public Estimate CreateEstimate()
        Estimate temp = new Estimate();
        DateTime? nullDate = null;

        temp.JobName = this.currentProspect.Id;

        var giggles = DAL.User.GetUserFromLogin(Page.User.Identity.Name);

        temp.Estimator = giggles.Id;
        temp.EstimateNumber = Estimate.GetNextEstimateNumberForJob(currentProspect.Id);
        temp.Received = DateTime.Now;
        temp.Priority = Estimate.GetNextPriority();
        temp.ReadyForEstimating = true;
        temp.Received = DateTime.Now;
        temp.CurrentStatus = DateTime.Now.ToString("d") + " - Received by Estimating.";
        temp.EstimateSent = false;
        temp.EstimateSentDate = nullDate;
        temp.EstimatesDirectory = currentProspect.DirectoryPathExec;
        temp.ProspectDirectory = currentProspect.DirectoryPath;


        DAL.User estimator = new DAL.User(temp.Estimator);

        EstimateTimeline tempStep = new EstimateTimeline();
        tempStep.EstimateID = temp.Id;
        tempStep.WorkflowStepID = 131;
        tempStep.StepX = 0;
        tempStep.ResponsibleUserID = temp.Estimator;
        tempStep.DateTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
        tempStep.DisplayText = DateTime.Now.ToString("d") + " - Received by Estimating.  Assigned to " + estimator.Name;




        return temp;
    protected void cmdSubmitEst_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        currentProspect = new DAL.Project(activeSalesQueueItem.JobName);
        currentEstimator = new DAL.User(activeSalesQueueItem.Estimator);
        currentSalesperson = new DAL.User(currentProspect.SalespersonID);

        activeSalesQueueItem.ReadyForEstimating = true;
        activeSalesQueueItem.StepID = 131;
        activeSalesQueueItem.CurrentStatus = DateTime.Now.ToString("d") + " - Received by Estimating.  Assigned to " + currentEstimator.Name;
        activeSalesQueueItem.Priority = Estimate.GetNextPriority();

        EstimateTimeline newStep = new EstimateTimeline();
        newStep.EstimateID = activeSalesQueueItem.Id;
        newStep.DateTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
        newStep.DisplayText = activeSalesQueueItem.CurrentStatus;
        newStep.ResponsibleUserID = activeSalesQueueItem.Estimator;
        newStep.StepX = 0;
        newStep.WorkflowStepID = 131;

    protected void lstEstimateTimeline_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        EstimateTimeline step = new EstimateTimeline(int.Parse(lstTimeline.SelectedValue));
        Workflow wf = new Workflow(step.WorkflowStepID);

        // Populate editing fields with selected timeline step details
        lblStep.Text = wf.Action;
        PopulateResponsibleUserList(step.WorkflowStepID, "Edit");
        ddlResponsibleEdit.SelectedValue = step.ResponsibleUserID.ToString();
        txtDateTimeStampEdit.Text = step.DateTimeStamp.ToString("d");
        txtAdditionalInfoEdit.Text = step.Comments;
    protected void cmdEditStep_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Retrieve timeline record
        int timelineID = int.Parse(lstTimeline.SelectedValue);
        EstimateTimeline temp = new EstimateTimeline(timelineID);

        // Make updates to fields based on user entry
        temp.Comments = txtAdditionalInfoEdit.Text;
        temp.DateTimeStamp = DateTime.Parse(txtDateTimeStampEdit.Text);
        temp.ResponsibleUserID = int.Parse(ddlResponsibleEdit.SelectedValue);

        Workflow step = new Workflow(temp.WorkflowStepID);

        // Generate displayed status string for timeline step
        string status = SetEstimateStatus(step, temp.DateTimeStamp, "Edit");

        // If this is the current step for the Estimate, apply changes to Displayed status.
        if (temp.WorkflowStepID == currentEstimate.StepID)
            // if additional info present, append to comments field
            if (step.Id == 126 || step.Id == 132 || step.Id == 134 || step.Id == 133)
                status += " - " + txtAdditionalInfoEdit.Text;
                temp.Comments = txtAdditionalInfoEdit.Text;
                currentEstimate.CurrentStatus = status;
                currentEstimate.CurrentStatus = status;

            // only save CurrentEstimate if we're updating the current status...

        temp.DisplayText = status;

        lblCurrentStatus.Text = status;

        // Repopulate the estimate timeline
        lstTimeline.DataSource = Estimate.GetCurrentEstimateTimeline(currentEstimate.Id);
        lstTimeline.DataTextField = "DisplayText";
        lstTimeline.DataValueField = "Id";

        // RE POPULATE ddlWorkflowStep with remaining steps for estimate
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataSource = Workflow.GetRemainingStepsForEstimate(currentEstimate.StatusID);
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataTextField = "Action";
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataValueField = "ID";
    protected void cmdDelTimelineStep_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // received step cannot be deleted
        EstimateTimeline step = new EstimateTimeline(int.Parse(lstTimeline.SelectedItem.Value));
        if (step.StepX == 0)


        // Repopulate the estimate timeline
        lstTimeline.DataSource = Estimate.GetCurrentEstimateTimeline(currentEstimate.Id);
        lstTimeline.DataTextField = "DisplayText";
        lstTimeline.DataValueField = "Id";

        EstimateTimeline temp = EstimateTimeline.GetCurrentTimelineStep(currentEstimate.Id);

        if (step.WorkflowStepID == 123)
            DateTime? nulDate = null;

            currentEstimate.EstimateSent = false;
            currentEstimate.EstimateSentDate = nulDate;

        currentEstimate.StatusID = int.Parse(temp.StepX.ToString());
        currentEstimate.CurrentStatus = temp.DisplayText;
        lblCurrentStatus.Text = temp.DisplayText;


        // RE POPULATE ddlWorkflowStep with remaining steps for estimate
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataSource = Workflow.GetRemainingStepsForEstimate(currentEstimate.StatusID);
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataTextField = "Action";
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataValueField = "ID";
    protected void cmdAddStep_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Populate and save step into timeline for this estimate
        EstimateTimeline newTimelineStep = new EstimateTimeline();

        // Retrieve workflow step information
        Workflow currentWorkflowStep = new Workflow("Action", ddlWorkflowStep.SelectedItem.Text);

        // Management Review step has no responsible user - at this point
        DAL.User respUser;

        if (ddlResponsible.SelectedItem != null)
            respUser = new User(int.Parse(ddlResponsible.SelectedItem.Value));
            newTimelineStep.ResponsibleUserID = respUser.Id;

        // set date and time for occurrence of current step
        DateTime stamp = DateTime.Now;

        // write values into new timeline step
        newTimelineStep.EstimateID = currentEstimate.Id;
        newTimelineStep.WorkflowStepID = currentWorkflowStep.Id;
        newTimelineStep.StepX = currentWorkflowStep.StepX;
        newTimelineStep.DateTimeStamp = stamp;

        // if user input of additional info is necessary, append to comments field
        if (currentWorkflowStep.Id == 126 || currentWorkflowStep.Id == 132 || currentWorkflowStep.Id == 134 || currentWorkflowStep.Id == 133)
            newTimelineStep.Comments = txtAdditionalInformation.Text;


        // if this is the final "Sent" workflow step remove the Outlook folder and
        // MoveOutlookFolder(currentProspect.ProjectNumber + " - " + currentProspect.ProjectName, "Sent");

        // Perform any associated workflow items for this step

        // update current estimate fields
        string status = SetEstimateStatus(currentWorkflowStep, stamp, "Add");
        if (currentWorkflowStep.Id == 126 || currentWorkflowStep.Id == 132 || currentWorkflowStep.Id == 133 || currentWorkflowStep.Id == 134)
            currentEstimate.CurrentStatus = status + " - " + txtAdditionalInformation.Text;
            newTimelineStep.DisplayText = status + " - " + txtAdditionalInformation.Text;
            currentEstimate.CurrentStatus = status;
            newTimelineStep.DisplayText = status;

        if (currentWorkflowStep.Id == 126 || currentWorkflowStep.Id == 133)
            currentEstimate.ReadyForEstimating = false;

        currentEstimate.StepID = currentWorkflowStep.Id;
        currentEstimate.StatusID = currentWorkflowStep.StepX;


        // Save current estimate and clear entry fields
        txtAdditionalInformation.Text = "";

        // Repopulate the estimate timeline
        lstTimeline.DataSource = Estimate.GetCurrentEstimateTimeline(currentEstimate.Id);
        lstTimeline.DataTextField = "DisplayText";
        lstTimeline.DataValueField = "Id";

        // RE POPULATE ddlWorkflowStep with remaining steps for estimate
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataSource = Workflow.GetRemainingStepsForEstimate(currentEstimate.StatusID);
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataTextField = "Action";
        ddlWorkflowStep.DataValueField = "ID";

        lblCurrentStatus.Text = currentEstimate.CurrentStatus;
        public void Insert(int EstimateID,int WorkflowStepID,int StepX,int? ResponsibleUserID,DateTime DateTimeStamp,string DisplayText,string Comments)
            EstimateTimeline item = new EstimateTimeline();

            item.EstimateID = EstimateID;

            item.WorkflowStepID = WorkflowStepID;

            item.StepX = StepX;

            item.ResponsibleUserID = ResponsibleUserID;

            item.DateTimeStamp = DateTimeStamp;

            item.DisplayText = DisplayText;

            item.Comments = Comments;

        public void Update(int Id,int EstimateID,int WorkflowStepID,int StepX,int? ResponsibleUserID,DateTime DateTimeStamp,string DisplayText,string Comments)
            EstimateTimeline item = new EstimateTimeline();
            item.IsLoaded = true;

            item.Id = Id;

            item.EstimateID = EstimateID;

            item.WorkflowStepID = WorkflowStepID;

            item.StepX = StepX;

            item.ResponsibleUserID = ResponsibleUserID;

            item.DateTimeStamp = DateTimeStamp;

            item.DisplayText = DisplayText;

            item.Comments = Comments;
