private string FriendlyString(EventForScheduling efs)
            switch (efs)
            case EventForScheduling.Creation:

            case EventForScheduling.LatestUpdate:
                return(T("Latest Update").Text);

Beispiel #2
        private IContentQuery <CommonPart> LatestDateQuery(
            IContentQuery <CommonPart> query, EventForScheduling eventToCheck, int days)
            var latestDate = _clock.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(days);

            switch (eventToCheck)
            case EventForScheduling.Creation:
                return(query.Where <CommonPartRecord>(cpr => cpr.CreatedUtc < latestDate));

            case EventForScheduling.LatestUpdate:
                return(query.Where <CommonPartRecord>(cpr => cpr.ModifiedUtc < latestDate));
Beispiel #3
        private void Process(
            string typeName,
            EventForScheduling eventToCheck,
            int days,
            Action <ContentItem> gdprProcess,
            bool firstTimeTask)
            // get the contentItems to process
            var commonPartsQuery = _contentManager.Query()
                                   .ForVersion(VersionOptions.AllVersions) // even deleted ContentItems
                                   .ForPart <CommonPart>();

            // we don't want to be pulling every ContentItem ever of this type. So, if we have processed things already
            // we pose a limit to the earliest date we will allow.
            if (!firstTimeTask)
                commonPartsQuery = EarliestDateQuery(commonPartsQuery, eventToCheck, days);
            commonPartsQuery = LatestDateQuery(commonPartsQuery, eventToCheck, days);

            var commonParts = commonPartsQuery
                              .List() // becomes an IEnumerable
            var contentItems = commonParts
                               .Select(cp => cp.ContentItem) // get the item
                               .GroupBy(ci => ci.Id)         // this line and the next basically do a Distinct() on the id
                               .Select(group => group.First());

            foreach (var item in contentItems)
                // After we process the item, we should revert the date of its last update.
                // If we don't, we will end up processing this item again in the future, because
                // its latest update will have moved forward to the date of this process.
                var oldDate = item.As <CommonPart>().ModifiedUtc;
                item.As <CommonPart>().ModifiedUtc = oldDate;