/// <summary>
 /// Gets the hash code
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Hash code</returns>
 public override int GetHashCode()
     unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap
         var hashCode = 41;
         // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :)
         if (ExternalId != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ExternalId.GetHashCode();
         if (Metadata != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Metadata.GetHashCode();
         if (SensorType != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + SensorType.GetHashCode();
         if (UnitOfMeasurement != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + UnitOfMeasurement.GetHashCode();
         if (fixedLatitude != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + fixedLatitude.GetHashCode();
         if (fixedLongitude != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + fixedLongitude.GetHashCode();
Beispiel #2
        public async Task AddEffectiveAuthorizationAsync_Event_Stored_With_Invalid_Authorization_No_Owner_Throws_NullReferenceException()
            var eaEventsStorate = new RawEventInMemoryStorage();

            var eaHandlerFactory = new EffectiveAuthorizationHandlerFactory();

            eaHandlerFactory.RegisterHandler(typeof(EffectiveAuthorizationGrantedEvent), new PermissionGrantedHandler());

            var eatimelineFactory = new EffectiveAuthorizationTimelineFactory(eaEventsStorate, eaHandlerFactory);

            var prService = new PersonalInfoEnrichmentService(new MockPersonalLocalStorage(), new MockPersonalInfoExternalServiceFactory(), new MockInMemoryLogger());
            var rpStorage = new ReportingInMemoryStorage();
            var owner     = new ExternalId()
                Id = _defaultId, Context = _defaultContext
            var effectiveAuthorization = new EffectiveAuthorization()
                TenantId = _tenantId, User = owner
            var eaEvent = new EffectiveAuthorizationGrantedEvent()
                From = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1), EffectiveAuthorization = effectiveAuthorization

            await eaEventsStorate.WriteRawEventAsync(eaEvent); //event needs to be previously writteng to storage.

            var dataEnrichmentService = new DataEnrichmentService(eatimelineFactory, prService, rpStorage);

            //Act & Assert
            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <NullReferenceException>(() => dataEnrichmentService.AddEffectiveAuthorizationAsync(eaEvent));
Beispiel #3
        public Task <Person> FindPersonAsync(ExternalId externalId)
            var person = persons.Find(x => x.Key.Context == externalId.Context &&
                                      x.Key.Id == externalId.Id);

        public async Task ResolvePerson_EmptyId_ThrowsException()
            MockInMemoryLogger logger = new MockInMemoryLogger();

                var personalInfoEnrichmentService =
                    new PersonalInfoEnrichmentService(
                        new Mock <IPersonLocalStorage>().Object,
                        new Mock <IPersonalInfoExternalServiceFactory>().Object,

                var externalId = new ExternalId()
                    Context = "Youforce"
                await personalInfoEnrichmentService.ResolvePerson(externalId);
            catch (Exception e)
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ArgumentException), e.GetType());
                var log = logger.Logs.Dequeue();
                Assert.AreEqual(LogLevel.Error, log.LogLevel);
                Assert.AreEqual("PersonalInfoEnrichmentService: Invalid External ID", log.Message);
        public async Task ResolvePerson_ExternalIdNotFoundInLocalStorage_UnknownContext_ReturnsPersonWithoutEnrichmentInfo()
            var externalId = new ExternalId()
                Context = "Other", Id = "0001"

            Mock <IPersonLocalStorage> localStorage = new Mock <IPersonLocalStorage>();

            localStorage.Setup(x => x.FindPersonAsync(externalId)).ReturnsAsync(() => null);

            Mock <IPersonalInfoExternalServiceFactory> extServiceFactory = new Mock <IPersonalInfoExternalServiceFactory>();

            extServiceFactory.Setup(x => x.Resolve("Other")).Returns(() => null);

            var logger = new MockInMemoryLogger();

            var personalInfoEnrichmentService = new PersonalInfoEnrichmentService(localStorage.Object, extServiceFactory.Object, logger);
            var person = await personalInfoEnrichmentService.ResolvePerson(externalId);

            Assert.AreEqual(externalId.Context, person.Key.Context);
            Assert.AreEqual(externalId.Id, person.Key.Id);

            var log = logger.Logs.Dequeue();

