private void m_AsyncSpeedCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!m_initializing && m_speedControlPanel.Visible) { try { if (m_camera.IsConnected() && m_camInfo.interfaceType == InterfaceType.Ieee1394 && m_AsyncSpeedCombo.Items.Count > 0) //Async speed can only be changed for Firewire { BusSpeed asyncSpeed = (BusSpeed)Enum.Parse(typeof(BusSpeed), m_AsyncSpeedCombo.SelectedItem.ToString(), true); FC2Config config = new FC2Config(); config = m_camera.GetConfiguration(); config.asyncBusSpeed = asyncSpeed; m_camera.SetConfiguration(config); OnISOSpeedChanged(EventArgs.Empty); //config = m_camera.GetConfiguration(); Hal can not retrieve Async Speed at the moment } } catch (Exception ex) { string error = string.Format("Failed to set asynchronous bus speed: {0}", ex.Message); Debug.WriteLine(error); MessageBox.Show(error, "FlyCapture2", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } }
public void ChooseCamera() { StopStreaming(); DeleteCamera(); beginSelecCamera: CameraSelectionDialog selectDialog = new CameraSelectionDialog(); if (selectDialog.ShowModal() == true) { ManagedPGRGuid[] guids = selectDialog.GetSelectedCameraGuids(); if (guids.Length < 1) { if (MessageBox.Show("You have not selected a camera. Do you want to restart camera selection diaolog?", "No camera", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { goto beginSelecCamera; } else { Application.Current.Shutdown(); } } m_busManager = new ManagedBusManager(); var interfaceType = m_busManager.GetInterfaceTypeFromGuid(guids[0]); if (interfaceType == InterfaceType.GigE) { m_camera = new ManagedGigECamera(); } else { m_camera = new ManagedCamera(); } m_camera.Connect(guids[0]); EmbeddedImageInfo embeddedInfo = m_camera.GetEmbeddedImageInfo(); embeddedInfo.timestamp.onOff = true; embeddedInfo.exposure.onOff = true; embeddedInfo.shutter.onOff = true; embeddedInfo.gain.onOff = true; m_camera.SetEmbeddedImageInfo(embeddedInfo); float shutterMin = m_camera.GetPropertyInfo(PropertyType.Shutter).absMin, shutterMax = m_camera.GetPropertyInfo(PropertyType.Shutter).absMax; m_commonViewModel.CameraShutterRangeBegin = shutterMin; m_commonViewModel.CameraShutterRangeEnd = shutterMax; FC2Config config = m_camera.GetConfiguration(); config.grabMode = GrabMode.BufferFrames; m_camera.SetConfiguration(config); m_cameraCtrlDialog.Connect(m_camera); m_commonViewModel.IsCameraChosen = true; m_commonViewModel.IsStreamingWasStarted = false; } }
private void m_IsochSpeedCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!m_initializing && m_speedControlPanel.Visible) { try { if (m_camera.IsConnected() && m_camInfo.interfaceType == InterfaceType.Ieee1394 && m_IsochSpeedCombo.Items.Count > 0) //Isoch speed can only be changed for Firewire { BusSpeed isochSpeed = (BusSpeed)Enum.Parse(typeof(BusSpeed), m_IsochSpeedCombo.SelectedItem.ToString(), true); if (m_camera.ReadRegister(0x614) == 0) // Make sure camera is not streaming while changing Isoch speed { FC2Config config = new FC2Config(); config = m_camera.GetConfiguration(); config.isochBusSpeed = isochSpeed; m_camera.SetConfiguration(config); config = m_camera.GetConfiguration(); if (config.isochBusSpeed != (BusSpeed)Enum.Parse(typeof(BusSpeed), m_IsochSpeedCombo.SelectedItem.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Could not set new Isoch Speed.", "FlyCapture2", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { OnISOSpeedChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { string error = string.Format("Failed to set isochronous bus speed: {0}", ex.Message); Debug.WriteLine(error); MessageBox.Show(error, "FlyCapture2", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { PrintBuildInfo(); const int NumImages = 10; bool useSoftwareTrigger = true; ManagedBusManager busMgr = new ManagedBusManager(); uint numCameras = busMgr.GetNumOfCameras(); Console.WriteLine("Number of cameras detected: {0}", numCameras); // Finish if there are no cameras if (numCameras == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Not enough cameras!"); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } ManagedPGRGuid guid = busMgr.GetCameraFromIndex(0); ManagedCamera cam = new ManagedCamera(); cam.Connect(guid); // Power on the camera const uint CameraPower = 0x610; const uint CameraPowerValue = 0x80000000; cam.WriteRegister(CameraPower, CameraPowerValue); const Int32 MillisecondsToSleep = 100; uint cameraPowerValueRead = 0; // Wait for camera to complete power-up do { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(MillisecondsToSleep); cameraPowerValueRead = cam.ReadRegister(CameraPower); }while ((cameraPowerValueRead & CameraPowerValue) == 0); // Get the camera information CameraInfo camInfo = cam.GetCameraInfo(); PrintCameraInfo(camInfo); if (!useSoftwareTrigger) { // Check for external trigger support TriggerModeInfo triggerModeInfo = cam.GetTriggerModeInfo(); if (triggerModeInfo.present != true) { Console.WriteLine("Camera does not support external trigger!"