Beispiel #1
        private IEnumerable <CompletionItem> GetCompletionsFromMembers(ref GetMemberOptions opts)
            var finder = new ExpressionFinder(Tree, GetExpressionOptions.EvaluateMembers);

            if (finder.GetExpression(Index) is Expression expr)
                _log.TraceMessage($"Completing expression {expr.ToCodeString(Tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional)}");
                ParentExpression = expr;
                return(Analysis.GetMembers(expr, Position, opts, null).Select(ToCompletionItem));
Beispiel #2
        private IEnumerable <CompletionItem> GetCompletionsFromTopLevel(bool allowKeywords, bool allowArguments, GetMemberOptions opts)
            if (Node?.EndIndex < Index)

            if (allowKeywords)
                opts |= GetMemberOptions.IncludeExpressionKeywords;
                if (ShouldIncludeStatementKeywords(Statement, Index, out var span))
                    opts |= GetMemberOptions.IncludeStatementKeywords;
                    if (span.HasValue)
                        ApplicableSpan = new SourceSpan(
                ShouldAllowSnippets = true;

            _log.TraceMessage($"Completing all names");
            var members = Analysis.GetAllAvailableMembers(Position, opts);

            if (allowArguments)
                var finder = new ExpressionFinder(Tree, new GetExpressionOptions {
                    Calls = true
                if (finder.GetExpression(Index) is CallExpression callExpr &&
                    callExpr.GetArgumentAtIndex(Tree, Index, out _))
                    var argNames = Analysis.GetSignatures(callExpr.Target, Position)
                                   .SelectMany(o => o.Parameters).Select(p => p?.Name)
                                   .Where(n => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n))
                                   .Except(callExpr.Args.MaybeEnumerate().Select(a => a.Name).Where(n => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)))
                                   .Select(n => new MemberResult($"{n}=", PythonMemberType.NamedArgument));

                    argNames = argNames.MaybeEnumerate().ToArray();
                    _log.TraceMessage($"Including {argNames.Count()} named arguments");

                    members = members?.Concat(argNames) ?? argNames;

            return(members.Select(ToCompletionItem).Where(c => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.insertText)));
        public async Task <IEnumerable <CodeAction> > GetCodeActionsAsync(IDocumentAnalysis analysis, CodeActionSettings settings, DiagnosticsEntry diagnostic, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!settings.GetQuickFixOption("addimports", true))
                return(Enumerable.Empty <CodeAction>());

            var finder = new ExpressionFinder(analysis.Ast, new FindExpressionOptions()
                Names = true
            var node = finder.GetExpression(diagnostic.SourceSpan);

            if (!(node is NameExpression nex))
                return(Enumerable.Empty <CodeAction>());

            var identifier = nex.Name;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier))
                return(Enumerable.Empty <CodeAction>());

            var codeActions = new List <CodeAction>();
            var diagnostics = new[] { diagnostic.ToDiagnostic() };

            // see whether it is one of abbreviation we specialize
            foreach (var moduleFullName in WellKnownAbbreviationMap.Where(kv => kv.Value == identifier).Select(kv => kv.Key))
                var moduleName = GetModuleName(moduleFullName);

                await GetCodeActionsAsync(analysis, diagnostics, new Input(node, moduleName, moduleFullName), codeActions, cancellationToken);

            // add then search given name as it is
            await GetCodeActionsAsync(analysis, diagnostics, new Input(node, identifier), codeActions, cancellationToken);


            string GetModuleName(string moduleFullName)
                var index = moduleFullName.LastIndexOf(".");

                return(index < 0 ? moduleFullName : moduleFullName.Substring(index + 1));
Beispiel #4
        public override async Task <Hover> Hover(TextDocumentPositionParams @params)
            await _analyzerCreationTask;

            await IfTestWaitForAnalysisCompleteAsync();

            var uri = @params.textDocument.uri;

            _projectFiles.GetAnalysis(@params.textDocument, @params.position, @params._version, out var entry, out var tree);

            TraceMessage($"Hover in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            var analysis = entry?.Analysis;

            if (analysis == null)
                TraceMessage($"No analysis found for {uri}");

            tree = GetParseTree(entry, uri, CancellationToken, out var version) ?? tree;

            var index = tree.LocationToIndex(@params.position);
            var w     = new ImportedModuleNameWalker(entry.ModuleName, index);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.ImportedName) &&
                _analyzer.Modules.TryImport(w.ImportedName, out var modRef))
                var doc = _displayTextBuilder.GetModuleDocumentation(modRef);
                return(new Hover {
                    contents = doc

            Expression expr;

