public void KDF()
            // Decrypt packet salt
            if (ecmID != prevEcmID)
                byte[] saltHmacKey = sha1.ComputeHash(F4FOldMethod.AppendBuf(sessionKey, packetIV));
                if (debug)
                    Program.DebugLog("SaltHmacKey  : " + Hexlify(saltHmacKey));
                shaSalt.Key = saltHmacKey;
                saltAesKey  = F4FOldMethod.BlockCopy(shaSalt.ComputeHash(hmacData1), 0, 16);
                if (debug)
                    Program.DebugLog("SaltAesKey   : " + Hexlify(saltAesKey));
                prevEcmID = ecmID;
            if (debug)
                Program.DebugLog("EncryptedSalt: " + Hexlify(packetSalt));

            byte[] decryptedSalt = AesDecrypt(packetSalt, saltAesKey, packetIV);
            if (decryptedSalt == null)
                Program.Quit("<c:Red>Error ocurred while decription salt of fagment.");
            if (debug)
                Program.DebugLog("DecryptedSalt: " + Hexlify(decryptedSalt));
            decryptBytes = F4FOldMethod.ReadInt32(ref decryptedSalt, 0);
            if (debug)
                Program.DebugLog("DecryptBytes : " + decryptBytes);
            byte[] decryptedSalt2 = F4FOldMethod.BlockCopy(decryptedSalt, 4, 16);
            if (debug)
                Program.DebugLog("DecryptedSalt: " + Hexlify(decryptedSalt2));
            // Generate final packet decryption key
            byte[] finalHmacKey = sha1.ComputeHash(decryptedSalt2);
            if (debug)
                Program.DebugLog("FinalHmacKey : " + Hexlify(finalHmacKey));
            finalsha.Key = finalHmacKey;
            packetKey    = F4FOldMethod.BlockCopy(finalsha.ComputeHash(hmacData2), 0, 16);
            if (debug)
                Program.DebugLog("PacketKey    : " + Hexlify(packetKey));
        public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] data, long pos, string baseUrl, string auth)
            if (debug)
                Program.DebugLog("\n----- Akamai Decryption Start -----");
            byte[] decryptedData = new byte[0];
            // Parse packet header
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data)) {
                ms.Position = pos;
                using (HDSBinaryReader br = new HDSBinaryReader(ms)) {
                    int b = br.ReadByte();
                    ecmVersion = (b >> 4);
                    if (ecmVersion != 11)
                        ecmVersion = b;
                    ecmID          = br.ReadInt32();
                    ecmTimestamp   = (uint)br.ReadInt32();
                    kdfVersion     = br.ReadInt16();
                    dccAccReserved = br.ReadByte();

                    if (debug)
                        Program.DebugLog("ECM Version  : " + ecmVersion + ", ECM ID: " + ecmID + ", ECM Timestamp: " + ecmTimestamp + ", KDF Version: " + kdfVersion + ", DccAccReserved: " + dccAccReserved);
                    b = br.ReadByte();

                    bool iv  = ((b & 2) > 0);
                    bool key = ((b & 4) > 0);

                    if (iv)
                        packetIV = br.ReadBytes(16);
                        if (debug)
                            Program.DebugLog("PacketIV     : " + Hexlify(packetIV));

                    if (key)
                        sessionKeyUrl = br.ReadString();
                        if (debug)
                            Program.DebugLog("SessionKeyUrl: " + sessionKeyUrl);
                        string keyPath = sessionKeyUrl.Substring(sessionKeyUrl.LastIndexOf('/'));
                        string keyUrl  = HTTP.JoinUrl(baseUrl, keyPath) + auth;

                        // Download key file if required
                        if (sessionKeyUrl != lastKeyUrl)
                            if ((baseUrl.Length == 0) && (sessionKey.Length == 0))
                                if (debug)
                                    Program.DebugLog("Unable to download session key without manifest url. you must specify it manually using 'adkey' switch.");
                                if (baseUrl.Length > 0)
                                    if (debug)
                                        Program.DebugLog("Downloading new session key from " + keyUrl);
                                    byte[] downloadedData = HTTP.TryGETData(keyUrl, out int retCode, out string status);
                                    if (retCode == 200)
                                        sessionID  = "_" + keyPath.Substring("/key_".Length);
                                        sessionKey = downloadedData;
                                        if (debug)
                                            Program.DebugLog("Failed to download new session key, Status: " + status + " (" + retCode + ")");
                                        sessionID = "";
                            lastKeyUrl = sessionKeyUrl;
                            if (sessionKey == null || sessionKey.Length == 0)
                                Program.Quit("Failed to download akamai session decryption key");

