItem cdItem in dgCollectionDrop.Items)
                    RdoBtnGrouper rbgCollectionDrop = (RdoBtnGrouper)cdItem.FindControl("rbgCollectionDrop");
                    if (rbgCollectionDrop.Checked)
                        collectDropId = int.Parse(cdItem.Cells[0].Text);

            // Find the POD ID of the selected POD
            foreach (DataGridItem PODItem in dgUnassignedPODs.Items)
                RdoBtnGrouper rbgPODId = (RdoBtnGrouper)PODItem.FindControl("rbgPODId");
                if (rbgPODId.Checked)
                    PODId       = int.Parse(PODItem.Cells[0].Text);
                    podToAssign = new Entities.POD(PODId, PODItem.Cells[1].Text, DateTime.Parse(PODItem.Cells[2].Text), m_jobId, collectDropId);

            if (podToAssign != null && collectDropId > 0 && PODId > 0)
                Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();
                facPOD.AssignToJob(podToAssign, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName);
                lblAddToJobError.Text    = "Select POD and drop to which to assign.";
                lblAddToJobError.Visible = true;
Beispiel #12
        private void PerformSearch()
            bool noCriteria = false;

            if (cboClient.Text == "" && txtTicketNo.Text == "" && dteSignatureDate.Text == "" && txtCustomerRef.Text == "" && txtDestination.Text == "")
                noCriteria = true;

            Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();

            DataSet dsPODSearchResults = null;

            if (noCriteria)
                dsPODSearchResults = facPOD.GetAll();
                int      clientId          = cboClient.SelectedValue == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(cboClient.SelectedValue);
                int      loadNo            = txtLoadNo.Text == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(txtLoadNo.Text);
                string   ticketNo          = txtTicketNo.Text == "" ? "" : txtTicketNo.Text;
                string   customerReference = txtCustomerRef.Text == "" ? "" : txtCustomerRef.Text;
                string   destination       = txtDestination.Text == "" ? "" : txtDestination.Text;
                DateTime signatureDate;
                DateTime scannedDate;

                if (dteSignatureDate.SelectedDate.Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                    signatureDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Convert.ToString(SqlDateTime.MinValue));
                    signatureDate = dteSignatureDate.SelectedDate.Value;
                scannedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Convert.ToString(SqlDateTime.MinValue));
                //dsPODSearchResults = facPOD.GetWithParams(clientId, ticketNo, signatureDate, scannedDate, scannedDateFrom, scannedDateTo, loadNo, customerReference, destination);
            ViewState["PODSearchResults"] = dsPODSearchResults;
            dgPODSearchResults.DataSource = dsPODSearchResults;

Beispiel #13
        protected void dgUnassignedPODs_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();

                Entities.POD itemPOD = facPOD.GetForPODId(int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[0].Text));

                string podId = e.Item.Cells[0].Text;

                HyperLink lnkViewPOD = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("lnkViewPOD");
                if (itemPOD.ScannedFormId > 0)
                    lnkViewPOD.Target      = "_blank";
                    lnkViewPOD.NavigateUrl = itemPOD.ScannedFormPDF;
                    lnkViewPOD.Visible = false;
Beispiel #14
        protected void btnUnassignPODs_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();

            ArrayList arrayListPODIds = new ArrayList();

            foreach (DataGridItem cdsItem in dgCollectionDropSummary.Items)
                DataGrid dgCollectionDrop = (DataGrid)cdsItem.FindControl("dgCollectionDrop");
                foreach (DataGridItem cdItem in dgCollectionDrop.Items)
                    if (((CheckBox)cdItem.FindControl("chkUnassignPOD")).Checked)
                        DataSet dsPOD = facPOD.GetForCollectDropID(int.Parse(cdItem.Cells[0].Text));

            int[] toUnassignPODIds = new int[arrayListPODIds.Count];

            for (int counter = 0; counter < arrayListPODIds.Count; counter++)
                toUnassignPODIds[counter] = (int)arrayListPODIds[counter];

            if (arrayListPODIds.Count > 0 && ((int)arrayListPODIds[0]) > 0)
                lblUnassignPODsError.Visible = false;
                facPOD.UnassignFromJob(toUnassignPODIds, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName);
                lblUnassignPODsError.Text    = "Please mark POD(s) to unassign";
                lblUnassignPODsError.Visible = true;
Beispiel #15

        private void Initialise()
            if (this.ScannedFormId > 0)
                Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();
                this.Pod = facPOD.GetForScannedFormId(this.ScannedFormId);

