MemoryStream CreateExcel()
            ExcelEngine excel = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excel.Excel;
            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            IWorksheet workSheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            workSheet.Name = "Expense Report";

            workSheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Name";
            workSheet.Range["A1:C1"].ColumnWidth = 20;
            workSheet.Range["D1"].ColumnWidth = 50;
            workSheet.Range["B1"].Text = "Purpose";
            workSheet.Range["C1"].Text = "Amount";
            workSheet.Range["D1"].Text = "Photo";

            int currRowCount = 2;

            foreach (var expense in viewModel.Expenses)

                workSheet.Range["A" + currRowCount].Text = expense.Name;
                workSheet.Range["B" + currRowCount].Text = expense.Purpose;
                workSheet.Range["C" + currRowCount].Text = expense.Amount.ToString();

                if (expense.Receipt != string.Empty)
                    Stream imageStream = DependencyService.Get<IStreamHelper>().GetStream(expense.Receipt);

                    if (imageStream != null)
                        imageStream.Position = 0;
                        workSheet.Range[currRowCount,1].RowHeight = 100;
                        workSheet.Pictures.AddPicture(currRowCount, 4,currRowCount+1, 5,imageStream);

            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            return stream;
        // GET api/exporttoexcel
        public  IHttpActionResult Get()
            Database.ReminderConnection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["reminderConnection"];
            List<Report> reportList = new List<Report>();
            reportList = reporting.GetReport();

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 1 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook;

            workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Appointment Date/Time";
            worksheet.Range["B1"].Text = "Patient MRN";
            worksheet.Range["C1"].Text = "Patient Name";
            worksheet.Range["D1"].Text = "MSG Type";
            worksheet.Range["E1"].Text = "Provider";
            worksheet.Range["F1"].Text = "Location";
            worksheet.Range["G1"].Text = "Telephone";
            worksheet.Range["H1"].Text = "Response";

            for (int i = 0; i < reportList.Count; i++)
                worksheet.Range["A" + count.ToString()].Text = reportList[i].AppointmentDateTime.ToString();
                worksheet.Range["B" + count.ToString()].Text = reportList[i].PatientMRN.ToString();
                worksheet.Range["C" + count.ToString()].Text = reportList[i].PatientName.ToString();
                worksheet.Range["D" + count.ToString()].Text = reportList[i].Speciality.ToString();
                worksheet.Range["E" + count.ToString()].Text = reportList[i].Provider.ToString();
                worksheet.Range["F" + count.ToString()].Text = reportList[i].Location.ToString();
                worksheet.Range["G" + count.ToString()].Text = reportList[i].Telephone.ToString();
                worksheet.Range["H" + count.ToString()].Text = reportList[i].Response.ToString();


            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
            workbook.SaveAs(pathToExcel, Syncfusion.XlsIO.ExcelSaveType.SaveAsXLS);


            return Ok(); 
Beispiel #3
 public static WorkbookManager GetManager(string path, bool isReadOnly = false)
     if (engine == null)
         engine = new ExcelEngine();
         application = engine.Excel;
         //engine = new object();
         //application = new MSExcel.Application();
     WorkbookManager mgr = null;
     if (!workbooksDictionary.TryGetValue(path, out mgr))
         mgr = new WorkbookManager(path, isReadOnly);
         workbooksDictionary.Add(path, mgr);
     return mgr;
        void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            #region Initializing Workbook
            string resourcePath = "SampleBrowser.Samples.XlsIO.Template.ChartData.xlsx";
            Assembly assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            Stream fileStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourcePath);

            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(fileStream);

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Generate Chart
            IChartShape chart = sheet.Charts.Add();

            chart.DataRange = sheet["A16:E26"];
            chart.ChartTitle = sheet["A15"].Text;
            chart.HasLegend = false;
            chart.TopRow = 3;
            chart.LeftColumn = 1;
            chart.RightColumn = 6;
            chart.BottomRow = 15;

            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone || Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows)
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get<ISaveWindowsPhone>().Save("Charts.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get<ISave>().Save("Charts.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);

        public async Task<byte[]> ExportWins(int xWins, int yWins)
            var export = new byte[0];
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
            var sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            sheet[1, 1].Text = "X Wins";
            sheet[1, 2].Text = xWins.ToString();
            sheet[2, 1].Text = "Y Wins";
            sheet[2, 2].Text = yWins.ToString();
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            await workbook.SaveAsAsync(stream);
            export = stream.ToArray();

            //    workbook.SetCellValue("A2", xWins);
            //    workbook.SetCellValue("B1", "Y Wins");
            //    workbook.SetCellValue("B2", yWins);

            //using (var workbook = new ())
            //    workbook.SetCellValue("A1", "X Wins");
            //    workbook.SetCellValue("A2", xWins);
            //    workbook.SetCellValue("B1", "Y Wins");
            //    workbook.SetCellValue("B2", yWins);
            //    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
            //    {
            //        workbook.SaveAs(stream);
            //        export = stream.ToArray();
            //    }                    

            return export;
        private void CreateExcel(List<ReportModel> data, string filename)
            var dt = new DataTable();
            decimal totalamount = 0, totalexpences = 0;
            var engine = new ExcelEngine { ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false };
            IApplication eApplicaiton = engine.Excel;
            IWorkbook eWorkbook = eApplicaiton.Workbooks.Create(1);
            IWorksheet eWorksheet = eWorkbook.Worksheets[0];
            IStyle headerStyle = eWorkbook.Styles.Add("HeaderStyle");
            headerStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            if (data.Count > 0)
                dt.Columns.Add("User Name");
                dt.Columns.Add("Order Details");
                eWorksheet.Range[1, 1].Value = string.Format("Report for {0} in period from {1} to {2}", User.Identity.Name, startdate.Date.ToShortDateString(), enddate.Date.ToShortDateString());
                eWorksheet.Range[1, 1].ColumnWidth = 130;
                eWorksheet.Range[1, 2].ColumnWidth = 10;
                eWorksheet.Range[1, 3].ColumnWidth = 25;
                foreach (ReportModel t in data)
                    dt.Rows.Add(t.UserName, t.DateOfDinner, t.OrderDetails, t.Price, t.UsersAmountOfMoney);
                    totalamount += t.UsersAmountOfMoney;
                    totalexpences += t.Price;

                eWorksheet.Range[dt.Rows.Count + 4, 1].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                eWorksheet.Range[dt.Rows.Count + 4, 3].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                eWorksheet.Range[dt.Rows.Count + 5, 1].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                eWorksheet.Range[dt.Rows.Count + 5, 3].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                eWorksheet.Range[dt.Rows.Count + 4, 1].Value = "Total user Amount of Money:";
                eWorksheet.Range[dt.Rows.Count + 4, 3].Value = totalamount.ToString();
                eWorksheet.Range[dt.Rows.Count + 5, 1].Value = "Total complex expences:";
                eWorksheet.Range[dt.Rows.Count + 5, 3].Value = totalexpences.ToString();
                eWorksheet.ImportDataTable(dt, true, 3, 1);
                eWorksheet.InsertRow(dt.Rows.Count + 4, 1);
                eWorksheet.Columns[0].ColumnWidth = 15;
                eWorksheet.Rows[2].CellStyleName = "HeaderStyle";
                eWorksheet.Rows[0].CellStyleName = "HeaderStyle";
                eWorksheet.Range[1, 1].Value = "нет данных за выбраный период";

                eWorkbook.SaveAs("C:\\temp\\" + filename);
            catch (Exception)
        void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            #region Initializing Workbook
            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 1 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            Assembly assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            Stream fileStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("SampleBrowser.Samples.XlsIO.Template.customers.xml");

            // Import the XML contents to worksheet
            XlsIOExtensions exten = new XlsIOExtensions();
            exten.ImportXML(fileStream, sheet, 1, 1, true);

            // Apply style for header
            IStyle headerStyle = sheet[1, 1, 1, sheet.UsedRange.LastColumn].CellStyle;
            headerStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            headerStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Brown;
            headerStyle.Font.Size = 10;

            // Resize columns
            sheet.Columns[0].ColumnWidth = 11;
            sheet.Columns[1].ColumnWidth = 30.5;
            sheet.Columns[2].ColumnWidth = 20;
            sheet.Columns[3].ColumnWidth = 25.6;
            sheet.Columns[6].ColumnWidth = 10.5;
            sheet.Columns[4].ColumnWidth = 40;
            sheet.Columns[5].ColumnWidth = 25.5;
            sheet.Columns[7].ColumnWidth = 9.6;
            sheet.Columns[8].ColumnWidth = 15;
            sheet.Columns[9].ColumnWidth = 15;

            #region Saving workbook and disposing objects
            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone || Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows)
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get<ISaveWindowsPhone>().Save("ImportXML.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get<ISave>().Save("ImportXML.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
        private async void OnExportSelectedToExcel(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            var workBook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Create();
            workBook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;

            if ((bool)this.customizeSelectedRow.IsChecked) {
                this.sfDataGrid.ExportToExcel(this.sfDataGrid.SelectedItems, new ExcelExportingOptions() {
                    CellsExportingEventHandler = CellExportingHandler,
                    ExportingEventHandler = CustomizedexportingHandler
                }, workBook.Worksheets[0]);
            else {
                this.sfDataGrid.ExportToExcel(this.sfDataGrid.SelectedItems, new ExcelExportingOptions() {
                    CellsExportingEventHandler = CellExportingHandler,
                    ExportingEventHandler = exportingHandler
                }, workBook.Worksheets[0]);

            workBook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks[0];
            var savePicker = new FileSavePicker {
                SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop,
                SuggestedFileName = "Sample"

            if (workBook.Version == ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003) {
                savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel File (.xls)", new List<string>() { ".xls" });
            else {
                savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel File (.xlsx)", new List<string>() { ".xlsx" });

            var storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();

            if (storageFile != null) {
                await workBook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);

                var msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

                var yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
                var noCmd = new UICommand("No");
                var cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();
                if (cmd == yesCmd) {
                    // Launch the saved file
                    bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);
        public void Export(string filename)
            var res = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("MembershipTemplate.xlsx", UriKind.Relative));
            using (var db = new SMUCEUPCtx())
                var engine = new ExcelEngine();
                var app = engine.Excel;
                var wb = app.Workbooks.Open(res.Stream, ExcelOpenType.SpreadsheetML2010, ExcelVersion.Excel2010);
                var sheet = wb.Worksheets[0];

                var rowN = 4;

                foreach (var member in db.Members)
                    sheet.Range[rowN, 1].Value = member.Name;
                    sheet.Range[rowN, 2].Value = member.StudentNumber;
                    sheet.Range[rowN, 3].Value = member.Authcate;
                    sheet.Range[rowN, 4].Value = member.PhoneNumber;
                    sheet.Range[rowN, 5].Value = member.HasMSACard ? "Yes" : "No";
                    sheet.Range[rowN, 6].Value = member.IsClaytonStudent ? "Yes" : "No";
                    sheet.Range[rowN, 7].Value = member.IsInternationalStudent ? "Yes" : "No";
                    if (member.IsStudyingEngineering)
                        sheet.Range[rowN, 8].Value = member.EngineeringDegree.Name;
                        sheet.Range[rowN, 10].Value = member.EngineeringSpecialty.Name;
                        if (member.IsStudyingDoubleDegree)
                            sheet.Range[rowN, 9].Value = member.OtherDegree.Name;
                            if (member.OtherMajor1 != null)
                                sheet.Range[rowN, 11].Value = member.OtherMajor1.Name;
                            if (member.OtherMajor2 != null)
                                sheet.Range[rowN, 12].Value = member.OtherMajor2.Name;


Beispiel #10
        private void btnWriteFormual_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            #region Workbook Initialize
            ////New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            ////The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            //Open the workbook
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(DEFAULTPATH);

            //External formula from another workboook
            worksheet.Range["A1"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A$1";
            worksheet.Range["A2"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A$2";
            worksheet.Range["A3"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A$3";
            worksheet.Range["A4"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A$4";
            worksheet.Range["A5"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A$5";
            worksheet.Range["A6"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A$6";
            worksheet.Range["A7"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A$7";
            worksheet.Range["B1"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$1";
            worksheet.Range["B2"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$2";
            worksheet.Range["B3"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$3";
            worksheet.Range["B4"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$4";
            worksheet.Range["B5"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$5";
            worksheet.Range["B6"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$6";
            worksheet.Range["C1"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C$1";
            worksheet.Range["C2"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C$2";
            worksheet.Range["C3"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C$3";
            worksheet.Range["C4"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C$4";
            worksheet.Range["C5"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C$5";
            worksheet.Range["C6"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C$6";
            worksheet.Range["D1"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$D$1";
            worksheet.Range["D2"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$D$2";
            worksheet.Range["D3"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$D$3";
            worksheet.Range["D4"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$D$4";
            worksheet.Range["D5"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$D$5";
            worksheet.Range["D6"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$D$6";
            worksheet.Range["E1"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$E$1";
            worksheet.Range["E2"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$E$2";
            worksheet.Range["E3"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$E$3";
            worksheet.Range["E4"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$E$4";
            worksheet.Range["E5"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$E$5";
            worksheet.Range["E6"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$E$6";
            worksheet.Range["F1"].Formula = @"='" + fullPath + "[External_Input.xlsx]Sheet1'!$F$1";
            worksheet.Range["B7"].Formula = "=SUM(B2:B6)";
            worksheet.Range["C7"].Formula = "=SUM(C2:C6)";
            worksheet.Range["D7"].Formula = "=SUM(D2:D6)";
            worksheet.Range["E7"].Formula = "=SUM(E2:E6)";
            worksheet.Range["F7"].Formula = "=SUM(F2:F6)";
            worksheet.Range["F2"].Formula = "=B2*C2+D2-E2";
            worksheet.Range["F3"].Formula = "=B3*C3+D3-E3";
            worksheet.Range["F4"].Formula = "=B4*C4+D4-E4";
            worksheet.Range["F5"].Formula = "=B5*C5+D5-E5";
            worksheet.Range["F6"].Formula = "=B6*C6+D6-E6";
            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Verdana";
            worksheet.Range["C2:F7"].NumberFormat            = "_($* #,##0.00_)";
            worksheet.Range["A1:F1"].CellStyle.Color         = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 112, 192);
            worksheet.Range["A7:F7"].CellStyle.Color         = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 112, 192);
            worksheet.Range["A1:F1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold     = true;
            worksheet.Range["A1:F1"].CellStyle.Font.Size     = 11;
            worksheet.Columns[0].ColumnWidth = 17;
            worksheet.Columns[1].ColumnWidth = 13;
            worksheet.Columns[2].ColumnWidth = 11;
            worksheet.Columns[3].ColumnWidth = 11;
            worksheet.Columns[4].ColumnWidth = 13;
            worksheet.Columns[5].ColumnWidth = 13;

            #region Workbook Save
            //Saving the workbook to disk.

            #region Workbook Close and Dispose
            //Close the workbook.

