Beispiel #1
        protected void Workbook_SheetActivate(object Sh) {
            Excel.Workbook wb = dsoFramerWordControl1.AxFramerControl.ActiveDocument as Excel.Workbook;
            ExcelAccess ea = new ExcelAccess();
            ea.MyWorkBook = wb;
            ea.MyExcel = wb.Application;
            Excel.Worksheet sheet;
            sheet = wb.ActiveSheet as Excel.Worksheet;
            if (activeSheetName != sheet.Name) {
                sheet.Name = activeSheetName;
            if (wb.Application.Sheets[activeSheetIndex] != wb.Application.Sheets[activeSheetName]) {

                sheet = wb.Application.Sheets[activeSheetName] as Excel.Worksheet;
                sheet.Move(Type.Missing, wb.Application.Sheets[activeSheetIndex]);
Beispiel #2
        public static void ExportExcel10KV(IList<PS_kgjctj> datalist)
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\10KV用户供电可靠性基础数据统计表.xls";

            int rowcount = 1;
            if (datalist.Count < 1) return;
            string tablename = "10KV用户供电可靠性基础数据统计表";
            if (tablename.Length > 30)
                tablename = tablename.Substring(tablename.Length - 31);
            int pageindex = datalist.Count;

            for (int j = 1; j < pageindex; j++)
                ex.CopySheet(1, j);
                ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1, tablename + "(" + (j) + ")");
            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)
                if (j == 0)
                    ex.ActiveSheet(tablename + "(" + j + ")");
                // 填值
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].OrgName, 3, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].CreateTime.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), 5, 9);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].kgModel, 5, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].iscxkg == true ? "是" : "否", 5, 7);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].kgCode, 5, 9);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].jkdxcd, 10, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].dlxlcd, 10, 7);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].publicusercount.ToString(), 11, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].publicbtcount.ToString(), 11, 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].publicbtrlcount.ToString(), 11, 9);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zyusercount.ToString(), 12, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zybtcount.ToString(), 12, 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zybtrlcount.ToString(), 12, 9);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].sdyusercount.ToString(), 13, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].sdyrlcount.ToString(), 13, 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zyuserqtsbcount.ToString(), 13, 9);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].drqcount.ToString(), 14, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].drqrl, 14, 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zyuserqtsbrlcount.ToString(), 14, 9);
Beispiel #3
        public static void ExportExcel(Dictionary<string, List<PJ_qxfl>> objdic)
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\06设备巡视及缺陷消除记录.xls";

            int zc = 20;
            char[] jksign = new char[1] { ';' };
            int row = 7;
            int col = 1;
            int len1 = 3;
            int pageindex = 1;
            pageindex = objdic.Count;
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
                if (j > 1)
                    ex.CopySheet(1, 1);
            int pags = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<PJ_qxfl>> pp in objdic)
                List<PJ_qxfl> objlist = pp.Value;


Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj"></param>
 public static void ExportExcel(sdjl_26 obj) {
     ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
     SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
     string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\送电17防护通知书.xls";
     int sz = 30;//一行最多30个
     ex.SetCellValue(obj.tzdw, 5, 1);
     ex.SetCellValue(obj.lineVol, 6, 7);
     ex.SetCellValue(obj.c1, 6, 9);
     List<string> fxwtList = GetList(obj.fxwt, sz);
     for (int i = 0; i < fxwtList.Count; i++)
         ex.SetCellValue(fxwtList[i], 7+i, 1);
         if (i > 1)
     List<string> clcsList = GetList(obj.clcs, sz);
     for (int i = 0; i < clcsList.Count; i++)
         ex.SetCellValue(obj.clcs, 12+i, 1);
         if (i > 2)
Beispiel #5
        void ctrl_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) {

            LP_Temple lp = (LP_Temple)(sender as Control).Tag;
            if (lp.CellPos == "") return;
            string str = (sender as Control).Text;
            if (dsoFramerWordControl1.MyExcel == null) {

            ExcelAccess ea = new ExcelAccess();
            ea.MyWorkBook = wb;
            ea.MyExcel = wb.Application;
            if (activeSheetName != lp.KindTable) {
                if (lp.KindTable != "") {
                    activeSheetName = lp.KindTable;
                    xx = wb.Application.Sheets[lp.KindTable] as Excel.Worksheet;
                    activeSheetIndex = xx.Index;
                } else {

                    xx = wb.Application.Sheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet;
                    activeSheetIndex = xx.Index;
                    activeSheetName = xx.Name;
            unLockExcel(wb, xx);
            string[] arrCellpos = lp.CellPos.Split(pchar);
            arrCellpos = StringHelper.ReplaceEmpty(arrCellpos).Split(pchar);
            if (arrCellpos.Length >= 1) {
                //ea.SetCellValue(str, GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0], GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1]);
                Excel.Range range = (Excel.Range)xx.get_Range(xx.Cells[GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1]], xx.Cells[GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1]]);
                bool isfind = false;
                for (int i = 1; i <= xx.Protection.AllowEditRanges.Count; i++) {
                    Excel.AllowEditRange editRange = xx.Protection.AllowEditRanges.get_Item(i);
                    if (editRange.Title == lp.CellPos.Replace("|", "")) {
                        isfind = true;
                if (!isfind) {
                    xx.Protection.AllowEditRanges.Add(lp.CellPos.Replace("|", ""), range, Type.Missing);
            LockExcel(wb, xx);
Beispiel #6
        void ContentChanged(Control ctrl) {
            LP_Temple lp = (LP_Temple)ctrl.Tag;
            string str = ctrl.Text;
            if (dsoFramerWordControl1.MyExcel == null) {
            //Excel.Workbook wb = dsoFramerWordControl1.AxFramerControl.ActiveDocument as Excel.Workbook;
            //Excel.Worksheet sheet;
            ExcelAccess ea = new ExcelAccess();
            ea.MyWorkBook = wb;
            ea.MyExcel = wb.Application;
            if (lp.KindTable != "" && activeSheetName != lp.KindTable) {
                if (lp.KindTable != "") {
                    activeSheetName = lp.KindTable;
                    sheet = wb.Application.Sheets[lp.KindTable] as Excel.Worksheet;
                    activeSheetIndex = sheet.Index;
                } else {

                    sheet = wb.Application.Sheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet;
                    activeSheetIndex = sheet.Index;
                    activeSheetName = sheet.Name;
            unLockExcel(wb, sheet);
            if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("uc_gridcontrol")) { FillTable(ea, lp, (ctrl as uc_gridcontrol).GetContent(String2Int(lp.WordCount.Split(pchar)))); return; } else if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("DevExpress.XtraEditors.DateEdit")) {
                FillTime(ea, lp, (ctrl as DateEdit).DateTime);
            string[] arrCellpos = lp.CellPos.Split(pchar);
            string[] arrtemp = lp.WordCount.Split(pchar);
            arrCellpos = StringHelper.ReplaceEmpty(arrCellpos).Split(pchar);
            arrtemp = StringHelper.ReplaceEmpty(arrtemp).Split(pchar);
            List<int> arrCellCount = String2Int(arrtemp);
            if (arrCellpos.Length == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrCellpos[1])) {
                ea.SetCellValue("'" + str, GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0], GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1]);
                if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + lp.CellPos)) {
                    WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + lp.CellPos] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                    tfv.ControlValue = str;
                    tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                    tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                    tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0];
                    tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1];

                } else {
                    WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                    tfv.ControlValue = str;
                    tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                    tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                    tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0];
                    tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1];
                    valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + lp.CellPos, tfv);
            } else if (arrCellpos.Length > 1 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrCellpos[1]))) {

                StringHelper help = new StringHelper();
                if (lp.CellName == "编号") {
                    for (int j = 0; j < arrCellpos.Length; j++) {
                        if (str.IndexOf("\r\n") == -1 && str.Length <= help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[j])) {
                            string strNew = str.Substring(0, (str.Length > 0 ? str.Length : 1) - 1) + (j + 1).ToString();
                            ea.SetCellValue("'" + strNew, GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[1]);
                            if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[j])) {
                                WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[j]] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                                tfv.ControlValue = str;
                                tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                                tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                                tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[0];
                                tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[1];
                                tfv.ExcelSheetName = sheet.Name;
                            } else {
                                WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                                tfv.ControlValue = str;
                                tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                                tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                                tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[0];
                                tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[1];
                                tfv.ExcelSheetName = sheet.Name;
                                valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[j], tfv);
                int i = 0;
                if (arrCellCount[0] != arrCellCount[1]) {
                    if (str.IndexOf("\r\n") == -1 && str.Length <= help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0])) {
                        ea.SetCellValue("'" + str, GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1]);
                        if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0])) {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0]] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                            tfv.ControlValue = str;
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                            tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = sheet.Name;

                        } else {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                            tfv.ControlValue = str;
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                            tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = sheet.Name;
                            valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0], tfv);
                    ea.SetCellValue("'" + str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1 && help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]) >=
                        str.IndexOf("\r\n") ? str.IndexOf("\r\n") : help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0])),
                        GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1]);
                    if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0])) {
                        WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0]] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                        tfv.ControlValue = str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1 && help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]) >=
                        str.IndexOf("\r\n") ? str.IndexOf("\r\n") : help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]));
                        tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                        tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                        tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                        tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                        tfv.ExcelSheetName = sheet.Name;

                    } else {
                        WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                        tfv.ControlValue = str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1 && help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]) >=
                        str.IndexOf("\r\n") ? str.IndexOf("\r\n") : help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]));
                        tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                        tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                        tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                        tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                        tfv.ExcelSheetName = sheet.Name;
                        valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0], tfv);

                    str = str.Substring(help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]) >= str.IndexOf("\r\n") &&
                        str.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1 ? str.IndexOf("\r\n") : help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]));
                str = help.GetPlitString(str, arrCellCount[1]);
                FillMutilRows(ea, i, lp, str, arrCellCount, arrCellpos);