                    if (debug)
                        Program.DebugLog("SessionKey   : " + Hexlify(sessionKey));

                    if (sessionKey == null || sessionKey.Length < 1)
                        Program.Quit("ERROR: Fragments can't be decrypted properly without corresponding session key.");

                    byte reserved; byte[] reservedBlock1, reservedBlock2, encryptedData, lastBlockData;

                    reserved       = br.ReadByte();
                    packetSalt     = br.ReadBytes(32);
                    reservedBlock1 = br.ReadBytes(20);
                    reservedBlock2 = br.ReadBytes(20);
                    if (debug)
                        Program.DebugLog("ReservedByte : " + reserved + ", ReservedBlock1: " + Hexlify(reservedBlock1) + ", ReservedBlock2: " + Hexlify(reservedBlock2));

                    // Generate packet decryption key

                    // Decrypt packet data
                    encryptedData = br.ReadBytes((int)decryptBytes);
                    lastBlockData = br.ReadToEnd();
                    if (decryptBytes > 0)
                        decryptedData = AesDecrypt(encryptedData, packetKey, packetIV);
                    decryptedData = F4FOldMethod.AppendBuf(decryptedData, lastBlockData);
                    if (debug)
                        Program.DebugLog("EncryptedData: " + Hexlify(encryptedData, 64));
                        Program.DebugLog("DecryptedData: " + Hexlify(decryptedData, 64));
                        Program.DebugLog("----- Akamai Decryption End -----\n");
                } // using (HDSBinaryReader br = new HDSBinaryReader(ms))
            }     // using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data))

Beispiel #3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm = true;
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.CheckCertificateRevocationList = false;
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit         = 20;
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
            try {
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) => FatalExceptionObject(e.ExceptionObject);

                try {
                    isRedirected = Console.CursorVisible && false;
                } catch {
                    isRedirected = true;
                if (isRedirected)
                    Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardError())
                        AutoFlush = true

                Check4Redirect2Process(ref args);

                CLI cli = new CLI(args);
                if (cli.ChkParam("help"))
                if (cli.ChkParam("version"))
                if (cli.ChkParam("waitkey"))
                    waitkey = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("nowaitkey"))
                    waitkey = false;
                if (cli.ChkParam("filesize"))
                    uint.TryParse(cli.GetParam("filesize"), out filesize);
                if (cli.ChkParam("threads"))
                    int.TryParse(cli.GetParam("threads"), out threads);
                if (cli.ChkParam("start"))
                    uint.TryParse(cli.GetParam("start"), out start);
                if (cli.ChkParam("auth"))
                    auth = "?" + cli.GetParam("auth");
                if (cli.ChkParam("headers"))
                    headers = cli.GetParam("headers");
                if (cli.ChkParam("urlbase"))
                    baseUrl = cli.GetParam("urlbase");
                if (cli.ChkParam("quality"))
                    quality = cli.GetParam("quality");
                if (cli.ChkParam("manifest"))
                    manifestUrl = cli.GetParam("manifest");
                if (cli.ChkParam("outdir"))
                    outDir = cli.GetParam("outdir");
                if (cli.ChkParam("outfile"))
                    outFile = cli.GetParam("outfile");
                if (cli.ChkParam("logfile"))
                    logfile = cli.GetParam("logfile");
                if (cli.ChkParam("skip"))
                    fromTimestamp = GetTimestampFromString(cli.GetParam("skip"));
                if (cli.ChkParam("duration"))
                    duration = GetTimestampFromString(cli.GetParam("duration"));
                if (cli.ChkParam("debug"))
                    debug = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("play"))
                    play = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("showtime"))
                    showtime = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("fproxy"))
                    fproxy = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("continue"))
                    fcontinue = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("verbose"))
                    verbose = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("testalt"))
                    testalt = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("quiet"))
                    quiet = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("postdata"))
                    postData = cli.GetParam("postdata");
                if (cli.ChkParam("referer"))
                    HTTP.Referer = cli.GetParam("referer");
                if (cli.ChkParam("cookies"))
                    HTTP.Cookies = cli.GetParam("cookies");
                if (cli.ChkParam("useragent"))
                    HTTP.Useragent = cli.GetParam("useragent");
                if (cli.ChkParam("username"))
                    HTTP.Username = cli.GetParam("username");
                if (cli.ChkParam("password"))
                    HTTP.Password = cli.GetParam("password");
                if (cli.ChkParam("proxy"))
                    HTTP.Proxy = cli.GetParam("proxy");
                if (cli.ChkParam("proxyuser"))
                    HTTP.ProxyUsername = cli.GetParam("proxyuser");
                if (cli.ChkParam("proxypass"))
                    HTTP.ProxyPassword = cli.GetParam("proxypass");
                if (cli.ChkParam("osproxy"))
                    HTTP.UseSystemProxy = true;
                if (cli.ChkParam("adkey"))
                    sessionKey = AkamaiDecryptor.Unhexlify(cli.GetParam("adkey"));
                if (cli.ChkParam("lang"))
                    lang = cli.GetParam("lang");
                if (cli.ChkParam("alt"))
                    alt = cli.GetParam("alt");