            //No exception will be thrown if there are unsaved workbooks.
            excelEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false;

            #region View the Workbook
            //Message box confirmation to view the created spreadsheet.
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                == DialogResult.Yes)
                //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("ExternalFormula.xlsx")
                    UseShellExecute = true
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Customization for Pasting the data to grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void gridControl1_ClipboardCanPaste(object sender, GridCutPasteEventArgs e)
            IDataObject dataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject();

            if (dataObject != null)
                if (dataObject.GetDataPresent("Biff", true))
                    ExcelEngine  xlEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                    IApplication app      = xlEngine.Excel;
                    IWorkbooks   workBook = app.Workbooks;
                    IWorkbook  book      = workBook[0];
                    IWorksheet worksheet = book.Worksheets[0];

                    IRange ur = worksheet.UsedRange;

                    IRange[] ranges = ur.Cells;//worksheet.UsedCells;
                    System.Text.StringBuilder str = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    int lastCol = ranges[0].Column, lastRow = ranges[0].Row;
                    int rc = ur.LastRow - ur.Row + 1;
                    int cc = ur.LastColumn - ur.Column + 1;

                    GridExcelConverterControl converter = new GridExcelConverterControl();
                    GridModel model = new GridModel();

                    model.ColCount = cc;
                    model.RowCount = rc;
                    ur.MoveTo(worksheet.Range[1, 1, rc, cc]);
                    ranges = worksheet.Range[1, 1, rc, cc].Cells;
                    foreach (IRange cell in ranges)
                        converter.ConvertExcelRangeToGrid(cell, model);

                    GridData data = new GridData();
                    data.InsertRows(1, rc);
                    data.InsertCols(1, cc);

                    for (int i = 1; i <= model.Data.RowCount; i++)
                        for (int j = 1; j <= model.ColCount; j++)
                            if (model.Data[i, j] != null)
                                data[i - 1, j - 1] = model.Data[i, j].Clone() as GridStyleInfoStore;

                    DataObject newDataObject = new DataObject(data);
                    Clipboard.SetDataObject(newDataObject, true);
                    xlEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false;
        private async void btnCreate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            #region Setting output location
            StorageFile storageFile;
            if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
                FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
                savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
                savePicker.SuggestedFileName      = "PivotChartCreateSample";
                savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
                StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("PivotChartCreateSample.xlsx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            if (storageFile == null)

            #region Initializing Workbook
            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            Assembly  assembly     = typeof(PivotChart).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            string    resourcePath = "Syncfusion.SampleBrowser.UWP.XlsIO.XlsIO.Tutorials.Samples.Assets.Resources.Templates.PivotCodeData.xlsx";
            Stream    fileStream   = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourcePath);
            IWorkbook workbook     = await application.Workbooks.OpenAsync(fileStream);

            IWorksheet dataSheet  = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            IWorksheet pivotSheet = workbook.Worksheets[1];

            #region Creating Pivot chart
            IPivotCache cache = workbook.PivotCaches.Add(dataSheet["A1:H50"]);

            //Insert the pivot table.
            IPivotTable pivotTable = pivotSheet.PivotTables.Add("PivotTable1", pivotSheet["A1"], cache);
            pivotTable.Fields[2].Axis = PivotAxisTypes.Row;
            pivotTable.Fields[4].Axis = PivotAxisTypes.Row;
            pivotTable.Fields[3].Axis = PivotAxisTypes.Column;

            IPivotField field = pivotSheet.PivotTables[0].Fields[5];
            pivotTable.DataFields.Add(field, "Sum of Units", PivotSubtotalTypes.Sum);

            //Show expand/collapse button.
            pivotTable.ShowDrillIndicators = true;

            //Shows row grand.
            pivotTable.RowGrand = true;

            //Shows filter and field caption.
            pivotTable.DisplayFieldCaptions = true;

            //Apply built in style.
            pivotTable.BuiltInStyle = PivotBuiltInStyles.PivotStyleMedium2;

            //Add the Pivot chart sheet to the workbook.
            IChart pivotChartSheet = workbook.Charts.Add();
            pivotChartSheet.Name = "PivotChart";

            //Set the Pivot source for the Pivot Chart.
            pivotChartSheet.PivotSource = pivotTable;

            //Set the Pivot Chart Type.
            pivotChartSheet.PivotChartType = ExcelChartType.Column_Clustered;

            pivotSheet.Range[1, 1, 1, 14].ColumnWidth = 11;
            pivotSheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 15.29);
            pivotSheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 15.29);
            //Activate the pivot sheet.


            #region Saving workbook and disposing objects

            await workbook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);



            #region Save accknowledgement and Launching of output file
            MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

            UICommand yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
            UICommand noCmd = new UICommand("No");
            IUICommand cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();

            if (cmd == yesCmd)
                // Launch the saved file
                bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);
Beispiel #13
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            //Set the default version as Excel 2007;
            if (this.rdButtonxlsx.IsChecked.Value)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
            else if (this.rdButtonexcel2010.IsChecked.Value)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;
            else if (this.rdButtonexcel2013.IsChecked.Value)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Common\Data\XlsIO\PivotCodeDate.xlsx");

            // The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            //Access the sheet to draw pivot table.
            IWorksheet pivotSheet = workbook.Worksheets[1];

            //Select the data to add in cache
            IPivotCache cache = workbook.PivotCaches.Add(sheet["A1:H50"]);

            //Insert the pivot table.
            IPivotTable pivotTable = pivotSheet.PivotTables.Add("PivotTable1", pivotSheet["A1"], cache);

            pivotTable.Fields[2].Axis = PivotAxisTypes.Row;
            pivotTable.Fields[4].Axis = PivotAxisTypes.Row;
            pivotTable.Fields[3].Axis = PivotAxisTypes.Column;

            IPivotField field = pivotSheet.PivotTables[0].Fields[5];

            pivotTable.DataFields.Add(field, "Sum of Units", PivotSubtotalTypes.Sum);

            //Show expand/collapse button.
            pivotTable.ShowDrillIndicators = true;

            //Shows row grand.
            pivotTable.RowGrand = true;

            //Shows filter and field caption.
            pivotTable.DisplayFieldCaptions = true;

            //Apply built in style.
            pivotTable.BuiltInStyle = PivotBuiltInStyles.PivotStyleMedium2;

            //Add the Pivot chart sheet to the workbook.
            IChart pivotChartSheet = workbook.Charts.Add();

            pivotChartSheet.Name = "PivotChart";

            //Set the Pivot source for the Pivot Chart.
            pivotChartSheet.PivotSource = pivotTable;

            //Set the Pivot Chart Type.
            pivotChartSheet.PivotChartType = ExcelChartType.Column_Clustered;

            pivotSheet.Range[1, 1, 1, 14].ColumnWidth = 11;
            pivotSheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 15.29);
            pivotSheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 15.29);
            //Activate the pivot sheet.

                //Saving the workbook to disk.

                //Close the workbook.

                //Message box confirmation to view the created spreadsheet.
                if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                    MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Information) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                        //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                    catch (Win32Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Excel 2007 is not installed in this system");
                    // Exit
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry, Excel can't open two workbooks with the same name at the same time.\nPlease close the workbook and try again.", "File is already open", MessageBoxButton.OK);
        // GET: /ChartWorksheet/

        public ActionResult ChartWorksheet(string Saveoption)
            if (Saveoption == null)

            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            // Default version is set as Excel 2007
            if (Saveoption == "Xls")
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;

            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in Microsoft Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 1 worksheet.
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Entering the Datas for the chart
            sheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Crescent City, CA";
            sheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

            sheet.Range["B3"].Text = "Precipitation,in.";
            sheet.Range["C3"].Text = "Temperature,deg.F";

            sheet.Range["A4"].Text  = "Jan";
            sheet.Range["A5"].Text  = "Feb";
            sheet.Range["A6"].Text  = "March";
            sheet.Range["A7"].Text  = "Apr";
            sheet.Range["A8"].Text  = "May";
            sheet.Range["A9"].Text  = "June";
            sheet.Range["A10"].Text = "July";
            sheet.Range["A11"].Text = "Aug";
            sheet.Range["A12"].Text = "Sept";
            sheet.Range["A13"].Text = "Oct";
            sheet.Range["A14"].Text = "Nov";
            sheet.Range["A15"].Text = "Dec";

            sheet.Range["B4"].Number  = 10.9;
            sheet.Range["B5"].Number  = 8.9;
            sheet.Range["B6"].Number  = 8.6;
            sheet.Range["B7"].Number  = 4.8;
            sheet.Range["B8"].Number  = 3.2;
            sheet.Range["B9"].Number  = 1.4;
            sheet.Range["B10"].Number = 0.6;
            sheet.Range["B11"].Number = 0.7;
            sheet.Range["B12"].Number = 1.7;
            sheet.Range["B13"].Number = 5.4;
            sheet.Range["B14"].Number = 9.0;
            sheet.Range["B15"].Number = 10.4;

            sheet.Range["C4"].Number  = 47.5;
            sheet.Range["C5"].Number  = 48.7;
            sheet.Range["C6"].Number  = 48.9;
            sheet.Range["C7"].Number  = 50.2;
            sheet.Range["C8"].Number  = 53.1;
            sheet.Range["C9"].Number  = 56.3;
            sheet.Range["C10"].Number = 58.1;
            sheet.Range["C11"].Number = 59.0;
            sheet.Range["C12"].Number = 58.5;
            sheet.Range["C13"].Number = 55.4;
            sheet.Range["C14"].Number = 51.1;
            sheet.Range["C15"].Number = 47.8;

            // Adding a New chart to the Existing Worksheet
            IChart chart = workbook.Charts.Add();

            chart.DataRange      = sheet.Range["A3:C15"];
            chart.Name           = "CrescentCity,CA";
            chart.ChartTitle     = "Crescent City, CA";
            chart.IsSeriesInRows = false;

            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.Title = "Precipitation,in.";
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.TitleArea.TextRotationAngle = 90;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.MaximumValue = 14.0;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.NumberFormat = "0.0";

            // Format serie
            IChartSerie serieOne = chart.Series[0];

            serieOne.Name = "Precipitation,in.";
            serieOne.SerieFormat.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.Gradient;
            serieOne.SerieFormat.Fill.TwoColorGradient(ExcelGradientStyle.Vertical, ExcelGradientVariants.ShadingVariants_2);
            serieOne.SerieFormat.Fill.GradientColorType = ExcelGradientColor.TwoColor;
            serieOne.SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor         = Color.Plum;

            //Show value as data labels
            serieOne.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.IsValue  = true;
            serieOne.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.Position = ExcelDataLabelPosition.Outside;

            //Format the second serie
            IChartSerie serieTwo = chart.Series[1];

            serieTwo.SerieType = ExcelChartType.Line_Markers;
            serieTwo.Name      = "Temperature,deg.F";

            //Format marker
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.MarkerStyle              = ExcelChartMarkerType.Diamond;
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.MarkerSize               = 8;
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.MarkerBackgroundColor    = Color.DarkGreen;
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.MarkerForegroundColor    = Color.DarkGreen;
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineColor = Color.DarkGreen;

            //Use Secondary Axis
            serieTwo.UsePrimaryAxis = false;

            //Display secondary axis for the series.
            chart.SecondaryCategoryAxis.IsMaxCross = true;
            chart.SecondaryValueAxis.IsMaxCross    = true;

            //Set the title
            chart.SecondaryValueAxis.Title = "Temperature,deg.F";
            chart.SecondaryValueAxis.TitleArea.TextRotationAngle = 90;

            //Hide the secondary category axis
            chart.SecondaryCategoryAxis.Border.LineColor  = Color.Transparent;
            chart.SecondaryCategoryAxis.MajorTickMark     = ExcelTickMark.TickMark_None;
            chart.SecondaryCategoryAxis.TickLabelPosition = ExcelTickLabelPosition.TickLabelPosition_None;

            chart.Legend.Position         = ExcelLegendPosition.Bottom;
            chart.Legend.IsVerticalLegend = false;


                //Saving the workbook to disk.
                if (Saveoption == "Xls")
                    return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "Chart.xls", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel97));
                    return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "Chart.xlsx", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2016));
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #15
        private async void ExportButton_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
            #region Setting output location
            StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
            StorageFile storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("WeightChart.xlsx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            if (storageFile == null)

            #region Initializing workbook
            //Instantiate excel Engine
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            IWorkbook workbook;

            if (application.DefaultVersion != ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
                Assembly assembly = typeof(MainPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                string resourcePath = "WeightWatcher.Template.Template.xlsx";
                Stream fileStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourcePath);
                workbook = await application.Workbooks.OpenAsync(fileStream);
                workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Creating chart datasource

            IWorksheet chartSheet;

            //if (application.DefaultVersion != ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
            //    chartSheet = workbook.Worksheets.Create("Chart Data");
                chartSheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Entering the Datas for the chart
            chartSheet.Range["B3"].Text = "Weight progression";
            chartSheet.Range["B3"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

            chartSheet.Range["B5"].Text = "Date";
            chartSheet.Range["C5"].Text = "Weight";

            var cellColumn = 7;
            var counter = 1;
            foreach (var item in Storage.GetValuesFromCloud())
                chartSheet.Range["A" + cellColumn].Number = counter++;
                chartSheet.Range["B"+cellColumn].DateTime = item.Date;
                chartSheet.Range["C"+cellColumn].Number = item.Weight;



            #region Saving workbook and disposing objects

            await workbook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);


            #region Save acknowledgement and launching of ouput file
            MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

            UICommand yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
            UICommand noCmd = new UICommand("No");
            IUICommand cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();
            if (cmd == yesCmd)
                // Launch the saved file
                bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);

        void ExcelButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Assembly executingAssembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            Stream inputStream = null;
            //Seperate template added for ios viewers
            if (isIOS)
                inputStream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("XamarinIOInvoice.InvoiceTemplate_iOS.xlsx");
                inputStream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("XamarinIOInvoice.InvoiceTemplate.xlsx");

            IWorkbook book = null;

            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            book = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
            IWorksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

            //Create Template Marker Processor
            ITemplateMarkersProcessor marker = book.CreateTemplateMarkersProcessor();
            //Binding the business object with the marker.
            marker.AddVariable("InvoiceItem", this.ListSource);
            marker.AddVariable("BillInfo", this.billInfo);

            //Applies the marker.

            sheet[(16 + this.ListSource.Count + 1), 6].Text = "$ " + GetNetAmount();

            MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream();


            DependencyService.Get<ISave>().SaveTextAsync("Invoice.xlsx", "application/msexcel", data);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the Excel document to JSON
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Return the JSON document as stream</returns>
        public MemoryStream ImportExportXlsIO(string button, string option, DataTable dataTable)
            if (button == "Input Document")
                //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open].
                //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

                //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine
                using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                    //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object
                    IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
                    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;

                    //Opening the encrypted Workbook
                    FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(ResolveApplicationPath("northwind-data-template.xls"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    IWorkbook  workbook    = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream, ExcelParseOptions.Default);

                    //Save the document as a stream and retrun the stream
                    using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                        //Save the created Excel document to MemoryStream
                //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open]
                //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

                //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine
                using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                    //Exports the DataTable to a spreadsheet.
                    string fileName = string.Empty;
                    #region Workbook Initialize
                    //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
                    IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
                    //Set the Workbook version as Excel 97to2003
                    if (option == "XLS")
                        application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                        fileName = "ExportToExcel.xls";
                    //Set the Workbook version as Excel 2007
                        application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
                        fileName = "ExportToExcel.xlsx";
                    //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
                    //The new workbook will have 3 worksheets
                    IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

                    //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
                    IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

                    #region Export DataTable to Excel
                    //Export DataTable.
                    if (dataTable != null)
                        worksheet.ImportDataTable(dataTable, true, 3, 1, -1, -1);

                    #region Formatting the Report
                    //Formatting the Report

                    #region Applying Body Stlye
                    //Body Style
                    IStyle bodyStyle = workbook.Styles.Add("BodyStyle");

                    //Add custom colors to the palette.
                    workbook.SetPaletteColor(9, Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(239, 242, 247));
                    bodyStyle.Color = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(239, 243, 247);
                    bodyStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                    bodyStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;

                    //Apply Style
                    worksheet.UsedRange.CellStyleName = "BodyStyle";

                    #region Applying Header Style
                    //Header Style
                    IStyle headerStyle = workbook.Styles.Add("HeaderStyle");

                    //Add custom colors to the palette.
                    workbook.SetPaletteColor(8, Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(182, 189, 218));
                    headerStyle.Color     = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(182, 189, 218);
                    headerStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                    headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle   = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                    headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                    headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeTop].LineStyle    = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                    headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;

                    //Apply Style
                    worksheet.Range["A1:K3"].CellStyleName = "HeaderStyle";

                    //Remove grid lines in the worksheet.
                    worksheet.IsGridLinesVisible = false;

                    //Autofit Rows and Columns

                    //Adjust Row Height.
                    worksheet.Rows[1].RowHeight = 25;

                    //Freeze header row.

                    worksheet.Range["C2"].Text = "Customer Details";
                    worksheet.Range["C2"].CellStyle.Font.Size           = 14;
                    worksheet.Range["C2"].CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;

