// Fill in patient & plan information to the MainWindow
        private void fillPtInfo()
            // Fill in patient info
            lblPtName.Content = currPt.Name;
            lblPtMRN.Content  = currPt.Id;
            // Fill in current course
            currCrs        = EclipseContext.Course;
            lblCrs.Content = currCrs.Id;
            // Create list of all plans with course
            foreach (ExternalPlanSetup pln in currCrs.PlanSetups)
            // Select the current plan as default plan in the plan list
            currPln = EclipseContext.ExternalPlanSetup;
            if (currPln != null)
                cmbPln.SelectedValue = currPln.Id;
            // Create the default course name for the QA plan course
            Match m = Regex.Match(currCrs.Id, @"C\s*[0-9]+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (m.Success && m.Length < 10)
                txtbQACrs.Text = m.Value + ": QA";
Beispiel #2
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window, ScriptEnvironment environment*/)
            // TODO : Add here the code that is called when the script is launched from Eclipse.
            Patient p = context.Patient;

            p.BeginModifications();//this line for scripting automation.

            //find the ctv in the structures.
            Structure ctv = context.StructureSet.Structures.First(o => o.DicomType == "CTV");
            //create on the structureset a PTV from the ctv.
            Structure ptv = context.StructureSet.AddStructure("PTV", "PTVAuto");

            ptv.SegmentVolume = ctv.Margin(8);

            //create a new plan.
            Course c_auto = p.AddCourse();

            c_auto.Id = "Course_Auto";
            ExternalPlanSetup plan = c_auto.AddExternalPlanSetup(context.StructureSet);

            plan.Id = "Plan_Auto";

            //create the fields.
            //define the externalBeam Parameters
            ExternalBeamMachineParameters ebmp = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(

            //set gantry angles
            double[] g_angles = new double[] { 270, 0, 90, 180 };
            foreach (double ga in g_angles)
                //add a new beam with intial parametres
                Beam b = plan.AddMLCBeam(
                    new float[2, 60],
                    new VRect <double>(-10, -10, 10, 10),
                //fit the MLC to the structure outline of the PTV.
                b.FitMLCToStructure(new FitToStructureMargins(10),

            //Calculate Dose
            //Set Normalization
            plan.PlanNormalizationValue = plan.Beams.Count() * 100;
            //Set Prescription.
            plan.SetPrescription(30, new DoseValue(180, DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy), 1);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the currently active plan from the script context.
        /// </summary>
        private ExternalPlanSetup GetPlan(ScriptContext ctx)
            Patient pt = ctx.Patient;

            if (pt == null)
                string info    = "No patient is currently open. Open a patient before executing this script.";
                string caption = "No patient available";
                MessageBox.Show(info, caption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            Course cs = ctx.Course;

            if (cs == null)
                string info    = "No course is currently open. Open a course before executing this script.";
                string caption = "No course available";
                MessageBox.Show(info, caption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            ExternalPlanSetup plan = ctx.ExternalPlanSetup;

            if (plan.Dose == null)
                string info    = string.Format("Plan '{0}' does not have a valid dose. Perform dose calculation before executing this script.", plan.Id);
                string caption = "No dose available";
                MessageBox.Show(info, caption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

Beispiel #4
        private void OnCalculatePlan()
            Course            course_temp = patient.AddCourse();
            ExternalPlanSetup plan_temp   = course_temp.
            ExternalBeamMachineParameters exBeamParams = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(

            foreach (string fs in FieldSizes.Split(';'))
                double fsd = Convert.ToDouble(fs);
                                        new VRect <double>(-fsd / 2 * 10, -fsd / 2 * 10, fsd / 2 * 10, fsd / 2 * 10),
                                        new VVector(0, -200, 0));
            plan_temp.SetPrescription(1, new DoseValue(100, DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy), 1);