            Assert.AreEqual(LogLevel.Warning, log.LogLevel);
                $"PersonalInfoEnrichmentService: Error on getting Personal Info for ExternalId [Context: {externalId.Context}, Id: {externalId.Id}]. Can't find a valid resolver api for given context. Person will be created based on Technical Keys only.",
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the hash code
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Hash code</returns>
 public override int GetHashCode()
     unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap
         var hashCode = 41;
         // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :)
         if (Id != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Id.GetHashCode();
         if (IdStr != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + IdStr.GetHashCode();
         if (ExternalId != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ExternalId.GetHashCode();
         if (Error != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Error.GetHashCode();
         if (Status != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Status.GetHashCode();
         if (ActivityId != null)
             hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ActivityId.GetHashCode();
        public async Task ResolvePerson_ExternalIdFoundInLocalStorage_ReturnsPersonFromLocalStorage()
            var externalId = new ExternalId()
                Context = "Youforce", Id = "0001"

            Mock <IPersonLocalStorage> localStorage = new Mock <IPersonLocalStorage>();

            localStorage.Setup(x => x.FindPersonAsync(externalId))
            .ReturnsAsync(new Person(externalId, new PersonalInfo()
                LastNameAtBirth = "Van der Test", Initials = "VT", BirthDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 15)

            var personalInfoEnrichmentService =
                new PersonalInfoEnrichmentService(
                    new Mock <IPersonalInfoExternalServiceFactory>().Object,
                    new Mock <ILogger>().Object);

            var person = await personalInfoEnrichmentService.ResolvePerson(externalId);

            Assert.AreEqual(externalId.Context, person.Key.Context);
            Assert.AreEqual(externalId.Id, person.Key.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("Van der Test", person.PersonalInfo.LastNameAtBirth);
            Assert.AreEqual("VT", person.PersonalInfo.Initials);
            Assert.AreEqual(1970, person.PersonalInfo.BirthDate.Year);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, person.PersonalInfo.BirthDate.Month);
            Assert.AreEqual(15, person.PersonalInfo.BirthDate.Day);
        /** Writes out an entity declaration for this entity */
        public void Write(StreamWriter writer)
            writer.Write("<!ENTITY ");
            if (IsParsed)
                writer.Write(" % ");

            if (Value != null)
                char quoteChar = '"';
                if (Value.IndexOf(quoteChar) >= 0)
                    quoteChar = '\'';
                if (Ndata != null)
                    writer.Write(" NDATA ");
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary> 
 /// Computes and retrieves a hash code for an object. 
 /// </summary> 
 /// <remarks> 
 /// This method implements the <see cref="Object">Object</see> method. 
 /// </remarks> 
 /// <returns>A hash code for an object.</returns>
 public override int GetHashCode()
            + Id.GetHashCode()
            + UserId.GetValueOrDefault().GetHashCode()
            + ExternalId.GetHashCode());
Beispiel #10
 public void ParseWorks()
     foreach (var identifier in ExpectedOrder)
         Assert.Equal(identifier, ExternalId.Parse(identifier.ToString()));
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)

            if (obj == this)

            return(obj is V1Employee other &&
                   ((Context == null && other.Context == null) || (Context?.Equals(other.Context) == true)) &&
                   ((Id == null && other.Id == null) || (Id?.Equals(other.Id) == true)) &&
                   ((FirstName == null && other.FirstName == null) || (FirstName?.Equals(other.FirstName) == true)) &&
                   ((LastName == null && other.LastName == null) || (LastName?.Equals(other.LastName) == true)) &&
                   ((RoleIds == null && other.RoleIds == null) || (RoleIds?.Equals(other.RoleIds) == true)) &&
                   ((AuthorizedLocationIds == null && other.AuthorizedLocationIds == null) || (AuthorizedLocationIds?.Equals(other.AuthorizedLocationIds) == true)) &&
                   ((Email == null && other.Email == null) || (Email?.Equals(other.Email) == true)) &&
                   ((Status == null && other.Status == null) || (Status?.Equals(other.Status) == true)) &&
                   ((ExternalId == null && other.ExternalId == null) || (ExternalId?.Equals(other.ExternalId) == true)) &&
                   ((CreatedAt == null && other.CreatedAt == null) || (CreatedAt?.Equals(other.CreatedAt) == true)) &&
                   ((UpdatedAt == null && other.UpdatedAt == null) || (UpdatedAt?.Equals(other.UpdatedAt) == true)));
        public async Task RawEventStorageRepository_GetRawEventsAsync_ExistingRevokedEvent_Returns_EffectiveAuthorizationRevokedEvent_With_Right_EffectiveAuthorization()
            //Arrange: create event data to be stored
            var owner = new ExternalId()
                Context = _ownerContext, Id = _ownerId
            var permission = new HAS.Core.Domain.Permission()
                Application = _applicationName, Id = _Identifier, Description = _Identifier
            var effectiveAuthorization = new EffectiveAuthorization()
                TenantId = _tenantId, Permission = permission, User = owner
            var eaEvent = new EffectiveAuthorizationRevokedEvent()
                Until = _until, EffectiveAuthorization = effectiveAuthorization, DateCreated = DateTime.Now

