Beispiel #1
        public void Registration_TwoDefinitionWithSameSourceDifferentLevel_LevelShouldBeHighestOne()
            var definition1 = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d =>
                                                          d.EventSource == "Source" &&
                                                          d.EventKeywords == (EventKeywords)10 &&
                                                          d.MinimumEventLevel == EventLevel.Informational

            var definition2 = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d =>
                                                          d.EventSource == "Source" &&
                                                          d.EventKeywords == (EventKeywords)20 &&
                                                          d.MinimumEventLevel == EventLevel.Verbose

            var handlers = new IInternalSubscriptionHandler[]
                Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                       h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                 s.Id == Guid.NewGuid().ToString() &&
                                                                                                 s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>

            var sut      = new EventListenerParameters(handlers).Registrations.Value;
            var expected = (EventLevel)Math.Max((int)definition1.MinimumEventLevel, (int)definition2.MinimumEventLevel);

            Assert.True(sut.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(sut[definition1.EventSource].Level == expected);
Beispiel #2
        public void LookupWithNotExistedEventId_BothOfSourceAndEventDefinition_ShouldServeBothHandlers()
            var source1_EventAll = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1");
            var source1_Event10  = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1" && d.EventId == 10);
            var source1_Event20  = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1" && d.EventId == 20);
            var source1_EventAll_SubscriptionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var source1_Event10_SubscriptionId  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var handlers = new IInternalSubscriptionHandler[]
                Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                       h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                 s.Id == source1_EventAll_SubscriptionId &&
                                                                                                 s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>

                Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                       h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                 s.Id == source1_Event10_SubscriptionId &&
                                                                                                 s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>

            var sut    = new EventListenerParameters(handlers).Lookup.Value;
            var actual = sut[new SourceDefinitionLookup(source1_Event20, true)];

            Assert.True(actual.Count() == 1);
            Assert.True(actual.First().Subscription.Id == source1_EventAll_SubscriptionId);
Beispiel #3
        public void Registration_TwoDefinitionWithSameSourceDifferentKeywords_KeywordsShouldBeMerged()
            var definition1 = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d =>
                                                          d.EventSource == "Source" &&
                                                          d.EventKeywords == (EventKeywords)10 &&
                                                          d.MinimumEventLevel == EventLevel.Informational

            var definition2 = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d =>
                                                          d.EventSource == "Source" &&
                                                          d.EventKeywords == (EventKeywords)20 &&
                                                          d.MinimumEventLevel == EventLevel.Informational

            var handlers = new IInternalSubscriptionHandler[]
                Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                       h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                 s.Id == Guid.NewGuid().ToString() &&
                                                                                                 s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>

            var sut = new EventListenerParameters(handlers).Registrations.Value;

            Assert.True(sut.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(sut[definition1.EventSource].Keywords == (definition1.EventKeywords | definition2.EventKeywords));
Beispiel #4
        public void Registration_DummyEvent_AllPropertiesShouldBeSame()
            var definition = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d =>
                                                         d.EventSource == "Source" &&
                                                         d.EventKeywords == (EventKeywords)10 &&
                                                         d.MinimumEventLevel == EventLevel.Informational

            var handlers = new IInternalSubscriptionHandler[]
                Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                       h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                 s.Id == Guid.NewGuid().ToString() &&
                                                                                                 s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>

            var sut = new EventListenerParameters(handlers).Registrations.Value;

            Assert.True(sut.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(sut[definition.EventSource].Source == definition.EventSource);
            Assert.True(sut[definition.EventSource].Keywords == definition.EventKeywords);
            Assert.True(sut[definition.EventSource].Level == definition.MinimumEventLevel);
Beispiel #5
        public void Lookup_SpecificDefinitionAcrossMultipleHandlers_ShouldServeAllHandlersThatIncludesSpecificDefinition()
            //Create random number in range of 3-20 then create definitions as much as the randomized number
            //Like : Source:1, Source:2, Source:3 ..... Source:15
            Func <List <ISourceDefinition> > sourceDefinitionFunc = () => Enumerable
                                                                    .Range(1, new Random().Next(3, 20))
                                                                    .Select(i => (ISourceDefinition)Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == $"Source:{i}" && d.EventId == 10))