            SelectedCourse = course_temp.Id;
            SelectedPlan   = plan_temp.Id;
Beispiel #5
        private void populateOptimizationTab(ExternalPlanSetup plan)
            //grab the optimization constraints in the existing VMAT TBI plan and display them to the user
            List <Tuple <string, string, double, double, int> > defaultList = new List <Tuple <string, string, double, double, int> > {
            IEnumerable <OptimizationObjective> obj = plan.OptimizationSetup.Objectives;
            OptimizationPointObjective          pt;
            OptimizationMeanDoseObjective       mean;

            foreach (OptimizationObjective o in obj)
                //do NOT include any cooler or heater tuning structures in the list
                if (!o.StructureId.ToLower().Contains("ts_cooler") && !o.StructureId.ToLower().Contains("ts_heater"))
                    if (o.GetType() == typeof(OptimizationPointObjective))
                        pt = (o as OptimizationPointObjective);
                        defaultList.Add(Tuple.Create(pt.StructureId, pt.Operator.ToString(), pt.Dose.Dose, pt.Volume, (int)pt.Priority));
                    else if (o.GetType() == typeof(OptimizationMeanDoseObjective))
                        mean = (o as OptimizationMeanDoseObjective);
                        defaultList.Add(Tuple.Create(mean.StructureId, "Mean", mean.Dose.Dose, 0.0, (int)mean.Priority));

            //clear the current list of optimization constraints and ones obtained from the plan to the user
            if (obj.Count() > 0)
                add_opt_volumes(plan.StructureSet, defaultList);
        public static void CopyDynamicMlcPlan(string planId, Course course, ExternalPlanSetup originalPlan)
            var structureSet = originalPlan.StructureSet;
            var plan         = course.AddExternalPlanSetup(structureSet);

            if (course.PlanSetups.Where(p => p.Id == planId).Count() > 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{planId} already exists");

            plan.Id = planId;

            var dosePerFraction   = originalPlan.UniqueFractionation.PrescribedDosePerFraction;
            var numberOfFractions = originalPlan.UniqueFractionation.NumberOfFractions != null ? originalPlan.UniqueFractionation.NumberOfFractions.Value : 0;

            const double prescribedPercentage = 1.0; // Note: 100% corresponds to 1.0

            plan.UniqueFractionation.SetPrescription(numberOfFractions, dosePerFraction, prescribedPercentage);

            foreach (var beam in originalPlan.Beams)
                CopyFluenceBeam(beam, plan);
            if (originalPlan.Beams.First().NormalizationMethod == "NO_ISQLAW_NORM")
                plan.SetCalculationOption("AAA_13623", "FieldNormalizationType", "No field normalization");
            plan.PlanNormalizationValue = originalPlan.PlanNormalizationValue;
            plan.SetCalculationModel(CalculationType.PhotonLeafMotions, "Varian Leaf Motion Calculator [13.6.23]");
            plan.CalculateLeafMotions(new LMCVOptions(true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Subtract a given set of OARS from the PTV.
        /// </summary>
        private static Dictionary <string, ModelStructure> SubtractOARsFromPTV(ExternalPlanSetup plan, Dictionary <string, ModelStructure> structureMatches, List <string> sparedOrgans)
            // Remove the old PTV - OARs structure if the script was already run before.
            if (plan.StructureSet.Structures.Any(x => x.Id == PTVSubOARSId))
                var oldPtv = plan.StructureSet.Structures.Single(x => x.Id == PTVSubOARSId);

            var ptvId            = structureMatches.Single(x => x.Value.StructureType == ModelStructureType.Target).Key;
            var ptv              = plan.StructureSet.Structures.Single(st => st.Id == ptvId);
            var ptvSegmentVolume = ptv.SegmentVolume;

            // Remove all parts of PTV that overlap with OARs
            var oars = plan.StructureSet.Structures.Where(x => structureMatches.ContainsKey(x.Id) && structureMatches[x.Id].StructureType == ModelStructureType.OAR);

            foreach (var oar in oars)
                if (sparedOrgans.Contains(structureMatches[oar.Id].ModelId))
                    ptvSegmentVolume = ptvSegmentVolume.Sub(oar.SegmentVolume);

            const string dicomType = "PTV";
            var          newPtv    = plan.StructureSet.AddStructure(dicomType, PTVSubOARSId);

            newPtv.SegmentVolume = ptvSegmentVolume;

