public void AddDataFromXmlTest()
            XElement   xml;
            EshopTitle title;

            // check samurai data
            xml = XElement.Parse("<title id=\"1234\">" +
                                 "<product_code>CTR-P-WXYZ</product_code>" +
                                 "<name>TestTitle &lt;br&gt;Newline &lt;br&gt;Newline2</name>" +
                                 "<icon_url>https://icon.url/test.jpg</icon_url>" +
                                 "<platform id=\"124\" device=\"CTR\"><name>Nintendo 3DS (Card/Download)</name></platform>" +
            title = new EshopTitle();
            Assert.AreEqual("1234", title.EshopId);
            Assert.AreEqual("WXYZ", title.ProductCode);
            Assert.AreEqual("TestTitle Newline Newline2", title.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("https://icon.url/test.jpg", title.IconUrl);
            Assert.AreEqual((int)124, title.Platform);

            // check ninja data
            xml = XElement.Parse("<title_ec_info>" +
                                 "<title_id>00050000101C9500</title_id>" +
                                 "<content_size>10551265752</content_size>" +
                                 "<title_version>0</title_version>" +
                                 "<disable_download>false</disable_download>" +
            title = new EshopTitle();
            Assert.AreEqual("00050000101C9500", title.TitleIdString);
            Assert.AreEqual((ulong)10551265752, title.Size);
            Assert.AreEqual("", title.VersionString);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a list of DLCs for the specified titles
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="titles">The titles for which DLC info is downloaded for</param>
        /// <returns>A list of DLC titles</returns>
        public async Task <List <EshopTitle> > GetAllDLCsForTitles(ICollection <EshopTitle> titles)
            int gameCount = titles.Count(t => (t.JsonType == DatabaseJsonType.Games || t.JsonType == DatabaseJsonType.Games3DS) && t.IsNativeTitle);

            Console.WriteLine("Downloading DLC info for {0} titles ...", gameCount);
            progressManager.SetTitle(string.Format("Downloading DLC info for {0} titles ...", gameCount));

            List <EshopTitle> dlcList = new List <EshopTitle>();

            foreach (EshopTitle title in titles.Where(t => (t.JsonType == DatabaseJsonType.Games || t.JsonType == DatabaseJsonType.Games3DS) && t.IsNativeTitle))
                progressManager.Step("Downloading DLC info ...");

                EshopTitle dlc = new EshopTitle();
                dlc.TitleId = title.TitleId.DLCID;

                await Retry(async() =>
                    dlc.Size = await GetContentSizeForTitle(dlc);
                    dlcList.Add(dlc); // if no exception is thrown, the title does have a DLC
                            shouldStopRetrying : (e) =>
                    // 404 -> no DLC
                    return(e is WebException we && we.Response is HttpWebResponse resp && resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        public void EqualsTest()
            string     idGame1 = "00050000101C9500", id2 = "0004000EA1B2C3D4", id3 = "0004000EC3D4E5F6";
            EshopTitle title1, title2;

            // test game equality (make sure that the version is not included in the checks)
            title1 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = idGame1
            title2 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = idGame1,
                Version       = 42
            Assert.AreEqual(title1, title2);

            // test other title equality
            title1 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id2,
                Version       = 42
            title2 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id2,
                Version       = 42
            Assert.AreEqual(title1, title2);

            // test inequality when titleIDs are different
            title1 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id2,
                Version       = 42
            title2 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id3,
                Version       = 42
            Assert.AreNotEqual(title1, title2);

            // test inequality when versions are different
            title1 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id2,
                Version       = 24
            title2 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id2,
                Version       = 42
            Assert.AreNotEqual(title1, title2);
        public void JsonTypeTest()
            EshopTitle title = new EshopTitle();

            Assert.AreEqual(DatabaseJsonType.None, title.JsonType);

            // make sure that titleID updates are reflected in the json type (if previous type is '.None')
            title.TitleId = new TitleID("0004000EA1B2C3D4");
            Assert.AreEqual(DatabaseJsonType.Updates3DS, title.JsonType);

