public async void GivenCollectionOfMeasurements_WhenAddAsync_ThenAllEventsAreSentInASingleBatch_Test()
            var mockEventDataBatch = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(
                new List <EventData>(),
                new CreateBatchOptions()
                PartitionKey = "partition123",
                (data) => true);

            _eventHubService.CreateEventDataBatchAsync(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(mockEventDataBatch);

            var measurements = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(i =>
                var mockMeasurement = Substitute.For <IMeasurement>();

            await _measurementCollector.AddAsync(measurements, default);

            await _eventHubService.Received(1).CreateEventDataBatchAsync("123");

            await _eventHubService.Received(1)
                Arg.Is <EventDataBatch>(data => data.Count == 100),
        public async void GivenCollectionOfMeasurements_WhenAddAsync_AndAEventIsToBigToSend_ThenEventsIsSkipped_Test()
            var eventDataBatch = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(
                new List <EventData>(),
                new CreateBatchOptions()
                PartitionKey = "partition123",
                (data) =>
                var measurement = data.EventBody.ToObjectFromJson <Measurement>(null);
                return(measurement.DeviceId != "deviceId_5");

            _eventHubService.CreateEventDataBatchAsync(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(eventDataBatch);

            var measurements = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i =>
                var mockMeasurement = Substitute.For <IMeasurement>();

            await _measurementCollector.AddAsync(measurements, default);

            await _eventHubService.Received(2).CreateEventDataBatchAsync("123");

            await _eventHubService.Received(1)
                Arg.Is <EventDataBatch>(data => data.Count == 9),
Beispiel #3
        public void PartitionContextDefaultsLastEnqueuedEventProperties()
            var partition = "0";
            var context   = EventHubsModelFactory.PartitionContext(partition);

            Assert.That(context, Is.Not.Null, "The context should have been created.");
            Assert.That(context.PartitionId, Is.EqualTo(partition), "The context should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.ReadLastEnqueuedEventProperties(), Is.EqualTo(new LastEnqueuedEventProperties()), "Reading last enqueued event properties should return a default instance.");
Beispiel #4
        public void PartitionContextInitializesProperties()
            var fakeDate   = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 10, 27, 12, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var partition  = "0";
            var properties = EventHubsModelFactory.LastEnqueuedEventProperties(465, 988, fakeDate, fakeDate);
            var context    = EventHubsModelFactory.PartitionContext(partition, properties);

            Assert.That(context, Is.Not.Null, "The context should have been created.");
            Assert.That(context.PartitionId, Is.EqualTo(partition), "The context should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.ReadLastEnqueuedEventProperties(), Is.EqualTo(properties), "The last enqueued event properties should have been set.");
        public void EventHubPropertiesInitializesProperties()
            var name       = "fakename";
            var createdOn  = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 10, 27, 12, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var partitions = new[] { "0", "2", "4", "8" };
            var properties = EventHubsModelFactory.EventHubProperties(name, createdOn, partitions);

            Assert.That(properties, Is.Not.Null, "The properties should have been created.");
            Assert.That(properties.Name, Is.EqualTo(name), "The name should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.CreatedOn, Is.EqualTo(createdOn), "The creation date/time should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.PartitionIds, Is.EquivalentTo(partitions), "The partition identifiers should have been set.");
        public void EventDataBatchIsSafeToDispose()
            var size  = 1024;
            var store = new List <EventData> {
                new EventData(new BinaryData(Array.Empty <byte>())), new EventData(new BinaryData(Array.Empty <byte>()))
            var options = new CreateBatchOptions {
                MaximumSizeInBytes = 2048
            var batch = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(size, store, options, _ => false);

            Assert.That(() => batch.Dispose(), Throws.Nothing);
        public void PartitionPublishingPropertiesInitializesProperties()
            var isIdempotentPublishingEnabled = true;
            var producerGroupId             = 675;
            var ownerLevel                  = (short)12;
            var lastPublishedSequenceNumber = 4;
            var properties                  = EventHubsModelFactory.PartitionPublishingProperties(isIdempotentPublishingEnabled, producerGroupId, ownerLevel, lastPublishedSequenceNumber);

            Assert.That(properties, Is.Not.Null, "The properties should have been created.");
            Assert.That(properties.IsIdempotentPublishingEnabled, Is.EqualTo(isIdempotentPublishingEnabled), "The idempotent publishing flag should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.ProducerGroupId, Is.EqualTo(producerGroupId), "The producer group should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.OwnerLevel, Is.EqualTo(ownerLevel), "The owner level should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.LastPublishedSequenceNumber, Is.EqualTo(lastPublishedSequenceNumber), "The last sequence number should have been set.");
        public void LastEnqueuedEventPropertiesInitializesProperties()
            var lastSequence = long.MaxValue - 100;
            var lastOffset   = long.MaxValue - 10;
            var lastEnqueued = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 10, 27, 12, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var lastReceived = new DateTimeOffset(2012, 03, 04, 08, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var properties   = EventHubsModelFactory.LastEnqueuedEventProperties(lastSequence, lastOffset, lastEnqueued, lastReceived);