            // Replace the old PTV with new PTV in the structure matches.
            structureMatches.Add(PTVSubOARSId, new ModelStructure("PTV", ModelStructureType.Target));

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a copy of an existing beam (beams are unique to plans).
        /// </summary>
        public static void CopyStaticMlcBeam(Beam originalBeam, ExternalPlanSetup plan)
            var MachineParameters = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(originalBeam.TreatmentUnit.Id,
                                                                      originalBeam.Technique.Id, string.Empty);

            // Create a new beam.
            var collimatorAngle     = originalBeam.ControlPoints.First().CollimatorAngle;
            var gantryAngle         = originalBeam.ControlPoints.First().GantryAngle;
            var PatientSupportAngle = originalBeam.ControlPoints.First().PatientSupportAngle;
            var jawPositions        = originalBeam.ControlPoints.First().JawPositions;
            var leafPositions       = originalBeam.ControlPoints.First().LeafPositions;
            var isocenter           = originalBeam.IsocenterPosition;

            var beam = plan.AddMLCBeam(MachineParameters, leafPositions, jawPositions, collimatorAngle, gantryAngle,
                                       PatientSupportAngle, isocenter);

            if (plan.Beams.Where(b => b.Id == originalBeam.Id).Count() > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{originalBeam.Id} already exists");

            beam.Id = originalBeam.Id;

            // Copy control points from the original beam.
            var editableParams = beam.GetEditableParameters();

            editableParams.WeightFactor = originalBeam.WeightFactor;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fit jaw positions to a given target.
        /// </summary>
        public static VRect <double> FitJawsToTarget(ExternalPlanSetup plan, Structure ptv, double gantryAngleInDeg, double collimatorRotationInDeg, double margin)
            var isocenter               = ptv.CenterPoint;
            var gantryAngleInRad        = DegToRad(gantryAngleInDeg);
            var collimatorRotationInRad = DegToRad(collimatorRotationInDeg);

            double xMin = 0;
            double yMin = 0;
            double xMax = 0;
            double yMax = 0;

            var nPlanes = plan.StructureSet.Image.ZSize;

            for (int z = 0; z < nPlanes; z++)
                var contoursOnImagePlane = ptv.GetContoursOnImagePlane(z);
                if (contoursOnImagePlane != null && contoursOnImagePlane.Length > 0)
                    foreach (var contour in contoursOnImagePlane)
                        AdjustJawSizeForContour(ref xMin, ref xMax, ref yMin, ref yMax, isocenter, contour, gantryAngleInRad, collimatorRotationInRad);
            return(new VRect <double>(xMin - margin, yMin - margin, xMax + margin, yMax + margin));
        /// <summary>
        /// Run IMRT optimization for a given plan.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Optimize(ExternalPlanSetup plan)
            plan.SetCalculationModel(CalculationType.PhotonIMRTOptimization, OptimizationAlgorithm);
            var opt = new OptimizationOptionsIMRT(NumberOfIterationsForIMRTOptimization,
                                                  OptimizationOption.RestartOptimization, OptimizationConvergenceOption.TerminateIfConverged, MlcId);

            var res = plan.Optimize(opt);

            if (!res.Success)
                var message = string.Format("Optimization failed for plan '{0}'", plan.Id);
                throw new Exception(message);

            plan.SetCalculationModel(CalculationType.PhotonVolumeDose, DoseCalculationAlgorithm);
            plan.SetCalculationModel(CalculationType.PhotonLeafMotions, LeafMotionCalculator);

