private void DisplayResult(ExecuteResponse result)
     if (result == null)
         MessageBox.Show("Result is null.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
     else if (result.ExceptionMessage != null)
         MessageBox.Show(result.ExceptionMessage, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
         GridResult.DataSource = result.DataTable;
Beispiel #2
        public async Task Should_Use_The_ProcessResponseProcessor(bool throwOnError, bool processResponseProcessorResult)
            mockCoverageProject.Setup(cp => cp.ProjectName).Returns("TestProject");

            var mockProcesUtil  = mocker.GetMock <IProcessUtil>();
            var executeResponse = new ExecuteResponse();

            mockProcesUtil.Setup(p => p.ExecuteAsync(It.IsAny <ExecuteRequest>()).Result).Returns(executeResponse);
            var mockProcessResponseProcessor = mocker.GetMock <IProcessResponseProcessor>();

            var logTitle = "Coverlet Collector Run (TestProject)";

            mockProcessResponseProcessor.Setup(rp => rp.Process(executeResponse, It.IsAny <Func <int, bool> >(), throwOnError, logTitle, It.IsAny <Action>())).Returns(processResponseProcessorResult);

            Assert.AreEqual(processResponseProcessorResult, await coverletDataCollectorUtil.RunAsync(throwOnError));
Beispiel #3
        public void Should_Log_Response_Output_With_Error_Title_If_Non_Success_ExitCode_And_Throw_Error_False()
            var executeResponse = new ExecuteResponse
                ExitCode = 999,
                Output   = "This will be logged"

            Assert.False(processor.Process(executeResponse, exitCode =>
            }, false, "title", successCallback));

            mocker.Verify <ILogger>(l => l.Log("title Error", "This will be logged"));
Beispiel #4
        public void Should_Log_Response_Output_With_Title_If_Success_ExitCode_And_Call_Callback()
            var executeResponse = new ExecuteResponse
                ExitCode = 0,
                Output   = "This will be logged"

            Assert.True(processor.Process(executeResponse, exitCode =>
            }, true, "title", successCallback));

            mocker.Verify <ILogger>(l => l.Log("title", "This will be logged"));
Beispiel #5
        private ExecuteResponse Execute(int languageId, string source)
            try {
                Socket sender = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                sender.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5557);
                sender.SendTimeout = sender.ReceiveTimeout = TimeLimit + 12000;

                ExecuteResponse response = ExecuteModule.SendRequest(new ExecuteRequest(languageId, source, TimeLimit, MemoryLimit, _inputs), sender);

            catch (Exception) {
        private static ExecuteResponse.Builder GetHeroDigest(ExecuteRequest request)
            var results = new List <OperationResult>();

            foreach (Operation operation in request.OperationsList)
                //var toonDigest = ToonHandle.ParseFrom(operation.RowId.Hash.ToByteArray().Skip(2).ToArray());

                OperationResult.Builder operationResult = OperationResult.CreateBuilder().SetTableId(operation.TableId);
                var value = new EntityId.Builder
                    IdHigh = 0x300016200004433,
                    IdLow  = 2
                             .SetVisualEquipment(new VisualEquipment.Builder().Build())

            ExecuteResponse.Builder builder = ExecuteResponse.CreateBuilder();
            foreach (OperationResult result in results)
        private static object UnhandledPageLoadResponse(
            PrefetchResponse prefetchResponse,
            ExecuteResponse executeResponse,
            TraceHandler traceHandler)
            var response = new PageLoadResponse {
                Trace = traceHandler?.CurrentTrace

            if (prefetchResponse != null)
                prefetchResponse.PageLoad = response;

            executeResponse.PageLoad = response;
Beispiel #8
        public void Should_Throw_Exception_If_Non_Success_ExitCode_And_Throw_Error_True()
            var executeResponse = new ExecuteResponse();

            executeResponse.ExitCode = 999;
            executeResponse.Output   = "This will be exception message";
            var callbackExitCode = 0;

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() =>
                processor.Process(executeResponse, exitCode =>
                    callbackExitCode = exitCode;
                }, true, null, null);
            }, executeResponse.Output);
            Assert.AreEqual(executeResponse.ExitCode, callbackExitCode);
        public override Task <ExecuteResponse> Execute(ExecuteRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
            Console.WriteLine("Execute called.");
            Int64           batchSequenceNumber;
            ExecuteResponse executeResponse = new ExecuteResponse();

            batchSequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
            sequenceNumber += 1;
            long currentTimeMillis = CurrentTimeMillis();

            for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; ++i)
                Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1.PubsubMessage message = new Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1.PubsubMessage
                    Data       = messageData,
                    Attributes =
                        { "sendTime",       currentTimeMillis.ToString()                     },
                        { "clientId",       clientId                                         },
                        { "sequenceNumber", (batchSequenceNumber * batchSize + i).ToString() }
                    task => {
                    Console.WriteLine("Publish handler invoked.");
                    if (!task.IsFaulted)
                        long duration = CurrentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis;
                    Console.WriteLine("Publish handler done.");
            Console.WriteLine("Execute returned.");
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ExecuteResponse ParseInput(ExecuteRequest request)
            ExecuteResponse resp = new ExecuteResponse();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Input))
                List <string> lines = request.Input.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();

                //assumption: 5 lines of input
                //1st line is upper bound of landing area
                // 2nd = deployment position of rover 1
                // 3rd = instructions of rover 1
                // 4th line = deployment position of rover 2
                // 5th line = instructions of rover 2
                if (lines.Any())
                        Plateau p = GetPlateau(lines.First());

                        var splitRoversList = lines.SplitList(2, 1).ToList();

                        for (int i = 0; i < splitRoversList.Count; i++)
                            var deployment = splitRoversList[i][0];
                            var rover      = _roverFactory.GetRover(splitRoversList[i][0]).SetName($"Rover{i}");
                            rover.Execute(p, _parser.Parse(splitRoversList[i][1]));