                    #region Workbook Save and Close
                    //Saving the workbook to disk.
                    //Save the document as a stream and retrun the stream
                    using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                        //Save the created Excel document to MemoryStream
        private void CreatingPositionsPreorder(int orderId, string path)
            List <string> fiels = GetFileArray(path);

            using (PortalKATEKEntities db = new PortalKATEKEntities())
                foreach (var fiel in fiels.Where(a => a.Contains("~") == false))
                    using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                        IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
                        IWorkbook    workbook    = application.Workbooks.Open(fiel);
                        IWorksheet   worksheet   = workbook.Worksheets[0];
                        int          lenght      = worksheet.Rows.Length;
                        for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                            if (worksheet.Rows[i].Columns[1].DisplayText.Contains("PCAM") == true)
                                PlexiglassPositionsOrder pos = new PlexiglassPositionsOrder
                                    id_PlexiglassOrder = orderId,
                                    positionNum        = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value,
                                    designation        = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.Trim(),
                                    name     = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.Trim(),
                                    index    = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.Trim(),
                                    quentity = (int)worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[4].Number,
                                    square   = 0.0,
                                    barcode  = GetBarcode(worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value, worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value)
                                if (double.IsNaN(worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[5].Number))
                                        pos.square = Convert.ToDouble(worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[5].DisplayText);
                                            pos.square = Convert.ToDouble(worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[5].DisplayText.Replace(".", ","));
                                    pos.square = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[5].Number;
                                GetFileMaterials(pos.designation, path);
                                worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value = pos.barcode;
                                worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[9].Text  = pos.barcode;
                        workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
        public JsonResult AddOrder()
                string login    = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
                int    returnId = 0;
                using (PortalKATEKEntities db = new PortalKATEKEntities())
                    HttpPostedFileBase[] files = new HttpPostedFileBase[Request.Files.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                        files[i] = Request.Files[i];
                    int[]  ord           = GetOrdersArray(Request.Form.ToString());
                    int    typeMaterials = GetTypeMaterials(Request.Form.ToString());
                    int    fileSize      = files[0].ContentLength;
                    var    fileName      = Path.GetFileName(files[0].FileName);
                    byte[] fileByteArray = new byte[fileSize];
                    files[0].InputStream.Read(fileByteArray, 0, fileSize);
                    string fileLocation = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/temp"), fileName);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/temp")))
                    string error = "";
                    using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                        IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
                        IWorkbook    workbook    = application.Workbooks.Open(fileLocation);
                        IWorksheet   worksheet   = workbook.Worksheets[0];
                        int          lenght      = worksheet.Rows.Length;
                        for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
                            if (worksheet.Rows[i].Columns[1].DisplayText.Contains("PCAM") == true)
                                PlexiglassPositionsOrder pos = new PlexiglassPositionsOrder
                                    id_PlexiglassOrder = 0,
                                    positionNum        = "",
                                    designation        = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.Trim(),
                                    name     = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.Trim(),
                                    index    = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.Trim(),
                                    quentity = 0,
                                    square   = 0.0,
                                    barcode  = ""
                                bool correct = GetFileMaterials(pos.designation);
                                if (correct == false)
                                    error += pos.designation + " - файл не найден " + "\n";
                    if (error != "")
                        return(Json(error, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    var order = new PlexiglassOrder
                        id_CMO_TypeProduct = typeMaterials,
                        id_AspNetUsers     = db.AspNetUsers.First(a => a.Email == login).Id,
                        datetimeCreate     = DateTime.Now,
                        folder             = "",
                        remove             = false,
                        note = "",
                        id_PlexiglassCompany = null
                    order.folder = CreateFolderAndFileForPreOrder(, files);
                    CreatingPositionsPreorder(, order.folder);
                    db.Entry(order).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    foreach (var p in ord)
                        PlexiglassOrdersPlans po = new PlexiglassOrdersPlans
                            PZ_PlanZakazId    = p,
                            PlexiglassOrderId =
                    new EmailPlexiglas(order, login, 0);

                    return(Json(returnId, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Debug("PlexiglasController/AddOrder: " + ex.Message);
                return(Json(0, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        // GET: /DataValidation/

        public ActionResult DataValidation(string SaveOption)
            if (SaveOption == null)

            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;

            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in Microsoft Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 3 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(3);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            //Data validation to list the values in the first cell
            IDataValidation validation = sheet.Range["C7"].DataValidation;

            sheet.Range["B7"].Text        = "Select an item from the validation list";
            validation.ListOfValues       = new string[] { "PDF", "XlsIO", "DocIO" };
            validation.PromptBoxText      = "Data Validation list";
            validation.IsPromptBoxVisible = true;
            validation.ShowPromptBox      = true;

            sheet.Range["C7"].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
            sheet.Range["C7"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false;
            sheet.Range["C7"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine   = false;

            // Data Validation for Numbers
            IDataValidation validation1 = sheet.Range["C9"].DataValidation;

            sheet.Range["B9"].Text      = "Enter a Number to validate";
            validation1.AllowType       = ExcelDataType.Integer;
            validation1.CompareOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.Between;
            validation1.FirstFormula    = "0";
            validation1.SecondFormula   = "10";
            validation1.ShowErrorBox    = true;
            validation1.ErrorBoxText    = "Enter Value between 0 to 10";
            validation1.ErrorBoxTitle   = "ERROR";
            validation1.PromptBoxText   = "Data Validation using Condition for Numbers";
            validation1.ShowPromptBox   = true;
            sheet.Range["C9"].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
            sheet.Range["C9"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false;
            sheet.Range["C9"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine   = false;

            // Data Validation for Date
            IDataValidation validation2 = sheet.Range["C11"].DataValidation;

            sheet.Range["B11"].Text     = "Enter the Date to validate";
            validation2.AllowType       = ExcelDataType.Date;
            validation2.CompareOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.Between;
            validation2.FirstDateTime   = new DateTime(2003, 5, 10);
            validation2.SecondDateTime  = new DateTime(2004, 5, 10);
            validation2.ShowErrorBox    = true;
            validation2.ErrorBoxText    = "Enter Value between 5/10/2003 to 5/10/2004";
            validation2.ErrorBoxTitle   = "ERROR";
            validation2.PromptBoxText   = "Data Validation using Condition for Date";
            validation2.ShowPromptBox   = true;
            sheet.Range["C11"].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
            sheet.Range["C11"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false;
            sheet.Range["C11"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine   = false;

            // Data Validation for TextLength
            IDataValidation validation3 = sheet.Range["C13"].DataValidation;

            sheet.Range["B13"].Text     = "Enter the Text to validate";
            validation3.AllowType       = ExcelDataType.TextLength;
            validation3.CompareOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.Between;
            validation3.FirstFormula    = "1";
            validation3.SecondFormula   = "6";
            validation3.ShowErrorBox    = true;
            validation3.ErrorBoxText    = "Retype text length to 6 character";
            validation3.ErrorBoxTitle   = "ERROR";
            validation3.PromptBoxText   = "Data Validation using Condition for TextLength";
            validation3.ShowPromptBox   = true;
            sheet.Range["C13"].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
            sheet.Range["C13"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false;
            sheet.Range["C13"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine   = false;

            // Data Validation for Time
            IDataValidation validation4 = sheet.Range["C15"].DataValidation;

            sheet.Range["B15"].Text     = "Enter the Time to validate";
            validation4.AllowType       = ExcelDataType.Time;
            validation4.CompareOperator = ExcelDataValidationComparisonOperator.Between;
            validation4.FirstFormula    = "10";
            validation4.SecondFormula   = "12";
            validation4.ShowErrorBox    = true;
            validation4.ErrorBoxText    = "Enter the Correct time between 10 to 12 ";
            validation4.ErrorBoxTitle   = "ERROR";
            validation4.PromptBoxText   = "Data Validation using Condition for Time";
            validation4.ShowPromptBox   = true;
            sheet.Range["C15"].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
            sheet.Range["C15"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false;
            sheet.Range["C15"].CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine   = false;
            sheet.Range["B2"].Text = "Simple Data validation";
            sheet.Range["B5"].Text = "Validation criteria";
            sheet.Range["C5"].Text = "Validation";
            sheet.Range["B5"].CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;
            sheet.Range["C5"].CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;
            sheet.Range["B2"].CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;
            sheet.Range["B2"].CellStyle.Font.Size           = 16;
            sheet.Range["B2"].CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;

                //Saving the workbook to disk.
                if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                    return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "DataValidation.xls", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel97));
                    return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "DataValidation.xlsx", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2016));
            catch (Exception)

        private async void btnGenerateExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            StorageFile storageFile;

            if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
                FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
                savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
                savePicker.SuggestedFileName      = "ConditionalFormattings";
                savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
                StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("ConditionalFormattings.xlsx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            if (storageFile == null)
            //Instantiate excel Engine
            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            Assembly assembly     = typeof(CondFormat).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            string   resourcePath = "Syncfusion.SampleBrowser.UWP.XlsIO.XlsIO.Tutorials.Samples.Assets.Resources.Templates.CFTemplate.xlsx";
            Stream   fileStream   = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourcePath);

            IWorkbook myWorkbook = await excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.OpenAsync(fileStream);

            IWorksheet sheet = myWorkbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Databar
            //Add condition for the range
            IConditionalFormats formats = sheet.Range["C7:C46"].ConditionalFormats;
            IConditionalFormat  format  = formats.AddCondition();

            //Set Data bar and icon set for the same cell
            //Set the format type
            format.FormatType = ExcelCFType.DataBar;
            IDataBar dataBar = format.DataBar;

            //Set the constraint
            dataBar.MinPoint.Type  = ConditionValueType.LowestValue;
            dataBar.MinPoint.Value = "0";
            dataBar.MaxPoint.Type  = ConditionValueType.HighestValue;
            dataBar.MaxPoint.Value = "0";

            //Set color for Bar
            dataBar.BarColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 156, 208, 243);

            //Hide the value in data bar
            dataBar.ShowValue = false;

            #region Iconset
            //Add another condition in the same range
            format = formats.AddCondition();

            //Set Icon format type
            format.FormatType = ExcelCFType.IconSet;
            IIconSet iconSet = format.IconSet;
            iconSet.IconSet = ExcelIconSetType.FourRating;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[0].Type  = ConditionValueType.LowestValue;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[0].Value = "0";
            iconSet.IconCriteria[1].Type  = ConditionValueType.HighestValue;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[1].Value = "0";
            iconSet.ShowIconOnly          = true;

            //Sets Icon sets for another range
            formats                       = sheet.Range["E7:E46"].ConditionalFormats;
            format                        = formats.AddCondition();
            format.FormatType             = ExcelCFType.IconSet;
            iconSet                       = format.IconSet;
            iconSet.IconSet               = ExcelIconSetType.ThreeSymbols;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[0].Type  = ConditionValueType.LowestValue;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[0].Value = "0";
            iconSet.IconCriteria[1].Type  = ConditionValueType.HighestValue;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[1].Value = "0";
            iconSet.ShowIconOnly          = true;

            #region Color Scale
            formats           = sheet.Range["D7:D46"].ConditionalFormats;
            format            = formats.AddCondition();
            format.FormatType = ExcelCFType.ColorScale;
            IColorScale colorScale = format.ColorScale;

            //Sets 3 - color scale.

            colorScale.Criteria[0].FormatColorRGB = Color.FromArgb(255, 230, 197, 218);
            colorScale.Criteria[0].Type           = ConditionValueType.LowestValue;
            colorScale.Criteria[0].Value          = "0";

            colorScale.Criteria[1].FormatColorRGB = Color.FromArgb(255, 244, 210, 178);
            colorScale.Criteria[1].Type           = ConditionValueType.Percentile;
            colorScale.Criteria[1].Value          = "50";

            colorScale.Criteria[2].FormatColorRGB = Color.FromArgb(255, 245, 247, 171);
            colorScale.Criteria[2].Type           = ConditionValueType.HighestValue;
            colorScale.Criteria[2].Value          = "0";

            await myWorkbook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);

            //Close the workbook.

            //No exception will be thrown if there are unsaved workbooks.
            excelEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false;
            MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

            UICommand yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
            UICommand noCmd = new UICommand("No");
            IUICommand cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();

            if (cmd == yesCmd)
                // Launch the saved file
                bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);
Beispiel #22
        private async void btnGenerateExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            StorageFile storageFile;

            if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
                FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
                savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
                savePicker.SuggestedFileName      = "FormulaSample";
                if (rdBtn2003.IsChecked.Value)
                    savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                    savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
                StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                if (rdBtn2003.IsChecked.Value)
                    storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("FormulaSample.xls", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
                    storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("FormulaSample.xlsx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            if (storageFile == null)
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            if (this.rdBtn2003.IsChecked.Value)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 3 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Insert Array Formula

            sheet.Range["A2"].Text      = "Array formulas";
            sheet.Range["B2:E2"].Number = 3;
            sheet.Names.Add("ArrayRange", sheet.Range["B2:E2"]);
            sheet.Range["B3:E3"].Number           = 5;
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;


            #region Excel functions

            sheet.Range["A5"].Text = "Formula";
            sheet.Range["B5"].Text = "Result";

            sheet.Range["A7"].Text    = "ABS(ABS(-B3))";
            sheet.Range["B7"].Formula = "ABS(ABS(-B3))";

            sheet.Range["A9"].Text    = "SUM(B3,C3)";
            sheet.Range["B9"].Formula = "SUM(B3,C3)";

            sheet.Range["A11"].Text    = "MIN(10,20,30,5,15,35,6,16,36)";
            sheet.Range["B11"].Formula = "MIN(10,20,30,5,15,35,6,16,36)";

            sheet.Range["A13"].Text    = "MAX(10,20,30,5,15,35,6,16,36)";
            sheet.Range["B13"].Formula = "MAX(10,20,30,5,15,35,6,16,36)";

            sheet.Range["A5:B5"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A5:B5"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;


            #region Simple formulas
            sheet.Range["C7"].Number   = 10;
            sheet.Range["C9"].Number   = 10;
            sheet.Range["A15"].Text    = "C7+C9";
            sheet.Range["B15"].Formula = "C7+C9";


            sheet.Range["B1"].Text = "Excel formula support";
            sheet.Range["B1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["B1"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;
            sheet.UsedRange.RowHeight = 19;
            sheet["A1"].ColumnWidth   = 29;

            await workbook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);


            MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

            UICommand yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
            UICommand noCmd = new UICommand("No");
            IUICommand cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();

            if (cmd == yesCmd)
                // Launch the saved file
                bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);
        private void simpleActionImportFieldMaps_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            string timeStamp = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss-tt}", DateTime.Now);

            string fn = string.Format(dlm.FieldmapsImportFile.FileName);
            string targetFilePath = @"C:\DataExplorer\" + fn;
            Debug.Write("\n\n Target File Path:\t" + targetFilePath);
            dlm.ImportFileName = targetFilePath;
            FileStream myStream = new FileStream(targetFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);


            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;


            IWorkbook workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(targetFilePath, ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            IRange range = sheet.UsedRange;
            int numberOfRows = range.Rows.Length;

            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfRows; i++) //for each excel tab
                FieldMap fieldMap = ObjectSpace.CreateObject<FieldMap>();

                if (sheet.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value != "")
                    fieldMap.ExcelTabName = sheet.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value;

                if (sheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value != "")
                    fieldMap.ExcelColumnName = sheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value;
                if (sheet.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value != "")
                    fieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition = Convert.ToInt32(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value);
                if (sheet.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value != "")
                    fieldMap.BOType = Type.GetType(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value);

                if (sheet.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value != "")
                    ObjectFields objectFields = ObjectSpace.CreateObject<ObjectFields>();
                    objectFields.BOFieldName = sheet.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value;
                    objectFields.BOType = Type.GetType(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value);
                    fieldMap.BOField = objectFields;

                fieldMap.DataLoadMap = dlm;
        private void loadObjects()
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            IWorkbook workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(dlm.FileName, ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            IRange range = sheet.UsedRange;
            int numberOfRows = range.Rows.Length;
            myType = fieldMaps[0].BOType;

            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfRows; i++) //For each row of the input document
                Debug.Write("\n\n loadObjects()  -  Now Loading Tab Name\t\t" + sheet.Name + "\t\t Row #\t\t" + i);

                Debug.WriteLine("Now loading line " + i);

                object targetObject = ObjectSpace.CreateObject(myType);

                targetBoType = XafTypesInfo.Instance.FindTypeInfo(myType);
                foreach (FieldMap curentFieldMap in fieldMaps)  //Each currentFieldMap has a single mapping between the input document field and the target BO field
                    foreach (var member in targetBoType.OwnMembers)  //for each BO public field
                        // Debug.Write("\n\n MEMBER NAME:\t\t" + member.Name + "\n");
                        if (member.IsPublic && curentFieldMap.BOField != null && member.Name == curentFieldMap.BOField.BOFieldName)  //If BO field is public and if it's name matches what is in the field map, then we set this fie;d's value to the one of the input cell
                            if (member.MemberTypeInfo.ToString() == "System.Int32")
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value) && sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value != "NULL")
                                    object cellvalue = sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value;
                                    object value = null;
                                        value = Convert.ToInt32(cellvalue);
                                    catch (Exception ex) { }

                                    if (value != null)
                                        member.SetValue(targetObject, (int)Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value)));

                            if (member.MemberTypeInfo.ToString() == "System.Double")
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value))
                                    if (i > 1)
                                        object cellvalue = sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value;
                                        object value = null;
                                            value = Convert.ToDouble(cellvalue);
                                        //catch (Exception ex) { }
                                        if (value != null)
                                            member.SetValue(targetObject, Convert.ToDouble((sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value).Trim()));

                            if (member.MemberTypeInfo.ToString() == "System.Decimal")
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value))
                                    if (i > 1)
                                        object cellvalue = sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value;
                                        object value = null;
                                            value = Convert.ToDecimal(cellvalue);
                                        catch (Exception ex) { }
                                        if (value != null)
                                            member.SetValue(targetObject, Convert.ToDecimal((sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value).Trim()));

                            if (member.MemberTypeInfo.ToString() == "System.String")
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value))
                                    member.SetValue(targetObject, sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value);

                            if (member.MemberTypeInfo.ToString() == "System.DateTime")
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value))
                                        member.SetValue(targetObject, Convert.ToDateTime(sheet.Rows[i].Cells[curentFieldMap.ExcelColumnPosition].Value));
                                    catch (Exception exc) { }

                            if (member.Name == "IsNewRecord")
                                member.SetValue(targetObject, "Y");

                            if (targetBoType == typeof(Account))
                                ((Account)targetObject).IsNewRecord = "Y";


Beispiel #25
        private async void btnGenerateExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            #region Setting output location
            StorageFile storageFile;
            if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
                FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
                savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
                savePicker.SuggestedFileName      = "ChartSample";
                if (rdBtn2003.IsChecked.Value)
                    savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                    savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
                StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                if (rdBtn2003.IsChecked.Value)
                    storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("ChartSample.xls", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
                    storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("ChartSample.xlsx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            if (storageFile == null)