            Trace.WriteLine("\nCalculating leaf motions...\n");

            var calcRes = plan.CalculateLeafMotions();

            if (!res.Success)
                var message = string.Format("Leaf motion calculation failed for plan '{0}'. Output:\n{1}", plan.Id, calcRes);
                throw new Exception(message);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a copy of an existing beam (beams are unique to plans).
        /// </summary>
        public static void CopyFluenceBeam(Beam originalBeam, ExternalPlanSetup plan)
            var MachineParameters = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(originalBeam.TreatmentUnit.Id,
                                                                      originalBeam.Technique.Id, string.Empty);

            // Create a new beam.
            var collimatorAngle     = originalBeam.ControlPoints.First().CollimatorAngle;
            var gantryAngle         = originalBeam.ControlPoints.First().GantryAngle;
            var PatientSupportAngle = originalBeam.ControlPoints.First().PatientSupportAngle;
            var isocenter           = originalBeam.IsocenterPosition;
            var metersetWeights     = originalBeam.ControlPoints.Select(cp => cp.MetersetWeight);
            var beam = plan.AddSlidingWindowBeam(MachineParameters, metersetWeights, collimatorAngle, gantryAngle,
                                                 PatientSupportAngle, isocenter);

            beam.Id = originalBeam.Id;

            // Copy control points from the original beam.
            var editableParams = beam.GetEditableParameters();

            for (var i = 0; i < editableParams.ControlPoints.Count(); i++)
                editableParams.ControlPoints.ElementAt(i).LeafPositions = originalBeam.ControlPoints.ElementAt(i).LeafPositions;
                editableParams.ControlPoints.ElementAt(i).JawPositions  = originalBeam.ControlPoints.ElementAt(i).JawPositions;
            editableParams.WeightFactor = originalBeam.WeightFactor;

            var fluence = originalBeam.GetOptimalFluence();

Beispiel #12
        public static ExternalPlanSetup AddNewPlan(Course course, StructureSet structureSet, string planId)
                var oldPlans = course.PlanSetups.Where(x => x.Id == planId);
                if (oldPlans.Any())
                    var plansToBeRemoved = oldPlans.ToArray();
                    foreach (var p in plansToBeRemoved)
                var message = string.Format("Could not cleanup old plans.");
                throw new Exception(message);

            ExternalPlanSetup plan = course.AddExternalPlanSetup(structureSet);

            plan.Id = planId;
Beispiel #13
        static void Execute(Application app)
            Patient pat = app.OpenPatientById("exercise5-0");


                const string courseId = "AutoPlanned";
                Course       course   = pat.Courses.Where(o => o.Id == courseId).SingleOrDefault();
                if (course == null)
                    if (course == null)
                        course    = pat.AddCourse();
                        course.Id = courseId;
                StructureSet ss = pat.StructureSets.First(x => x.Id == "CT_1");
                if (course.CanAddPlanSetup(ss))
                    // find the PTV
                    Structure ptv = ss.Structures.First(x => x.Id == "PTV");
                    // Put isocenter to the center of the ptv.
                    var isocenter = ptv.CenterPoint;
                    //add plan and beams
                    ExternalPlanSetup plan = course.AddExternalPlanSetup(ss);
                    plan.SetPrescription(5, new DoseValue(2, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy), 1.0);
                    Beam g0   = plan.AddMLCBeam(MachineParameters, null, new VRect <double>(-10, -10, 10, 10), 0, 0, 0, isocenter);
                    Beam g180 = plan.AddMLCBeam(MachineParameters, null, new VRect <double>(-10, -10, 10, 10), 0, 180.0, 0, isocenter);

                    // fit beam jaws and MLC
                    bool useAsymmetricXJaw = true, useAsymmetricYJaws = true, optimizeCollimatorRotation = true;
                    g0.FitCollimatorToStructure(new FitToStructureMargins(0), ptv, useAsymmetricXJaw, useAsymmetricYJaws, optimizeCollimatorRotation);

