public override void Parse(ExtendedBinaryReader br)

            //Because the box size is not a reliable metric. So useful.
            Payload = br.ReadToEnd();
        public override void Parse(ExtendedBinaryReader br)

            if (BoxHeader.TotalSize == 0)
            else if (BoxHeader.TotalSize == 1)
                br.ReadChunkedBytes(BoxHeader.ExtendedSize.Value - (ulong)BoxHeader.HeaderSize).Select(s => s);
                foreach (var s in br.ReadChunkedBytes((ulong)BoxHeader.TotalSize - (ulong)BoxHeader.HeaderSize)) ;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a collection of bytes from a Url
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL to retrieve</param>
        public void GetUrlData(string url)
            Uri uri = new Uri(url);

            if (!uri.IsFile)
                throw new UriFormatException("url is not a local file");

            FileWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url) as FileWebRequest;

            if (request == null)

            request.Method = "GET";

            // download the target URL
            FileWebResponse response = (FileWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            // convert response stream to byte array
            using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                ExtendedBinaryReader extReader = new ExtendedBinaryReader(stream);
                _ResponseBytes = extReader.ReadToEnd();

            // For local operations, we consider the data are never compressed. Else, the "Content-Encoding" field
            // in the headers would be "gzip" or "deflate". This could be handled quite easily with SharpZipLib for instance.

            // sometimes URL is indeterminate, eg, ""
            // in that case the folder and file resolution MUST be done on
            // the server, and returned to the client as ContentLocation
            _ContentLocation = response.Headers["Content-Location"];
            if (_ContentLocation == null)
                _ContentLocation = "";

            // if we have string content, determine encoding type
            // (must cast to prevent null)
            // HACK We determine the content type based on the uri extension,
            // as the header returned by the FileWebResponse is always "application/octet-stream" (hard coded in .NET!!)
            // text/html
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(uri.LocalPath).TrimStart(new char[] { '.' });

            switch (ext)
            // What's important here is to identify TEXT mime types. Because, the default will resort to binary file.
            case "htm":
            case "html":    _DetectedContentType = "text/html";                     break;

            case "css":             _DetectedContentType = "text/css";                      break;

            case "csv":             _DetectedContentType = "text/csv";                      break;

            case "rtf":             _DetectedContentType = "text/rtf";                      break;

            case "aspx":
            case "xsl":
            case "xml":             _DetectedContentType = "text/xml";                      break;

            case "bmp":             _DetectedContentType = "image/bmp";                     break;

            case "gif":             _DetectedContentType = "image/gif";                     break;

            case "ico":             _DetectedContentType = "image/x-icon";          break;

            case "jpg":
            case "jpeg":    _DetectedContentType = "image/jpeg";            break;

            case "png":             _DetectedContentType = "image/png";                     break;

            case "tif":
            case "tiff":    _DetectedContentType = "image/tiff";            break;

            case "js":              _DetectedContentType = "application/x-javascript";                      break;

                // Line commented: we don't change it
                _DetectedContentType = response.Headers["Content-Type"];                                // Always "application/octet-stream" ...
            if (_DetectedContentType == null)
                _DetectedContentType = "";
            if (ResponseIsBinary)
                _DetectedEncoding = null;
            else if (_ForcedEncoding == null)
                _DetectedEncoding = DetectEncoding(_DetectedContentType, _ResponseBytes);
		/// <summary>
		/// returns a collection of bytes from a Url
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="url">The URL to retrieve</param>
		public void GetUrlData(string url)
			Uri uri = new Uri(url);
			if (!uri.IsFile)
				throw new UriFormatException("url is not a local file");

			FileWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url) as FileWebRequest;
			if (request == null)
			request.Method = "GET";
			// download the target URL
			FileWebResponse response = (FileWebResponse) request.GetResponse();

			// convert response stream to byte array
			using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
				ExtendedBinaryReader extReader = new ExtendedBinaryReader(stream);
				_ResponseBytes = extReader.ReadToEnd();
			// For local operations, we consider the data are never compressed. Else, the "Content-Encoding" field
			// in the headers would be "gzip" or "deflate". This could be handled quite easily with SharpZipLib for instance.