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } // Get current trigger settings TriggerMode triggerMode = cam.GetTriggerMode(); // Set camera to trigger mode 0 // A source of 7 means software trigger triggerMode.onOff = true; triggerMode.mode = 0; triggerMode.parameter = 0; if (useSoftwareTrigger) { // A source of 7 means software trigger triggerMode.source = 7; } else { // Triggering the camera externally using source 0. triggerMode.source = 0; } // Set the trigger mode cam.SetTriggerMode(triggerMode); // Poll to ensure camera is ready bool retVal = PollForTriggerReady(cam); if (retVal != true) { Console.WriteLine("Poll for trigger read failed!"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // Get the camera configuration FC2Config config = cam.GetConfiguration(); // Set the grab timeout to 5 seconds config.grabTimeout = 5000; // Set the camera configuration cam.SetConfiguration(config); // Camera is ready, start capturing images cam.StartCapture(); if (useSoftwareTrigger) { if (CheckSoftwareTriggerPresence(cam) == false) { Console.WriteLine("SOFT_ASYNC_TRIGGER not implemented on this camera! Stopping application\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Trigger the camera by sending a trigger pulse to GPIO%d.\n", triggerMode.source); } ManagedImage rawImage = new ManagedImage(); for (int iImageCount = 0; iImageCount < NumImages; iImageCount++) { if (useSoftwareTrigger) { // Check that the trigger is ready retVal = PollForTriggerReady(cam); Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to initiate a software trigger.\n"); Console.ReadLine(); // Fire software trigger retVal = FireSoftwareTrigger(cam); if (retVal != true) { Console.WriteLine("Error firing software trigger!"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } try { // Retrieve an image cam.RetrieveBuffer(rawImage); } catch (FC2Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving buffer : {0}", ex.Message); continue; } Console.WriteLine(".\n"); } Console.WriteLine("Finished grabbing images"); // Stop capturing images cam.StopCapture(); // Turn off trigger mode triggerMode.onOff = false; cam.SetTriggerMode(triggerMode); // Disconnect the camera cam.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("Done! Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
///<summary> ///Take a picture and save it in file name /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">File name where the picture is going to be saved> Must be a correct path</param> /// <exception cref="SoftwareTriggerNotSupportedException">Thrown when the camera doesn't support software triggering.</exception> /// <exception cref="ExternalTriggerNotSupportedException">Thrown when the camera doesn't support external triggering.</exception> /// <exception cref="TriggerFailedException">Thrown when the triggering had failed and the picture hasn't been taken.</exception> public void Snap(string fileName) // To thing of a possible separation to avoid setting everything all the time { // Power on the camera const uint CameraPower = 0x610; const uint CameraPowerValue = 0x80000000; cam.WriteRegister(CameraPower, CameraPowerValue); const Int32 MillisecondsToSleep = 100; uint cameraPowerValueRead; // Wait for camera to complete power-up do { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(MillisecondsToSleep); cameraPowerValueRead = cam.ReadRegister(CameraPower); }while ((cameraPowerValueRead & CameraPowerValue) == 0); // Get current trigger settings TriggerMode triggerMode = cam.GetTriggerMode(); // Set camera to trigger mode 0 // A source of 7 means software trigger triggerMode.onOff = true; triggerMode.mode = 0; triggerMode.parameter = 0; // A source of 7 means software trigger triggerMode.source = 7; // Set the trigger mode cam.SetTriggerMode(triggerMode); // Get the camera configuration FC2Config config = cam.GetConfiguration(); // Set the grab timeout to 5 seconds config.grabTimeout = 5000; // Set the camera configuration cam.SetConfiguration(config); #region Taking picture // Camera is ready, start capturing images cam.StartCapture(); using (ManagedImage rawImage = new ManagedImage()) { // Check that the trigger is ready bool retVal = PollForTriggerReady(); // Fire software trigger bool retVal1 = FireSoftwareTrigger(); if (!(retVal && retVal1)) { throw new TriggerFailedException(); } try { // Retrieve an image cam.RetrieveBuffer(rawImage); rawImage.Save(fileName); } catch (FC2Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving buffer : {0}", ex.Message); } } #endregion // Stop capturing images cam.StopCapture(); // Turn off trigger mode triggerMode.onOff = false; cam.SetTriggerMode(triggerMode); }