            //Create 10 handlers and fill it with randomized definitions. Every handler can have various definitions.
            var handlers = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select((_) =>
                return(Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                              h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                        s.Id == Guid.NewGuid().ToString() &&
                                                                                                        s.Events == sourceDefinitionFunc().AsReadOnly())));
            }).ToList(); //It should be enumerated/executed

            //Order all EventSource names to pick up a definition that appears neither less nor more.
            //Items on the top are the ones that appears less.
            var eventsAsOrdered = handlers
                                  .SelectMany(h => h.Subscription.Events)
                                  .OrderBy(h => h.EventSource);
            var definition = eventsAsOrdered.ElementAt((int)(eventsAsOrdered.Count() * 0.2));
            var definitionAppearingCount = eventsAsOrdered.Count(h => h.EventSource == definition.EventSource);

            var sut    = new EventListenerParameters(handlers).Lookup.Value;
            var actual = sut[new SourceDefinitionLookup(definition, true)];

            //Lookup item count should equal total count of unique source name.
            Assert.True(sut.Count == eventsAsOrdered.Select(s => s.EventSource).Distinct().Count());

            //Handler count of the looked up item should equal the appearing count of the definition
            Assert.True(actual.Count() == definitionAppearingCount);

            //Generated handlers which includes picked up definition should be existed in looked up item.
            var handlersThatIncludesPickedUpDefinition =
                handlers.Where(h => h.Subscription.Events.Any(e => e.EventSource == definition.EventSource));

            Assert.True(handlersThatIncludesPickedUpDefinition.All(h => actual.Contains(h)));
Beispiel #6
        public void Lookup_VariousSourceDefinitionsWithUniqueSourceName_RegistrationsShouldBeUnique()
            var source1WithoutSpecificEvent = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1");
            var source1WithSpecificEvent10  = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1" && d.EventId == 10);
            var source1WithSpecificEvent20  = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1" && d.EventId == 20);
            var source2WithSpecificEvent30  = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source2" && d.EventId == 30);

            IInternalSubscriptionHandler[] handlers = new IInternalSubscriptionHandler[]
                Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                       h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                 s.Id == Guid.NewGuid().ToString() &&
                                                                                                 s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>

                Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                       h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                 s.Id == Guid.NewGuid().ToString() &&
                                                                                                 s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>

            var sut = new EventListenerParameters(handlers).Lookup.Value;

            var def10 = new SourceDefinitionLookup(source1WithSpecificEvent10.EventSource, source1WithSpecificEvent10.EventId.Value, true);
            var def20 = new SourceDefinitionLookup(source1WithSpecificEvent20.EventSource, source1WithSpecificEvent20.EventId.Value, true);

            var def10r = sut[def10].ToList();
            var def20r = sut[def20].ToList();

            Assert.True(sut.Count == handlers.Count());
Beispiel #7
        public void Lookup_SameEventDefinitionAccrossMultipleHandlers_ShouldServeAllHandlers()
            var sourceDefinition = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source" && d.EventId == 10);

            var handlers = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select((_) =>
                return(Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                              h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                        s.Id == Guid.NewGuid().ToString() &&
                                                                                                        s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>
            }).ToList();  //It should be enumerated/executed

            var sut    = new EventListenerParameters(handlers).Lookup.Value;
            var actual = sut[new SourceDefinitionLookup(sourceDefinition, true)];

            Assert.True(sut.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(actual.Count() == handlers.Count());
            Assert.True(actual.All(a => handlers.Count(h => h.Subscription.Id == a.Subscription.Id) == 1));
Beispiel #8
        public void Lookup_WithEventDefinitionExistedNameNotExistedEventId_ShouldServeNoHandler()
            var source1_Event10 = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1" && d.EventId == 10);
            var source1_Event20 = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1" && d.EventId == 20);

            var handlers = new IInternalSubscriptionHandler[]
                Mock.Of <IInternalSubscriptionHandler>(h =>
                                                       h.Subscription == Mock.Of <ISubscription>(s =>
                                                                                                 s.Id == Guid.NewGuid().ToString() &&
                                                                                                 s.Events == new List <ISourceDefinition>

            var notExisted = Mock.Of <ISourceDefinition>(d => d.EventSource == "Source1" && d.EventId == 30);
            var sut        = new EventListenerParameters(handlers).Lookup.Value;
            var actual     = sut[new SourceDefinitionLookup(notExisted, true)];

            Assert.True(actual.Count() == 0);