            LockExcel(wb, sheet);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <summary>
        /// 绝缘子测试记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nrList"></param>
        public static void ExportExcel(IList<sdjls_jyzcsjl> nrList)
            #region 绝缘子测试记录
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\送电10绝缘子测试记录.xls";
            int row = 1;
            int pageindex = 1;
            int nzglzs = 0;//耐张杆零值数
            int zxglzs = 0;//直线杆零值数
            List<sdjls_jyzcsjl> jyzList=(List<sdjls_jyzcsjl>)nrList;
            jyzList.Sort(delegate(sdjls_jyzcsjl j1, sdjls_jyzcsjl j2) { return Comparer<string>.Default.Compare(,; });
            string startgh = jyzList[0].gh;
            string endgh = jyzList[jyzList.Count - 1].gh;
            foreach (sdjls_jyzcsjl jl in nrList)
                int result = 0;
                int.TryParse(jl.c3, out result);
                if (jl.gx.Trim() == "直线杆")
                    zxglzs += result;
                    nzglzs += result;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(nrList.Count, 12))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(nrList.Count, 12);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
                if (j > 1)
                    ex.CopySheet(1, 1);

            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
                //ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j, "Sheet" + (j));
                int prepageindex = j - 1;
                int starow = prepageindex * 12 + 1;
                int endrow = j * 12;

                if (nrList.Count > endrow)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                        //ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].jcrq.Year.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 1);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].cssj.Year.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 1);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].cssj.Month.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 2);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].cssj.Day.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 3);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].gh, row + 5 + i, 4);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].gx, row + 5 + i, 5);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].jyzxh, row + 5 + i, 6);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].lzjyzwz, row + 5 + i, 7);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].syfzr, row + 5 + i, 8);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].c1, row + 5 + i, 9);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].clsj.Year.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 10);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].clsj.Month.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 11);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].clsj.Day.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 12);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].bz, row + 5 + i, 13);
                else if (nrList.Count <= endrow && nrList.Count >= starow)
                    ex.SetCellValue("#"+startgh, 19, 6);
                    ex.SetCellValue("#~" + endgh, 19, 7);
                    ex.SetCellValue(nrList.Count.ToString(), 19, 9);
                    ex.SetCellValue(nzglzs.ToString()+"片;", 20, 6);
                    ex.SetCellValue(zxglzs.ToString(), 20, 10);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nrList.Count - starow + 1; i++)
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].cssj.Year.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 1);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].cssj.Month.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 2);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].cssj.Day.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 3);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].gh, row + 5 + i, 4);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].gx, row + 5 + i, 5);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].jyzxh, row + 5 + i, 6);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].lzjyzwz, row + 5 + i, 7);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].syfzr, row + 5 + i, 8);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].c1, row + 5 + i, 9);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].clsj.Year.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 10);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].clsj.Month.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 11);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].clsj.Day.ToString(), row + 5 + i, 12);
                        ex.SetCellValue(nrList[starow - 1 + i].bz, row + 5 + i, 13);


Beispiel #8
        private void btExport_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            if (MainHelper.UserOrg == null) return;

            if (gridView1.FocusedRowHandle < 0) return;
            DataRow dr = gridView1.GetDataRow(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle);
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = "";
            saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Microsoft Excel (*.xls)|*.xls";
            if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                fname = saveFileDialog1.FileName;

                  string  slqwhere = " where RecordId='" + dr["recordID"]
                   + "' and  UserControlId='" + Temple.LPID
                   + "' and   WorkflowId='" + modleGuid
                   + "' and WorkFlowInsId='" + parentObj.OrgName + "' ";
                    IList<WF_TableFieldValue> tfvli = MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<WF_TableFieldValue>(slqwhere);
                    DSOFramerControl dsoFramerWordControl1 = new DSOFramerControl();
                    dsoFramerWordControl1.FileDataGzip = Temple.DocContent;
                   Excel.Workbook wb = dsoFramerWordControl1.AxFramerControl.ActiveDocument as Excel.Workbook;
                   Excel.Worksheet xx;
                   ExcelAccess ea = new ExcelAccess();
                   ea.MyWorkBook = wb;
                   ea.MyExcel = wb.Application;
                   string activeSheetName = "";
                   xx = wb.Application.Sheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet;
                   int i = 0;
                   ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
                   for (i = 1; i <= wb.Application.Sheets.Count; i++)
                       xx = wb.Application.Sheets[i] as Excel.Worksheet;
                       if (!al.Contains(xx.Name)) al.Add(xx.Name);
                   for (i = 0; i < tfvli.Count; i++)
                       if (!al.Contains(tfvli[i].ExcelSheetName))

                           LP_Temple field = MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetOneByKey<LP_Temple>(tfvli[i].FieldId);
                           if (field != null)
                               if (field.isExplorer == 1)
                       if (activeSheetName != tfvli[i].ExcelSheetName)
                           if (activeSheetName != "")

                               xx = wb.Application.Sheets[activeSheetName] as Excel.Worksheet;

                           xx = wb.Application.Sheets[tfvli[i].ExcelSheetName] as Excel.Worksheet;

                           activeSheetName = tfvli[i].ExcelSheetName;


                       if (tfvli[i].XExcelPos > -1 && tfvli[i].YExcelPos > -1) ea.SetCellValue(tfvli[i].ControlValue, tfvli[i].XExcelPos, tfvli[i].YExcelPos);

                   dsoFramerWordControl1.FileDataGzip = Temple.DocContent;
                   dsoFramerWordControl1.FileSave(fname, true);
                    if (MsgBox.ShowAskMessageBox("导出成功,是否打开该文档?") != DialogResult.OK)

                catch (Exception ex)
                    MsgBox.ShowWarningMessageBox("无法保存" + fname + "。请用其他文件名保存文件,或将文件存至其他位置。");
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">操作EXCEL表</param>
        /// <param name="bdzlist">填入的数据组</param>
        ///  <param name="hs">每一个对应的行数</param>
        ///  <param name="stawz">每一个对应的要填写的位置</param>
        ///  <param name="pageindex">分的工作表的数目</param>
        /// <returns>返回List<string> </returns>
        public static void CreatandWritesheet(ExcelAccess ex,List<string>[] bdzlist,int[] hs,int[] stawz )
            int pageindex = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < bdzlist.Length;i++ )
                if (pageindex < GetPagecount(bdzlist[i].Count,hs[i]))
                    pageindex = GetPagecount(bdzlist[i].Count, hs[i]);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
                if (j > 1)
                    ex.CopySheet(0, j + 1);
                    ex.ActiveSheet(j + 1);
                int prepageindex = j - 1;
                int starow = prepageindex * 2 + 1;
                int endrow = j * 2;
                for (int num = 0; num < bdzlist.Length;num++ )
                    if (bdzlist[num].Count > endrow)
                        for (int i = 0; i < hs[num]; i++)
                            ex.SetCellValue(bdzlist[num][starow - 1 + i], stawz[num] + i, 1);
                    else if (bdzlist[num].Count <= endrow && bdzlist[num].Count >= starow)
                        for (int i = 0; i < bdzlist[num].Count - starow + 1; i++)
                            ex.SetCellValue(bdzlist[num][starow - 1 + i], stawz[num] + i, 1);

Beispiel #10
        public void ExportExcel(ExcelAccess ex, IList<PJ_sdytz> datalist)
            int row = 5;
            int col = 1;
            int rowcount =14;


            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
                if (j > 1)
                    ex.CopySheet(1, 1);
            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)
                if (j % rowcount == 0)
                    ex.ActiveSheet(j / rowcount + 1);
                ex.SetCellValue(((j + 1)).ToString(), row + j % rowcount, col);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].khmc, row + j % rowcount, col + 1);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].khdz, row + j % rowcount, col + 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zdyOrgName, row + j % rowcount, col + 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zdyLineName, row + j % rowcount, col + 4);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zdykgModle, row + j % rowcount, col + 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].fdyOrgName, row + j % rowcount, col + 6);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].fdyLineName, row + j % rowcount, col + 7);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].fdykgModle, row + j % rowcount, col + 8);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].kgfs, row + j % rowcount, col + 9);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].Remark, row + j % rowcount, col + 10);

        public void ExportExcel(ExcelAccess ex ,IList<PJ_anqgjcrkd> datalist)
            int row = 5;
            int col = 1;
            int rowcount = 41;

            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)

                ex.CopySheet(1, j);
                if (j == 1)

                    ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1,   datalist[0].num);
                    ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1, datalist[0].num+"(" + (j)+")");
            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)

                if (j % rowcount == 0)
                    if (j == 0) ex.ActiveSheet( datalist[0].num);
                    else ex.ActiveSheet( datalist[0].num + "(" + (j / rowcount + 1)+")");
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].indate.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), 3, 2);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].indate.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), 3, 6);
                ex.SetCellValue((j+1).ToString(), row + j % rowcount, col);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpmc, row + j % rowcount, col+1 );
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpgg, row + j % rowcount, col + 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdw, row + j % rowcount, col + 4);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpsl, row + j % rowcount, col + 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdj, row + j % rowcount, col + 6);
                    , row + j % rowcount, col + 7);
                //ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zrr, row + j % rowcount, col + 7);

        public void ExportExcel(ExcelAccess ex, IList<PJ_sbbzqsbgmxb3> datalist, string orgid)
            int row = 6;
            int col = 1;
            int rowcount = 15;


