Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.expression = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "expression");
            this.variable   = new StringAttribute(Input, "variable");
            public virtual void SetTable(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlTable table, MethodCallExpression methodCall, Func <Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter)
                table.SqlTableType = SqlTableType.Function;
                table.Name         = Name ?? methodCall.Method.Name;
                table.PhysicalName = Name ?? methodCall.Method.Name;

                var expressionStr = table.Name;

                ExpressionAttribute.PrepareParameterValues(methodCall, ref expressionStr, false, out var knownExpressions, out var genericTypes);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expressionStr))
                    throw new LinqToDBException($"Cannot retrieve Table Function body from expression '{methodCall}'.");

                // Add two fake expressions, TableName and Alias
                knownExpressions.Insert(0, null);
                knownExpressions.Insert(0, null);

                table.TableArguments = ExpressionAttribute.PrepareArguments(expressionStr !, ArgIndices, addDefault: true, knownExpressions, genericTypes, converter).Skip(2).ToArray();

                if (Schema != null)
                    table.Schema = Schema;
                if (Database != null)
                    table.Database = Database;
                if (Server != null)
                    table.Server = Server;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.expression = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "expression");
            this.testAfter  = new BooleanAttribute(Input, "testAfter");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.from     = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "from");
         = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "to");
            this.step     = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "step");
            this.variable = new StringAttribute(Input, "variable");
Beispiel #5
        static bool ExpressionProperty(FieldInfo p_fieldInfo, Object p_object, GUIContent p_name, IReferencable p_reference)
            ExpressionAttribute expressionAttribute = p_fieldInfo.GetAttribute <ExpressionAttribute>();

            if (expressionAttribute == null)

            FieldInfo expressionField    = p_object.GetType().GetField(expressionAttribute.expression);
            FieldInfo useExpressionField = p_object.GetType().GetField(expressionAttribute.useExpression);


            if ((bool)useExpressionField.GetValue(p_object))
                GUI.color = DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.theme.ParameterColor;
                GUILayout.Label(p_name, GUILayout.Width(160));
                HandleReferencing(p_reference, expressionField, true);
                string expression = GUILayout.TextArea((string)expressionField.GetValue(p_object), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
                GUI.color = Color.white;
                expressionField.SetValue(p_object, expression);
                PropertyField(p_fieldInfo, p_object, p_reference, p_fieldInfo);

            bool useExpression = (bool)useExpressionField.GetValue(p_object);

            GUI.color = useExpression ? DashEditorCore.EditorConfig.theme.ParameterColor : Color.gray;
            if (GUILayout.Button(IconManager.GetIcon("Settings_Icon"), GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Height(16), GUILayout.MaxWidth(16)))
                useExpressionField.SetValue(p_object, !useExpression);
            GUI.color = Color.white;



            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.width           = new LengthAttribute(Input, "width");
            this.height          = new LengthAttribute(Input, "height");
            this.maxWidth        = new LengthAttribute(Input, "maxWidth");
            this.maxHeight       = new LengthAttribute(Input, "maxHeight");
            this.minWidth        = new LengthAttribute(Input, "minWidth");
            this.minHeight       = new LengthAttribute(Input, "minHeight");
            this.keepAspectRatio = new BooleanAttribute(Input, "keepAspectRatio");
            this.overflow        = new EnumAttribute <Overflow>(Input, "overflow");
            this.onClick         = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "onClick");
Beispiel #7
            public virtual void SetTable <TContext>(TContext context, ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlTable table, MethodCallExpression methodCall, Func <TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter)
                table.SqlTableType = SqlTableType.Function;
                var expressionStr = table.Expression = Name ?? methodCall.Method.Name !;

