public override RecyclerView.ViewHolder OnCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType)
            // Inflate the item
            View cell = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.chat_button_cell, parent, false);
            // Create a ViewHolder to find and hold these view references, and register OnClick with the view holder:
            EventButtonViewHolder vh = new EventButtonViewHolder(cell, OnClick);

        public override void OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position)
            EventButtonViewHolder vh             = holder as EventButtonViewHolder;
            Tuple <string, Color> buttonSettings = Constants.GetChatMessageButtonSettings(_context, EventButtons[position].Name, EventButtons[position].Icon);

            var            states        = new int[][] { new int[] { global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StateSelected }, new int[] { -global::Android.Resource.Attribute.StateSelected } };
            ColorStateList backgroundCsl = new ColorStateList(states, new int[] { buttonSettings.Item2, _normalButtonBackgroundColor });
            ColorStateList iconCsl       = new ColorStateList(states, new int[] { _selectedIconColor, buttonSettings.Item2 });

            vh.Button.BackgroundTint = backgroundCsl;
            vh.Button.IconTint       = iconCsl;
            vh.Button.Selected       = position == SelectedPosition;
            vh.Button.Tag            = EventButtons[position].Name;
            vh.Label.Text            = EventButtons[position].Name;