            //Act: Attempt to write event to repository
            _eventIdList.Add(await _repository.WriteRawEventAsync(eaEvent));

            //Act: Attempt to get nonexisting event
            var rawEventList = await _repository.GetRawEventsAsync(effectiveAuthorization);

            var revokedRawEventList = rawEventList.Where(e => e.GetType() == typeof(EffectiveAuthorizationRevokedEvent));

            //Assert: check that there is a returned Id with some data
            Assert.IsTrue(rawEventList.Count > 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(rawEventList[0].EffectiveAuthorization, effectiveAuthorization);
        public async Task RawEventStorageRepository_WriteRawEventAsync_OnSuccessfulWritingRevokedEvent_Returns_Event_Id()
            //Arrange: create event data to be stored
            var owner = new ExternalId()
                Context = _ownerContext, Id = _ownerId
            var permission = new HAS.Core.Domain.Permission()
                Application = _applicationName, Id = _Identifier, Description = _Identifier
            var effectiveAuthorization = new EffectiveAuthorization()
                TenantId = _tenantId, Permission = permission, User = owner
            var eaEvent = new EffectiveAuthorizationRevokedEvent()
                Until = _until, EffectiveAuthorization = effectiveAuthorization, DateCreated = DateTime.Now

            //Act: Attempt to write event to repository
            _eventIdList.Add(await _repository.WriteRawEventAsync(eaEvent));

            //Assert: check that there is a returned Id with some data
            Assert.IsTrue(_eventIdList[0].Length > 0);
Beispiel #14
        public async Task ReportingStorageRepository_GetIntervals_NonExistingEffectiveAuthorization_Returns_EmptyList()
            //Arrange: create Non-existing EffectiveAuthorization
            var owner = new ExternalId()
                Context = "NonExisting", Id = "NonExisting"
            var permission = new HAS.Core.Domain.Permission()
                Application = "NonExisting", Id = "NonExisting", Description = "NonExisting"
            var target = new ExternalId()
                Id = "NonExisting", Context = "NonExisting"
            var effectiveAuthorization = new EffectiveAuthorization()
                TenantId = "NonExisting" + DateTime.Now.Ticks, Permission = permission, User = owner, Target = target

            //Act: Attempt to get EffectiveAuthorization intervals
            var intervals = await _repository.GetIntervals(effectiveAuthorization);

            //Assert: check that there is no returned data
            Assert.AreEqual(0, intervals.Count);
Beispiel #15
        public async Task ReportingStorageRepository_SaveAsync_OnSuccessfulWritingEffectiveAuthorizationInterval_Without_TargetPerson_Returns_EffectiveAuthorizationInterval_Id()
            //Arrange: create EffectiveAuthorizationInterval data to be stored
            var owner = new ExternalId()
                Context = _ownerContext, Id = _ownerId
            var user = new Person(owner, new PersonalInfo()
                BirthDate = _birthDate1, Initials = _initials1, LastNameAtBirth = _lastNameAtBirth1, LastNameAtBirthPrefix = _lastNameAtBirthPrefix1
            var permission = new HAS.Core.Domain.Permission()
                Application = _applicationName, Id = _Identifier, Description = _Identifier
            var interval = new Interval(_dateTimeStart1, null);
            var effectiveAuthorizationInterval = new EffectiveAuthorizationInterval(interval, user, null, permission, _tenantId);
            var intervalList = new List <EffectiveAuthorizationInterval>();