                            resp.Output += $"{rover.Position.XCoordinate} {rover.Position.YCoordinate} {rover.Orientation}{Environment.NewLine}";
                    catch (ParserException)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ApplicationException($"Unhandled exception encountered with message {ex.Message}", ex);
Beispiel #11
        private static ExecuteResponse ExecuteLoadedAssemblyString(byte[] loadedAssemblyBytes, Activity activity)
            MethodInfo printMethod;

            object loadedInstance;

                // TODO: create new AppDomain for each loaded assembly, to prevent memory leakage
                var loadedAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(loadedAssemblyBytes);
                var loadedType     = loadedAssembly.GetType("__MTDynamicCode");
                if (loadedType == null)
                loadedInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(loadedType);

                printMethod = loadedInstance.GetType().GetMethod("Main");
            catch (Exception e)
                return(new ExecuteResponse {
                    ErrorMessage = e.Message

            var response = new ExecuteResponse();

                printMethod.Invoke(loadedInstance, new object[] { activity, activity.Window });
                var dumpsRaw = loadedInstance.GetType().GetField("___dumps").GetValue(loadedInstance) as IEnumerable;
                response.SetDumpValues(dumpsRaw.Cast <object>().Select(GetDumpObjectFromObject).ToList());
            catch (Exception e)
                var lineNumber = loadedInstance.GetType().GetField("___lastExecutedStatementOffset").GetValue(loadedInstance);
                response.ErrorMessage = String.Format("___EXCEPTION_____At offset: {0}__{1}", lineNumber, e.InnerException.Message);

        public async Task Should_Use_The_ProcessResponseProcessor()
            mockCoverageProject.Setup(cp => cp.ProjectName).Returns("TestProject");
            mockCoverageProject.Setup(cp => cp.CoverageOutputFolder).Returns("");

            var mockProcesUtil  = mocker.GetMock <IProcessUtil>();
            var executeResponse = new ExecuteResponse();
            var ct = CancellationToken.None;

            mockProcesUtil.Setup(p => p.ExecuteAsync(It.IsAny <ExecuteRequest>(), ct).Result).Returns(executeResponse);
            var mockProcessResponseProcessor = mocker.GetMock <IProcessResponseProcessor>();

            var logTitle = "Coverlet Collector Run (TestProject)";

            mockProcessResponseProcessor.Setup(rp => rp.Process(executeResponse, It.IsAny <Func <int, bool> >(), true, logTitle, It.IsAny <Action>()));

            await coverletDataCollectorUtil.RunAsync(ct);

        private static bool HandleMboxRequest(
            PrefetchResponse prefetchResponse,
            ExecuteResponse executeResponse,
            MboxRequest mboxRequest,
            List <Option> consequenceOptions,
            List <Metric> consequenceMetrics,
            TraceHandler traceHandler)
            if (prefetchResponse != null)
                var prefetchMboxResponse =
                    new PrefetchMboxResponse(mboxRequest.Index, mboxRequest.Name, consequenceOptions, consequenceMetrics);
                prefetchResponse.Mboxes ??= new List <PrefetchMboxResponse>();

            if (executeResponse == null)

            var mboxResponse =
                new MboxResponse(mboxRequest.Index, mboxRequest.Name, metrics: consequenceMetrics)
                Options = consequenceOptions?.Select(
                    option =>
                    option.EventToken = null;
                          .Where(option => option.Type != null || option.Content != null || option.ResponseTokens != null)
                Trace = traceHandler?.CurrentTrace,

            executeResponse.Mboxes ??= new List <MboxResponse>();
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// This request is used as a short-hand for create a Statement and fetching the first batch
        /// of results in a single call without any parameter substitution.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <ExecuteResponse> PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(string connectionId, string sql, uint statementId, long maxRowsTotal, int firstFrameMaxSize, RequestOptions options)
            PrepareAndExecuteRequest req = new PrepareAndExecuteRequest
                Sql               = sql,
                ConnectionId      = connectionId,
                StatementId       = statementId,
                MaxRowsTotal      = maxRowsTotal,
                FirstFrameMaxSize = firstFrameMaxSize

            WireMessage msg = new WireMessage
                Name           = Constants.WireMessagePrefix + "PrepareAndExecuteRequest",
                WrappedMessage = req.ToByteString()

            using (Response webResponse = await PostRequestAsync(msg.ToByteArray(), options))
                if (webResponse.WebResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    WireMessage   output = WireMessage.Parser.ParseFrom(webResponse.WebResponse.GetResponseStream());
                    ErrorResponse res    = ErrorResponse.Parser.ParseFrom(output.WrappedMessage);
                    throw new WebException(
                                  "PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync failed! connectionId: {0}, Response code was: {1}, Response body was: {2}",
                    WireMessage     output = WireMessage.Parser.ParseFrom(webResponse.WebResponse.GetResponseStream());
                    ExecuteResponse res    = ExecuteResponse.Parser.ParseFrom(output.WrappedMessage);
	public void refreshChanges()
		new Thread(() =>
			ExecuteResponse gitAdd = executeWithCode("git", "add -A");
			if (gitAdd.exitCode != 0)
				dialogue("git add -A returned exit code " + gitAdd.exitCode, gitAdd.message);
			int changeLengthBefore = changes.Length;
			string status = execute("git", "-c color.status=false status -s");
			status = status.Trim();
			changes = status.Split('\n');
			if (changes.Length == 1 && changes[0] == "")
				changes = new string[] { };

			if (changeLengthBefore == 0 && changes.Length != 0)
				changesFoldedOut = true;
' ' = unmodified

	M = modified

	A = added

	D = deleted

	R = renamed

	C = copied

	U = updated but unmerged*/
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This request is used to execute a PreparedStatement, optionally with values to bind to the parameters in the Statement.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <ExecuteResponse> ExecuteRequestAsync(StatementHandle statementHandle, pbc::RepeatedField <TypedValue> parameterValues, ulong firstFrameMaxSize, bool hasParameterValues, RequestOptions options)
            ExecuteRequest req = new ExecuteRequest
                StatementHandle    = statementHandle,
                ParameterValues    = parameterValues,
                FirstFrameMaxSize  = firstFrameMaxSize,
                HasParameterValues = hasParameterValues