                ExpressionAttribute.PrepareParameterValues(methodCall, ref expressionStr, false, out var knownExpressions, false, out var genericTypes);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expressionStr))
                    throw new LinqToDBException($"Cannot retrieve Table Function body from expression '{methodCall}'.");

                table.TableName = new SqlObjectName(
                    expressionStr !,
                    Schema: Schema ?? table.TableName.Schema,
                    Database: Database ?? table.TableName.Database,
                    Server: Server ?? table.TableName.Server,
                    Package: Package ?? table.TableName.Package);

                table.TableArguments = ExpressionAttribute.PrepareArguments(context, string.Empty, ArgIndices, true, knownExpressions, genericTypes, converter);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.condition = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "condition");

            foreach (XmlNode Node in Input.ChildNodes)
                if (Node is XmlElement E)
                    ILayoutElement Child = this.Document.CreateElement(E, this);
                    if (Child is True True)
                        if (this.ifTrue is null)
                            this.ifTrue = True;
                            throw new LayoutSyntaxException("If statement already has a True statement.");
                    else if (Child is False False)
                        if (this.ifFalse is null)
                            this.ifFalse = False;
                            throw new LayoutSyntaxException("If statement already has a False statement.");
                        throw new LayoutSyntaxException("Unrecognized child element in If statement: " + E.NamespaceURI + "#" + E.LocalName);
Beispiel #9
    private static Dictionary <string, Type> GetValidExpressionTypes(Type requiredExpressionValueType)
        if (!_expressionTypeByEvaluationTypeCache.ContainsKey(requiredExpressionValueType))
            Dictionary <string, Type> expressionTypes = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Expression)).GetTypes().Where(
                (t) =>
                if (!typeof(Expression).IsAssignableFrom(t) || t.IsAbstract)

                ExpressionAttribute[] expressionAttributes = (ExpressionAttribute[])t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExpressionAttribute), false);
                if (expressionAttributes.Length != 0)
                    ExpressionAttribute expressionAttribute = expressionAttributes[0];
                    if (expressionAttribute.IsDynamicType)
            }).ToDictionary((t) => t.Name);
            expressionTypes.Add("-", null);
            _expressionTypeByEvaluationTypeCache.Add(requiredExpressionValueType, expressionTypes);

Beispiel #10
        public void Initialize()
            if (isInitialized)

            lock (this.initializeLock)
                Dictionary <string, FieldInfo>    rowFields;
                Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> rowProperties;
                GetRowFieldsAndProperties(out rowFields, out rowProperties);

                foreach (var fieldInfo in this.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
                    if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Field)))
                        var field = (Field)fieldInfo.GetValue(this);

                        PropertyInfo property;
                        if (!rowProperties.TryGetValue(fieldInfo.Name, out property))
                            property = null;

                        ColumnAttribute         column       = null;
                        DisplayNameAttribute    display      = null;
                        SizeAttribute           size         = null;
                        ExpressionAttribute     expression   = null;
                        ScaleAttribute          scale        = null;
                        MinSelectLevelAttribute selectLevel  = null;
                        ForeignKeyAttribute     foreignKey   = null;
                        LeftJoinAttribute       foreignJoin  = null;
                        DefaultValueAttribute   defaultValue = null;
                        TextualFieldAttribute   textualField = null;
                        DateTimeKindAttribute   dateTimeKind = null;

                        FieldFlags addFlags    = (FieldFlags)0;
                        FieldFlags removeFlags = (FieldFlags)0;

                        if (property != null)
                            column       = property.GetCustomAttribute <ColumnAttribute>(false);
                            display      = property.GetCustomAttribute <DisplayNameAttribute>(false);
                            size         = property.GetCustomAttribute <SizeAttribute>(false);
                            expression   = property.GetCustomAttribute <ExpressionAttribute>(false);
                            scale        = property.GetCustomAttribute <ScaleAttribute>(false);
                            selectLevel  = property.GetCustomAttribute <MinSelectLevelAttribute>(false);
                            foreignKey   = property.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKeyAttribute>(false);
                            foreignJoin  = property.GetCustomAttributes <LeftJoinAttribute>(false).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToTable == null && x.OnCriteria == null);
                            defaultValue = property.GetCustomAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>(false);
                            textualField = property.GetCustomAttribute <TextualFieldAttribute>(false);
                            dateTimeKind = property.GetCustomAttribute <DateTimeKindAttribute>(false);