            //Act: Attempt to write effectiveAuthorizationInterval to repository
            _idToDeleteList.AddRange((await _repository.SaveAsync(intervalList)).Split(","));

            //Assert: check that there is a returned Id with some data
            Assert.IsTrue(_idToDeleteList[0].Length > 0);
Beispiel #16
        public async Task ReportingStorageRepository_GetIntervals_ExistingEffectiveAuthorizationInterval_With_TargetPerson_Returns_EffectiveAuthorizationGrantedEvent_With_Right_EffectiveAuthorization()
            //Arrange: create EffectiveAuthorizationInterval data to be stored
            var owner = new ExternalId()
                Context = _ownerContext, Id = _ownerId
            var user = new Person(owner, new PersonalInfo()
                BirthDate             = _birthDate1,
                Initials              = _initials1,
                LastNameAtBirth       = _lastNameAtBirth1,
                LastNameAtBirthPrefix = _lastNameAtBirthPrefix1

            var target = new ExternalId()
                Context = _ownerContext, Id = _targetId
            var targetPerson = new Person(target,
                                          new PersonalInfo()
                BirthDate             = _birthDate2,
                Initials              = _initials2,
                LastNameAtBirth       = _lastNameAtBirth2,
                LastNameAtBirthPrefix = _lastNameAtBirthPrefix2

            var permission = new HAS.Core.Domain.Permission()
                Application = _applicationName,
                Id          = _Identifier,
                Description = _Identifier
            var interval = new Interval(_dateTimeStart1, null);
            var effectiveAuthorizationInterval = new EffectiveAuthorizationInterval(interval, user, targetPerson, permission, _tenantId);

            var effectiveAuthorization = new EffectiveAuthorization()
                TenantId = _tenantId, Permission = permission, User = owner, Target = target

            var intervalList = new List <EffectiveAuthorizationInterval>();


            //Act: Attempt to write effectiveAuthorizationInterval to repository and getting it back
            _idToDeleteList.AddRange((await _repository.SaveAsync(intervalList)).Split(","));

            var effectiveAuthorizationIntervals = await _repository.GetIntervals(effectiveAuthorization);

            //Assert: check that there is a returned Id with some data
            Assert.IsTrue(effectiveAuthorizationIntervals.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(effectiveAuthorizationIntervals[0], typeof(EffectiveAuthorizationInterval));
            Assert.AreEqual(effectiveAuthorizationIntervals[0].TenantId, effectiveAuthorization.TenantId);
            Assert.AreEqual(effectiveAuthorizationIntervals[0].User.Key, effectiveAuthorization.User);
            Assert.AreEqual(effectiveAuthorizationIntervals[0].TargetPerson.Key, effectiveAuthorization.Target);
            Assert.AreEqual(effectiveAuthorizationIntervals[0].Permission, effectiveAuthorization.Permission);
Beispiel #17
 public static Core.Domain.ExternalId MapExternalId(ExternalId dtoExternalId)
     return(new Core.Domain.ExternalId()
         Id = dtoExternalId.Id.Trim(), Context = dtoExternalId.Context.Trim()
Beispiel #18
 public override int GetHashCode()
         return(((ExternalId != null ? ExternalId.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ (LinkInstanceName != null ? LinkInstanceName.GetHashCode() : 0));
        public void Create_EffectiveAuthorization_Without_EffectiveAuthorizationEvent_InStorage_Returns_Timeline_With_EffectiveAuthorization()
            var eaEventsStorate  = new RawEventInMemoryStorage();
            var eaHandlerFactory = new EffectiveAuthorizationHandlerFactory();

            eaHandlerFactory.RegisterHandler(typeof(EffectiveAuthorizationGrantedEvent), new PermissionGrantedHandler());

            var owner = new ExternalId()
                Id = _defaultId, Context = _defaultContext
            var permission = new Permission()
                Application = _defaultApplication, Id = _defaultPermissionId, Description = _defaultDescription
            var effectiveAuthorization = new EffectiveAuthorization()
                TenantId = _tenantId, Permission = permission, User = owner