            // make sure that the json type doesn't change once it was set to a value other than '.None'
            //  (this enforces that existing titles are saved back into the same file they were read from)
            title.TitleId = new TitleID("0005000EA1B2C3D4");
            Assert.AreEqual(DatabaseJsonType.Updates3DS, title.JsonType);
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the tmd for the title and calculates the size from the tmd's contents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">Title for which the size is calculated</param>
        /// <returns>The size of the given title</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidDataException">Thrown if response from server is invalid</exception>
        public async Task <ulong> GetContentSizeForTitle(EshopTitle title)
            if (title.JsonType == DatabaseJsonType.None)

            bool   isUpdate = title.TitleId.IsUpdate;
            string tmdPath  = isUpdate
                ? String.Format(TMDUpdatePath, title.TitleId, title.VersionString)
                : String.Format(TMDGamePath, title.TitleId);

            byte[] tmd = await webClient.DownloadDataTaskAsync(TMDUrl + tmdPath);

            // see:
            // sanity checks
            if (!(new TitleID(BitConverter.ToUInt64(tmd, 0x18c).SwapEndianness().ToString("X16")).Equals(title.TitleId)))
                throw new InvalidDataException("TMD's titleID does not match");
            if (isUpdate && BitConverter.ToUInt16(tmd, 0x1dc).SwapEndianness().ToString() != title.VersionString)
                throw new InvalidDataException("TMD's version does not match");

            int   contentCount = BitConverter.ToUInt16(tmd, 0x1de).SwapEndianness();
            ulong totalSize    = 0;

            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(tmd))
                using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream))
                    // go to start of content entries
                    memoryStream.Seek(0xb04, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    for (int i = 0; i < contentCount; i++)
                        binaryReader.ReadBytes(0x8);  // skip contentID, index, type
                        totalSize += binaryReader.ReadUInt64().SwapEndianness();
                        binaryReader.ReadBytes(0x20); // sha256

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a list of all 3DS updates
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of update titles</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidDataException">Thrown if response from server is invalid</exception>
        public async Task <List <EshopTitle> > GetAll3DSUpdates()
            Console.WriteLine("Downloading 3DS update list ...");
            progressManager.SetTitle("Downloading 3DS update list ...");

            byte[] versionListData = null;
            await Retry(async() => {
                versionListData = await Tagaya3DS.GetVersionListData(webClient);

            // see:
            // first byte should always be 1
            if (versionListData[0] != 0x01)
                throw new InvalidDataException("3DS versionlist response is invalid.");

            List <EshopTitle> updateList = new List <EshopTitle>();

            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(versionListData))
                using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream))
                    // go to start of version entries
                    memoryStream.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    while (memoryStream.Position != memoryStream.Length)
                        EshopTitle title = new EshopTitle();
                        title.TitleId       = new TitleID(binaryReader.ReadUInt64().ToString("X16"));
                        title.VersionString = binaryReader.ReadUInt32().ToString();

                        if (title.JsonType != DatabaseJsonType.Games3DS && title.JsonType != DatabaseJsonType.None) // for some reason there are a few games in the versionlist, skip them

                        binaryReader.ReadBytes(4); // skip 4 bytes, unknown data

            await AddSizesToTitles(updateList);

        public void ToJSONTest()
            EshopTitle title = new EshopTitle();

            title.EshopId     = "20010000000026";
            title.IconUrl     = "https://icon.url/test.jpg";
            title.Name        = "TestTitle\u00ae Wii U";
            title.Platform    = 124;
            title.ProductCode = "WAHJ";
            title.Region      = Region.JPN;
            title.Size        = 391053332;
            title.TitleId     = new TitleID("0005000E10100D00");
            title.Version     = 42;

            JObject jobj       = JObject.FromObject(title);
            JArray  jarr       = new JArray(jobj);
            string  jsonString = DatabaseJsonIO.JsonArrayToString(jarr, Formatting.None);

            Assert.AreEqual("[{\"EshopId\":\"20010000000026\",\"IconUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/icon.url\\/test.jpg\",\"Name\":\"TestTitle\\u00ae Wii U\",\"Platform\":124,\"ProductCode\":\"WAHJ\",\"Region\":\"JPN\",\"Size\":\"391053332\",\"TitleId\":\"0005000E10100D00\",\"PreLoad\":false,\"Version\":\"42\",\"DiscOnly\":false}]", jsonString);
        public void CompareToTest()
            string     id1 = "0001000100000059", id2 = "000100010000005A";
            EshopTitle titleI1V1 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id1,
                VersionString = "96"
            EshopTitle titleI2V1 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id2,
                VersionString = "96"
            EshopTitle titleI1V2 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id1,
                VersionString = "112"
            EshopTitle titleI2V2 = new EshopTitle()
                TitleIdString = id2,
                VersionString = "112"