                            var insertable = property.GetCustomAttribute <InsertableAttribute>(false);
                            var updatable  = property.GetCustomAttribute <UpdatableAttribute>(false);

                            if (insertable != null && !insertable.Value)
                                removeFlags |= FieldFlags.Insertable;

                            if (updatable != null && !updatable.Value)
                                removeFlags |= FieldFlags.Updatable;

                            foreach (var attr in property.GetCustomAttributes <SetFieldFlagsAttribute>(false))
                                addFlags    |= attr.Add;
                                removeFlags |= attr.Remove;

                        if (ReferenceEquals(null, field))
                            if (property == null)
                                throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format(
                                                                      "Field {0} in type {1} is null and has no corresponding property in entity!",
                                                                      fieldInfo.Name, rowType.Name));

                            object[] prm = new object[7];
                            prm[0] = this; // owner
                            prm[1] = column == null ? property.Name : (column.Name.TrimToNull() ?? property.Name);
                            prm[2] = display != null ? new LocalText(display.DisplayName) : null;
                            prm[3] = size != null ? size.Value : 0;
                            prm[4] = (FieldFlags.Default ^ removeFlags) | addFlags;
                            prm[5] = null;
                            prm[6] = null;

                            FieldInfo storage;
                            if (rowFields.TryGetValue("_" + property.Name, out storage) ||
                                rowFields.TryGetValue("m_" + property.Name, out storage) ||
                                rowFields.TryGetValue(property.Name, out storage))
                                prm[5] = CreateFieldGetMethod(storage);
                                prm[6] = CreateFieldSetMethod(storage);

                            field = (Field)Activator.CreateInstance(fieldInfo.FieldType, prm);
                            fieldInfo.SetValue(this, field);
                            if (size != null)
                                throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format(
                                                                      "Field size '{0}' in type {1} can't be overridden by Size attribute!",
                                                                      fieldInfo.Name, rowType.Name));

                            if (display != null)
                                field.Caption = new LocalText(display.DisplayName);

                            if ((int)addFlags != 0 || (int)removeFlags != 0)
                                field.Flags = (field.Flags ^ removeFlags) | addFlags;

                            if (column != null && String.Compare(column.Name, field.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                                throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format(
                                                                      "Field name '{0}' in type {1} can't be overridden by Column name attribute!",
                                                                      fieldInfo.Name, rowType.Name));

                        if (scale != null)
                            field.Scale = scale.Value;

                        if (defaultValue != null)
                            field.DefaultValue = defaultValue.Value;

                        if (selectLevel != null)
                            field.MinSelectLevel = selectLevel.Value;

                        if (expression != null)
                            field.Expression = expression.Value;

                        if (foreignKey != null)
                            field.ForeignTable = foreignKey.Table;
                            field.ForeignField = foreignKey.Field;

                        if (foreignJoin != null)
                            field.ForeignJoinAlias = new LeftJoin(this.joins, field.ForeignTable, foreignJoin.Alias,
                                                                  new Criteria(foreignJoin.Alias, field.ForeignField) == new Criteria(field));

                        if (textualField != null)
                            field.textualField = textualField.Value;

                        if (dateTimeKind != null && field is DateTimeField)
                            ((DateTimeField)field).DateTimeKind = dateTimeKind.Value;

                        if (property != null)
                            if (property.PropertyType != null &&
                                field is IEnumTypeField)
                                if (property.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                                    (field as IEnumTypeField).EnumType = property.PropertyType;
                                    var nullableType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType);
                                    if (nullableType != null && nullableType.IsEnum)
                                        (field as IEnumTypeField).EnumType = nullableType;

                            foreach (var attr in property.GetCustomAttributes <LeftJoinAttribute>())
                                if (attr.ToTable != null && attr.OnCriteria != null)
                                    new LeftJoin(this.joins, attr.ToTable, attr.Alias,
                                                 new Criteria(attr.Alias, attr.OnCriteria) == new Criteria(field));

