// Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     current_offset   = 0.0f;
     flow_direction   = FLOW_DIRECTIONS.OUT;
     flow_coefficient = 1.0f;
     running          = true;
     this.Stop(); // we start the game stopped.
     * Function to show the indicator, when heat starts to flow.
    public void Go(bool flow_outward)
        // If we weren't running already, then start.
        if (!running)
            running = true;
            MeshRenderer[] mr_list = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
            foreach (MeshRenderer mr in mr_list)
                mr.enabled = true;
        // If we aren't pointing in the same direction as flow, fix it.
        FLOW_DIRECTIONS correct_direction = flow_outward ? FLOW_DIRECTIONS.OUT : FLOW_DIRECTIONS.IN;

        if (flow_direction != correct_direction)
            flow_direction = correct_direction;
            float y_rot = flow_outward ? 90f : -90f;
            T_left.rotation  = Quaternion.Euler(90f, y_rot, 0f);
            T_right.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90f, y_rot, 0f);