/// <summary>
        /// Run extract in case the user wants to analyze receiving fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="ATransaction"></param>
        /// <param name="AExtractId"></param>
        private bool ProcessReceivingFields(TParameterList AParameters, TDBTransaction ATransaction, out int AExtractId)
             * In case of a specified "Period" only find persons
             * that have a commitment record.
             * In case of "Now" or "Ever" also find partners
             * (persons & families) without such a commitment
             * record, that match the specified criteria.
             * In case of "Now" only find partners with a "Worker" type.
             * (This check is dropped in case of "Ever")
             * When interested in families only, also find families
             * for which a member matches the specified criteria.*/

            bool ReturnValue = false;

            // for receiving fields first look at commitments
            ReturnValue = ProcessCommitments(true, AParameters, ATransaction, out AExtractId);

            if (ReturnValue == false)

            // if only commitments need to be considered then no need to continue here
            if (AParameters.Get("param_commitments_and_worker_field").IsZeroOrNull() ||
                (AParameters.Get("param_commitments_and_worker_field").ToString() == "CommitmentsOnly"))

            bool   AddressFilterAdded;
            string SqlStmtWorkerFieldOriginal = TDataBase.ReadSqlFile("Partner.Queries.ExtractPartnerByField.WorkerField.sql");
            string SqlStmt;
            List <OdbcParameter> SqlParameterList = new List <OdbcParameter>();
            string TypeCodeParameter;

            // If date range was specified then only look at staff data. Otherwise look for persons and families seperately.
            if (AParameters.Get("param_field_dates").ToString() == "DateRange")

            // prepare parameter field for partner type code.
            if (AParameters.Get("param_field_dates").ToString() == "DateEver")
                TypeCodeParameter = "";
                TypeCodeParameter = "OMER%";

            // prepare list of selected fields
            List <String> param_fields = new List <String>();

            foreach (TVariant choice in AParameters.Get("param_fields").ToComposite())

            if (param_fields.Count == 0)
                throw new NoNullAllowedException("At least one option must be checked.");

            // now add parameters to sql parameter list
            SqlParameterList.Add(TDbListParameterValue.OdbcListParameterValue("fields", OdbcType.BigInt, param_fields));

            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_active", OdbcType.Bit)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_active").ToBool()
            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_exclude_no_solicitations", OdbcType.Bit)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_exclude_no_solicitations").ToBool()

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // now start retrieving either families or persons whose worker field is set to given value
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            SqlStmt = SqlStmtWorkerFieldOriginal;
            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##person_or_family_table##", ", pub_p_person");
            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##person_or_family_table_name##", "pub_p_person");
            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##exclude_familiy_members_existing_in_extract##", "");
            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##worker_type##", TypeCodeParameter);

            if (AParameters.Get("param_families_only").ToBool())
                /* In case that only family records are wanted a join via family key of a person is needed
                 * to find families of persons. */
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##join_for_person_or_family##",
                                          " AND pub_p_partner.p_partner_key_n = pub_p_person.p_family_key_n");
                // in this case there will be person records in the extract
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##join_for_person_or_family##",
                                          " AND pub_p_partner.p_partner_key_n = pub_p_person.p_partner_key_n");

            // add address filter information to sql statement and parameter list
            AddressFilterAdded = AddAddressFilter(AParameters, ref SqlStmt, ref SqlParameterList);

            // now run the database query
            TLogging.Log("Getting the data from the database...", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
            DataTable partnerkeys = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(SqlStmt, "partners", ATransaction,

            // filter data by postcode (if applicable)
            ExtractQueryBase.PostcodeFilter(ref partnerkeys, ref AddressFilterAdded, AParameters, ATransaction);

            // if this is taking a long time, every now and again update the TLogging statusbar, and check for the cancel button
            // TODO: we might need to add this functionality to TExtractsHandling.CreateExtractFromListOfPartnerKeys as well???
            if (AParameters.Get("CancelReportCalculation").ToBool() == true)

            TLogging.Log("Preparing the extract...", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