            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount);
            for (int j = 1; j <pageindex; j++)

                ex.CopySheet(1, j);
            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)

                if (j % rowcount == 0)
                    else ex.ActiveSheet((j / rowcount+1) );
                    if (orgid!="") ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].OrgName, 4, 2);
                        ex.SetCellValue(MainHelper.UserCompany, 4, 2);
                    ex.SetCellValue(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), 4,5);

                ex.SetCellValue((j + 1).ToString(), row + j % rowcount, col);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].sssbmc, row + j % rowcount, col + 1);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].sssswz, row + j % rowcount, col + 2);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].sssbbh, row + j % rowcount, col + 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].statuts, row + j % rowcount, col + 4);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].Remark, row + j % rowcount, col + 5);
                //ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zrr, row + j % rowcount, col + 7);

Beispiel #13
        public void ExportExcel(ExcelAccess ex ,IList<PJ_clcrkd> datalist)
            int row = 7;
            int col = 1;
            int rowcount = 10;


            if (datalist.Count < 1) return;
            Regex r1 = new Regex("[0-9]+");
            string str = r1.Match(datalist[0].num).Value;
            if (str == "")
                str = datalist[0].num;
            string tablename = datalist[0].ssgc + datalist[0].ssxm + str;
            if (tablename.Length > 30)
                tablename = tablename.Substring(tablename.Length - 31);
            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)

                ex.CopySheet(1, j);
                if (j == 1) ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1, tablename);
                    ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1, tablename + "(" + (j) + ")");
            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)

                if (j % rowcount == 0)
                    if (j == 0) ex.ActiveSheet(tablename);
                    else ex.ActiveSheet(tablename + "(" + (j / rowcount + 1) + ")");
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssgc, 2, 3);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssxm, 4, 2);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("yyyy"), 4, 7);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("MM"), 4, 9);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("dd"), 4, 11);

                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssgc, 22, 3);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssxm, 24, 2);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("yyyy"), 24, 7);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("MM"), 24, 9);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("dd"), 24, 11);

                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssgc, 42, 3);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssxm, 44, 2);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("yyyy"), 44, 7);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("MM"), 44, 9);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("dd"), 44, 11);

                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssgc, 62, 3);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssxm, 64, 2);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].indate.ToString("yyyy"), 64, 7);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].indate.ToString("MM"), 64, 9);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].indate.ToString("dd"), 64, 11);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpmc, row + j % rowcount , col);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpgg, row + j % rowcount , col + 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdw, row + j % rowcount, col + 4);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].cksl, row + j % rowcount, col + 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdj, row + j % rowcount , col + 7);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpmc, row + j % rowcount+20, col);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpgg, row + j % rowcount + 20, col + 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdw, row + j % rowcount + 20, col + 4);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].cksl, row + j % rowcount + 20, col + 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdj, row + j % rowcount + 20, col + 7);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpmc, row + j % rowcount + 40, col);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpgg, row + j % rowcount + 40, col + 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdw, row + j % rowcount + 40, col + 4);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].cksl, row + j % rowcount + 40, col + 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdj, row + j % rowcount + 40, col + 7);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpmc, row + j % rowcount + 60, col);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpgg, row + j % rowcount + 60, col + 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdw, row + j % rowcount + 60, col + 4);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].cksl, row + j % rowcount + 60, col + 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdj, row + j % rowcount + 60, col + 7);
                if (datalist[j].wpdj != "")
                    long value = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(datalist[j].cksl) * Convert.ToDouble(datalist[j].wpdj), 2) * 100);
                    int index = 19;
                    while (value > 0)
                        long ifen = value % 10;
                        ex.SetCellValue(ifen.ToString(), row + j % rowcount, index);
                        ex.SetCellValue(ifen.ToString(), row + j % rowcount + 20, index);
                        ex.SetCellValue(ifen.ToString(), row + j % rowcount + 40, index);
                        ex.SetCellValue(ifen.ToString(), row + j % rowcount + 60, index);
                        value = value / 10;
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].Remark, 17, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].Remark, 17 + 20, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].Remark, 17 + 40, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].Remark, 17 + 60, 2);
                //ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zrr, row + j % rowcount, col + 7);

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public static void ExportExcel(PJ_09pxjl obj) {
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\09培训记录.xls";

            int zc = 60;
            char[] jksign = new char[1] { ';' };
            int row = 1;
            int col = 1;
            int pagecount = 1;

            string timustr = "题目:";
            List<string> timulist = Ecommon.ResultStrListByPage(timustr,, zc, 4);
            if (Ecommon.GetPagecount(timulist.Count, 4) > pagecount) {
                pagecount = Ecommon.GetPagecount(timulist.Count, 4);
            string hdstr = "内容:";
            List<string> hdlist = Ecommon.ResultStrListByPage(hdstr,, zc, 10);
            if (Ecommon.GetPagecount(hdlist.Count, 10) > pagecount) {
                pagecount = Ecommon.GetPagecount(hdlist.Count, 10);
            string ldpystr = "领导检查评语:";
            List<string> ldpylist = Ecommon.ResultStrListByPage(ldpystr,, zc, 3);
            if (Ecommon.GetPagecount(ldpylist.Count, 3) > pagecount) {
                pagecount = Ecommon.GetPagecount(ldpylist.Count, 3);
            for (int m = 1; m < pagecount; m++) {
                ex.CopySheet(1, m);
                ex.ReNameWorkSheet(m + 1, "Sheet" + (m + 1));

            for (int p = 0; p < pagecount; p++) {
                ex.ActiveSheet(p + 1);


                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    if (p * 4 + i >= timulist.Count) {
                    string tempstr = timulist[p * 4 + i];
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 7 + i, 1);

                for (int r = 0; r < 10; r++) {
                    if (p * 10 + r >= hdlist.Count) {
                    string tempstr = hdlist[p * 10 + r];
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 11 + r, 1);


                for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++) {
                    if (p * 3 + t >= ldpylist.Count) {
                    string tempstr = ldpylist[p * 3 + t];
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 21 + t, 1);



            row = 2;
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Year.ToString(), 4, 2);

            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Month.ToString(), 4, 4);

            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Day.ToString(), 4, 6);
            string[] ary = obj.xxss.Split(jksign);
            if (ary.Length >= 1) {
                ex.SetCellValue(ary[0], 4, 9);
            } else {
                ex.SetCellValue("", 4, 9);
            if (ary.Length >= 2) {
                ex.SetCellValue(ary[1], 4, 11);
            } else {
                ex.SetCellValue("", 4, 11);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.cjrs, 4, 14);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.zcr, 6, 3);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.zjr, 6, 9);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.hydd, 6, 14);

            // ex.SetCellValue(obj.qz, 24, 3);
            //  if (ComboBoxHelper.CompreDate(obj.qzrq))
            //  {
            //     ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Year.ToString(), 24, 8);
            //      ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Month.ToString(), 24, 10);
            //      ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Day.ToString(), 24, 12);
            //  }


Beispiel #15
        public static void ExportExcelWorkFlow(ref LP_Record currRecord, PJ_03yxfx obj) {
            DSOFramerControl dsoFramerWordControl1 = new DSOFramerControl();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\03运行分析记录.xls";
            if (currRecord == null) {
                currRecord = new LP_Record();
                currRecord.Status = "文档生成";
            currRecord.DocContent = dsoFramerWordControl1.FileDataGzip;
            dsoFramerWordControl1.FileDataGzip = currRecord.DocContent;
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            Excel.Workbook wb = dsoFramerWordControl1.AxFramerControl.ActiveDocument as Excel.Workbook;
            ex.MyWorkBook = wb;
            ex.MyExcel = wb.Application;

            string jksign = "@";
            int row = 1;
            int col = 1;
            int zc = 60;
            // int pagemax = 1;
            string zt = Ecommon.Comparestring(obj.zt, "主题") ? "" : "主题:";
            List<string> listztstring = Ecommon.ResultStrList(zt + obj.zt, zc);
            Ecommon.Resultstrbystartbd(ref listztstring);
            //if (pagemax < Ecommon.GetPagecount(listztstring.Count,2))
            //    pagemax = Ecommon.GetPagecount(listztstring.Count, 2);
            string jy = Ecommon.Comparestring(obj.jy, "纪要") ? "" : "纪要:";
            List<string> listjy = Ecommon.ResultStrList(jy + obj.jy, zc);
            Ecommon.Resultstrbystartbd(ref listjy);
            //if (pagemax < Ecommon.GetPagecount(listjy.Count, 7))
            //    pagemax = Ecommon.GetPagecount(listjy.Count, 7);
            string jr = Ecommon.Comparestring(obj.jr, "结论及对策") ? "" : "结论及对策:";
            List<string> listjldc = Ecommon.ResultStrList(jr + obj.jr, zc);
            Ecommon.Resultstrbystartbd(ref listjldc);
            //if (pagemax < Ecommon.GetPagecount(listjldc.Count, 6))
            //    pagemax = Ecommon.GetPagecount(listjldc.Count, 6);
            List<string> listpy = Ecommon.ResultStrList("领导检查评语:" +, zc);
            Ecommon.Resultstrbystartbd(ref listpy);

            int[] strnumcol = { 0, listztstring.Count, listztstring.Count + listjy.Count, listztstring.Count + listjy.Count + listjldc.Count };
            int[] statnum = { 3, 3, 6,7 };
            List<string> strcol = new List<string>();
            Ecommon.addstring(listztstring, ref strcol);
            Ecommon.addstring(listjy, ref strcol);
            Ecommon.addstring(listjldc, ref strcol);
            Ecommon.addstring(listpy, ref strcol);
            //Ecommon.CreatandWritesheet(ex, strcol, 15, 9, 1);

            Ecommon.CreatandWritesheet1(ex, strcol, 15, 9, 1, strnumcol, statnum);