			// sometimes URL is indeterminate, eg, ""
			// in that case the folder and file resolution MUST be done on 
			// the server, and returned to the client as ContentLocation
			_ContentLocation = response.Headers["Content-Location"];
			if (_ContentLocation == null)
				_ContentLocation = "";
			// if we have string content, determine encoding type
			// (must cast to prevent null)
			// HACK We determine the content type based on the uri extension, 
			// as the header returned by the FileWebResponse is always "application/octet-stream" (hard coded in .NET!!)
			// text/html
			string ext = Path.GetExtension(uri.LocalPath).TrimStart(new char[]{'.'});
			switch (ext)
					// What's important here is to identify TEXT mime types. Because, the default will resort to binary file.
				case "htm":		
				case "html":	_DetectedContentType = "text/html";			break;
				case "css":		_DetectedContentType = "text/css";			break;
				case "csv":		_DetectedContentType = "text/csv";			break;
				case "rtf":		_DetectedContentType = "text/rtf";			break;
				case "aspx":
				case "xsl":
				case "xml":		_DetectedContentType = "text/xml";			break;

				case "bmp":		_DetectedContentType = "image/bmp";			break;
				case "gif":		_DetectedContentType = "image/gif";			break;
				case "ico":		_DetectedContentType = "image/x-icon";		break;
				case "jpg":
				case "jpeg":	_DetectedContentType = "image/jpeg";		break;
				case "png":		_DetectedContentType = "image/png";			break;
				case "tif":
				case "tiff":	_DetectedContentType = "image/tiff";		break;

				case "js":		_DetectedContentType = "application/x-javascript";			break;
					// Line commented: we don't change it
					_DetectedContentType = response.Headers["Content-Type"];	// Always "application/octet-stream" ...
			if (_DetectedContentType == null)
				_DetectedContentType = "";
			if (ResponseIsBinary)
				_DetectedEncoding = null;
			else if (_ForcedEncoding == null)
				_DetectedEncoding = DetectEncoding(_DetectedContentType, _ResponseBytes);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a collection of bytes from a Url
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL to retrieve</param>
        public void GetUrlData(string Url, DateTime ifModifiedSince)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Url))
                HttpWebRequest wreq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url);

                //-- do we need to use a proxy to get to the web?
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ProxyUrl))
                    WebProxy wp = new WebProxy(_ProxyUrl);

                    if (_ProxyAuthenticationRequired)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ProxyUser) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ProxyPassword))
                            wp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_ProxyUser, _ProxyPassword);
                            wp.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                        wreq.Proxy = wp;

                //-- does the target website require credentials?
                if (_AuthenticationRequired)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_AuthenticationUser) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_AuthenticationPassword))
                        wreq.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_AuthenticationUser, _AuthenticationPassword);
                        wreq.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

                wreq.Method    = "GET";
                wreq.Timeout   = _RequestTimeoutMilliseconds;
                wreq.UserAgent = _HttpUserAgent;
                wreq.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", _AcceptedEncodings);

                //-- note that, if present, this will trigger a 304 exception
                //-- if the URL being retrieved is not newer than the specified
                //-- date/time
                if (ifModifiedSince != DateTime.MinValue)
                    wreq.IfModifiedSince = ifModifiedSince;

                //-- sometimes we need to transfer cookies to another URL;
                //-- this keeps them around in the object
                if (KeepCookies)
                    if (_PersistedCookies == null)
                        _PersistedCookies = new CookieContainer();
                    wreq.CookieContainer = _PersistedCookies;

                //-- download the target URL into a byte array
                HttpWebResponse wresp = (HttpWebResponse)wreq.GetResponse();

                //-- convert response stream to byte array
                ExtendedBinaryReader ebr = new ExtendedBinaryReader(wresp.GetResponseStream());
                _ResponseBytes = ebr.ReadToEnd();

                //-- determine if body bytes are compressed, and if so,
                //-- decompress the bytes
                HttpContentEncoding ContentEncoding = default(HttpContentEncoding);

                if (wresp.Headers["Content-Encoding"] == null)
                    ContentEncoding = HttpContentEncoding.None;
                    switch (wresp.Headers["Content-Encoding"].ToLower())
                    case "gzip":
                        ContentEncoding = HttpContentEncoding.Gzip;

                    case "deflate":
                        ContentEncoding = HttpContentEncoding.Deflate;