            WireMessage msg = new WireMessage
                Name           = Constants.WireMessagePrefix + "ExecuteRequest",
                WrappedMessage = req.ToByteString()

            using (Response webResponse = await PostRequestAsync(msg.ToByteArray(), options))
                if (webResponse.WebResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    WireMessage   output = WireMessage.Parser.ParseFrom(webResponse.WebResponse.GetResponseStream());
                    ErrorResponse res    = ErrorResponse.Parser.ParseFrom(output.WrappedMessage);
                    throw new WebException(
                                  "ExecuteRequestAsync failed! connectionId: {0}, Response code was: {1}, Response body was: {2}",
                    WireMessage     output = WireMessage.Parser.ParseFrom(webResponse.WebResponse.GetResponseStream());
                    ExecuteResponse res    = ExecuteResponse.Parser.ParseFrom(output.WrappedMessage);
        public async Task <IActionResult> ObtenerCotizacionesBCUAsync([Bind("IDMoneda,Fecha,Cotizacion")] Cotizaciones cotizaciones)
            wsbcucotizacionesin DatosIn = new wsbcucotizacionesin();

            DatosIn.FechaDesde = cotizaciones.Fecha; // new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);  //ViewData["Fecha"];
            DatosIn.FechaHasta = cotizaciones.Fecha;

            short[] misMonedas = new short[1];

            //traigo las monedas, para obtener el código de BCU
            var monedas = await _context.Monedas
                          .SingleOrDefaultAsync(m => m.IDMoneda == cotizaciones.IDMoneda);

            misMonedas[0]  = (short)monedas.CodBCU;
            DatosIn.Moneda = misMonedas;

            wsbcucotizacionesout DatosOut = new wsbcucotizacionesout();

            var miRequest  = new ExecuteRequest(DatosIn);
            var miResponse = new ExecuteResponse();

            wsbcucotizacionesSoapPortClient SoapClient = new wsbcucotizacionesSoapPortClient();
            ExecuteResponse x = await SoapClient.ExecuteAsync(DatosIn);

            var miRespuestaStatusMensaje = x.Salida.respuestastatus.mensaje;
            var miRespuestaStatusCodigo  = x.Salida.respuestastatus.codigoerror;
            var miRespuestaStatus        = x.Salida.respuestastatus.status;


            //ViewData["Cotizacion"] = x.Salida.datoscotizaciones[0].TCC;

            var miAnswer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { tc = x.Salida.datoscotizaciones[0].TCC, status = miRespuestaStatus, error = miRespuestaStatusCodigo, mensaje = miRespuestaStatusMensaje });

	private void checkout(string branch)
		new Thread(() =>
			StringPointer busyLock = new StringPointer("checkout");
			ExecuteResponse checkoutResponse = executeWithCode("git", "checkout " + branch);
			if (checkoutResponse.exitCode == 0)
				dialogue("Could not checkout", checkoutResponse.message);

			mainThreadInvokeQueue += new Invoke(() =>
	private ExecuteResponse executeWithCode(string command, string args)
		Process p = new Process();
		p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
		p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
		p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
		p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
		p.StartInfo.FileName = command;
		p.StartInfo.Arguments = args;

		// To avoid deadlocks, always read the output stream first and then wait.
		string output = "";

		ExecuteResponse executeResponse = new ExecuteResponse();
		output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
		output += p.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
		executeResponse.exitCode = p.ExitCode;
		executeResponse.message = output;

		return executeResponse;
        private static bool HandleResult(
            IDictionary <string, object> consequence,
            OnDeviceDecisioningRule rule,
            RequestDetailsUnion details,
            PrefetchResponse prefetchResponse,
            ExecuteResponse executeResponse,
            IList <Notification> notifications,
            TraceHandler traceHandler,
            string globalMbox = "target-global-mbox")
            if (consequence == null || consequence.Count == 0)

            consequence.TryGetValue(Name, out var nameObject);
            var consequenceName = (string)nameObject;

            consequence.TryGetValue(Options, out var optionsObject);
            var consequenceOptions = (List <Option>)optionsObject;

            consequence.TryGetValue(Metrics, out var metricsObject);
            var consequenceMetrics = GetMetrics(metricsObject);

            if (executeResponse != null)
                var notification = CreateNotification(details, consequenceOptions, globalMbox);
                traceHandler?.AddNotification(rule, notification);

                       _ => HandlePageLoad(prefetchResponse, executeResponse, consequenceOptions, consequenceMetrics, traceHandler),
                       mboxRequest => HandleMboxRequest(prefetchResponse, executeResponse, mboxRequest, consequenceOptions, consequenceMetrics, traceHandler),
                       _ => HandleViewRequest(prefetchResponse, consequenceName, consequenceOptions, consequenceMetrics, traceHandler)));
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the wpsjob recast response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The wpsjob recast response.</returns>
        /// <param name="wpsjob">Wpsjob.</param>
        /// <param name="execResponse">Exec response.</param>
        public static ExecuteResponse GetWpsjobRecastResponse(IfyContext context, WpsJob wpsjob, ExecuteResponse execResponse = null)

            if (wpsjob.Status == WpsJobStatus.COORDINATOR)
                log.DebugFormat("GetWpsjobRecastResponse -- Status is Coordinator");
                var resultUrl = WpsJob.GetResultUrl(execResponse);
                if (resultUrl == null)
                    return(UpdateProcessOutputs(context, execResponse, wpsjob));
                wpsjob.StatusLocation = resultUrl;
                return(CreateExecuteResponseForStagedWpsjob(context, wpsjob, execResponse));

            if (wpsjob.Status != WpsJobStatus.SUCCEEDED)
                log.DebugFormat("GetWpsjobRecastResponse -- Status is not Succeeded");
                return(UpdateProcessOutputs(context, execResponse, wpsjob));

            if (execResponse == null)
                var jobresponse = wpsjob.GetStatusLocationContent();
                if (jobresponse is ExecuteResponse)
                    execResponse = jobresponse as ExecuteResponse;
                    throw new Exception("Error while creating Execute Response of job " + wpsjob.Identifier);

            if (wpsjob.Provider != null && !wpsjob.Provider.StageResults)
                log.DebugFormat("GetWpsjobRecastResponse -- Provider does not allow staging");
                return(UpdateProcessOutputs(context, execResponse, wpsjob));

            if (execResponse.Status.Item is ProcessSucceededType)
                var resultUrl = WpsJob.GetResultUrl(execResponse);
                if (resultUrl == null)
                    return(UpdateProcessOutputs(context, execResponse, wpsjob));
                var url = new Uri(resultUrl);