            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Year.ToString(), 4, 5);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Month.ToString(), 4, 7);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Day.ToString(), 4, 9);

            string[] ary = obj.cjry.Split(';');
            int n = ary.Length % 5;
            for (int i = 0; i < ary.Length; i++) {
                int tempcol = col + 1 + i % 5;
                if (i % 5 == 1 || i % 5 == 2 || i % 5 == 3) {
                    tempcol = col + 1 + i % 5 + 1;
                if (i % 5 == 4) {
                    tempcol = col + 1 + i % 5 + 2;
                ex.SetCellValue(ary[i], row + 4 + i / 5, tempcol);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.zcr, 5, 11);
            //ex.CopySheet(1, 2);
            //ex.SetCellValue("kakaka", 24, 4);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.qz, 24, 4);
            //  if (ComboBoxHelper.CompreDate(obj.qzrq))
            //   {
            //        ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Year.ToString(), 24, 5);
            //       ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Month.ToString(), 24, 9);
            //       ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Day.ToString(), 24, 11);
            //   }


            //for (int j = 1; j <= pagemax;j++ )
            //    if (j>1)
            //    {
            //        ex.CopySheet(1, 1);
            //    }
            //for (int j = 1; j <= pagemax;j++ )

            //        ex.ActiveSheet(j);
            //    //if (j>1)
            //    //{
            //    //   // ex.CopySheet(1, j);
            //    //    ex.ActiveSheet(j);
            //    //}
            //    //ex.ShowExcel();

            //    int prepageindex = j - 1;
            //    //主题
            //    int starow = prepageindex * 2 + 1;
            //    int endrow = j * 2;
            //    if (listztstring.Count>endrow)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i < 2;i++ )
            //        {
            //            ex.SetCellValue(listztstring[starow - 1 + i], 9 + i, 1);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else if (listztstring.Count<=endrow&&listztstring.Count>=starow)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i < listztstring.Count - starow + 1;i++ )
            //        {
            //            ex.SetCellValue(listztstring[starow - 1 + i], 9 + i, 1);
            //        }
            //    }
            //   //纪要
            //    starow = prepageindex * 7 + 1;
            //   endrow = j * 7;
            //    if (listjy.Count > endrow)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            //        {
            //            ex.SetCellValue(listjy[starow - 1 + i], 11 + i, 1);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else if (listjy.Count <= endrow && listjy.Count >= starow)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i < listjy.Count - starow + 1; i++)
            //        {
            //            ex.SetCellValue(listjy[starow - 1 + i], 11+ i, 1);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    //结论及对策
            //    starow = prepageindex * 6 + 1;
            //    endrow = j * 6;
            //    if (listjldc.Count > endrow)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            //        {
            //            ex.SetCellValue(listjldc[starow - 1 + i], 18 + i, 1);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else if (listjldc.Count <= endrow && listjldc.Count >= starow)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i < listjldc.Count - starow + 1; i++)
            //        {
            //            ex.SetCellValue(listjldc[starow - 1 + i], 18 + i, 1);
            //        }
            //    }


            //ex.SetCellValue("主题: " + obj.zt, 9, 1);
            //string jystr = "纪要:" + obj.jy;

            //for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            //    string tempstr = "";
            //    int startnum = i * zc;
            //    int endnum = (i + 1) * zc;
            //    bool ISempty=false;
            //    if (startnum>=jystr.Length)
            //    {
            //       ISempty=true;
            //    }
            //    else if (endnum >= jystr.Length)
            //    {
            //        endnum = jystr.Length;
            //    }
            //    if (!ISempty)
            //    {
            //         tempstr = jystr.Substring(startnum,endnum-startnum);
            //    }
            //    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 11 + i, 1);
            //string jlstr = "结论及对策:" + obj.jr;

            //for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
            //    string tempstr = "";
            //    int startnum = j * zc;
            //    int endnum = (j + 1) * zc;
            //    bool ISempty = false;
            //    if (startnum >= jlstr.Length)
            //    {
            //        ISempty = true;
            //    }
            //    else if (endnum >= jlstr.Length)
            //    {
            //        endnum = jlstr.Length;
            //    }
            //    if (!ISempty)
            //    {
            //        tempstr = jlstr.Substring(startnum, endnum - startnum);
            //    }
            //    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 18 + j, 1);

            //ex.CopySheet(1, 3);
            //ex.CopySheet(2, 4);
            if (currRecord == null) {
                currRecord = new LP_Record();
                currRecord.Status = "文档生成";
            currRecord.DocContent = dsoFramerWordControl1.FileDataGzip;

Beispiel #16
        public void ExportExcel(ExcelAccess ex, IList<PJ_clcrkd> datalist, string wpmc)
            int row = 5;
            int col = 2;
            int rowcount = 18;


            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)

                ex.CopySheet(1, j);
                if (j == 1) ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1, wpmc);
                    ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1, wpmc + (j));
            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)

                if (j % rowcount == 0)
                    if (j == 0) ex.ActiveSheet(wpmc);
                    else ex.ActiveSheet(wpmc + (j / rowcount + 1));

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpmc, row + j % rowcount, col );
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpgg, row + j % rowcount, col + 1);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdw, row + j % rowcount, col + 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpsl, row + j % rowcount, col + 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdj, row + j % rowcount, col + 4);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpcj, row + j % rowcount, col + 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].indate.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), row + j % rowcount, col + 6);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssgc, row + j % rowcount, col + 7);
                if(datalist[j].type.IndexOf ("入库单")==-1)
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ckdate.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), row + j % rowcount, col + 8);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].yt, row + j % rowcount, col + 9);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].cksl, row + j % rowcount, col + 10);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].cksl, row + j % rowcount, col + 11);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].lqdw, row + j % rowcount, col + 12);
                //ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zrr, row + j % rowcount, col + 7);
                if (datalist[j].wpmc == "出库合计")

Beispiel #17
        public void ExportExcel(ExcelAccess ex ,IList<PJ_clcrkd> datalist)
            int row = 4;
            int col = 1;
            int rowcount = 11;

            if (datalist.Count < 1)
            Regex r1 = new Regex("[0-9]+");
            string str = r1.Match(datalist[0].num).Value;
            if (str == "")
                str = datalist[0].num;
            string tablename = datalist[0].ssgc + datalist[0].ssxm + str;
            if (tablename.Length > 30)
                tablename = tablename.Substring(tablename.Length - 31);
            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)

                ex.CopySheet(1, j);
                if (j == 1)

                    ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1, tablename);
                    ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j + 1, tablename+"(" + (j)+")");
            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)

                if (j % rowcount == 0)
                    if (j == 0) ex.ActiveSheet(tablename);
                    else ex.ActiveSheet(tablename + "(" + (j / rowcount + 1)+")");
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].ssgc, 2, 5);
                    ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].OrgName , 2, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpmc, row + j % rowcount, col );
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpgg, row + j % rowcount, col +1);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpdw, row + j % rowcount, col + 2);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wpsl, row + j % rowcount, col + 3);
                    row + j % rowcount, col + 4);
                    , row + j % rowcount, col + 5);
                //ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].zrr, row + j % rowcount, col + 7);

Beispiel #18
        void ctrl_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            LP_Temple lp = (LP_Temple)(sender as Control).Tag;
            string str = (sender as Control).Text;
            if (dsoFramerWordControl1 == null || dsoFramerWordControl1.MyExcel == null) {
            try {
                //Excel.Workbook wb = dsoFramerWordControl1.AxFramerControl.ActiveDocument as Excel.Workbook;
                ExcelAccess ea = new ExcelAccess();
                ea.MyWorkBook = wb;
                ea.MyExcel = wb.Application;
                //Excel.Worksheet xx;
                if (lp.KindTable != "" && activeSheetName != lp.KindTable) {
                    if (lp.KindTable != "") {
                        activeSheetName = lp.KindTable;

                        xx = wb.Application.Sheets[lp.KindTable] as Excel.Worksheet;

                        activeSheetIndex = xx.Index;
                    } else {
                        xx = wb.Application.Sheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet;
                        activeSheetIndex = xx.Index;
                        activeSheetName = xx.Name;
                    if (lp.KindTable != "") {
                    } else {
                if (lp.CellPos == "") {
                    if (lp.CellName.IndexOf("绘图") > -1) {
                        //unLockExcel(wb, xx);
                        PJ_tbsj tb = MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetOne<PJ_tbsj>("where picName = '" + str + "'");
                        if (tb != null) {
                            if (tb.picName != "表箱") {
                                string tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
                                string tempfile = tempPath + "~" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + tb.S1;
                                FileStream fs;
                                fs = new FileStream(tempfile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                                BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);
                                //IDataObject data = new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, new string[] { tempfile });
                                //MemoryStream memo = new MemoryStream(4);
                                //byte[] bytes = new byte[] { (byte)(5), 0, 0, 0 };
                                //memo.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                                //data.SetData("ttt", memo);
                                Image im = Bitmap.FromFile(tempfile);
                                Bitmap bt = new Bitmap(im);
                                DataObject dataObject = new DataObject();
                                dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, bt);
                                Clipboard.SetDataObject(dataObject, true);
                            } else {
                                Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Shape activShape = null;
                                activShape = xx.Shapes.AddTextbox(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal,
                                    (float)153.75, (float)162.75, (float)22.5, (float)10.5);
                                activShape.TextFrame.Characters(1, 1).Font.Size = 8;
                                activShape.TextFrame.Characters(1, 1).Text = "1";
                                activShape.TextFrame.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
                    } else {
                        if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID)) {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                            tfv.ControlValue = str;
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = -1;
                            tfv.YExcelPos = -1;

                        } else {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                            tfv.ControlValue = str;
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = -1;
                            tfv.YExcelPos = -1;
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;