            Assert.IsTrue(titleI1V1.CompareTo(titleI1V1) == 0);

            // test titleID only
            Assert.IsTrue(titleI1V1.CompareTo(titleI2V1) < 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(titleI2V1.CompareTo(titleI1V1) > 0);

            // test version only
            Assert.IsTrue(titleI1V1.CompareTo(titleI1V2) < 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(titleI1V2.CompareTo(titleI1V1) > 0);

            // test sorting
            EshopTitle[] expected = { titleI1V1, titleI1V2, titleI2V1, titleI2V2 };
            EshopTitle[] arr      = { titleI2V1, titleI2V2, titleI1V2, titleI1V1 };
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, arr);
        public void VersionStringTest()
            EshopTitle title = new EshopTitle();

            Assert.AreEqual("", title.VersionString);

            foreach (TitleID id in new TitleID[] { TitleIDTests.id3DSGames, TitleIDTests.idWiiUGames })
                title         = new EshopTitle();
                title.Version = 42;
                title.TitleId = id;
                Assert.AreEqual("", title.VersionString);

            foreach (TitleID id in TitleIDTests.updates.Concat(TitleIDTests.dlcs))
                title         = new EshopTitle();
                title.Version = 42;
                title.TitleId = id;
                Assert.AreEqual("42", title.VersionString);
        public void FromJSONTest()
            string     jsonString = "{\"EshopId\":\"20010000000026\",\"IconUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/icon.url\\/test.jpg\",\"Name\":\"TestTitle\\u00ae Wii U\",\"Platform\":124,\"ProductCode\":\"WAHJ\",\"Region\":\"JPN\",\"Size\":\"391053332\",\"TitleId\":\"0005000E10100D00\",\"PreLoad\":false,\"Version\":\"42\",\"DiscOnly\":false}";
            JObject    jobj       = JObject.Parse(jsonString);
            EshopTitle title      = jobj.ToObject <EshopTitle>();

            Assert.AreEqual("20010000000026", title.EshopId);
            Assert.AreEqual("https://icon.url/test.jpg", title.IconUrl);
            Assert.AreEqual("TestTitle\u00ae Wii U", title.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual((int)124, title.Platform);
            Assert.AreEqual("WAHJ", title.ProductCode);

            Assert.AreEqual("JPN", title.RegionString);
            Assert.AreEqual(Region.JPN, title.Region);

            Assert.AreEqual("391053332", title.SizeString);
            Assert.AreEqual((ulong)391053332, title.Size);

            Assert.AreEqual("0005000E10100D00", title.TitleIdString);
            Assert.AreEqual(new TitleID("0005000E10100D00"), title.TitleId);

            Assert.AreEqual("42", title.VersionString);
            Assert.AreEqual((int)42, title.Version);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a list of all titles from all available regions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shopID">Use 1 for the 3DS eShop, 2 for the WiiU eShop.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of titles</returns>
        public async Task <List <EshopTitle> > GetAllTitles(int shopID)
            // get title counts for all regions
            Console.WriteLine("Getting title count for {0} regions ...", Enum.GetValues(typeof(Region)).Length - 2);
            Dictionary <Region, int> titleCounts = new Dictionary <Region, int>();

            foreach (Region region in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Region)))
                if (region == Region.None || region == Region.ALL)
                await Retry(async() => {
                    titleCounts.Add(region, await Samurai.GetTitleCountForRegion(webClient, region, shopID));

            int totalTitleCount = titleCounts.Values.Sum();

            Console.WriteLine("Downloading metadata for {0} titles ...", totalTitleCount);
            progressManager.SetTitle(string.Format("Downloading metadata for {0} titles ...", totalTitleCount));

            DateTime          currentDate = DateTime.Today;
            List <EshopTitle> titleList   = new List <EshopTitle>();

            // loop through regions
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Region, int> pair in titleCounts)
                Region region     = pair.Key;
                int    titleCount = pair.Value;