                System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r;
                System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m;

                string hostname = url.Host;
                string workflow = "", runId = "";
                string recaststatusurl = "", newStatusLocation = "";

                //case url is recast describe url
                if (resultUrl.StartsWith(string.Format("{0}/t2api/describe", recastBaseUrl)))
                    wpsjob.StatusLocation = resultUrl;
                    wpsjob.Status         = WpsJobStatus.STAGED;
                    return(CreateExecuteResponseForStagedWpsjob(context, wpsjob, execResponse));
                    //case old sandboxes
                    r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^\/sbws\/wps\/(?<workflow>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/(?<runid>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/results");
                    m = r.Match(url.AbsolutePath);
                    if (m.Success)
                        workflow = m.Result("${workflow}");
                        runId    = m.Result("${runid}");

                        if (wpsjob.Provider != null && wpsjob.Provider.BaseUrl != null)
                            r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"https?:\/\/ogc-eo-apps-0?[0-9@]");
                            m = r.Match(wpsjob.Provider.BaseUrl);
                            if (m.Success)
                                if (wpsjob.Owner != null)
                                    var username          = wpsjob.Owner.TerradueCloudUsername;
                                    var recastdescribeurl = string.Format("{0}/t2api/describe/{1}/_results/workflows/{2}/run/{3}", recastBaseUrl, username, workflow, runId);
                                    wpsjob.StatusLocation = recastdescribeurl;
                                    wpsjob.Status         = WpsJobStatus.STAGED;
                                    return(CreateExecuteResponseForStagedWpsjob(context, wpsjob, execResponse));

                        recaststatusurl   = GetWpsJobRecastStatusUrl(hostname, workflow, runId);
                        newStatusLocation = GetWpsJobRecastDescribeUrl(hostname, workflow, runId);
                        //case new sandboxes
                        r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^\/sbws\/production\/run\/(?<workflow>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/(?<runid>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/products");
                        m = r.Match(url.AbsolutePath);
                        if (m.Success)
                            workflow          = m.Result("${workflow}");
                            runId             = m.Result("${runid}");
                            recaststatusurl   = GetWpsJobRecastStatusUrl(hostname, workflow, runId);
                            newStatusLocation = GetWpsJobRecastDescribeUrl(hostname, workflow, runId);
                            //case production clusters
                            r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^\/production\/(?<community>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/results\/workflows\/(?<workflow>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/runs\/(?<runid>[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)");
                            m = r.Match(url.AbsolutePath);
                            if (m.Success)
                                workflow = m.Result("${workflow}");
                                runId    = m.Result("${runid}");
                                var community = m.Result("${community}");
                                recaststatusurl   = GetWpsJobRecastStatusUrl(hostname, workflow, runId);
                                newStatusLocation = GetWpsJobRecastDescribeUrl(hostname, workflow, runId);
                                //case direct recast or catalog response
                                if (url.Host == new Uri(recastBaseUrl).Host || CatalogueFactory.IsCatalogUrl(url))
                                    log.DebugFormat("Recasting (DIRECT) job {0} - url = {1}", wpsjob.Identifier, resultUrl);
                                    wpsjob.StatusLocation = resultUrl;
                                    wpsjob.Status         = WpsJobStatus.STAGED;
                                    return(CreateExecuteResponseForStagedWpsjob(context, wpsjob, execResponse));
                                    //cases external providers
                                    var dataGatewaySubstitutions = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <List <DataGatewaySubstitution> >(AppSettings["DataGatewaySubstitutions"]);
                                    if (dataGatewaySubstitutions != null)
                                        foreach (var sub in dataGatewaySubstitutions)
                                            if (url.Host.Equals( && url.AbsolutePath.Contains(sub.oldvalue))
                                                var path = url.AbsolutePath;
                                                path = path.Replace(sub.oldvalue, sub.substitute);
                                                //we assume that result url is pointing to a metadata file
                                                path              = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("/"));
                                                recaststatusurl   = GetWpsJobRecastStatusUrl(path);
                                                newStatusLocation = GetWpsJobRecastDescribeUrl(path);
                                    //none of the above cases
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recaststatusurl))
                                        log.DebugFormat("Recasting job {0} - url = {1} ; the url did not match any case", wpsjob.Identifier, url.AbsolutePath);
                                        return(UpdateProcessOutputs(context, execResponse, wpsjob));

                try {
                    var recaststatus = GetWpsjobRecastStatus(recaststatusurl);
                    //error during recast
                    if (recaststatus.status == statusError)
                        log.ErrorFormat("Recasting job {0} - url = {1} - message = {2}", wpsjob.Identifier, recaststatusurl, recaststatus.message);
                        var exceptionReport = new ExceptionReport {
                            Exception = new List <ExceptionType> {
                                new ExceptionType {
                                    ExceptionText = new List <string> {
                                        "Error while staging data to store --- " + recaststatus.message
                        execResponse.Status = new StatusType {
                            Item = new ProcessFailedType {
                                ExceptionReport = exceptionReport
                            }, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.ProcessFailed, creationTime = wpsjob.CreatedTime

                    //recast is still in progress
                    else if (recaststatus.status == statusInProgress)
                        log.DebugFormat("Recasting STILL IN PROGRESS job {0} - url = {1} - message = {2}", wpsjob.Identifier, recaststatusurl, recaststatus.message);
                        execResponse.Status = new StatusType {
                            Item = new ProcessStartedType {
                                Value = "Process in progress", percentCompleted = "99"
                            }, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.ProcessStarted, creationTime = wpsjob.CreatedTime