                            valuehs.Add(lp.LPID, tfv);

                unLockExcel(wb, xx);

                string[] arrCellpos = lp.CellPos.Split(pchar);
                string[] arrtemp = lp.WordCount.Split(pchar);
                arrCellpos = StringHelper.ReplaceEmpty(arrCellpos).Split(pchar);
                if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("uc_gridcontrol")) {
                    FillTable(ea, lp, (sender as uc_gridcontrol).GetContent(String2Int(lp.WordCount.Split(pchar))));
                    LockExcel(wb, xx);
                } else if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("DevExpress.XtraEditors.DateEdit")) {
                    FillTime(ea, lp, (sender as DateEdit).DateTime);
                    LockExcel(wb, xx);
                } else if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("DevExpress.XtraEditors.SpinEdit")) {

                    IList<string> strList = new List<string>();
                    if (arrCellpos.Length == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrCellpos[1])) {
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                            ea.SetCellValue("", GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0], GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1]);
                            ea.SetCellValue("'" + str, GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0], GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1]);
                        if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0])) {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0]] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                            tfv.ControlValue = str;
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                            tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;

                        } else {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                            tfv.ControlValue = str;
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                            tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;
                            valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0], tfv);
                    } else if (arrCellpos.Length > 1 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrCellpos[1]))) {
                        int i = 0;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                            ea.SetCellValue("", GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0], GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1]);
                            ea.SetCellValue("'" + str, GetCellPos(arrCellpos[i])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[i])[1]);
                        if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[i])) {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[i]] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                            tfv.ControlValue = str;
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[i])[0];
                            tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[i])[1];
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;

                        } else {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                            tfv.ControlValue = str;
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[i])[0];
                            tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[i])[1];
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;
                            valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[i], tfv);
                    LockExcel(wb, xx);


                string[] extraWord = lp.ExtraWord.Split(pchar);
                List<int> arrCellCount = String2Int(arrtemp);
                if (arrCellpos.Length == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrCellpos[1])) {
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                        ea.SetCellValue("", GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0], GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1]);
                        ea.SetCellValue("'" + str, GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0], GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1]);
                    if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + lp.CellPos)) {
                        WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + lp.CellPos] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                        tfv.ControlValue = str;
                        tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                        tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                        tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0];
                        tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1];
                        tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;

                    } else {
                        WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                        tfv.ControlValue = str;
                        tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                        tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                        tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0];
                        tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1];
                        tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;
                        valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + lp.CellPos, tfv);

                } else if (arrCellpos.Length > 1 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrCellpos[1]))) {
                    StringHelper help = new StringHelper();
                    if (lp.CellName == "编号") {
                        for (int j = 0; j < arrCellpos.Length; j++) {
                            if (str.IndexOf("\r\n") == -1 && str.Length <= help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[j]) && str != "") {
                                string strNew = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1) + (j + 1).ToString();
                                ea.SetCellValue("'" + strNew, GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[1]);
                                if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[j])) {
                                    WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[j]] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                                    tfv.ControlValue = strNew;
                                    tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                                    tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                                    tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[0];
                                    tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[1];
                                    tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;

                                } else {
                                    WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                                    tfv.ControlValue = strNew;
                                    tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                                    tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                                    tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[0];
                                    tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[j])[1];
                                    tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;
                                    valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[j], tfv);
                        LockExcel(wb, xx);
                    int i = 0;
                    if (arrCellCount[0] != arrCellCount[1]) {
                        if (str.IndexOf("\r\n") == -1 && str.Length <= help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0])) {
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                                ea.SetCellValue("", GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[0], GetCellPos(lp.CellPos)[1]);
                                ea.SetCellValue("'" + str, GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1]);
                            if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0])) {
                                WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0]] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                                tfv.ControlValue = str;
                                tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                                tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                                tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                                tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                                tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;

                            } else {
                                WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                                tfv.ControlValue = str;
                                tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                                tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                                tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                                tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                                tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;
                                valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0], tfv);

                            LockExcel(wb, xx);
                        ea.SetCellValue("'" + str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1 && help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]) >=
                            str.IndexOf("\r\n") ? str.IndexOf("\r\n") : help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0])),
                            GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0], GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1]);
                        if (valuehs.ContainsKey(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0])) {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = valuehs[lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0]] as WF_TableFieldValue;
                            tfv.ControlValue = (str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1 && help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]) >=
                            str.IndexOf("\r\n") ? str.IndexOf("\r\n") : help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0])));
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                            tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;

                        } else {
                            WF_TableFieldValue tfv = new WF_TableFieldValue();
                            tfv.ControlValue = (str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1 && help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]) >=
                            str.IndexOf("\r\n") ? str.IndexOf("\r\n") : help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0])));
                            tfv.FieldId = lp.LPID;
                            tfv.FieldName = lp.CellName;
                            tfv.XExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[0];
                            tfv.YExcelPos = GetCellPos(arrCellpos[0])[1];
                            tfv.ExcelSheetName = xx.Name;
                            valuehs.Add(lp.LPID + "$" + arrCellpos[0], tfv);
                        str = str.Substring(help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]) >= str.IndexOf("\r\n") &&
                            str.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1 ? str.IndexOf("\r\n") : help.GetFristLen(str, arrCellCount[0]));
                    str = help.GetPlitString(str, arrCellCount[1]);
                    FillMutilRows(ea, i, lp, str, arrCellCount, arrCellpos);

                if (lp.CellName == "单位") {
                    IList list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select OrgCode  from mOrg where OrgName='" + str + "'");
                    if (list.Count > 0) {
                        switch (kind) {

                            case "电力线路第一种工作票":
                            case "yzgzp":
                                strNumber = "07" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + list[0].ToString().Substring(list[0].ToString().Length - 2, 2);
                            case "电力线路第二种工作票":
                            case "ezgzp":
                                strNumber = "08" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + list[0].ToString().Substring(list[0].ToString().Length - 2, 2);
                            case "电力线路倒闸操作票":
                            case "dzczp":
                                strNumber = "BJ" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                            case "电力线路事故应急抢修单":
                            case "xlqxp":
                                strNumber = list[0].ToString().Substring(list[0].ToString().Length - 2, 2) + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                                strNumber = "07" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + list[0].ToString().Substring(list[0].ToString().Length - 2, 2);
                        IList<LP_Record> listLPRecord = ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<LP_Record>("SelectLP_RecordList", " where kind = '" + kind + "' and number like '" + strNumber + "%'");
                        if (kind == "yzgzp") {
                            strNumber += (listLPRecord.Count + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "-1";
                        } else {
                            strNumber += (listLPRecord.Count + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
                        if (ctrlNumber != null) {
                            ctrlNumber.Text = strNumber;

                        if (currRecord != null) currRecord.OrgName = str;


                LockExcel(wb, xx);
            } catch { }
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置Excel数据信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex"></param>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        /// <param name="caplist"></param>
        /// <param name="modtmlist"></param>
        /// <param name="modmflist"></param>
        /// <param name="jstrfilter"></param>
        /// <param name="strfilter"></param>
        /// <param name="jstart"></param>
        /// <param name="j"></param>
        /// <param name="jmax"></param>
        /// <param name="istart"></param>
        /// <param name="istart2"></param>
        public static void setExceldt(ExcelAccess ex, IList list, IList caplist, IList modtmlist, IList modmflist, string jstrfilter, string strfilter, int jstart, int j, int jmax, int istart, int istart2)
            //string str = "";
            list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select   b.byqCapcity from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID  " + strfilter + jstrfilter);

            if (list.Count > 0) ex.SetCellValue(list.Count.ToString(), 5, jstart + j % jmax);
            list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select   sum(b.byqCapcity) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID    " + strfilter + jstrfilter);
            //if (list[0] == null) list[0] = 0;
            if (list[0] != null)

            ex.SetCellValue(list[0].ToString(), 6, jstart + j % jmax);

            for (int itm = 0; itm < modtmlist.Count; itm++)
                ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (1 + (itm / 6) * (int)Math.Ceiling(caplist.Count /( jmax + 0.0)) + j / jmax));
                if (j % jmax == 0)
                    ex.SetCellValue(modtmlist[itm].ToString(), istart + (itm % 6) * 2, 1);
                    //jstrfilter = " and 1=1";
                    //setExceltmdt(ex, list, modtmlist, jstrfilter, strfilter, jstart, j, jmax, istart, itm);
                //jstrfilter = " and 1=1 and b.byqCapcity='" + caplist[j] + "'";
                setExceltmdt(ex, list, modtmlist, jstrfilter, strfilter, jstart, j, jmax, istart, itm);
            for (int imf = 0; imf < modmflist.Count; imf++)

                ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (1 + (imf / 3) * (int)Math.Ceiling(caplist.Count / (jmax + 0.0)) + j / jmax));
                if (j % jmax == 0)
                    ex.SetCellValue(modmflist[imf].ToString(), istart2 + (imf % 3) * 2, 2);
                    //jstrfilter = " and 1=1";
                    //setExcelmfdt(ex, list, modmflist, jstrfilter, strfilter, jstart, j, jmax, istart2, imf);

                //jstrfilter = " and 1=1 and b.byqCapcity='" + caplist[j] + "'";
                setExcelmfdt(ex, list, modmflist, jstrfilter, strfilter, jstart, j, jmax, istart2, imf);

Beispiel #20
        public void ExportExcel(ExcelAccess ex, IList<PJ_jsbpjjh> datalist)
            int row = 4;
            int col = 1;
            int rowcount = 4;