            #region Initializing workbook
            //Instantiate excel Engine
            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            if (rdBtn2003.IsChecked.Value)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            IWorkbook workbook;

            if (application.DefaultVersion != ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
                Assembly assembly     = typeof(Chart).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                string   resourcePath = "Syncfusion.SampleBrowser.UWP.XlsIO.XlsIO.Tutorials.Samples.Assets.Resources.Templates.Sparkline.xlsx";
                Stream   fileStream   = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourcePath);
                workbook = await application.Workbooks.OpenAsync(fileStream);
                workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            if (application.DefaultVersion != ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
                #region Sparklines

                #region WholeSale Report

                //A new Sparkline group is added to the sheet sparklinegroups
                ISparklineGroup sparklineGroup = sheet.SparklineGroups.Add();

                //Set the Sparkline group type as line
                sparklineGroup.SparklineType = SparklineType.Line;

                //Set to display the empty cell as line
                sparklineGroup.DisplayEmptyCellsAs = SparklineEmptyCells.Line;

                //Sparkline group style properties
                sparklineGroup.ShowFirstPoint     = true;
                sparklineGroup.FirstPointColor    = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Green.A, Colors.Green.R, Colors.Green.G, Colors.Green.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowLastPoint      = true;
                sparklineGroup.LastPointColor     = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Orange.A, Colors.Orange.R, Colors.Orange.G, Colors.Orange.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowHighPoint      = true;
                sparklineGroup.HighPointColor     = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Blue.A, Colors.Blue.R, Colors.Blue.G, Colors.Blue.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowLowPoint       = true;
                sparklineGroup.LowPointColor      = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Purple.A, Colors.Purple.R, Colors.Purple.G, Colors.Purple.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowMarkers        = true;
                sparklineGroup.MarkersColor       = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Black.A, Colors.Black.R, Colors.Black.G, Colors.Black.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowNegativePoint  = true;
                sparklineGroup.NegativePointColor = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Red.A, Colors.Red.R, Colors.Red.G, Colors.Red.B);

                //set the line weight
                sparklineGroup.LineWeight = 0.3;

                //The sparklines are added to the sparklinegroup.
                ISparklines sparklines = sparklineGroup.Add();

                //Set the Sparkline Datarange .
                IRange dataRange = sheet.Range["D6:G17"];
                //Set the Sparkline Reference range.
                IRange referenceRange = sheet.Range["H6:H17"];

                //Create a sparkline with the datarange and reference range.
                sparklines.Add(dataRange, referenceRange);


                #region Retail Trade

                //A new Sparkline group is added to the sheet sparklinegroups
                sparklineGroup = sheet.SparklineGroups.Add();

                //Set the Sparkline group type as column
                sparklineGroup.SparklineType = SparklineType.Column;

                //Set to display the empty cell as zero
                sparklineGroup.DisplayEmptyCellsAs = SparklineEmptyCells.Zero;

                //Sparkline group style properties
                sparklineGroup.ShowHighPoint      = true;
                sparklineGroup.HighPointColor     = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Green.A, Colors.Green.R, Colors.Green.G, Colors.Green.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowLowPoint       = true;
                sparklineGroup.LowPointColor      = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Red.A, Colors.Red.R, Colors.Red.G, Colors.Red.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowNegativePoint  = true;
                sparklineGroup.NegativePointColor = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Black.A, Colors.Black.R, Colors.Black.G, Colors.Black.B);

                //The sparklines are added to the sparklinegroup.
                sparklines = sparklineGroup.Add();

                //Set the Sparkline Datarange .
                dataRange = sheet.Range["D21:G32"];
                //Set the Sparkline Reference range.
                referenceRange = sheet.Range["H21:H32"];

                //Create a sparkline with the datarange and reference range.
                sparklines.Add(dataRange, referenceRange);


                #region Manufacturing Trade

                //A new Sparkline group is added to the sheet sparklinegroups
                sparklineGroup = sheet.SparklineGroups.Add();

                //Set the Sparkline group type as win/loss
                sparklineGroup.SparklineType = SparklineType.ColumnStacked100;

                sparklineGroup.DisplayEmptyCellsAs = SparklineEmptyCells.Zero;

                sparklineGroup.DisplayAxis        = true;
                sparklineGroup.AxisColor          = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Black.A, Colors.Black.R, Colors.Black.G, Colors.Black.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowFirstPoint     = true;
                sparklineGroup.FirstPointColor    = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Green.A, Colors.Green.R, Colors.Green.G, Colors.Green.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowLastPoint      = true;
                sparklineGroup.LastPointColor     = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Orange.A, Colors.Orange.R, Colors.Orange.G, Colors.Orange.B);
                sparklineGroup.ShowNegativePoint  = true;
                sparklineGroup.NegativePointColor = Color.FromArgb(Colors.Red.A, Colors.Red.R, Colors.Red.G, Colors.Red.B);

                sparklines = sparklineGroup.Add();

                dataRange      = sheet.Range["D36:G46"];
                referenceRange = sheet.Range["H36:H46"];

                sparklines.Add(dataRange, referenceRange);


            #region Creating chart datasource

            IWorksheet chartSheet;

            if (application.DefaultVersion != ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
                chartSheet = workbook.Worksheets.Create("Chart Data");
                chartSheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Entering the Datas for the chart
            chartSheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Crescent City, CA";
            chartSheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

            chartSheet.Range["B3"].Text = "Precipitation,in.";
            chartSheet.Range["C3"].Text = "Temperature,deg.F";

            chartSheet.Range["A4"].Text  = "Jan";
            chartSheet.Range["A5"].Text  = "Feb";
            chartSheet.Range["A6"].Text  = "March";
            chartSheet.Range["A7"].Text  = "Apr";
            chartSheet.Range["A8"].Text  = "May";
            chartSheet.Range["A9"].Text  = "June";
            chartSheet.Range["A10"].Text = "July";
            chartSheet.Range["A11"].Text = "Aug";
            chartSheet.Range["A12"].Text = "Sept";
            chartSheet.Range["A13"].Text = "Oct";
            chartSheet.Range["A14"].Text = "Nov";
            chartSheet.Range["A15"].Text = "Dec";

            chartSheet.Range["B4"].Number  = 10.9;
            chartSheet.Range["B5"].Number  = 8.9;
            chartSheet.Range["B6"].Number  = 8.6;
            chartSheet.Range["B7"].Number  = 4.8;
            chartSheet.Range["B8"].Number  = 3.2;
            chartSheet.Range["B9"].Number  = 1.4;
            chartSheet.Range["B10"].Number = 0.6;
            chartSheet.Range["B11"].Number = 0.7;
            chartSheet.Range["B12"].Number = 1.7;
            chartSheet.Range["B13"].Number = 5.4;
            chartSheet.Range["B14"].Number = 9.0;
            chartSheet.Range["B15"].Number = 10.4;

            chartSheet.Range["C4"].Number  = 4.5;
            chartSheet.Range["C5"].Number  = 2.7;
            chartSheet.Range["C6"].Number  = 9.9;
            chartSheet.Range["C7"].Number  = 4.2;
            chartSheet.Range["C8"].Number  = 6.1;
            chartSheet.Range["C9"].Number  = 5.3;
            chartSheet.Range["C10"].Number = 3.1;
            chartSheet.Range["C11"].Number = 7;
            chartSheet.Range["C12"].Number = 4.5;
            chartSheet.Range["C13"].Number = 8.4;
            chartSheet.Range["C14"].Number = 3.1;
            chartSheet.Range["C15"].Number = 8.8;

            //#if WINDOWS_APP
            #region Column Chart

            #region Creating ChartSheet with Wall implementation
            // Adding a New chart to the Existing Worksheet
            IChart chart = workbook.Charts.Add("Column Chart");

            chart.DataRange      = chartSheet.Range["A3:C15"];
            chart.ChartTitle     = "Crescent City, CA";
            chart.IsSeriesInRows = false;

            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.Title = "Precipitation,in.";
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.TitleArea.TextRotationAngle = 90;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.MaximumValue = 14.0;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.NumberFormat = "0.0";

            chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Title = "Month";

            IChartSerie serieOne = chart.Series[0];

            //set the Chart Type
            chart.ChartType = ExcelChartType.Column_Clustered_3D;

            //set the Backwall fill option
            chart.BackWall.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.Gradient;

            //set the Texture Type
            chart.BackWall.Fill.GradientColorType = ExcelGradientColor.TwoColor;
            chart.BackWall.Fill.GradientStyle     = ExcelGradientStyle.Diagonl_Down;
            chart.BackWall.Fill.ForeColor         = Colors.White;
            chart.BackWall.Fill.BackColor         = Colors.Blue;

            //set the Border Linecolor
            chart.BackWall.Border.LineColor = Colors.Brown;

            //set the Picture Type
            chart.BackWall.PictureUnit = ExcelChartPictureType.stretch;

            //set the Backwall thickness
            chart.BackWall.Thickness = 10;

            //set the sidewall fill option
            chart.SideWall.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.SolidColor;

            //set the sidewall foreground and backcolor
            chart.SideWall.Fill.BackColor = Colors.White;
            chart.SideWall.Fill.ForeColor = Colors.White;

            //set the side wall Border color
            chart.SideWall.Border.LineColor = Colors.Red;

            //set floor fill option
            chart.Floor.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.Pattern;

            //set the floor pattern Type
            chart.Floor.Fill.Pattern = ExcelGradientPattern.Pat_Divot;

            //Set the floor fore and Back ground color
            chart.Floor.Fill.ForeColor = Colors.Blue;
            chart.Floor.Fill.BackColor = Colors.White;

            //set the floor thickness
            chart.Floor.Thickness = 3;

            //Set rotation angles
            chart.Rotation  = 20;
            chart.Elevation = 15;

            IChartSerie serieTwo = chart.Series[1];
            //Show value as data labels
            serieOne.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.IsValue = true;
            serieTwo.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.IsValue = true;

            serieTwo.Name = "Temperature,deg.F";

            // Legend setting
            chart.Legend.Position         = ExcelLegendPosition.Right;
            chart.Legend.IsVerticalLegend = false;

            //Move the worksheet



            #region Pie Chart

            IWorksheet  embeddedChartSheet = workbook.Worksheets.Create("Pie Chart");
            IChartShape embeddedChart      = embeddedChartSheet.Charts.Add();

            embeddedChart.ChartTitle     = "Precipitation in Months";
            embeddedChart.IsSeriesInRows = false;
            embeddedChart.ChartType      = ExcelChartType.Pie;
            embeddedChart.DataRange      = chartSheet["A4:B15"];
            embeddedChart.Series[0].DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.IsValue         = true;
            embeddedChart.Series[0].DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.ShowLeaderLines = true;


            #region Saving workbook and disposing objects

            await workbook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);



            #region Save acknowledgement and launching of ouput file
            MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

            UICommand yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
            UICommand noCmd = new UICommand("No");
            IUICommand cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();

            if (cmd == yesCmd)
                // Launch the saved file
                bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);
        void Excel_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
            Assembly executingAssembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            Stream inputStream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("XamarinIOInvoice.InvoiceTemplate.xlsx");
            IWorkbook book = null;

            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            book = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
            IWorksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[0];

            //Create Template Marker Processor
            ITemplateMarkersProcessor marker = book.CreateTemplateMarkersProcessor();
            //Binding the business object with the marker.
            marker.AddVariable("InvoiceItem", GetDataSource());
            //Applies the marker.
			sheet ["I18"].Number = 13600;
            MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream();


            DependencyService.Get<ISave>().SaveTextAsync("Invoice.xlsx", "application/msexcel", data);
        private async void btnGenerateExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            // Default version is set as Excel 2007
            if (this.rdbExcel2013.IsChecked.Value)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;

            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 1 worksheet.
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Entering the Datas for the chart
            sheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Crescent City, CA";
            sheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

            sheet.Range["B3"].Text = "Precipitation,in.";
            sheet.Range["C3"].Text = "Temperature,deg.F";

            sheet.Range["A4"].Text  = "Jan";
            sheet.Range["A5"].Text  = "Feb";
            sheet.Range["A6"].Text  = "March";
            sheet.Range["A7"].Text  = "Apr";
            sheet.Range["A8"].Text  = "May";
            sheet.Range["A9"].Text  = "June";
            sheet.Range["A10"].Text = "July";
            sheet.Range["A11"].Text = "Aug";
            sheet.Range["A12"].Text = "Sept";
            sheet.Range["A13"].Text = "Oct";
            sheet.Range["A14"].Text = "Nov";
            sheet.Range["A15"].Text = "Dec";

            sheet.Range["B4"].Number  = 10.9;
            sheet.Range["B5"].Number  = 8.9;
            sheet.Range["B6"].Number  = 8.6;
            sheet.Range["B7"].Number  = 4.8;
            sheet.Range["B8"].Number  = 3.2;
            sheet.Range["B9"].Number  = 1.4;
            sheet.Range["B10"].Number = 0.6;
            sheet.Range["B11"].Number = 0.7;
            sheet.Range["B12"].Number = 1.7;
            sheet.Range["B13"].Number = 5.4;
            sheet.Range["B14"].Number = 9.0;
            sheet.Range["B15"].Number = 10.4;

            sheet.Range["C4"].Number  = 47.5;
            sheet.Range["C5"].Number  = 48.7;
            sheet.Range["C6"].Number  = 48.9;
            sheet.Range["C7"].Number  = 50.2;
            sheet.Range["C8"].Number  = 53.1;
            sheet.Range["C9"].Number  = 56.3;
            sheet.Range["C10"].Number = 58.1;
            sheet.Range["C11"].Number = 59.0;
            sheet.Range["C12"].Number = 58.5;
            sheet.Range["C13"].Number = 55.4;
            sheet.Range["C14"].Number = 51.1;
            sheet.Range["C15"].Number = 47.8;

            // Adding a New chart to the Existing Worksheet
            IChart chart = workbook.Charts.Add();

            chart.DataRange      = sheet.Range["A3:C15"];
            chart.Name           = "CrescentCity,CA";
            chart.ChartTitle     = "Crescent City, CA";
            chart.IsSeriesInRows = false;

            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.Title = "Precipitation,in.";
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.TitleArea.TextRotationAngle = 90;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.MaximumValue = 14.0;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.NumberFormat = "0.0";

            // Format serie
            IChartSerie serieOne = chart.Series[0];

            serieOne.Name = "Precipitation,in.";
            serieOne.SerieFormat.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.Gradient;
            serieOne.SerieFormat.Fill.TwoColorGradient(ExcelGradientStyle.Vertical, ExcelGradientVariants.ShadingVariants_2);
            serieOne.SerieFormat.Fill.GradientColorType = ExcelGradientColor.TwoColor;
            serieOne.SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor         = Color.FromArgb(255, 221, 160, 221);

            //Show value as data labels
            serieOne.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.IsValue  = true;
            serieOne.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.Position = ExcelDataLabelPosition.Outside;

            //Format the second serie
            IChartSerie serieTwo = chart.Series[1];

            serieTwo.SerieType = ExcelChartType.Line_Markers;
            serieTwo.Name      = "Temperature,deg.F";

            //Format marker
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.MarkerStyle              = ExcelChartMarkerType.Diamond;
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.MarkerSize               = 8;
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.MarkerBackgroundColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 100, 0);
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.MarkerForegroundColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 100, 0);
            serieTwo.SerieFormat.LineProperties.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 100, 0);

            //Use Secondary Axis
            serieTwo.UsePrimaryAxis = false;

            //Display secondary axis for the series.
            chart.SecondaryCategoryAxis.IsMaxCross = true;
            chart.SecondaryValueAxis.IsMaxCross    = true;

            //Set the title
            chart.SecondaryValueAxis.Title = "Temperature,deg.F";
            chart.SecondaryValueAxis.TitleArea.TextRotationAngle = 90;

            //Hide the secondary category axis
            chart.SecondaryCategoryAxis.Border.LineColor  = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
            chart.SecondaryCategoryAxis.MajorTickMark     = ExcelTickMark.TickMark_None;
            chart.SecondaryCategoryAxis.TickLabelPosition = ExcelTickLabelPosition.TickLabelPosition_None;

            chart.Legend.Position         = ExcelLegendPosition.Bottom;
            chart.Legend.IsVerticalLegend = false;

            //Excel2013 Filter option
            if (rdbExcel2013.IsChecked.Value)
                chart.Series[1].IsFiltered     = true;
                chart.Categories[0].IsFiltered = true;
                chart.Categories[1].IsFiltered = true;


            #region Save the Workbook
            StorageFile storageFile;
            if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
                FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
                savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
                savePicker.SuggestedFileName      = "ChartWorksheet";
                if (workbook.Version == ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
                    savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                    savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
                StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                if (workbook.Version == ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
                    storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("ChartWorksheet.xls", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
                    storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("ChartWorksheet.xlsx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            if (storageFile != null)
                //Saving the workbook
                await workbook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);


                MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

                UICommand yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
                UICommand noCmd = new UICommand("No");
                IUICommand cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();

                if (cmd == yesCmd)
                    // Launch the saved file
                    bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);
Beispiel #28
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Initialize Workbook
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            if (this.rdbExcel2007.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
            else if (this.rdbExcel2010.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 3 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(3);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Get the Path of the Input File
            //Get the Path of the Header Image
            string headerImagePath = GetFullImagePath("header.gif");
            //Get the Path of the PDF file
            string pdfFilePath = GetFullTemplatePath("FaxOrderForm.pdf");
            //Get the path of the PDF Icon
            string pdfIconPath = GetFullImagePath("pdfIcon.jpg");
            //Get the Path of Work file
            string wordFilePath = GetFullTemplatePath("FaxOrderForm.doc");
            //Get the Path of Work Icon
            string wordIconPath = GetFullImagePath("wordIcon.jpg");

            #region Add OleObject into Worksheet
            worksheet.IsGridLinesVisible = false;
            worksheet.Pictures.AddPicture(2, 5, headerImagePath);

            worksheet[5, 5].Text     = "Syncfusion accept fax orders from customers worldwide. You can also order online through our secure web server.";
            worksheet[5, 5].WrapText = true;
            //Add Oleobject for PDF file
            worksheet[8, 6].Text = "PDF Order Form";

            IOleObject oleObject1 = worksheet.OleObjects.Add(pdfFilePath, System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(pdfIconPath), OleLinkType.Embed);
            oleObject1.Location = worksheet[8, 11];
            oleObject1.Size     = new Size(100, 100);
            //Add OleObject for Word file
            worksheet[17, 6].Text = "Word Order Form";

            IOleObject oleObject2 = worksheet.OleObjects.Add(wordFilePath, System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(wordIconPath), OleLinkType.Embed);
            oleObject2.Location = worksheet[17, 11];
            oleObject2.Size     = new Size(100, 100);

            worksheet[25, 5].Text = "Download the order form, print it out and fill in the required information.";

            #region Workbook Save
            if (this.rdbExcel2007.Checked)
            else if (this.rdbExcel2010.Checked)

            #region Workbook Close and Dispose
            //Close the Workbook
            //Dispose the ExcelEngine

            #region View the Workbook
            //Message box confirmation to view the created spreadsheet.
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                == DialogResult.Yes)
                    //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                    System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                    process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("OleObjectSample.xlsx")
                        UseShellExecute = true
                catch (Win32Exception)
                    MessageBox.Show("MS Excel is not installed in this system");
                // Exit
        public ActionResult Create(string SaveOption)
            if (SaveOption == null)

            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            // Creating new workbook
            IWorkbook  workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(3);
            IWorksheet sheet    = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Generate Excel
            sheet.Range["A2"].ColumnWidth = 30;
            sheet.Range["B2"].ColumnWidth = 30;
            sheet.Range["C2"].ColumnWidth = 30;
            sheet.Range["D2"].ColumnWidth = 30;


            //Inserting sample text into the first cell of the first sheet.
            sheet.Range["A2"].Text = "EXPENSE REPORT";
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Verdana";
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Bold     = true;
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Size     = 28;
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 112, 192);
            sheet.Range["A2"].HorizontalAlignment     = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;

            sheet.Range["A4"].Text = "Employee";
            sheet.Range["B4"].Text = "Roger Federer";
            sheet.Range["A4:B7"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Verdana";
            sheet.Range["A4:B7"].CellStyle.Font.Bold     = true;
            sheet.Range["A4:B7"].CellStyle.Font.Size     = 11;
            sheet.Range["A4:A7"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 128, 128, 128);
            sheet.Range["A4:A7"].HorizontalAlignment     = ExcelHAlign.HAlignLeft;
            sheet.Range["B4:B7"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 174, 170, 170);
            sheet.Range["B4:B7"].HorizontalAlignment     = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

            sheet.Range["A9:D20"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Verdana";
            sheet.Range["A9:D20"].CellStyle.Font.Size     = 11;

            sheet.Range["A5"].Text = "Department";
            sheet.Range["B5"].Text = "Administration";

            sheet.Range["A6"].Text         = "Week Ending";
            sheet.Range["B6"].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy";
            sheet.Range["B6"].DateTime     = DateTime.Parse("10/20/2012", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            sheet.Range["A7"].Text         = "Mileage Rate";
            sheet.Range["B7"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B7"].Number       = 0.70;

            sheet.Range["A10"].Text = "Miles Driven";
            sheet.Range["A11"].Text = "Miles Reimbursement";
            sheet.Range["A12"].Text = "Parking and Tolls";
            sheet.Range["A13"].Text = "Auto Rental";
            sheet.Range["A14"].Text = "Lodging";
            sheet.Range["A15"].Text = "Breakfast";
            sheet.Range["A16"].Text = "Lunch";
            sheet.Range["A17"].Text = "Dinner";
            sheet.Range["A18"].Text = "Snacks";
            sheet.Range["A19"].Text = "Others";
            sheet.Range["A20"].Text = "Total";
            sheet.Range["A20:D20"].CellStyle.Color      = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 112, 192);
            sheet.Range["A20:D20"].CellStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.White;
            sheet.Range["A20:D20"].CellStyle.Font.Bold  = true;

            IStyle style = sheet["B9:D9"].CellStyle;
            style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;
            style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;
            style.Color      = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 112, 192);
            style.Font.Bold  = true;
            style.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.White;

            sheet.Range["A9"].Text                 = "Expenses";
            sheet.Range["A9"].CellStyle.Color      = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 112, 192);
            sheet.Range["A9"].CellStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.White;
            sheet.Range["A9"].CellStyle.Font.Bold  = true;
            sheet.Range["B9"].Text                 = "Day 1";
            sheet.Range["B10"].Number              = 100;
            sheet.Range["B11"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B11"].Formula             = "=(B7*B10)";
            sheet.Range["B12"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B12"].Number              = 0;
            sheet.Range["B13"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B13"].Number              = 0;
            sheet.Range["B14"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B14"].Number              = 0;
            sheet.Range["B15"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B15"].Number              = 9;
            sheet.Range["B16"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B16"].Number              = 12;
            sheet.Range["B17"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B17"].Number              = 13;
            sheet.Range["B18"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B18"].Number              = 9.5;
            sheet.Range["B19"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B19"].Number              = 0;
            sheet.Range["B20"].NumberFormat        = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B20"].Formula             = "=SUM(B11:B19)";

            sheet.Range["C9"].Text          = "Day 2";
            sheet.Range["C10"].Number       = 145;
            sheet.Range["C11"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C11"].Formula      = "=(B7*C10)";
            sheet.Range["C12"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C12"].Number       = 15;
            sheet.Range["C13"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C13"].Number       = 0;
            sheet.Range["C14"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C14"].Number       = 45;
            sheet.Range["C15"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C15"].Number       = 9;
            sheet.Range["C16"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C16"].Number       = 12;
            sheet.Range["C17"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C17"].Number       = 15;
            sheet.Range["C18"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C18"].Number       = 7;
            sheet.Range["C19"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C19"].Number       = 0;
            sheet.Range["C20"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C20"].Formula      = "=SUM(C11:C19)";

            sheet.Range["D9"].Text          = "Day 3";
            sheet.Range["D10"].Number       = 113;
            sheet.Range["D11"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D11"].Formula      = "=(B7*D10)";
            sheet.Range["D12"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D12"].Number       = 17;
            sheet.Range["D13"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D13"].Number       = 8;
            sheet.Range["D14"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D14"].Number       = 45;
            sheet.Range["D15"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D15"].Number       = 7;
            sheet.Range["D16"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D16"].Number       = 11;
            sheet.Range["D17"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D17"].Number       = 16;
            sheet.Range["D18"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D18"].Number       = 7;
            sheet.Range["D19"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D19"].Number       = 5;
            sheet.Range["D20"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D20"].Formula      = "=SUM(D11:D19)";

            string ContentType = null;
            string fileName    = null;
            if (SaveOption == "ExcelXls")
                ContentType = "Application/";
                fileName    = "Sample.xls";
                workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                ContentType      = "Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                fileName         = "Sample.xlsx";

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            ms.Position = 0;

            return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            #region Workbook Intialization
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            //An existing macro-enabled workbook is opened.[Equivalent to the workbook in MS Excel]
            IWorkbook workbook;
            string    inputPath = GetFullTemplatePath("EditMacroTemplate.xltm");
            workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputPath, ExcelOpenType.Automatic);

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            #region Edit Macro
            IVbaProject vbaProject = workbook.VbaProject;
            IVbaModule  vbaModule  = vbaProject.Modules["Module1"];
            vbaModule.Code = vbaModule.Code.Replace("xlAreaStacked", "xlLine");

                #region Workbook Save
                string fileName = "";
                if (rdbXLS.Checked)
                    fileName         = "EditMacro.xls";
                    workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                else if (rdbXLTM.Checked)
                    fileName = "EditMacro.xltm";
                else if (rdbXLSM.Checked)
                    fileName = "EditMacro.xlsm";

                #region Workbook Close and Dispose
                //Close the workbook.

                #region View the Workbook
                //Message box confirmation to view the created document.
                if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                    == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                        System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                        process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(fileName)
                            UseShellExecute = true
                    catch (Win32Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Ms Excel is not installed in this system");
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry, Excel can't open two workbooks with the same name at the same time.\nPlease close the workbook and try again.", "File is already open", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
        // GET: /WorkbookProtection/

        public ActionResult WorkbookProtection(string button, string SaveOption)
            if (button == null)
            else if (button == "Protect Workbook")
                //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open].
                //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

                //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
                ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
                IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

                if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;

                // Opening the Existing Worksheet from a Workbook
                IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

                //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
                IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

                sheet.Range["C5"].Text = "Workbook is protected with password 'syncfusion'";
                sheet.Range["C6"].Text = "You can't make changes to structure and window of the workbook.";
                sheet.Range["C5"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                sheet.Range["C5"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;

                sheet.Range["C6"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                sheet.Range["C6"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;

                sheet.Range["C8"].Text = "For Excel 2003: Click 'Tools->Protection' to view the Protection settings.";
                sheet.Range["C8"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                sheet.Range["C8"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;

                sheet.Range["C10"].Text = "For Excel 2007 and above: Click 'Review Tab->Protect Workbook' to view the Protection settings.";
                sheet.Range["C10"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                sheet.Range["C10"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;

                workbook.Protect(true, true, "syncfusion");

                    //Saving the workbook to disk.
                    if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                        return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "WorkbookProtection.xls", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel97));
                        return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "WorkbookProtection.xlsx", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2016));
                catch (Exception)
                //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open].
                //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

                //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
                ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
                IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

                // Opening the encrypted Workbook.
                IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(ResolveApplicationDataPath("ProtectedWorkbook.xls"));

                if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                    workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                    workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;

                //Unprotecting( unlocking) Workbook using the Password

                //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
                IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

                sheet.Range["C5"].Text = "Workbook is Unprotected with password 'syncfusion' and changes are done";
                sheet.Range["C6"].Text = "You can now edit the structure and window of this workbook.";

                sheet.Range["C5"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                sheet.Range["C5"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;

                sheet.Range["C8"].Text = "Click 'Tools->Protection' to view the Protection settings.";
                sheet.Range["C8"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                sheet.Range["C8"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;

                    //Saving the workbook to disk.
                    if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                        return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "WorkbookProtection.xls", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel97));
                        return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "WorkbookProtection.xlsx", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2016));
                catch (Exception)

Beispiel #32
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            #region Initialize Workbook
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();

            excelEngine.Excel.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
            //Get the path of the input file

            if (rdImagewtSize.Checked)
                fileName = "TemplateMarkerImageWithSize.xlsx";
            else if (rdImageOnly.Checked)
                fileName = "TemplateMarkerImageOnly.xlsx";
            else if (rdImagewtPosition.Checked)
                fileName = "TemplateMarkerImageWithPosition.xlsx";
            else if (rdImagewtSizeAndPosition.Checked)
                fileName = "TemplateMarkerImageWithSizeAndPosition.xlsx";
            else if (rdImageFitToCell.Checked)
                fileName = "TemplateMarkerImageFitToCell.xlsx";
            inputPath = GetFullTemplatePath(fileName);
            //Open an existing spreadsheet which will be used as a template for generating the new spreadsheet.
            //After opening, the workbook object represents the complete in-memory object model of the template spreadsheet.
            IWorkbook workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(inputPath);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet worksheet1 = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            IWorksheet worksheet2 = workbook.Worksheets[1];

            #region Create Template Marker
            //Create Template Marker Processor
            ITemplateMarkersProcessor marker = workbook.CreateTemplateMarkersProcessor();

            IConditionalFormats conditionalFormats = marker.CreateConditionalFormats(worksheet1["C5"]);
            #region Data Bar
            //Apply markers using Formula

            IConditionalFormat condition = conditionalFormats.AddCondition();

            //Set Data bar and icon set for the same cell
            //Set the format type
            condition.FormatType = ExcelCFType.DataBar;
            IDataBar dataBar = condition.DataBar;

            //Set the constraint
            dataBar.MinPoint.Type  = ConditionValueType.LowestValue;
            dataBar.MinPoint.Value = "0";
            dataBar.MaxPoint.Type  = ConditionValueType.HighestValue;
            dataBar.MaxPoint.Value = "0";

            //Set color for Bar
            dataBar.BarColor = Color.FromArgb(156, 208, 243);

            //Hide the value in data bar
            dataBar.ShowValue = false;

            #region IconSet
            condition            = conditionalFormats.AddCondition();
            condition.FormatType = ExcelCFType.IconSet;
            IIconSet iconSet = condition.IconSet;
            iconSet.IconSet = ExcelIconSetType.FourRating;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[0].Type  = ConditionValueType.LowestValue;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[0].Value = "0";
            iconSet.IconCriteria[1].Type  = ConditionValueType.HighestValue;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[1].Value = "0";
            iconSet.ShowIconOnly          = true;

            conditionalFormats = marker.CreateConditionalFormats(worksheet1["D5"]);
            #region Color Scale

            condition = conditionalFormats.AddCondition();

            condition.FormatType = ExcelCFType.ColorScale;
            IColorScale colorScale = condition.ColorScale;

            //Sets 3 - color scale.

            colorScale.Criteria[0].FormatColorRGB = Color.FromArgb(230, 197, 218);
            colorScale.Criteria[0].Type           = ConditionValueType.LowestValue;
            colorScale.Criteria[0].Value          = "0";

            colorScale.Criteria[1].FormatColorRGB = Color.FromArgb(244, 210, 178);
            colorScale.Criteria[1].Type           = ConditionValueType.Percentile;
            colorScale.Criteria[1].Value          = "50";

            colorScale.Criteria[2].FormatColorRGB = Color.FromArgb(245, 247, 171);
            colorScale.Criteria[2].Type           = ConditionValueType.HighestValue;
            colorScale.Criteria[2].Value          = "0";

            conditionalFormats = marker.CreateConditionalFormats(worksheet1["E5"]);
            #region Iconset
            condition            = conditionalFormats.AddCondition();
            condition.FormatType = ExcelCFType.IconSet;
            iconSet         = condition.IconSet;
            iconSet.IconSet = ExcelIconSetType.ThreeSymbols;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[0].Type  = ConditionValueType.LowestValue;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[0].Value = "0";
            iconSet.IconCriteria[1].Type  = ConditionValueType.HighestValue;
            iconSet.IconCriteria[1].Value = "0";
            iconSet.ShowIconOnly          = false;


            //Northwind customers table
            if (rdbDataTable.Checked)
                worksheet1["A5"].Value = worksheet1["A5"].Value.Replace("Customers.Hyperlink.", "Customers.");
                marker.AddVariable("Customers", northwindDt);
                //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
                //The instantiation process consists of two steps.
                if (this._customers.Count == 0)
                    this._customers = GetCustomerAsObjects();
                marker.AddVariable("Customers", _customers);

            //Stretch Formula. This shows the data getting replaced in the marker specified in another worksheet.
            marker.AddVariable("NumbersTable", numbersDt);

            //Process the markers in the template.

            #region Save the Workbook
            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
            //Saving the workbook to disk. This spreadsheet is the result of opening and modifying
            //an existing spreadsheet and then saving the result to a new workbook.

            #region Workbook Close and Dispose
            //Close the workbook.