                    //recast is completed
                    else if (recaststatus.status == statusCompleted)
                        log.DebugFormat("Recasting job {0} - url = {1} - message = {2}", wpsjob.Identifier, recaststatusurl, recaststatus.message);
                        wpsjob.StatusLocation = newStatusLocation;
                        wpsjob.Status         = WpsJobStatus.STAGED;
                        return(CreateExecuteResponseForStagedWpsjob(context, wpsjob, execResponse));
                }catch (Exception) {
            return(UpdateProcessOutputs(context, execResponse, wpsjob));
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an instance from the execution results of an
        /// <see cref="AnsiblePlayer"/> play operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawResults">The execution results.</param>
        internal AnsiblePlayResults(ExecuteResponse rawResults)
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(rawResults != null, nameof(rawResults));

            RawResults = rawResults;

            if (rawResults.ExitCode != 0 && rawResults.ExitCode != 2)
                // Must be a command line argument or playbook syntax error
                // as opposed to a valid playbook that had one or more failed
                // tasks.

                throw new Exception(rawResults.ErrorText);

            using (var reader = new StringReader(rawResults.OutputText))
                string line;

                // Skip over all lines until we see the first task line.

                for (line = reader.ReadLine(); line != null; line = reader.ReadLine())
                    if (line.StartsWith("TASK [") && line.EndsWith("**********"))

                var sbTask   = new StringBuilder();
                var lastTask = false;

                while (!lastTask)
                    // Capture the current line and any subsequent lines up to but not
                    // including the next task marker or the PLAY RECAP line and then
                    // use this to create the next task result.


                    for (line = reader.ReadLine(); line != null; line = reader.ReadLine())
                        if (line.StartsWith("TASK [") && line.EndsWith("**********"))
                        else if (line.StartsWith("PLAY RECAP **********") && line.EndsWith("**********"))
                            lastTask = true;


                    var taskResult = new AnsibleTaskResult(sbTask.ToString());

                    if (taskResult.HasStatus)

                    if (!lastTask)
                        sbTask.AppendLine(line);    // This is the first line of the next task
Beispiel #23
        public void SimpleTest()
            var            client  = new PhoenixClient(_credentials);
            string         connId  = GenerateRandomConnId();
            RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.GetGatewayDefaultOptions();

            // In gateway mode, url format will be https://<cluster dns name><N>/
            // Requests sent to hbasephoenix0/ will be forwarded to PQS on workernode0
            options.AlternativeEndpoint = "hbasephoenix0/";
            string tableName = "Persons" + connId;
            OpenConnectionResponse  openConnResponse        = null;
            CreateStatementResponse createStatementResponse = null;

                // Opening connection
                pbc::MapField <string, string> info = new pbc::MapField <string, string>();
                openConnResponse = client.OpenConnectionRequestAsync(connId, info, options).Result;
                // Syncing connection
                ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties
                    HasAutoCommit        = true,
                    AutoCommit           = true,
                    HasReadOnly          = true,
                    ReadOnly             = false,
                    TransactionIsolation = 0,
                    Catalog = "",
                    Schema  = "",
                    IsDirty = true
                client.ConnectionSyncRequestAsync(connId, connProperties, options).Wait();

                createStatementResponse = client.CreateStatementRequestAsync(connId, options).Result;
                // Running query 1
                string sql1 = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (LastName varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY,FirstName varchar(255))";
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql1, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();

                // Running query 2
                string sql2 = "UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES ('d1','x1')";
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql2, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();

                // Running query 3
                string          sql3          = "select count(*) from " + tableName;
                ExecuteResponse execResponse3 = client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql3, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Result;
                long            count         = execResponse3.Results[0].FirstFrame.Rows[0].Value[0].ScalarValue.NumberValue;
                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);

                // Running query 4
                string sql4 = "DROP TABLE " + tableName;
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql4, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (createStatementResponse != null)
                    client.CloseStatementRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, options).Wait();
                    createStatementResponse = null;

                if (openConnResponse != null)
                    client.CloseConnectionRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();
                    openConnResponse = null;
Beispiel #24
        public void RowInsertWithArbitraryTimestamp()
            // The table creation time must not be later than the row insert timestamp
            // Otherwise will get table NOT FOUND exception
            // Row insert time must not be later than row query time
            // Otherwise the row will not appear in the resultset
            var            client  = new PhoenixClient(_credentials);
            string         connId  = GenerateRandomConnId();
            RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.GetGatewayDefaultOptions();

            // In gateway mode, url format will be https://<cluster dns name><N>/
            // Requests sent to hbasephoenix0/ will be forwarded to PQS on workernode0
            options.AlternativeEndpoint = "hbasephoenix0/";
            string tableName = "Persons" + connId;
            OpenConnectionResponse  openConnResponse        = null;
            CreateStatementResponse createStatementResponse = null;

                // Opening connection
                // Set table creation time to 0
                long ts = 0;
                pbc::MapField <string, string> info = new pbc::MapField <string, string>();
                info.Add("CurrentSCN", ts.ToString());
                openConnResponse = client.OpenConnectionRequestAsync(connId, info, options).Result;
                // Syncing connection
                ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties
                    HasAutoCommit        = true,
                    AutoCommit           = true,
                    HasReadOnly          = true,
                    ReadOnly             = false,
                    TransactionIsolation = 0,
                    Catalog = "",
                    Schema  = "",
                    IsDirty = true
                client.ConnectionSyncRequestAsync(connId, connProperties, options).Wait();

                createStatementResponse = client.CreateStatementRequestAsync(connId, options).Result;
                // Running query 1
                string sql1 = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (LastName varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY,FirstName varchar(255))";
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql1, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (createStatementResponse != null)
                    client.CloseStatementRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, options).Wait();
                    createStatementResponse = null;

                if (openConnResponse != null)
                    client.CloseConnectionRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();
                    openConnResponse = null;