                    FitToStructureMargins    margins = new FitToStructureMargins(1);
                    JawFitting               jawFit  = JawFitting.FitToRecommended;
                    OpenLeavesMeetingPoint   olmp    = OpenLeavesMeetingPoint.OpenLeavesMeetingPoint_Middle;
                    ClosedLeavesMeetingPoint clmp    = ClosedLeavesMeetingPoint.ClosedLeavesMeetingPoint_BankOne;
                    g0.FitMLCToStructure(margins, ptv, optimizeCollimatorRotation, jawFit, olmp, clmp);
                    g180.FitMLCToStructure(margins, ptv, optimizeCollimatorRotation, jawFit, olmp, clmp);

                    // format the field ids
                    g0.Id = string.Format("g{0}c{1}",
                    g180.Id = string.Format("g{0}c{1}",
            finally {
        static void Execute(Application app)
            // TODO: add here your code
            Patient           curpat    = app.OpenPatientById("002441");
            Course            curcourse = curpat.Courses.Where(x => x.Id == "advanced.3").Single();
            ExternalPlanSetup cureps    = curcourse.ExternalPlanSetups.Where(x => x.Id == "NCPTestScript").Single();

Beispiel #15
 public bool SetExternalPlanSetup(ExternalPlanSetup ex)
     PlanSetup         = ex;
     ExternalPlanSetup = ex;
     return(ExternalPlanSetup != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add normal tissue objectives. The NTO values are taken from the WUSTL Prostate Model datasheet.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddNTO(ExternalPlanSetup plan)
            const double priority = 100.0;
            const double distanceFromTargetBorderInMM = 3.0;
            const double startDosePersentage          = 100.0;
            const double endDosePercentage            = 40.0;
            const double fallOff = 0.05;

            plan.OptimizationSetup.AddNormalTissueObjective(priority, distanceFromTargetBorderInMM, startDosePersentage, endDosePercentage, fallOff);
 // Create verification plan
 public ExternalPlanSetup CreateVerificationPlan(StructureSet pStructSt, Course verifCrs, String verifPlnID)
     verifPln    = verifCrs.AddExternalPlanSetupAsVerificationPlan(pStructSt, currPln);
     verifPln.Id = verifPlnID;
     // Copy and set prescription info//
     verifPln.SetPrescription(1, currPln.DosePerFraction, currPln.TreatmentPercentage);
     // Remove target structure if available (needed for v 16)
     verifPln.SetTargetStructureIfNoDose(null, null);
Beispiel #18
 public planPrep(ExternalPlanSetup vmat, IEnumerable <ExternalPlanSetup> appa)
     //copy arguments into local variables
     vmatPlan = vmat;
     appaPlan = appa;
     //if there is more than one AP/PA legs plan in the list, this indicates that the user already separated these plans. Don't separate them in this script
     if (appa.Count() > 1)
         legsSeparated = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate dose for a given plan.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CalculateDose(ExternalPlanSetup plan)
            plan.SetCalculationModel(CalculationType.PhotonVolumeDose, DoseCalculationAlgorithm);
            Trace.WriteLine("\nCalculating dose...\n");
            var res = plan.CalculateDose();

            if (!res.Success)
                var message = string.Format("Dose calculation failed for plan '{0}'. Output:\n{1}", plan.Id, res);
Beispiel #20
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context, Window MainWin)
            // Open current patient
            Patient currPt = context.Patient;

            // If there's no selected patient, throw an exception
            if (currPt == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please open a patient before using this script.");

            // Open current course
            Course currCrs = context.Course;

            // If there's no selected course, throw an exception
            if (currCrs == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please select at least one course before using this script.");

            // Open current plan
            ExternalPlanSetup currPln = context.ExternalPlanSetup;

            // If there's no selected plan, throw an exception
            if (currPln == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please creat a plan with one beam with the preferred machine and energy.");

            // Check if plan is approved
            if (currPln.ApprovalStatus != PlanSetupApprovalStatus.UnApproved)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please unapprove plan before using this script.");

            // Open beam
            Beam currBm = currPln.Beams.FirstOrDefault();

            if (currBm == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please insert one beam with the preferred machine and energy.");

            // Call WPF Win
            var MainWinCtr = new createMLCPicture.MainWindow(context);

