Beispiel #1
 private FTPService.FTPService FTPService(FTPProtocol protocol)
     FTPService.FTPService ftpService = new FTPService.FTPService(GetAppSetting("Host", "", protocol),
                                                                  GetAppSetting("Login", "", protocol),
                                                                  GetAppSetting("Password", "", protocol),
Beispiel #2
        public FTPService(string hostName, string loginName, string password, FTPProtocol protocol)
            _hostName  = hostName;
            _loginName = loginName;
            _password  = password;
            _protocol  = protocol;

            switch (_protocol)
            case FTPProtocol.FTP:   // 21
            case FTPProtocol.FTPS:  // 21 or 990
                _portNo = 21;

            case FTPProtocol.SFTP:  // 22
                _portNo = 22;
Beispiel #3
        private void uploadFileTest(FTPProtocol protocol, int numFiles)
            bool   bError;
            string errorMsg = "",
                   source   = "",
                   remoteFolder = GetAppSetting("TargetFolder", "", protocol);

            // Create file(s) to upload
            List <string> sourceFiles = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
                source = Path.GetTempPath() + "\\" + i.ToString() + ".test";
                db.LogTestFile(source);     // So the cleanup delete it

                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(source)) {

            // Upload the file(s)
            FTPService.FTPService ftpService = FTPService(protocol);
            if (numFiles > 1)
                source = source.FolderName() + "\\*.test";
                target = remoteFolder;
                target = remoteFolder + "/" + source.FileName();
            bError = ftpService.UploadFile(source, target, ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);

            // Delete the original files so that when we download again,
            // we know we have recreated the files
            foreach (var fileName in sourceFiles)
                Assert.IsTrue(!File.Exists(fileName), $"Error: Failed to delete {fileName}");

            // Now try to download the files
            if (numFiles > 1)
                source = remoteFolder;
                target = Path.GetTempFileName().FolderName();
                source = target;
                target = Path.GetTempFileName().FolderName() + "\\" + source.FileName();
                db.LogTestFile(target);     // So the cleanup deletes it
            List <string> downloadedFiles = new List <string>();

            bError = ftpService.DownloadFile(source, target, downloadedFiles, ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);

            // Cleanup the host
            foreach (string fileName in sourceFiles)
                bError = ftpService.DeleteFile(remoteFolder + "/" + fileName.FileName(), ref errorMsg);
                Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);

            // Check that the file exists
            foreach (string fileName in sourceFiles)
                Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(fileName), $"Error: Failed to find file {fileName}");
Beispiel #4
        private void moveFileTest(FTPProtocol protocol)
            bool   bError;
            string errorMsg   = "",
                   sourceFile = "",
                   remoteFolder = GetAppSetting("TargetFolder", "", protocol);

            // Create file(s) to upload
            sourceFile = Path.GetTempPath() + "\\MoveFile.test";
            db.LogTestFile(sourceFile);     // So the cleanup delete it

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(sourceFile)) {

            // Upload the file
            FTPService.FTPService ftpService = FTPService(protocol);
            targetFile = remoteFolder + "/" + sourceFile.FileName();

            bError = ftpService.UploadFile(sourceFile, targetFile, ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);

            // Now download it to check that it got uploaded
            string temp = targetFile;

            targetFile = sourceFile;
            sourceFile = temp;

            List <string> downloadedFiles = new List <string>();

            bError = ftpService.DownloadFile(sourceFile, targetFile, downloadedFiles, ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(downloadedFiles.Count == 1, $"Error: {downloadedFiles.Count} file(s) were downloaded when 1 was expected");

            // Check that the file exists
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(targetFile), $"Error: Failed to find file {targetFile}");

            // Now move it on the host
            targetFile = GetAppSetting("ArchiveFolder", "", protocol) + "/" + sourceFile.FileName();
            bError     = ftpService.MoveFile(sourceFile, targetFile, ref errorMsg, true);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);

            // Try to download it from original location (should fail because it has been moved)
            string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            db.LogTestFile(tempFile);     // So the cleanup delete it

            bError = ftpService.DownloadFile(sourceFile, tempFile, downloadedFiles, ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(bError, "Error: Download should have failed because the source file has been moved. This error means that the move failed");

            // Now try to download it from the archive location
            bError = ftpService.DownloadFile(targetFile, tempFile, downloadedFiles, ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);

            // Now delete it in the archive
            bError = ftpService.DeleteFile(targetFile, ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);

            // Finally, try to download the archived file again (should fail)
            bError = ftpService.DownloadFile(targetFile, tempFile, downloadedFiles, ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(bError, "Error: Download should have failed because the previous delete should have removed the file. This error means that the delete failed");
Beispiel #5
        void getFTPFileListTest(FTPProtocol protocol)
            int           numFiles   = 10;
            string        errorMsg   = "";
            List <string> sourceList = new List <string>();
            List <string> foundList  = new List <string>();

            FTPService.FTPService ftpService = FTPService(protocol);

            for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
                var tempFile = GetTempFile(".ftptest2");
                using (var sw = new StreamWriter(tempFile)) {
            sourceList = sourceList.OrderBy(sl => sl.Substring(0))

            // Upload the test files - this uses GetLocalFileList()
            string remoteFolder = GetAppSetting("TargetFolder", "", protocol);
            bool   bError       = ftpService.UploadFile(sourceList[0].FolderName() + "\\*.ftptest2",
                                                        ref errorMsg);

            if (bError)
                foreach (string fileName in sourceList)
                    ftpService.DeleteFile(remoteFolder + "/" + fileName.FileName(), ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);

            // Now get the FTP file list
            bError = ftpService.GetFTPFileList(remoteFolder, ref foundList, ref errorMsg);
            if (bError)
                foreach (string fileName in sourceList)
                    ftpService.DeleteFile(remoteFolder + "/" + fileName.FileName(), ref errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(!bError, errorMsg);
            Assert.IsTrue(foundList.Count() == numFiles, $"Error: (Protocol: {protocol}) {foundList.Count()} files were returned when {numFiles} were expected");

            foundList = foundList.OrderBy(sl => sl.Substring(0))
            string expected = "",
                   actual   = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
                expected = sourceList[i].FileName();
                actual   = foundList[i].FileName();

                if (expected != actual)
                    i = numFiles;

            // Cleanup before the assert so we don't leave files on the server
            foreach (string fileName in sourceList)
                try {
                } catch { }
                ftpService.DeleteFile(remoteFolder + "/" + fileName.FileName(), ref errorMsg);

            Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, $"Error: '{actual}' was returned when '{expected}' was expected");