            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount);
            for (int j = 1; j < pageindex; j++)

                ex.CopySheet(1, j);
            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)

                if (j % rowcount == 0)
                    if (j == 0) ex.ActiveSheet(1);
                    else ex.ActiveSheet( (j / rowcount + 1));

                    ex.SetCellValue(MainHelper.UserCompany + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年") + "设备评级计划表", 1, 1);

                    ex.SetCellValue(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日") , 2,7);

                ex.SetCellValue((j + 1).ToString(), row + j % rowcount, col);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].gzxm, row + j % rowcount, col + 1);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].wcsj.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), row + j % rowcount, col + 2);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].lsr, row + j % rowcount, col +3);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].dbr, row + j % rowcount, col + 4);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].lsyq, row + j % rowcount, col + 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].Remark, row + j % rowcount, col +6);

Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,动态填写内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public static void ExportExceldt(string obj)
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\10配电变压器汇总表.xls";
            ex.Open(fname );
            IList list=new  ArrayList ();
            int pagecount=0;
            //obj = "317";
            string strfilter = " and 1=1";
            if (obj != "") strfilter = strfilter + " and a.OrgCode='" + obj+"' ";
            IList caplist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select distinct  b.byqCapcity    from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID  " + strfilter + " order by b.byqCapcity");
            //caplist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", string.Format("select nr from pj_dyk where  len(parentid)>1 and dx='{0}' and sx='{1}'", "11配电变压器卡片", "容量"));
            //IList modmflist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select distinct  UPPER(replace(b.byqModle,'-'+cast(b.byqCapcity as nvarchar(50))+'/'+cast(b.byqVol  as nvarchar(50)),'')) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID   " + strfilter + " and b.omniseal='true'");
            //IList modtmlist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select distinct  UPPER(replace(b.byqModle,'-'+cast(b.byqCapcity as nvarchar(50))+'/'+cast(b.byqVol  as nvarchar(50)),'')) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID   " + strfilter + " and (b.omniseal!='true' or b.omniseal is null)");
            IList modmflist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select distinct  UPPER(b.byqModle) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID   " + strfilter + " and b.omniseal='true'");
            IList modtmlist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select distinct  UPPER(b.byqModle) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID   " + strfilter + " and (b.omniseal!='true' or b.omniseal is null)");
            int jmax = 18;
            int i = 0;
            for ( i = 0; i < modmflist.Count; i++)
                if (modmflist[i].ToString().IndexOf("-")>-1)
                    modmflist[i] = modmflist[i].ToString().Substring(0,modmflist[i].ToString().IndexOf("-"));
            for (i = 0; i < modtmlist.Count; i++)
                if (modtmlist[i].ToString().IndexOf("-")>-1)
                    modtmlist[i] = modtmlist[i].ToString().Substring(0, modtmlist[i].ToString().IndexOf("-"));
            string modtemp = "";
            for (i = 0; i < modmflist.Count; i++)
                if (modtemp.IndexOf(modmflist[i].ToString())==-1)
                    if (modtemp!="")
                        modtemp = modmflist[i].ToString();
            if (modtemp != "")
                string[] strli = modtemp.Split(',');
                for (i = 0; i < strli.Length; i++)
            for (i = 0; i < modtmlist.Count; i++)
                if (modtemp.IndexOf(modtmlist[i].ToString()) == -1)
                    if (modtemp!="")
                        modtemp += "," + modtmlist[i];
                        modtemp = modtmlist[i].ToString();
            if (modtemp != "")
                string[] strli = modtemp.Split(',');
                for (i = 0; i < strli.Length; i++)
                pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(caplist.Count / (jmax + 0.0));
            int itemp = modtmlist.Count / 6.0 > modmflist.Count / 3.0 ? (int)Math.Ceiling(modtmlist.Count / 6.0) : (int)Math.Ceiling(modmflist.Count / 3.0 );
            pagecount = itemp * pagecount;
            if (pagecount > 1)
            for (i = 1; i < pagecount; i++)
                ex.ReNameWorkSheet((i + 1), "Sheet" + (i + 1));
            int istart = 7, istart2 = 19, jstart = 4, j=0;
            string jstrfilter="";
            mOrg org = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetOneByKey<mOrg>(obj);
            for ( j = 0; j < caplist.Count; j++)
                ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (j / jmax == 0 ? 1 : (int)Math.Ceiling(j / (jmax + 0.0))));
                //ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (1 + (j / jmax) * (int)Math.Ceiling(j / (jmax + 0.0))));
                if (j % jmax == 0)

                    jstrfilter = " and 1=1";
                    ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (1+(j / jmax)*(int)Math.Ceiling(j / (jmax + 0.0))));
                    list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select   b.byqCapcity from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID  " + strfilter + jstrfilter);
                    if (list.Count >0) ex.SetCellValue(list.Count.ToString(), 5, jstart + j % jmax);
                    list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select   sum(b.byqCapcity) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID    " + strfilter + jstrfilter);
                    //if (list[0] == null) list[0] = 0;
                    if (list[0] != null)
                    ex.SetCellValue(list[0].ToString(), 6, jstart + j % jmax);
                    setExceldt(ex, list, caplist, modtmlist, modmflist, jstrfilter, strfilter, jstart, j, jmax, istart, istart2);    
                ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + ((j+1) / jmax == 0 ? 1 : (int)Math.Ceiling((j+1) / (jmax + 0.0))));
                    jstrfilter = " and 1=1 and b.byqCapcity='" + caplist[j] + "'";
                    //ex.SetCellValue(caplist[j].ToString(), 4, jstart + j % jmax + 1);
                    setExceldt(ex, list, caplist, modtmlist, modmflist, jstrfilter, strfilter, jstart+1, j, jmax, istart, istart2);    
            for (i = 0; i < pagecount; i++)
                ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (i+1));
                int jzu=caplist.Count/jmax+1;
                int itempmin = 0, itempmax = 0;
                    itempmax = (i % jzu+1) * jmax;
                    itempmin = (i % jzu) * jmax;

                    if (org != null)
                        ex.SetCellValue(org.OrgName, 3, 3);
                        ex.SetCellValue("全局", 3, 3);

                for (j = itempmin; j < itempmax && j < caplist.Count ; j++)
                    ex.SetCellValue(caplist[j].ToString(), 4, jstart + j % jmax + 1);
                //ex.SetCellValue(caplist[j].ToString(), 4, jstart + j % jmax + 1);

Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public static void ExportExcel(IList<PJ_qxfl> objlist)
            #region 原先的
            //if (objlist == null || objlist.Count == 0)
            //    return;
            //ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            //SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            //string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\缺陷分类统计表.xls";

            //int zc = 20;
            //char[] jksign = new char[1] { ';' };
            //int row = 6;
            //int col = 2;
            //int len1 =1;
            //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[0].OrgName, 3, 2);
            //int pagecout = Ecommon.GetPagecount(objlist.Count,12);
            //for (int m = 1; m < pagecout; m++) 
            //    ex.CopySheet(1, m);
            //    ex.ReNameWorkSheet(m + 1, "Sheet" + (m + 1));

            //for (int p = 0; p < pagecout; p++)
            //    ex.ActiveSheet(p + 1);
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            //    {
            //        if (p*9+i>=objlist.Count)
            //        {
            //            break;
            //        }
            //        PJ_qxfl tempobj = objlist[p *12 + i];
            //        //缺陷情况
            //        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.qxnr, row + i * len1, 2);

            //        //缺陷类别
            //        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.qxlb, row + i * len1,3);

            //        //发现日期
            //        if (ComboBoxHelper.CompreDate(tempobj.xssj))
            //        {
            //            ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.xssj.Year.ToString(), row  + i * len1, 4);
            //            ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.xssj.Month.ToString(), row + i * len1, 5);
            //            ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.xssj.Day.ToString(), row + i * len1, 6);
            //        }
            //        //消除时限
            //        if (tempobj.xcqx!=string.Empty)
            //        {
            //            if (ComboBoxHelper.CompreDate(Convert.ToDateTime(tempobj.xcqx)))
            //            {
            //                ex.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(tempobj.xcqx).Year.ToString(), row + i * len1, 7);
            //                ex.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(tempobj.xcqx).Month.ToString(), row + i * len1, 8);
            //                ex.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(tempobj.xcqx).Day.ToString(), row + i * len1, 9);
            //            }
            //        }

            //        //备注
            //        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.remark, row + i * len1,10);

            //    }



            if (objlist == null || objlist.Count == 0)
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\缺陷分类统计表.xls";
            ex.SetCellValue(objlist[0].OrgName, 2, 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < objlist.Count; i++)
                ex.SetCellValue((i + 1).ToString(), i +4, 1);
                ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].qxly, i + 4, 2);
                ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].xlqd, i + 4, 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].xssj.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), i + 4, 4);
                ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].qxnr, i + 4, 5);
                ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].qxlb, i + 4, 6);
                ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].xcqx, i + 4, 7);
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj"></param>
 public static void ExportExcel(IList<sdjl_07jdzz> objlist) {
     ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
     SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
     string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\送电08接地装置检测.xls";
     int rowcount = 6;
     int pageindex = 1;
     if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(objlist.Count, 16))
         pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(objlist.Count, 16);
     for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
         ex.SetCellValue(objlist[0].LineName, 4, 3);
         if (j > 1)
             ex.CopySheet(1, 1);
     for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
         ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j, "Sheet" + (j));
         int prepageindex = j - 1;
         int starow = prepageindex * 16 + 1;
         int endrow = j * 16;
         if (objlist.Count > endrow)
             for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].gth, rowcount + 1 + i, 1);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].gzwz, rowcount + 1 + i, 2);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].sbmc, rowcount + 1 + i, 3);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].jddz.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 4);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].CreateDate.Year.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 5);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].CreateDate.Month.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 6);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].CreateDate.Day.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 7);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].trdzr.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 8);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].tz.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 9);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].xhgg, rowcount + 1 + i, 10);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].fzxl, rowcount + 1 + i, 11);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].CreateMan, rowcount + 1 + i, 12);
         else if (objlist.Count <= endrow && objlist.Count >= starow)
             for (int i = 0; i < objlist.Count - starow + 1; i++)
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].gth, rowcount + 1 + i, 1);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].gzwz, rowcount + 1 + i, 2);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].sbmc, rowcount + 1 + i, 3);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].jddz.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 4);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].CreateDate.Year.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 5);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].CreateDate.Month.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 6);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].CreateDate.Day.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 7);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].trdzr.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 8);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].tz.ToString(), rowcount + 1 + i, 9);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].xhgg, rowcount + 1 + i, 10);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].fzxl, rowcount + 1 + i, 11);
                 ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].CreateMan, rowcount + 1 + i, 12);
                 //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].Remark, rowcount + i, 10);
        public void ExportExcel(ExcelAccess ex, IList<PJ_sbbzqsbgmxb4> datalist, string orgid)
            int row = 7;
            int col = 1;
            int rowcount = 13;


