public void ParseExcludeFile_FileHasCommentsAndWhitespace_ReturnsCorrectResults()
            // Arrange
            string folder1 = @"\Folder1\To\Exclude";
            string folder2 = @"\Folder2\To\Exclude";

            string[] excludeFileContents = new string[]
                $"// Exclude file for C# Hard Coded String Checker",
                $"// The following directories will be excluded: ",
                $"    ",
                $"{folder2}  // in-line comment",
                $"  "

            var mockFileSystem = new Mock <IFileSystem>();

            mockFileSystem.Setup(mfs => mfs.ReadAllLines(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(excludeFileContents);

            // Act
            var           parser     = new ExcludeFileParser(mockFileSystem.Object);
            List <string> exclusions = parser.ParseExcludeFile("DoesNotMatter");

            // Assert
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            var fileSystem        = new FileSystem();
            var consoleAdapter    = new ConsoleAdapter();
            var commandLineParser = new CommandLineParser();
            var excludeFileParser = new ExcludeFileParser(fileSystem);

            var appController = new AppController(fileSystem, consoleAdapter, commandLineParser, excludeFileParser);

        public void PrependRepoRootDir_RepoRootAndExclusionsDoNotHaveLeadingBackslash_CombinesPathsCorrectly()
            // Arrange
            string repoRoot   = @"C:\RepoRoot";
            var    exclusions = new List <string>
            var expectedResult = new List <string>

            // Act
            var parser = new ExcludeFileParser(Mock.Of <IFileSystem>());
            var result = parser.PrependRepoRootDir(repoRoot, exclusions);

            // Assert