/// <summary>Registers all event metric definitions defined by attributes on the provided object or Type,
        /// and registers metric instances where EventMetricInstanceName attribute is also found (with a live object).</summary>
        /// <param name="metricData">An object or Type defining event metrics via attributes on itself or on its base types or interfaces.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     <para>
        ///         This call ensures that the reflection scan of all members looking for
        ///         attributes across the entire inheritance of an object instance or Type has been
        ///         done (e.g. outside of a critical path) so that the first call to <see cref="Write(object)">Write</see> will not have to do that work within a critical path.
        ///         Results are cached internally, so redundant calls to this method will not
        ///         repeat the scan for types already scanned (including as part of a different
        ///         top-level type).
        ///     </para>
        ///     <para>
        ///         If a live object is given (not just a Type) then the member(s) decorated with
        ///         an <see cref="EventMetricInstanceNameAttribute">EventMetricInstanceNameAttribute Class</see>
        ///         will be queried and used to also register an event metric instance with the
        ///         returned name
        ///     </para>
        ///     <para>If a Type is given instead of a live object, it can't be queried for instance
        ///     name(s) and will only register the event metric definitions. Metric instances will
        ///     still be created automatically as needed when Write is called.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <seealso cref="Write(object)">Write Method</seealso>
        /// <exception caption="" cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if metricData is null.</exception>
        /// <exception caption="" cref="ArgumentException">The specified metricDataObjectType does not have an EventMetric attribute &lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// -or- &lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// The specified Type does not have a usable EventMetric attribute, so it can't be used to define an event metric.&lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// -or- &lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// The specified Type's EventMetric has an empty metric namespace which is not allowed, so no metric can be defined.&lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// -or- &lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// The specified Type's EventMetric has an empty metric category name which is not allowed, so no metric can be defined.&lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// -or- &lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// The specified Type's EventMetric has an empty metric counter name which is not allowed, so no metric can be defined.&lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// -or- &lt;br /&gt;
        /// &lt;br /&gt;
        /// The specified Type's EventMetric attribute's 3-part Key is already used for a metric definition which is not an event metric.</exception>
        /// <example>
        /// See the <see cref="EventMetric">EventMetric Class Overview</see> for an example.
        /// <code title="" description="" lang="neutral"></code></example>
        public static void Register(object metricData)
            //we need a live object, not a null object or we'll fail
            if (metricData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metricData));

            // Register all of the event metric definitions it contains, object or Type:
            EventMetricDefinition[] definitions = EventMetricDefinition.RegisterAll(metricData);

            if ((metricData is Type) == false)
                // They gave us a live object, not just a Type, so see if there are metric instances we can register.
                foreach (EventMetricDefinition definition in definitions)
                    if (definition.IsBound && definition.NameBound)
                        string instanceName = definition.InvokeInstanceNameBinding(metricData);

                        if (instanceName != null) // null means it didn't find one, so we won't register an instance.
                            // An empty string (meaning the found value was null or empty) will be registered (same as null).
                            Register(definition, instanceName);
        public void RecordEventMetricReflection()
            UserEventObject myDataObject = new UserEventObject(null);


            EventMetricDefinition metricDefinition;

            Assert.IsTrue(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(typeof(UserEventObject), out metricDefinition));


            // Now try it with inheritance and interfaces in the mix.

            UserMultipleEventObject bigDataObject = new UserMultipleEventObject(null);

            // There's no event at the top level, so this lookup should fail.
            Assert.IsFalse(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(typeof(UserMultipleEventObject), out metricDefinition));
            // Now check for interfaces...
            Assert.IsTrue(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(typeof(IEventMetricOne), out metricDefinition));
            Assert.IsTrue(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(typeof(IEventMetricTwo), out metricDefinition));
            Assert.IsTrue(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(typeof(IEventMetricThree), out metricDefinition));
            Assert.IsTrue(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(typeof(IEventMetricFour), out metricDefinition));

            // And sample all of them on the big object with a single call...

        internal IMetricDefinition Externalize(Loupe.Extensibility.Data.IMetricDefinition metricDefinition)
            if (metricDefinition == null)

            lock (Lock)
                IMetricDefinition externalDefinition;
                if (m_Externalized.TryGetValue(metricDefinition, out externalDefinition) == false)
                    Monitor.EventMetricDefinition         eventDefinition  = metricDefinition as Monitor.EventMetricDefinition;
                    Monitor.CustomSampledMetricDefinition customDefinition = metricDefinition as Monitor.CustomSampledMetricDefinition;

                    if (eventDefinition != null)
                        externalDefinition = new EventMetricDefinition(eventDefinition);
                    else if (customDefinition != null)
                        externalDefinition = new SampledMetricDefinition(customDefinition);
                        throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unable to wrap metric definition type: {0}", metricDefinition.GetType().Name));

                    m_Externalized[metricDefinition] = externalDefinition;

        private void SynchronizedMetricRegistration()
            string name = Thread.CurrentThread.Name;

            Trace.TraceInformation("{0} started", name);
            EventMetricDefinition newDefinition = new EventMetricDefinition("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Sync");

            newDefinition.AddValue("delta", typeof(double), SummaryFunction.RunningSum, null, "Delta", "The applied delta");

                Interlocked.Increment(ref m_ThreadCounter);
                lock (m_SyncLock)
                    // Do nothing, just release it immediately.

                EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref newDefinition);

                EventMetric metric = EventMetric.Register(newDefinition, name);

                Trace.TraceInformation("{0} completed registration of event metric", name);

                EventMetricSample sample = metric.CreateSample();
                sample.SetValue("delta", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_ThreadFailed = true;
                Trace.TraceError("{0} got {1}: {2}", name, ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message, ex);

            Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_ThreadCounter);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Record an event metric using a programmatic declaration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pagesLoaded"></param>
        public static void RecordCacheMetric(int pagesLoaded)
            EventMetricDefinition cacheMetric;

            //so we can be called multiple times we want to see if the definition already exists.
            if (EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("GibraltarSample", "Database.Engine", "Cache", out cacheMetric) == false)
                cacheMetric = new EventMetricDefinition("GibraltarSample", "Database.Engine", "Cache");

                //add the values (that are part of the definition)
                cacheMetric.AddValue("pages", typeof(int), SummaryFunction.Average, "Pages", "Pages in Cache", "Total number of pages in cache");
                cacheMetric.AddValue("size", typeof(int), SummaryFunction.Average, "Bytes", "Cache Size", "Total number of bytes used by pages in cache");

                //and now that we're done, we need to register this definition.  This locks the definition
                //and makes it go live.  Note that it's based by ref because if another thread registered the same metric, we'll get the
                //registered object (whoever one the race), not necessarily the one we've just created to pass in.
                EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref cacheMetric);

            //Now we can get the specific metric we want to record samples under (this is an instance of the definition)
            EventMetric cacheEventMetric = EventMetric.Register(cacheMetric, null);

            //now go ahead and write that sample.
            EventMetricSample newSample = cacheEventMetric.CreateSample();

            newSample.SetValue("pages", pagesLoaded);
            newSample.SetValue("size", pagesLoaded * 8196);
Beispiel #6
        public void EventMetricsByMethodsPerformanceTest()
            EventMetricDefinition eventDefinition;

            if (false == EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("PerformanceTestsMetrics", "Performance.EventMetrics.Methods", "UserEvent", out eventDefinition))
                eventDefinition             = new EventMetricDefinition("PerformanceTestsMetrics", "Performance.EventMetrics.Methods", "UserEvent");
                eventDefinition.Caption     = "User Event";
                eventDefinition.Description = "Unit test event metric with typical data.";
                eventDefinition.AddValue("fileName", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, null, "File name", "The name of the file");
                eventDefinition.AddValue("operation", typeof(UserFileOperation), SummaryFunction.Count, null, "Operation", "The type of file operation being performed.");
                eventDefinition.AddValue("duration", typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.Average, "ms", "Duration", "The duration for this file operation.");
                EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref eventDefinition, "duration");


            Trace.TraceInformation("Event metric definition registered by methods.");

            EventMetric eventMetric = EventMetric.Register(eventDefinition, "MethodsPerformanceTest");


            string         fileName       = @"C:\Dummy\File\Name.txt";
            DateTimeOffset operationStart = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            DateTimeOffset operationEnd   = operationStart.AddMilliseconds(1234);

            //first, lets get everything to flush so we have our best initial state.
            Log.Information(LogWriteMode.WaitForCommit, "Test.Agent.Metrics.Performance", "Preparing for Test", "Flushing queue");

            //now that we know it's flushed everything, lets do our timed loop.
            DateTimeOffset startTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            for (int curMessage = 0; curMessage < LoopsPerEventTest; curMessage++)
                EventMetricSample eventSample = eventMetric.CreateSample();
                eventSample.SetValue("fileName", fileName);
                eventSample.SetValue("operation", UserFileOperation.Write);
                eventSample.SetValue("duration", operationEnd - operationStart);
            DateTimeOffset messageEndTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            //one wait for commit message to force the buffer to flush.
            Log.Information(LogWriteMode.WaitForCommit, "Test.Agent.Metrics.Performance", "Waiting for Samples to Commit", null);

            //and store off our time
            DateTimeOffset endTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            TimeSpan  testDuration    = endTime - startTime;
            TimeSpan  loopDuration    = messageEndTime - startTime;
            const int messagesPerTest = LoopsPerEventTest * MessagesPerEventLoop;

            Trace.TraceInformation("Event Metrics by Methods Test committed {0:N0} events in {1:F3} ms (average {2:F4} ms per message).  Average loop time {3:F4} ms ({4} values per message) and final flush time {5:F3} ms.",
                                   messagesPerTest, testDuration.TotalMilliseconds, (testDuration.TotalMilliseconds / messagesPerTest),
                                   (loopDuration.TotalMilliseconds / LoopsPerEventTest), ValuesPerEventMessage,
                                   (endTime - messageEndTime).TotalMilliseconds);
        private void StopAndRecordMetric()
            //record our end time
            if (m_Timer == null)
                m_Duration = new TimeSpan(0);
                m_Duration = m_Timer.Elapsed;

            //Get the METRIC DEFINITION
            IMetricDefinition     metricDefinition;
            EventMetricDefinition eventDefinition;

            if (Log.Metrics.TryGetValue(MetricTypeName, m_Category, MetricCounterName, out metricDefinition) == false)
                //it doesn't exist yet - add it
                eventDefinition             = new EventMetricDefinition(MetricTypeName, m_Category, MetricCounterName);
                eventDefinition.Description = MetricDefinitionDescription;

                EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection valueDefinitionCollection = (EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection)eventDefinition.Values;
                valueDefinitionCollection.Add("operationname", typeof(string), "Operation Name", "The operation that was executed.");

                valueDefinitionCollection.Add("duration", typeof(TimeSpan), "Duration", "The duration the operation executed.");
                ((EventMetricValueDefinition)eventDefinition.Values["duration"]).UnitCaption = "Milliseconds";
                eventDefinition.DefaultValue = eventDefinition.Values["duration"];

                //and don't forget to register it!
                eventDefinition = eventDefinition.Register();
                eventDefinition = (EventMetricDefinition)metricDefinition;

            //Get the METRIC
            IMetric     metric;
            EventMetric eventMetric;

            if (eventDefinition.Metrics.TryGetValue(null, out metric) == false)
                eventMetric = new EventMetric(eventDefinition, (string)null);
                eventMetric = (EventMetric)metric;

            //and finally we can RECORD THE SAMPLE.
            EventMetricSample metricSample = eventMetric.CreateSample();

            metricSample.SetValue("operationname", OperationName);
            metricSample.SetValue("duration", Duration);
Beispiel #8
        MetricDefinition IPacketObjectFactory <MetricDefinition, MetricDefinitionCollection> .GetDataObject(MetricDefinitionCollection optionalParent)
            //this is just here for us to be able to create our derived type for the generic infrastructure
            EventMetricDefinition newDefinitionObject = new EventMetricDefinition(optionalParent, this);

            optionalParent.Add(newDefinitionObject); // We have to add it to the collection, no longer done in constructor.
        public void Setup()
            IMetricDefinition     newMetricDefinition;
            EventMetricDefinition newEventMetricDefinition;

            // See if we already created the event metric we need
            if (Log.Metrics.TryGetValue("GeneralMetricCollectionTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual", out newMetricDefinition) == false)
                // Didn't find it, so define an event metric manually (the hard way)
                newEventMetricDefinition = new EventMetricDefinition("GeneralMetricCollectionTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual");
                newMetricDefinition      = newEventMetricDefinition; // cast it as the base type, too

                // we now have a minimal definition, but we probably want to add a few attributes to make it useful
                // NOTE:  This is designed to exactly match UserDataObject for convenience in analzing results.
                EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection valueDefinitions = (EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection)newEventMetricDefinition.Values;
                valueDefinitions.Add("short_average", typeof(short), "Short Average", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend     = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("short_sum", typeof(short), "Short Sum", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("ushort_average", typeof(ushort), "UShort Average", "Data of type UShort").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("ushort_sum", typeof(ushort), "UShort Sum", "Data of type UShort").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("int_average", typeof(int), "Int Average", "Data of type Int").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("int_sum", typeof(int), "Int Sum", "Data of type Int").DefaultTrend                         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("uint_average", typeof(uint), "UInt Average", "Data of type UInt").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("uint_sum", typeof(uint), "UInt Sum", "Data of type UInt").DefaultTrend                     = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("long_average", typeof(long), "Long Average", "Data of type Long").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("long_sum", typeof(long), "Long Sum", "Data of type Long").DefaultTrend                     = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("ulong_average", typeof(ulong), "ULong Average", "Data of type ULong").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("ulong_sum", typeof(ulong), "ULong Sum", "Data of type ULong").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("decimal_average", typeof(decimal), "Decimal Average", "Data of type Decimal").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("decimal_sum", typeof(decimal), "Decimal Sum", "Data of type Decimal").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("double_average", typeof(double), "Double Average", "Data of type Double").DefaultTrend     = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("double_sum", typeof(double), "Double Sum", "Data of type Double").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("float_average", typeof(float), "Float Average", "Data of type Float").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinitions.Add("float_sum", typeof(float), "Float Sum", "Data of type Float").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinitions.Add("string", typeof(string), "String", "Data of type String");
                valueDefinitions.Add("system.enum", typeof(System.Enum), "System.Enum", "Data of type System.Enum");

                newEventMetricDefinition.DefaultValue = newEventMetricDefinition.Values["int_average"];
                newEventMetricDefinition = newEventMetricDefinition.Register(); // Register it with the collection.
                // Found one, try to cast it to the expected EventMetricDefinition type (raise exception if fails to match)
                newEventMetricDefinition = (EventMetricDefinition)newMetricDefinition;

            IMetric newMetric;

            if (newMetricDefinition.Metrics.TryGetValue(null, out newMetric) == false)
                // go ahead and add this new metric
                newMetric = new EventMetric(newEventMetricDefinition, (string)null); //add the default metric.

        public void Setup()
            // This is an example of how to create an event metric definition programatically.

            EventMetricDefinition newMetricDefinition;

            // Define an event metric manually (the long way).  First, see if it's already registered...
            if (EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual", out newMetricDefinition) == false)
                // It's not registered yet, so we need to fill out the template to define it.
                EventMetricDefinition newEventMetric = new EventMetricDefinition("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual");

                // Now we want to add a few value columns to make it useful.
                // NOTE:  This is designed to exactly match UserEventObject for convenience in analzing results.
                // The dummy data values we're using are unitless, so we'll just use null for the required unitCaption parameter.
                newEventMetric.AddValue("short_average", typeof(short), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "Short Average", "Data of type Short");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("short_sum", typeof(short), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "Short Sum", "Data of type Short");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("short_runningaverage", typeof(short), SummaryFunction.RunningAverage, null, "Short Running Average", "Data of type Short");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("short_runningsum", typeof(short), SummaryFunction.RunningSum, null, "Short Running Sum", "Data of type Short");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("ushort_average", typeof(ushort), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "UShort Average", "Data of type UShort");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("ushort_sum", typeof(ushort), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "UShort Sum", "Data of type UShort");