            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(datalist.Count, rowcount);
            for (int j = 1; j < pageindex; j++)

                ex.CopySheet(1, j);

            for (int j = 0; j < datalist.Count; j++)

                if (j % rowcount == 0)
                    if (j == 0) ex.ActiveSheet(1);
                    else ex.ActiveSheet((j / rowcount + 1));
                    if (orgid != "") ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].OrgName, 4, 2);
                        ex.SetCellValue(MainHelper.UserCompany, 4, 2);
                    ex.SetCellValue(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), 4, 12);

                ex.SetCellValue((j + 1).ToString(), row + j % rowcount, col);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].sssbmc, row + j % rowcount, col + 1);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].sssswz, row + j % rowcount, col + 2);
                string[] tempstr = datalist[j].sssbbh.Split(',');
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr[0], row + j % rowcount, col + 3);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr[1], row + j % rowcount, col + 4);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr[2], row + j % rowcount, col + 5);

                string[] tempstr1 = datalist[j].S1.Split(',');
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr1[0], row + j % rowcount, col + 6);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr1[1], row + j % rowcount, col + 7);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr1[2], row + j % rowcount, col + 8);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempstr1[3], row + j % rowcount, col + 9);

                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].xw, row + j % rowcount, col + 10);
                ex.SetCellValue(datalist[j].statuts, row + j % rowcount, col + 11);

Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public static void ExportExcel(IList<PJ_21gzbxdh> objlist)
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\21电力故障电话接听记录.xls";

            int rowcount = 7;
            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommon.GetPagecount(objlist.Count, 19))
                pageindex = Ecommon.GetPagecount(objlist.Count, 19);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
                if (j > 1)
                    ex.CopySheet(1, 1);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)

                ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j, "Sheet" + (j));
                int prepageindex = j - 1;
                int starow = prepageindex * 19 + 1;
                int endrow = j * 19;
                if (objlist.Count > endrow)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)

                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Month.ToString(), rowcount + i, 1);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Day.ToString(), rowcount + i, 2);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Hour.ToString(), rowcount + i, 3);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Minute.ToString(), rowcount + i, 4);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].lxfs, rowcount + i, 5);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].yhdz, rowcount + i, 6);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].gzjk, rowcount + i, 9);
        //                ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].djr, rowcount + i,12);
        //                ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].clr, rowcount + i, 13);

                else if (objlist.Count <= endrow && objlist.Count >= starow)
                    for (int i = 0; i < objlist.Count - starow + 1; i++)
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Month.ToString(), rowcount + i, 1);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Day.ToString(), rowcount + i, 2);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Hour.ToString(), rowcount + i, 3);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Minute.ToString(), rowcount + i, 4);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].lxfs, rowcount + i, 5);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].yhdz, rowcount + i, 6);
                        ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].gzjk, rowcount + i, 9);
          //              ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].djr, rowcount + i, 12);
          //              ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].clr, rowcount + i, 13);

             string orgname="";
            if (objlist.Count>0)
                orgname = objlist[0].OrgName;
            ex.SetCellValue(orgname, 4, 5);
            //for (int i = 0; i < objlist.Count;i++ )
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].rq.Month.ToString(), rowcount + i, 1);
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].rq.Day.ToString(), rowcount + i, 2);
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].rq.Hour.ToString(), rowcount + i, 3);
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].rq.Minute.ToString(), rowcount + i, 4);
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].lxfs, rowcount + i, 5);
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].yhdz, rowcount + i, 6);
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].gzjk, rowcount + i, 7);
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].djr, rowcount + i,8);
            //    ex.SetCellValue(objlist[i].clr, rowcount + i,9);
Beispiel #26
        public static int ExportToExcel(string title, string dw, sdjls_sbpjb pj17) {
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\送管22送电线路设备评级表.xls";
            DSOFramerControl dsoFramerWordControl1 = new DSOFramerControl();
            string outfname = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".xls";
            File.Copy(fname, outfname);
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet xx;
            Excel.Workbook wb = dsoFramerWordControl1.AxFramerControl.ActiveDocument as Excel.Workbook;        
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            ex.MyWorkBook = wb;
            ex.MyExcel = wb.Application;
            sd_xl xl = MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetOne<sd_xl>(" where LineCode='" + pj17.LineCode + "'");
            try {
                if (xl == null) {
                    return -1;
                string strLinexh = xl.WireType;//导线型号
                //IList<sd_gt> gtlis = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<sd_gt>(" Where LineCode='" + xl.LineCode + "' order by gtcode");
                int gtcount = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetRowCount<sd_gt>(" Where LineCode='" + xl.LineCode + "'");
                ex.SetCellValue(xl.LineName, 3, 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(xl.LineVol, 3, 8);
                ex.SetCellValue(xl.WireLength.ToString(), 3, 11);
                ex.SetCellValue(xl.InDate.Year + "年" + xl.InDate.Month + "月", 3, 13);
                //ex.SetCellValue(xl.InDate.Year.ToString(), 4, 9);
                //ex.SetCellValue(xl.InDate.Month.ToString(), 4, 11);
                ex.SetCellValue(DateTime.Now.Year + "年" + DateTime.Now.Month + "月" + DateTime.Now.Day + "日", 4, 3);

                ex.SetCellValue(gtcount.ToString(), 5, 3);//合计
                ex.SetCellValue(gtcount.ToString(), 6, 3);//一类
                ex.SetCellValue(xl.WireLength.ToString(), 9, 3);//合计
                ex.SetCellValue(xl.WireLength.ToString(), 10, 3);//一类
                string sql = "in (";
                //foreach (sd_gt gt in gtlis)
                //    sql+="'"+gt.gtID+"',";
                //sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 1) + ")";
                sql = "in (select gtid from sd_gt Where LineCode='" + xl.LineCode + "' )";
                string strSQL = "select  sbid from sd_gtsb Where  gtID " + sql;
                IList jdzzList = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", strSQL);
                strSQL += "  and ("+getNamesql()+")";

                IList jyuzlist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", strSQL);

                ex.SetCellValue(jyuzlist.Count.ToString(), 13, 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(jyuzlist.Count.ToString(), 14, 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(jdzzList.Count.ToString(), 17, 3);
                ex.SetCellValue(jdzzList.Count.ToString(), 18, 3);

                ex.SetCellValue("一级", 24, 3);
                if (MainHelper.User != null)
                    ex.SetCellValue(MainHelper.User.UserName, 25, 3);
            } catch (Exception exmess) {
            pj17.BigData = dsoFramerWordControl1.FileDataGzip;
            return 1;
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">操作EXCEL表</param>
        /// <param name="bdzlist">填入的数据</param>
        ///  <param name="hs">一页对应的总行数</param>
        ///  <param name="stawz">一页中填入的开始的位置</param>
        ///  <param name="pageindex">一页填入的列位置</param>
        ///  <param name="strnumcol">第一个字符开始的行数</param>
        ///  <param name="boldnum">加粗的数量</param>
        public static void CreatandWritesheet1(ExcelAccess ex, List<string> bdzlist, int hs, int star, int clm,int[] strnumcol,int[] boldnum)
            int pageindex = 1;
            if (pageindex < Ecommonjh.GetPagecount(bdzlist.Count, hs))
                pageindex = Ecommonjh.GetPagecount(bdzlist.Count, hs);
            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)
                if (j > 1)
                    ex.CopySheet(1, 1);

            for (int j = 1; j <= pageindex; j++)

                ex.ReNameWorkSheet(j, "Sheet" + (j));
                int prepageindex = j - 1;
                int starow = prepageindex * hs + 1;
                int endrow = j * hs;
                if (bdzlist.Count > endrow)
                    for (int i = 0; i < hs; i++)

                        ex.SetCellValue(bdzlist[starow - 1 + i], star + i, clm);
                        for (int n = 0; n < strnumcol.Length;n++ )
                            if (starow-1+i==strnumcol[n])
                                ex.SetFontBold(star + i, clm, star + i, clm, true, 0, boldnum[n]);

                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Month.ToString(), rowcount + i, 1);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Day.ToString(), rowcount + i, 2);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Hour.ToString(), rowcount + i, 3);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Minute.ToString(), rowcount + i, 4);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].lxfs, rowcount + i, 5);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].yhdz, rowcount + i, 6);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].gzjk, rowcount + i, 7);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].djr, rowcount + i, 8);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].clr, rowcount + i, 9);

                else if (bdzlist.Count <= endrow && bdzlist.Count >= starow)
                    for (int i = 0; i < bdzlist.Count - starow + 1; i++)
                        ex.SetCellValue(bdzlist[starow - 1 + i], star + i, clm);
                        for (int n = 0; n < strnumcol.Length; n++)
                            if (starow - 1 + i == strnumcol[n])
                                ex.SetFontBold(star + i, clm, star + i, clm, true, 0, boldnum[n]);


                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Month.ToString(), rowcount + i, 1);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Day.ToString(), rowcount + i, 2);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Hour.ToString(), rowcount + i, 3);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].rq.Minute.ToString(), rowcount + i, 4);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].lxfs, rowcount + i, 5);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].yhdz, rowcount + i, 6);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].gzjk, rowcount + i, 7);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].djr, rowcount + i, 8);
                        //ex.SetCellValue(objlist[starow - 1 + i].clr, rowcount + i, 9);

Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public static void ExportExcel(PS_tqdlbh jl) {
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\13剩余电流动作保护器测试记录.xls";

            int row = 1;
            int col = 1;
            IList<PJ_13dlbhjl> list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetListByWhere<PJ_13dlbhjl>(" where sbID='" + jl.sbID + "' order by CreateDate");
            int p = Ecommon.GetPagecount(list.Count, 12);

            for (int i = 0; i < p - 1; i++) {
                ex.CopySheet(1, 1 + i);

            ex.SetCellValue(jl.tqName, 4, 1);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.Factory, 5, 13);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InstallAdress, row + 4, col + 3);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.dzdl, row + 4, col + 6);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.sbModle, row + 4, col + 10);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.Factory, row + 4, col + 13);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.glr, row + 6, col + 3);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.dzsj, row + 6, col + 6);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Year.ToString(), row + 7, col + 10);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Month.ToString(), row + 7, col + 11);
            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Day.ToString(), row + 7, col + 13);

            for (int page = 1; page <= p; page++) {
                if (page == 1) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

                        if (i + (page - 1) * 12 < list.Count) {
                            PJ_13dlbhjl obj = list[i + (page - 1) * 12];
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Year.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Month.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 1);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Day.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 2);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.dzdl, row + 11 + i, col + 3);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.dzsj.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 4);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.yxqk, row + 11 + i, col + 5);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.csr, row + 11 + i, col + 6);
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

                        if (i + (page - 1) * 12 < list.Count) {
                            PJ_13dlbhjl obj = list[i + (page - 1) * 12];
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Year.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Month.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 1);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Day.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 2);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.dzdl, row + 11 + i, col + 3);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.dzsj.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 4);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.yxqk, row + 11 + i, col + 5);
                            ex.SetCellValue(obj.csr, row + 11 + i, col + 6);
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public static void ExportExcel(PS_tqbyq obj)
            int pagecount =1;
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\11配电变压器卡片.xls";
            int row = 1;
            string strwhere1=" where byqID='"+obj.byqID+"'";
            IList<PJ_11byqbd> pjbdlist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<PJ_11byqbd>("SelectPJ_11byqbdList", strwhere1);
            IList<PJ_11byqdydl> pjdydllist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<PJ_11byqdydl>("SelectPJ_11byqdydlList", strwhere1);
            IList<PJ_11byqdzcl> pjdzcllist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<PJ_11byqdzcl>("SelectPJ_11byqdzclList", strwhere1);
            if (pjbdlist.Count == 0) {
                pjbdlist.Add(new PJ_11byqbd() { azrq = obj.byqInstallDate, azdd = obj.byqInstallAdress });
            int byqhdpage = Ecommon.GetPagecount(pjbdlist.Count, 3);
            if (byqhdpage > pagecount)
                pagecount = byqhdpage;
            int byqdypage = Ecommon.GetPagecount(pjdydllist.Count, 22);
            if (byqdypage > pagecount)
                pagecount = byqdypage;
            int byqdzpage  = Ecommon.GetPagecount(pjdzcllist.Count, 9);
            if (byqdzpage > pagecount)
                pagecount = byqdzpage;
            if (pagecount>1)
                for (int i = 1; i < pagecount; i++)
                    ex.CopySheet(1, i);
                    ex.ReNameWorkSheet(i + 1, "Sheet" + (i + 1));

            PS_tq temptq = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetOneByKey<PS_tq>(obj.tqID);
            row = 4;
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqModle, row, 4);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqFactory, row, 14);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqVolOne + "KV", row, 23);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqPhase, row, 4);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqNumber, row, 14);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqVolTwo + "KV", row, 23);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqCapcity.ToString(), row, 4);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqMadeDate.Year.ToString(), row, 14);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqMadeDate.Month.ToString(), row, 16);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqMadeDate.Day.ToString(), row, 18);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqCurrentOne.ToString(), row, 23);

            row += 2;//8
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqLineGroup, row, 4);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqCycle, row, 14);
            ex.SetCellValue(obj.byqCurrentTwo.ToString(), row, 23);


            ex.SetCellValue("配电变压器卡片(" + temptq.tqName + ")", 2, 1);

            for (int k = 0; k < pagecount; k++)
                ex.ActiveSheet(k + 1);
                ex.SetCellValue("配电变压器卡片(" + temptq.tqName + ")", 2, 1);

                row = 12;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (k * 3 + i >= pjbdlist.Count)
                    PJ_11byqbd tempobj = pjbdlist[k * 3 + i];
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.azrq.Year.ToString(), row + i, 1);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.azrq.Month.ToString(), row + i, 3);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.azrq.Day.ToString(), row + i, 5);

                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.azdd, row + i, 7);
                    if (tempobj.ccrq.Year != 1900) {
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.ccrq.Year.ToString(), row + i, 14);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.ccrq.Month.ToString(), row + i, 16);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.ccrq.Day.ToString(), row + i, 18);

                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.ccyy, row + i, 20);

                row = 6;
                for (int j = 0; j < 22; j++)
                    if (k * 22 + j >= pjdydllist.Count)
                    PJ_11byqdydl tempobj = pjdydllist[k * 22 + j];
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Year.ToString(), row + j, 26);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Month.ToString(), row + j, 28);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Day.ToString(), row + j, 30);

                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.fjtwz, row + j, 32);
                    ex.SetCellValue(, row + j, 33);
                    ex.SetCellValue(, row + j, 34);
                    ex.SetCellValue(, row + j, 35);

                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.a.ToString(), row + j, 36);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.b.ToString(), row + j, 37);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.c.ToString(), row + j, 38);

                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.ao2.ToString(), row + j, 39);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.bo2.ToString(), row + j, 40);
                    ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.co2.ToString(), row + j, 41);   
                row = 16;
                for (int l = 0; l < 9; l++)
                    if (k*9+l>=pjdzcllist.Count)
                    if (l % 3 == 0 && l > 0)
                        row = 16 - l;
                    PJ_11byqdzcl tempobj = pjdzcllist[k * 9 + l];
                    if (l < 3)
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Year.ToString(), row + l, 7);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Month.ToString(), row + l, 10);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Day.ToString(), row + l, 12);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.one2one.ToString(), row + l + 1, 7);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.one2d.ToString(), row + l + 2, 7);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.two2d.ToString(), row + l + 3, 7);
                    else if (3 <= l && l < 6)
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Year.ToString(), row + l, 14);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Month.ToString(), row + l, 16);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Day.ToString(), row + l, 18);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.one2one.ToString(), row + l + 1, 14);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.one2d.ToString(), row + l + 2, 14);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.two2d.ToString(), row + l + 3, 14);
                    else if (6 <= l && l < 9)
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Year.ToString(), row + l, 20);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Month.ToString(), row + l, 22);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.clrq.Day.ToString(), row + l, 24);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.one2one.ToString(), row + l + 1, 20);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.one2d.ToString(), row + l + 2, 20);
                        ex.SetCellValue(tempobj.two2d.ToString(), row + l + 3, 20);



Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,生成台账
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public static void ExportExcel2(IList<PS_tqdlbh> list, string orgname) {
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\13剩余电流动作保护器台帐.xls";

            int row = 1;
            int col = 1;
            int p = Ecommon.GetPagecount(list.Count, 20);

            for (int i = 0; i < p - 1; i++) {
                ex.CopySheet(1, 1 + i);

            ex.SetCellValue(orgname, 3, 3);

            for (int page = 1; page <= p; page++) {
                if (page == 1) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

                        if (i + (page - 1) * 20 < list.Count) {
                            PS_tqdlbh jl = list[i + (page - 1) * 20];
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Year.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Month.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 1);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Day.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 2);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.dzdl, row + 11 + i, col + 3);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.dzsj.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 4);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.yxqk, row + 11 + i, col + 5);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.csr, row + 11 + i, col + 6);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.tqName, row + 5 + i, col + 2);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.sbModle, row + 5 + i, col + 3);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.Factory, row + 5 + i, col + 4);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.dzdl, row + 5 + i, col + 5);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.dzsj, row + 5 + i, col + 6);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Year.ToString(), row + 5 + i, col + 7);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Month.ToString(), row + 5 + i, col + 8);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Day.ToString(), row + 5 + i, col + 9);
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

                        if (i + (page - 1) * 12 < list.Count) {

                            PS_tqdlbh jl = list[i + (page - 1) * 20];
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Year.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Month.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 1);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.rq.Day.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 2);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.dzdl, row + 11 + i, col + 3);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.dzsj.ToString(), row + 11 + i, col + 4);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.yxqk, row + 11 + i, col + 5);
                            //ex.SetCellValue(obj.csr, row + 11 + i, col + 6);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.tqName, row + 5 + i, col + 2);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.sbModle, row + 5 + i, col + 3);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.Factory, row + 5 + i, col + 4);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.dzdl, row + 5 + i, col + 5);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.dzsj, row + 5 + i, col + 6);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Year.ToString(), row + 5 + i, col + 7);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Month.ToString(), row + 5 + i, col + 8);
                            ex.SetCellValue(jl.InDate.Day.ToString(), row + 5 + i, col + 9);