            Analyzer.InterpreterScope scope = null;

            var finder = new ExpressionFinder(tree, GetExpressionOptions.Hover);

            expr     = finder.GetExpression(@params.position) as Expression;
            exprSpan = expr?.GetSpan(tree);

            if (expr == null)
                TraceMessage($"No hover info found in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            TraceMessage($"Getting hover for {expr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional)}");
            var values = analysis.GetValues(expr, @params.position, scope).ToList();

            string originalExpr;

            if (expr is ConstantExpression || expr is ErrorExpression)
                originalExpr = null;
                originalExpr = @params._expr?.Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalExpr))
                    originalExpr = expr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional);

            var names = values.Select(GetFullTypeName).Where(n => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)).Distinct().ToArray();

            var res = new Hover {
                contents = GetMarkupContent(
                    _displayTextBuilder.GetDocumentation(values, originalExpr),
                range      = exprSpan,
                _version   = version,
                _typeNames = names

Beispiel #5
        public override async Task <SignatureHelp> SignatureHelp(TextDocumentPositionParams @params)
            var uri = @params.textDocument.uri;

            ProjectFiles.GetAnalysis(@params.textDocument, @params.position, @params._version, out var entry, out var tree);

            TraceMessage($"Signatures in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            var analysis = entry != null ? await entry.GetAnalysisAsync(waitingTimeout : 50) : null;

            if (analysis == null)
                TraceMessage($"No analysis found for {uri}");
                return(new SignatureHelp());

            IEnumerable <IOverloadResult> overloads;
            int activeSignature = -1, activeParameter = -1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@params._expr))
                TraceMessage($"Getting signatures for {@params._expr}");
                overloads = analysis.GetSignatures(@params._expr, @params.position);
                var finder = new ExpressionFinder(tree, new GetExpressionOptions {
                    Calls = true
                var index = tree.LocationToIndex(@params.position);
                if (finder.GetExpression(@params.position) is CallExpression callExpr)
                    TraceMessage($"Getting signatures for {callExpr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional)}");
                    overloads       = analysis.GetSignatures(callExpr.Target, @params.position);
                    activeParameter = -1;
                    if (callExpr.GetArgumentAtIndex(tree, index, out activeParameter) && activeParameter < 0)
                        // Returned 'true' and activeParameter == -1 means that we are after
                        // the trailing comma, so assume partially typed expression such as 'pow(x, y, |)
                        activeParameter = callExpr.Args.Count;
                    TraceMessage($"No signatures found in {uri} at {@params.position}");
                    return(new SignatureHelp());

            var sigs = overloads.Select(ToSignatureInformation).ToArray();

            if (activeParameter >= 0 && activeSignature < 0)
                // TODO: Better selection of active signature
                activeSignature = sigs
                                  .Select((s, i) => Tuple.Create(s, i))
                                  .OrderBy(t => t.Item1.parameters.Length)
                                  .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Item1.parameters.Length > activeParameter)
                                  ?.Item2 ?? -1;

            activeSignature = activeSignature >= 0
                ? activeSignature
                : (sigs.Length > 0 ? 0 : -1);

            return(new SignatureHelp {
                signatures = sigs,
                activeSignature = activeSignature,
                activeParameter = activeParameter
Beispiel #6
        public static CompletionResult GetCompletions(Node statement, ScopeStatement scopeStatement, CompletionContext context)
            SourceSpan?applicableSpan = null;
            var        eval           = context.Analysis.ExpressionEvaluator;

            var options = GetOptions(statement, context.Position, out var span);

            if (span.HasValue)
                applicableSpan = new SourceSpan(context.IndexToLocation(span.Value.Start), context.IndexToLocation(span.Value.End));

            var scope = context.Analysis.FindScope(context.Location);
            IEnumerable <CompletionItem> items;

            using (eval.OpenScope(scope)) {
                // Get variables declared in the module.
                var variables = eval.CurrentScope.EnumerateTowardsGlobal.SelectMany(s => s.Variables).ToArray();
                items = variables.Select(v => context.ItemSource.CreateCompletionItem(v.Name, v)).ToArray();

            // Get builtins
            var builtins     = context.Analysis.Document.Interpreter.ModuleResolution.BuiltinsModule;
            var builtinItems = builtins.GetMemberNames()
                               .Select(n => {
                var m = builtins.GetMember(n);
                if ((options & CompletionListOptions.ExceptionsOnly) == CompletionListOptions.ExceptionsOnly && !IsExceptionType(m.GetPythonType()))
                return(context.ItemSource.CreateCompletionItem(n, m));

            items = items.Concat(builtinItems);

