Beispiel #1
        public static async Task Main()
            // get your 30-day trial key at
            Rebex.Licensing.Key = LicenseKey.Value;

                // make sure we have an Azure application client ID and a Rebex key (feel free to remove these checks once configured)
                if (ClientId.Contains("00000000-"))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Please configure ClientId in MainWindow.xaml.cs file.");
                if (Rebex.Licensing.Key.Contains("_TRIAL_KEY_"))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Please set a license key in LicenseKey.cs file.");

                // get an instanca of 'CCA' API
                var cca = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder

                // authenticate interactively for the scopes we need
                Console.WriteLine("Authenticating via Office365...");
                AuthenticationResult result = await cca.AcquireTokenForClient(Scopes).ExecuteAsync();

                // keep the access token and account info
                string accessToken = result.AccessToken;

                // retrieve the list of recent messages
                const int PageSize        = 5;
                const int MessageMaxCount = 20;

                // connect using Rebex EWS and retrieve list of messages
                using (var client = new Ews())
                    // communication logging (enable if needed)
                    //client.LogWriter = new FileLogWriter("ews-oauth.log", LogLevel.Debug);

                    /// impersonate for a mailbox
                    client.Settings.Impersonation = new EwsImpersonation()
                        SmtpAddress = SmtpAddress

                    // connect to the server
                    Console.WriteLine("Connecting to EWS...");
                    await client.ConnectAsync("", SslMode.Implicit);

                    // authenticate using the OAuth 2.0 access token
                    Console.WriteLine("Authenticating to EWS...");
                    await client.LoginAsync(accessToken, EwsAuthentication.OAuth20);

                    // list recent messages in the 'Inbox' folder
                    Console.WriteLine("Listing folder contents...");
                    EwsFolderInfo folderInfo = await client.GetFolderInfoAsync(EwsFolderId.Inbox);

                    for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(MessageMaxCount, folderInfo.ItemsTotal); i += PageSize)
                        EwsMessageCollection list = await client.GetMessageListAsync(EwsFolderId.Inbox, EwsItemFields.Envelope, EwsPageView.CreateIndexed(i, Math.Min(PageSize, folderInfo.ItemsTotal - i)));

                        foreach (EwsMessageInfo item in list)
                            Console.WriteLine($"{item.ReceivedDate:yyyy-MM-dd} {item.From}: {item.Subject}");

                Console.WriteLine("Finished successfully!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex}");
        private void GetMessageList()
            const int PageSize        = 5;
            const int MessageMaxCount = 20;


            // connect using Rebex EWS and retrieve list of messages
            using (var client = new Ews())
                // communication logging (enable if needed)
                //client.LogWriter = new FileLogWriter("ews-oauth.log", LogLevel.Debug);

                // connect to the server
                statusLabel.Content = "Connecting to EWS...";
                client.Connect("", SslMode.Implicit);

                // authenticate using the OAuth 2.0 access token
                statusLabel.Content = "Authenticating to EWS...";
                client.Login(_credentials.AccessToken, EwsAuthentication.OAuth20);

                // list recent messages in the 'Inbox' folder
                statusLabel.Content = "Listing folder contents...";
                EwsFolderInfo folderInfo = client.GetFolderInfo(EwsFolderId.Inbox);
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(MessageMaxCount, folderInfo.ItemsTotal); i += PageSize)
                    EwsMessageCollection list = client.GetMessageList(EwsFolderId.Inbox, EwsItemFields.Envelope, EwsPageView.CreateIndexed(i, Math.Min(PageSize, folderInfo.ItemsTotal - i)));
                    foreach (EwsMessageInfo item in list)
                        lvItems.Items.Add($"{item.ReceivedDate:yyyy-MM-dd} {item.From}: {item.Subject}");

            statusLabel.Content = "Finished successfully!";