            Assert.That(properties, Is.Not.Null, "The properties should have been created.");
            Assert.That(properties.SequenceNumber, Is.EqualTo(lastSequence), "The sequence number should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.Offset, Is.EqualTo(lastOffset), "The offset should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.EnqueuedTime, Is.EqualTo(lastEnqueued), "The enqueued date/time should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.LastReceivedTime, Is.EqualTo(lastReceived), "The last received date/time should have been set.");
        public void PartitionContextDefaultsLastEnqueuedEventProperties()
            var fullyQualifiedNamespace = "fakeNamespace";
            var eventHubName            = "fakeHub";
            var consumerGroup           = "fakeConsumerGroup";
            var partition = "0";
            var context   = EventHubsModelFactory.PartitionContext(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, consumerGroup, partition);

            Assert.That(context, Is.Not.Null, "The context should have been created.");
            Assert.That(context.FullyQualifiedNamespace, Is.EqualTo(fullyQualifiedNamespace), "The namespace should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.EventHubName, Is.EqualTo(eventHubName), "The event hub name should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.ConsumerGroup, Is.EqualTo(consumerGroup), "The consumer group should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.PartitionId, Is.EqualTo(partition), "The partition should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.ReadLastEnqueuedEventProperties(), Is.EqualTo(new LastEnqueuedEventProperties()), "Reading last enqueued event properties should return a default instance.");
Beispiel #10
        public async Task ProducerCanPublishBatchesAfterAnException()
            await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1))
                var cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                var connectionString = EventHubsTestEnvironment.Instance.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);
                var options          = new EventHubProducerClientOptions {
                    EnableIdempotentPartitions = true

                await using var producer = new EventHubProducerClient(connectionString, options);

                var partition    = (await producer.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();
                var batchOptions = new CreateBatchOptions {
                    PartitionId = partition

                // Publish a batch to validate that the initial publish works.

                using var firstBatch = await producer.CreateBatchAsync(batchOptions, cancellationSource.Token);

                Assert.That(async() => await producer.SendAsync(firstBatch, cancellationSource.Token), Throws.Nothing, "The first publishing operation was not successful.");

                // Publish an event too large to succeed; this will force the producer to deal with an exception, which should
                // update idempotent state.

                var producerId = (await producer.GetPartitionPublishingPropertiesAsync(partition, cancellationSource.Token)).ProducerGroupId;

                using var badBatch = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(firstBatch.MaximumSizeInBytes + 1000, new List <EventData>(new[] { new EventData(EventGenerator.CreateRandomBody(firstBatch.MaximumSizeInBytes + 1000)) }), new CreateBatchOptions { PartitionId = partition });
                Assert.That(async() => await producer.SendAsync(badBatch, cancellationSource.Token), Throws.InstanceOf <EventHubsException>(), "The attempt to publish a too-large event should fail.");

                // Publish a second batch of events; this will prove that the producer recovered from the exception.

                using var secondBatch = await producer.CreateBatchAsync(batchOptions, cancellationSource.Token);

                Assert.That(async() => await producer.SendAsync(secondBatch, cancellationSource.Token), Throws.Nothing, "The second publishing operation was not successful.");

                var newProducerId = (await producer.GetPartitionPublishingPropertiesAsync(partition, cancellationSource.Token)).ProducerGroupId;
                Assert.That(newProducerId, Is.Not.Null, "The producer group identifier should have a value.");
                Assert.That(newProducerId, Is.Not.EqualTo(producerId), "The producer group identifier should have been updated after the exception.");
        public void EventDataBatchInitializesProperties()
            var size  = 1024;
            var store = new List <EventData> {
                new EventData(new BinaryData(Array.Empty <byte>())), new EventData(new BinaryData(Array.Empty <byte>()))
            var options = new CreateBatchOptions {
                MaximumSizeInBytes = 2048
            var batch = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(size, store, options);

