internal override RepositoryItem GetEditor(TreeListNode senderNode, TreeListColumn senderColumn)
         //assess whether the policy is switchable for the specific system, i.e. is controlled via the switches-dialog and the run-tool
         if (ExtensionAndGroupManager.ShowExtensionSwitchEditor(_policyRows[(senderColumn.Tag as SystemTreeListTag).GetSystemRow().ID]))
     catch (Exception exception) { Tools.UserInfoHandler.RecordIgnoredException("PolicyTreeListTag.GetEditor", exception); }
     return(_mainForm.OnOffToggleEditor); //if no return the (standard) combobox, which allows selecting the switch (on, off, ...)
Beispiel #2
 // avoid that user's paste something else than on/off/etc. into policy- and function-switches
 internal bool IsPermittedPasteValue(string value, string systemID)
     if (GetDefaultParameterRow() != null)
         return(true);                                  // no check for parameters
     if ((GetDefaultFunctionRow() != null && ExtensionAndGroupManager.ShowExtensionSwitchEditor(GetDefaultFunctionRow())) ||
         (GetDefaultPolicyRow() != null && ExtensionAndGroupManager.ShowExtensionSwitchEditor(GetDefaultPolicyRow())))
         return(false); // if switch='switch' the cell is not-editable
     return(value.ToLower() == DefPar.Value.ON || value.ToLower() == DefPar.Value.OFF ||
            value.ToLower() == DefPar.Value.TOGGLE || value.ToLower() == DefPar.Value.NA);
Beispiel #3
        internal override void PerformAction()
            TreeListNode policyNode = _senderNode;

            if (_senderNode.ParentNode != null)
                policyNode = _senderNode.ParentNode;

            int newFunctionNodeIndex = -1;
            List <CountryConfig.FunctionRow> newFunctionRows = new List <CountryConfig.FunctionRow>();

            foreach (CountryConfig.PolicyRow policyRow in (policyNode.Tag as PolicyTreeListTag).GetPolicyRows()) //loop over systems
                CountryConfig.FunctionRow newFunctionRow = null;

                //(1) add function
                //if the sender node is a policy node: insert as last function ('Add Function' was called from policy node or 'Add Function After' was called from last function node in policy)
                if (_senderNode == policyNode)
                    newFunctionRow = CountryConfigFacade.AddFunctionRowAtTail(_functionName, policyRow,
                                                                              // the switch of a function inside an extension-policy cannot be changed, therefore add as on (otherwise one would need to remove the policy from the extension to be able to change the switch to on)
                                                                              ExtensionAndGroupManager.ShowExtensionSwitchEditor(policyRow) ? DefPar.Value.ON : DefPar.Value.NA);

                //if the sender node is a function node: insert before ('Add Function Before' was called from function node)
                    CountryConfig.FunctionRow neighbourFunction = (_senderNode.Tag as FunctionTreeListTag).GetFunctionRowOfSystem(policyRow.SystemRow.ID);
                    newFunctionRow = CountryConfigFacade.AddFunctionRow(_functionName, neighbourFunction, true,
                                                                        ExtensionAndGroupManager.ShowExtensionSwitchEditor(policyRow) ? DefPar.Value.ON : DefPar.Value.NA); // see comment above
                    newFunctionNodeIndex = _mainForm.treeList.GetNodeIndex(_senderNode);

                //(2) add compulsory parameters
                DefinitionAdmin.Fun fun = DefinitionAdmin.GetFunDefinition(_functionName, false);
                if (fun != null)
                    for (short doCommon = 0; doCommon < 2; ++doCommon) // add function-specific parameters before common
                        foreach (var p in fun.GetParList())
                            AddPar(p, false);
                        foreach (var pg in fun.GetGroupParList())
                            if (pg.minCount > 0)
                                foreach (var p in pg.par)
                                    AddPar(p, true);

                        void AddPar(KeyValuePair <string, DefinitionAdmin.Par> p, bool group)
                            string parName = p.Key.ToUpper() == DefPar.PAR_TYPE.PLACEHOLDER.ToString().ToUpper() ? DefinitionAdmin.ParTypeToString(DefPar.PAR_TYPE.PLACEHOLDER) : p.Key;

                            DefinitionAdmin.Par parDef = p.Value;
                            if (parDef.minCount > 0 && ((doCommon == 0 && !parDef.isCommon) || (doCommon == 1 && parDef.isCommon)))
                                CountryConfigFacade.AddParameterRowAtTail(newFunctionRow, parName, parDef, group ? "1" : string.Empty);

            _mainForm.GetTreeListBuilder().InsertFunctionNode(newFunctionRows, policyNode, newFunctionNodeIndex);