public override Steering GetSteering()
        Steering steering = new Steering();

        if (avoidBullets)
            GameObject[] bullets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("bulletPlayer");
            targets = new Transform[bullets.Length];

            targetAgents     = new SteeringBehaviours.Agent[targets.Length];
            targetRigidbodys = new Rigidbody[targets.Length];

            for (int j = 0; j < bullets.Length; j++)
                targets[j] = bullets[j].transform;

                if (useRigidbodyOfBullet)
                    targetRigidbodys[j] = targets[j].gameObject.HasComponent <Rigidbody>() ?
                                          targets[j].gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>() : null;

                    Destroy(targets[j].gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());

        // 1. Find the target that's closest to collision
        // Store the first collision time
        float shorestTime = Mathf.Infinity;
        // Store the target that collides then, and other data
        // that we will need and avoid recalculating
        Transform firstTarget        = null;
        float     firstMinSeparation = 0.0f;
        float     firstDistance      = 0.0f;
        Vector3   firstRelativePos   =;
        Vector3   firstRelativeVel   =;

        // Loop through each target
        int i = 0;

        foreach (Transform new_target in targets)
            // Calculate the time to collision
            Vector3 relativePos = new_target.position - transform.position;
            Vector3 relativeVel = targetAgents[i] != null ?
                                  targetAgents[i].velocity - agent.velocity :
                                  targetRigidbodys[i].velocity - agent.velocity;
            float relativeSpeed = relativeVel.magnitude;
            if (relativeSpeed == 0)
            float timeToCollision = Vector3.Dot(relativePos, relativeVel);
            timeToCollision /= relativeSpeed * relativeSpeed * -1;
            // Check if it is going to be a collision at all
            float distance      = relativePos.magnitude;
            float minSeparation = distance - relativeSpeed * timeToCollision;
            if (minSeparation > 2 * radius)
            // Check if it is the shortest
            if (timeToCollision > 0 && timeToCollision < shorestTime)
                // Store the time, target and other data
                shorestTime        = timeToCollision;
                firstTarget        = new_target;
                firstMinSeparation = minSeparation;
                firstDistance      = distance;
                firstRelativePos   = relativePos;
                firstRelativeVel   = relativeVel;

        target = firstTarget != null? firstTarget.gameObject : null;

        // 2. Calculate the steering
        // If we have no target, then exit
        if (firstTarget == null)
        // Update the target

        // If we're going to hit exactly, or if we're already
        // colliding, then do the steering based on current position
        if (firstMinSeparation <= 0 || firstDistance < 2 * radius)
            if (!avoidBullets)
                firstRelativePos = firstTarget.position;
                Vector3 heading = firstTarget.position - transform.position;
                int     dir     = ExtensionMethods.AngleDir(transform.forward, heading, transform.up);
                firstRelativePos = transform.right * dir * 250 + transform.forward * 20;
        // Otherwise calculate the future relative position
        else if (!avoidBullets)
            firstRelativePos += firstRelativeVel * shorestTime;


        // Avoid the target
        if (!avoidBullets)
            steering.linear = -firstRelativePos * agent.maxAccel;
            steering.linear = -firstRelativePos * agent.maxAccel * 80;