            var eaTimelineFactory = new EffectiveAuthorizationTimelineFactory(eaEventsStorate, eaHandlerFactory);

            var eaTimeline = eaTimelineFactory.Create(effectiveAuthorization).Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(effectiveAuthorization, eaTimeline.EffectiveAuthorization);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Creates a Person object based on provided ExternalId
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="externalId">Person context identifier</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when ExternalId is not valid (Empty properties)</exception>
        /// <returns>Person enriched with resolved personal information</returns>
        public async Task <Person> ResolvePerson(ExternalId externalId)

            var person = await personLocalStorage.FindPersonAsync(externalId);

            if (person != null)

            var persInfoExternalService = persInfoExternalServiceFactory.Resolve(externalId.Context);

            if (persInfoExternalService == null)
                return(new Person(externalId, null));

            var personalInfo = await persInfoExternalService.FindPersonalInfoAsync(externalId.Id);

            if (personalInfo == null)
                return(new Person(externalId, null));

            return(await personLocalStorage.CreatePersonAsync(new Person(externalId, personalInfo)));
Beispiel #21
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Name.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Name.GetHashCode();
            if (DisplayName.Length != 0)
                hash ^= DisplayName.GetHashCode();
            if (ExternalId.Length != 0)
                hash ^= ExternalId.GetHashCode();
            if (Size != 0)
                hash ^= Size.GetHashCode();
            if (HeadquartersAddress.Length != 0)
                hash ^= HeadquartersAddress.GetHashCode();
            if (HiringAgency != false)
                hash ^= HiringAgency.GetHashCode();
            if (EeoText.Length != 0)
                hash ^= EeoText.GetHashCode();
            if (WebsiteUri.Length != 0)
                hash ^= WebsiteUri.GetHashCode();
            if (CareerSiteUri.Length != 0)
                hash ^= CareerSiteUri.GetHashCode();
            if (ImageUri.Length != 0)
                hash ^= ImageUri.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= keywordSearchableJobCustomAttributes_.GetHashCode();
            if (derivedInfo_ != null)
                hash ^= DerivedInfo.GetHashCode();
            if (Suspended != false)
                hash ^= Suspended.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
Beispiel #22
 private FixedIncomeStripWithSecurity(FixedIncomeStrip originalStrip, Tenor resolvedTenor, DateTimeOffset maturity, ExternalId securityIdentifier, ISecurity security)
     _resolvedTenor = resolvedTenor;
     _originalStrip = originalStrip;
     _maturity = maturity;
     _securityIdentifier = securityIdentifier;
     _security = security;
Beispiel #23
 private FixedIncomeStripWithSecurity(FixedIncomeStrip originalStrip, Tenor resolvedTenor, DateTimeOffset maturity, ExternalId securityIdentifier, ISecurity security)
     _resolvedTenor      = resolvedTenor;
     _originalStrip      = originalStrip;
     _maturity           = maturity;
     _securityIdentifier = securityIdentifier;
     _security           = security;
Beispiel #24
 private static void EqualsCodeBehavesAsExpected(Func <ExternalId, ExternalId, bool> equals)
     foreach (var id in ExpectedOrder)
         Assert.Equal(1, ExpectedOrder.Where(e => equals(e, id)).Count());
         Assert.True(equals(id, ExternalId.Create(id.Scheme, id.Value)));
Beispiel #25
 public void HashCodeBehavesAsExpected()
     foreach (var identifier in ExpectedOrder)
         Assert.Equal(1, ExpectedOrder.Where(e => e.GetHashCode() == identifier.GetHashCode()).Count());
         Assert.Equal(identifier.GetHashCode(), ExternalId.Create(identifier.Scheme, identifier.Value).GetHashCode());
Beispiel #26
 public void AddValue(ExternalId identifier, string valueName, object value)
     ArgumentChecker.NotNull(identifier, "identifier");
     ArgumentChecker.NotEmpty(valueName, "valueName");
     AddValue(new AddValueRequest {
         Identifier = identifier, ValueName = valueName, Value = value
Beispiel #27
 public void RemoveValue(ExternalId identifier, string valueName)
     ArgumentChecker.NotNull(identifier, "identifier");
     ArgumentChecker.NotEmpty(valueName, "valueName");
     RemoveValue(new RemoveValueRequest {
         Identifier = identifier, ValueName = valueName
        private void LogPersonalInfoNotFound(ExternalId externalId)
            string message = $"PersonalInfoEnrichmentService: Error on getting Personal Info for ExternalId [Context: {externalId.Context}, Id: {externalId.Id}]. ";

            message += "Personal Info not found by provided resolver api for given context. ";
            message += "Person will be created based on Technical Keys only.";