            // insert row with specified timestamp
                // Opening connection
                long ts = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds;
                pbc::MapField <string, string> info = new pbc::MapField <string, string>();
                info.Add("CurrentSCN", ts.ToString());
                openConnResponse = client.OpenConnectionRequestAsync(connId, info, options).Result;
                // Syncing connection
                ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties
                    HasAutoCommit        = true,
                    AutoCommit           = true,
                    HasReadOnly          = true,
                    ReadOnly             = false,
                    TransactionIsolation = 0,
                    Catalog = "",
                    Schema  = "",
                    IsDirty = true
                client.ConnectionSyncRequestAsync(connId, connProperties, options).Wait();

                createStatementResponse = client.CreateStatementRequestAsync(connId, options).Result;
                // Running query 2
                string sql2 = "UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES ('d1','x1')";
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql2, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (createStatementResponse != null)
                    client.CloseStatementRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, options).Wait();
                    createStatementResponse = null;

                if (openConnResponse != null)
                    client.CloseConnectionRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();
                    openConnResponse = null;

            // query row with specified timestamp
                // Opening connection
                long ts = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds;
                pbc::MapField <string, string> info = new pbc::MapField <string, string>();
                info.Add("CurrentSCN", ts.ToString());
                openConnResponse = client.OpenConnectionRequestAsync(connId, info, options).Result;
                // Syncing connection
                ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties
                    HasAutoCommit        = true,
                    AutoCommit           = true,
                    HasReadOnly          = true,
                    ReadOnly             = false,
                    TransactionIsolation = 0,
                    Catalog = "",
                    Schema  = "",
                    IsDirty = true
                client.ConnectionSyncRequestAsync(connId, connProperties, options).Wait();

                createStatementResponse = client.CreateStatementRequestAsync(connId, options).Result;

                // Running query 3
                string          sql3          = "select count(*) from " + tableName;
                ExecuteResponse execResponse3 = client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql3, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Result;
                long            count         = execResponse3.Results[0].FirstFrame.Rows[0].Value[0].ScalarValue.NumberValue;
                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);

                // Running query 4
                string sql4 = "DROP TABLE " + tableName;
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql4, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (createStatementResponse != null)
                    client.CloseStatementRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, options).Wait();
                    createStatementResponse = null;

                if (openConnResponse != null)
                    client.CloseConnectionRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();
                    openConnResponse = null;
Beispiel #25
        public void ManyRowBatchInsertTest()
            var            client  = new PhoenixClient(_credentials);
            string         connId  = GenerateRandomConnId();
            RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.GetGatewayDefaultOptions();

            // In gateway mode, url format will be https://<cluster dns name><N>/
            // Requests sent to hbasephoenix0/ will be forwarded to PQS on workernode0
            options.AlternativeEndpoint = "hbasephoenix0/";
            string tableName = "Persons" + connId;

            OpenConnectionResponse  openConnResponse        = null;
            CreateStatementResponse createStatementResponse = null;

                // Opening connection
                pbc::MapField <string, string> info = new pbc::MapField <string, string>();
                openConnResponse = client.OpenConnectionRequestAsync(connId, info, options).Result;
                // Syncing connection
                ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties
                    HasAutoCommit        = true,
                    AutoCommit           = true,
                    HasReadOnly          = true,
                    ReadOnly             = false,
                    TransactionIsolation = 0,
                    Catalog = "",
                    Schema  = "",
                    IsDirty = true
                client.ConnectionSyncRequestAsync(connId, connProperties, options).Wait();

                // Creating statement
                createStatementResponse = client.CreateStatementRequestAsync(connId, options).Result;

                // Running query 1
                string          sql1          = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (LastName varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY,FirstName varchar(255))";
                ExecuteResponse execResponse1 = client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql1, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Result;

                // Running query 2
                // Batching two sqls in a single HTTP request
                pbc::RepeatedField <string> list = new pbc.RepeatedField <string>();
                list.Add("UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES('d1','x1')");
                list.Add("UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES('d2','x2')");
                ExecuteBatchResponse execResponse2 = client.PrepareAndExecuteBatchRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, list, options).Result;

                // Running query 3
                string          sql3          = "select count(*) from " + tableName;
                ExecuteResponse execResponse3 = client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql3, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Result;
                long            count3        = execResponse3.Results[0].FirstFrame.Rows[0].Value[0].ScalarValue.NumberValue;
                Assert.AreEqual(2, count3);

                // Running query 4
                // Batching two sqls in a single HTTP request
                // Creating statement 2
                string          sql4                     = "UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (?,?)";
                PrepareResponse prepareResponse          = client.PrepareRequestAsync(connId, sql4, int.MaxValue, options).Result;
                StatementHandle statementHandle          = prepareResponse.Statement;
                pbc::RepeatedField <UpdateBatch> updates = new pbc.RepeatedField <UpdateBatch>();
                for (int i = 3; i < 10; i++)
                    pbc::RepeatedField <TypedValue> parameterValues = new pbc.RepeatedField <TypedValue>();
                    TypedValue v1 = new TypedValue
                        StringValue = "d" + i,
                        Type        = Rep.String
                    TypedValue v2 = new TypedValue
                        StringValue = "x" + i,
                        Type        = Rep.String
                    UpdateBatch batch = new UpdateBatch
                        ParameterValues = parameterValues
                ExecuteBatchResponse execResponse4 = client.ExecuteBatchRequestAsync(connId, statementHandle.Id, updates, options).Result;

                // Running query 5
                string          sql5          = "select count(*) from " + tableName;
                ExecuteResponse execResponse5 = client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql5, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Result;
                long            count5        = execResponse5.Results[0].FirstFrame.Rows[0].Value[0].ScalarValue.NumberValue;
                Assert.AreEqual(9, count5);

                // Running query 5
                string sql6 = "DROP TABLE " + tableName;
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql6, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (createStatementResponse != null)
                    client.CloseStatementRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, options).Wait();
                    createStatementResponse = null;

                if (openConnResponse != null)
                    client.CloseConnectionRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();
                    openConnResponse = null;
Beispiel #26
        public void QueryManyRowTest()
            var            client  = new PhoenixClient(_credentials);
            string         connId  = GenerateRandomConnId();
            RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.GetGatewayDefaultOptions();