            // create an extract with the given name in the parameters

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Now start retrieving families whose worker field is set to given value and that are not
            // already contained in the created extract.
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            SqlStmt = SqlStmtWorkerFieldOriginal;

            // need to rebuild parameter list as statement is also loaded again and filled
            SqlParameterList.Add(TDbListParameterValue.OdbcListParameterValue("fields", OdbcType.BigInt, param_fields));

            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_active", OdbcType.Bit)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_active").ToBool()
            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_exclude_no_solicitations", OdbcType.Bit)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_exclude_no_solicitations").ToBool()

            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##person_or_family_table##", ", pub_p_family");
            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##person_or_family_table_name##", "pub_p_family");
            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##worker_type##", TypeCodeParameter);
            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##join_for_person_or_family##",
                                      " AND pub_p_partner.p_partner_key_n = pub_p_family.p_partner_key_n");

            SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##exclude_familiy_members_existing_in_extract##",
                                      "AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT pub_p_family.p_partner_key_n " +
                                      " FROM pub_p_family, pub_p_person, pub_m_extract " +
                                      " WHERE pub_p_person.p_family_key_n = pub_p_family.p_partner_key_n " +
                                      " AND pub_m_extract.m_extract_id_i = " + AExtractId.ToString() +
                                      " AND pub_m_extract.p_partner_key_n = pub_p_person.p_partner_key_n)");

            // add address filter information to sql statement and parameter list
            AddressFilterAdded = AddAddressFilter(AParameters, ref SqlStmt, ref SqlParameterList);

            // now run the database query
            TLogging.Log("Getting the data from the database...", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
            partnerkeys = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(SqlStmt, "partners", ATransaction,

            // filter data by postcode (if applicable)
            ExtractQueryBase.PostcodeFilter(ref partnerkeys, ref AddressFilterAdded, AParameters, ATransaction);

            // if this is taking a long time, every now and again update the TLogging statusbar, and check for the cancel button
            // TODO: we might need to add this functionality to TExtractsHandling.CreateExtractFromListOfPartnerKeys as well???
            if (AParameters.Get("CancelReportCalculation").ToBool() == true)

            TLogging.Log("Preparing the extract...", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

            // create an extract with the given name in the parameters

            ReturnValue = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add persons or families to extract that have commitments to specified receiving/sending fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AProcessReceivingFields"></param>
        /// <param name="AParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="ATransaction"></param>
        /// <param name="AExtractId"></param>
        private bool ProcessCommitments(bool AProcessReceivingFields, TParameterList AParameters,
                                        TDBTransaction ATransaction, out int AExtractId)
            bool   ReturnValue = false;
            bool   AddressFilterAdded;
            string SqlStmt = TDataBase.ReadSqlFile("Partner.Queries.ExtractPartnerByField.Commitment.sql");

            List <OdbcParameter> SqlParameterList = new List <OdbcParameter>();

            // need to set initial value here in case method needs to return before value is set
            AExtractId = -1;

            // prepare list of selected fields
            List <String> param_fields = new List <String>();

            foreach (TVariant choice in AParameters.Get("param_fields").ToComposite())

            if (param_fields.Count == 0)
                throw new NoNullAllowedException("At least one option must be checked.");

            // now add parameters to sql parameter list
            SqlParameterList.Add(TDbListParameterValue.OdbcListParameterValue("fields", OdbcType.BigInt, param_fields));

            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_from_date_unset", OdbcType.Bit)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_from_date").IsZeroOrNull()
            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_from_date", OdbcType.Date)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_from_date").ToDate()
            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_until_date_unset", OdbcType.Bit)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_until_date").IsZeroOrNull()
            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_until_date", OdbcType.Date)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_until_date").ToDate()
            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_active", OdbcType.Bit)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_active").ToBool()
            SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_exclude_no_solicitations", OdbcType.Bit)
                Value = AParameters.Get("param_exclude_no_solicitations").ToBool()

            if (AProcessReceivingFields)
                // for receiving fields target field table field needs to be used
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##sending_or_receiving_field##", "pm_receiving_field_n");
                // for sending fields home office table field needs to be used
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##sending_or_receiving_field##", "pm_home_office_n");