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if OgcDataStreamInfo instances are equal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">Instance of OgcDataStreamInfo to be compared</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        public bool Equals(OgcDataStreamInfo other)
            if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))

                     DataStreamId == other.DataStreamId ||
                     DataStreamId != null &&
                     ) &&
                     MqttTopic == other.MqttTopic ||
                     MqttTopic != null &&
                 ) &&
                     MqttServer == other.MqttServer ||
                     MqttServer != null &&
                 ) &&
                     ExternalId == other.ExternalId ||
                     ExternalId != null &&
                 ) &&
                     Metadata == other.Metadata ||
                     Metadata != null &&
                 ) &&
                     SensorType == other.SensorType ||
                     SensorType != null &&
                 ) &&
                     UnitOfMeasurement == other.UnitOfMeasurement ||
                     UnitOfMeasurement != null &&
                 ) &&
                     fixedLatitude == other.fixedLatitude ||
                     fixedLatitude != null &&
                 ) && (
                     fixedLongitude == other.fixedLongitude ||
                     fixedLongitude != null &&
Beispiel #30
 public InterpolatedYieldCurveSpecification(DateTimeOffset curveDate, string name, Currency currency,
                                            List <FixedIncomeStripWithIdentifier> resolvedStrips, ExternalId region)
     _curveDate      = curveDate;
     _name           = name;
     _currency       = currency;
     _resolvedStrips = resolvedStrips;
     _region         = region;
Beispiel #31
 public InterpolatedYieldCurveSpecification(DateTimeOffset curveDate, string name, Currency currency,  
                 List<FixedIncomeStripWithIdentifier> resolvedStrips, ExternalId region)
     _curveDate = curveDate;
     _name = name;
     _currency = currency;
     _resolvedStrips = resolvedStrips;
     _region = region;
Beispiel #32
        public override string ToString()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))

Beispiel #33
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a link to retrieve a series by external id (currently only imdb id supported)
    /// http://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3724&start=0
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="apiKey">api key</param>
    /// <param name="site">type of external site</param>
    /// <param name="id">id on the site</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    internal static String CreateGetSeriesByIdLink(String apiKey, ExternalId site, String id)
      String siteString;
      switch (site)
        case ExternalId.ImdbId:
          siteString = "imdbid";
          return "";//unknown site

      String link = String.Format("{0}/api/GetSeriesByRemoteID.php?{1}={2}", BASE_SERVER, siteString, id);
      return link;
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Searches for a series by the id of an external provider
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="externalSite">external provider</param>
 /// <param name="id">id of the series</param>
 /// <returns>The tvdb series that corresponds to the external id</returns>
 public TvdbSearchResult GetSeriesByRemoteId(ExternalId externalSite, String id)
   TvdbSearchResult retSeries = _downloader.DownloadSeriesSearchByExternalId(externalSite, id);
   return retSeries;
Beispiel #35
 public FixedIncomeStripWithIdentifier(ExternalId security, FixedIncomeStrip strip)
     _security = security;
     _strip = strip;
    /// <summary>
    /// Download a series search for the id of an external site
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="site">The site that provides the external id</param>
    /// <param name="id">The id that identifies the series on the external site</param>
    /// <exception cref="TvdbInvalidXmlException"><para>Exception is thrown when there was an error parsing the xml files. </para>
    ///                                           <para>Feel free to post a detailed description of this issue on http://code.google.com/p/tvdblib 
    ///                                           or http://forums.thetvdb.com/</para></exception>  
    /// <exception cref="TvdbInvalidApiKeyException">The stored api key is invalid</exception>
    /// <exception cref="TvdbNotAvailableException">The tvdb database is unavailable</exception>
    /// <returns>the series object that corresponds to the given site and id</returns>
    public TvdbSearchResult DownloadSeriesSearchByExternalId(ExternalId site, String id)
      //download the xml data from this request
      String xml = string.Empty;
      String link = string.Empty;
        link = TvdbLinkCreator.CreateGetSeriesByIdLink(_apiKey, site, id);
        xml = DownloadString(link);