                // Pick an interesting value column as the default to be graphed for this metric.  We'll pass it below.
                EventMetricValueDefinition defaultValue =
                    newEventMetric.AddValue("int_average", typeof(int), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "Int Average", "Data of type Int");

                newEventMetric.AddValue("int_sum", typeof(int), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "Int Sum", "Data of type Int");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("uint_average", typeof(uint), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "UInt Average", "Data of type UInt");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("uint_sum", typeof(uint), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "UInt Sum", "Data of type UInt");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("long_average", typeof(long), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "Long Average", "Data of type Long");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("long_sum", typeof(long), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "Long Sum", "Data of type Long");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("ulong_average", typeof(ulong), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "ULong Average", "Data of type ULong");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("ulong_sum", typeof(ulong), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "ULong Sum", "Data of type ULong");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("decimal_average", typeof(decimal), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "Decimal Average", "Data of type Decimal");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("decimal_sum", typeof(decimal), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "Decimal Sum", "Data of type Decimal");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("double_average", typeof(double), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "Double Average", "Data of type Double");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("double_sum", typeof(double), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "Double Sum", "Data of type Double");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("float_average", typeof(float), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "Float Average", "Data of type Float");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("float_sum", typeof(float), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "Float Sum", "Data of type Float");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("timespan_average", typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.Average, null, "TimeSpan Average", "Data of type TimeSpan");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("timespan_sum", typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.Sum, null, "TimeSpan Sum", "Data of type TimeSpan");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("timespan_runningaverage", typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.RunningAverage, null, "TimeSpan Running Average", "Data of type TimeSpan represented as a running average.");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("timespan_runningsum", typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.RunningSum, null, "TimeSpan Running Sum", "Data of type TimeSpan represented as a running sum.");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("string", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, null, "String", "Data of type String");
                newEventMetric.AddValue("system.enum", typeof(UserDataEnumeration), SummaryFunction.Count, null, "System.Enum", "Data of type System.Enum");

                // Finally, register it with Gibraltar, and specify the default value column we saved above.
                EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref newEventMetric, defaultValue);

            EventMetricDefinition metricDefinition;

            Assert.IsTrue(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual", out metricDefinition));
        public void RecordEventMetricPerformanceTest()
            // Internally we want to make this comparable to the reflection test, just varying the part that uses reflection.
            EventMetricDefinition metricDefinition;

            Assert.IsTrue(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual", out metricDefinition));

            EventMetric thisExperimentMetric = EventMetric.Register(metricDefinition, "RecordEventMetricPerformanceTest");


            // We're going to write out a BUNCH of samples...
            Trace.TraceInformation("Starting performance test");
            DateTime curTime = DateTime.Now; //for timing how fast we are
            int      curSample;

            for (curSample = 0; curSample < 32000; curSample++)
                EventMetricSample newSample = thisExperimentMetric.CreateSample();
                newSample.SetValue("short_average", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("short_sum", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("short_runningaverage", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("short_runningsum", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("ushort_average", (ushort)curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("ushort_sum", (ushort)curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("int_average", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("int_sum", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("uint_average", (uint)curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("uint_sum", (uint)curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("long_average", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("long_sum", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("ulong_average", (ulong)curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("ulong_sum", (ulong)curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("decimal_average", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("decimal_sum", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("double_average", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("double_sum", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("float_average", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("float_sum", curSample);
                newSample.SetValue("timespan_average", new TimeSpan(curSample));
                newSample.SetValue("timespan_sum", new TimeSpan(curSample));
                newSample.SetValue("timespan_runningaverage", new TimeSpan(curSample));
                newSample.SetValue("timespan_runningsum", new TimeSpan(curSample));
                newSample.SetValue("string", string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The current manual sample is {0}", curSample));
                newSample.SetValue("system.enum", (UserDataEnumeration)curSample);

                newSample.Write(); //only now does it get written because we had to wait until you populated the metrics
            TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - curTime;

            Trace.TraceInformation("Completed performance test in {0} milliseconds for {1} samples", duration.TotalMilliseconds, curSample);

            Log.Verbose(LogWriteMode.WaitForCommit, "Test.Agent.Metrics.EventMetric.Methods", "Event Metrics performance test flush", null);
Beispiel #12
        private static EventMetricDefinition DefineRequestMetric()
            var definition = new EventMetricDefinition(Constants.LogSystem, Constants.MetricCategory, "Request");

            definition.AddValue("request", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, "Request", "Request",
                                "The query that was executed.");
            definition.AddValue("duration", typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.Average, "Duration", "Duration",
                                "Time taken to execute the query");
            definition.AddValue("error", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, "Errors", "Errors",
                                "Errors executing query.");
            EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref definition);
Beispiel #13
        private static EventMetricDefinition DefineRequestMetric(string applicationName)
            var definition = new EventMetricDefinition(applicationName, "AspNetCore", "Request");

            definition.AddValue("request", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, "Request", "Request",
                                "The query that was executed.");
            definition.AddValue("duration", typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.Average, "Duration", "Duration",
                                "Time taken to execute the query");
            definition.AddValue("error", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, "Errors", "Errors",
                                "Errors executing query.");
            EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref definition);
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the one-time work to create a metric
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Dot-delimited display name for this metric</param>
        private void InitializeMetric(string name)
            // Handle edge cases
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = DefaultInstance;

            name = name.Trim();
            while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && name[0] == '.')
                name = name.Substring(1).Trim();