            if (AParameters.Get("param_families_only").ToBool())
                /* In case that only family records are wanted a join via family key of a person is needed
                 * to find families of persons. */
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##person_table##", ", pub_p_person");
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##join_for_person_or_family##",
                                          " AND pub_p_person.p_partner_key_n = pub_pm_staff_data.p_partner_key_n" +
                                          " AND pub_p_partner.p_partner_key_n = pub_p_person.p_family_key_n ");
                // in this case there will be person records in the extract
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##person_table##", "");
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt.Replace("##join_for_person_or_family##",
                                          " AND pub_p_partner.p_partner_key_n = pub_pm_staff_data.p_partner_key_n");

            // add address filter information to sql statement and parameter list
            AddressFilterAdded = AddAddressFilter(AParameters, ref SqlStmt, ref SqlParameterList);

            // now run the database query
            TLogging.Log("Getting the data from the database...", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
            DataTable partnerkeys = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(SqlStmt, "partners", ATransaction,

            // filter data by postcode (if applicable)
            ExtractQueryBase.PostcodeFilter(ref partnerkeys, ref AddressFilterAdded, AParameters, ATransaction);

            // if this is taking a long time, every now and again update the TLogging statusbar, and check for the cancel button
            // TODO: we might need to add this functionality to TExtractsHandling.CreateExtractFromListOfPartnerKeys as well???
            if (AParameters.Get("CancelReportCalculation").ToBool() == true)

            TLogging.Log("Preparing the extract...", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

            // create an extract with the given name in the parameters
            ReturnValue = TExtractsHandling.CreateExtractFromListOfPartnerKeys(
                out AExtractId,

        /// <summary>
        /// This method needs to be implemented by extracts that can't follow the default processing with just one query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="ATransaction"></param>
        /// <param name="AExtractId"></param>
        protected override bool RunSpecialTreatment(TParameterList AParameters, TDBTransaction ATransaction, out int AExtractId)
            Boolean        ReturnValue = false;
            Int32          ExtractId   = -1;
            TDBTransaction Transaction = null;

            DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingAutoReadTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable, ref Transaction,
                DataTable giftdetails;

                string SqlStmt = TDataBase.ReadSqlFile("Gift.Queries.ExtractDonorByAmount.sql");

                List <OdbcParameter> SqlParameterList = new List <OdbcParameter>();
                bool AddressFilterAdded;
                DataTable partnerkeys = new DataTable();

                // call to derived class to retrieve parameters specific for extract
                RetrieveParameters(AParameters, ref SqlStmt, ref SqlParameterList);

                // add address filter information to sql statement and parameter list
                AddressFilterAdded = AddAddressFilter(AParameters, ref SqlStmt, ref SqlParameterList);

                // now run the database query
                TLogging.Log("Getting the data from the database...", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);
                giftdetails = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(SqlStmt, "partners", Transaction,

                // if this is taking a long time, every now and again update the TLogging statusbar, and check for the cancel button
                // TODO: we might need to add this functionality to TExtractsHandling.CreateExtractFromListOfPartnerKeys as well???
                if (AParameters.Get("CancelReportCalculation").ToBool() == true)

                TLogging.Log("Preparing the extract...", TLoggingType.ToStatusBar);

                // With the result of the original query process the data and identify the partner keys for
                // the extract.
                partnerkeys.Columns.Add("0", typeof(Int64));
                partnerkeys.Columns.Add("1", typeof(string));
                partnerkeys.Columns.Add("p_site_key_n", typeof(Int64));
                partnerkeys.Columns.Add("p_location_key_i", typeof(Int32));
                ProcessGiftDetailRecords(giftdetails, AddressFilterAdded, AParameters, ref partnerkeys);

                // filter data by postcode (if applicable)
                ExtractQueryBase.PostcodeFilter(ref partnerkeys, ref AddressFilterAdded, AParameters, Transaction);

                // create an extract with the given name in the parameters
                ReturnValue = TExtractsHandling.CreateExtractFromListOfPartnerKeys(
                    out ExtractId,
            AExtractId = ExtractId;
        } // Run Special Treatment