            MainWin.Content    = MainWinCtr;
            MainWin.Title      = "Create MLC Picture";
            MainWin.Width      = 440;
            MainWin.Height     = 240;
            MainWin.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize;
Beispiel #21
 private void populateRx(ExternalPlanSetup plan)
     //populate the prescription text boxes
     dosePerFx.Text = plan.DosePerFraction.Dose.ToString();
     numFx.Text     = plan.NumberOfFractions.ToString();
     Rx.Text        = plan.TotalDose.Dose.ToString();
     //if the dose per fraction and number of fractions equal 200 cGy and 4, respectively, then this is a scleroderma trial patient. This information will be passed to the optimization loop
     if (plan.DosePerFraction.Dose == 200.0 && plan.NumberOfFractions == 4)
         scleroTrial = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create PTV from CTV by adding a margin.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreatePTVFromCTV(ExternalPlanSetup plan, double ptvMargin, string ctvId)
            var ctvs = plan.StructureSet.Structures.Where(structure => structure.Id == ctvId).ToList();

            if (ctvs.Count() == 1)
                const string dicomType = "ORGAN";
                var          ctv       = ctvs.Single();
                var          ptv       = plan.StructureSet.AddStructure(dicomType, ExpandedCTVId);
                ptv.SegmentVolume = ctv.Margin(ptvMargin);
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window, ScriptEnvironment environment*/)
            Patient p = context.Patient;

            if (p == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please load a patient");

            ExternalPlanSetup plan = context.ExternalPlanSetup;

            if (plan == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please load an external beam plan that will be verified.");

            // TODO: look whether the phantom scan exists in this patient before copying it
            StructureSet ssQA = p.CopyImageFromOtherPatient(QAPatientID, QAStudyID, QAImageID);

            // Get or create course with Id 'IMRTQA'
            const string courseId = "IMRTQA";
            Course       course   = p.Courses.Where(o => o.Id == courseId).SingleOrDefault();

            if (course == null)
                course    = p.AddCourse();
                course.Id = courseId;
#if false
            // Create an individual verification plan for each field.
            foreach (var beam in plan.Beams)
                CreateVerificationPlan(course, new List <Beam> {
                }, plan, ssQA, beam.Id, calculateDose: false);
            // Create a verification plan that contains all fields (Composite).
            ExternalPlanSetup verificationPlan = CreateVerificationPlan(course, plan.Beams, plan, ssQA, "Composite", calculateDose: true);

            //ExternalPlanSetup verificationPlan = course.AddExternalPlanSetupAsVerificationPlan(ssQA, plan);

            // nagivate back from verificationPlan to verified plan
            PlanSetup verifiedPlan = verificationPlan.VerifiedPlan;
            if (plan != verifiedPlan)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("ERROR! verified plan {0} != loaded plan {1}", verifiedPlan.Id
                                              , plan.Id));
            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Success - verification plan {0} created in course {1}.", verificationPlan.Id, course.Id));
Beispiel #24
        private void add_constraint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //add a blank contraint to the list
            ExternalPlanSetup plan = getPlan();

            if (plan != null)
                add_opt_volumes(plan.StructureSet, new List <Tuple <string, string, double, double, int> > {
                    Tuple.Create("--select--", "--select--", 0.0, 0.0, 0)
Beispiel #25
        private void getOptFromPlan_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ExternalPlanSetup plan = getPlan();

            if (plan == null)
Beispiel #26
        public static VRect <double> FitJawsToTarget(VVector isocentre, ExternalPlanSetup plan, List <Structure> ptvs, double collimatorAngleInDeg, double margin)
            var    collimatorAngleInRad = DegToRad(collimatorAngleInDeg);
            double xMin = isocentre.x;
            double yMin = isocentre.y;
            double xMax = isocentre.x;
            double yMax = isocentre.y;

            for (int gantryRotationInDeg = 0; gantryRotationInDeg < 360; gantryRotationInDeg += 30)
                double gantryRotationInRad = DegToRad(gantryRotationInDeg);