            // Set up category and instance as Loupe wants
            string category;
            string instance;

            var pos = name.LastIndexOf('.'); // check for delimited name

            if (pos <= 0)
                // If not deliminated, just use base category
                category = RootCategory;
                instance = name;
                // If delimited, just use the last part as instance name
                // and combine the rest with category
                category = RootCategory + '.' + name.Substring(0, pos);
                instance = name.Substring(pos + 1);

            _logCategory = category + "." + instance; // Initializ category for logging

            EventMetricDefinition metricDefinition;

            // Create the metric on first call then use cached copy thereafter
            if (!EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(MetricSystem, category, instance, out metricDefinition))
                metricDefinition = new EventMetricDefinition(MetricSystem, category, instance);
                metricDefinition.AddValue(DurationCaption, typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.Average,
                                          null, DurationCaption, null);
                EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref metricDefinition);

            // Grab the metric from cache
            Metric = EventMetric.Register(metricDefinition, null);
        public void Setup()
            IMetricDefinition newMetricDefinition;

            //Define an event metric manually (the long way)
            if (Log.Metrics.TryGetValue("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual", out newMetricDefinition) == false)
                //Define an event metric manually (the hard way)
                EventMetricDefinition newEventMetric = new EventMetricDefinition("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual");

                //we now have a minimal definition, but we probably want to add a few attributes to make it useful
                //NOTE:  This is designed to exactly match UserDataObject for convenience in analzing results.
                EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection valueDefinition = (EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection)newEventMetric.Values;
                valueDefinition.Add("short_average", typeof(short), "Short Average", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("short_sum", typeof(short), "Short Sum", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("short_runningaverage", typeof(short), "Short Running Average", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.RunningAverage;
                valueDefinition.Add("short_runningsum", typeof(short), "Short Running Sum", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.RunningSum;
                valueDefinition.Add("ushort_average", typeof(ushort), "UShort Average", "Data of type UShort").DefaultTrend            = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("ushort_sum", typeof(ushort), "UShort Sum", "Data of type UShort").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("int_average", typeof(int), "Int Average", "Data of type Int").DefaultTrend                     = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("int_sum", typeof(int), "Int Sum", "Data of type Int").DefaultTrend                             = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("uint_average", typeof(uint), "UInt Average", "Data of type UInt").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("uint_sum", typeof(uint), "UInt Sum", "Data of type UInt").DefaultTrend                         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("long_average", typeof(long), "Long Average", "Data of type Long").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("long_sum", typeof(long), "Long Sum", "Data of type Long").DefaultTrend                         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("ulong_average", typeof(ulong), "ULong Average", "Data of type ULong").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("ulong_sum", typeof(ulong), "ULong Sum", "Data of type ULong").DefaultTrend                     = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("decimal_average", typeof(decimal), "Decimal Average", "Data of type Decimal").DefaultTrend     = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("decimal_sum", typeof(decimal), "Decimal Sum", "Data of type Decimal").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("double_average", typeof(double), "Double Average", "Data of type Double").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("double_sum", typeof(double), "Double Sum", "Data of type Double").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("float_average", typeof(float), "Float Average", "Data of type Float").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("float_sum", typeof(float), "Float Sum", "Data of type Float").DefaultTrend                     = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("timespan_average", typeof(TimeSpan), "TimeSpan Average", "Data of type TimeSpan").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
                valueDefinition.Add("timespan_sum", typeof(TimeSpan), "TimeSpan Sum", "Data of type TimeSpan").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
                valueDefinition.Add("timespan_runningaverage", typeof(TimeSpan), "TimeSpan Running Average", "Data of type TimeSpan represented as a running average.").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.RunningAverage;
                valueDefinition.Add("timespan_runningsum", typeof(TimeSpan), "TimeSpan Running Sum", "Data of type TimeSpan represented as a running sum.").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.RunningSum;
                valueDefinition.Add("string", typeof(string), "String", "Data of type String");
                valueDefinition.Add("system.enum", typeof(UserDataEnumeration), "System.Enum", "Data of type System.Enum");

                newEventMetric.DefaultValue = newEventMetric.Values["int_average"];
                newEventMetric.Register(); // Register it with the collection.

            //And define a metric using reflection (not the same metric as above)
            //UserDataObject myDataObject = new UserDataObject(null);
        public void RecordEventMetric()
            // Internally we want to make this comparable to the reflection test, just varying the part that uses reflection.
            EventMetricDefinition metricDefinition;

            Assert.IsTrue(EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual", out metricDefinition));

            EventMetric thisExperimentMetric = EventMetric.Register(metricDefinition, "RecordEventMetric");


            // To write a sample manually, we must first create an empty sample for this event metric instance.
            EventMetricSample newSample = thisExperimentMetric.CreateSample();