unsafe void RunSingleCamera(ManagedPGRGuid guid, string save_location, int numImages) { ManagedCamera cam = new ManagedCamera(); // Connect to a camera cam.Connect(guid); // Get the camera information CameraInfo camInfo = cam.GetCameraInfo(); PrintCameraInfo(camInfo); // Get embedded image info from camera EmbeddedImageInfo embeddedInfo = cam.GetEmbeddedImageInfo(); // Enable timestamp collection if (embeddedInfo.timestamp.available == true) { embeddedInfo.timestamp.onOff = true; } // Set embedded image info to camera cam.SetEmbeddedImageInfo(embeddedInfo); // Make a 300 Frame Buffer FC2Config bufferFrame = cam.GetConfiguration(); bufferFrame.grabMode = GrabMode.BufferFrames; bufferFrame.numBuffers = 300; cam.SetConfiguration(bufferFrame); // Start capturing images cam.StartCapture(); // Create a raw image ManagedImage rawImage = new ManagedImage(); // Create a converted image ManagedImage convertedImage = new ManagedImage(); System.Drawing.Size framesize = new System.Drawing.Size(1888, 1888); CvInvoke.NamedWindow("Prey Capture" + save_location, NamedWindowType.Normal); VideoWriter camvid = new VideoWriter(save_location, 0, 60, framesize, false); for (int imageCnt = 0; imageCnt < numImages; imageCnt++) { // Retrieve an image cam.RetrieveBuffer(rawImage); // Get the timestamp TimeStamp timeStamp = rawImage.timeStamp; // Convert the raw image // rawImage.Convert(PixelFormat.PixelFormatBgr, convertedImage); // m rawImage.Convert(PixelFormat.PixelFormatRaw8, convertedImage); // use raw8 for GH3s but flea3 can be color. int rws = (int)convertedImage.rows; int cols = (int)convertedImage.cols; IntPtr point = (IntPtr); Mat cvimage = new Mat(framesize, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.DepthType.Cv8U, 1, point, cols); camvid.Write(cvimage); if (imageCnt % 200 == 0) { CvInvoke.Imshow("Prey Capture" + save_location, cvimage); CvInvoke.WaitKey(1); Console.WriteLine(imageCnt); } } // Stop capturing images cam.StopCapture(); camvid.Dispose(); // Disconnect the camera Console.WriteLine("Done Brah"); cam.Disconnect(); CvInvoke.DestroyAllWindows(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { PrintBuildInfo(); const int k_numImages = 10; bool useSoftwareTrigger = true; ManagedBusManager busMgr = new ManagedBusManager(); uint numCameras = busMgr.GetNumOfCameras(); Console.WriteLine("Number of cameras detected: {0}", numCameras); ManagedPGRGuid guid = busMgr.GetCameraFromIndex(0); ManagedCamera cam = new ManagedCamera(); cam.Connect(guid); // Get the camera information CameraInfo camInfo = cam.GetCameraInfo(); PrintCameraInfo(camInfo); if (!useSoftwareTrigger) { // Check for external trigger support TriggerModeInfo triggerModeInfo = cam.GetTriggerModeInfo(); if (triggerModeInfo.present != true) { Console.WriteLine("Camera does not support external trigger! Exiting...\n"); return; } } // Get current trigger settings TriggerMode triggerMode = cam.GetTriggerMode(); // Set camera to trigger mode 0 // A source of 7 means software trigger triggerMode.onOff = true; triggerMode.mode = 0; triggerMode.parameter = 0; if (useSoftwareTrigger) { // A source of 7 means software trigger triggerMode.source = 7; } else { // Triggering the camera externally using source 0. triggerMode.source = 0; } // Set the trigger mode cam.SetTriggerMode(triggerMode); // Poll to ensure camera is ready bool retVal = PollForTriggerReady(cam); if (retVal != true) { return; } // Get the camera configuration FC2Config config = cam.GetConfiguration(); // Set the grab timeout to 5 seconds config.grabTimeout = 5000; // Set the camera configuration cam.SetConfiguration(config); // Camera is ready, start capturing images cam.StartCapture(); if (useSoftwareTrigger) { if (CheckSoftwareTriggerPresence(cam) == false) { Console.WriteLine("SOFT_ASYNC_TRIGGER not implemented on this camera! Stopping application\n"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Trigger the camera by sending a trigger pulse to GPIO%d.\n", triggerMode.source); } ManagedImage image = new ManagedImage(); for (int iImageCount = 0; iImageCount < k_numImages; iImageCount++) { if (useSoftwareTrigger) { // Check that the trigger is ready retVal = PollForTriggerReady(cam); Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to initiate a software trigger.\n"); Console.ReadLine(); // Fire software trigger retVal = FireSoftwareTrigger(cam); if (retVal != true) { Console.WriteLine("Error firing software trigger!"); return; } } // Grab image cam.RetrieveBuffer(image); Console.WriteLine(".\n"); } Console.WriteLine("Finished grabbing images"); // Stop capturing images cam.StopCapture(); // Turn off trigger mode triggerMode.onOff = false; cam.SetTriggerMode(triggerMode); // Disconnect the camera cam.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine("Done! Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }