}//END getItem method


        #region project alert Save methods

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class saves items to the Alert ResultData table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Alert">EvAlert: A Project Alert ResultData object</param>
        /// <returns>EvEventCodes: an event code for saving items</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Update the Alert object's state
        /// 2. Execute the method for adding items, if the Alert's Guid is empty
        /// 3. Else, execute the method for updating items.
        /// 4. Return the event code for the execution.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EvEventCodes saveAlert(EvAlert Alert)
            this.LogMethod("saveItem method ");
            this.LogDebug("Guid: " + Alert.Guid);
            this.LogDebug("AlertId: " + Alert.AlertId);
            this.LogDebug("TypeId: " + Alert.TypeId);
            this.LogDebug("Action: " + Alert.Action);
            // Define the local variables.
            EvEventCodes iReturn = EvEventCodes.Ok;

            // Update the _ProjectAlert record state to reflect the requested action.

            // If the _ProjectAlert FormUid is zero or empty, then create a new alert record.
            if (Alert.Guid == Guid.Empty)
                iReturn = this._dalProjectAlerts.addItem(Alert);

            // Update the alert record.
            iReturn = this._dalProjectAlerts.updateItem(Alert);

        }//END saveAlert method
        }//END getItem method

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class retrieves an Alert ResultData table based on AlertId.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AlertId">string: an Alert identifier</param>
        /// <returns>EvAlert: The Project alert ResultData object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Execute the method for retrieving the Alert ResultData object
        /// 2. Return the Alert ResultData object.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EvAlert getItem(string AlertId)
            this.LogMethod("getItem method ");
            this.LogDebug("AlertId: " + AlertId);

            EvAlert _ProjectAlert = _dalProjectAlerts.getItem(AlertId);


        }//END getItem method
        }         //End FilterLists method.


        #region trial alert retrieval queries

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class retrieves an Alert ResultData table based on Alert's Guid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AlertGuid">Guid: (Mandatory) the alert's global Unique identifier.</param>
        /// <returns>EvAlert: The Project alert ResultData object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Execute the method for retrieving the Alert object
        /// 2. Return the Alert object.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EvAlert getItem(Guid AlertGuid)
            this.LogMethod("getItem method. ");
            this.LogDebug("AlertGuid: " + AlertGuid);

            EvAlert _ProjectAlert = this._dalProjectAlerts.getItem(AlertGuid);


        }//END getItem method
        }//END updateState method.


        #region project alert Processing update

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class acknowledges items from the Alert ResultData table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RecordId">string: (Mandatoy) A record identifier</param>
        /// <param name="TypeId">EvAlert.AlertTypes: (Mandatoy) An alert QueryType identifier</param>
        /// <param name="UserCommonName">string: (Mandatoy) User's Common Name</param>
        /// <returns>EvEventCodes: an event code for acknowleging items</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Retrieve a list of alert object.
        /// 2. Exit, if the Alerts list is empty.
        /// 3. Else, extract the first row to the Alert object.
        /// 4. Update the Alert state and execute the method for acknowledging items.
        /// 5. Return an event code for acknowledging items.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EvEventCodes AcknowledgeAlert(
            String RecordId,
            EvAlert.AlertTypes TypeId,
            String UserCommonName)
            this.LogMethod("AcknowledgeAlert method.");
            this.LogDebug("RecordId: " + RecordId);
            this.LogDebug("TypeId: " + TypeId);
            // Define the local variables.
            EvEventCodes iReturn = EvEventCodes.Ok;

            // Retrieve the Records Alerts.
            ArrayList alertList = this._dalProjectAlerts.getViewByRecord(RecordId, TypeId, EvAlert.AlertStates.Raised);

            // No alerts to be Acknowledged.
            if (alertList.Count == 0)

            EvAlert alert = (EvAlert)alertList [0];

            alert.State          = EvAlert.AlertStates.Acknowledged;
            alert.Action         = EvAlert.AlertSaveActionCodes.Acknowledge_Alert;
            alert.UserCommonName = UserCommonName;

            // Update the _ProjectAlert record state to reflect the requested action.

            // Update the _ProjectAlert record.
            iReturn = this._dalProjectAlerts.updateItem(alert);

        }//END AcknowledgeAlert method
    }//END getListObject method.
    // ==============================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns a client application ResultData object
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Page">Evado.Model.UniForm.Page.</param>
    //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private void getListObject_Selection_Group ( 
      Evado.Model.UniForm.Page Page )
      this.LogMethod ( "getListObject_Selection_Group" );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      Evado.Model.UniForm.Field groupField = new Model.UniForm.Field ( );
      Evado.Model.UniForm.Command command = new Model.UniForm.Command ( );
      List<EvOption> optionList = new List<EvOption>();

      // Create the new pageMenuGroup.
      Evado.Model.UniForm.Group pageGroup = Page.AddGroup (
        Evado.Model.UniForm.EditAccess.Enabled );
      pageGroup.Layout = Evado.Model.UniForm.GroupLayouts.Full_Width;

      // generate the alert state option list.
      optionList = EvAlert.getTypeList ( );

      // create the alert type selection
      groupField = pageGroup.createSelectionListField (
        optionList );
      groupField.Layout = EuRecordGenerator.ApplicationFieldLayout;
      groupField.AddParameter ( Evado.Model.UniForm.FieldParameterList.Snd_Cmd_On_Change, 1 );

      // generate the alert types option list.
      optionList = EvAlert.getStateList ( );

      // create the alert type selection field.
      groupField = pageGroup.createSelectionListField (
        this.Session.AlertState.ToString ( ),
        optionList );
      groupField.Layout = EuRecordGenerator.ApplicationFieldLayout;
      groupField.AddParameter ( Evado.Model.UniForm.FieldParameterList.Snd_Cmd_On_Change, 1 );

      // Add the selection groupCommand
      command = pageGroup.addCommand (
        EuAdapterClasses.Alert.ToString ( ),
         Evado.Model.UniForm.ApplicationMethods.Custom_Method );
      command.setCustomMethod ( Evado.Model.UniForm.ApplicationMethods.List_of_Objects );

    }//END getListObject_Selection_Group method
        } //END CloseAlert method


        #region Static method: Raise alert method.

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class raises items on the Alert ResultData object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ProjectId">string: A Project identifier</param>
        /// <param name="OrgId">string: an organization identifier</param>
        /// <param name="RecordId">string: A Record identifier</param>
        /// <param name="Message">string: An alert's message</param>
        /// <param name="FromUserName">string: a user name whose alert is sent from</param>
        /// <param name="ToUserName">string: a user name whose alert is sent to</param>
        /// <param name="TypeId">EvAlert.AlertTypes: An alert QueryType</param>
        /// <returns>EvEventCodes: an event code for raising items</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Update the FirstSubject's value based on the RecordTypeId.
        /// 2. Set the Alert object's values and execute the method for adding Alert object's values to database.
        /// 3. Return the event code for raising items.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static EvEventCodes RaiseAlert(
            String ProjectId,
            String OrgId,
            String RecordId,
            String Message,
            String FromUserName,
            String ToUserName,
            EvAlert.AlertTypes TypeId)
            // Define the local variables.
            EvEventCodes iReturn = EvEventCodes.Ok;

            Evado.Dal.Digital.EvAlerts dalProjectAlerts = new Evado.Dal.Digital.EvAlerts( );

            EvAlert alert   = new EvAlert( );
            string  subject = String.Empty;

            // Update the milestone's values based on the RecordTypeId.
            switch (TypeId)
            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Trial_Record:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Adverse_Event_Report:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Serious_Adverse_Event_Report:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Concomitant_Medication:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Subject_Record:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            // Update the Alert object's values.
            alert.ProjectId      = ProjectId;
            alert.ToOrgId        = OrgId;
            alert.RecordId       = RecordId;
            alert.Subject        = subject;
            alert.NewMessage     = Message;
            alert.UserCommonName = FromUserName;
            alert.ToUser         = ToUserName;
            alert.FromUser       = FromUserName;
            alert.Action         = EvAlert.AlertSaveActionCodes.Raise_Alert;
            alert.TypeId         = TypeId;
            // Add the Alert object's values to the database
            iReturn = dalProjectAlerts.addItem(alert);

            EvApplicationEvent applicationEvent = new EvApplicationEvent(


        }//END RaiseAlert method
        }//END saveAlert method

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class updates the state of the Alert object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Alert">EvAlert: The ProjectAlert object.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Update the Alert object's values based on the Save action code.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void updateState(EvAlert Alert)
            this.LogMethod("updateState, Action: " + Alert.Action);
            // Set the DateTime strings for the update.
            string stDateTimeNow = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM dd yyyy HH:mm");

            // Update _ProjectAlert state for Saved action.
            if (Alert.Action == EvAlert.AlertSaveActionCodes.Raise_Alert)
                Alert.State    = EvAlert.AlertStates.Raised;
                Alert.FromUser = Alert.UserCommonName;
                Alert.Raised   = DateTime.Now;

            // Update _ProjectAlert states for recieve action.
            else if (Alert.Action == EvAlert.AlertSaveActionCodes.Acknowledge_Alert)
                Alert.State = EvAlert.AlertStates.Acknowledged;
                Alert.AcknowledgedByUserId = Alert.UpdatedByUserId;
                Alert.AcknowledgedBy       = Alert.UserCommonName;
                Alert.Acknowledged         = DateTime.Now;

            // Update _ProjectAlert states for Raise action.
            else if (Alert.Action == EvAlert.AlertSaveActionCodes.Close_Alert &&
                     Alert.State == EvAlert.AlertStates.Raised)
                Alert.State = EvAlert.AlertStates.Closed;
                Alert.AcknowledgedByUserId = Alert.UpdatedByUserId;
                Alert.AcknowledgedBy       = Alert.UserCommonName;
                Alert.Acknowledged         = DateTime.Now;

                Alert.ClosedBy       = Alert.UserCommonName;
                Alert.ClosedByUserId = Alert.UpdatedByUserId;
                Alert.Closed         = DateTime.Now;
                this.LogDebug("Notification - Alert Closed.");

            // Update _ProjectAlert states for Raise action.
            else if (Alert.Action == EvAlert.AlertSaveActionCodes.Close_Alert)
                Alert.State          = EvAlert.AlertStates.Closed;
                Alert.ClosedBy       = Alert.UserCommonName;
                Alert.ClosedByUserId = Alert.UpdatedByUserId;
                Alert.Closed         = DateTime.Now;
                this.LogDebug("Alert Closed.");

            // If a new comment has been added then append to the comments newField
            if (Alert.NewMessage != String.Empty)
                string sMessage = "\r\n" + Alert.NewMessage
                                  + "\r\nBy: " + Alert.UserCommonName
                                  + " at: " + stDateTimeNow
                                  + "\r\n__________________________________________________"
                                  + "\r\n" + Alert.Message;

                Alert.Message = sMessage;

            this.LogDebug("Alert State: " + Alert.State);
            this.LogValue("Alert Status update completed");
        }//END updateState method.