/// <summary>
        /// Defines a fanout exchange that will broadcast messages to all bound message queues.
        /// This should be used for notification type messages where the subscriber only cares
        /// about current occurring messages and not about prior missed messages that happened
        /// when they were offline.
        /// https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html#exchange-fanout
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the exchange.</param>
        /// <param name="busName">The bus name key used to lookup connection.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Optional delegate called allowing caller to set
        /// additional exchange properties.</param>
        /// <typeparam name="TMessage">The domain-event type associated with the exchange.</typeparam>
        protected void DefineFanoutExchange <TMessage>(string name, string busName,
                                                       Action <ExchangeMeta <TMessage> > settings = null)
            where TMessage : IDomainEvent
            var exchange = ExchangeMeta.Define <TMessage>(busName, name, ExchangeType.Fanout,
                                                          config =>
                config.IsAutoDelete = true;
                config.IsDurable    = false;
                config.IsPersistent = false;
                config.IsPassive    = false;

Beispiel #2
        public void CanSpecifyExchangeSettings_InConfiguration()
            ContainerFixture.Test(fixture => {
                .Container(c =>
                .Assert.PluginModule <MockBusModule>(m =>
                    var exchangeMeta = ExchangeMeta.Define("TestBus1", "TestExchangeName", ExchangeType.Direct);

                    Assert.Equal("TestAltExchangeName", exchangeMeta.AlternateExchangeName);
                    Assert.Equal("TestContentType", exchangeMeta.ContentType);
                    Assert.Equal(10000, exchangeMeta.CancelRpcRequestAfterMs);
        public QueueMeta CreateQueueMeta(SubscriberQueueAttribute attribute)
            var exchange = ExchangeMeta.Define(attribute.BusName, attribute.ExchangeName, ExchangeType.Fanout,
                                               config =>
                config.IsAutoDelete = true;
                config.IsDurable    = false;
                config.IsPassive    = false;
                config.IsPersistent = false;

            var queue = QueueMeta.Define(attribute.QueueName, exchange,
                                         config =>
                config.IsAutoDelete   = true;
                config.IsDurable      = false;
                config.IsPassive      = false;
                config.IsExclusive    = true;
                config.AppendUniqueId = true;
