public void ValidateArbitrationTradeOrderExecution(ArbitrationOpportunity arbitrationTrade)
            bool          tradeFailed  = false;
            StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder("Arbitration trade " + CommonFunctions.StringManipulation.NullIntString(arbitrationTrade.Id) + " did not execute. ");

            //Note, btce is special. If orders are fulfilled immediately, it just returns zero, not the actual order id. So if the exchange is btce,
            //and the order id is 0, no need to do a check.

            //Check to see if both the buy and sell orders were executed; check for btce order fulfillment first, to keep an error getting thrown on the order fulfillment check because of a non-existent '0' order id.
            if (!(arbitrationTrade.SellExchange.GetType() == typeof(Btce) && arbitrationTrade.SellOrderId == "0") && !arbitrationTrade.SellExchange.IsOrderFulfilled(arbitrationTrade.SellOrderId))
                errorMessage.Append("Sell order did not get filled. ");
                tradeFailed = true;

            if (!(arbitrationTrade.BuyExchange.GetType() == typeof(Btce) && arbitrationTrade.BuyOrderId == "0") && !arbitrationTrade.BuyExchange.IsOrderFulfilled(arbitrationTrade.BuyOrderId))
                errorMessage.Append("Buy order did not get filled. ");
                tradeFailed = true;

            if (tradeFailed)
                ExchangeBalanceInfo postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo = CalculateFiatAndBitcoinTotals();
                string balanceString = "";
                balanceString += "Balances after trade:" + Environment.NewLine + postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                balanceString += "Differences: " + Environment.NewLine + BuildDifferenceString(_exchangeBalanceInfoBeforeArbitrationTrade, postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo);

                throw new ArbitrationTradeValidationException(errorMessage.ToString(), balanceString);
        public string ValidateExchangeBalancesAfterTrade(ArbitrationOpportunity arbitrationTrade)
            ExchangeBalanceInfo postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo = CalculateFiatAndBitcoinTotals();
            decimal             realizedProfit = postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo.TotalFiatBalance - _exchangeBalanceInfoBeforeArbitrationTrade.TotalFiatBalance;
            string errorMessage  = "";
            string balanceString = "";

            balanceString += "\tBalances after trade:" + Environment.NewLine + postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
            balanceString += "\tDifferences: " + Environment.NewLine + BuildDifferenceString(_exchangeBalanceInfoBeforeArbitrationTrade, postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo);

            if (realizedProfit <= arbitrationTrade.Profit * 0.98m)
                errorMessage = "Realized profit for arbitration trade " + arbitrationTrade.Id + " was more than 2% less than the expected profit. Expected profit = " + arbitrationTrade.Profit + ", realized profit = " + realizedProfit + ".";

            else if (realizedProfit >= arbitrationTrade.Profit * 1.02m)
                errorMessage = "Realized profit for arbitration trade " + arbitrationTrade.Id + " was more than 2% greater than the expected profit. Expected profit = " + arbitrationTrade.Profit + ", realized profit = " + realizedProfit + ".";

            if (postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo.TotalBitcoinBalance <= _exchangeBalanceInfoBeforeArbitrationTrade.TotalBitcoinBalance * 0.98m)
                errorMessage += "Bitcoin balance after arbitration trade " + arbitrationTrade.Id + " decreased by more than 2%. Bitcoin balance before trade = " + _exchangeBalanceInfoBeforeArbitrationTrade.TotalBitcoinBalance + ", bitcoin balance after trade = " + postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo.TotalBitcoinBalance + ".";

            else if (postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo.TotalBitcoinBalance >= _exchangeBalanceInfoBeforeArbitrationTrade.TotalBitcoinBalance * 1.02m)
                errorMessage += "Bitcoin balance after arbitration trade " + arbitrationTrade.Id + " increased by more than 2%. Bitcoin balance before trade = " + _exchangeBalanceInfoBeforeArbitrationTrade.TotalBitcoinBalance + ", bitcoin balance after trade = " + postArbitrationTradebalanceInfo.TotalBitcoinBalance + ".";

            //If there is text in erroMessage, the trade did not validate
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorMessage))
                throw new ArbitrationTradeValidationException(errorMessage, balanceString);