                            field.PropertyName = property.Name;
                            this.byPropertyName[field.PropertyName] = field;

                            field.CustomAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(false);

                foreach (var attr in this.rowType.GetCustomAttributes <LeftJoinAttribute>())
                    new LeftJoin(this.joins, attr.ToTable, attr.Alias, new Criteria(attr.OnCriteria));

                foreach (var attr in this.rowType.GetCustomAttributes <OuterApplyAttribute>())
                    new OuterApply(this.joins, attr.InnerQuery, attr.Alias);

                var propertyDescriptorArray = new PropertyDescriptor[this.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
                    var field = this[i];
                    propertyDescriptorArray[i] = new FieldDescriptor(field);

                this.propertyDescriptors = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propertyDescriptorArray);


            isInitialized = true;
Beispiel #11
        public void Initialize()
            if (isInitialized)

            lock (this.initializeLock)
                Dictionary <string, FieldInfo>     rowFields;
                Dictionary <string, IPropertyInfo> rowProperties;
                GetRowFieldsAndProperties(out rowFields, out rowProperties);

                var expressionSelector  = new DialectExpressionSelector(connectionKey);
                var rowCustomAttributes = this.rowType.GetCustomAttributes().ToList();

                foreach (var fieldInfo in this.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
                    if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Field)))
                        var field = (Field)fieldInfo.GetValue(this);

                        IPropertyInfo property;
                        if (!rowProperties.TryGetValue(fieldInfo.Name, out property))
                            property = null;

                        ColumnAttribute         column           = null;
                        DisplayNameAttribute    display          = null;
                        SizeAttribute           size             = null;
                        ExpressionAttribute     expression       = null;
                        ScaleAttribute          scale            = null;
                        MinSelectLevelAttribute selectLevel      = null;
                        ForeignKeyAttribute     foreignKey       = null;
                        LeftJoinAttribute       leftJoin         = null;
                        InnerJoinAttribute      innerJoin        = null;
                        DefaultValueAttribute   defaultValue     = null;
                        TextualFieldAttribute   textualField     = null;
                        DateTimeKindAttribute   dateTimeKind     = null;
                        PermissionAttributeBase readPermission   = null;
                        PermissionAttributeBase insertPermission = null;
                        PermissionAttributeBase updatePermission = null;

                        FieldFlags addFlags    = (FieldFlags)0;
                        FieldFlags removeFlags = (FieldFlags)0;

                        OriginPropertyDictionary propertyDictionary = null;

                        if (property != null)
                            var origin = property.GetAttribute <OriginAttribute>();

                            column  = property.GetAttribute <ColumnAttribute>();
                            display = property.GetAttribute <DisplayNameAttribute>();
                            size    = property.GetAttribute <SizeAttribute>();

                            var expressions = property.GetAttributes <ExpressionAttribute>();
                            if (expressions.Any())
                                expression = expressionSelector.GetBestMatch(expressions, x => x.Dialect);

                            scale       = property.GetAttribute <ScaleAttribute>();
                            selectLevel = property.GetAttribute <MinSelectLevelAttribute>();
                            foreignKey  = property.GetAttribute <ForeignKeyAttribute>();
                            leftJoin    = property.GetAttributes <LeftJoinAttribute>()
                                          .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToTable == null && x.OnCriteria == null);
                            innerJoin = property.GetAttributes <InnerJoinAttribute>()
                                        .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToTable == null && x.OnCriteria == null);
                            defaultValue     = property.GetAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>();
                            textualField     = property.GetAttribute <TextualFieldAttribute>();
                            dateTimeKind     = property.GetAttribute <DateTimeKindAttribute>();
                            readPermission   = property.GetAttribute <ReadPermissionAttribute>();
                            insertPermission = property.GetAttribute <InsertPermissionAttribute>() ??
                                               property.GetAttribute <ModifyPermissionAttribute>() ?? readPermission;
                            updatePermission = property.GetAttribute <UpdatePermissionAttribute>() ??
                                               property.GetAttribute <ModifyPermissionAttribute>() ?? readPermission;

