void EnablePanel(ExampleEnum panelType)
     foreach (var panel in Panels)
         if (panel.Type == panelType)
    internal object CreateItem2(ExampleEnum e)
        switch (e)
        case e.Something:
            return(new blah());

            return(new List <string>());
Beispiel #3
        public void InvalidEnumValueGivesInvalidEnumMessage()
            const ExampleEnum invalidValue    = (ExampleEnum)123;
            const string      expectedMessage = "The value 123 is not valid for enum type 'ExhaustiveMatching.Tests.Fakes.ExampleEnum'. Match is supposed to be exhaustive.";

            var ex = ExhaustiveMatch.Failed(invalidValue);

            Assert.Equal(expectedMessage, ex.Message);
            Assert.Equal(invalidValue, ex.FailedValue);
            Assert.Equal(typeof(ExampleEnum), ex.MatchingType);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// A method with default parameters.
 /// </summary>
 public void DefaultParameters <T>(bool @bool             = true, bool?no = false, bool?maybe = null,
                                   byte @byte             = byte.MaxValue, sbyte @sbyte = sbyte.MaxValue,
                                   char @char             = '\u1234', decimal @decimal  = 3.14m, double @double = double.NaN, float @float = float.NegativeInfinity,
                                   int @int               = -42, uint @uint    = 42, long @long = long.MinValue, ulong @ulong = long.MaxValue,
                                   object @object         = null, short @short = short.MinValue, ushort @ushort = ushort.MaxValue,
                                   string @string         = "hi\0'\"\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\u0001\uABCD", T t = default(T),
                                   DateTime @virtual      = default(DateTime),
                                   ExampleEnum @enum      = ExampleEnum.One,
                                   ExampleFlagsEnum flags = ExampleFlagsEnum.Second | ExampleFlagsEnum.Third)
        public void GetReadableValues_ReturnsCorrectList_ForEnum()
            ExampleEnum   testEnum        = new ExampleEnum();
            List <string> expectedStrings = new List <string>()
                "First Entry",
                "Second Entry",
                "Third Entry",
                "Fourth Entry",

            Assert.That(() => testEnum.GetReadableValues(), Is.EqualTo(expectedStrings));
Beispiel #6
        public void ExampleEvent(
            Client sender,
            NetHandle currentVehicleHandle,
            string stringArgument,
            int intArgument,
            ExampleEnum enumArgument)
            API.consoleOutput($@"== {nameof(ExampleEvent)} ==\n
				{nameof(sender)}: {sender.socialClubName}\n
				{nameof(currentVehicleHandle)}: {currentVehicleHandle.Value}\n
				{nameof(stringArgument)}: {stringArgument}\n
				{nameof(intArgument)}: {intArgument}\n
				{nameof(enumArgument)}: {enumArgument}"                );
        public GetResponse Get([FromQuery] int intValue,
                               [FromQuery] float floatValue,
                               [FromQuery] string stringValue,
                               [FromQuery] DateTime dateValue,
                               [FromQuery] ExampleEnum enumValue,
                               [FromQuery] List <int> intList)
            _logger.LogError("query string readed");

            return(new GetResponse
                IntValue = intValue,
                FloatValue = floatValue,
                StringValue = stringValue,
                DateValue = dateValue,
                EnumValue = enumValue,
                IntList = intList
Beispiel #8
        private void ExampleMethod(ExampleEnum test)
            var exampleList = new List <string>();
            var count       = exampleList.Select(s => s.Equals("Test")).Count();

            switch (test)
            case ExampleEnum.None:

            case ExampleEnum.First:

            case ExampleEnum.Second:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(test), test, null);
Beispiel #9
 public void CombinationExample([Values] ExampleEnum enumValue, [ValueSource(nameof(Numbers))] int number, [Values] bool flag)
        public void ToEnum_ReturnsEnum(string input, ExampleEnum expectedResult)
            var result = input.ToEnum <ExampleEnum>();

 public async Task ChoiceExample(ExampleEnum input)
     await RespondAsync(input.ToString());
Beispiel #12
 public Task <ExampleEnum> EchoEnumAsync(ExampleEnum value)
Beispiel #13
    void Update()
        BooleanValue = Mathf.Repeat(Time.time, 1.0f) > 0.5f;

        FloatValue = Mathf.PingPong(Time.realtimeSinceStartup, 1.0f);

        IntValue = Mathf.FloorToInt(FloatValue * 10.0f);