            #region View the Workbook
            //Message box confirmation to view the created spreadsheet.
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                == DialogResult.Yes)
                //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(fileName)
                    UseShellExecute = true
        // GET: /InteractiveFeatures/

        public ActionResult InteractiveFeatures(string Saveoption)
            if (Saveoption == null)

            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            // Default version is set as Excel 2007
            if (Saveoption == "Xls")
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;

            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in Microsoft Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 3 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(3);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            sheet.IsGridLinesVisible = false;

            sheet.Range["B2"].Text = "Interactive features";
            sheet.Range["B2"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["B2"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;

            sheet.Range["A4"].Text = "Some Useful links";
            sheet.Range["A4"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A4"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;

            sheet.Range["A20"].Text = "Comments";
            sheet.Range["A20"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A20"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;

            sheet.Range["B5"].Text  = "Feature page";
            sheet.Range["B7"].Text  = "Support Email Id";
            sheet.Range["B11"].Text = "Read the comment about XlsIO";
            sheet.Range["B13"].Text = "Read the Comment about Interactive features";
            sheet.Range["B20"].Text = "XlsIO";
            sheet.Range["B22"].Text = "Interactive features";

            #region Hyperlink
            //Creating Hyperlink for a Website
            IHyperLink hyperlink = sheet.HyperLinks.Add(sheet.Range["C5"]);
            hyperlink.Type      = ExcelHyperLinkType.Url;
            hyperlink.Address   = "//";
            hyperlink.ScreenTip = "To know more About XlsIO go through this link";

            //Creating Hyperlink for e-mail
            IHyperLink hyperlink1 = sheet.HyperLinks.Add(sheet.Range["C7"]);
            hyperlink1.Type      = ExcelHyperLinkType.Url;
            hyperlink1.Address   = "mailto:[email protected]";
            hyperlink1.ScreenTip = "Send Mail to this id for your queries";

            //Creating Hyperlink to another cell using type as Workbook
            IHyperLink hyperlink4 = sheet.HyperLinks.Add(sheet.Range["C11"]);
            hyperlink4.Type          = ExcelHyperLinkType.Workbook;
            hyperlink4.Address       = "Sheet1!B20";
            hyperlink4.ScreenTip     = "Click here";
            hyperlink4.TextToDisplay = "Click here to move to the cell with Comments about XlsIO";

            IHyperLink hyperlink5 = sheet.HyperLinks.Add(sheet.Range["C13"]);
            hyperlink5.Type          = ExcelHyperLinkType.Workbook;
            hyperlink5.Address       = "Sheet1!B22";
            hyperlink5.ScreenTip     = "Click here";
            hyperlink5.TextToDisplay = "Click here to move to the cell with Comments about this sample";


            #region Comments

            //Insert Comments
            //Adding comments to a cell.
            sheet.Range["B20"].AddComment().Text = "XlsIO is a Backoffice product with high performance!";

            //Add RichText Comments
            IRange range = sheet.Range["B22"];
            range.AddComment().RichText.Text = "This sample describes the Essential XlsIO interactive.";
            IRichTextString rtf = range.Comment.RichText;

            //Formatting first 4 characters
            IFont greyFont = workbook.CreateFont();
            greyFont.Bold     = true;
            greyFont.Italic   = true;
            greyFont.RGBColor = Color.FromArgb(333365);
            rtf.SetFont(0, 54, greyFont);


                //Saving the workbook to disk.

                if (Saveoption == "Xls")
                    return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "InteractiveFeatures.xls", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel97));
                    return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "InteractiveFeatures.xlsx", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2016));
            catch (Exception)

            //Close the workbook.
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates spreadsheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Contains a reference to the control/object that raised the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Contains the event data</param>
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
                IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;

                IWorkbook  workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
                IWorksheet sheet    = workbook.Worksheets[0];

                sheet.Name = "Invoice";
                sheet.IsGridLinesVisible = false;

                sheet.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth    = 4.82;
                sheet.Range["B1:C1"].ColumnWidth = 13.82;
                sheet.Range["D1"].ColumnWidth    = 12.20;
                sheet.Range["E1"].ColumnWidth    = 8.50;
                sheet.Range["F1"].ColumnWidth    = 9.73;
                sheet.Range["G1"].ColumnWidth    = 8.82;
                sheet.Range["H1"].ColumnWidth    = 4.46;

                sheet.Range["A1:H1"].CellStyle.Color = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(51, 63, 79);

                sheet.Range["B4"].Text = "INVOICE";
                sheet.Range["B4"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                sheet.Range["B4"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 32;

                IStyle style1 = workbook.Styles.Add("style1");
                style1.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
                style1.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].Color     = ExcelKnownColors.Grey_40_percent;

                sheet.Range["B7:G7"].CellStyle = style1;

                sheet.Range["B13:G13"].CellStyle = style1;

                sheet.Range["B8"].Text = "BILL TO:";
                sheet.Range["B8"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 9;
                sheet.Range["B8"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

                sheet.Range["B9"].Text = "Abraham Swearegin";
                sheet.Range["B9"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 12;
                sheet.Range["B9"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

                sheet.Range["B10"].Text = "United States, California, San Mateo,";
                sheet.Range["B10"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 9;

                sheet.Range["B11"].Text = "9920 BridgePointe Parkway,";
                sheet.Range["B11"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 9;

                sheet.Range["B12"].Number = 9365550136;
                sheet.Range["B12"].CellStyle.Font.Size           = 9;
                sheet.Range["B12"].CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignLeft;

                IRange range1 = sheet.Range["F8:G8"];
                IRange range2 = sheet.Range["F9:G9"];
                IRange range3 = sheet.Range["F10:G10"];
                IRange range4 = sheet.Range["E11:G11"];
                IRange range5 = sheet.Range["F12:G12"];


                sheet.Range["F8"].Text               = "INVOICE#";
                range1.CellStyle.Font.Size           = 8;
                range1.CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;
                range1.CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                sheet.Range["F9"].Number             = 2058557939;
                range2.CellStyle.Font.Size           = 9;
                range2.CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                sheet.Range["F10"].Text              = "DATE";
                range3.CellStyle.Font.Size           = 8;
                range3.CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;
                range3.CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                sheet.Range["E11"].DateTime          = new DateTime(2020, 08, 31);
                sheet.Range["E11"].NumberFormat      = "[$-x-sysdate]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy";
                range4.CellStyle.Font.Size           = 9;
                range4.CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                range5.CellStyle.Font.Size           = 8;
                range5.CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;
                range5.CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                IRange range6 = sheet.Range["B15:G15"];
                range6.CellStyle.Font.Size = 10;
                range6.CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

                sheet.Range[15, 2].Text = "Code";
                sheet.Range[16, 2].Text = "CA-1098";
                sheet.Range[17, 2].Text = "LJ-0192";
                sheet.Range[18, 2].Text = "So-B909-M";
                sheet.Range[19, 2].Text = "FK-5136";
                sheet.Range[20, 2].Text = "HL-U509";

                sheet.Range[15, 3].Text = "Description";
                sheet.Range[16, 3].Text = "AWC Logo Cap";
                sheet.Range[17, 3].Text = "Long-Sleeve Logo Jersey, M";
                sheet.Range[18, 3].Text = "Mountain Bike Socks, M";
                sheet.Range[19, 3].Text = "ML Fork";
                sheet.Range[20, 3].Text = "Sports-100 Helmet, Black";

                sheet.Range[15, 3, 15, 4].Merge();
                sheet.Range[16, 3, 16, 4].Merge();
                sheet.Range[17, 3, 17, 4].Merge();
                sheet.Range[18, 3, 18, 4].Merge();
                sheet.Range[19, 3, 19, 4].Merge();
                sheet.Range[20, 3, 20, 4].Merge();

                sheet.Range[15, 5].Text   = "Quantity";
                sheet.Range[16, 5].Number = 2;
                sheet.Range[17, 5].Number = 3;
                sheet.Range[18, 5].Number = 2;
                sheet.Range[19, 5].Number = 6;
                sheet.Range[20, 5].Number = 1;

                sheet.Range[15, 6].Text   = "Price";
                sheet.Range[16, 6].Number = 8.99;
                sheet.Range[17, 6].Number = 49.99;
                sheet.Range[18, 6].Number = 9.50;
                sheet.Range[19, 6].Number = 175.49;
                sheet.Range[20, 6].Number = 34.99;

                sheet.Range[15, 7].Text                = "Total";
                sheet.Range[16, 7].Formula             = "=E16*F16+(E16*F16)";
                sheet.Range[17, 7].Formula             = "=E17*F17+(E17*F17)";
                sheet.Range[18, 7].Formula             = "=E18*F18+(E18*F18)";
                sheet.Range[19, 7].Formula             = "=E19*F19+(E19*F19)";
                sheet.Range[20, 7].Formula             = "=E20*F20+(E20*F20)";
                sheet.Range[15, 6, 20, 7].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";

                sheet.Range["E15:G15"].CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;
                sheet.Range["B15:G15"].CellStyle.Font.Size           = 10;
                sheet.Range["B15:G15"].CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;
                sheet.Range["B16:G20"].CellStyle.Font.Size           = 9;

                sheet.Range["E22:G22"].CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                IRange range7 = sheet.Range["E22"];
                IRange range8 = sheet.Range["E23"];
                range7.Text = "TOTAL";
                range7.CellStyle.Font.Size  = 8;
                range7.CellStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Blue_grey;
                range8.Formula                       = "=SUM(G16:G20)";
                range8.NumberFormat                  = "$#,##0.00";
                range8.CellStyle.Font.Size           = 24;
                range8.CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;
                range8.CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;

                sheet.Range[26, 1].Text = "800 Interchange Blvd, Suite 2501, Austin, TX 78721 | [email protected]";
                sheet.Range[26, 1].CellStyle.Font.Size = 8;

                IRange range9 = sheet.Range["A26:H27"];
                range9.CellStyle.Color = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(172, 185, 202);
                range9.CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
                range9.CellStyle.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;

                string   inputPath = "syncfusion.xlsiodemos.winui.Assets.XlsIO.invoice.jpeg";
                Assembly assembly  = typeof(FormatCells).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                Stream   input     = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(inputPath);

                sheet.Pictures.AddPicture(3, 4, 7, 8, input);

                string       OutputFilename = "Invoice.xlsx";
                MemoryStream stream         = new MemoryStream();
                Save(stream, OutputFilename);

                //No exception will be thrown if there are unsaved workbooks.
                excelEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false;
Beispiel #35
        void ButtonExportClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            #region Initializing Workbook
            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 1 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            sheet.ImportData((List <Brand>)sfGrid.ItemsSource, 4, 1, true);

            #region Define Styles
            IStyle pageHeader  = workbook.Styles.Add("PageHeaderStyle");
            IStyle tableHeader = workbook.Styles.Add("TableHeaderStyle");

            pageHeader.Font.FontName       = "Calibri";
            pageHeader.Font.Size           = 16;
            pageHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
            pageHeader.Color               = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 146, 208, 80);
            pageHeader.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
            pageHeader.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;

            tableHeader.Font.Bold     = true;
            tableHeader.Font.FontName = "Calibri";
            tableHeader.Color         = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 146, 208, 80);


            #region Apply Styles
            // Apply style for header
            sheet["A1"].Text      = "Automobile Brands in the US";
            sheet["A1"].CellStyle = pageHeader;

            sheet["A4:C4"].CellStyle = tableHeader;

            sheet["A1:C1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;



            #region Saving workbook and disposing objects
            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            if (stream != null)
                SaveAndroid androidSave = new SaveAndroid();
                androidSave.Save("CLRObjects.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream, m_context);
        void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            #region Initializing Workbook
            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 1 worksheet
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Generate Excel
            #region Insert Array Formula


            sheet.Range["A2"].Text = "Array formulas";
            sheet.Range["B2:E2"].Number = 3;
            sheet.Names.Add("ArrayRange", sheet.Range["B2:E2"]);
            sheet.Range["B3:E3"].Number = 5;
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;

            #region Excel functions
            sheet.Range["A5"].Text = "Formulas";
            sheet.Range["B5"].Text = "Results";
            sheet.Range["B5:C5"].CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;

            sheet.Range["A7"].Text = "ABS(ABS(-B3))";
            sheet.Range["B7"].Formula = "ABS(ABS(-B3))";

            sheet.Range["A9"].Text = "SUM(B3,C3)";
            sheet.Range["B9"].Formula = "SUM(B3,C3)";

            sheet.Range["A11"].Text = "MIN(10,20,30,5,15,35,6,16,36)";
            sheet.Range["B11"].Formula = "MIN(10,20,30,5,15,35,6,16,36)";

            sheet.Range["A13"].Text = "MAX(10,20,30,5,15,35,6,16,36)";
            sheet.Range["B13"].Formula = "MAX(10,20,30,5,15,35,6,16,36)";

            sheet.Range["A5:B5"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A5:B5"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;

            #region Simple formulas
            sheet.Range["C7"].Number = 10;
            sheet.Range["C9"].Number = 10;
            sheet.Range["A15"].Text = "C7+C9";
            sheet.Range["C15"].Formula = "C7+C9";

            sheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Excel formula support";
            sheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;
            sheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
            sheet.Range["A1"].CellStyle.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;

            sheet.Columns[0].ColumnWidth = 23;
            sheet.Columns[1].ColumnWidth = 10;
            sheet.Columns[2].ColumnWidth = 10;
            sheet.Columns[3].ColumnWidth = 10;
            sheet.Columns[4].ColumnWidth = 10;

            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone || Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows)
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get<ISaveWindowsPhone>().Save("Formulas.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get<ISave>().Save("Formulas.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
Beispiel #37
        private async void btnGenerateExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            #region workbook Initialization
            //Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();

            //Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            //Set the default version as Excel 2010.
            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;

            Assembly  assembly     = typeof(Chart).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            string    resourcePath = "Syncfusion.SampleBrowser.UWP.XlsIO.XlsIO.Tutorials.Samples.Assets.Resources.Templates.Sparkline.xlsx";
            Stream    fileStream   = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourcePath);
            IWorkbook workbook     = await application.Workbooks.OpenAsync(fileStream);

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];


            #region WholeSale Report

            //A new Sparkline group is added to the sheet sparklinegroups
            ISparklineGroup sparklineGroup = sheet.SparklineGroups.Add();

            //Set the Sparkline group type as line
            sparklineGroup.SparklineType = SparklineType.Line;

            //Set to display the empty cell as line
            sparklineGroup.DisplayEmptyCellsAs = SparklineEmptyCells.Line;

            //Sparkline group style properties
            sparklineGroup.ShowFirstPoint     = true;
            sparklineGroup.FirstPointColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 128, 0);
            sparklineGroup.ShowLastPoint      = true;
            sparklineGroup.LastPointColor     = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 140, 0);
            sparklineGroup.ShowHighPoint      = true;
            sparklineGroup.HighPointColor     = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 139);
            sparklineGroup.ShowLowPoint       = true;
            sparklineGroup.LowPointColor      = Color.FromArgb(255, 148, 0, 211);
            sparklineGroup.ShowMarkers        = true;
            sparklineGroup.MarkersColor       = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            sparklineGroup.ShowNegativePoint  = true;
            sparklineGroup.NegativePointColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);

            //set the line weight
            sparklineGroup.LineWeight = 0.3;

            //The sparklines are added to the sparklinegroup.
            ISparklines sparklines = sparklineGroup.Add();

            //Set the Sparkline Datarange .
            IRange dataRange = sheet.Range["D6:G17"];
            //Set the Sparkline Reference range.
            IRange referenceRange = sheet.Range["H6:H17"];

            //Create a sparkline with the datarange and reference range.
            sparklines.Add(dataRange, referenceRange);


            #region Retail Trade

            //A new Sparkline group is added to the sheet sparklinegroups
            sparklineGroup = sheet.SparklineGroups.Add();

            //Set the Sparkline group type as column
            sparklineGroup.SparklineType = SparklineType.Column;

            //Set to display the empty cell as zero
            sparklineGroup.DisplayEmptyCellsAs = SparklineEmptyCells.Zero;

            //Sparkline group style properties
            sparklineGroup.ShowHighPoint      = true;
            sparklineGroup.HighPointColor     = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 128, 0);
            sparklineGroup.ShowLowPoint       = true;
            sparklineGroup.LowPointColor      = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);
            sparklineGroup.ShowNegativePoint  = true;
            sparklineGroup.NegativePointColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);

            //The sparklines are added to the sparklinegroup.
            sparklines = sparklineGroup.Add();

            //Set the Sparkline Datarange .
            dataRange = sheet.Range["D21:G32"];
            //Set the Sparkline Reference range.
            referenceRange = sheet.Range["H21:H32"];

            //Create a sparkline with the datarange and reference range.
            sparklines.Add(dataRange, referenceRange);


            #region Manufacturing Trade

            //A new Sparkline group is added to the sheet sparklinegroups
            sparklineGroup = sheet.SparklineGroups.Add();

            //Set the Sparkline group type as win/loss
            sparklineGroup.SparklineType = SparklineType.ColumnStacked100;

            sparklineGroup.DisplayEmptyCellsAs = SparklineEmptyCells.Zero;

            sparklineGroup.DisplayAxis        = true;
            sparklineGroup.AxisColor          = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            sparklineGroup.ShowFirstPoint     = true;
            sparklineGroup.FirstPointColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 128, 0);
            sparklineGroup.ShowLastPoint      = true;
            sparklineGroup.LastPointColor     = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 165, 0);
            sparklineGroup.ShowNegativePoint  = true;
            sparklineGroup.NegativePointColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);

            sparklines = sparklineGroup.Add();

            dataRange      = sheet.Range["D36:G46"];
            referenceRange = sheet.Range["H36:H46"];

            sparklines.Add(dataRange, referenceRange);


