void OnIncomingInstantMessage(GridInstantMessage im)
            if (im.dialog == (byte)InstantMessageDialog.RequestTeleport ||
                im.dialog == (byte)InstantMessageDialog.GodLikeRequestTeleport)
                UUID sessionID = new UUID(im.imSessionID);

                if (!m_PendingLures.Contains(sessionID))
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[HG LURE MODULE]: RequestTeleport sessionID={0}, regionID={1}, message={2}", im.imSessionID, im.RegionID, im.message);
                    m_PendingLures.Add(sessionID, im, 7200000); // 2 hours

                // Forward. We do this, because the IM module explicitly rejects
                // IMs of this type
                if (m_TransferModule != null)
                    m_TransferModule.SendInstantMessage(im, delegate(bool success) { });
            else if (im.dialog == (byte)InstantMessageDialog.RequestLure)
                if (m_TransferModule != null)
                    m_TransferModule.SendInstantMessage(im, delegate(bool success) { });
        public void AddAgentToGroupRole(string RequestingAgentID, string AgentID, UUID GroupID, UUID RoleID, BooleanDelegate d)
            if (d())
                lock (m_Cache)
                    // update the cached role
                    string cacheKey = "role-" + RoleID.ToString();
                    object obj;
                    if (m_Cache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out obj))
                        GroupRolesData r = (GroupRolesData)obj;

                    // add this agent to the list of role members
                    cacheKey = "rolemembers-" + RequestingAgentID.ToString() + "-" + GroupID.ToString();
                    if (m_Cache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out obj))
                            // This may throw an exception, in which case the agentID is not a UUID but a full ID
                            // In that case, let's just remove the whoe things from the cache
                            UUID id = new UUID(AgentID);
                            List <ExtendedGroupRoleMembersData> xx     = (List <ExtendedGroupRoleMembersData>)obj;
                            List <GroupRoleMembersData>         rmlist = xx.ConvertAll <GroupRoleMembersData>(m_ForeignImporter.ConvertGroupRoleMembersData);
                            GroupRoleMembersData rm = new GroupRoleMembersData();
                            rm.MemberID = id;
                            rm.RoleID   = RoleID;

                    // Remove the cached info about this agent's roles
                    // because we don't have enough local info about the new role
                    cacheKey = "roles-" + GroupID.ToString() + "-" + AgentID.ToString();
                    if (m_Cache.Contains(cacheKey))