                var nPlanes = plan.StructureSet.Image.ZSize;
                //Need to approximate the rotating gantry as finite number of static fields. approximate it as 6 static fields
                for (int i = 0; i < ptvs.Count; i++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < nPlanes; z++)
                        var contoursOnImagePlane = ptvs[i].GetContoursOnImagePlane(z);
                        if (contoursOnImagePlane != null && contoursOnImagePlane.Length > 0)
                            foreach (var contour in contoursOnImagePlane)
                                AdjustJawSizeForContour(ref xMin, ref xMax, ref yMin, ref yMax, isocentre, contour, gantryRotationInRad, collimatorAngleInRad);
            xMin = Math.Max(-149, xMin);
            yMin = Math.Max(-149, yMin);
            xMax = Math.Min(149, xMax);
            yMax = Math.Min(149, yMax);
            //Issues if exceed a field size of 22cm, so need to trim if necessary:
            if (xMax - xMin > 220)
                double extraLength = (xMax - xMin) - 220;
                xMin += (extraLength / 2);
                xMax -= (extraLength / 2);
            if (yMax - yMin > 220)
                double extraLength = (yMax - yMin) - 220;
                yMin += (extraLength / 2);
                yMax -= (extraLength / 2);

            return(new VRect <double>(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax));
Beispiel #27
        public static void CopyBeamToPlan(Beam beam, ExternalPlanSetup plansetup, VVector isocenter)
            string energyModeDisp = beam.EnergyModeDisplayName;

            Char[] sep        = { '-' };
            string energyMode = energyModeDisp.Split(sep).First();
            string pfm        = energyModeDisp.Split(sep).Count() > 1 ? energyModeDisp.Split(sep).Last() : null;

            ExternalBeamMachineParameters extParams = new ExternalBeamMachineParameters(beam.TreatmentUnit.Id, energyMode, beam.DoseRate, beam.Technique.Id, pfm);
            List <double> metersetWeights           = GetControlPointWeights(beam);
            Beam          copyBeam = null;

            if (beam.MLCPlanType == MLCPlanType.VMAT)
                copyBeam = plansetup.AddVMATBeam(extParams, metersetWeights, beam.ControlPoints[0].CollimatorAngle, beam.ControlPoints[0].GantryAngle, beam.ControlPoints[beam.ControlPoints.Count - 1].GantryAngle,
                                                 beam.GantryDirection, beam.ControlPoints[0].PatientSupportAngle, isocenter);
            else if (beam.MLCPlanType == MLCPlanType.ArcDynamic)
                copyBeam = plansetup.AddConformalArcBeam(extParams, beam.ControlPoints[0].CollimatorAngle, beam.ControlPoints.Count, beam.ControlPoints[0].GantryAngle, beam.ControlPoints[beam.ControlPoints.Count - 1].GantryAngle,
                                                         beam.GantryDirection, beam.ControlPoints[0].PatientSupportAngle, isocenter);
            else if (beam.MLCPlanType == MLCPlanType.DoseDynamic)
                var cppPairs    = metersetWeights.Zip(metersetWeights.Skip(1), (a, b) => new Tuple <double, double>(a, b)).ToList();
                var oddCppPairs = cppPairs.Where((p, i) => i % 2 == 1);

                if (metersetWeights.Count >= 4 && metersetWeights.Count % 2 == 0 && oddCppPairs.All(p => p.Item1 == p.Item2))
                    copyBeam = plansetup.AddMultipleStaticSegmentBeam(extParams, metersetWeights, beam.ControlPoints[0].CollimatorAngle, beam.ControlPoints[0].GantryAngle, beam.ControlPoints[0].PatientSupportAngle, isocenter);
                    copyBeam = plansetup.AddSlidingWindowBeam(extParams, metersetWeights, beam.ControlPoints[0].CollimatorAngle, beam.ControlPoints[0].GantryAngle, beam.ControlPoints[0].PatientSupportAngle, isocenter);
                throw new NotImplementedException("Copying this type of beam not implemented");

            var beamParams = copyBeam.GetEditableParameters();