            // Add possible function arguments.
            var finder = new ExpressionFinder(context.Ast, new FindExpressionOptions {
                Calls = true

            if (finder.GetExpression(context.Position) is CallExpression callExpr && callExpr.GetArgumentAtIndex(context.Ast, context.Position, out _))
                var value = eval.GetValueFromExpression(callExpr.Target);
                if (value?.GetPythonType() is IPythonFunctionType ft)
                    var arguments = ft.Overloads.SelectMany(o => o.Parameters).Select(p => p?.Name)
                                    .Where(n => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n))
                                    .Except(callExpr.Args.MaybeEnumerate().Select(a => a.Name).Where(n => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)))
                                    .Select(n => CompletionItemSource.CreateCompletionItem($"{n}=", CompletionItemKind.Variable))

                    items = items.Concat(arguments).ToArray();

            var keywords = GetKeywordItems(context, options, scopeStatement);

            items = items.Concat(keywords);

            return(new CompletionResult(items, applicableSpan));
Beispiel #7
        internal async Task <Reference[]> FindReferences(ReferencesParams @params, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var uri = @params.textDocument.uri;

            ProjectFiles.GetAnalysis(@params.textDocument, @params.position, @params._version, out var entry, out var tree);

            TraceMessage($"References in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            var analysis = entry != null ? await entry.GetAnalysisAsync(50, cancellationToken) : null;

            if (analysis == null)
                TraceMessage($"No analysis found for {uri}");
                return(Array.Empty <Reference>());

            tree = GetParseTree(entry, uri, cancellationToken, out var version);
            var extras = new List <Reference>();

            if (@params.context?.includeDeclaration ?? false)
                var index = tree.LocationToIndex(@params.position);
                var w     = new ImportedModuleNameWalker(entry, index, tree);

                if (w.ImportedType != null)
                    @params._expr = w.ImportedType.Name;
                    foreach (var n in w.ImportedModules)
                        if (Analyzer.Modules.TryGetImportedModule(n.Name, out var modRef) && modRef.AnalysisModule != null)
                            // Return a module reference
                                            .Select(l => new Reference {
                                uri      = l.DocumentUri,
                                range    = l.Span,
                                _version = version?.Version,
                                _kind    = ReferenceKind.Definition

            IEnumerable <IAnalysisVariable> result;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@params._expr))
                TraceMessage($"Getting references for {@params._expr}");
                result = analysis.GetVariables(@params._expr, @params.position);
                var finder = new ExpressionFinder(tree, GetExpressionOptions.FindDefinition);
                if (finder.GetExpression(@params.position) is Expression expr)
                    TraceMessage($"Getting references for {expr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional)}");
                    result = analysis.GetVariables(expr, @params.position);
                    TraceMessage($"No references found in {uri} at {@params.position}");
                    result = Enumerable.Empty <IAnalysisVariable>();

            var filtered = result.Where(v => v.Type != VariableType.None);

            if (!(@params.context?.includeDeclaration ?? false))
                filtered = filtered.Where(v => v.Type != VariableType.Definition);
            if (!(@params.context?._includeValues ?? false))
                filtered = filtered.Where(v => v.Type != VariableType.Value);

            var res = filtered.Select(v => new Reference {
                uri      = v.Location.DocumentUri,
                range    = v.Location.Span,
                _kind    = ToReferenceKind(v.Type),
                _version = version?.Version
                      .GroupBy(r => r, ReferenceComparer.Instance)
                      .Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(r => (SourceLocation)r.range.end).ThenBy(r => (int?)r._kind ?? int.MaxValue).First())

Beispiel #8
        internal Task <Hover> Hover(TextDocumentPositionParams @params, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var uri = @params.textDocument.uri;

            ProjectFiles.GetAnalysis(@params.textDocument, @params.position, @params._version, out var entry, out var tree);

            TraceMessage($"Hover in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            var analysis = entry?.Analysis;

            if (analysis == null)
                TraceMessage($"No analysis found for {uri}");

            tree = GetParseTree(entry, uri, cancellationToken, out var version) ?? tree;

            Expression expr;

            Analyzer.InterpreterScope scope = null;

            var finder = new ExpressionFinder(tree, GetExpressionOptions.Hover);

            expr     = finder.GetExpression(@params.position) as Expression;
            exprSpan = expr?.GetSpan(tree);

            if (expr == null)
                TraceMessage($"No hover info found in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            TraceMessage($"Getting hover for {expr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional)}");