            #region Save the Workbook
            StorageFile storageFile;
            if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
                FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
                savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
                savePicker.SuggestedFileName      = "Sparklines";
                savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
                StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("Sparklines.xlsx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            if (storageFile != null)
                //Saving the workbook
                await workbook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);


                MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

                UICommand yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
                UICommand noCmd = new UICommand("No");
                IUICommand cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();

                if (cmd == yesCmd)
                    // Launch the saved file
                    bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);
Beispiel #38
 protected void DeRef()
     if (--RefCount < 1)
         Workbook = null;
     if (workbooksDictionary.Count < 1)
         application = null;
         engine = null;
Beispiel #39
        private void excelToPdfConvertBtnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.textBox1.Text != String.Empty)
                ExcelEngine  engine      = new ExcelEngine();
                IApplication application = engine.Excel;
                if (checkfontName.Checked || checkfontStream.Checked)
                    application.SubstituteFont += new SubstituteFontEventHandler(SubstituteFont);
                IWorkbook book = application.Workbooks.Open((string)textBox1.Tag);
                application.ChartToImageConverter = new ChartToImageConverter();
                //Set the Quality of chart Image
                application.ChartToImageConverter.ScalingMode = ScalingMode.Best;
                //Open the Excel Document to Convert
                ExcelToPdfConverter converter = new ExcelToPdfConverter(book);

                //Intialize the PDFDocument
                PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument();

                //Intialize the ExcelToPdfconverterSettings
                ExcelToPdfConverterSettings settings = new ExcelToPdfConverterSettings();

                //Set the Layout Options for the output Pdf page.
                if (noScaleRadioBtn.Checked)
                    settings.LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions.NoScaling;
                else if (allRowsRadioBtn.Checked)
                    settings.LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions.FitAllRowsOnOnePage;
                else if (allColumnRadioBtn.Checked)
                    settings.LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions.FitAllColumnsOnOnePage;
                    settings.LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions.FitSheetOnOnePage;

                //Assign the PDFDocument to the TemplateDocument property of ExcelToPdfConverterSettings
                settings.TemplateDocument = pdfDoc;
                settings.DisplayGridLines = GridLinesDisplayStyle.Invisible;
                settings.EnableFormFields = true;
                //Convert Excel Document into PDF document
                pdfDoc = converter.Convert(settings);

                //Save the pdf file

                //Message box confirmation to view the created document.
                if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the PDF file?", "File has been created", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                        System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                        process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("ExceltoPDF.pdf")
                            UseShellExecute = true
                    catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Browse an Excel document and click the button to convert as a PDF.");
        private void simpleActionLoadDataUsingSelectedFieldMaps_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
            string timeStamp = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss-tt}", DateTime.Now);

            string fn = string.Format(dlm.InputFile.FileName);
            string targetFilePath = @"C:\DataExplorer\" + fn;
            dlm.FileName = targetFilePath;
            FileStream myStream = new FileStream(targetFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);


            var Maps = from maps in new XPQuery<FieldMap>(((XPObjectSpace)ObjectSpace).Session) select maps;

            foreach (FieldMap fm in Maps) //Assuming that we have a statis set of doad maps for each data maturity level,
            //we could be creating BO records inside this loop



            fieldMaps = new List<FieldMap>();
            if (View.SelectedObjects.Count > 0)
                foreach (var currentObject in View.SelectedObjects)

                if (fieldMaps.Count > 0)
                    ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                    IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

                    IWorkbook workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(dlm.FileName, ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
                    IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
                    IRange range = sheet.UsedRange;
                    int numberOfRows = range.Rows.Length;
                    myType = fieldMaps[0].BOType;

                    //if (myType.Name == "Account")


                    //else if (myType.Name == "Application" && sheet.Name == "Application")
                    //    loadObjects();

                    //var deviceCollection = ObjectSpace.GetObjects<Device>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("IsNewRecord is null"));

                    //foreach (Device dev in deviceCollection)
                    //    dev.IsNewRecord = "Y";


                } View.Refresh();
Beispiel #41
        // GET: /Bar/

        public ActionResult EmbeddedChart(string button, string SaveOption)
            string basePath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;

            if (button == null)

            //Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in Microsoft Excel]
            //Open workbook with Data
            FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(basePath + @"/XlsIO/EmbeddedChart.xlsx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            IWorkbook  workbook    = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);

            if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            sheet.Name = "Sample";

            // Adding a New chart to the Existing Worksheet
            IChartShape chart = workbook.Worksheets[0].Charts.Add();

            chart.DataRange      = sheet.Range["A3:C15"];
            chart.ChartTitle     = "Crescent City, CA";
            chart.IsSeriesInRows = false;

            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.Title = "Precipitation,in.";
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.TitleArea.TextRotationAngle = 90;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.MaximumValue = 14.0;
            chart.PrimaryValueAxis.NumberFormat = "0.0";

            chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.Title = "Month";

            IChartSerie serieOne = chart.Series[0];

            //set the Chart Type
            chart.ChartType = ExcelChartType.Column_Clustered_3D;

            //set the Backwall fill option
            chart.BackWall.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.Gradient;

            //set the Texture Type
            chart.BackWall.Fill.GradientColorType = ExcelGradientColor.TwoColor;
            chart.BackWall.Fill.GradientStyle     = ExcelGradientStyle.Diagonl_Down;
            chart.BackWall.Fill.ForeColor         = Color.WhiteSmoke;
            chart.BackWall.Fill.BackColor         = Color.LightBlue;

            //set the Border Linecolor
            chart.BackWall.Border.LineColor = Color.Wheat;

            //set the Picture Type
            chart.BackWall.PictureUnit = ExcelChartPictureType.stretch;

            //set the Backwall thickness
            chart.BackWall.Thickness = 10;

            //set the sidewall fill option
            chart.SideWall.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.SolidColor;

            //set the sidewall foreground and backcolor
            chart.SideWall.Fill.BackColor = Color.White;
            chart.SideWall.Fill.ForeColor = Color.White;

            //set the side wall Border color
            chart.SideWall.Border.LineColor = Color.Beige;

            //set floor fill option
            chart.Floor.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.Pattern;

            //set the floor pattern Type
            chart.Floor.Fill.Pattern = ExcelGradientPattern.Pat_Divot;

            //Set the floor fore and Back ground color
            chart.Floor.Fill.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
            chart.Floor.Fill.BackColor = Color.White;

            //set the floor thickness
            chart.Floor.Thickness = 3;

            IChartSerie serieTwo = chart.Series[1];

            //Show value as data labels
            serieOne.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.IsValue = true;
            serieTwo.DataPoints.DefaultDataPoint.DataLabels.IsValue = true;

            //Embedded Chart Position
            chart.TopRow      = 2;
            chart.BottomRow   = 30;
            chart.LeftColumn  = 5;
            chart.RightColumn = 18;
            serieTwo.Name     = "Temperature,deg.F";

            // Legend setting
            chart.Legend.Position         = ExcelLegendPosition.Right;
            chart.Legend.IsVerticalLegend = false;
                string ContentType = null;
                string fileName    = null;
                if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                    workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                    ContentType      = "Application/";
                    fileName         = "EmbeddedChart.xls";
                    workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                    ContentType      = "Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                    fileName         = "EmbeddedChart.xlsx";

                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                ms.Position = 0;

                return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));
            catch (Exception)
        void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Instantiate excel engine
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Excel application
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            #region Initializing Workbook
            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 1 worksheet
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Generate Excel


            sheet.Range["A2"].ColumnWidth = 20;
            sheet.Range["B2"].ColumnWidth = 13;
            sheet.Range["C2"].ColumnWidth = 13;
            sheet.Range["D2"].ColumnWidth = 13;


            //Inserting sample text into the first cell of the first worksheet.
            sheet.Range["A2"].Text = "EXPENSE REPORT";
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Verdana";
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 28;
            sheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = COLOR.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 112, 192);
            sheet.Range["A2"].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
            sheet.Range["A2"].RowHeight = 34;

            sheet.Range["A4"].Text = "Employee";
            sheet.Range["B4"].Text = "Roger Federer";
            sheet.Range["A4:B7"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Verdana";
            sheet.Range["A4:B7"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["A4:B7"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 11;
            sheet.Range["A4:A7"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = COLOR.Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 128, 128);
            sheet.Range["A4:A7"].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignLeft;
            sheet.Range["B4:B7"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = COLOR.Color.FromArgb(255, 174, 170, 170);
            sheet.Range["B4:B7"].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

            sheet.Range["A9:D20"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Verdana";
            sheet.Range["A9:D20"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 11;

            sheet.Range["A5"].Text = "Department";
            sheet.Range["B5"].Text = "Administration";

            sheet.Range["A6"].Text = "Week Ending";
            sheet.Range["B6"].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy";
            sheet.Range["B6"].DateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/10/2012");

            sheet.Range["A7"].Text = "Mileage Rate";
            sheet.Range["B7"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B7"].Number = 0.70;

            sheet.Range["A10"].Text = "Miles Driven";
            sheet.Range["A11"].Text = "Reimbursement";
            sheet.Range["A12"].Text = "Parking/Tolls";
            sheet.Range["A13"].Text = "Auto Rental";
            sheet.Range["A14"].Text = "Lodging";
            sheet.Range["A15"].Text = "Breakfast";
            sheet.Range["A16"].Text = "Lunch";
            sheet.Range["A17"].Text = "Dinner";
            sheet.Range["A18"].Text = "Snacks";
            sheet.Range["A19"].Text = "Others";
            sheet.Range["A20"].Text = "Total";
            sheet.Range["A20:D20"].CellStyle.Color = COLOR.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 112, 192);
            sheet.Range["A20:D20"].CellStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Black;
            sheet.Range["A20:D20"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

            IStyle style = sheet["B9:D9"].CellStyle;
            style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;
            style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;
            style.Color = COLOR.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 112, 192);
            style.Font.Bold = true;
            style.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Black;

            sheet.Range["A9"].Text = "Expenses";
            sheet.Range["A9"].CellStyle.Color = COLOR.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 112, 192);
            sheet.Range["A9"].CellStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.White;
            sheet.Range["A9"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet.Range["B9"].Text = "Day 1";
            sheet.Range["B10"].Number = 100;
            sheet.Range["B11"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B11"].Formula = "=(B7*B10)";
            sheet.Range["B12"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B12"].Number = 0;
            sheet.Range["B13"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B13"].Number = 0;
            sheet.Range["B14"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B14"].Number = 0;
            sheet.Range["B15"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B15"].Number = 9;
            sheet.Range["B16"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B16"].Number = 12;
            sheet.Range["B17"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B17"].Number = 13;
            sheet.Range["B18"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B18"].Number = 9.5;
            sheet.Range["B19"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B19"].Number = 0;
            sheet.Range["B20"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["B20"].Formula = "=SUM(B11:B19)";

            sheet.Range["C9"].Text = "Day 2";
            sheet.Range["C10"].Number = 145;
            sheet.Range["C11"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C11"].Formula = "=(B7*C10)";
            sheet.Range["C12"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C12"].Number = 15;
            sheet.Range["C13"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C13"].Number = 0;
            sheet.Range["C14"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C14"].Number = 45;
            sheet.Range["C15"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C15"].Number = 9;
            sheet.Range["C16"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C16"].Number = 12;
            sheet.Range["C17"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C17"].Number = 15;
            sheet.Range["C18"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C18"].Number = 7;
            sheet.Range["C19"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C19"].Number = 0;
            sheet.Range["C20"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["C20"].Formula = "=SUM(C11:C19)";

            sheet.Range["D9"].Text = "Day 3";
            sheet.Range["D10"].Number = 113;
            sheet.Range["D11"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D11"].Formula = "=(B7*D10)";
            sheet.Range["D12"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D12"].Number = 17;
            sheet.Range["D13"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D13"].Number = 8;
            sheet.Range["D14"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D14"].Number = 45;
            sheet.Range["D15"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D15"].Number = 7;
            sheet.Range["D16"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D16"].Number = 11;
            sheet.Range["D17"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D17"].Number = 16;
            sheet.Range["D18"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D18"].Number = 7;
            sheet.Range["D19"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D19"].Number = 5;
            sheet.Range["D20"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";
            sheet.Range["D20"].Formula = "=SUM(D11:D19)";

            sheet.Range["A10:D10"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = COLOR.Color.FromArgb(255, 174, 170, 170);

            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone || Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows)
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get<ISaveWindowsPhone>().Save("CreateSheet.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get<ISave>().Save("CreateSheet.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Workbook Initialize
            // New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            // The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            // Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            // Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            // Check if user opts for Excel 2007
            if (this.rdbExcel2007.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
                color1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 230);
            // Check if user opts for Excel 2010
            else if (this.rdbExcel2010.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;
                color1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 230);
            // Check if user opts for Excel 2013
            else if (this.rdbExcel2013.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                color1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 230);
                color1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204);

            // A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            // Workbook created with two worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(2);
            // The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            // (0 based index)
            IWorksheet worksheet2 = workbook.Worksheets[1];
            //Assigning the array content to cells
            // by passing row and column position
            for (int i = 0; i < onlinePayments.Length; i++)
                worksheet2.SetValue(i + 1, 1, onlinePayments[i]);

            // The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Add Picture
            //Get the path of the input file
            string inputPath = GetTemplatePath("contact_sales.gif");
            worksheet.Pictures.AddPicture(2, 3, inputPath);

            worksheet[4, 3].Text = "Phone";
            worksheet[4, 3].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet[5, 3].Text  = "Toll Free";
            worksheet[5, 5].Text  = "1-888-9DOTNET";
            worksheet[6, 5].Text  = "1-888-936-8638";
            worksheet[7, 5].Text  = "1-919-481-1974";
            worksheet[8, 3].Text  = "Fax";
            worksheet[8, 5].Text  = "1-919-573-0306";
            worksheet[9, 3].Text  = "Email";
            worksheet[10, 3].Text = "Sales";

            #region Add Hyperlink
            //Creating the hyperlink in the 10th column and
            //5th row of the worksheet
            IHyperLink link = worksheet.HyperLinks.Add(worksheet[10, 5]);
            link.Type    = ExcelHyperLinkType.Url;
            link.Address = "mailto:[email protected]";

            worksheet[12, 3].Text = "Please fill out all required fields.";
            worksheet[14, 5].Text = "First Name*";
            worksheet[14, 5].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet[14, 8].Text = "Last Name*";
            worksheet[14, 8].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

            #region Add TextBoxes
            //Create textbox for respective field
            //textbox to get First Name
            ITextBoxShape textBoxShape = worksheet.TextBoxes.AddTextBox(15, 5, 23, 190);
            textBoxShape.Fill.FillType  = ExcelFillType.SolidColor;
            textBoxShape.Fill.ForeColor = color1;

            //textbox to get Last Name
            textBoxShape = worksheet.TextBoxes.AddTextBox(15, 8, 23, 195);
            textBoxShape.Fill.FillType  = ExcelFillType.SolidColor;
            textBoxShape.Fill.ForeColor = color1;

            worksheet[17, 3].Text       = "Company*";
            textBoxShape                = worksheet.TextBoxes.AddTextBox(17, 5, 23, 385);
            textBoxShape.Fill.FillType  = ExcelFillType.SolidColor;
            textBoxShape.Fill.ForeColor = color1;

            worksheet[19, 3].Text       = "Phone*";
            textBoxShape                = worksheet.TextBoxes.AddTextBox(19, 5, 23, 385);
            textBoxShape.Fill.FillType  = ExcelFillType.SolidColor;
            textBoxShape.Fill.ForeColor = color1;

            worksheet[21, 3].Text       = "Email*";
            textBoxShape                = worksheet.TextBoxes.AddTextBox(21, 5, 23, 385);
            textBoxShape.Fill.FillType  = ExcelFillType.SolidColor;
            textBoxShape.Fill.ForeColor = color1;

            worksheet[23, 3].Text = "Website";
            textBoxShape          = worksheet.TextBoxes.AddTextBox(23, 5, 23, 385);

            #region Add CheckBoxes
            ICheckBoxShape chkBoxProducts = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(25, 5, 20, 75);

            worksheet[25, 3].Text = "Multiple products?";

            worksheet[27, 3, 28, 3].Merge();
            worksheet[27, 3].Text = "Product(s)*";
            worksheet[27, 3].MergeArea.CellStyle.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;
            // Create a checkbox for each product
            ICheckBoxShape chkBoxProduct;
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(27, 5, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "Studio";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(27, 6, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "Calculate";
            chkBoxProduct.IsSizeWithCell = true;
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(27, 7, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "Chart";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(27, 8, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "Diagram";
            chkBoxProduct.IsSizeWithCell = true;
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(27, 9, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "Edit";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(27, 10, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "XlsIO";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(28, 5, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "Grid";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(28, 6, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "Grouping";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(28, 7, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "HTMLUI";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(28, 8, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "PDF";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(28, 9, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "Tools";
            chkBoxProduct                = worksheet.CheckBoxes.AddCheckBox(28, 10, 20, 75);
            chkBoxProduct.Text           = "DocIO";
            chkBoxProducts.CheckState    = ExcelCheckState.Mixed;