            CopyJawAndLeafPositions(beam, beamParams);
            beamParams.WeightFactor = beam.WeightFactor;


            copyBeam.Id = beam.Id;
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Rectum metrics.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateRectumMetrics(XmlTextWriter writer, ExternalPlanSetup plan, Dictionary <string, ModelStructure> structureMatches)
            var structure = plan.StructureSet.Structures.Single(st => st.Id == structureMatches.Single(x => x.Value.ModelId == "Rectum").Key);

            writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", structure.Id);
            writer.WriteAttributeString("Model_Id", structureMatches[structure.Id].ModelId);
            var metrics = new List <VolumeAtDoseMetric> {
                new VolumeAtDoseMetric(new DoseValue(40.0, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy), 50.0, MetricType.Upper),
                new VolumeAtDoseMetric(new DoseValue(50.0, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy), 40.0, MetricType.Upper),
                new VolumeAtDoseMetric(new DoseValue(65.0, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy), 25.0, MetricType.Upper)

            CreateVolumeAtDoseMetrics(writer, plan, structure, metrics);
Beispiel #29
        public static Tuple <List <List <Structure> >, List <List <Structure> >, List <List <string> >, bool> StartOptimizer(ScriptContext context, HNPlan hnPlan, List <List <Structure> > matchingStructures, int numIterations, List <Tuple <bool, double[], string> > features, Tuple <string, string, bool> beamParams) //Returns list of matching structures
            // Check for patient plan loaded
            ExternalPlanSetup plan = context.ExternalPlanSetup;

            Patient      patient = context.Patient;
            StructureSet ss      = context.StructureSet;
            Course       course  = context.Course;
            Image        image3d = context.Image;

            //Create two VMAT beams
            BeamMaker(ref plan, ss, plan.TotalDose.Dose, beamParams);
            //set prescriptions dose
            int numFractions    = hnPlan.Fractions;
            int dosePerFraction = (int)hnPlan.PrescriptionDose / numFractions;

            plan.SetPrescription(numFractions, new DoseValue(dosePerFraction, "cGy"), 1);

            //matchingStructures is the same length as hnPlan.ROIs.count
            //Now set optimization constraints
            List <List <Structure> >  optimizedStructures = OptObjectivesEditing.SetConstraints(ref plan, hnPlan, matchingStructures, true); //true to check for opti structures, returns new matching list of structures
            List <List <double[, ]> > choppedContours;
            List <double[]>           planes;
            string contraParName;

            if (features[0].Item1 == true) //parotid segmentation feature
                Tuple <List <List <double[, ]> >, string, List <double[]> > choppedAndName = ParotidChop(ref plan, hnPlan, matchingStructures, ss, context);
                choppedContours = choppedAndName.Item1;
                contraParName   = choppedAndName.Item2;
                planes          = choppedAndName.Item3;
                choppedContours = new List <List <double[, ]> >();
                contraParName   = "";
                planes          = new List <double[]>();
            Tuple <bool, List <List <string> > > optimData = Optimize(choppedContours, planes, ref plan, ref ss, hnPlan, context, optimizedStructures, matchingStructures, contraParName, numIterations, features, beamParams);
            bool isPassed = optimData.Item1;
            List <List <string> > updatesLog = optimData.Item2;

            return(Tuple.Create(optimizedStructures, matchingStructures, updatesLog, isPassed));
Beispiel #30
 private void BT_AbrirPaciente_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         paciente        = abrirPaciente(TB_ID.Text);
         TB_Output.Text += "Se abrió el paciente: " + paciente.Name + "\n";
         curso           = abrirCurso(paciente, TB_Curso.Text);
         TB_Output.Text += "Se abrió el curso: " + curso.Name + "\n";
         plan            = abrirPlan(curso, TB_Plan.Text);
         TB_Output.Text += "Se abrió el plan: " + plan.Name + "\n";
     catch (Exception f)
         TB_Output.Text += "No se pudo abrir \n";