            // Then we set the values.
            newSample.SetValue("short_average", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("short_sum", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("short_runningaverage", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("short_runningsum", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("ushort_average", (ushort)1);
            newSample.SetValue("ushort_sum", (ushort)1);
            newSample.SetValue("int_average", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("int_sum", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("uint_average", (uint)1);
            newSample.SetValue("uint_sum", (uint)1);
            newSample.SetValue("long_average", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("long_sum", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("ulong_average", (ulong)1);
            newSample.SetValue("ulong_sum", (ulong)1);
            newSample.SetValue("decimal_average", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("decimal_sum", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("double_average", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("double_sum", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("float_average", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("float_sum", 1);
            newSample.SetValue("timespan_average", new TimeSpan(1));
            newSample.SetValue("timespan_sum", new TimeSpan(1));
            newSample.SetValue("timespan_runningaverage", new TimeSpan(1));
            newSample.SetValue("timespan_runningsum", new TimeSpan(1));
            newSample.SetValue("string", string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The current manual sample is {0}", 1));
            newSample.SetValue("system.enum", (UserDataEnumeration)1);

            // And finally, tell the sample to write itself to the Gibraltar log.
Beispiel #17
        public void RegisterEventMetrics()
            //Define an event metric manually (the hard way)
            EventMetricDefinition newEventMetric =
                new EventMetricDefinition("EventMetricTests", "Gibraltar.Monitor.Test", "Manual");

            //we now have a minimal definition, but we probably want to add a few attributes to make it useful
            //NOTE:  This is designed to exactly match UserDataObject for convenience in analyzing results.
            EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection valueDefinition = (EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection)newEventMetric.Values;

            valueDefinition.Add("short_average", typeof(short), "Short Average", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("short_sum", typeof(short), "Short Sum", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("short_runningaverage", typeof(short), "Short Running Average", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.RunningAverage;
            valueDefinition.Add("short_runningsum", typeof(short), "Short Running Sum", "Data of type Short").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.RunningSum;
            valueDefinition.Add("ushort_average", typeof(ushort), "UShort Average", "Data of type UShort").DefaultTrend            = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("ushort_sum", typeof(ushort), "UShort Sum", "Data of type UShort").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("int_average", typeof(int), "Int Average", "Data of type Int").DefaultTrend                     = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("int_sum", typeof(int), "Int Sum", "Data of type Int").DefaultTrend                             = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("uint_average", typeof(uint), "UInt Average", "Data of type UInt").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("uint_sum", typeof(uint), "UInt Sum", "Data of type UInt").DefaultTrend                         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("long_average", typeof(long), "Long Average", "Data of type Long").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("long_sum", typeof(long), "Long Sum", "Data of type Long").DefaultTrend                         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("ulong_average", typeof(ulong), "ULong Average", "Data of type ULong").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("ulong_sum", typeof(ulong), "ULong Sum", "Data of type ULong").DefaultTrend                     = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("decimal_average", typeof(decimal), "Decimal Average", "Data of type Decimal").DefaultTrend     = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("decimal_sum", typeof(decimal), "Decimal Sum", "Data of type Decimal").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("double_average", typeof(double), "Double Average", "Data of type Double").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("double_sum", typeof(double), "Double Sum", "Data of type Double").DefaultTrend                 = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("float_average", typeof(float), "Float Average", "Data of type Float").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("float_sum", typeof(float), "Float Sum", "Data of type Float").DefaultTrend                     = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("timespan_average", typeof(TimeSpan), "TimeSpan Average", "Data of type TimeSpan").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.Average;
            valueDefinition.Add("timespan_sum", typeof(TimeSpan), "TimeSpan Sum", "Data of type TimeSpan").DefaultTrend         = EventMetricValueTrend.Sum;
            valueDefinition.Add("timespan_runningaverage", typeof(TimeSpan), "TimeSpan Running Average", "Data of type TimeSpan represented as a running average.").DefaultTrend = EventMetricValueTrend.RunningAverage;
            valueDefinition.Add("timespan_runningsum", typeof(TimeSpan), "TimeSpan Running Sum", "Data of type TimeSpan represented as a running sum.").DefaultTrend             = EventMetricValueTrend.RunningSum;
            valueDefinition.Add("string", typeof(string), "String", "Data of type String");
            valueDefinition.Add("system.enum", typeof(UserDataEnumeration), "System.Enum", "Data of type System.Enum");

            newEventMetric.DefaultValue = newEventMetric.Values["int_average"];
            newEventMetric = newEventMetric.Register(); // Register it with the collection.

            //Create this instance of that definition
            newEventMetric.Metrics.Add("This Experiment");
Beispiel #18
        public void EventMetricsByAttributesPerformanceTest()
            Trace.TraceInformation("Event metrics registered by attributes.");

            UserPerformanceObject eventObject    = new UserPerformanceObject("AttributesPerformanceTest");
            DateTimeOffset        operationStart = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            DateTimeOffset        operationEnd   = operationStart.AddMilliseconds(1234);

            eventObject.SetEventData(@"C:\Dummy\File\Name.txt", UserFileOperation.Write, operationStart, operationEnd);

            //first, lets get everything to flush so we have our best initial state.
            Log.Information(LogWriteMode.WaitForCommit, "Test.Agent.Metrics.Performance", "Preparing for Test", "Flushing queue");

            //now that we know it's flushed everything, lets do our timed loop.
            DateTimeOffset startTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            for (int curMessage = 0; curMessage < LoopsPerEventTest; curMessage++)
            DateTimeOffset messageEndTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            //one wait for commit message to force the buffer to flush.
            Log.Information(LogWriteMode.WaitForCommit, "Test.Agent.Metrics.Performance", "Waiting for Samples to Commit", null);