                        ContentEncoding = HttpContentEncoding.Unknown;
                    _ResponseBytes = Decompress(_ResponseBytes, ContentEncoding);

                //-- sometimes URL is indeterminate, eg, ""
                //-- in that case the folder and file resolution MUST be done on
                //-- the server, and returned to the client as ContentLocation
                _ContentLocation = wresp.Headers["Content-Location"];

                if (_ContentLocation == null)
                    _ContentLocation = "";

                //-- if we have string content, determine encoding type
                //-- (must cast to prevent Nothing)
                _DetectedContentType = wresp.Headers["Content-Type"];

                if (_DetectedContentType == null)
                    _DetectedContentType = "";

                if (ResponseIsBinary)
                    _DetectedEncoding = null;
                    if (_ForcedEncoding == null)
                        _DetectedEncoding = DetectEncoding(_DetectedContentType, _ResponseBytes);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a collection of bytes from a Url
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL to retrieve</param>
        public void GetUrlData(string Url, DateTime ifModifiedSince)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Url))
                HttpWebRequest wreq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url);

                //-- do we need to use a proxy to get to the web?
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ProxyUrl))
                    WebProxy wp = new WebProxy(_ProxyUrl);

                    if (_ProxyAuthenticationRequired)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ProxyUser) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ProxyPassword))
                            wp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_ProxyUser, _ProxyPassword);
                            wp.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                        wreq.Proxy = wp;

                //-- does the target website require credentials?
                if (_AuthenticationRequired)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_AuthenticationUser) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_AuthenticationPassword))
                        wreq.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_AuthenticationUser, _AuthenticationPassword);
                        wreq.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

                wreq.Method = "GET";
                wreq.Timeout = _RequestTimeoutMilliseconds;
                wreq.UserAgent = _HttpUserAgent;
                wreq.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", _AcceptedEncodings);

                //-- note that, if present, this will trigger a 304 exception
                //-- if the URL being retrieved is not newer than the specified
                //-- date/time
                if (ifModifiedSince != DateTime.MinValue)
                    wreq.IfModifiedSince = ifModifiedSince;

                //-- sometimes we need to transfer cookies to another URL; 
                //-- this keeps them around in the object
                if (KeepCookies)
                    if (_PersistedCookies == null)
                        _PersistedCookies = new CookieContainer();
                    wreq.CookieContainer = _PersistedCookies;

                //-- download the target URL into a byte array
                HttpWebResponse wresp = (HttpWebResponse)wreq.GetResponse();

                //-- convert response stream to byte array
                ExtendedBinaryReader ebr = new ExtendedBinaryReader(wresp.GetResponseStream());
                _ResponseBytes = ebr.ReadToEnd();

                //-- determine if body bytes are compressed, and if so, 
                //-- decompress the bytes
                HttpContentEncoding ContentEncoding = default(HttpContentEncoding);

                if (wresp.Headers["Content-Encoding"] == null)
                    ContentEncoding = HttpContentEncoding.None;
                    switch (wresp.Headers["Content-Encoding"].ToLower())
                        case "gzip":
                            ContentEncoding = HttpContentEncoding.Gzip;
                        case "deflate":
                            ContentEncoding = HttpContentEncoding.Deflate;
                            ContentEncoding = HttpContentEncoding.Unknown;
                    _ResponseBytes = Decompress(_ResponseBytes, ContentEncoding);

                //-- sometimes URL is indeterminate, eg, ""
                //-- in that case the folder and file resolution MUST be done on 
                //-- the server, and returned to the client as ContentLocation
                _ContentLocation = wresp.Headers["Content-Location"];

                if (_ContentLocation == null)
                    _ContentLocation = "";

                //-- if we have string content, determine encoding type
                //-- (must cast to prevent Nothing)
                _DetectedContentType = wresp.Headers["Content-Type"];

                if (_DetectedContentType == null)
                    _DetectedContentType = "";

                if (ResponseIsBinary)
                    _DetectedEncoding = null;
                    if (_ForcedEncoding == null)
                        _DetectedEncoding = DetectEncoding(_DetectedContentType, _ResponseBytes);