            // First try values from expression. This works for the import statement most of the time.
            var values = analysis.GetValues(expr, @params.position, scope).ToList();

            if (values.Count == 0)
                // See if this is hover over import statement
                var index = tree.LocationToIndex(@params.position);
                var w     = new ImportedModuleNameWalker(entry, index, tree);

                if (w.ImportedType != null)
                    values = analysis.GetValues(w.ImportedType.Name, @params.position).ToList();
                    var sb   = new StringBuilder();
                    var span = SourceSpan.Invalid;
                    foreach (var n in w.ImportedModules)
                        if (Analyzer.Modules.TryGetImportedModule(n.Name, out var modRef) && modRef.AnalysisModule != null)
                            if (sb.Length > 0)
                            span = span.IsValid ? span.Union(n.SourceSpan) : n.SourceSpan;
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        return(Task.FromResult(new Hover {
                            contents = sb.ToString(),
                            range = span

            if (values.Count > 0)
                string originalExpr;
                if (expr is ConstantExpression || expr is ErrorExpression)
                    originalExpr = null;
                    originalExpr = @params._expr?.Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalExpr))
                        originalExpr = expr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional);

                var names = values.Select(GetFullTypeName).Where(n => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)).Distinct().ToArray();
                var res   = new Hover {
                    contents = GetMarkupContent(
                        _displayTextBuilder.GetDocumentation(values, originalExpr),
                    range      = exprSpan,
                    _version   = version?.Version,
                    _typeNames = names

        public override async Task <Reference[]> FindReferences(ReferencesParams @params, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            await WaitForCompleteAnalysisAsync(cancellationToken);

            var uri = @params.textDocument.uri;

            ProjectFiles.GetEntry(@params.textDocument, @params._version, out var entry, out var tree);

            TraceMessage($"References in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            var analysis = entry != null ? await entry.GetAnalysisAsync(50, cancellationToken) : null;

            if (analysis == null)
                TraceMessage($"No analysis found for {uri}");
                return(Array.Empty <Reference>());

            tree = GetParseTree(entry, uri, cancellationToken, out var version);
            var modRefs = GetModuleReferences(entry, tree, version, @params);

            IEnumerable <IAnalysisVariable> result;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@params._expr))
                TraceMessage($"Getting references for {@params._expr}");
                result = analysis.GetVariables(@params._expr, @params.position);
                var finder = new ExpressionFinder(tree, GetExpressionOptions.FindDefinition);
                if (finder.GetExpression(@params.position) is Expression expr)
                    TraceMessage($"Getting references for {expr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional)}");
                    result = analysis.GetVariables(expr, @params.position);
                    TraceMessage($"No references found in {uri} at {@params.position}");
                    result = Enumerable.Empty <IAnalysisVariable>();

            var filtered = result.Where(v => v.Type != VariableType.None);

            if (!(@params.context?.includeDeclaration ?? false))
                filtered = filtered.Where(v => v.Type != VariableType.Definition);
            if (!(@params.context?._includeValues ?? false))
                filtered = filtered.Where(v => v.Type != VariableType.Value);

            var res = filtered.Select(v => new Reference {
                uri      = v.Location.DocumentUri,
                range    = v.Location.Span,
                _kind    = ToReferenceKind(v.Type),
                _version = version?.Version
                      .GroupBy(r => r, ReferenceComparer.Instance)
                      .Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(r => (SourceLocation)r.range.end).ThenBy(r => (int?)r._kind ?? int.MaxValue).First())

        public override async Task <Hover> Hover(TextDocumentPositionParams @params, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var uri = @params.textDocument.uri;

            ProjectFiles.GetEntry(@params.textDocument, @params._version, out var entry, out var tree);

            TraceMessage($"Hover in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            var analysis = entry != null ? await entry.GetAnalysisAsync(50, cancellationToken) : null;

            if (analysis == null)
                TraceMessage($"No analysis found for {uri}");

            tree = GetParseTree(entry, uri, cancellationToken, out var version) ?? tree;

            Expression expr;

            var finder = new ExpressionFinder(tree, GetExpressionOptions.Hover);

            expr     = finder.GetExpression(@params.position) as Expression;
            exprSpan = expr?.GetSpan(tree);

            if (expr == null)
                TraceMessage($"No hover info found in {uri} at {@params.position}");

            TraceMessage($"Getting hover for {expr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional)}");

            var hover = await GetSelfHoverAsync(expr, analysis, tree, @params.position, cancellationToken);

            if (hover != null && hover != EmptyHover)

            // First try values from expression. This works for the import statement most of the time.
            var values = analysis.GetValues(expr, @params.position, null).ToList();

            if (values.Count == 0)
                values = GetImportHover(entry, analysis, tree, @params.position, out hover).ToList();
                if (hover != null)

            if (values.Count > 0)
                string originalExpr;
                if (expr is ConstantExpression || expr is ErrorExpression)
                    originalExpr = null;
                    originalExpr = @params._expr?.Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalExpr))
                        originalExpr = expr.ToCodeString(tree, CodeFormattingOptions.Traditional);

                var names = values.Select(GetFullTypeName).Where(n => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)).Distinct().ToArray();
                var res   = new Hover {
                    contents = GetMarkupContent(
                        _displayTextBuilder.GetDocumentation(values, originalExpr),
                    range      = exprSpan,
                    _version   = version?.Version,
                    _typeNames = names
