Beispiel #1
        public void Next()
            var mean  = 2.0;
            var count = 100000;

            var values = Enumerable.Range(0, count)
                         .Select(i => ExponentialDistribution.Next(mean))
                         .OrderBy(x => x)

            Console.WriteLine($"Mean of Values: {values.Average()}");

            var largeValues = values.SkipWhile(x => x < mean).ToArray();

            // 1/e
            Console.WriteLine($"Large Count Ratio: {(double)largeValues.Length / count}");
            // 2/e
            Console.WriteLine($"Large Sum Ratio: {largeValues.Sum() / (mean * count)}");

            foreach (var g in values.GroupBy(x => (int)x))
                Console.WriteLine($"{g.Key}: {g.Count()}");
            foreach (var g in values.GroupBy(x => Math.Floor(x * 10) / 10))
                Console.WriteLine($"{g.Key:F1}: {g.Count()}");
Beispiel #2
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        int    N        = 100;          // Number of customers
        double h        = 0.20;         // Percentage ex: 20% of all customers use 80% of the resources(VMs)
        int    totalVMs = 50000;        // Total number of VMs

        double[] weightPercentageArray; // Array to store the percentage of allocation of the resources.

        // Create a Self-Similar Distribution
        SelfSimilarDistribution selfsimilar = new SelfSimilarDistribution(N, h);

        // Function returns how much weight to allocate resources to a given virtual user
        selfsimilar.Samples(out weightPercentageArray);

        Console.WriteLine("Self-Similar Distribution");
        Console.WriteLine("AllocatedVMs %Allocation Iteration: ");

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            long allocatedVMs = (long)Math.Round((weightPercentageArray[i] * totalVMs));

            Console.WriteLine("{0},{1:N3},{2}", allocatedVMs, weightPercentageArray[i] * 100, i);

        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

        // Create an exponential distribution
        double rate = 5; // On average get 5 events per unit of time (ex: 5 per min).
        ExponentialDistribution exponentialDistribution = new ExponentialDistribution(rate);

        Console.WriteLine("Exponential Distribution");

        double[] exponentialArray; // Array to store the exponential random numbers

        exponentialDistribution.Samples(out exponentialArray, N);

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0:N9},{1}", exponentialArray[i] * 60, i); // Multiply by 60 to convert in seconds

        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

        // Another example on how to use the exponentialDistribution function
        // Fire an event at rate of 5 events per minutes
        ConsoleKeyInfo cki;

        Console.WriteLine("Fire an event at rate of 5 events per minutes");
            int exponentialRandom = (int)(exponentialDistribution.Next() * 60000); // Multiply by 60000 to convert in milliseconds

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting {0} milliseconds before firing the next event", exponentialRandom);

            // Wait for thread
            Console.WriteLine("Firing event.");

            Console.WriteLine("Press ESC to stop.");
            cki = Console.ReadKey(true);
        } while (cki.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);