                // get titles from samurai
                for (int offset = 0; offset < titleCount; offset += TitleRequestLimit)
                    XDocument titlesXml = null;
                    await Retry(async() => {
                        titlesXml = await Samurai.GetTitlesXmlForRegion(webClient, region, shopID, TitleRequestLimit, offset);

                    /*  structure:
                     *  <eshop><contents ...>
                     *      <content index=1><title ...>[title info]</title></content>
                     *      <content index=2><title ...>[title info]</title></content>
                     *  </contents></eshop>
                    XElement contentsElement = titlesXml.Root.Element("contents");

                    // iterate over titles in xml
                    foreach (XElement titleElement in contentsElement.Elements().Select(e => e.Element("title")))
                        // check release date
                        string releaseDateString = titleElement.Element("release_date_on_eshop")?.Value;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseDateString))
                            DateTime releaseDate;
                            if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(releaseDateString, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out releaseDate))
                            if (releaseDate > currentDate)

                        // create title and add data
                        EshopTitle title = new EshopTitle();
                        title.Region = region;
                        // set title fields from xml (incomplete, some fields must be retrieved from ninja)

                        progressManager.Step(string.Format("{0}-{1}", region.ToCountryCode(), title.EshopId));

                        // some exceptions:
                        if (title.Platform == 63 || title.Platform == 1003) // ignore 3DS software updates
                        if (title.Platform == 143) // ignore some unknown platform with just 1 title

                        // get remaining data from ninja
                        XElement titleECInfoElement;
                        await Retry(async() => {
                            titleECInfoElement = await Ninja.GetECInfoForRegionAndTitleID(certWebClient, region, title.EshopId);
                            if (title.JsonType != DatabaseJsonType.None)

            // merge titles that occur in all regions into one title with the 'ALL' region
            IEnumerable <EshopTitle> titleListEnumerable = titleList;
            var allRegions = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Region)).OfType <Region>().Where(r => r != Region.None && r != Region.ALL);
            var groups     = titleListEnumerable.GroupBy(t => t.TitleId).Select(g => g.ToList()).ToList();

            foreach (var group in groups)
                var groupRegions = group.Select(t => t.Region);
                if (allRegions.All(groupRegions.Contains))
                    titleListEnumerable = titleListEnumerable.Except(group.Skip(1));
                    group[0].Region     = Region.ALL;

            titleList = titleListEnumerable.ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a list of all WiiU updates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentListVersion">The update list version to start from. Use 1 to download everything.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of update titles</returns>
        public async Task <List <EshopTitle> > GetAllWiiUUpdates(int currentListVersion = 1)
            if (currentListVersion < 1)
                currentListVersion = 1;

            Console.Write("Getting latest update list version ...");
            int listVersion = -1;

            await Retry(async() => {
                listVersion = await Tagaya.GetLatestListVersion(webClient);

            NewestWiiUUpdateListVersion = listVersion;
            Console.WriteLine(" {0}.", listVersion);

            progressManager.Reset(listVersion - currentListVersion);
            Console.WriteLine("Downloading {0} update lists ...", listVersion - currentListVersion);
            progressManager.SetTitle(string.Format("Downloading {0} update lists ...", listVersion - currentListVersion));

            HashSet <EshopTitle> updateSet = new HashSet <EshopTitle>();

            // download all update lists
            for (int i = currentListVersion + 1; i <= listVersion; i++)
                progressManager.Step("Downloading WiiU update list ...");

                /*  structure:
                 *  <version_list ...><titles>
                 *      <title><id>[titleID]</id><version>[updateVersion]</version></title>
                 *      ...
                 *  </titles></version_list>

                XDocument updatesXml = null;
                bool      success    = await Retry(async() =>
                    updatesXml = await Tagaya.GetUpdatesXmlForListVersion(webClient, i);
                                                   shouldStopRetrying : (e) =>
                    // for some list versions a 403 error is received, ignore
                    return(e is WebException we && we.Response is HttpWebResponse resp && resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

                if (!success)

                // iterate over update version in xml
                XElement titlesElement = updatesXml.Root.Element("titles");
                foreach (XElement updateElement in titlesElement.Elements())
                    EshopTitle update = new EshopTitle();
                    update.TitleId       = new TitleID(updateElement.Element("id").Value);
                    update.VersionString = updateElement.Element("version").Value;
                    update.JsonType      = DatabaseJsonType.Updates;


            await AddSizesToTitles(updateSet);
