Beispiel #1
        public JumpIndicator()
            Depth = -20000;          // appear on top of most things, including (most importantly) fg tiles
            AddTag(Tags.Persistent); // this entity isn't bound to the screen it was spawned in, keep it when transitioning to another level.

            settings = ExtendedVariantsModule.Settings;
Beispiel #2
        public UnderwaterSwitchController(ExtendedVariantsSettings settings) : base(Vector2.Zero)
            this.settings = settings;

            Add(new Coroutine(Routine()));
Beispiel #3
        public JumpIndicator()
            Depth = (Depths.FGTerrain + Depths.FGDecals) / 2; // between fg tiles and fg decals
            AddTag(Tags.Persistent);                          // this entity isn't bound to the screen it was spawned in, keep it when transitioning to another level.

            settings = ExtendedVariantsModule.Settings;
        public DashCountIndicator()
            AddTag(Tags.Persistent); // this entity isn't bound to the screen it was spawned in, keep it when transitioning to another level.

            settings = ExtendedVariantsModule.Settings;