Beispiel #1
        public static object OpenExcelFile(string path)
            if (path == string.Empty)
                path = "~/Countries.xlsx";

            string fileName = path.StartsWith("~") ? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path) : path;

            ExcelDataSource excelDataSource = new ExcelDataSource();

            excelDataSource.FileName = fileName;
            ExcelWorksheetSettings excelWorksheetSettings = new ExcelWorksheetSettings();

            excelWorksheetSettings.WorksheetName = "Sheet1";

            ExcelSourceOptions excelSourceOptions = new ExcelSourceOptions();

            excelSourceOptions.ImportSettings      = excelWorksheetSettings;
            excelSourceOptions.SkipHiddenRows      = false;
            excelSourceOptions.SkipHiddenColumns   = false;
            excelSourceOptions.UseFirstRowAsHeader = true;
            excelDataSource.SourceOptions          = excelSourceOptions;


            DataTable table = excelDataSource.ToDataTable();

Beispiel #2
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            labelEFile.Text = labelESheet.Text = "";

            if (textBoxFileName.Text == "")
                labelEFile.Text = "Chưa nhập Tên file. Chú ý!";

            if (comboBoxSheetName.Text == "")
                labelESheet.Text = "Chưa nhập Tên sheet. Chú ý!";

            ExcelDataSource excelDataSource1 = new ExcelDataSource();

            excelDataSource1.FileName = textBoxFileName.Text;
            ExcelSourceOptions     excelSourceOptions1     = new ExcelSourceOptions();
            ExcelWorksheetSettings excelWorksheetSettings1 = new ExcelWorksheetSettings();

            excelWorksheetSettings1.WorksheetName = comboBoxSheetName.Text;
            excelSourceOptions1.ImportSettings    = excelWorksheetSettings1;
            excelDataSource1.SourceOptions        = excelSourceOptions1;

                gridControl1.DataSource          = excelDataSource1;
                gridView1.Columns["STT"].Visible = false;
                barButtonItem8.Enabled           = barButtonItem5.Enabled = barButtonItem2.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                barButtonItem8.Enabled = barButtonItem5.Enabled = barButtonItem2.Enabled = false;
                MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: " + textBoxFileName.Text + " không tồn tại hoặc chứa dữ liệu không tương thích." +
                                "\n\nGợi ý: Đảm bảo file excel có các trường sau:\n       STT, TENHS, NGAYSINH, GIOITINH, DIACHI, DANTOC, DIENTHOAI");
Beispiel #3
        void ExcelDataSourceBindingToXLS()
            // Create a new Excel data source.
            ExcelDataSource excelDataSource = new ExcelDataSource();

            excelDataSource.FileName = "Northwind.xlsx";

            // Select a required worksheet.
            ExcelWorksheetSettings excelWorksheetSettings = new ExcelWorksheetSettings();

            excelWorksheetSettings.WorksheetName = "Sheet_Categories";

            // Specify import settings.
            ExcelSourceOptions excelSourceOptions = new ExcelSourceOptions();

            excelSourceOptions.ImportSettings    = excelWorksheetSettings;
            excelSourceOptions.SkipHiddenRows    = false;
            excelSourceOptions.SkipHiddenColumns = false;
            excelDataSource.SourceOptions        = excelSourceOptions;
Beispiel #4
        private void barButtonItem5_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            int[]  sd  = Helper.xepLop(47);
            string str = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < sd.Length; i++)
                str += sd[i] + " ";
            ExcelDataSource excelDataSource1 = new ExcelDataSource();

            excelDataSource1.FileName = textBoxFileName.Text;
            ExcelSourceOptions     excelSourceOptions1     = new ExcelSourceOptions();
            ExcelWorksheetSettings excelWorksheetSettings1 = new ExcelWorksheetSettings();

            excelWorksheetSettings1.WorksheetName = comboBoxSheetName.Text;
            excelSourceOptions1.ImportSettings    = excelWorksheetSettings1;
            excelDataSource1.SourceOptions        = excelSourceOptions1;
            gridControl1.DataSource          = excelDataSource1;
            gridView1.Columns["STT"].Visible = false;
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create an empty report.
            XtraReport report = new XtraReport();

            // Create a new Excel data source.
            ExcelDataSource excelDataSource = new ExcelDataSource();

            excelDataSource.FileName = "..//..//Northwind.xlsx";

            // Select a required worksheet.
            ExcelWorksheetSettings excelWorksheetSettings = new ExcelWorksheetSettings();

            excelWorksheetSettings.WorksheetName = "Sheet_Categories";

            // Specify import settings.
            ExcelSourceOptions excelSourceOptions = new ExcelSourceOptions();

            excelSourceOptions.ImportSettings    = excelWorksheetSettings;
            excelSourceOptions.SkipHiddenRows    = false;
            excelSourceOptions.SkipHiddenColumns = false;
            excelDataSource.SourceOptions        = excelSourceOptions;

            // Create new fields and specify their settings.
            FieldInfo fieldCategoryID = new FieldInfo {
                Name = "CategoryID", Type = typeof(double), Selected = false
            FieldInfo fieldCategoryName = new FieldInfo {
                Name = "CategoryName", Type = typeof(string)
            FieldInfo fieldDescription = new FieldInfo {
                Name = "Description", Type = typeof(string)

            // Add the created fields to the data source schema in the order that matches the column order in the source file.
            excelDataSource.Schema.AddRange(new FieldInfo[] { fieldCategoryID, fieldCategoryName, fieldDescription });

            // Assign the data source to the report.
            report.DataSource = excelDataSource;

            // Add a detail band to the report.
            DetailBand detailBand = new DetailBand();

            detailBand.Height = 50;

            // Create a new label.
            XRLabel label = new XRLabel();

            // Specify the label's binding depending on the data binding mode.
            if (Settings.Default.UserDesignerOptions.DataBindingMode == DataBindingMode.Bindings)
                label.DataBindings.Add("Text", null, "CategoryName");
                label.ExpressionBindings.Add(new ExpressionBinding("BeforePrint", "Text", "[CategoryName]"));
            // Add the label to the detail band.

            // Show the report's print preview.