                            if (origin != null)
                                propertyDictionary = propertyDictionary ?? OriginPropertyDictionary.GetPropertyDictionary(this.rowType);
                                    if (!expressions.Any() && expression == null)
                                        expression = new ExpressionAttribute(propertyDictionary.OriginExpression(
                                                                                 property.Name, origin, expressionSelector, "", rowCustomAttributes));

                                    if (display == null)
                                        display = new DisplayNameAttribute(propertyDictionary.OriginDisplayName(property.Name, origin));

                                    if (size == null)
                                        size = propertyDictionary.OriginAttribute <SizeAttribute>(property.Name, origin);

                                    if (scale == null)
                                        scale = propertyDictionary.OriginAttribute <ScaleAttribute>(property.Name, origin);
                                catch (DivideByZeroException)
                                    throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format(
                                                                          "Infinite recursion detected while determining origins " +
                                                                          "for property '{0}' on row type '{1}'",
                                                                          property.Name, rowType.FullName));

                            var insertable = property.GetAttribute <InsertableAttribute>();
                            var updatable  = property.GetAttribute <UpdatableAttribute>();

                            if (insertable != null && !insertable.Value)
                                removeFlags |= FieldFlags.Insertable;

                            if (updatable != null && !updatable.Value)
                                removeFlags |= FieldFlags.Updatable;

                            foreach (var attr in property.GetAttributes <SetFieldFlagsAttribute>())
                                addFlags    |= attr.Add;
                                removeFlags |= attr.Remove;

                        if (ReferenceEquals(null, field))
                            if (property == null)
                                throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format(
                                                                      "Field {0} in type {1} is null and has no corresponding property in entity!",
                                                                      fieldInfo.Name, rowType.Name));

                            object[] prm = new object[7];
                            prm[0] = this; // owner
                            prm[1] = column == null ? property.Name : (column.Name.TrimToNull() ?? property.Name);
                            prm[2] = display != null ? new LocalText(display.DisplayName) : null;
                            prm[3] = size != null ? size.Value : 0;

                            var defaultFlags = FieldFlags.Default;
                            if (fieldInfo.FieldType.GetCustomAttribute <NotMappedAttribute>() != null)
                                defaultFlags |= FieldFlags.NotMapped;

                            prm[4] = (defaultFlags ^ removeFlags) | addFlags;
                            prm[5] = null;
                            prm[6] = null;

                            FieldInfo storage;
                            if (rowFields.TryGetValue("_" + property.Name, out storage) ||
                                rowFields.TryGetValue("m_" + property.Name, out storage) ||
                                rowFields.TryGetValue(property.Name, out storage))
                                prm[5] = CreateFieldGetMethod(storage);
                                prm[6] = CreateFieldSetMethod(storage);

                            field = (Field)Activator.CreateInstance(fieldInfo.FieldType, prm);
                            fieldInfo.SetValue(this, field);
                            if (size != null)
                                throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format(
                                                                      "Field size '{0}' in type {1} can't be overridden by Size attribute!",
                                                                      fieldInfo.Name, rowType.FullName));

                            if (display != null)
                                field.Caption = new LocalText(display.DisplayName);

                            if ((int)addFlags != 0 || (int)removeFlags != 0)
                                field.Flags = (field.Flags ^ removeFlags) | addFlags;

                            if (column != null && String.Compare(column.Name, field.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                                throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format(
                                                                      "Field name '{0}' in type {1} can't be overridden by Column name attribute!",
                                                                      fieldInfo.Name, rowType.FullName));

                        if (scale != null)
                            field.Scale = scale.Value;

                        if (defaultValue != null)
                            field.DefaultValue = defaultValue.Value;

                        if (selectLevel != null)
                            field.MinSelectLevel = selectLevel.Value;

                        if (expression != null)
                            field.Expression = expression.Value;

                        if (foreignKey != null)
                            field.ForeignTable = foreignKey.Table;
                            field.ForeignField = foreignKey.Field;