            Assert.That(batch, Is.Not.Null, "The batch should have been created.");
            Assert.That(batch.SizeInBytes, Is.EqualTo(size), "The batch size should have been set.");
            Assert.That(batch.MaximumSizeInBytes, Is.EqualTo(options.MaximumSizeInBytes), "The maximum batch size should have been set.");
            Assert.That(batch.Count, Is.EqualTo(store.Count), "The batch count should reflect the count of the backing store.");
            Assert.That(batch.AsReadOnlyCollection <EventData>(), Is.EquivalentTo(store), "The batch enumerable should reflect the events in the backing store.");
Beispiel #12
        public void Enqueue_TransmissionFlow()
            // assert
            ManualResetEventSlim resetEvent          = new ManualResetEventSlim();
            Mock <IMemoryBuffer <EventData> > buffer = new Mock <IMemoryBuffer <EventData> >();
            Mock <ITransmissionBuffer <EventData, EventDataBatch> > aggregator = new Mock <ITransmissionBuffer <EventData, EventDataBatch> >();
            Mock <ITransmissionSender <EventDataBatch> >            sender     = new Mock <ITransmissionSender <EventDataBatch> >();
            Mock <ITransmissionStorage <EventData> > storage     = new Mock <ITransmissionStorage <EventData> >();
            ConcurrentQueue <EventDataBatch>         bufferQueue = new ConcurrentQueue <EventDataBatch>();

            .Setup(t => t.Enqueue(It.IsAny <EventData>()))
            .Callback((EventData d) => bufferQueue.Enqueue(EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(1, new[] { d })));
            .Setup(t => t.Dequeue(It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Returns(() =>
                int count = 0;
                List <EventDataBatch> results = new List <EventDataBatch>();

                while (bufferQueue.TryDequeue(out EventDataBatch d) && count < 10)

            .Setup(t => t.SendAsync(It.IsAny <IAsyncEnumerable <EventDataBatch> >(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Callback(() => resetEvent.Set());

            ITelemetryEventTransmitter transmitter = new EventHubTransmitter(
                buffer.Object, aggregator.Object, sender.Object, storage.Object);
            TelemetryEvent data = new TelemetryEvent();

            // act

            // arrange

            sender.Verify(s => s.SendAsync(
                              It.IsAny <IAsyncEnumerable <EventDataBatch> >(),
                              It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()), Times.Once);
        public void PartitionContextInitializesProperties()
            var fakeDate = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 10, 27, 12, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var fullyQualifiedNamespace = "fakeNamespace";
            var eventHubName            = "fakeHub";
            var consumerGroup           = "fakeConsumerGroup";
            var partition  = "0";
            var properties = EventHubsModelFactory.LastEnqueuedEventProperties(465, 988, fakeDate, fakeDate);
            var context    = EventHubsModelFactory.PartitionContext(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, consumerGroup, partition, properties);

            Assert.That(context, Is.Not.Null, "The context should have been created.");
            Assert.That(context.FullyQualifiedNamespace, Is.EqualTo(fullyQualifiedNamespace), "The namespace should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.EventHubName, Is.EqualTo(eventHubName), "The event hub name should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.ConsumerGroup, Is.EqualTo(consumerGroup), "The consumer group should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.PartitionId, Is.EqualTo(partition), "The partition should have been set.");
            Assert.That(context.ReadLastEnqueuedEventProperties(), Is.EqualTo(properties), "The last enqueued event properties should have been set.");
        public void EventDataBatchRespectsTheTryAddCallback()
            var eventLimit = 3;
            var store      = new List <EventData>();
            var batch      = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(5, store, tryAddCallback: _ => store.Count < eventLimit);

            while (store.Count < eventLimit)
                Assert.That(() => batch.TryAdd(new EventData(new BinaryData("Test"))), Is.True, $"The batch contains { store.Count } events; adding another should be permitted.");

            Assert.That(store.Count, Is.EqualTo(eventLimit), "The batch should be at its limit.");
            Assert.That(() => batch.TryAdd(new EventData(new BinaryData("Too many"))), Is.False, "The batch is full; it should not be possible to add a new event.");
            Assert.That(() => batch.TryAdd(new EventData(new BinaryData("Too many"))), Is.False, "The batch is full; a second attempt to add a new event should not succeed.");

            Assert.That(store.Count, Is.EqualTo(eventLimit), "The batch should be at its limit after the failed TryAdd attempts.");
            Assert.That(batch.AsReadOnlyCollection <EventData>(), Is.EquivalentTo(store), "The batch enumerable should reflect the events in the backing store.");
        public void PartitionPropertiesInitializesProperties()
            var eventHubName            = "eventHubName";
            var partitionId             = "0";
            var isEmpty                 = false;
            var beginningSequenceNumber = 123;
            var lastSequenceNumber      = 9999;
            var lastOffset              = 767;
            var lastEnqueuedTime        = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 10, 27, 12, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var properties              = EventHubsModelFactory.PartitionProperties(eventHubName, partitionId, isEmpty, beginningSequenceNumber, lastSequenceNumber, lastOffset, lastEnqueuedTime);