            //and store off our time
            DateTimeOffset endTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            TimeSpan  testDuration    = endTime - startTime;
            TimeSpan  loopDuration    = messageEndTime - startTime;
            const int messagesPerTest = LoopsPerEventTest * MessagesPerEventLoop;

            Trace.TraceInformation("Event Metrics by Attributes Test committed {0:N0} events in {1:F3} ms (average {2:F4} ms per message).  Average loop time {3:F4} ms ({4} values per message) and final flush time {5:F3} ms.",
                                   messagesPerTest, testDuration.TotalMilliseconds, (testDuration.TotalMilliseconds / messagesPerTest),
                                   (loopDuration.TotalMilliseconds / LoopsPerEventTest), ValuesPerEventMessage,
                                   (endTime - messageEndTime).TotalMilliseconds);
        /// <summary>Return a registered event metric instance for the provided event metric definition.</summary>
        /// <remarks><para>If the provided event metric definition is an unregistered raw definition, it will be registered
        /// as a completed definition (or a matching registered event metric definition will be used in place of it), but
        /// an inability to successfully register the definition will result in an ArgumentException, as with calling
        /// the Register() method in EventMetricDefinition.  Using a properly-registered definition is preferred.</para>
        /// <para>If an event metric with that instance name already exists for that registered definition, it will be
        /// returned.  Otherwise, one will be created from that definition and returned.</para></remarks>
        /// <param name="definition">The metric definition for the desired metric instance.</param>
        /// <param name="instanceName">The desired instance name (may be null for the default instance).</param>
        /// <returns>The EventMetric object for the requested event metric instance.</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// See the <see cref="EventMetric">EventMetric Class Overview</see> for an example.
        /// </example>
        public static EventMetric Register(EventMetricDefinition definition, string instanceName)
            if (definition == null)
                // Uh-oh. They gave us a non-EventMetricDefinition?

            EventMetricDefinition metricDefinition;

            lock (definition.Lock)
                if (definition.IsReadOnly == false)
                    // Uh-oh.  They gave us a raw event metric definition which wasn't registered.
                    // But they're calling Register(), so they'd expect us to complete registration for them in this call.
                    metricDefinition = definition.Register();
                    // Assume this is a registered definition. ToDo: Make sure they only get IsReadOnly when actually registered.
                    metricDefinition = definition;

            EventMetric           eventMetric;
            EventMetricCollection metrics = metricDefinition.Metrics;

            lock (metrics.Lock)
                if (metrics.TryGetValue(instanceName, out eventMetric) == false)
                    eventMetric = metrics.Add(instanceName);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the one-time work to create a metric
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Dot-delimited display name for this metric</param>
        private void InitializeMetric(string name)
            // Handle edge cases
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = DefaultInstance;

            name = name.Trim();
            while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && name[0] == '.')
                name = name.Substring(1).Trim();

            // Set up category and instance as Loupe wants
            string category;
            string instance;

            var pos = name.LastIndexOf('.'); // check for delimited name
            if (pos <= 0)
                // If not deliminated, just use base category
                category = RootCategory;
                instance = name;
                // If delimited, just use the last part as instance name
                // and combine the rest with category
                category = RootCategory + '.' + name.Substring(0, pos);
                instance = name.Substring(pos + 1);

            _logCategory = category + "." + instance; // Initializ category for logging

            EventMetricDefinition metricDefinition;

            // Create the metric on first call then use cached copy thereafter
            if (!EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(MetricSystem, category, instance, out metricDefinition))
                metricDefinition = new EventMetricDefinition(MetricSystem, category, instance);
                metricDefinition.AddValue(DurationCaption, typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.Average,
                    null, DurationCaption, null);
                EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref metricDefinition);