                if (Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.AutoPopulateScanTicketNumber)
                    this.txtTicketNo.Text = this.Pod.TicketNo;
                this.dteSignatureDate.SelectedDate = this.Pod.SignatureDate;

                this.dgAdditionalReferences.DataSource = this.Pod.AdditionalReferences;
                Facade.IPOD facPod       = new Orchestrator.Facade.POD();
                DataSet     dsJobDetails = facPod.GetJobDetails(this.JobId);

                foreach (DataRow row in dsJobDetails.Tables["CollectionDrop"].Rows)
                    if ((int)row["CollectDropId"] == this.CollectDropId)
                        if (Orchestrator.Globals.Configuration.AutoPopulateScanTicketNumber)
                            this.txtTicketNo.Text = row["ClientsCustomerReference"].ToString();
                        this.dteSignatureDate.SelectedDate = (DateTime)row["CollectDropDateTime"];

            ((WizardMasterPage)this.Master).WizardTitle = "Document Wizard";
Beispiel #16
        public string ScanHasBeenUploaded(string fileNameAndFTPDirectory)
            if (fileNameAndFTPDirectory.StartsWith("\\"))
                fileNameAndFTPDirectory = fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Substring(1, fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Length - 1);

            string pdfLocation            = Server.MapPath("~/PDFS");
            string methodStatus           = String.Empty;
            string newFileName            = Path.GetFileName(fileNameAndFTPDirectory);
            string newFileLocation        = Path.Combine(pdfLocation, fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Replace(newFileName, ""));
            string newFileLocationAndName = Path.Combine(newFileLocation, newFileName);

            Facade.Form   facScanForm = new Orchestrator.Facade.Form();
            Entities.Scan scan        = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormForScannedFormPDF(newFileName);

            if (scan.IsAppend && scan.PreviousScannedFormId != null)
                Entities.Scan existingScan = null;

                // get the previous scannedForm Record
                existingScan = facScanForm.GetForScannedFormId((int)scan.PreviousScannedFormId);

                if (existingScan != null)
                    PdfDocument previousDocument;
                    //string existingFileNameAndPath = Path.Combine(pdfLocation, existingScan.ScannedFormPDF);
                    string existingFileNameAndPath = Server.MapPath(existingScan.ScannedFormPDF);

                    if (File.Exists(existingFileNameAndPath))
                        previousDocument = PdfReader.Open(existingFileNameAndPath, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

                            // should always exist
                            if (!Directory.Exists(newFileLocation))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploaded - Error Creating directory - "
                                                           + newFileLocation, ex);

                            // read the exisiting but newly created pdf
                            PdfDocument newPdfDoc = PdfReader.Open(newFileLocationAndName, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

                            PdfDocument finalDoc = new PdfDocument();
                            // Append the previous document to our new document
                            foreach (PdfPage page in previousDocument.Pages)
                            // Append the new document to the previous document
                            foreach (PdfPage page in newPdfDoc.Pages)

                            // attempt to save the new doc

                            methodStatus = "Appended " + newFileLocationAndName
                                           + " to " + existingFileNameAndPath;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploaded - Error appending document - "
                                                           + fileNameAndFTPDirectory, ex);
                        throw new ApplicationException("ExistingScanForm file could not be found - Path - "
                                                       + existingFileNameAndPath + " - New FileLocationAndName: " + newFileLocationAndName);
                    throw new ApplicationException("ExistingScanForm entity could not be found.");
                methodStatus = "Append = false or no previousScanneDformId to append too." + Environment.NewLine;

            scan.IsUploaded = true;

            //Use full URL instead
            //scan.ScannedFormPDF = fileNameAndFTPDirectory;
            string URL = this.Context.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/PDFS/" + fileNameAndFTPDirectory.Replace('\\', '/');

            scan.ScannedFormPDF = URL;

                // update the IsUploaded flag on the scannedForm
                facScanForm.Update(scan, scan.CreateUserID);

                Facade.IPOD facPod = new Facade.POD();
                methodStatus += facPod.SendClientPod(scan.ScannedFormId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("ScanHasBeenUploaded - Update ScanForm failed (ScanForm ID:" + scan.ScannedFormId + ")", ex);

Beispiel #17
        private void PopulatePODs()
            ViewState["AssignedPODCount"] = 0;

            // Only show the centrally scanned pods if the option is set in tblSystem.
            bool centrallyScannedPODsActive = Facade.SystemSettings.CentrallyScannedPODsActive();

            Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();
            m_dsJob = facPOD.GetJobDetails(m_jobId);

            dgCollectionDropSummary.DataSource = facPOD.GetJobDetails(m_jobId);
            dgCollectionDropSummary.DataMember = "CollectionDropSummary";

            DataSet ds = facPOD.GetJobDetailsWithOutLeg(m_jobId);

            dgUnattachedDeHire.DataSource = ds;

            if (m_jobId > 0)
                DataSet dsUnassignedPODs = facPOD.GetUnassignedToJobByClientId(m_job.IdentityId);
                if (dsUnassignedPODs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    pnlUnassignedPODs.Visible   = true && centrallyScannedPODsActive;
                    dgUnassignedPODs.DataSource = dsUnassignedPODs;
                    pnlUnassignedPODs.Visible = false && centrallyScannedPODsActive;
                dgUnassignedPODs.DataSource = facPOD.GetUnassignedToJob();

            if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                pnlUnattachedDeHire.Visible = true;
                pnlUnattachedDeHire.Visible = false;

            catch (Exception)
                dgUnassignedPODs.CurrentPageIndex = 0;

            if ((int)ViewState["AssignedPODCount"] > 0)
                btnUnassignPODs.Visible = true;
                btnUnassignPODs.Visible = false;
Beispiel #18
        private void GetPODs()
            bool noCriteria = false;

            if (dteDateOfDelivery.DateInput.Text == String.Empty && dteDateOfDeliveryFrom.DateInput.Text == String.Empty && dteDateOfDeliveryTo.DateInput.Text == String.Empty &&
                cboClient.Text == String.Empty && cboClientsCustomer.Text == String.Empty && txtTicketNo.Text == String.Empty &&
                this.orderIdTextbox.Text == String.Empty && this.loadNoTextbox.Text == String.Empty &&
                this.docketNoTextbox.Text == String.Empty && this.customerReferenceTextbox.Text == String.Empty &&
                this.jobIdTextbox.Text == String.Empty && this.trailerRefTextbox.Text == String.Empty)
                noCriteria = true;

            Facade.IPOD facPOD = new Facade.POD();

            if (noCriteria)
                dsPODList = facPOD.GetAll();
                // By POD Filtering
                int      clientId = cboClient.SelectedValue == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(cboClient.SelectedValue);
                int      clientsCustomerId = cboClientsCustomer.SelectedValue == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(cboClientsCustomer.SelectedValue);
                string   ticketNo = txtTicketNo.Text == "" ? "" : txtTicketNo.Text;
                DateTime deliveryDate, deliveryDateFrom, deliveryDateTo;

                if (dteDateOfDelivery.SelectedDate == null || dteDateOfDelivery.SelectedDate.Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                    deliveryDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Convert.ToString(SqlDateTime.MinValue));
                    deliveryDate = dteDateOfDelivery.SelectedDate.Value;

                if (dteDateOfDeliveryFrom.SelectedDate == null || dteDateOfDeliveryFrom.SelectedDate.Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                    deliveryDateFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(Convert.ToString(SqlDateTime.MinValue));
                    deliveryDateFrom = dteDateOfDeliveryFrom.SelectedDate.Value;

                if (dteDateOfDeliveryTo.SelectedDate == null || dteDateOfDeliveryTo.SelectedDate.Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                    deliveryDateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(Convert.ToString(SqlDateTime.MinValue));
                    deliveryDateTo = dteDateOfDeliveryTo.SelectedDate.Value;
                    deliveryDateTo = deliveryDateTo.Add(new TimeSpan(23, 59, 00));

                // By Job Filtering
                string loadNo = this.loadNoTextbox.Text.Trim();
                string docketNo          = this.docketNoTextbox.Text.Trim();
                string customerReference = this.customerReferenceTextbox.Text.Trim();;
                string trailerRef        = this.trailerRefTextbox.Text.Trim();
                int    jobId   = 0;
                int    orderId = 0;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.jobIdTextbox.Text))
                    int.TryParse(this.jobIdTextbox.Text, out jobId);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.orderIdTextbox.Text))
                    int.TryParse(this.orderIdTextbox.Text, out orderId);

                dsPODList = facPOD.GetWithParams(clientId, clientsCustomerId, ticketNo, deliveryDate, deliveryDateFrom,
                                                 deliveryDateTo, loadNo, docketNo, customerReference, trailerRef, jobId, orderId);

            ViewState["C_PODDATA_VS"] = dsPODList;

            if (dsPODList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                dgPODList.DataSource = dsPODList;

                dgPODList.Visible = true;
                lblError.Visible  = false;
                lblError.Visible  = true;
                dgPODList.Visible = false;