Beispiel #1
 internal static extern int FsUpdateBottomlessSubtrack(
     IntPtr pfsContext,                  // IN:  ptr to FS context
     IntPtr pfsSubtrack,                 // IN:  ptr to subtrack
     IntPtr fsnmSegment,                 // IN:  name of the segment to start from
     int iArea,                          // IN:  column-span area index
     IntPtr pfsGeom,                     // IN:  parent geometry
     int fSuppressTopSpace,              // IN:
     uint fswdir,                        // IN:  direction
     int ur,                             // IN:  ur of subtrack
     int dur,                            // IN:  dur of subtrack
     int vr,                             // IN:  vr of subtrack
     IntPtr pfsMcsClientIn,              // IN:  input margin collapsing state
     FSKCLEAR fsKClearIn,                // IN:  clear property that must be satisfied
     int fCanBeInterruptedIn,            // IN:  can be interrupted?
     out FSFMTRBL pfsfmtrbl,             // OUT: why formatting was stopped
     out int pdvrUsed,                   // OUT: dvrUsed
     out FSBBOX pfsBBox,                 // OUT: subtrack bbox
     out IntPtr ppfsMcsClientOut,        // OUT: margin collapsing state at the bottom
     out FSKCLEAR pfsKClearOut,          // OUT: ClearIn for the next paragraph
     out int pTopSpace,                  // OUT: top space due to collapsed margin
     out int pfCanBeInterruptedOut);     // OUT: interruption is prohibited from now on
Beispiel #2
        internal static extern int FsFormatSubtrackFinite(
            IntPtr pfsContext,                  // IN:  ptr to FS context
            IntPtr pfsBRSubtackIn,              // IN:  ptr to brk record of subtrack
            int fFromPreviousPage,              // IN:  break record was created on previous page
            IntPtr fsnmSegment,                 // IN:  name of the segment to start from - if pointer to break rec is NULL
            int iArea,                          // IN:  column-span area index
            IntPtr pfsFtnRej,                   // IN:
            IntPtr pfsGeom,                     // IN:  geometry
            int fEmptyOk,                       // IN:  fEmptyOK
            int fSuppressTopSpace,              // IN:  fSuppressTopSpace
            uint fswdir,                        // IN:  direction
            [In] ref FSRECT fsRectToFill,       // IN:  rectangle to fill
            IntPtr pfsMcsClientIn,              // IN:  input margin collapsing state
            FSKCLEAR fsKClearIn,                // IN:  clear property that must be satisfied
            FSKSUPPRESSHARDBREAKBEFOREFIRSTPARA fsksuppresshardbreakbeforefirstpara,

            out FSFMTR pfsfmtr,                 // OUT: why formatting was stopped
            out IntPtr ppfsSubtrack,            // OUT: ptr to the subtrack
            out IntPtr pfsBRSubtrackOut,        // OUT: break record of the subtrack
            out int pdvrUsed,                   // OUT: dvrUsed
            out FSBBOX pfsBBox,                 // OUT: subtrack bbox
            out IntPtr ppfsMcsClientOut,        // OUT: margin collapsing state at the bottom
            out FSKCLEAR pfsKClearOut,          // OUT: ClearIn for the next paragraph
            out int pTopSpace);                 // OUT: top space due to collapsed margin