public object[] CheckEsoppicExist(Esoppics esoppics) { string sqlStr = string.Format("select {0} from TBLESOPPICS pic where 1=1 ", DomainObjectUtility.GetDomainObjectFieldsString(typeof(Esoppics))); sqlStr += " and pic.ITEMCODE = '" + esoppics.Itemcode + "'"; sqlStr += " and pic.OPCODE = '" + esoppics.Opcode + "' "; sqlStr += " and pic.PICSEQ = '" + esoppics.Picseq + "' "; return(this.DataProvider.CustomQuery(typeof(Esoppics), new SQLCondition(sqlStr))); }
private void listEsopPicsView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (listPics.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { this.imageListCache.Clear(); this.pbEsopIMG.Image = null; this.txtNGPicMemo.Text = string.Empty; this.listPicsNG.SelectedItems.Clear(); int num = listPics.Items.IndexOf(listPics.SelectedItems[0]); Esoppics selectedPic = (Esoppics)this.listPics.SelectedItems[0].Tag; string filaPath = ""; if (_facade == null) { _facade = new SystemSettingFacade(this.DataProvider); } object parameter = _facade.GetParameter("PUBLISHESOPPICSDIRPATH", "PUBLISHEOPSPICSDIRPATHGROUP"); if (parameter != null) { //服务器目录路径 filaPath = ((Domain.BaseSetting.Parameter)parameter).ParameterAlias; } string fileName = filaPath + selectedPic.Picfullname + ".jpg"; try { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; Stream fs = wc.OpenRead(fileName); Image img = Image.FromStream(fs); this.pbEsopIMG.Size = img.Size; this.pbEsopIMG.Image = img; fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { return; } }
private void listEsopPicsView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Messages msg = new Messages(); try { if (listEsopPicsView.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { int num = listEsopPicsView.Items.IndexOf(listEsopPicsView.SelectedItems[0]); Esoppics selectedPic = (Esoppics)this.listEsopPicsView.SelectedItems[0].Tag; this.txtPicTitle.Text = selectedPic.Pictitle; this.txtPicDesc.Text = selectedPic.Picmemo; string filaPath = ""; if (_facade == null) { _facade = new SystemSettingFacade(this.DataProvider); } object parameter = _facade.GetParameter("PUBLISHESOPPICSDIRPATH", "PUBLISHEOPSPICSDIRPATHGROUP"); if (parameter != null) { //服务器目录路径 filaPath = ((Domain.BaseSetting.Parameter)parameter).ParameterAlias; } string fileName = filaPath + selectedPic.Picfullname + ".jpg"; WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; Stream fs = wc.OpenRead(fileName); Image img = Image.FromStream(fs); this.pbEsopIMG.Size = img.Size; this.pbEsopIMG.Image = img; fs.Flush(); fs.Dispose(); fs.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Add(new UserControl.Message(MessageType.Error, "$Error_FileReadError")); ApplicationRun.GetInfoForm().Add(msg); clearAll(); return; } }
protected override object GetEditObject() { DBDateTime dbDateTime = FormatHelper.GetNowDBDateTime(this.DataProvider); if (_esoppicsFacade == null) { _esoppicsFacade = new EsopPicsFacade(base.DataProvider); } Esoppics pic = this._esoppicsFacade.CreateNewEsoppics(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HiddenPicSerial.Text)) { pic.Serial = ((Esoppics)_esoppicsFacade.GetEsoppicNextSerial()[0]).Serial; } else { pic.Serial = this.HiddenPicSerial.Text; } string picType = string.Empty; if (chkOInstruction.Checked) { picType = PicType.Operating_Instructions; } if (chkMInstruction.Checked) { picType += ("," + PicType.Maintenance_instructions); picType = picType.Trim(','); } pic.Itemcode = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtItemCode.Text, 40); pic.Picseq = Convert.ToInt32(this.txtPICOrderEdit.Text.Trim()); pic.Opcode = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtOplist.Text, 40); pic.Pictitle = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtPICTitleEdit.Text, 100); pic.Picmemo = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.txtPICMemoEdit.Text, 40); //pic.Pictype = FormatHelper.CleanString(this.DropdownlistPICType.SelectedValue); pic.Pictype = picType; pic.Picfullname = pic.Itemcode + "_" + pic.Opcode + "_" + pic.Serial; pic.Muser = this.GetUserCode(); pic.Mdate = dbDateTime.DBDate; pic.Mtime = dbDateTime.DBTime; return(pic); }
protected override void UpdateDomainObject(object domainObject) { if (_esoppicsFacade == null) { _esoppicsFacade = new EsopPicsFacade(base.DataProvider); } this.DataProvider.BeginTransaction(); Esoppics pic = (Esoppics)domainObject; object[] items = _esoppicsFacade.CheckEsoppicExist((Esoppics)domainObject); if (items != null && items.Length > 0) { if (items.Length == 1 && ((Esoppics)items[0]).Serial == this.HiddenPicSerial.Text) { this._esoppicsFacade.UpdateEsoppics((Esoppics)domainObject); if (UpLoadFile("EDIT", (Esoppics)domainObject)) { this.DataProvider.CommitTransaction(); WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$ReportDesign_Save_Success", this.languageComponent1); } else { this.DataProvider.RollbackTransaction(); } } else { WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$Error_Primary_Key_Overlap", this.languageComponent1); return; } } else { this._esoppicsFacade.UpdateEsoppics((Esoppics)domainObject); if (UpLoadFile("EDIT", (Esoppics)domainObject)) { this.DataProvider.CommitTransaction(); WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$ReportDesign_Save_Success", this.languageComponent1); } else { this.DataProvider.RollbackTransaction(); } } }
public void UpdateEsoppics(Esoppics esoppics) { this.DataProvider.Update(esoppics); }
public void DeleteEsoppics(Esoppics esoppics) { this.DataProvider.Delete(esoppics); }
public void AddEsoppics(Esoppics esoppics) { this.DataProvider.Insert(esoppics); }
private bool UpLoadFile(string action, Esoppics pic) { if (action == "EDIT" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.fileUpload.Value)) { return(true); } try { if (_facade == null) { _facade = new SystemSettingFacade(this.DataProvider); } //object parameter = _facade.GetParameter("PICUPLOADPATH", "ESOPPICDIRPATHGROUP"); //if (parameter != null) //{ //服务器目录路径 string filePath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "ESFileUpload";//((Domain.BaseSetting.Parameter)parameter).ParameterAlias; if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); } if (filePath.LastIndexOf('\\') == filePath.Length - 1) { filePath = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.Length - 1); } if (pic != null) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(filePath); foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles()) { if (file.Name == (pic.Picfullname + ".jpg")) { file.Delete(); } } /// '检查文件扩展名字 HttpPostedFile postedFile = fileUpload.PostedFile; string fileName; fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); if (fileName != "") { string currentPath = filePath + "\\" + pic.Picfullname + ".jpg"; postedFile.SaveAs(currentPath); } WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$Success_UpLoadFile", this.languageComponent1); } return(true); //} //else //{ // WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$Error_PicDirPath_NotExist", this.languageComponent1); // return false; //} } catch (Exception ex) { WebInfoPublish.PublishInfo(this, "$Error_UpLoadFile_Exception", this.languageComponent1); return(false); } }