            // In gateway mode, url format will be https://<cluster dns name><N>/
            // Requests sent to hbasephoenix0/ will be forwarded to PQS on workernode0
            options.AlternativeEndpoint = "hbasephoenix0/";
            string tableName = "Persons" + connId;

            OpenConnectionResponse  openConnResponse        = null;
            CreateStatementResponse createStatementResponse = null;

                // Opening connection
                pbc::MapField <string, string> info = new pbc::MapField <string, string>();
                openConnResponse = client.OpenConnectionRequestAsync(connId, info, options).Result;
                // Syncing connection
                ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties
                    HasAutoCommit        = true,
                    AutoCommit           = false,
                    HasReadOnly          = true,
                    ReadOnly             = false,
                    TransactionIsolation = 0,
                    Catalog = "",
                    Schema  = "",
                    IsDirty = true
                client.ConnectionSyncRequestAsync(connId, connProperties, options).Wait();

                createStatementResponse = client.CreateStatementRequestAsync(connId, options).Result;
                // Running query 1
                string sql1 = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (LastName varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY,FirstName varchar(255))";
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql1, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();

                // Commit statement 1
                client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();

                // Creating statement 2
                string          sql2            = "UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (?,?)";
                PrepareResponse prepareResponse = client.PrepareRequestAsync(connId, sql2, long.MaxValue, options).Result;
                StatementHandle statementHandle = prepareResponse.Statement;
                // Insert 300 rows
                for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                    pbc::RepeatedField <TypedValue> list = new pbc.RepeatedField <TypedValue>();
                    TypedValue v1 = new TypedValue
                        StringValue = "d" + i,
                        Type        = Rep.String
                    TypedValue v2 = new TypedValue
                        StringValue = "x" + i,
                        Type        = Rep.String
                    ExecuteResponse executeResponse = client.ExecuteRequestAsync(statementHandle, list, long.MaxValue, true, options).Result;

                // Commit statement 2
                client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();

                // Running query 3
                string                   sql3          = "select * from " + tableName;
                ExecuteResponse          execResponse3 = client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql3, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Result;
                pbc::RepeatedField <Row> rows          = execResponse3.Results[0].FirstFrame.Rows;
                for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
                    Row row = rows[i];
                    Debug.WriteLine(row.Value[0].ScalarValue.StringValue + " " + row.Value[1].ScalarValue.StringValue);
                // 100 is hard coded in server side as default firstframe size
                // In order to get remaining rows, FetchRequestAsync is used
                Assert.AreEqual(100, rows.Count);

                // Fetch remaining rows, offset is not used, simply set to 0
                // if FetchResponse.Frame.Done = true, that means all the rows fetched
                FetchResponse fetchResponse = client.FetchRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, 0, int.MaxValue, options).Result;
                Assert.AreEqual(200, fetchResponse.Frame.Rows.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, fetchResponse.Frame.Done);

                // Running query 4
                string sql4 = "DROP TABLE " + tableName;
                client.PrepareAndExecuteRequestAsync(connId, sql4, createStatementResponse.StatementId, long.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, options).Wait();

                // Commit statement 4
                client.CommitRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (createStatementResponse != null)
                    client.CloseStatementRequestAsync(connId, createStatementResponse.StatementId, options).Wait();
                    createStatementResponse = null;

                if (openConnResponse != null)
                    client.CloseConnectionRequestAsync(connId, options).Wait();
                    openConnResponse = null;
Beispiel #27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Log = new EventLog
                Source = "PowerQueryNet"

            if (args == null || args.Length == 0)
                ServiceBase.Run(new WindowsService());
            else if (args.FirstOrDefault(x => x == "-ipc") != null)
                    var taskHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.WriteEntry(ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error);
            else if (args.Length == 1)
                string          filePath        = args[0];
                string          fileExtension   = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
                ExecuteResponse executeResponse = null;


                    var powerQueryService = new PowerQueryService();

                    if (fileExtension == ".pq")
                        string powerQueryFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
                        string powerQueryFile   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
                        var    queries          = Queries.LoadFromFolder(powerQueryFolder);
                        var    credentials      = Credentials.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(powerQueryFolder, "#credentials.xml"));
                        var    executeRequest   = new ExecuteRequest
                            QueryName   = powerQueryFile,
                            Queries     = queries,
                            Credentials = credentials,

                        executeResponse = powerQueryService.Execute(executeRequest);


                        //string connectionString = @"Data Source=P16019\SQL2016; Integrated Security=true; Initial Catalog=TEST";
                        //string response = powerQueryService.ExecuteToSQL(connectionString, powerQueryFile, queries, credentials);

                    if (fileExtension == ".xlsx" ||
                        fileExtension == ".xlsm" ||
                        fileExtension == ".pbix" ||
                        fileExtension == ".pbit"
                        string mashup = powerQueryService.MashupFromFile(filePath);
                        //Queries queries = powerQueryService.MashupToQueries(filePath);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("ex = {0}", ex.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine(" Usage: -ipc");
                Console.WriteLine(" Usage: [Power Query File Path]");
                Console.WriteLine(" Usage: [Excel or Power BI File Path]");
                Console.WriteLine(" -ipc\t\t\t\tOpen named pipes service for interprocess communication");
                Console.WriteLine(" [Power Query File Path]\tRun Power Query formula (*.pq)");
                Console.WriteLine(" [Excel or Power BI File Path]\tGet Mashup from Excel or Power BI (*.xlsx;*.xlsm;*.pbix;*.pbit)");
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// 异常接收事件。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void sms_Port_ErrorReceived(object sender, SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs e)
     ExecuteResponse?.Invoke(Enum.GetName(typeof(SerialError), e.EventType));
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The low-level SSH command response.</param>
        internal XenResponse(ExecuteResponse response)
            this.Response = response;
            this.Items    = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();

