Beispiel #1
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Method:      Start()
    // Description: Cache components
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void Start()
        _playerWeaponScript      = FindObjectOfType <FPSRigAnimator>();
        PlayerStats.CanPauseGame = true; // make sure we re-enable the ability to pause the game if this object becomes active in a scene
                                         // This is because pausing the game during the scene load can lead to glitches like a black screen/things not loading correctly

        originalFOV = Camera.main.fieldOfView;
Beispiel #2
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // IEnumerator: PauseTheGame
    // Description: Pauses the game by incrementally slowing the timescale until it reaches epsiolon,
    //              then activates pause canvas UI elements, also plays SFX. INcrementally decreases the main
    //              camera's FOV to mimic a zooming in effect as the timescale is slowed
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public IEnumerator PauseTheGame()
        // Boolean switch to prevent starting the coroutine if it is already running:
        if (isPausing)
            yield return(null);
        isPausing = true;

        Camera cam             = Camera.main;
        float  targetFOV       = cam.fieldOfView - 8.0f; // the target FOV to move towards
        float  targetTimeScale = Mathf.Epsilon;          // the target timescalse - I found issues were caused when setting it to 0, so I use epsilon

        // Tried a few different ways to facillitate a slow-down and zoom-in effect like lerping and smoothStepping
        // eventually settled on using a stepcounter loop with the Mathf.SmoothStep method, then snapping the value just in case:
        int stepCounter = 0;

        while (stepCounter != 6)
            cam.fieldOfView = Mathf.SmoothStep(cam.fieldOfView, targetFOV, 0.25f);
            Time.timeScale  = Mathf.SmoothStep(Time.timeScale, targetTimeScale, 0.25f);
            stepCounter    += 1;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01f));
        // snap the timescale and fov just in case
        Time.timeScale = Mathf.Epsilon;

        // In the start area scene, the player game object is inactive when this script's Start() method is called
        // So perform a findobjectoftype call just in case we do not already have a reference to the player
        if (!_playerWeaponScript)
            _playerWeaponScript = FindObjectOfType <FPSRigAnimator>();
            // If we still cannot get a reference to the player something has gone wrong and we should return
            // It's highly unlikely we'lll enter into this conditional though
            if (!_playerWeaponScript)
                yield return(null);
        _playerWeaponScript.CanFire = false;
        _pauseMenuActive            = true;

        foreach (GameObject item in MenuItems)
        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
        Cursor.visible   = true;
        isPausing        = false; // reset the boolean switch
        yield return(null);