            Assert.That(properties, Is.Not.Null, "The properties should have been created.");
            Assert.That(properties.EventHubName, Is.EqualTo(eventHubName), "The event hub name should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.Id, Is.EqualTo(partitionId), "The partition identifier should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.IsEmpty, Is.EqualTo(isEmpty), "The `is empty` flag should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.BeginningSequenceNumber, Is.EqualTo(beginningSequenceNumber), "The beginning sequence number should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber, Is.EqualTo(lastSequenceNumber), "The last sequence number should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.LastEnqueuedOffset, Is.EqualTo(lastOffset), "The last offset should have been set.");
            Assert.That(properties.LastEnqueuedTime, Is.EqualTo(lastEnqueuedTime), "The last enqueue date/time should have been set.");
        public async void GivenCollectionOfMeasurements_WhenAddAsync_AndEventsCannotFitInSingleBatch_ThenEventsAreSentInAMultipeBatches_Test()
            var count = 0;
            var simpleMockEventDataBatch = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(
                new List <EventData>(),
                new CreateBatchOptions()
                PartitionKey = "partition123",
            var splittingEventDataBatch = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(
                new List <EventData>(),
                new CreateBatchOptions()
                PartitionKey = "partition123",
                (data) => count++ != 5); // split at 5 measurement

            _eventHubService.CreateEventDataBatchAsync(Arg.Any <string>())
            .Returns(splittingEventDataBatch, simpleMockEventDataBatch);

            var measurements = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i =>
                var mockMeasurement = Substitute.For <IMeasurement>();

            await _measurementCollector.AddAsync(measurements, default);

            await _eventHubService.Received(2).CreateEventDataBatchAsync("123");

            await _eventHubService.Received(2)
                Arg.Is <EventDataBatch>(data => data.Count == 5),
Beispiel #17
        public void EventDataBatchRespectsTheTryAddCallback()
            var eventLimit = 3;
            var converter  = new AmqpMessageConverter();
            var store      = new List <EventData>();
            var messages   = new List <AmqpMessage>();
            var batch      = EventHubsModelFactory.EventDataBatch(5, store, tryAddCallback: _ => store.Count < eventLimit);

            while (store.Count < eventLimit)
                var eventData = new EventData(new BinaryData("Test"));
                Assert.That(() => batch.TryAdd(eventData), Is.True, $"The batch contains { store.Count } events; adding another should be permitted.");


            Assert.That(store.Count, Is.EqualTo(eventLimit), "The batch should be at its limit.");
            Assert.That(() => batch.TryAdd(new EventData(new BinaryData("Too many"))), Is.False, "The batch is full; it should not be possible to add a new event.");
            Assert.That(() => batch.TryAdd(new EventData(new BinaryData("Too many"))), Is.False, "The batch is full; a second attempt to add a new event should not succeed.");

            Assert.That(store.Count, Is.EqualTo(eventLimit), "The batch should be at its limit after the failed TryAdd attempts.");
            Assert.That(batch.AsReadOnlyCollection <AmqpMessage>().Count, Is.EqualTo(eventLimit), "The messages produced by the batch should match the limit.");
        public void EventDataInitializesProperties()
            var body       = new BinaryData("Hello");
            var properties = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "id", 12 }
            var systemProperties = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "custom", "sys-value" }
            var sequenceNumber = long.MaxValue - 512;
            var offset         = long.MaxValue - 1024;
            var enqueueTime    = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 10, 27, 12, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var partitionKey   = "omghai!";
            var eventData      = EventHubsModelFactory.EventData(body, properties, systemProperties, partitionKey, sequenceNumber, offset, enqueueTime);

            Assert.That(eventData, Is.Not.Null, "The event should have been created.");
            Assert.That(eventData.EventBody.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(body.ToString()), "The event body should have been set.");
            Assert.That(eventData.Properties, Is.EquivalentTo(properties), "The properties should have been set.");
            Assert.That(eventData.SystemProperties, Is.EquivalentTo(systemProperties), "The system properties should have been set.");
            Assert.That(eventData.PartitionKey, Is.EqualTo(partitionKey), "The partition key should have been set.");
            Assert.That(eventData.SequenceNumber, Is.EqualTo(sequenceNumber), "The sequence number should have been set.");
            Assert.That(eventData.Offset, Is.EqualTo(offset), "The offset should have been set.");
            Assert.That(eventData.EnqueuedTime, Is.EqualTo(enqueueTime), "The sequence number should have been set.");