            //generate the link to linked cell property and formula

            worksheet[30, 3].Text = "Selected Products Count";
            //counts the selected product
            worksheet[30, 5].Formula = "Sum(AA2:AA13)";
            //align the cell content
            worksheet[30, 5].CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignLeft;

            #region Add TextBox
            //create the textbox for additional information
            worksheet[35, 3].Text = "Additional Information";
            textBoxShape          = worksheet.TextBoxes.AddTextBox(32, 5, 150, 385);

            if (!rdbExcel97.Checked)
                worksheet[43, 3].Text = "Online Payment";

                #region Add Combobox
                // Create combobox
                IComboBoxShape comboBox1 = worksheet.ComboBoxes.AddComboBox(43, 5, 20, 100);

                // Assign range to display in dropdown list
                comboBox1.ListFillRange = worksheet2["A1:A2"];

                // select 1st item from the list
                comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1;

                #region Add OptionButton
                worksheet[46, 3].Text = "Card Type";
                IOptionButtonShape optionButton1 = worksheet.OptionButtons.AddOptionButton(46, 5);
                optionButton1.Text       = "American Express";
                optionButton1.CheckState = ExcelCheckState.Checked;

                optionButton1      = worksheet.OptionButtons.AddOptionButton(46, 7);
                optionButton1.Text = "Master Card";

                optionButton1      = worksheet.OptionButtons.AddOptionButton(46, 9);
                optionButton1.Text = "Visa";

            #region Column Alignment
            //column alignment
            worksheet.Columns[3].ColumnWidth = 12;
            worksheet.Columns[4].ColumnWidth = 10;
            worksheet.Columns[5].ColumnWidth = 10;

            worksheet.IsGridLinesVisible = false;

            #region Workbook Save
            // Assign the filename depends upon the version
            if ((this.rdbExcel2007.Checked) || (this.rdbExcel2010.Checked) || (this.rdbExcel2013.Checked))
                fileName = "FormControl.xlsx";
                fileName = "FormControl.xls";

            // Save the file

            #region Workbook Close and Dispose
            //closes the workbook

            #region View the Workbook
            // Message box confirmation to view the created document.
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                == DialogResult.Yes)
                    //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                    System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                    process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(fileName)
                        UseShellExecute = true

                catch (Win32Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Excel 2007 is not installed in this system");
Beispiel #44
        private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Initialize Workbook
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.
            //Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            //Set the Default version as Excel 97to2003
            if (this.rdbExcel97.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                fileName = "CollectionObject.xls";
            //Set the Default version as Excel 2007
            else if (this.rdbExcel2007.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
                fileName = "CollectionObject.xlsx";
            else if (this.rdbExcel2010.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;
                fileName = "CollectionObject.xlsx";
            else if (this.rdbExcel2013.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                fileName = "CollectionObject.xlsx";
            //Create a new spreadsheet.
            IWorkbook workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Create(1);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            sheet.ImportData((List <Brand>) this.dataGridView1.DataSource, 4, 1, true);

            #region Define Styles
            IStyle pageHeader  = workbook.Styles.Add("PageHeaderStyle");
            IStyle tableHeader = workbook.Styles.Add("TableHeaderStyle");

            pageHeader.Font.FontName       = "Calibri";
            pageHeader.Font.Size           = 16;
            pageHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
            pageHeader.Color               = Color.FromArgb(0, 146, 208, 80);
            pageHeader.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
            pageHeader.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;

            tableHeader.Font.Bold     = true;
            tableHeader.Font.FontName = "Calibri";
            tableHeader.Color         = Color.FromArgb(0, 146, 208, 80);


            #region Apply Styles
            // Apply style for header
            sheet["A1"].Text      = "Automobile Brands in the US";
            sheet["A1"].CellStyle = pageHeader;

            sheet["A4:C4"].CellStyle = tableHeader;

            sheet["A1:C1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;



            #region Save the Workbook
            //Saving the workbook to disk. This spreadsheet is the result of opening and modifying
            //an existing spreadsheet and then saving the result to a new workbook.

            #region Workbook Close and Dispose
            //Close the workbook.


            #region View the Workbook
            //Message box confirmation to view the created spreadsheet.
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                == DialogResult.Yes)
                //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(fileName)
                    UseShellExecute = true
            // Exit
        private void btnExtractData_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            #region Workbook Initialization
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();

            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            //Get the input file path
            string inputPath = GetFullTemplatePath("FindAndExtract.xls");

            //Open an existing spreadsheet which will be used as a template for getting data from input file.
            //After opening, the workbook object represents the complete in-memory object model of the template spreadsheet.

            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputPath, ExcelOpenType.Automatic);

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Find and Extract Data
            IRange result;

            #region Find and Extract Numbers
            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Number with format 0.00")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst(1000000.00075, ExcelFindType.Number);

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.Value2.ToString();

            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Number with format $#,##0.00")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst(3.2, ExcelFindType.Number);

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.Value2.ToString();


            #region Find and Extract DateTime
            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "DateTime with format m/d/yy h:mm")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst(DateTime.Parse("12/1/2007  1:23:00 AM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.Value2.ToString();

            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Time with format h:mm:ss AM/PM")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst(DateTime.Parse("1/1/2007  2:23:00 AM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.DateTime.ToString();
            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Date with format d-mmm-yy")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst(DateTime.Parse("12/4/2007  1:23:00 AM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.Value2.ToString();
            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Date with format Saturday, December 01, 2007")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst(DateTime.Parse("8/1/2007  3:23:00 AM", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.Value2.ToString();

            #region Find and Extract Text

            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Text")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst("Simple text", ExcelFindType.Text);

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.Value2.ToString();
            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Text With Styles and Patterns")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst("Text with Styles and patterns", ExcelFindType.Text);

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.Value2.ToString();
            if (lstFormat.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Number with Text Format")
                result = worksheet.FindFirst("$8.200", ExcelFindType.Text);

                //Gets the cell display text
                txtDisplay.Text = result.DisplayText.ToString();

                //Gets the cell value
                txtValue.Text = result.Value2.ToString();



            #region Workbook Close and Dispose
            //close the workbook
Beispiel #46
        // Rutinas del programador
        void ExportExcel(DataTable oDataTable, String sSheetName)
            ExcelEngine oEEngine = null;
            IApplication oExcel;
            IWorkbook oWorkbook;
            IWorksheet oSheet;

            Int32 iCol = 0;
            Int32 iRow = 2;

            String sGeneralTitle = "";


                // Crear Excel
                oEEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                oExcel = oEEngine.Excel;
                oExcel.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
                oWorkbook = oExcel.Workbooks.Create(1);
                oSheet = oWorkbook.Worksheets[0];

                // Formato general de la hoja
                oWorkbook.StandardFont = "Verdana";
                oWorkbook.StandardFontSize = 8;
                oSheet.Name = sSheetName;

                // Título general del reporte
            sGeneralTitle = "SIAQ - Menús al " + DateTime.Now.ToString("d");

                // Encabezados
                foreach (DataColumn oCol in oDataTable.Columns){
                   iCol = iCol + 1;
                   oSheet.Range[iRow, iCol].Text = oCol.ColumnName;

                // Cuerpo
                foreach (DataRow oRow in oDataTable.Rows){

                   // Avanza en la fila del Excel
                   iRow = iRow + 1;

                   // Para cada columna
                   for (Int32 k = 0; k < iCol; k++){
                      switch (oDataTable.Columns[k].DataType.FullName){
                         case "System.DateTime":
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(oRow[k]);

                         case "System.Decimal":
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].Number = Convert.ToDouble(oRow[k]);
                                oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                         case "System.Double":
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].Number = Convert.ToDouble(oRow[k]);
                                oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].NumberFormat = "#,##0.00";
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                         case "System.Int16":
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].Number = Convert.ToInt16(oRow[k]);
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].NumberFormat = "#,##0";
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                         case "System.Int32":
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].Number = Convert.ToInt32(oRow[k]);
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].NumberFormat = "#,##0";
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                         case "System.Int64":
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].Number = Convert.ToInt64(oRow[k]);
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].NumberFormat = "#,##0";
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignRight;

                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].Text = Convert.ToString(oRow[k]);

                      // Formato de moneda para filas específicas
                      if(k == 5 || k == 7 || k == 8 || k == 9){
                            oSheet.Range[iRow, k + 1].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";



                // Formato
                if (iCol > 0){

                   // Encabezado principal
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, 1, iCol].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, 1, iCol].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, 1, iCol].CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Grey_25_percent;

                   // Encabezado de columnas
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, 2, iCol].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, 2, iCol].HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, 2, iCol].CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Grey_25_percent;
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, iRow, iCol].BorderInside(ExcelLineStyle.Thin);
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, 1, iCol].BorderAround(ExcelLineStyle.Medium);
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, iRow, iCol].BorderAround(ExcelLineStyle.Medium);
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, iRow, iCol].VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;

                   // Ancho de las columnas
                   for (Int32 j = 1; j <= iCol; j++){

                   // Título general (se mueve el set aquí para no afectar el ancho de las columnas)
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1].Text = sGeneralTitle;
                   oSheet.Range[1, 1, 1, iCol].Merge();


                // Guardar libro
                oWorkbook.SaveAs(sSheetName + ".xlsx", this.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2007);

                // Cerrar el libro

            }catch (ExcelWorkbookNotSavedException){
                // Do Nothing

            }catch (Exception){
                // Do Nothing

                oEEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false;
        //For Session
        //public HttpSessionStateBase Session { get; }
        public ActionResult CLRObjects(string saveOption, string button)
            string basePath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;

            ViewBag.exportButtonState = "disabled=\"disabled\"";

            ///SaveOption Null
            if (saveOption == null || button == null)
                _sales = new List <Sales>();

            //Start Business Object Functions
            if (button == "Input Template")
                //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
                ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
                IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

                FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(basePath + @"/XlsIO/ExportSales.xlsx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                // Opening the Existing Worksheet from a Workbook.
                IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
                    string ContentType = null;
                    string fileName    = null;
                    workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                    ContentType      = "Application/msexcel";
                    fileName         = "ExportSales.xlsx";
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    ms.Position = 0;

                    return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));
                catch (Exception)
            else if (button == "Import From Excel")
                //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
                ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
                IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
                FileStream   inputStream = new FileStream(basePath + @"/XlsIO/ExportSales.xlsx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                IWorkbook    workbook    = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
                IWorksheet   sheet       = workbook.Worksheets[0];
                //Export Bussiness Objects
                List <Sales> businessObjects = sheet.ExportData <Sales>(1, 1, 41, 4);
                //Close the workbook.
                int temp = 1;
                foreach (Sales sale in businessObjects)
                    sale.ID = temp;
                //Set the grid value to the Session
                _sales = businessObjects;
                //ViewBag.DataSource = _sales;
                ViewBag.exportButtonState = "";
                //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open].
                //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

                //Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
                ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

                if (saveOption == "Xls")
                    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;

                //Open an existing spreadsheet which will be used as a template for generating the new spreadsheet.
                //After opening, the workbook object represents the complete in-memory object model of the template spreadsheet.
                IWorkbook workbook;
                workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Create(1);
                //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
                IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

                //Import Bussiness Object to worksheet
                sheet.ImportData(_sales, 5, 1, false);
                sheet.Range["E4"].Text = "";
                #region Define Styles
                IStyle pageHeader  = workbook.Styles.Add("PageHeaderStyle");
                IStyle tableHeader = workbook.Styles.Add("TableHeaderStyle");

                pageHeader.Font.RGBColor       = Color.FromArgb(0, 83, 141, 213);
                pageHeader.Font.FontName       = "Calibri";
                pageHeader.Font.Size           = 18;
                pageHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
                pageHeader.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
                pageHeader.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;

                tableHeader.Font.Color          = ExcelKnownColors.White;
                tableHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
                tableHeader.Font.Size           = 11;
                tableHeader.Font.FontName       = "Calibri";
                tableHeader.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
                tableHeader.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;
                tableHeader.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 118, 147, 60);
                tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle   = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeTop].LineStyle    = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;

                #region Apply Styles
                // Apply style for header
                sheet["A1"].Text      = "Yearly Sales Report";
                sheet["A1"].CellStyle = pageHeader;
                sheet["A2"].Text                = "Namewise Sales Comparison Report";
                sheet["A2"].CellStyle           = pageHeader;
                sheet["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = false;
                sheet["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 16;
                sheet["C3"].Text         = "Sales";
                sheet["A3:E4"].CellStyle = tableHeader;
                sheet["A3"].Text         = "S.ID";
                sheet["B3"].Text         = "Sales Person";
                sheet["C4"].Text         = "January - June";
                sheet["D4"].Text         = "July - December";
                sheet["E3"].Text         = "Change(%)";
                sheet.Columns[0].ColumnWidth = 10;
                sheet.Columns[1].ColumnWidth = 24;
                sheet.Columns[2].ColumnWidth = 21;
                sheet.Columns[3].ColumnWidth = 21;
                sheet.Columns[4].ColumnWidth = 16;

                    string ContentType = null;
                    string fileName    = null;
                    if (saveOption == "Xls")
                        workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                        ContentType      = "Application/";
                        fileName         = "ExportSales.xls";
                        workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                        ContentType      = "Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                        fileName         = "ExportSales.xlsx";

                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    ms.Position = 0;

                    return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));
                catch (Exception)

                //Close the workbook.
Beispiel #48
        private void btnWriteFormual_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            #region Workbook Initialize
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 3 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(3);
            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Insert Array Formula

            worksheet.Range["A2"].Text            = "Array formulas";
            worksheet.Range["B2:E2"].FormulaArray = "{10,20,30,40}";
            worksheet.Names.Add("ArrayRange", worksheet.Range["B2:E2"]);
            worksheet.Range["B3:E3"].FormulaArray     = "ArrayRange+100";
            worksheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet.Range["A2"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;


            #region Excel functions

            worksheet.Range["A5"].Text = "Formula";
            worksheet.Range["B5"].Text = "Result";

            worksheet.Range["A7"].Text    = "ABS(ABS(-B3))";
            worksheet.Range["B7"].Formula = "ABS(ABS(-B3))";

            worksheet.Range["A9"].Text    = "SUM(B3,C3)";
            worksheet.Range["B9"].Formula = "SUM(B3,C3)";

            worksheet.Range["A11"].Text    = "MIN({10,20,30;5,15,35;6,16,36})";
            worksheet.Range["B11"].Formula = "MIN({10,20,30;5,15,35;6,16,36})";

            worksheet.Range["A13"].Text    = "LOOKUP(B3,B3:E8)";
            worksheet.Range["B13"].Formula = "LOOKUP(B3,B3:E3)";

            worksheet.Range["A5:B5"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet.Range["A5:B5"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;


            #region Simple formulas
            worksheet.Range["C7"].Number   = 10;
            worksheet.Range["C9"].Number   = 10;
            worksheet.Range["A15"].Text    = "C7+C9";
            worksheet.Range["B15"].Formula = "C7+C9";


            worksheet.Range["B1"].Text = "Excel formula support";
            worksheet.Range["B1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
            worksheet.Range["B1"].CellStyle.Font.Size = 14;

            #region Workbook Save
            //Saving the workbook to disk.

            #region Workbook Close and Dispose
            //Close the workbook.

            //No exception will be thrown if there are unsaved workbooks.
            excelEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false;

            #region View the Workbook
            //Message box confirmation to view the created spreadsheet.
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                == DialogResult.Yes)
                //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("WriteFormula.xls")
                    UseShellExecute = true
Beispiel #49
        private void PrintExcelbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.textBox1.Text != String.Empty)
                ExcelEngine  engine      = new ExcelEngine();
                IApplication application = engine.Excel;
                IWorkbook    book        = application.Workbooks.Open((string)textBox1.Tag);

                //Open the Excel Document to Convert
                ExcelToPdfConverter converter = new ExcelToPdfConverter(book);

                //Intialize the ExcelToPdfconverterSettings
                ExcelToPdfConverterSettings converterSettings = new ExcelToPdfConverterSettings();

                if (noScaleRadioBtn.Checked)
                    converterSettings.LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions.NoScaling;
                else if (allRowsRadioBtn.Checked)
                    converterSettings.LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions.FitAllRowsOnOnePage;
                else if (allColumnRadioBtn.Checked)
                    converterSettings.LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions.FitAllColumnsOnOnePage;
                    converterSettings.LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions.FitSheetOnOnePage;

                if (printWithPrinterBtn.Checked || printWithConverterAndPrinterBtn.Checked)
                    //Create new printdialog instance.
                    PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog();
                    printDialog.AllowSomePages = true;
                    if (printDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        if (printWithConverterAndPrinterBtn.Checked)
                            //Print excel document with specified printer settings and converter settings.
                            converter.Print(printDialog.PrinterSettings, GetConverterSettings());
                            //Print excel document with specified printer settings.
                else if (printWithConverterBtn.Checked)
                    //Print excel document with specified and converter settings.
                else if (defaultPrintBtn.Checked)
                    //print excel document with default printer settings.
                MessageBox.Show("Browse a word document and click the button to convert as a PDF.");