                //if (HTTP.Referer == "") {
                //    var m = Regex.Match(manifestUrl, @"^(.*?://.*?/)");
                //    if (m.Success) HTTP.Referer = m.Groups[1].Value;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(headers))
                    foreach (string header in headers.Split(new char[] { '|', '$' }))
                        Match m = Regex.Match(header, "(.*?):(.*)");
                        if (m.Success)
                            string name  = m.Groups[1].Value;
                            string value = m.Groups[2].Value;
                            switch (name.ToLower())
                            case "referer": HTTP.Referer = value; break;

                            case "useragent":
                            case "user-agent": HTTP.Useragent = value; break;

                            default: HTTP.Headers.Set(name, value); break;

                ShowHeader("HDSdump by WendyH v<c:White>" + Version);

                if (manifestUrl == "")
                    Quit("<c:Red>Please specify the manifest. (switch '<c:White>-h</c>' or '<c:White>--help</c>' for help message)");

                if (showtime)
                    ShowTimeElapsed("", true);

                cli.Params["manifest"] = manifestUrl;
                if (HTTP.Referer.Length > 0)
                    cli.Params["referer"] = HTTP.Referer;

                bool usePipe = outFile.IndexOf(@"\\.\pipe\") == 0;
                cli.Params["threads"] = threads.ToString();
                cli.Params["outfile"] = redir2Prog != null ? redir2Prog.ProcessName : (isRedirected && !usePipe ? "<redirected>" : outFile);

                if (!cli.ChkParam("oldmethod"))
                    HDSDumper HdsDumper = new HDSDumper();
                    HdsDumper.FLVFile.outFile       = outDir + outFile;
                    = play;
                    HdsDumper.FLVFile.usePipe       = usePipe;
                    HdsDumper.Downloader.maxThreads = threads;
                    HdsDumper.duration      = duration;
                    HdsDumper.filesize      = filesize;
                    HdsDumper.start         = start;
                    HdsDumper.auth          = auth;
                    HdsDumper.baseUrl       = baseUrl;
                    HdsDumper.quality       = quality;
                    HdsDumper.postData      = postData;
                    HdsDumper.lang          = lang;
                    HdsDumper.alt           = alt;
                    HdsDumper.testalt       = testalt;
                    HdsDumper.fromTimestamp = fromTimestamp;
                    HdsDumper.sessionKey    = sessionKey;

                    if (fcontinue)
                        HdsDumper.fromTimestamp = HdsDumper.FLVFile.LastTimestamp;

                    if (ConsolePresent)
                        Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate {

                    try {
                        Message("Processing manifest info...");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Message("\r\n<c:Red>" + e.Message);
                    } finally {
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HdsDumper.Status))

                // ========== OLD METHOD ==========
                F4FOldMethod f4f = new F4FOldMethod();
                // Disable metadata if it invalidates the stream duration
                if ((f4f.fromTimestamp > 0) || (start > 0) || (duration > 0) || (filesize > 0))
                    f4f.metadata = false;

                f4f.fromTimestamp = fromTimestamp;
                f4f.usePipe       = usePipe;
                = play;
                f4f.threads       = threads;
                f4f.duration      = (int)duration;
                f4f.filesize      = (int)filesize;
                f4f.start         = (int)start;
       = sessionKey;
                f4f.auth          = auth;
                f4f.baseUrl       = baseUrl;
                f4f.quality       = quality;
                f4f.PostData      = postData;
                f4f.Lang          = lang;
                f4f.alt           = alt;
                if (fcontinue)

            } catch (Exception huh) {