        Vector2Value = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity;

        Vector3Value = transform.position;

        ColorValue = Color.Lerp(DebugGraph.DefaultBlue, new Color(1.0f, 0.75f, 0.25f), Mathf.PingPong(Time.realtimeSinceStartup, 1.0f));

        Color32Value = ColorValue;

        StringValue = "Hello World! The Current Frame Number Is: " + Time.frameCount;

        EnumValue = (ExampleEnum)(Time.frameCount % 3);

        float sin = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Repeat(Time.time, 6.28f));
        float cos = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Repeat(Time.time, 6.28f));

        DebugGraph.Log("Color Gradient", ColorValue);

        DebugGraph.Write("String", StringValue);

        DebugGraph.Log("Vector3", Input.mousePosition);

        DebugGraph.Log("Vector4", new Vector4(Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f)));

        transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime * 90.0f);
        DebugGraph.Log("Quaternion", transform.rotation);

        DebugGraph.Log("Rect", new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));

        DebugGraph.Draw(new Vector2(sin * Time.time, cos * Time.time));

        DebugGraph.MultiLog("Related Variables", DebugGraph.DefaultRed, sin, "Sin");
        DebugGraph.MultiLog("Related Variables", DebugGraph.DefaultGreen, cos, "Cos");

        DebugGraph.Log(FloatValue); //Anonymous Float

        //Anonymous Multi Float
        DebugGraph.MultiLog(cos * 1.1f);
        DebugGraph.MultiLog(cos * 1.2f);
        DebugGraph.MultiLog(cos * 1.3f, "C"); //with Value names
        DebugGraph.MultiLog(cos * 1.4f, "D");
        DebugGraph.MultiLog(cos * 1.5f, "E");

        //Anonymous Values in a Loop
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            DebugGraph.MultiLog(DebugGraph.GetUniqueColor(i), sin * (1.0f + i * 0.1f), i.ToString());

        DebugGraph.Log(Mathf.FloorToInt(sin * 10));                                        //Anonymous Integer

        DebugGraph.Log(Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time, Time.time) * 1) > 0); //Anonymous Boolean

        //Anonymous Multi Enum
        DebugGraph.MultiLog((ExampleEnum2)(Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time, Time.time) * 3));
 public virtual void HandlerWithVariousParameters(
     string stringArgument,
     int intArgument,
     ExampleEnum enumArgument)
        public void ThenTheResultShouldHaveValues(string value, string time, string nullableTime, string culture, ExampleEnum someEnum)
            PocObject poc      = this.scenarioContext.Get <PocObject>("Result");
            var       expected = new PocObject {
                SomeCulture = string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture) ? null : CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(culture), SomeDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(time), SomeNullableDateTime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nullableTime) ? null : (DateTimeOffset?)DateTimeOffset.Parse(nullableTime), SomeEnum = someEnum, SomeValue = value

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, poc);
        public void GivenISerializeAPOCOWith(string value, string time, string nullableTime, string culture, ExampleEnum someEnum)
            var poco = new PocObject {
                SomeCulture = string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture) ? null : CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(culture), SomeDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse(time), SomeNullableDateTime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nullableTime) ? null : (DateTimeOffset?)DateTimeOffset.Parse(nullableTime), SomeEnum = someEnum, SomeValue = value
            IJsonSerializerOptionsProvider settingsProvider = ContainerBindings.GetServiceProvider(this.featureContext).GetService <IJsonSerializerOptionsProvider>();

            this.scenarioContext.Set(JsonSerializer.Serialize(poco, settingsProvider.Instance), "Result");
 public void It_can_deserialize_nullable_enums(ExampleEnum? enum1expected, ExampleEnum? enum2expected, string[] args)
     var obj = ConsoleApp.FromCommandLineArgs<ClassWithFieldsAndNoAttributes>(args);
     Assert.Equal(enum1expected, obj.NullableEnumField1);
     Assert.Equal(enum2expected, obj.NullableEnumField2);
 public ExampleStruct(int nr) : this()
     this.Name   = "Element " + nr;
     this.Number = nr;
     this.Enum   = (ExampleEnum)ExampleHelper.RandomInt(0, 5);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the next enumerated value.
 /// </summary>
 public static ExampleEnum GetNext(this ExampleEnum value)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #20
 public void RangesAndRandoms([Values] ExampleEnum enumValue, [Range(0, 10)] int number, [Random(0.10, 0.99, 3)] decimal random)