                        if ((leftJoin != null || innerJoin != null) && field.ForeignTable.IsEmptyOrNull())
                            throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format("Property {0} of row type {1} has a [LeftJoin] or [InnerJoin] attribute " +
                                                                            "but its foreign table is undefined. Make sure it has a valid [ForeignKey] attribute!",
                                                                            fieldInfo.Name, rowType.FullName));

                        if ((leftJoin != null || innerJoin != null) && field.ForeignField.IsEmptyOrNull())
                            throw new InvalidProgramException(String.Format("Property {0} of row type {1} has a [LeftJoin] or [InnerJoin] attribute " +
                                                                            "but its foreign field is undefined. Make sure it has a valid [ForeignKey] attribute!",
                                                                            fieldInfo.Name, rowType.FullName));

                        if (leftJoin != null)
                            field.ForeignJoinAlias = new LeftJoin(this.joins, field.ForeignTable, leftJoin.Alias,
                                                                  new Criteria(leftJoin.Alias, field.ForeignField) == new Criteria(field));

                        if (innerJoin != null)
                            field.ForeignJoinAlias = new InnerJoin(this.joins, field.ForeignTable, innerJoin.Alias,
                                                                   new Criteria(innerJoin.Alias, field.ForeignField) == new Criteria(field));

                        if (textualField != null)
                            field.textualField = textualField.Value;

                        if (dateTimeKind != null && field is DateTimeField)
                            ((DateTimeField)field).DateTimeKind = dateTimeKind.Value;

                        if (readPermission != null)
                            field.readPermission = readPermission.Permission ?? "?";

                        if (insertPermission != null)
                            field.insertPermission = insertPermission.Permission ?? "?";

                        if (updatePermission != null)
                            field.updatePermission = updatePermission.Permission ?? "?";

                        if (property != null)
                            if (property.PropertyType != null &&
                                field is IEnumTypeField)
                                if (property.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                                    (field as IEnumTypeField).EnumType = property.PropertyType;
                                    var nullableType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType);
                                    if (nullableType != null && nullableType.IsEnum)
                                        (field as IEnumTypeField).EnumType = nullableType;

                            foreach (var attr in property.GetAttributes <LeftJoinAttribute>())
                                if (attr.ToTable != null && attr.OnCriteria != null)
                                    new LeftJoin(this.joins, attr.ToTable, attr.Alias,
                                                 new Criteria(attr.Alias, attr.OnCriteria) == new Criteria(field));

                            foreach (var attr in property.GetAttributes <InnerJoinAttribute>())
                                if (attr.ToTable != null && attr.OnCriteria != null)
                                    new InnerJoin(this.joins, attr.ToTable, attr.Alias,
                                                  new Criteria(attr.Alias, attr.OnCriteria) == new Criteria(field));

                            field.PropertyName = property.Name;
                            this.byPropertyName[field.PropertyName] = field;

                            field.customAttributes = property.GetAttributes <Attribute>().ToArray();

                foreach (var attr in rowCustomAttributes.OfType <LeftJoinAttribute>())
                    new LeftJoin(this.joins, attr.ToTable, attr.Alias, new Criteria(attr.OnCriteria));

                foreach (var attr in rowCustomAttributes.OfType <InnerJoinAttribute>())
                    new InnerJoin(this.joins, attr.ToTable, attr.Alias, new Criteria(attr.OnCriteria));

                foreach (var attr in rowCustomAttributes.OfType <OuterApplyAttribute>())
                    new OuterApply(this.joins, attr.InnerQuery, attr.Alias);

                var propertyDescriptorArray = new PropertyDescriptor[this.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
                    var field = this[i];
                    propertyDescriptorArray[i] = new FieldDescriptor(field);

                this.propertyDescriptors = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propertyDescriptorArray);


            isInitialized = true;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the element (including children) with information from its XML definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">XML definition.</param>
        public override void FromXml(XmlElement Input)

            this.condition = new ExpressionAttribute(Input, "condition");