            // Grab the metric from cache
            Metric = EventMetric.Register(metricDefinition, null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new values dictionary for the specified metric definition
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">The parent metric definition object that will own this dictionary.</param>
 internal EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection(EventMetricDefinition definition)
     m_Definition        = definition;
     m_WrappedCollection = (Monitor.EventMetricValueDefinitionCollection)definition.WrappedDefinition.Values;
     m_WrappedCollection.CollectionChanged += WrappedCollection_CollectionChanged;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new event metric object from the provided event metric definition
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>The new metric will automatically be added to the metric definition's metrics collection.</remarks>
 /// <param name="definition">The metric definition for the metric instance</param>
 /// <param name="instanceName">The unique name of this instance within the metric's collection.</param>
 internal EventMetric(EventMetricDefinition definition, string instanceName)
     : this(definition, new Monitor.EventMetric(definition.WrappedDefinition, instanceName))
     // Let our other constructor handle the rest.
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new API value definition from a provided API event metric definition and internal value definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="definition">The API event metric definition that owns this value definition</param>
 /// <param name="valueDefinition">The internal value definition to wrap.</param>
 internal EventMetricValueDefinition(EventMetricDefinition definition, Monitor.EventMetricValueDefinition valueDefinition)
     m_Definition             = definition;
     m_WrappedValueDefinition = valueDefinition;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new metric with the provided API event metric definition and an internal event metric object to wrap.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>The new metric will automatically be added to the metric definition's metrics collection.</remarks>
 /// <param name="definition">The API event metric definition that defines this metric</param>
 /// <param name="metric">The internal event metric</param>
 internal EventMetric(EventMetricDefinition definition, Monitor.EventMetric metric)
     m_MetricDefinition = definition;
     m_WrappedMetric    = metric;
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new event metric dictionary for the provided definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>This dictionary is created automatically by the Custom Sampled Metric Definition during its initialization.</remarks>
 /// <param name="metricDefinition">The definition of the event metric to create a metric dictionary for</param>
 public EventMetricCollection(EventMetricDefinition metricDefinition)
     m_MetricDefinition  = metricDefinition;
     m_WrappedCollection = metricDefinition.WrappedDefinition.Metrics;
 public static EventMetricDefinition AddCount(this EventMetricDefinition definition, string name, string caption, string description)
     definition.AddValue(name, typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, null, caption, description);
 public static EventMetricDefinition AddFlag(this EventMetricDefinition definition, string name, string caption,
                                             string description)
     definition.AddValue(name, typeof(bool), SummaryFunction.Average, "Hits", caption, description);
 /// <summary>
 /// Write event metric samples for all event metrics defined on the provided data object by attributes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>The provided user data object must be assignable to the bound type which defined this event metric
 /// via attributes.</remarks>
 /// <param name="metricData">The object to retrieve both metric values and definition from</param>
 /// <param name="fallbackInstanceName">The instance name to fall back on if a definition does not specify an instance name binding (may be null).</param>
 /// <example>
 /// See the <see cref="EventMetric">EventMetric Class Overview</see> for an example.
 /// </example>
 public static void Write(object metricData, string fallbackInstanceName)
     // The real logic is in EventMetricDefinition.
     EventMetricDefinition.Write(metricData, fallbackInstanceName);
Beispiel #29
        private static EventMetricDefinition GetMetricDefinition()
            if (!EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue(MetricSystem, MetricCategory, MetricCaption, out var eventMetricDefinition))
                eventMetricDefinition = new EventMetricDefinition(MetricSystem, MetricCategory, MetricName)
                    Caption     = MetricCaption,
                    Description = MetricDescription

                eventMetricDefinition.AddHitCount(MetricValue.PageName, "Page", "The page name without path");

                eventMetricDefinition.AddHitCount(MetricValue.AbsolutePath, "Absolute Path",
                                                  "The full path from the root of the web site to the page that was requested including the page");

                                                  "Total Request Duration",
                                                  "The entire time it took for the request to be satisfied");

                                                  "Authenticate Request Duration",
                                                  "The time it took for the request to be authenticated");

                                                  "Authorize Request Duration",
                                                  "The time it took for the request to be authorized");

                                                  "Resolve Request Cache Duration",
                                                  "The time it took for the request to be looked up in cache");

                                                  "Acquire Request State Duration",
                                                  "The time it took for the request state to be acquired");

                                                  "Request Handler Execute Duration",
                                                  "The time it took for the request handler to execute. This includes the time for most ASP.NET page code");

                                                  "Release Request State Duration",
                                                  "The time it took for the request state to be released");

                                                  "Update Request Cache Duration",
                                                  "The time it took for the request cache to be updated");

                                                  "Log Request Duration",
                                                  "The time it took for the request to be logged");

                                              "Cached Response",
                                              "Indicates if the response was served from the output cache instead of generated");

                                                  "Query String",
                                                  "The query string used for the request");

                                               "The user associated with the action being performed");

                                               "Session Id associated with action being performed");

                                               "Id from JavaScript agent for session");

                EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref eventMetricDefinition);
 /// <summary>
 /// Write event metric samples for all event metrics defined on the provided data object by attributes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>The provided user data object must be assignable to the bound type which defined this event metric
 /// via attributes.</remarks>
 /// <param name="metricData">The object to retrieve both metric values and definition from</param>
 /// <example>
 /// See the <see cref="EventMetric">EventMetric Class Overview</see> for an example.
 /// </example>
 public static void Write(object metricData)
     // The real logic is in EventMetricDefinition.
     EventMetricDefinition.Write(metricData, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to retrieve the desired EventMetric
        /// </summary>
        private static EventMetric GetMetric(string caption, string category, string instance)
            EventMetricDefinition cacheMetric;

            //so we can be called multiple times we want to see if the definition already exists.
            if (EventMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("PostSharp", category, caption, out cacheMetric) == false)
                cacheMetric = new EventMetricDefinition("PostSharp", category, caption);

                //add the values (that are part of the definition)
                cacheMetric.DefaultValue = cacheMetric.AddValue("duration", typeof(TimeSpan), SummaryFunction.Average,
                                                                "ms", "Duration", "Average execution duration");
                cacheMetric.AddValue("namespace", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, "", "Namespace", "Namespace");
                cacheMetric.AddValue("class", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, "", "Class",
                                     "Class name ignoring namespace");
                cacheMetric.AddValue("method", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, "", "Method",
                                     "Method name ignoring class and namespace");
                cacheMetric.AddValue("fullname", typeof(string), SummaryFunction.Count, "", "FullName",
                                     "Fully qualified name of the class and method");
                EventMetricDefinition.Register(ref cacheMetric);

            EventMetric cacheEventMetric = EventMetric.Register(cacheMetric, instance);
            return cacheEventMetric;
 public static EventMetricDefinition AddDuration(this EventMetricDefinition definition, string name, string caption, string description)
     definition.AddValue(name, typeof(double), SummaryFunction.Average, "Milliseconds", caption, description);