        //extract all series the xml file contains
        List<TvdbSearchResult> seriesList = _xmlHandler.ExtractSeriesSearchResults(xml);

        //if a request is made on a series id, one and only one result
        //should be returned, otherwise there obviously was an error
        if (seriesList != null && seriesList.Count == 1)
          TvdbSearchResult series = seriesList[0];
          return series;
        Log.Warn("More than one series returned when trying to retrieve series by id " + id);
        return null;
      catch (XmlException ex)
        Log.Error("Error parsing the xml file " + link + "\n\n" + xml, ex);
        throw new TvdbInvalidXmlException("Error parsing the xml file " + link + "\n\n" + xml);
      catch (WebException ex)
        throw HandleWebException("retrieve " + id, ex);
 public CounterpartyImpl(ExternalId counterpartyId)
     ArgumentChecker.NotNull(counterpartyId, "counterpartyId");
     _counterpartyId = counterpartyId;
Beispiel #38
 public EquityOptionSecurity(string name, string securityType, UniqueId uniqueId, ExternalIdBundle identifiers, ExternalId underlyingIdentifier)
     : base(name, securityType, uniqueId, identifiers)
     _underlyingIdentifier = underlyingIdentifier;
Beispiel #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Download a series search for the id of an external site
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_site">The site that provides the external id</param>
        /// <param name="_id">The id that identifies the series on the external site</param>
        /// <exception cref="TvdbInvalidXmlException"><para>Exception is thrown when there was an error parsing the xml files. </para>
        ///                                           <para>Feel free to post a detailed description of this issue on http://code.google.com/p/tvdblib 
        ///                                           or http://forums.thetvdb.com/</para></exception>  
        /// <exception cref="TvdbInvalidApiKeyException">The stored api key is invalid</exception>
        /// <exception cref="TvdbNotAvailableException">The tvdb database is unavailable</exception>
        /// <returns>the series object that corresponds to the given site and id</returns>
        public TvdbSearchResult DownloadSeriesSearchByExternalId(ExternalId _site, String _id)
            //download the xml data from this request
              String xml = "";
              String link = "";
            link = TvdbLinkCreator.CreateGetSeriesByIdLink(m_apiKey, _site, _id);
            xml = m_webClient.DownloadString(link);

            //extract all series the xml file contains
            List<TvdbSearchResult> seriesList = m_xmlHandler.ExtractSeriesSearchResults(xml);

            //if a request is made on a series id, one and only one result
            //should be returned, otherwise there obviously was an error
            if (seriesList != null && seriesList.Count == 1)
              TvdbSearchResult series = seriesList[0];

              return series;
              Log.Warn("More than one series returned when trying to retrieve series by id " + _id);
              return null;
              catch (XmlException ex)
            Log.Error("Error parsing the xml file " + link + "\n\n" + xml, ex);
            throw new TvdbInvalidXmlException("Error parsing the xml file " + link + "\n\n" + xml);
              catch (WebException ex)
            Log.Warn("Request not successfull", ex);
            if (ex.Message.Equals("The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."))
              throw new TvdbInvalidApiKeyException("Couldn't connect to Thetvdb.com to retrieve " + _id +
                                               ", you may use an invalid api key  or the series doesn't exists");
              throw new TvdbNotAvailableException("Couldn't connect to Thetvdb.com to retrieve " + _id +
                                              ", check your internet connection and the status of http://thetvdb.com");
 public void AddValue(ExternalId identifier, string valueName, object value)
     ArgumentChecker.NotNull(identifier, "identifier");
     ArgumentChecker.NotEmpty(valueName, "valueName");
     AddValue(new AddValueRequest { Identifier = identifier, ValueName = valueName, Value = value});
 public void RemoveValue(ExternalId identifier, string valueName)
     ArgumentChecker.NotNull(identifier, "identifier");
     ArgumentChecker.NotEmpty(valueName, "valueName");
     RemoveValue(new RemoveValueRequest {Identifier = identifier, ValueName = valueName});