            // We need to parse the [xe] results from the standard output.  This will
            // look something like:

            //uuid ( RO)                : c73af9a3-8f67-0c52-6c8e-fe3208aae490
            //          name-label ( RW): Removable storage
            //    name-description ( RW):
            //                host ( RO): xentest
            //                type ( RO): udev
            //        content-type ( RO): disk
            //uuid ( RO)                : 7a490025-7911-95f8-6058-2d4647d5f855
            //          name-label ( RW): DVD drives
            //    name-description ( RW): Physical DVD drives
            //                host ( RO): xentest
            //                type ( RO): udev
            //        content-type ( RO): iso
            //uuid ( RO)                : 1aedccc5-8b18-4fc8-b498-e776a5ae2702
            //          name-label ( RW): Local storage
            //    name-description ( RW):
            //                host ( RO): xentest
            //                type ( RO): lvm
            //        content-type ( RO): user
            //uuid ( RO)                : e24cd80a-f54a-4c5b-18e8-245c37b5b7e6
            //          name-label ( RW): XenServer Tools
            //    name-description ( RW): XenServer Tools ISOs
            //                host ( RO): xentest
            //                type ( RO): iso
            //        content-type ( RO): iso

            // When running XE commands directly on the XenServer host, this appears to
            // be a list of records with each record being terminated by two blank lines.
            // When executing the commands remotely via the Windows [xe.exe] CLI, the
            // blank lines are omitted and it appears that the "uuid " or sometimes other
            // property names like "Disk 0 VDI:" at the beginning of the line indicates
            // a new record.
            // PARSING PROBLEM:
            // ----------------
            // The problem is that we may see more than one properties starting at the
            // beginning of a line for an individual record.  I'm going to assume that every
            // record will include at least one [indented] property and also that all
            // properties that with no leading whitespace appear at the beginning of the
            // record.
            // Each line includes a read/write or read-only indicator (which we'll strip out)
            // followed by a colon and the property value.  I'm not entirely sure if this
            // fully describes the format so I'm going to be a bit defensive below.

            using (var reader = new StringReader(response.OutputText))
                var isEOF = false;

                while (!isEOF)
                    // Read the next record.

                    var rawRecord      = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    var parsedIndented = false;

                    while (true)
                        var line = reader.ReadLine();

                        if (line == null)
                            if (rawRecord.Count > 0)
                                rawRecord = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                            isEOF = true;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                            // Ignore blank lines.


                        var isIndented = char.IsWhiteSpace(line.First());

                        if (!isIndented && parsedIndented)
                            // Looks like the start of a new record, so add the previous record
                            // (if not empty) before beginning to parse the new record.

                            if (rawRecord.Count > 0)
                                rawRecord = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                            parsedIndented = false;
                        else if (isIndented)
                            parsedIndented = true;

                        line = line.Trim();

                        // Parse the property name and value.

                        var colonPos = line.IndexOf(':');

                        if (colonPos == -1)
                            continue;   // We shouldn't ever see this so ignore it.

                        var namePart  = line.Substring(0, colonPos).Trim();
                        var valuePart = line.Substring(colonPos + 1).Trim();
                        var parenPos  = namePart.IndexOf('(');

                        if (parenPos != -1)
                            namePart = namePart.Substring(0, parenPos).Trim();

                        rawRecord.Add(namePart, valuePart);

                    // Add the record to the results if it's not empty.

                    if (rawRecord.Count > 0)
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the execute response for staged wpsjob.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The execute response for staged wpsjob.</returns>
        /// <param name="context">Context.</param>
        /// <param name="wpsjob">Wpsjob.</param>
        public static ExecuteResponse CreateExecuteResponseForStagedWpsjob(IfyContext context, WpsJob wpsjob, ExecuteResponse response)
            if (response == null)
                response        = new ExecuteResponse();
                response.Status = new StatusType {
                    Item = new ProcessSucceededType {
                        Value = "Process successful"
                    ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.ProcessSucceeded,
                    creationTime    = wpsjob.EndTime != DateTime.MinValue ? wpsjob.EndTime : wpsjob.CreatedTime

            var statusurl      = wpsjob.StatusLocation;
            var url            = new Uri(statusurl);
            var searchableUrls = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <List <string> >(AppSettings["OpenSearchableUrls"]);

            if (searchableUrls == null || searchableUrls.Count == 0)
                searchableUrls = new List <string>();
                searchableUrls.Add(recastBaseUrl);//in case appsettings not set
            var recognizedHost = false;

            foreach (var u in searchableUrls)
                if (new Uri(u).Host == url.Host)
                    recognizedHost = true;
            bool statusNotOpensearchable =
                !recognizedHost &&
                !statusurl.Contains("/search") &&

            context.LogDebug(wpsjob, string.Format("Status url {0} is opensearchable : {1}", statusurl, statusNotOpensearchable ? "false" : "true"));
            if (statusNotOpensearchable)
                statusurl = context.BaseUrl + "/job/wps/" + wpsjob.Identifier + "/products/description";

            response.statusLocation  = context.BaseUrl + "/wps/RetrieveResultServlet?id=" + wpsjob.Identifier;
            response.serviceInstance = context.BaseUrl + "/wps/WebProcessingService?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WPS";
            response.ProcessOutputs  = new List <OutputDataType> {
            response.ProcessOutputs.Add(new OutputDataType {
                Identifier = new CodeType {
                    Value = "result_osd"
                Item = new DataType {
                    Item = new ComplexDataType {
                        mimeType  = "application/xml",
                        Reference = new OutputReferenceType {
                            href     = statusurl,
                            mimeType = "application/opensearchdescription+xml"

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpsjob.OwsUrl))
                response.ProcessOutputs.Add(new OutputDataType {
                    Identifier = new CodeType {
                        Value = "job_ows"
                    Item = new DataType {
                        Item = new ComplexDataType {
                            mimeType  = "application/xml",
                            Reference = new OutputReferenceType {
                                href     = wpsjob.OwsUrl,
                                mimeType = "application/xml"
