Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Used for benchmarking.
        /// </summary>
        public List <OHLCBar> GetExternalData(int externalInstrumentID, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            if (!_useExternalDataSource)
                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Request for external data on instrument with external ID {0} not fulfilled, external data not allowed.", externalInstrumentID));
                return(new List <OHLCBar>());

            return(ExternalDataSource.GetData(externalInstrumentID, startTime, endTime));
Beispiel #2
        public List <OHLCBar> GetData(Instrument inst, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, BarSize frequency = BarSize.OneDay)
            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Data request for {0} from {1} to {2} @ {3}", inst, startTime, endTime, frequency));

            //Check the cache
            lock (_dataCacheLock)
                if (_dataCache.ContainsKey(inst.ID) &&
                    _dataCache[inst.ID].First().DT <= startTime &&
                    _dataCache[inst.ID].Last().DT >= endTime)
                    _logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Found data in cache");
                    return(_dataCache[inst.ID].Where(x => x.DT >= startTime && x.DT <= endTime).ToList());

            //if external data is not allowed, just grab the prior positions data
            if (!_useExternalDataSource)
                return(GetLocalData(inst, startTime, endTime));

            //If the cache is not enough, go to the external datasource
            var data = ExternalDataSource.GetData(inst, startTime, endTime);

            //External datasource didn't have anything, get data from prior positions
            if (data == null || data.Count == 0)
                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Data was not available externally, getting it form prior positions");
                return(GetLocalData(inst, startTime, endTime));

            //QDMS data does NOT cover the entire period requested.
            //Try to supplement the data with the prices from prior positions
            if (frequency == BarSize.OneDay && (data.First().DT.Date > startTime.Date || data.Last().DT.Date < endTime))
                SupplementWithLocalData(inst, startTime, endTime, ref data);

            AddToCache(data, inst.ID);
